Watchdog destroyer 1915. Watchdog. Auxiliary devices and systems

  • 13.03.2020


The lead ship of project 7U. Adopted by the state commission on October 6, 1940, but the hoisting of the flag and official inclusion in the KBF took place only on April 12 of the following year.

On June 14, a week before the start of the war, a detachment of light forces of the fleet was transferred from Tallinn to Ust-Dvinsk. The Watchtower was also part of the 2nd destroyer division.

In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, the destroyer was engaged in setting up defensive minefields. He successfully performed the first such operation on June 24 in the Irben Strait. The second exit on the mission is on the evening of June 26th. "Watchdog" went along with the destroyers "Resistant", "Angry" and "Engels" at a speed of 16 knots. Boilers No. 2 and No. 4 were in operation, the other two were on support. There were 75 anchor mines on deck.

On June 27, at 02.27, the Watchtower was suddenly attacked by five German torpedo boats - Schnellboats of the 3rd Kriegsmarine Flotilla. One of the fired torpedoes hit the port side of the ship in the area of ​​the 46th - 58th frames. Judging by the force of the explosion, there was a detonation of the bow artillery magazines. The entire bow of the destroyer up to the 58th frame, along with the bow superstructure and mast, broke off and sank instantly. The first boiler room and the front pipe were reduced to a heap of mangled metal. The commander of the ship, captain of the 3rd rank, I.F. Lomakin, and 84 more crew members died. By the way, no boats were found from our destroyers: for a long time it was believed that the Watchtower was torpedoed by a submarine ...

The stern of the destroyer remained afloat. Turbines and 3 steam boilers remained operational. The sailors energetically joined in the struggle for the ship's survivability; The leak that appeared was repaired. At 16.00 "Storozhevoy" - or rather, what was left of it - was taken in tow by the destroyer "Engels", later other ships approached. In several stages, the mutilated ship was towed first to Tallinn, and then to Kronstadt. On July 7, he was brought into the dock of the Three Destroyers, where over the next months they cut off the pipe and destroyed metal structures, repaired holes, reinforced the bulkhead on the 72nd frame. November 20 "Watchdog" was transferred to Leningrad. The restoration of the ship under the blockade seemed unrealistic, and she stood in mothballed form until August 1942. During this time, the destroyer received additional damage: on May 24, a German shell with a caliber of 6-8 inches hit the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler casing of the second pipe. As a result, two boiler turbofans, a steam compressor, several rows of hot-water pipes, equipment for PET were out of order, holes appeared in the plating and bulkheads ...

But in spite of everything, the "Watchdog" returned to service! On August 9, he was transferred to plant number 189. The restoration project was very unusual. It was not possible to make the bow anew: in the besieged Leningrad, there was a shortage of sheet and profile steel, and there were no 130-mm B-13 guns. But there was a large backlog on the hulls of Project 30 destroyers. So the idea arose to dock the bow of a ship of a different type to the Sentry.

True, it was not possible to use the already finished end of the hull, so they decided to rebuild it, but using the finished elements and hull structures as much as possible. Thus, the vertical keel, framing, platform decking and plating up to the lower deck were removed from the Organized destroyer (C-311) laid down at the factory No. 189. Factory No. 190 delivered the stem, anchor fairleads, metal structures of the hull and sections of superstructures, a rigid drum for the B-2LM turret and other elements. Since the width of the project 30 ship was greater, the set in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe 56th - 72nd frames had to be slightly changed in order to get a smooth transition from one contour to another.

The bow was built on a small slipway of plant No. 189 in 2.5 months, and on October 9, 1942 it was launched. Over the next two weeks, she was docked in a floating dock to the Sentry hull. From October 25 to May 1943, repairs to the ship continued afloat. Despite a lot of constantly arising problems, all the work was successfully completed, and on September 10, after mooring and acceptance tests, the destroyer of project 7U / 30 "Storozhevoy" returned to service. Instead of two B-13 bow guns, the ship had a twin 130-mm B-2LM turret mount (total ammunition 744 130-mm rounds), instead of 45-mm cannons - 6 7-K assault rifles (ammunition 9000 rounds); the rest of the armament (2 1-N torpedo tubes, 2 34-K 76-mm guns and 4 DShK machine guns) remained the same. Additionally, an English type 291 radar was installed. The hull length (maximum) increased to 113.5 m, draft - up to 4.18; the width has not changed. The standard displacement was 1892 tons, the normal displacement was 2046 tons, the total displacement was 2453 tons. Power and full speed were not measured in wartime conditions.

