Erosion definition. Soil erosion, its types. Soil protection from erosion. Types of natural erosion

  • 16.03.2020
Sequence of works Library Prices Contacts is no less dangerous geological process. leads to rather deplorable consequences (destruction of the structure, displacement, shrinkage of the foundation, etc.). This process leads to the destruction of rocks (soils) due to the action of surface water flows, which are accompanied by winds. In this case, there is a separation, and even a washout of fragments of materials. The destructive effects of erosion processes depend on the mass of surface waters and their speed of movement. Engineering and geological surveys are mandatory carried out in areas prone to the occurrence of hazardous geological processes. Erosion refers to exogenous destructive processes.

Types of erosion processes

Erosion processes that are studied during geological surveys include the following types:

  • planar erosion;
  • ravine;
  • linear.

planar erosion implies the washing away of the upper layer of soil on the slopes by streams of melt (rain) water. The actions of this type of erosion processes do not significantly bring catastrophic consequences, since they are of a small scale. Of course, when designing a building (house, cottage, structure) in an area prone to this type of erosion, this nuance should be taken into account and protective measures taken in a timely manner (strengthening slopes, for example). Since this threatens to undermine the foundation, as well as deformation of the entire structure. The consequences of planar erosion are a partial washout of the soil in a particular area, as well as its alluvium in another part of the area.

Gully erosion accompanied by temporary flows of water, which are concentrated in furrows and other depressions that have a linearly elongated shape (beam, slope, etc.). Geological surveys study in detail the territories prone to the formation of ravine erosion processes, since the damage they cause can reach enormous proportions. With an intense flow of rainwater along the slope, the consequence is the formation of ravines up to 20 meters deep. Such situations can lead to global consequences during construction. The formation of ravines of such depth on the building site in some cases leads to a complete stop of construction.

Linear erosion acts mainly in small areas and leads to the dismemberment of the earth's surface. This process is also called "river erosion", since it operates mainly in river valleys. This leads to the destruction (washout) of the coast. In this case, the soil layer and its basic physical and mechanical properties are violated. In development areas located near rivers, it is mandatory to conduct hydrogeological studies, study the properties of soils, study in detail the geology of the site as a whole, as well as the geological conditions of the adjacent territory.

It is important to take into account the erosion-accumulation processes in the area under construction, as well as in the operation of construction sites, because the consequences can be simply irreparable. Timely survey of the territory can significantly reduce the damage caused by erosion processes. The study of archival materials, the determination of the strength characteristics of soils in the laboratory, field geological studies provide detailed information on a specific area and make it possible to predict changes in geological conditions, in particular, the occurrence of dangerous geological processes (erosive). When erosion is detected in the study area design organizations According to the geological report, they will be able to establish protective security measures or take special measures to prevent destructive erosional consequences.

Destruction and demolition of the upper most fertile soil horizons as a result of the action of water and wind.

Often, especially in foreign literature, erosion is understood as any destructive activity of geological forces, such as sea surf, glaciers, gravity; in this case, erosion is synonymous with denudation. However, there are also special terms for them: abrasion ( wave erosion), exaration ( glacial erosion), gravitational processes, solifluction, etc. The same term (deflation) is used in parallel with the concept wind erosion, but the latter is much more common.

According to the rate of development, erosion is divided into normal and accelerated. Normal occurs always in the presence of any pronounced runoff, proceeds more slowly than soil formation and does not lead to a noticeable change in the level and shape of the earth's surface. Accelerated soil formation is faster, leads to soil degradation and is accompanied by a noticeable change in relief.

For reasons allocated natural and anthropogenic erosion. It should be noted that anthropogenic erosion is not always accelerated, and vice versa.

wind erosion

This is the destructive action of the wind: waving sands, forests, plowed soils; occurrence of dust storms; grinding of rocks, stones, buildings and mechanisms with solid particles carried by the force of the wind. Wind erosion is divided into two types:

  • Daily

The beginning of a dust storm is associated with certain wind speeds, however, due to the fact that flying particles cause a chain reaction of detachment of new particles, it ends at speeds much lower.

