How to evaluate the performance of a retail salesperson. We choose a method for evaluating the work of sales consultants. Mystery Shopper Method

  • 01.12.2019

AT trading company where the level of income directly depends on the degree of training of employees, the attention of the HR to their competence should be especially close. The "Mystery Shopper" technique is a reliable and fast way to obtain information about the correct selection, training and motivation of sales personnel. Having the results of the assessment, it is possible to draw conclusions about the work of individual employees, line managers and the unit as a whole.

The profit of any trading company is brought by buyers. The higher the satisfaction of each customer, the more the business will earn. Although the Mystery Shopper technique was originally developed to conduct marketing research, it can be successfully applied as additional tool to improve the efficiency of human resource management, as it helps HR managers to understand:

  1. How do customers feel when they enter the store?
  2. How HR specialists should further build a policy for the selection, training and motivation of salespeople.

The evaluation stage in the company fell on an unfavorable period - in connection with the economic crisis, there was a general decline in the market. Saving resources, we could not afford to hire third-party experts, so it was decided to use internal resources - to involve employees of the HR department in the implementation of the project.

After the decision was made to use the Mystery Shopper methodology to assess the performance of the standards of work of the sales personnel of our company (PTK LLC Agromat), our first customer was the sales department of sanitary ware. Employees of this department - sales representatives (promoters) - work in large construction hypermarkets. Their main task is to help the client with the choice of goods that our company represents in this outlet.

The preparation and conduct of employee assessments using the Mystery Shopper methodology were carried out in stages:

I. The HRs announced to the management of the plumbing department that they were ready to take on the development of the methodology, and in the future, the conduct of the Mystery Shopper assessment. Then a project team was formed, which was to develop the forms and methodology for conducting the assessment. The project team included department heads, marketers and HRs.

II. At the time of the “Mystery Shopper” assessment, the company had already developed and approved “Customer Service Standards” for sales personnel, and managers had a certain opinion about the “ideal” model of promoter behavior in trading floor(the sequence of advising the client on the product). At this stage, the main task was to develop a form for evaluating the work of this category of employees as a “mystery shopper”. During lengthy discussions and approvals, the following sections of the form were approved:

  • "Merchandising";
  • "Positioning the seller in the trading area";
  • "Timely response of the seller";
  • "Appearance of the seller";
  • "Culture of communication of the seller";
  • "Identification of customer needs";
  • “Knowledge of goods and assortment”;
  • "Ability to work with objections";
  • "The final stage";
  • "Final Impression"

For each section of the form, evaluation criteria were given, described through behavioral indicators ( Appendix).

Tab. 1. Options for attracting candidates for the role of "mystery shopper"

Attraction method



Employees of the company who do not interact with trading divisions: employees of warehouses, production, security, transport

Through department heads

Age: 18–60 years old Social status: working. Prosperity: below average

Acquisition additional experience Get Extra Holidays Additional Discount on Company Products

HR managers, marketers, supervisors of other companies

Personal contacts

Age: 25–45 Social status: specialists. Prosperity: average

Acquisition of additional experience Mutually beneficial cooperation Additional discounts for the company's products

Students doing internships at the company

Contacts with universities

Age: 20–25 years old. Social status: students, novice specialists. Prosperity: average

Acquisition of additional experience Obtaining a letter of recommendation from the company Establishing contact with the company for possible employment

Students, beginners

Contacts with universities

Age: 20–25 years old. Social status: students, novice specialists. Prosperity: average family

Acquisition of additional experience Obtaining a letter of recommendation from the company Internship in the company

Relatives, friends, comrades of company employees

Personal contacts

Age: various. Social status: various. Prosperity: various

Significant discounts on company products

Potential Buyers

Company client base

Age: various. Social status: various. Prosperity: average, above average

Additional discounts on company products

Regular customers (small wholesale buyers)

Company client base

Age: various. Social status: various. Prosperity: average, above average

Service quality improvement Additional product discounts

It was not an easy task: to ensure the quality of the event, it was necessary to involve outsiders (this is an important condition for ensuring the objectivity of the assessment), and in addition, it was necessary to “keep within” the budgetary framework.

IV. Main conditions successful Mystery Shopper scores were:

  • observance of strict confidentiality (information about the time of the visit, the names of the "mystery shopper", etc.);
  • development of scenarios of "secret checks".