Participation in the hostilities of the restored destroyer was limited to shelling enemy positions near Leningrad.

During the war years, the Storozhev was commanded by Captain 3rd Rank I.F. Lomakin (died 27.6.1941), Lieutenant Commander M.P. Kuzmin (from July to December 1941), Lieutenant Commander I.Ya. December 1942), Captain 3rd rank E.I. Lazo (until May 15, 1943) and lieutenant commander (then captain 3rd rank) D.Ya.

Watchtower is the first Soviet destroyer available to players in World of warships. This ship is located on the second level.

Characteristics of the Sentry ship in WoWs

Destroyer characteristics Sentry in World of warships shown in the figure.

The use of torpedoes- the main force of the destroyer on a Soviet ship is limited by range. Effective use of torpedo weapons is possible only when approaching a close distance - less than 3 kilometers to the enemy. It is best to unexpectedly swim out from behind the island and carry out a lightning attack. Watchtower in World of warships has quite comfortable aiming angles for torpedoes.

Storozhevoy has five torpedo tubes, each with two torpedoes.

Artillery armament on Storozhevoe powerful enough for a destroyer-class ship. Three guns with a short reload time and good ballistics, besides, the main battery turrets rotate almost as fast as on American ships. The firing range is up to 10 kilometers, which is a good indicator not only for destroyers, but also for second-tier cruisers.

How to play Watchdog in World of warships

Technical characteristics of the ship Sentry indicate that on this ship you need to try to use artillery weapons as efficiently as possible, and you can shoot even from a long distance. Let it not be possible to inflict a lot of damage in one volley, but nevertheless, on a Soviet destroyer, it is possible to inflict damage on enemy ships for a long time and systematically. You can save your ship from fire with simple maneuvers - changing course and speed.

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This text is a continuation of the post and describes the ships of the 2nd and 3rd ranks of the USSR Altfleet.

with a tenacity worthy of perhaps a better use, I continued to construct my reality


real story

The Porter-class destroyer project was created by American designers in the early 1930s; the purpose of the new destroyers was to conduct long-range naval operations in the Pacific Ocean and support the actions of their own destroyers. In the American budget for the 1933/1934 financial year, the construction of 4 destroyers of the type was financed. However, two months after Franklin D. Roosevelt became president, he signed a law according to which the number of type destroyers under construction increased to 8 units.

"Porter" was a Leader, with a standard displacement of 1850 tons, with dimensions of 116 by 11.2 meters and a draft of 3.2 meters. Two steam turbines, fed by four boilers and developed a capacity of 50,000 liters. With. Porter gave top speed 35 knots, and cruising range at 12 knots was 6500 miles, and at 15 knots - 6000 miles. Crew 175-194 people. The armament consisted of four two-gun five-inch turrets 4x2 127-mm / 38Mark 12, and anti-aircraft artillery of four twin machine guns of 12.7-mm machine gun caliber. The ship housed two quadruple 533-mm torpedo tubes.

alternative history

In December 1933, in addition to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA, which was long expected by the world community, the "Treaty of Friendship and Military Alliance between the USSR and the USA" was signed, which turned out to be a surprise for the League of Nations. At the same time, in addition to land and water lease agreements, six contracts were concluded related to the restoration of the USSR's defense capability.

The first was an agreement for licensed production without the right to sell third countries 152-mm turrets, which were armed with new 152/47 Mark 16 guns with a projectile weight of 59 kg and separate-sleeve loading. The installations had a maximum elevation angle of 60 ° and a maximum firing range of 130 cables at an elevation angle of 47. The frontal armor of the towers had a thickness of 165 mm.

The second contract, on the same terms, concerned single-gun and two-gun turrets with anti-fragmentation armor with the latest universal five-inch gun - 127/38. These guns with a pointing angle of 85 degrees and a rate of fire of up to 15 rounds per minute could quite effectively deal with both surface targets and enemy aircraft.

The third contract provided for the reconstruction in 1934-1935 of the former Putilov shipyards, including their preparation for welding the hulls of cruisers and destroyers, as well as the use of large sheets in order to ensure the technical readiness of the shipyards to lay two light cruisers no later than the spring of 1936 .