The strongest storms took place in the USA in the 1930s (“Dusty Pot”) and in the USSR in the 1960s, after the development of virgin lands. Most often, dust storms are associated with irrational economic activity people, namely, massive plowing of land without carrying out soil protection measures.

There are also specific deflationary landforms, the so-called " blowing basins": negative forms, elongated in the direction of the prevailing winds.

water erosion

drip erosion

Destruction of the soil by impacts of raindrops. Structural elements (lumps) of the soil are destroyed under the action of the kinetic energy of raindrops and are scattered to the sides. On slopes, downward movement occurs over a greater distance. Falling, soil particles fall on a film of water, which contributes to their further movement. This type of water erosion is of particular importance in the humid tropics and subtropics.

planar erosion

Planar (surface) erosion is understood as a uniform washout of material from slopes, leading to their flattening. With some degree of abstraction, they imagine that this process is carried out by a continuous moving layer of water, but in reality it is produced by a network of small temporary water flows.

Surface erosion leads to the formation of eroded and alluvial soils and, on a larger scale, deluvial deposits.

Linear erosion

Unlike surface erosion, linear erosion occurs in small areas of the surface and leads to the dismemberment of the earth's surface and the formation of various erosion forms (gullies, ravines, gullies, valleys). This also includes river erosion produced by constant flows of water.

The eroded material is deposited usually in the form of alluvial fans and forms proluvial deposits.

Types of linear erosion

An example of combined side and deep erosion. Sukhona coast

  • Deep(bottom) - destruction of the bottom of the watercourse. Bottom erosion is directed from the mouth upstream and occurs before the bottom reaches the level of the erosion basis.
  • Lateral- destruction of the coast.

In each permanent and temporary watercourse (river, ravine), both forms of erosion can always be found, but in the early stages of development, the deep one prevails, and in the subsequent stages, the lateral one.

Mechanism of water erosion

The chemical impact of surface waters, which include river waters, is minimal. The main cause of erosion is the mechanical impact on the rocks of water and the debris carried by it, previously destroyed rocks. In the presence of debris in the water, erosion increases sharply. The greater the flow velocity, the larger the debris is transferred, and the more intense the erosion processes.

To assess the resistance of soil or soil to the action of a water flow, you can critical speeds:

  • Non-blurring speed - maximum speed flow, in which there is no separation and movement of particles.
  • Scouring speed - the minimum flow rate at which the incessant detachment of particles begins. (Mirtskhulava T. E. Erosion of channels and a technique for assessing their stability. - M .: Izd-vo, Kolos, 1967.)

For soils and polydisperse soils, the concept of non-erosion velocity has no physical meaning, since even at the lowest velocities, the smallest particles are removed. In a turbulent flow, the separation of particles occurs at maximum pulsation velocities, therefore, an increase in the amplitude of the flow velocity fluctuation causes a decrease in critical velocities for a given soil.

spreading erosion

Erosion processes are widespread on Earth everywhere. wind erosion prevails in arid climate conditions, water erosion- in a humid climate.

see also

  • Corrosion (geology)


Mirtskhulava T. E. Fundamentals of physics and mechanics of channel erosion. L .: Publishing house Gidrometeoizdat, 1988.


  • Erosion in the ABC of the Earth: How do natural arches form?

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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Erosion- destruction of rocks and soils by surface water flows and wind, including the separation and removal of fragments of material and is accompanied by their deposition.

Distinguish between water and wind erosion.

Types of water erosion: gully (linear, jet), plane and irrigation (irrigation).

drip erosion

Destruction of the soil by impacts of raindrops. Structural elements (lumps) of the soil are destroyed under the action of the kinetic energy of raindrops and are scattered to the sides. On slopes, downward movement occurs over a greater distance. Falling, soil particles fall on a film of water, which contributes to their further movement. This type of water erosion is of particular importance in the humid tropics and subtropics.

planar erosion

Planar (surface) erosion is understood as a uniform washout of material from slopes, leading to their flattening. With some degree of abstraction, they imagine that this process is carried out by a continuous moving layer of water, but in reality it is produced by a network of small temporary water flows.