Members project team developed several options for the behavior of "mystery shoppers": the needs of future "clients" were determined in advance and motives were invented that led them to the trading floor of a building supermarket. In addition, several options for objections were developed that the verified seller had to face.

v. At this stage, the people selected for the role of “mystery shopper” were instructed: they were told how they should interact with sellers, evaluate the quality of their work and record the results in a form for evaluating the work of the promoter on the trading floor. Mystery shoppers were told:

  • store addresses;
  • FULL NAME. sellers;
  • the dates and times when the checks are to be carried out;
  • main tasks of verification;
  • audit scenarios;
  • objection scenario;
  • typical phrases that are recommended to use when communicating with sellers.

Then, with each of the reviewers, we reviewed in detail all the points of the evaluation form:

  1. Merchandising. Arriving at a construction supermarket, our “mystery shopper” should first of all pay attention to the display of the goods in the hall: the products must have neatly filled price tags, which contain all the necessary data and details; All products must be in working condition and "commercial" form.
  2. Positioning in the trading area, timeliness of response. It is important to note: what does the seller do at the moment when the inspector is in the trading area; if he is not busy consulting another client, then - does he come into contact with a new buyer, how does he begin communication with him.
  3. Appearance. Certain standards of appearance have been developed for supermarket sellers. Companies often purchase “branded” clothes for their staff with their own logo, so they require the company's promoters to be dressed “in uniform”. The presence of a badge, which indicates the name and position, is also a mandatory requirement for each seller.
  4. Communication culture. Each of us, having been in the role of a buyer, pays attention to the culture of communication of the seller. Everyone wants him to communicate in a language understandable to the client, to show goodwill and genuine interest. This requirement applies not only to the promoters of the company, but also to all employees whose work involves interacting with customers.
  5. Identification of customer needs. The "mystery shopper" according to a pre-prepared legend tells about his needs for the product. At the same time, he listens carefully and remembers what questions the seller asks for clarification. Here it is necessary to evaluate: 1) how accurately the needs of the buyer are identified and 2) whether the proposed product corresponds to the original legend.
  6. Product knowledge and assortment. "Mystery shoppers" receive information on several manufacturers ceramic tiles and plumbers, so they are able to check how much the seller knows the product. To do this, the "buyer" asks additional questions: on the technical characteristics of the product and the nuances of its operation, the supplier's warranty obligations, etc.
  7. Ability to respond to objections. Here the "mystery shopper" is intentionally:
    • gives a negative assessment of the proposed products;
    • expresses doubts about the quality of the goods;
    • criticizes the high cost of production. He must evaluate the general emotional reaction of the seller, fix the arguments he gives in favor of a particular product, the validity and competitiveness of the established prices. In addition, note whether the seller offers an additional service, Additional services companies.
  8. The final stage - reaction to failure. In accordance with the developed scenario, after viewing two or three product options, the “mystery shopper” studies one of them for a long time. At the same time, he must simultaneously demonstrate interest in buying (inclined to purchase any type of product) and uncertainty (until he finally decided on his choice). As a result, the "buyer" leaves to think. Here it is important to observe the actions and communication of the seller: what he will say in this situation, what phrases to use, whether he will say goodbye or immediately lose interest in the “buyer”.
  9. Fixing the results and compiling a report. All evaluations within an hour after visiting the store must be recorded in a special form.

VI. At this stage, in accordance with the established schedule, "mystery shoppers" visited stores and evaluated the work of promoters. Then they all filled out evaluation forms. At least two evaluation forms were completed by different “buyers” for each of the sellers tested.

VII. A summary report for the sales department of sanitary wares on checking the implementation of work standards by promoters was formed by the manager of the HR department. In preparing the final report, data from the evaluation forms filled out by mystery shoppers and the results of oral interviews with them were used.

Evaluation of the performance of work standards using the Mystery Shopper method helped us see the big picture for each sales representative (promoter):

  • to what extent the employee has mastered the requirements of the standards;
  • what training needs to be done in the future;
  • how is the control over the implementation of standards in a particular unit organized;
  • to what extent the level of basic competencies meets / does not meet the requirements of the company (Table 2).

