Our corporate universities. Contacts PR Corporate university afk system

  • 12.12.2019

New forms of personnel training not only create conditions for the effective development of employees in the modern personnel market, but also form a higher quality of working life than before. Training of specialists on the basis of corporate universities using e-learning(e-learning) is an example of successful integration of familiar HR methods and broad functionality Internet.

Functionality of the educational portal

The topic of corporate-wide training for employees of Sistema's companies arose ten years ago, when a training and consulting center for professional training and advanced training of employees in the field of management was established financial sphere- non-profit partnership "Educational and methodological center of AFK "Sistema". In fact, a corporate university is a personnel development technology that lies in the field of personnel management, internal and external PR. The main tool used within the framework of this technology is the educational portal.

Natalya Khoroshiltseva (N.Kh. - ed.): “Today, for large geographically distributed companies, distance learning is the most effective and low-cost form of personnel development. At Sistema, this technology combines two portals: an internal, full-featured portal designed exclusively for the corporation's employees, and an external portal for a wide audience. At the latter, access to services is somewhat limited, since most ordinary consumers do not have the habit of using distance courses, although we can potentially act as training providers not only for our corporation's companies, but also for any others.

The educational portal of the corporate university of AFK Sistema is an integrated solution that allows enterprises to:

  • organize remote training of employees;
  • place distance courses and tests of the company on the website (with the condition of access control);
  • get a tool for creating, checking the validity of professional tests and testing employees;
  • conduct employee surveys on the issues of interest to the enterprise;
  • have an organization's page on the portal and place internal information on it (with access control);
  • remotely conduct attestation and assessment of personnel using the 360-degree methods, MBO, etc., assessment of activities, positions;
  • receive reports on courses, tests, surveys, events, assessment procedures;
  • conduct electronic seminars (webinars), online meetings.

In turn, employees of the corporation, by accessing the portal from a stationary or mobile workplace, as well as from a home or other computer with Internet access, can improve their skills and gain new knowledge by taking distance learning in any of 41 electronic courses, evaluate their professional level, communicate with colleagues on forums, and blog.

At the virtual desk

In 2008, about 9 thousand people were registered on the educational portal of the corporate university of AFK Sistema, in 2009 - more than 16 thousand. The number of programs also increased from 16 to 41, and now the portal provides electronic courses Key words: finance, management, marketing, personnel management, English, Microsoft Office, etc.

N.Kh.: “These courses were purchased by the university because they are standardized and aimed at developing general professional skills. An employee registered on the portal can access it at any time and start self-study for each of the courses without filling out any additional forms and applications. Although the training is carried out without a teacher, an internal tutor is "sewn up" in the course program. For example, after each section there is a mini-test, without passing which a person cannot move on to studying the next section of the course.

Natalia Khoroshiltseva

Education: in 1990 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in the specialty "Labor Economics" and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Ph.D. economy Sciences.

In 1995-1998 Head of Human Resources at Concern Neftyanoy, Head of Human Resources at LUKOIL-Neftekhim.

1998-2002 - leading management specialist personnel policy NK Yukos.

2002-2004 - HR Director of Rusagro Group of Companies.

2004-2006 - Head of Personnel Department of EASTLINE Group.

2006 - 2007 - Director of the HR Department of OJSC ROSNO. Since 2007 - Director of the Corporate University of AFK Sistema.

Unlike standard general professional courses, to which employees have constant access, the portal provides training in the format of a webinar (virtual class). This is much closer to traditional face-to-face group classes, with the only difference being that registered webinar participants contact the teacher in real time, and the latter does not see the group (this was done on purpose so as not to download the already slow channels in the regions). The webinar allows, in addition to training seminars and lectures, to hold business meetings, partner conferences and presentations, marketing events, and so on. (see fig. 1).

N.Kh.: “You can put any visual object in the program. For example, when new management accounting standards are introduced in a corporation, the portal helps in the shortest possible time to bring them to all employees who are affected by the innovation. The company allocates a specialist who prepares the relevant educational material, and the corporate university provides a service for distance learning through its portal. This saves time, resources and is very effective: just one teacher, without going on business trips, can simultaneously conduct an interactive webinar for 100 people (maximum, but it is possible for a larger number of people; our recommended optimal group size is 20 listeners). Employees can ask questions, write, draw, fill out forms, send personal messages to the teacher, who, in turn, initiates discussions through the control panel, launches test tasks etc."