Surface erosion leads to the formation of eroded and reclaimed soils, and on a larger scale, deluvial deposits.

Linear erosion

Unlike surface erosion, linear erosion occurs in small areas of the surface and leads to the dismemberment of the earth's surface and the formation of various erosion forms (gullies, ravines, gullies, valleys). This also includes river erosion produced by constant flows of water.

Causes of soil erosion.

  • Climate influences the development of erosion processes as a result of temperature fluctuations, the amount and intensity of precipitation, and wind strength.
  • wind. The erosive force of the wind begins to manifest itself at a speed of 8–12 m/s at a height of 10 m from the soil surface, it becomes significant at 12–15 m/s, and strong at 16–25 m/s.
  • Relief is the main cause of water erosion. The length and steepness of the slope, the size of the watershed, the shape of the slope surface determine the degree of development of erosion processes. The longer the slope and the steeper it is, the more larger area and erosion develops with greater intensity.
  • Intensity soil flushing depends on the shape of the slope. On convex slopes it is greater, on concave slopes it is less. Often the slopes have a complex shape: in one place - convex, in another - straight or concave.
  • Condition and features of soils Thus, well-structured, humus-rich soils of light and medium loamy mechanical composition are characterized by friability, good water permeability, and therefore runoff and erosion on them are sharply reduced. On the contrary, on unstructured, pulverized, compacted soils of heavy mechanical composition, water slowly absorbs, accumulates on the surface and flows down to low relief places, causing washout and erosion of the soil.
  • The emergence and development of erosion is largely determined by the mechanical composition of the soil. Under natural conditions, deflation is more susceptible to soils of light mechanical composition - sandy and sandy loam. Heavy (argillaceous) soils are subject to air erosion only in a loosened, sprayed state or after the destruction of the upper layer as a result of grazing. Carbonate soils - chernozem and chestnut soils - are easily destroyed under the influence of wind. Solonetzic soils and solonetzes are wind-resistant.
  • Destruction of woody vegetation
  • Overgrazing

Soil protection crop rotations

To protect soils from destruction, it is necessary to correctly determine the composition of cultivated crops, their alternation and agricultural practices. With soil-protective crop rotations, tilled crops are excluded (since they poorly protect the soil from flushing, especially in spring and early summer) and increase crops perennial herbs, intermediate undersown crops, which well protect the soil from destruction during erosion-prone periods and serve as one of better ways cultivation of eroded soils.

Agrotechnical anti-erosion measures.

The simplest measures to regulate the surface runoff of melt water are plowing, cultivation and row sowing of crops across the slope, if possible parallel to the main direction of the horizontals. One of the most effective soil protection methods on sloping lands is the replacement of moldboard plowing with soil cultivation without layer turnover.

Forest reclamation activities

They include planting forests, creating protective forest belts for various purposes:

  • windproof, created along the boundaries of crop rotation fields;
  • field-protective, laid across the slopes to delay the surface runoff of deluvial waters;
  • near-river and shore; forest plantations along slopes and bottoms of gullies and ravines; water-protective forest plantations around reservoirs, lakes, canals;
  • forest plantations of general conservation purpose on lands unsuitable for agriculture.

Although all women are afraid of the appearance of such a pathology as cervical erosion, it is one of the benign processes in the female body. The place of its localization is the cervical mucosa, on which a rounded formation up to two centimeters in diameter is formed. There are several types of erosion, and each of them has its own characteristics. So, they distinguish between congenital, pseudo-erosion and true. We will talk more about cervical erosion, types, causes, symptoms later.

General information

First of all, it should be noted that cervical erosion is one of the most common diseases that concern women. Erosion should not be greatly feared, since, as already mentioned, this is a benign process, which only in extreme cases has serious consequences.