Fourth, a contract was signed for the construction of six light cruisers of the original design, based on lung project Brooklyn-class cruisers - two at American shipyards, and four at Soviet ones, after their reconstruction under the third contract. A year was allotted for the period from bookmarking to launching, and a year and a half for the period from launching to putting the cruiser into operation. The schedule provided for the completion of the project in 1934 and the laying of two cruisers in the USA in 1935, and two cruisers in the USSR in 1936 and 1938. Part of the machines and mechanisms of Soviet production in cruisers was supposed to be 0% for the first pair of cruisers, 20% for the second, and 80% for the third.

The fifth contract provided for the construction of an installation series of 8 destroyers, and technical assistance in the development of the project by the Soviet industry.

The United States offered the councils destroyers of the "Mahen" type with a normal displacement of 1490 tons and leaders of the "Porter" type with a normal displacement of 1850 tons

After a long discussion, the Soviet delegation made a revolutionary decision that marked the beginning of a new approach in military shipbuilding. It was clear that neither the economic nor the shipbuilding capacities of the USSR could in any way allow it to stand on a par with the major maritime powers. Therefore, instead of small destroyers, or some combination, such as 4 destroyers - one leader, it was decided to build only leaders, which made it possible to create local superiority over a potential enemy directly at the point of conflict.

In 1933, the Porter-class destroyer project was accepted almost unchanged as the main one for the implementation of the fifth contract between the USSR and the USA:

Only air defense was strengthened, and 3x2 40-mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns and 4x1 20-mm Oerlikon anti-aircraft guns were installed on the destroyers:

All eight "Americans" were laid down in 1934-1935, launched in 1935-1936 and commissioned in 1937-1938.

Construction in the USSR began after the completion of the reconstruction of several shipyards in 1936, and by 1940 another 24 destroyers entered service, bringing the total number of new destroyers to 32, 8 for each of the fleets.

In addition, it was possible to restore all 17 Novik-class destroyers inherited from the tsarist fleet:

Novik-class destroyers were re-equipped with a typical set of weapons for the new Soviet fleet:

Twin torpedo tubes for 45cm torpedoes from the First World War were dismantled, as were artillery and anti-aircraft weapons. Asdik appeared on the ship. Artillery armament destroyers of the Novik-bis type became two universal single-gun turret gun mounts 127-mm / 38 Mark 12, and anti-aircraft - 8 twin 40mm Bofors, as well as 2x1 20mm Oerlikon. In addition, two droppers for depth charges were installed at the stern. Thus, the once formidable torpedo ship, by football standards, an "attacker", turned into a sloop quite dangerous for any enemy - a "defender", extremely in demand when forming any convoy in subsequent war years.

In the meantime, the armament of the firstborn of the Soviet military shipbuilding, the patrol ship Uragan, was also revised:

It became clear that he had no chance to use his torpedo armament - he was not small enough to sneak up on the enemy unnoticed, and not fast enough to attack quickly. The new Soviet concept of the use of torpedo weapons involved their use in aviation, submarines, torpedo boats and, in exceptional cases, destroyers.

Thus, the torpedo tube with 45 cm Tsarist torpedoes, as well as the 102 mm bow artillery gun, was dismantled. Hurricane Bis received Asdik to search for submarines, which significantly increased the effectiveness of anti-submarine weapons, and 3 twin 40mm Bofors, which strengthened its air defense:

Patrol ships of the "Hurricane" type became the first ships built in our country after long break. They were created on the basis of models of equipment and weapons from the times of the First World War and, when they entered service, did not have modern anti-aircraft and navigational weapons, radio communications, submarine detection devices, etc. In addition, the shortcomings include not too comfortable crew accommodation conditions, low (relative to the terms of reference) speed, mediocre seaworthiness,

unreliable steering.

It should also be noted that there were many design innovations in the Hurricane-type TFR project. For the first time in the domestic fleet, the power plant operated on superheated steam, direct-acting, low-speed turbines were replaced by GTZA with high-speed turbines. The installation was compact, and echelon placement increased its survivability. For the first time, the hull was assembled according to the longitudinal system. Also, for the first time, galvanizing of hull structures and welding (non-critical parts) were used. The hulls of the TFR, despite being lightened, turned out to be more durable

The accumulated experience of operating ships of the Uragan type in peacetime in various maritime theaters led to a reassessment of their qualities by the leadership of the People's Commissariat of the Navy. Speaking on December 3, 1940 at a meeting of the high naval command in Moscow with a report on fleet technology, the head of the shipbuilding department, engineer-rear admiral N.V. class, not inferior to similar ships of foreign fleets built in 1930 - 1934.