Another area of ​​personnel development is training. English language, which is built on the basis of those speech skills that the listener should receive as a result of learning the language. When developing programs, corporate objectives and the individual needs of each course participant, the specifics of professional sphere communication, as well as the budget for training and the availability of time for classes. If an employee wants to learn English, but the company does not allocate funds for this, since he does not need a language for work, he can take a course at his own expense or agree on co-financing - each case is individual and is considered separately.

Beginning manager's school

In addition to the training portal, Sistema has developed a full-time modular training program for middle managers who have not received a special management education occupy or should occupy managerial positions of the middle and top levels and are motivated for further personal, professional and career growth, and also strive to master systemic knowledge in the field of modern methods management.

N.Kh.: “The program, which has a general professional content, was launched in 2008. Many managers, both line and middle-level, have specialized professional education. These are former leading specialists who have made managerial careers. Becoming leaders, they must learn to organize their own work, develop appropriate management skills.

The program includes three modules. The first one is devoted to the issues of personal effectiveness of managers, methods of management, team building. The second one is focused on gaining knowledge about general business processes and shaping managers' understanding of how their functionality functions. structural unit correlates with other business processes in the organization. The third module brings managers up to date on the problems of the company as a whole.

Each module includes four to five activities lasting an average of three days. It should be noted that the corporate university in this case performs an exclusively organizational function, not being a training provider and not having full-time teachers - specialists from business schools and universities are selected and invited to conduct each course. Every year, when planning costs, the budgets for all training programs are defended and justified by the university before representatives of the management and subsidiaries of the corporation, and the resume of each tutor is consistent with them.

Training of managers in the modular program is carried out after hours and is not mandatory. The main conditions for participation in it at the expense of the employer are the need for such training for work and the desire of the manager. Any employee of the company can go through the program at his own expense.

Online assessment

By means of the portal of the corporate university, personnel assessment is also carried out, according to the results of which a training program is individually selected for each employee in those areas where a lack of knowledge and skills has been identified.

The corporate university has a developed model of competencies (managerial, corporate-wide, functional; for sales and client departments), which can be used as a base for evaluation activities. Based on the results, it is determined whether a person corresponds in his qualities to the position he occupies. Since the priority of certain competencies varies depending on the position, their severity is revealed during the assessment, and when preparing a report and recommendations, they are compared with the position profile (see Fig. 2).

After the university receives an order for testing, its specialists activate the access of employees to the test for a specified time. Immediately after the end of the procedure, the program automatically generates a report where you can see all the statistics in any context - by departments, positions, and so on.

N.Kh.: “At the end of testing, the employee receives a transcript of his results with any degree of detail. The final wording can be, for example: “Congratulations, you passed the test”, “Congratulations, you successfully passed the test”, “You passed the test and scored N points; passing score - N "and so on. The participant can get a full transcript of the results and recommendations for taking the course.”

Reporting form settings also provide for great variability, and employee ratings can be seen by everyone who has access rights to this information (for example, immediate supervisor, HR manager).

Carrying out the assessment procedure using the “360 degrees” method through the educational portal also seems to be more convenient than the usual “paper” questionnaire.

N.Kh .: “We have several standard ready-made questionnaires, as well as the ability to independently compose a test for a specific task (which, by the way, allows using this program to organize not only a standard employee assessment using the 360-degree method, but also a survey for any topic, up to finding out the preferences of employees regarding the holding of a corporate holiday).

The participant enters the portal and is assigned an evaluation procedure. Upon its completion, the results and generated reports become available to a higher manager. The program allows you to conduct a 360-degree assessment both at the same time for several employees, and sequentially.

Advantages of the valuation procedure in in electronic format are its efficiency, the possibility of simultaneous implementation for all those who participate in it, a uniform approach and high degree confidentiality of the received data, which increases their reliability. A frequent problem with 360-degree assessments is incorrect results, as respondents give not valid, but desirable answers to questions. In this case, each employee can enter the system with an anonymous login and password, and all data is collected on the server. In addition, employees can be assessed at their convenience, both at home and in the workplace.

Thus, the use of innovative forms of personnel training allows big company increase the effectiveness of training, reducing the cost of it, conduct classes at any time and place convenient for the employee, as well as qualitatively change the organization of development and work of employees.

AFK Sistema - large financial corporation, which has been working for more than ten years not only in Russia, but also in many CIS countries. Its main activity is investment. Work in this area requires employees not only to be highly qualified, but also to constantly improve it. The use of distance learning allows you to speed up and significantly reduce the cost of training and retraining of employees. The WebTutor product was chosen as a platform for organizing a corporate LMS at Sistema. We asked a few questions about the implementation of this project to Maria Chukanova, director of the NP "Training and Methodological Center of AFK "Sistema".