A little earlier in the article it was said that erosion has several varieties, the features of which should be discussed and considered in more detail.

congenital erosion

With congenital erosion, the cervical columnar epithelium is displaced, and as a result, a chronic disease of this type occurs. main feature in that such erosion has practically no symptoms and manifests itself more often in childhood or adolescence. It is possible to identify such a disease only when examined by a gynecologist. Congenital erosion is interesting in that it does not need treatment, since the possibility of its development into a malignant tumor is almost completely excluded.

true erosion

True erosion, unlike its other types, chooses the pharynx as the place of its localization, or rather, its outer or back side. Much less often, such erosion can be found on the lip of the cervix. As for her appearance, then this is not too large an area that has a rounded shape and a bright red tint, sometimes it can even bleed. if erosion appears, then this is a clear sign that the mucosa has been damaged. In the case of true erosion, purulent accumulations may form on it. This type of erosion exists for only fourteen days, after which this place is covered with epithelium. And then comes the next stage, which is called pseudo-erosion.


Pseudo-erosion - a type in which an area appears, painted in bright red. It is impossible to accurately describe its shape, since each woman has her own, as well as sizes. Pseudo-erosion can have a diameter of several millimeters, and can reach two to three centimeters. Sometimes, slight mucous secretions form on the surface of the wound, which may contain pus. It is impossible to establish the duration of the disease, since much here depends on what caused the wound to form, and what methods of struggle were taken. Its main danger is that a relapse can occur, and a safe wound will develop into a cancerous tumor. This fact the doctor must take into account when prescribing treatment.

Causes of erosion

There are a number of reasons why a disease can occur, and each of them is special in its own way. Let's see what are (the treatment of this disease directly depends on the provoking factors):

  • The main reason is mechanical injury. They can occur during intercourse if the man is too rough and not careful, due to abortions, which are carried out by curettage, and erosion can also occur directly during childbirth.
  • Some sexually transmitted infections can cause a sore on the cervix. Among such diseases are genital herpes and papillomavirus.
  • If a woman knows that an infection lives in her genital tract and does not react to it in any way, then most likely she will soon have erosion.
  • If sexual life was started too early or too late, then this is also a serious reason for the cervix to be damaged. Everything must happen in its own time.
  • And also erosion occurs in girls who change sexual partners too often or, conversely, are content with too rare sexual intercourse.
  • Even a banal violation of the menstrual cycle can damage the cervix.
  • A sharp decrease in immunity is another reason for erosion to appear.
  • It is especially dangerous if a woman combines several of the above reasons at once. In this case, it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of a wound on the cervix.

Erosion is quite rare in patients who are of retirement age, but if this happens, then the pressure of the uterine ring may be the cause. There is another type worth mentioning - physiological erosion. It occurs in girls who have not yet reached the age of 25, and tends to heal on its own.


In addition to the reasons why cervical erosion appears, every woman should know her symptoms in order to seek help from her gynecologist in time.

In almost one hundred percent of cases, erosion does not manifest itself in any way. There is no specific symptomatology in the world that would unmistakably indicate that a woman has erosion. Therefore, most often, this disease is detected only at a routine examination by a gynecologist. However, in medical practice, symptoms are still established that clearly indicate that the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bdamaged:

  • Women have spotting, which can in no way be associated with the menstrual cycle. Especially often such discharge appears after sexual intercourse.
  • Many women who have been diagnosed with erosion have experienced pain during sex.
  • Perhaps even the appearance of purulent discharge. This is already clear evidence that an inflammatory infection has also joined the erosion, which significantly aggravates the situation. Some patients may confuse such discharge with thrush or the onset of menstruation.

So, most practicing gynecologists attribute discharge and pain to the signs of cervical erosion, especially those that occur during or after sexual intercourse.