Of course, the Alt USSR shipbuilding program was built in such a way that as the displacement decreased, the number of ships increased, that is, more patrol ships were built than destroyers - 48 TFRs supplemented 32 EMs. By the beginning of the War, there were 4 modern light cruisers:

Type of ships

Real Story (RI)

Alternate History (AI)

in service

under construction

in service

under construction

Battleship type "Sevastopol"

Battleship type "Soviet Union"

heavy cruiser

Svetlana-class light cruiser

Cruiser type "26 Kirov"

Cruiser type 68-K "Chapaev"

Brooklyn-class cruiser

Novik-class destroyers

Leader of destroyers with a displacement of more than 2000 tons

Project 7 destroyer

Project Porterbis destroyer

Hurricane-class patrol ships

Hurricane-bis class patrol ships

Submarine Hunters


Submarines of Soviet projects

Submarines type VII

Type IX submarines

Underwater minelayers of the Kalev type

torpedo boats

Infantry landing ships

Performance characteristics of the real ships mentioned in the post:

Tactical and technical data

EM "Porter"

EM "Project 7"

EM "Novik"

TFR "Hurricane""

Displacement normal, t




Maximum length, m



Maximum width, m




Maximum draft, m


Steam turbine plant with a total capacity, l. With





Full travel speed, knots

Travel speed economic, knots

Cruising range at economic speed, miles





Crew in peacetime, pers.

Artillery armament

4 - 130/50 mm B-13

4 x 1 102mm

2×1 102mm

Torpedo armament:

2x4 TA 53cm

2x3 TA 53cm

4x2 TA 45cm

1×3 TA 45cm


12.7 mm machine gun

2 - 76/55 mm 34K; 2 - 45 mm 21K.

4×1 7.62mm

2×1 7.62mm

Displacement standard 1850 t, normal 2150 t, full 2400 t. Dimensions 112.5 x 10.2 x 4.2 m. Boiler-turbine power plant, twin-shaft: on 8 ships of the GTZA-24 TZA, 60,000 hp, on 10 ships of the Metro-Vickers TZA "and" Parsons ", 54000 hp Speed ​​36 (Metro-Vickers, Parsons) - 39.6 (GTZA-24) / 20 knots, range 1400 miles. Armament: 4 x 1 x 130/50 mm in B-13-2 mounts, 2 - 3 x 1 x 76/55 mm in 34-K mounts, 3 x 1 x 45/46 mm in 21-K mounts (dismantled to 1943), 5 - 8 x 1 x 37 / 67.5 mm in 70-K mounts, 4 x 12.7 mm DShK machine guns, or 2 x 2 x 12.7 mm Colt-Browning machine guns, 2 x 3 x 533 mm torp. apparatus 1-N, 6 torpedoes 53-38, 10 B-1 depth charges and 20 M-1 depth charges, 2 BMB-1 bombers (installed during the war), 58 mines KB or 62 mines mod. 1926 Crew 190 - 225 sailors and foremen, 25 officers.
From 1944 - 1945 radars were installed for detecting surface targets of the type "Guys-1" ("Strict") or type 291 made in the UK ("Smart", "Strong", "Glorious", "Watchdog", "Vice Admiral Drozd", "Fierce" , "Terrible"), fire control type 284 made in Great Britain (on most destroyers) or type "Mina" of domestic production. Hydroacoustic equipment: ShPS "Mars", ZPS "Arktur" system, during the war the GAS "Dragon-128s / Asdik" made in Great Britain was installed.

Silhouette of the destroyer "Storozhevoy" after refurbishment

Displacement standard 1892 t, normal 2046 t, total 2453 t. Length 113.5 m. commissioned 10/6/1940. Severely damaged as a result of an attack by five German torpedo boats on 06/27/1941 (the bow was torn off, 85 people were missing). Towed to Tallinn, then to Kronstadt and further to Leningrad. Under repair from 08/09/1942 to May 1943. To recreate the severed one, the bow of the unfinished destroyer "Organized" of project 30 with one B-2LM twin-gun turret was used. During repairs, all 45 mm guns were replaced by 6 x 1 x 37/67.5 mm machine guns in 70-K mounts. Equipped with a type 291 radar made in the UK. Re-commissioned in September 1943. Since February 17, 1956 - a training destroyer. Excluded from the lists on March 11, 1958. Dismantled for metal in Liepaja in 1958-1959.