Tab. 2. The main competencies of the sales staff of the company (promoter)

No. p / p

Evaluation section



Ability to manage processes

Positioning the seller in the trading area

Applying Sales Techniques: Establishing Contact with the Buyer

Timeliness of response

Applying Sales Techniques


Fulfillment by sellers of customer service standards

Communication culture


Finding out the needs of the buyer

Application of sales techniques: the ability to identify the need Presentation skills Result orientation Customer focus

Product knowledge and assortment

Knowledge of the product being sold Ability to learn

Ability to respond to objections

Ability to argue

The final stage, response to failure

Stress tolerance

During the Mystery Shopper campaign, the following “problem areas” were identified in the plumbing department:

  • not all promoters showed such an important competence as customer focus: sometimes “buyers” had to look for them on the trading floor, “tearing them off” from conversations with colleagues;
  • many sellers are poorly oriented in technical specifications product, did not know all the nuances of its use;
  • at the final stage of the purchase, some sellers lost interest in the "buyer" if he refused to purchase the goods immediately.

Getting Started self-training for a personnel assessment project using the Mystery Shopper method, it is very important to enlist the support of the company's management from the very beginning. This is necessary because the results obtained can cause a negative reaction from line managers - in this case, in fact, there is overall score their work. It is also desirable that before the launch of the project, the company has already implemented and implemented Customer Service Standards.

The results obtained during the assessment provide information for further improvement of work with personnel:

  • for acceptance management decisions;
  • when carrying out certification and assessment of personnel;
  • when evaluating the performance of a line manager;
  • when planning training events;
  • when developing motivational programs for sales staff.

Based on the results of the evaluation of promoters using the Mystery Shopper method, the company took the following measures:

  • the incentive system for sales personnel (promoters) has been revised;
  • a system of attestation of sales personnel (promoters) was introduced;
  • a management decision was made (according to the results of the audit, one employee was fired);
  • a system of key performance indicators for the line manager was developed.
  • Personnel assessment, assessment


1 -1

Evaluation of staff in the store is one of the main elements effective management in business. After all, it is the staff that does everything. important features retail business and it must be properly evaluated. How to properly organize control over employees will be described in our article.

What you will learn about:

Why is staff performance appraisal performed?

Performance appraisal and staff appraisal is one of the processes general management business, which aims to determine how specialists meet the requirements and expectations of management.

Evaluation of performance is needed to determine the possibility of staff rotation. That is, the possibility of appointing some specialists to other positions (with their consent and in compliance with the norms labor law) where they will be more efficient and more useful.

We are talking, among other things, about career growth, promotion, or about improving working conditions, for example, raising wages or expanding the social package.

And of course, the assessment and certification of personnel is carried out to identify those employees who do not correspond to their position, in order to terminate employment relations with them.

Assessment and certification of personnel: goals and objectives

​In-store staff appraisals have three main objectives:

  1. Administrative: leave the employee in the same position unchanged with the same working conditions, promote or raise wages, demote or dismiss;
  2. Information purpose: collection of information about the personnel for further analysis and assistance in making the right management decisions for the company's management regarding the further development of the business;
  3. Motivational goal: in itself, the evaluation of the work of the staff motivates people, employees to improve the effectiveness of their work.

It is very important that the assessment and review of the results of personnel appraisal be carried out objectively. In this case, plays an important role psychological aspect evaluation of the work of the staff: if I am objectively evaluated, then I must develop and show the best results.

Naturally, this is true for ambitious store employees. Certification allows you to identify those who have ambitions for further development, and who are only able to go with the flow.

Evaluation and control of the work of personnel pursues the following tasks:

  • assessment of the potential of each employee for further growth. Also, it is possible to assess the risks that an incompetent employee will take an important leadership position;
  • determination of personnel training costs. This item of expenses in the budget, first of all, is an investment in the further development of the store;
  • support for workers' sense of justice, responsibility and increases motivation for good quality work;
  • organization and provision of effective feedback from workers to management. In general, the relationship and exchange of information between management and its staff is organized;
  • preparation of a personnel training program. Then the costs of staff training will be directed to clearly defined needs.

An individual approach to employees will help you find a service to automate the work of the Biznes.Ru store. Enter a personal daily routine, but keep the to-do list of subordinates under control and, if necessary, adjust it.

Assessment and certification of personnel: who, whom and how checks

The assessment of the effectiveness of the work of personnel is carried out by four categories of specialists:

  1. Line managers. These are the department heads. structural divisions, heads of departments, that is, the immediate supervisors of those employees whose performance is being evaluated;
  2. Human Resources or Human Resources employees. Evaluation and control of employees is their immediate functional task;
  3. Colleagues of employees whose work is being evaluated. In the process of assessing the effectiveness of the work of personnel, specific employees, a survey is also conducted among colleagues of these employees;
  4. Specialists who are not directly related to the store. These are employees of expert services working in the field of personnel management, independent experts.