An experienced gynecologist will be able to indicate the presence of erosion after the first examination of the patient, however, a number of tests are required to accurately establish the diagnosis and begin the treatment process:

  • First of all, the doctor is obliged to take a smear on the flora from the woman. This procedure is standard when visiting a gynecologist.
  • Next, an extended colposcopy is performed.
  • Also, the doctor may prescribe various cytological studies.
  • PCR is being diagnosed, which is necessary in order to exclude the presence of any venereal disease.
  • A woman takes a blood test, which determines the absence of HIV, syphilis or hepatitis.
  • Be sure to give bacteriological culture.
  • If the doctor has doubts about the benignness of the tumor, he may also order a biopsy. Such an analysis is not assigned to all patients, but only in case of emergency and at the discretion of the attending physician.

From this we see that the causes of cervical erosion and the treatment of the disease can be accurately determined only after all the necessary tests have been carried out.


We have already found out the causes, symptoms of cervical erosion, but treatment requires a separate paragraph in the article, since it is not a common type of disease for all. Therapy is prescribed depending on what type of erosion the woman has, what is its size, whether there are concomitant infectious diseases.

So, it is enough to constantly monitor congenital erosion, since in most cases it heals on its own. As for treatment, surgical intervention is not excluded, but doctors try to get by with more conservative methods. It all depends solely on the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Perhaps, for some, the phrase “conservative treatment” is incomprehensible. This means that, first of all, the doctor does not fight with the erosion itself, but with the reason for which it appeared. Therefore, in this case, the main task is to determine what kind of disease accompanied the appearance of wounds. After an accurate diagnosis, the gynecologist prescribes therapy. Most often, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used. As excipients, immunomodulators and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Local treatment of the cervix during the examination may also be carried out. To do this, use special preparations that lead to coagulation of the area that has been damaged. But such a procedure can be carried out only if erosion refers to benign formations. This method is well suited for girls who do not yet have children. Such drugs do not leave scars on the neck, which means that there is a possibility that during childbirth there will be no mucosal ruptures and erosion will not occur again. This is perhaps the main advantage of the method. But he also has one drawback - not a single patient can be insured against relapse.

If this method did not show the result, then surgical intervention is prescribed. This is not an operation, but simply cauterization of the wound. There are several ways to do it:

  • Electrosurgery.
  • laser destruction.
  • Thermocoagulation.
  • Cryosurgery.
  • Radiosurgery.

Let's take a closer look at the types of cauterization of cervical erosion for women who have not given birth and already have children.


This method is one of the most sparing, since liquid nitrogen is used here, which, as it were, freezes the wound and does not affect healthy tissues. In addition to the effectiveness and safety of this method, there is also the fact that during the procedure the patient practically does not feel anything. And also there is completely no risk that a scar forms on the cervical canal. It will take approximately four weeks for the cervix to heal completely. A side effect is irregular watery discharge. Doctors during the healing period recommend to refrain from strong physical exertion and sexual intercourse.

laser treatment

Laser cauterization is one of the relatively new types of cervical erosion. It is good because it is carried out without contact. The laser is simply aimed at the wound and within a certain time it heals. There is no effect on healthy tissues, which is another definite plus. Especially often, laser treatment is prescribed for women who have not given birth. Because it leaves no trace behind.

Radio wave treatment

Radio waves are a type of cauterization of cervical erosion that has been around for a long time. It is practically painless, which was achieved due to the fact that radio waves seem to “solder” the nerve endings that are in and around the wound. During this procedure, all healthy tissue remains intact. Perhaps even use in young girls who do not yet have children. The procedure is also good because after it the woman has practically no restrictions and there are no scars.


We examined the types of surgical removal of cervical erosion, but we must not forget about folk recipes.

Probably, there is no such disease that traditional medicine would not cure. Even for the treatment of cervical erosion, there are several useful recipes here. However, doctors do not trust such methods of treatment, since they rarely bring a really positive result. Folk recipes can be used to stop the growth of the wound or to prevent inflammatory processes from appearing.

The most common recipe among the people is tampons dipped in sea buckthorn oil. And also grandmother's recipes recommend douching using a solution of calendula. Of course, these substances have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties, however, if only these recipes are used, it is unlikely that it will be possible to completely recover. In general, folk recipes can be used only after prior consultation with a specialist. Because you can not only not help, but even more harm yourself.