Laid down on 10/27/1936 (Baltic Association, Leningrad), relaid on 10/15/1938, launched on 04/21/1939. Until 09/25/1940 "Dashing". Sun. commissioned 15/10/1940 Worms and sank an hour later. The corps was raised in parts in 1949 - 1952. and dismantled for metal in Tallinn.

Laid down on 08/26/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid in March 1938, launched on 12/26/1938, vst. commissioned on 10/18/1940. On 04/03/1942 he was awarded the title of guard. From 02/13/1943 "Vice Admiral Drozd". It underwent modernization from 11/2/1951 to 02/7/1956. From 02/06/1960 - target ship "CL-54". Sunk during a storm on July 2, 1961 off Cape Taran.

Laid down 10/26/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid in January 1938, launched 11/1/1938, vst. commissioned on 10/31/1940. Severely damaged by air bombs in Kronstadt on 09/21/1941. It was under repair from October 1941 to 12/30/1941 (Leningrad). It underwent modernization in the summer of 1942. Under repair from November 1944 to May 1945 (Leningrad). It underwent modernization from 11/19/1948 to 12/10/1954. On 02/20/1959, it was converted into the target ship TsL-43. Excluded from the lists on 01/21/1969 and dismantled for metal in Tallinn.

Laid down on 10/15/1936 (named after 61 Kommunar, Nikolaev), relaid on 06/27/1938, launched on 08/26/1939. Until 09/25/1940 "Useful". Sun. commissioned 11/10/1940. Severely damaged by a Soviet mine explosion near the Kerch Strait on 03/05/1942 and sank during a storm on 03/07/1942.

Laid down on 08/31/1936 (Baltic Association, Leningrad), relaid on 01/31/1939, launched on 09/19/1939, vst. commissioned 05/31/1941. Participated in the evacuation of the garrison of the Khanko peninsula in November 1941. Participated in the Vyborg 10 - 06/20/1944 offensive operation. It was repaired and upgraded from 07/10/1947 to 07/6/1955. Excluded from the lists of the Navy on March 4, 1964 and dismantled for metal in Liepaja.

Laid down 10/26/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid in March 1938, launched 04/30/1939, vst. commissioned on May 31, 1941. Severely damaged by a German mine explosion on July 27, 1941 in the Irben Strait. According to another version, torpedoed by the German torpedo boat"S-54" or a submarine, but this version is most likely erroneous. The crew was removed by the minesweeper "Fugas", and the destroyer was sunk by TKA No. 73 due to the impossibility of towing.

8. Severe (KBF)
Laid down on 10/27/1936 (Baltic Association, Leningrad), relaid on 02/01/1939, launched on 08/05/1939. Until 09/25/1940 "Flying". Sun. commissioned 05/31/1941. Severely damaged by a mine explosion and scuttled by the crew on 11/14/1941 near the Yuminda cape. The crew was filmed by minesweeper T-217.

Laid down on 10/15/1936, relaid on 3/3/1939, launched on 08/26/1939. Until 09/25/1940 "Perceptive". Sun. commissioned on 06/07/1941. On 03/01/1943 he was awarded the rank of guards. Under repair from 12/19/1945 to 08/25/1947. Rebuilt according to project 32 into a rescue ship in 1951 - 1958. In reserve since 03/27/1960. Reclassified to a target ship since 09/14/1963. Excluded from the lists of the Navy on 03/19/1966. The proposal to keep the destroyer as a monument or a museum exhibit was rejected by the leadership of the Navy. Dismantled for metal in Inkerman in 1966 - 1968.

Laid down on 08/26/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid in March 1938, launched on 04/08/1939, vst. commissioned 06/22/1941. Notable for electrical equipment on alternating current (project 7UE). Blown up by a mine on 07/16/1941 at Cape Pakry. Was under repair from 09/23/1941 to 04/15/1942 (Leningrad). It was modernized from 07/10/1947 to 01/10/1953. It was disarmed on 04/18/1958 and converted into the UTS-83 training station. Excluded from the lists of the Navy on January 12, 1960 and dismantled for metal.

Laid down on 07/07/1936 (named after 61 Kommunar, Nikolaev), relaid on 03/07/1939, launched on 09/30/1939. Until 09/25/1940 "Mobile". Sun. commissioned 06/24/1941. Blown up on a Soviet mine near Novorossiysk on 01/08/1942 (the nose tip came off). Restored and modernized by May 1943. 10/6/1943 sunk by Yu-87 bombers near Yalta.