Tell us a little about your company: in what area does it work, what is its territorial distribution, the number of employees, etc.

AFK Sistema is the largest public investment company in Russia and the CIS serving more than 100 million consumers in such industries as telecommunications, high technology, fuel and energy complex, radio and space technologies, banking services, retail, mass media, tourism and medical services. Today the Corporation has more than 160,000 employees.

All employees of the Corporation have access to the portal, it is mainly used by the participants corporate programs staff development and employees subscribed to mandatory staff training.

Do-It-Yourself Course Development or Engagement of Providers - Which Do You Choose and Why?

Development on your own. The core of our courses is informational presentation, without technical complexities, does not require additional programming, so there is no need for providers. We use two course development environments (CourseLab and iSpring) to meet our current needs.

If courses and tests are developed independently, how many people do this for you and what departments are they from? How do you motivate your internal experts to participate in the development?

An employee from the IT Department converts a presentation from PowerPoint to Course Lab and 1-2 employees from the relevant department develop the course.

Do you use webinars? If not, why not. Are there any plans?

No, we do not use it, as there is no need yet.

How do you rate the effectiveness of distance learning?

In the remote format, there is an opportunity to save time, an employee can be trained at the workplace, at home, on a business trip, on vacation, at any convenient time. The courses are structured and compact, there is the possibility of self-examination and practical tasks. For certain learning purposes, this is a very good tool.

What is the place of e-learning in activities training center companies? How is it related to other forms of education? Is there a blended learning practice?

In the distance learning format, employees mainly take compulsory training courses.

The practice of blended learning is used in the implementation of large corporate programs, when an employee studies part of the material independently in the format of e-learning, and part in the format of face-to-face training.

What functionality of the educational portal is in demand in your company - surveys, forums, news, social communications, contests, chats, etc.?

News and courses.

Have you considered the return on the project and, if so, what was it?

Return was not considered.

What are the most memorable results of implementing a distance learning system?

Implementation of the system implemented by the previous team, not ready to answer this question.

Have you evaluated the payback of the project. What happened?

No, they didn't appreciate it.

What was the reaction of employees to the introduction of a distance learning system? Has it changed over time?

As mentioned above, the implementation of the system itself was implemented by the previous team. At the same time, in 2013, the transition to version 3.0 was carried out, a new bright design of the system was set up. We are trying to develop the portal and add services that are convenient and interesting for employees. For example, in 2013, the portal posted e-library which received a good response.

How did the management of the company react to the automation of training?

The survey was not conducted, but there is a request from the company's management to translate the educational portal, including into the format of a mobile application.

Is further development of the distance learning system planned and, if so, in what direction?

It is planned, first of all, in terms of using the capabilities of the system for organizing internal training: placement of training schedules, enrolling in courses, forming groups, Feedback. In terms of career management, it is planned to create a talent base as part of the Corporation's Talent Bank corporate project and set up the administration of the HR database of subsidiaries.

How do you feel about combining the functions of distance learning, accounting for full-time training and automation of HR activities (recruitment and evaluation of personnel, career development, etc.) in one system?

If these processes are set up correctly, this would greatly simplify the administration of these processes and make them more transparent to employees.

What technical and organizational difficulties arose during the implementation and operation of the project?

We are currently working on a new version of the training portal. The previous version was built on the basis of the WebTutor version 2 system. When creating a new portal, we not only created a new design, but also switched to a new version of WebTutor. During the project, we had to make changes to the TOR, which led to the fact that the developer had to revise the estimate of labor costs and the project itself, the transition to version 3.0 dragged on for several months. Instead of the end of September 2013, a new version of the portal was launched in January 2014.

What are the main advantages of WebTutor for your company?

An excellent platform for employee training, the ability to maintain statistics on distance learning.

Did you find any shortcomings of WebTutor during the implementation of the project? Or maybe you have wishes for its further development?

The lack of a graphical interface for design changes, some difficulty in fine-tuning it.