There is a whole set of rules for the prevention of all types of cervical erosion, which should be familiar not only to every woman, but also to her partner:

  1. It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, and this applies not only to the female, but also to the male half.
  2. If a woman comes into contact with a new sexual partner, then she is simply obliged to insist that he use a condom.
  3. If a girl does not have a permanent partner, and men often change, then this can lead to the fact that the microflora of her vagina will change, and this will lead to the development of various infections, which can then cause erosion.
  4. It is necessary to regularly, or rather once every six months, visit a gynecologist in order to detect the disease in time and take up its treatment.
  5. If you notice at least some changes, then immediately consult a doctor, because even the slightest discomfort during intercourse or just like that can signal the development of a disease.

So, if you follow these simple rules, then you will be able to avoid the appearance of any kind of cervical erosion. But do not forget that no woman is immune from this problem, so you cannot be 100% sure of your safety. Your main duty is to visit a specialist who can warn you about the problem in time and get rid of it. And remember, there is nothing to worry about. After all a large number of women are afraid of such diseases, and do not go to the doctor, which they later regret very much.


Erosion: the meaning of the term, types of erosion, the most common types in the human body. Modern approaches to the diagnosis of "cervical erosion", its types, the need for treatment and methods of therapy. Erosion of the stomach and intestines: causes, symptoms, treatment.

The term "erosion" comes from the Latin word meaning "corrosion". The term "erosion" is used not only in medicine, there is, for example, the concept of "soil erosion", the impoverishment of the surface soil layer under the influence of water, wind.

Contrary to popular belief, erosion in the human body is not limited to one organ and can affect all surfaces of the epithelium. So, the most common are cervical erosion, erosive changes in the inner surface of the stomach, intestines, erosion of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, tooth enamel, etc.

The main difference between erosion and other types of damage is the limited depth of impact. Erosive changes do not affect the underlying layers, being limited to the epithelium. With self-healing, erosion does not contribute to the formation of scar tissue, unlike, for example, an ulcer that affects the basement membrane and deeper layers with dystrophic and inflammatory processes.

The cause of erosive changes can be mechanical effects on the epithelium: scratches, abrasions, friction, local inflammation, degeneration of the mucous surface, exposure to pathological secretions of the body (often with cervical erosion), infections, endocrine disorders, allergic reactions, taking certain medications that irritate mucous membranes, contact with chemicals, aggressive substances (for example, alcoholic erosive gastritis) and many others.

There are erosion and ectopia (pseudo-erosion) of the cervix. It is a mistake to call cervical erosion all cases of ectopia, the presence of a cylindrical epithelium lining the inner surface of the cervical canal, on a part of the vagina. Ectopia is a physiological phenomenon characteristic of the juvenile period, hormonal contraceptive therapy, which occurs in most women under the age of 40 and does not require treatment. Ectopia of the cervix also occurs as a response to local infections, physical, chemical effects. The International Classification of Diseases does not recognize ectopia as a disease or condition that threatens health and requires medical intervention. Ectopia of the cervix, not caused by physiological growth and hormonal changes in the body, involves the following actions: regular monitoring of ectopic changes, responding to the development of the process, identifying and eliminating the causes that contribute to the activation of the growth of the cylindrical epithelium (if possible).

In the vast majority of cases, the presence of erosion in the body indicates the impact of some unfavorable factor that provoked damage to the epithelial layer. It is necessary to know and distinguish between the types of erosion, since most often the elimination of the negative influence leads to self-healing of the surface. Knowledge of symptoms various kinds erosion of the body allows you to identify them at an early stage, preventing tissue degeneration, deepening of the site of damage or dystrophy, and, as a result, contributes to a faster and more stable effect of the course of therapy.

Erosion of the cornea of ​​the eye is a disease that most often occurs due to trauma, mechanical or chemical effects on the corneal epithelium. The following types of corneal erosion are distinguished according to the degree of its distribution: limited and diffuse, capturing several areas of the surface, according to the location: upper and lower.