Usually to accept right decision pay attention to the opinion of the assessed employees of all the above specialists. Store employees are assessed either by departments or subdivisions, or by each employee separately.

The subjects of assessment and control are the following:

  • Personal qualities of employees;
  • The process of labor, that is, how a person works, how fully he performs the functions assigned to him;
  • The effectiveness of the work of the staff, employee.

Employee performance evaluation is carried out taking into account the following five groups of factors:

  • Natural-biological: gender of the employee, age, state of his health, mental and physical abilities;
  • Socio-economic: the state of the economy of the country as a whole and the region in which the company operates, laws and government restrictions, living standards, the level of social security in the country and in the region;
  • Technical and organizational factors: the qualification of the employee, the degree of his motivation, the nature of the tasks he solves, the complexity of the work and the tasks performed, the state of the organization of his work, workplace, working conditions;
  • Socio-psychological: the attitude towards the work of the employee himself, his attitude towards the employer, the psycho-physiological state of the employee. important group factors that have a significant impact on the performance of employees, their efficiency;
  • Market factors: general condition market economy country and region, the degree of its diversity, the development of entrepreneurship and the protection of the business community, the level of privatization, the level of competition in the industry, the level of inflation and other macroeconomic indicators;

Methods for assessing personnel in an organization

There are the following methods for assessing personnel in an organization:

  • Professional aptitude tests designed by experts. With their help, it is determined whether a person, based on his qualities (personal and business), can perform desired functions and how effectively he can do it;
  • General aptitude tests. They determine not only how effectively a person can work in a particular position, but also identify the preferred occupations for a person;
  • Biographical tests, study of biographies. During these tests, aspects such as a person’s family relationships, his physical and emotional development, his needs and interests, hobbies, hobbies;
  • Personality tests. Individual personal qualities(business, personal) of a person, their degree of development and influence on the overall performance;
  • Interview. The study of the employee of the company takes place during the conversation, during which the necessary and clarifying questions are asked. Evaluation occurs on the basis of what and how the person answers the questions asked;
  • Recommendations. The recommendations provided by the employee from former employers are studied and analyzed. The information that is presented in the recommendation is analyzed, as well as how this information is presented;
  • Personnel assessment centers. The store can hire a specialized firm that is an expert in the field of human resources (HR agency);
  • non-traditional methods. Some firms, carrying out the assessment and control of personnel, use a polygraph (lie detector). More often this is due to the specifics of the work, when the staff works with classified or important commercial information.

With the help of a lie detector, you can also identify the propensity of employees to alcohol or drug addiction, as well as determine the likelihood that an employee can steal from a store or carry out some other illegal actions, causing damage to his company.

Non-traditional methods of personnel assessment also include conversations with a psychologist, a psychoanalyst, passing psychological tests, which are then analyzed by a psychoanalyst.

Criteria for assessing personnel in an organization

The personnel evaluation criterion is a kind of threshold that determines whether the personnel satisfies the company or not. There are four groups of criteria:

  1. professional criteria. They show how the employee is a professional in his field, characterize his prof. qualities, skill, experience, skills;
  2. business criteria. Among them are responsibility, organization, initiative, efficiency;
  3. Moral and psychological criteria. This is his honesty, the ability to self-esteem, the ability to perceive criticism, justice, as well as psychological stability;
  4. specific criteria. Something that was not included in the first three groups, but which is also important. These are the characteristics of the employee's personality, his charisma, authority among colleagues, and his state of health.

When evaluating and organizing personnel performance monitoring, certain requirements must be observed.

  • Objectivity: someone's personal opinion about the employee should not influence the result of the assessment. Personnel assessment should show the real picture;
  • Reliability, reliability and realism;
  • The results of the work carried out on the assessment and analysis of the effectiveness of the personnel must be provided to the head of the store;
  • Complexity: not only professional and personal characteristics employees, but also information about connections within the store and informal relationships;
  • Accessibility: there should be an opportunity to get acquainted not only with the head of the company and specialists, but also with the employees themselves, whose performance was evaluated;
  • The ongoing work on personnel assessment should not introduce a disorganizing element into the work, should not interfere with the usual production processes and in no case should it instill a feeling of discomfort in the staff.

Properly carried out work on the evaluation of the work of the staff will provide the entrepreneur with important information, using which he can improve the efficiency of his activities.