Laid down on 11/29/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid on 12/30/1938, launched on 08/28/1939, sun. commissioned on 07/18/1941. Participated in the Krasnoselsko-Ropshinsky crust. operations in January 1944. It was modernized on 07/10/1947 - 01/02/1951 (Neptun plant, Rostock, GDR). Excluded from the lists of the Navy on January 28, 1958 and dismantled for metal.

Laid down on 12/26/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid on 12/29/1938, launched on 11/24/1939, vst. commissioned on 07/18/1941 Muhu (the nasal tip came off). Sunk on 08/22/1941 during a storm. The hull was raised in parts in 1957 and dismantled for metal in Tallinn.

14. FAST (KBF)
Laid down on 11/29/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid on 10/23/1938, launched on 07/24/1939, sun. commissioned 1.08.1941. Participated in the relocation of the fleet from Tallinn to Kronstadt. He died on 08/28/1941 from a mine explosion near Yuminda.

Laid down on 09/17/1936 (named after 61 Kommunar, Nikolaev), relaid in 1938, launched on 02/25/1939. Until 09/25/1940 "Fearless". Sun. commissioned 09/30/1941. Blown up by a Soviet mine on 09/30/1941 near Sevastopol, towed to Sevastopol and put in dry dock. In the dock, it was heavily damaged by Xe-111 and Yu-88 bombers on 11/12/1941. After restoration, it was sunk by German aircraft in the bay of Sevastopol on 06/8/1942. Raised on 10/28/1945 and scrapped.

16. FREE (CHF)
Laid down on 08/23/1936 (named after 61 Kommunar, Nikolaev), relaid in 1938, launched on 02/25/1939. Until 09/25/1940 "Silent". Sun. commissioned 2/01/1942. Sunk 10/06/1942 by Yu-88 bombers in Sevastopol. Raised and scrapped in 1953

17. STRICT (KBF, Federation Council since 10/11/1958)
Laid down on 10/26/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid on 10/26/1938, launched on 12/31/1939, conditionally accepted into the Navy in September 1941. Completely completed by 09/15/1942. Participated in Krasnoselsko- Ropshinsky crust. operations in January 1944. Passed tests in August - October 1945 and 12/10/1945 was officially enrolled in the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. Rebuilt according to project 32 into a rescue and decontamination vessel on 11/30/1953. From 03/20/1956 - "SDK-13", from 12/27/1956 - "SS-18". On September 14, 1963, the target vessel "SM-16" was reclassified. Excluded from the lists of the Navy on 06/26/1964 and dismantled for metal in Murmansk in 1964 - 1965.

18. SLIM (CBF)
Laid down on 12/26/1936 (named after Zhdanov, Leningrad), relaid on 12/29/1938, launched on 04/29/1940, conditionally accepted into the Navy in September 1941. Completely completed by 09/15/1942. Passed tests in August -October 1945 and 12/11/1945 officially became part of the KBF. Rebuilt according to project 32 into a rescue and decontamination ship in 1953 - 1956. From 03/20/1956 - "SDK-10", from 12/27/1956 - "SS-17". 08/27/1963 was reclassified to the target ship "TsL-2". Excluded from the lists of the Navy on August 25, 1965. Dismantled for metal in Liepaja in 1965 - 1966.

They bring a phone call. I read: “A large collection has been announced in the main base.” I look at my watch: five minutes to two. "Means war?" And, as if in response, I suddenly clearly distinguish deaf explosions from the side of Primorsky Boulevard. For a moment, the city is illuminated by a yellow glow. Long tentacles of searchlights scour the sky. In their rays - the plane ...

Anti-aircraft battery open fire! I scream...

As soon as the guns of our destroyer spoke, all the ships standing at the mine wall opened fire. This was remembered by the night of June 22, 1941, Lieutenant Commander S. Vorkov, the commander of the destroyer "Savvy".

Four years later, the commander of this guards ship summed up the combat service: “56 times the destroyer fired at enemy battle formations, suppressed more than ten batteries, destroyed up to 30 tanks and vehicles, and a lot of manpower. He used up more than 2,700 shells of the main caliber while participating in the artillery support of our ground forces. He escorted 59 transports without loss to Odessa, Sevastopol, Feodosia and the ports of the Caucasus ...