Therapy for corneal erosion of the eye consists in removing the irritant (foreign body, chemical reagent), medications to reduce inflammation (antibacterial agents, drugs to reduce swelling, sensitivity) and surface regeneration, keratoplastic preparations that provide nutrition and hydration. In case of significant damage, surgical intervention may be required; in case of recurrence of the disease, keratectomy with a laser is possible.

Types of erosion include erosive changes in the hard tissues of the tooth: layers of tooth enamel and dentin. Factors provoking the disease include mechanical impact (trauma, damage due to chewing with malocclusion), improper brushing of teeth, exposure to chemical compounds contained in oral hygiene preparations, occupational hazards, lack of fluoride in water, and endocrine disorders, for example, thyrotoxicosis .

Most often, the disease occurs in middle-aged people, which may also be due to a weakening of the remineralizing function of the oral fluid.

There are three stages of erosion of tooth enamel:

  • initial, accompanied by a loss of gloss of the tooth surface and an increase in the sensitivity of the enamel;
  • medium, with the formation of oval sites of erosive lesions, characterized by a specific brilliance, the presence of pain when touched, exposure to cold, hot drinks, air flow, sour, sweet food;
  • deep, with the transition of the lesion to the dentin, which gives the site of the lesion a yellowish tint, and with the accumulation of plaque - a dark brownish color.

There are also the active stage of the process of erosion of dental tissues and the stage of stabilization.

Therapy for erosion of tooth enamel consists in remineralization, application of fluorine and calcium preparations to the enamel, and elimination of the influencing factor. With significant lesions, erosions of the dentin, the lesions are sealed, covered with veneers, crowns.

Erosion of the skin is most often a symptom of diseases such as eczema, candidiasis, erythrasma and others. Pain, redness, burning, weeping surface are noted in the affected area. The factor that ensures recovery is the elimination of the disease or influence that lies in the etiology of the phenomenon. At the site of erosive lesions, after healing, stable pigmentation of the skin may remain.

Among the diseases, there are also such common types of erosion as erosion of the stomach, intestines, cervix, esophagus, etc. Depending on the affected organ and the stage of development of the process, each disease is accompanied by its own symptoms of erosion, etiology, methods of therapeutic or surgical intervention.

Symptoms of erosion, methods for diagnosing the disease

Depending on the organ, the surface of which is affected by erosion, the symptoms and diagnostic methods vary significantly. Some types of erosion, especially on superficial organs, are visible during routine examination, others require special equipment, tools, diagnostic tests, tests, and manipulations.

With lesions of different organs by a disease such as erosion, the symptoms vary significantly. So, cervical erosion can be asymptomatic, and if the intestines or stomach are affected by erosion, the symptoms must be differentiated from a number of diseases and dysfunctions accompanied by similar manifestations.

The indicators of the effectiveness of therapy for all types of erosion are considered to be the completed process of epithelialization of erosive defects.

The consequences of cervical erosion, which has not been treated, can be varied both in terms of manifestations and in terms of the degree of impact on health. True erosion of the cervix, the presence of a defect in the epithelial layer with various etiologies, is considered a favorable environment for the development of infectious processes, moreover, normally specific epithelial cells protect the cervical canal from the penetration of infectious agents into the uterus. With ectopia or ectropion, the cylindrical epithelial cells present in the vagina cope with this function much worse.

Erosion or dysplasia of the cervix, characterized by the process of formation of epithelial cells atypical for this part of the organ, can progress and develop into a precancerous and cancerous condition, a type of cancer that ranks second among cancer deaths among women.

Erosions of the stomach and intestines are also dangerous by transformation into cancerous diseases, and should be subject to mandatory therapy by specialists.

The consequences of erosion of dental tissues are the destruction of a tooth, and more often several, since enamel erosion in almost all cases is not limited to one tooth.

Cervical erosion

There are differences between the understanding of the term "cervical erosion", which is well-established in Russia and the CIS countries, and the interpretation of WHO. The traditional, outdated interpretation of cervical erosion includes several different conditions of this organ, and not all of them, according to world health care standards on this moment, have the right to be called erosion.