With the program for automating the work of the Biznes.Ru store, you can easily set plans for your subordinates and track their implementation. The motivation system will become transparent and the seller will be able to understand how much and for what he earned.

The right criteria for evaluating employees. Video

Expert opinions on personnel control

Elena Kuzmenko, director of the Gunze representative office in Russia:

To control the sellers in our stores there is video surveillance. From time to time from the office we watch online broadcast from cameras in stores. This allows not only to understand what the seller is doing, but also to track the behavior of buyers: what they are interested in, what they watch.

In addition, we conduct a mystery shopper check about once every six months. We do not hide such checks from sellers, because the very fact of a sudden check disciplines our consultants very much.

With regard to controlling theft among sellers, we are saved by financial liability agreements. At the same time, for our part, we complete the store with all the necessary anti-theft equipment in order to reduce theft on the part of customers.

Elena Vorobieva, HR Director of ADAMAS:

Our company is a network operator, so control (primarily we are talking about monitoring compliance with the company's service standards) is ensured through regular checks using the "mystery shopper" method.

At the same time, I would like to emphasize that for us the mystery shopper is a practical tool that allows pinpointing gaps in specific stores. We have our own service.

In our opinion, only with deep immersion and flexible settings does a mystery shopper become a truly effective tool, and not just measuring the “average temperature” over the network.

Based on the results of the inspections, we clearly see the gaps in each store. Flaws - the one who does nothing is not mistaken - we regard it as technical task to conduct corrective training, which, based on the results of each case, is carried out pointwise and in detail.

That is, our "hiding place" is not a tool of punishment, but rather a motivator: a successful check is a plus to wages. We do not have fines, this is the company's principled position. It is important for us that employees objectively perceive the need for control.

2.1 Brief description of the "Gift Calendar"

"Calendar Gifts" is a network of special souvenir shops, which is located in all major cities of our country and offers a huge range of original, high-quality and affordable gifts.

"Calendar of gifts" is - 5,000 items of high-quality products of the widest range, bright and modern retail space of 20-70 m².

The working area is arranged and divided into bright and uniquely accurately anticipating the needs and wishes of the buyers of the area. That is, everything for women or men, ethnic or oriental gifts, branded souvenirs or business accessories. Well appointed and presentable entrance area.

The main features of our store:

    a wide range of;

    good quality and originality;

    individual consultation of a specialist, contributing to the high-quality and effective choice of a present, a gift.

Difference from our competitors:

    low prices;

    product originality;

    gift advice.

The buyer, getting into such an equipped, comfortable, and most importantly, intuitive world of the fulfillment of his desires, gets a difficult opportunity, and from the first steps he gains confidence that it is here that he will find what he is looking for and a little more.

2.2 Analysis of the work of the seller - consultant

In this term paper one of the most common methods of collecting information - the interview - will be used to study the position of the sales assistant - interview, as its prevalence speaks of its advantages: the survey allows the employee to talk about his behavior and work activities, which otherwise would never have been discovered.

In order for the interview to be effective, it is necessary to correctly identify the purpose of this interview in front of the interviewed performer. In this work, the main purpose of the interview is:

    analysis of work with a task orientation to determine the duties, responsibilities, methods of performing the work of the seller - consultant;

    analysis of work with a focus on the employee himself to determine employee characteristics required for the successful completion of the tasks assigned to him.

The structured interview questionnaire for the analysis of the investigated position of the personnel inspector is designed in special forms for answers. Table 1 shows the form for fixing general information by position.

Table 1. Form for fixing general information on the position

For the interview, a list of questions was compiled to identify the information of interest to us, which will be the basis of our analysis and description of the work. The list of questions and the answers received during the interview are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Interview Questionnaire

What is the title of your position?

Shop assistant

Where do you work?

"Calendar - gifts"

What job positions are directly above yours?

Director, HR Director

What job positions are directly below yours?

Who is your direct supervisor?


Continuation of table 2

Are there personnel reporting directly to you?

What are your main tasks and responsibilities?

Advising customers, helping in choosing a gift, working in a warehouse, maintaining cleanliness in the department

With which software do you know each other?

Knowledge computer programs: Microsoft office suite, Email

What aspects of your work, if any, require you to be precise or accurate in your work?

Filling out the sales journal

Who is controlling you?


How many contacts do you have with your immediate supervisor?