Raiffeisenbank pays a lot of attention to employee training, including mandatory training. In accordance with the position and time that a person has worked in a position, the bank draws up a schedule and educational plans adapted to the specific role of the employee. Although the WebTutor-based system has been implemented and used for a long time, it required some improvements.
Project reference Company: Raiffeisenbank.
Idea: finalize the learning portal so that all learning activities are available "with one click" and in accordance with the user's position.
Implementation period: 3 stages, on average 3 months each.
Company representative: Eduard Nikityuk, head of the distance learning group.
About companyRaiffeisenbank has been operating in Russia since 1996 and is one of the most reliable Russian banks that creates financial solutions for private and corporate clients, residents and non-residents Russian Federation. Belongs to the international banking group Raiffeisenbank International, is part of …

What tools are needed to organize distance learning

When a company begins to implement e-learning, the first question that arises is: what tools are needed for this purpose?
In detail, we need answers to a number of questions: where exactly will the training take place and what will be used to develop educational content, is there enough platform and tools for development, what functionality should these tools have, what is better, implement everything at once or gradually, how correctly organize the project, what resources are needed and what specialists will need to be involved, how to develop a training system, how to correctly formulate terms of reference provider when implementing LMS?
A number of tools are used to organize distance learning, including: electronic courses (interactive, slide, presentations, documents, simulators, dialogue simulations, etc.), electronic tests (both independent and “embedded in courses”, training and assessment ), a variety of electronic content (standard documents, instructions) ...

Classification of HR systems

There are countless HR automation systems and types of such systems in the world.

Why are there many types of systems? Because there are dozens of HR processes that can be automated. And the system developer has the right to choose and automate some subset of the complete set. Combinations, as you know, can be hundreds.

You can see a list (perhaps not complete) of processes for HR automation in the picture.

In order to somehow navigate this diversity, a number of terms have been coined to describe the most common types of systems. Let's look at them, but make a reservation that there is no exact definition of each of these types. Assigning HR processes to one type of system or another is not set in stone and may vary from system to system. It's also a marketing issue - many systems position themselves as belonging to larger and "prestige" groups in order to better market themselves.

Consider the main terms / types of systems (header colors ...

How to choose a recruitment automation system (ATS)?

There are many recruitment automation systems (ATS - Applicant Tracking Systems) on the market. If in Russia you can choose from a dozen options, then in the world we are talking about hundreds, if not thousands of systems. Let's try to understand them and understand how to make a choice.

ATS systems can differ in several dimensions:
way of placement/use- cloud or installed on your own servers; complexity- a separate product or part of a large system (ERP, HCM, TMS); customizability- possible depth of customization for the tasks of the customer; scope of automation- all participants in the recruitment process (including customers, SB, ...) or only recruiters; system functionality.
Let's talk about the functions of ATS systems. There are many of them and not all of them are implemented. Often two systems are proudly called ATS, despite the fact that their functionality differs by 50% or more.

It is doubtful that there is a product on the market that supports 100% of all the functions described below, but this list can be used as a guide when choosing…

A corporate university is a subdivision, branch, or subsidiary of the parent organization. The main, but often not the only task of most corporate universities is to ensure continuous training and development of target categories of personnel.

Tasks of corporate universities (according to the results of the Corporate University Xchange analysis):

  • Education and development
  • Assessment of competencies / qualifications
  • Knowledge management, dissemination best practices and cutting edge ideas
  • Implementation of the target corporate culture
  • organizational development and internal HR consulting.
Target category of personnel - a group of employees or managers for which the corporate university operates. As a rule, the following bases are used to determine the target categories:
  • Position level (top managers, middle managers, engineers, workers)
  • Profession, functional area (production workers, financiers, etc.)
  • Development potential (reservists, HiPo), and other grounds.

Why companies create corporate universities

  • Business expects substantial returns on investment in people development. The success of the business largely depends on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of the target categories of personnel. A corporate university is a tool for getting returns for business.
  • Target categories of personnel include thousands, and sometimes tens of thousands of people. Managing learning and development on such a scale requires a dedicated organizational resource.
  • Personnel service wants to carry out an internal "rebranding". For example - to move away from the image of the "HR department" to a modern, more partner image.
  • The corporate university is a factor in the company's attractiveness for talented candidates.

How ECOPSY consultants can help

  • Conduct an audit of the system of target categories of personnel, determine areas for improvement.
  • Create the concept of a corporate university. Define goals and objectives, functions, organizational structure, legal form, enlarged work plan and budget of the corporate university for the first 2-3 years.
  • Launch a corporate university. Create a detailed work plan and budget, regulations, and other tools.
  • Participate in the implementation of the main functions of the corporate university (if the outsourcing model is used):
    • Develop and implement programs
    • Hold Competencies / Qualifications
    • Create a knowledge management system

What is our experience and features of our approach

  • We have successfully assisted clients such as ; AFK Sistema; "Lentransgaz"; M-Video and other companies.
  • "ECOPSY" uses advanced international experience - works in partnership with the Chicago School of Business (Chicago Booth), if the audience of the corporate university are top managers.