He transported on board about 13 thousand people wounded and evacuated from Odessa and Sevastopol.

He transported more than a thousand tons of ammunition to Odessa and Sevastopol. Repelled more than 100 enemy air attacks ... Shot down five enemy aircraft. The destroyer went into action 200 times, having traveled more than 60,000 miles without repairs. During the war, he spent almost 200 days at sea and did not lose a single fighter. There were no wounded on the ship." This is the battle path of the "Savvy" - one of the most famous destroyers of the "Watchdog" type.

On destroyers type "Angry"(see TM No. 1 for 1972) a linear arrangement was adopted power plant, in which boilers and turbines were placed in two groups. The first consisted of three boiler rooms, the second - of two engine rooms. Being very compact, however, such an arrangement was fraught with a serious danger: with a successful hit, one enemy projectile could disable both turbines at once and completely deprive the ship of its course. When destroyers of the "Wrathful" type were created, such a hit was considered extremely unlikely, and it was neglected. But over time, the point of view was established, according to which even such an unlikely possibility of a complete withdrawal of the ship from action began to be considered unacceptable. And in 1937, it was decided to redesign the destroyer, switching to the echelon arrangement of the main power plant.

The ship accommodates two consecutive sets - each consists of two boiler rooms and one engine room. Although the length of the machine-boiler installation increases with the new location, and, consequently, the probability of its destruction, one enemy projectile can never completely deprive the ship of its course. In the worst case, when a shell, hitting the bulkhead area between the boiler room and engine rooms, immediately disables the boiler and turbine, the ship loses only 25% in speed.

In 1939, the Storozhevoy, the lead ship of the improved series, entered service. Its designers, based on the experience of the destroyers of the "Wrathful" type, eliminated a number of shortcomings. So, in some connections of the hull, high stresses developed, due to which cracks appeared in the forecastle area. On the Gromkom, a thorough strain gauge of the hull set was carried out - the ship sailed in the Barents Sea in heavy seas. The results of the measurements were taken into account when creating destroyers of the "Watchdog" type.

The maintenance of three boilers and two turbines installed on the destroyers of the previous project gave the sailors a lot of trouble, because one boiler had to be “divided” into two turbines. The echelon location of the machine-boiler plant automatically eliminated this inconvenience. To improve living conditions in harsh climatic conditions, the thickness of the thermal insulation of the case was increased. More steam-producing boilers and more powerful auxiliary turbogenerators were redesigned. The power of each of the two main turbines was increased from 25 thousand liters. With. up to 30 thousand liters. With. without changing forgings and castings. In general, the transition from the construction of the "Angry" to the construction of the "Sentry" was carried out quickly and relatively painlessly - thanks to the accumulated experience and the preservation of most of the mechanisms, blanks and weapons.

Carrying approximately the same weapons as the "Wrathful", the "Sentry" was more reliable, faster and more convenient to maintain. Destroyers of these types can be distinguished by appearance- "Angry" - one-tube ships, and "Sentry" - two-tube. The experience of the Second World War did not give an unequivocal answer to the question of which location of the power plant is more profitable - linear or echelon. The Germans, for example, built their destroyers in a linear pattern, the Americans - in echelons. Both of them equally suffered from mines, torpedoes and aerial bombs.

One of the mysteries for a long time remained the extraordinary power of weapons of Japanese destroyers. With a displacement of only 1360 tons Kawasaki-class destroyer carried eight torpedo tubes and five 127 mm guns. The secret was solved after the war, when captured Japanese ships came to us. It turned out that on the destroyers of the Country rising sun no living quarters were provided: the sailors slept on mats right on the deck, at their combat posts. The galley replaced the usual field kitchens for cooking rice and tea. There was no heating. Thermal insulation and even painting of the inside of the hull were missing. The deck distance was only 2 m instead of 2.2 m on the British, American and German destroyers. Not surprisingly, much more weapons could be placed on Japanese ships.

Soviet destroyers, without prejudice to the convenience of placing crews, in terms of the power of an artillery salvo, in terms of maneuverability, propulsion, and seaworthiness, also surpassed the British, German, and partly American ones. And from the first to the last days of the Great Patriotic War along with the destroyers of the type "Wrathful" carried a difficult military service their younger brothers: "Watchdog", "Smart", "Vice Admiral Drozd", "Guarding", "Smart", "Brave".