Daily, throughout the working day

How many people do you control?

What is this control?

Who are the people in this organization you are in contact with?

Director, administrator, sales assistants - consultants of another shift

How important is this contact with each of these people?

From these people I get all the necessary information on the job.

How often do you come into contact with each of these people?

As needed.

Do you participate in any negotiations, interviews, training, public speaking?

What are the main forms of contact (eg face-to-face, telephone, letters, notes, etc.)?

Contact forms - personal communication, by phone

How important are these contact forms?

Exchange of necessary information.

Is most of your work done indoors or outdoors?

All work takes place indoors.

The big book of the store manager 2.0. New technologies Krok Gulfira

Valuation types

Valuation types

Daily employee assessment

First of all, we are interested in how well the employee performs his functional responsibilities every day, as well as how it meets the company's internal standards of work behavior. This type of assessment is designed to identify and correct undesirable actions and subsequent training, so that in the future the employee acts (looks, speaks) as expected of him. Also, this type of assessment helps to identify employees who show good results in order to encourage.

The main thing in this type of assessment is the presence of clear, better quantitative criteria.

For example, the standards for performing the amount of work by one packer per hour of work (Table 4. 16).

Table 4.16. Standards for the performance of the amount of work by one packer per hour of work

If the criteria are qualitative, in an open assessment, the administrator or senior salesperson observes the employee and enters the results on a special evaluation sheet according to the "good - not good" principle. In this case, it is necessary to formalize the actions as much as possible so that the evaluation criteria are clear to both the one who evaluates and the one who is being evaluated. The formalization of the procedure makes it possible to exclude the personal factor when conclusions are drawn according to the principle "like - dislike". A similar form can be used for the store as a whole (Table 4. 17).

Table 4.17. The form score sheet shop

The hidden form implies the presence of an appraiser, unfamiliar to the seller; for example, a "dummy" buyer. In addition to observing the trading process in the store, this method allows you to determine professional quality seller directly in the process. To do this, the appraiser behaves like an ordinary buyer and involves the seller in a conversation in advance. certain scheme. This evaluates sales and customer service skills, the ability to ask questions, answer objections correctly, end the conversation so that the buyer wants to return. In such a situation, the seller behaves more naturally, does not try to show himself with better side and we have a more objective picture of his daily work.

This type of evaluation can also include customer surveys. A similar method is common in showrooms and boutiques, where there is a category known to sellers or managers of regular customers. Most often, they are asked to fill out a questionnaire, and some may agree to a lengthy conversation. Thus, we do not involve random visitors, but those whose opinion should be relied upon to improve the quality of service. But most often we evaluate not a specific employee, but the general level of quality of the work of the staff.

There are companies where non-standard evaluation of employees by each other is common, i.e. the manager encourages “snitching”. Moreover, often the size of the premium of one seller directly depends on the "failures" of his colleagues. This practice most often causes negative emotions and negatively affects the socio-psychological climate. Think about it - do you want the constant "surveillance" of the staff one after another to be the determining factor in the corporate culture of your enterprise?

And finally, it is worth noting that the results of the daily assessment should be correlated with business indicators, i.e. sales results. It often happens that an employee does not meet the standards of behavior at work, but sells remarkably. If such a situation is familiar to you and, moreover, such an employee begins to deliberately demonstrate that he is not like everyone else, you have to make a choice what is more important for your company - good sales of an individual employee or uniform standards of customer service.

Evaluation of personnel performance over the past period

Such an assessment can only be carried out if assignments have been set for this period. If no tasks were set, then the assessment will turn out to be subjective, since at the end of the month (quarter, half year) the manager will only have a certain general impression of how this or that employee worked.

Tasks, as mentioned above, can be quantitative or qualitative. Also, tasks can be one-time (conduct training with a new employee) and permanent, that is, those that are performed daily (controlling the display of goods, placing goods on the trading floor, sorting, etc.).

The task must have clear performance criteria, i.e. the employee must understand how it will be evaluated whether the task has been completed or not. Only in this case, in fact, it is possible to make an assessment, that is, to compare the result obtained with the planned one. It is called plan-fact analysis. We have already given options for key indicators of the plan-fact analysis in Chapter 2. Here is a real example of a plan-fact analysis of the effectiveness of the clothing store (Table 4. 18).

Table 4.18. An example of a plan-fact analysis of the effectiveness of a clothing store.

It is very important that the result of the task is measurable. Measuring sales target achievement is easy, as it is a quantitative indicator. And how to measure, say, compliance with the norms of labor discipline? For this, evaluation scales are used, for example, the traditional five-point scale. It is necessary to determine under what indicators of compliance with labor discipline the employee will receive five points, under which - four, three, two or one point. Tougher - two-point Either "+" or "-". Further, it is determined how the receipt of a particular point will affect the amount of bonuses.

Let's give an example - the criteria for evaluating the results of the work of a sales assistant in a clothing store:

Compliance with the requirements of labor discipline and internal regulations: timeliness of arrival and departure from work, compliance with the schedule of breaks;

Compliance with the established technology of work of the sales assistant in the store: accuracy and completeness of the fulfillment of duties in the assigned area of ​​the trading floor for the timely delivery of goods to the hall from the warehouse, display of goods, control of price tags and magnetic protection equipment;

Compliance with customer service standards: no conflict situations with customers, complete and accurate implementation of the sales technology and communication with the customer;

Compliance appearance and behavior of the seller: compliance with the dress code, compliance with the requirements for behavior in the store;

Lack of reasonable comments from the shift manager.

For evaluation, a point scale is selected, for example, the timeliness of arrival and departure from work can be assessed as follows:

The more points an employee has scored, the better for him you can choose a point scale at your discretion.

The period for which the valuation is made usually coincides with the frequency of bonus payments. As a matter of fact, the motivating system of remuneration implies an assessment of the performance of an employee for a period and the accrual of bonus payments to him based on these assessments.

Personnel certification

Personnel certification is one of the assessment methods, a regular check of the results of the employee's activities over the past period, his compliance with the requirements of the position. Usually, certification takes place once every six months or a year and it involves the immediate supervisor of the employee, two or three other company executives, or the entire certification commission.

Regular certification of personnel in the company is carried out in order to:

Informing employees about the requirements set by the company for their positions;

Determining the need for training and development of personnel;

Ensuring that the qualifications of employees correspond to the positions they hold;

Bringing the level of remuneration of employees in line with the level of their qualifications.

The main purpose of certification is not to control the fulfillment by the employee of his official duties, but the identification of reserves to increase the return on his work.

The results of the appraisal make it possible to assess the need for training an employee, the feasibility of his promotion, etc. The main thing is not just to evaluate an employee, but to set common goals, outline a plan for his further development, discuss possible assistance from management and give him the opportunity to reach his full potential by working in company.

Certification must be carried out, even if you have small shop and everything is in front of each other: when the director sees all the staff every day, he gets used to it, knows what to expect from whom, and voluntarily or involuntarily adapts. Certification as a formal procedure helps the management to get out of the "blurred eye" state, look at everyone from the point of view of formalized professional requirements, rather than established personal relationships And all the more so, certification is vital for large retail chains, where management often does not personally know many store employees. In this case, certification allows you to see a real picture of the level of professionalism, motivation, loyalty and prospects of each employee, "refresh" your impressions and clarify the answer to the question: what is our real situation with personnel?

Attestation form

(To be completed by the certification committee)

It is important that the appraisal is prepared, employees understand its goals, objectives and possible consequences. For example, it is reasonable to transfer from one salary category to another, higher one, based on the results of certification.

Typically, certification covers the following types of employee assessment:

Assessment of the level of professional knowledge and skills, i.e. the competencies required for this position;

Evaluation of the results of work for the attestation period according to key indicators efficiency;

Assessment of the employee's professional potential;

Assessment of the level of employee motivation and loyalty.

The certification itself can take place both in full-time mode (interview attestation commission with each certified), and in absentia (each member of the certification commission evaluates the employee according to certain criteria without his presence). There may be a combination of full-time and part-time forms of certification: for example, the immediate supervisor prepares a written report-characteristics for the person being certified according to the specified assessment criteria, and the members of the certification committee conduct a personal interview.

Description of store manager competencies

It is interesting to use the self-assessment of the person being assessed in the assessment, that is, before the start of the assessment, the employee, according to the specified criteria, sets himself grades. These assessments are not taken into account when summing up the results of certification, but they are important for understanding how the employee adequately evaluates himself.

To test professional knowledge during certification, it is better to use a system of tests filled in in writing by all certified. This increases the objectivity of the assessment and facilitates the work of the certification commission.

A very important part of the work is summing up the results of certification, developing recommendations and plans for professional and career development for each person being certified, and MANDATORY explanatory work with personnel following the results of certification. It is necessary for each employee to convey how and why he was certified, what this means and what are the recommendations for him personally. All issued recommendations should be included in the personnel work plan and implemented in the future.

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To assess the level of professional skills of the seller - cashier, the Magnit store was chosen, located at Perm, st. Bengalskaya, 18. For a more accurate result of this study, the Magnit store was visited for several days, at different times: in the morning, in the middle of the day and in the afternoon.

The following was revealed: the appearance of all personnel, not only cashiers, is neat and accompanied by red overalls with the Magnit logo. Sellers-cashiers are provided with all the conditions for effective work on customer service. The latest cash registers necessary equipment, also an innovation that will definitely have a positive impact on working with customers - this is the possibility of cashless payments (by bank card).

The cashiers who served me turned out to be completely different people, not only by gender and age characteristics and appearance, not counting the form, but also by the level of skill of the work they perform.

Initially, in the first half of the day, the seller-cashier, the young girl turned out to be not very friendly, polite and had the impression that she did not fully know her job. I did not hear words of greeting and gratitude from her. She worked very slowly behind the cash register, casually throwing food. She was asked a question, to which she answered in a rather rude tone, after which she dropped the check and never made eye contact.

The next cashier, whose professionalism was evaluated, was a young man who, like the previous employee, pleased with his courtesy and quick work at the cash register. Unfortunately, I had to pack the purchases myself, because it is not clear for what reason the seller-cashier forgot that this is also part of his duties. The young man was very focused and did not look into the eyes of the customers at all. But, words of gratitude from his mouth, a little smoothed out this negative moment with the packaging of products.

So, I analyzed the work of several cashiers. Among them are friendly, young employees who know their job well. But, unfortunately, the rudeness and nervousness of most employees discourages any desire to visit this store again. Basically, sales assistants-cashiers do not know how to handle special equipment, as they are often trainees. The problem with change is also serious, sellers cannot change change from a large bill, and they also carelessly throw products and a check without looking the client in the eye.

The criteria for evaluating the organization of customer service elements in the sales process on a 5-point scale are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Evaluation of the level of professional skills of the seller-cashier of the investigated store "Magnit" at the address: Perm, st. Bangalskaya, 18

retail salesman cashier

Analyzing the work of sellers-cashiers, it was also established the observation of the work of sales assistants. In the retail network "Magnet", located at the address Perm, st. Bengalskaya, 18 sales consultants are young people who need to be contacted for help, on the issue that has arisen, the employees were not the first to show initiative.

The interior of the store is intimidating from the very entrance. When we entered the store, unfortunately, we did not find anything that positively characterizes this store.

Throughout the trading floor are boxes that block the passage.

Price mismatch. A product attracted by a low price on the trading floor miraculously rises in price while you carry it to the checkout. And sometimes there are no price tags at all or lying on the floor or in the far corner.

Narrow space. Not a store, but a labyrinth. It is difficult for a person to get through, and at the peak, there are simply “traffic jams” of people, and even with baskets that cling to each other and cause resentment from other customers.

Product condition. It is terrible to eat what is presented for sale in this store. Rotten fruits and vegetables, even at a reduced price, do not attract attention and spoil the overall picture.

Lack of refrigerators or excess of products that need refrigeration. Dairy products, baked goods and other products that need to be kept cool (cold temperature) 70% are in refrigerators, 30% stand next to a regular showcase and are not cooled in any way.

Lack of initiative, impoliteness and laziness to restore order inside the store from the sales staff.

These are the negative points that catch your eye when you enter the Magnit store, located at the address: Perm, st. Bengalskaya, 18. The most interesting and incomprehensible thing is that no one is going to eliminate these shortcomings. Some points that clearly do not carry a positive impression of this store were mentioned to one of the sales assistants, who did not even do anything to improve the work of the store.

table 2

The results of the evaluation of trade services in the investigated store "Magnit", at the address: Perm, st. Bengal, 18


Research methods


The level of professional skills of the sales staff

Grading method on a point scale (from 0 to 5 points)

Organization of sales promotion methods on the trading floor

Observation method (number and types of actions carried out during the study period)

There were no promotions at the time of the study

Provision of additional services

Method of observation (number and types of organized services at the time of the study)

There are no organized services at the time of the study

Evaluation of customer service quality

Questionnaire method (interview)

Evaluation by buyers of additional services

Questionnaire method (interview)

(interview is attached)