So, according to the modern classification, there are three conditions that were previously included in the general term "cervical erosion":

  • true erosion of the cervix;
  • pseudo-erosion or ectopia of the cylindrical epithelium of the cervix;
  • ectropion.

The external manifestations of these conditions can be quite similar, but the physiological and pathological processes that provoked the appearance of such changes differ significantly. The approaches to the treatment of the disease are also different, moreover, those “erosions” that were considered the reason for treatment are currently diagnosed as a variant of the norm for a specific period of development, or the physiological characteristics of the woman’s body do not require therapy.

True erosion of the cervix is ​​a surface area with degeneration, damage or complete absence of the epithelial layer. In the diagnosis of uterine erosion, the causes and etiology of the development of erosive changes on the cervix determine the type of disease. There are several factors leading to the formation of true erosive changes:

  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs caused by infectious diseases, in particular, chlamydia, human papillomavirus, trichomoniasis, etc.;
  • trauma to the cervix (during sexual intercourse, use of a uterine cap, medical research etc.);
  • chemical and thermal burns during douching, cauterization of the neck area along medical indications;
  • ulceration of the surface due to insufficient blood supply to this organ, trophic erosion;
  • specific changes in the genital organs with infections such as syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • tumor changes in the uterus and its departments.

The factors contributing to the sensitivity of the body in this disease include early onset of sexual activity, a large number / frequent change of sexual partners, smoking, taking certain hormonal drugs, dietary disorders, stress, decreased immunity - all those reasons that contribute to the weakening of the effectiveness of protective forces organism and the development of long-term persistent infections, dysfunctions, etc.

The elimination of the main factor provoking erosive changes suggests the probable self-healing of cervical erosion within 2-3 weeks.

Symptoms of cervical erosion

Symptoms of cervical erosion are few, and quite often true erosion of the cervix, or cervical dysplasia, is asymptomatic, without causing discomfort and is detected only during a routine examination by a gynecologist.

One of the most common symptoms of cervical erosion is bleeding from the vagina after intercourse and / or pain in the process. Also, opaque discharges with a pungent odor should be alarming, which can accompany infectious processes that provoke the development of dysplastic changes.

However, as a rule, cervical dysplasia, especially at the initial stage, is not accompanied by a pronounced or external symptom complex, revealing itself only during examination by a specialist. Pain, discomfort in the lower abdomen, perineum are not included in the symptoms of cervical erosion and are the reason for a separate consultation with a specialist.

Erosion during pregnancy, erosive changes in the cervix in themselves do not harm the child and are not a contraindication for conception and bearing. However, it is worth remembering that true erosion during pregnancy can be a factor in the increased risk of infection entering the uterus. At the same time, ectopia, pseudo-erosion of the cervix, often disappears on its own after childbirth, being a consequence of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

The second negative point: erosion during pregnancy does not arise from the fact of conception, although the gestational period itself, with its endocrinological changes in the body, hormonal fluctuations and immune suppression, can somewhat contribute to the development of diseases that provoke cervical erosion. However, the presence of such a disease is an indicator of the body's troubles, which can affect the child and mother.

The third factor, because of which doctors insist on curing erosion before pregnancy, is an increased risk of cervical trauma during childbirth in places of erosive changes, which can threaten bleeding, abrasions, cervical ruptures, and infection.

With cervical dysplasia of the third degree, this disease is an indication for delivery by caesarean section.

Bleeding as a symptom: when erosion bleeds

“Erosion bleeds” in the same situations when, for example, bleeding of an inflamed or traumatized skin surface is noticed: with careless contact, with an inflammatory process accompanied by bloody discharge. Most often they say that “bleeding” of the cervix after intercourse, bleeding during defecation with a diagnosis of intestinal erosion is observed, as a rule, when the diet is not followed, eating rough, heavy food.

Treatment of cervical erosion can be carried out various methods. With dysplasia of the cervical canal, therapy is included as the use of topical or general action and surgical operations using various equipment.

Drug treatment of cervical erosion is based on two principles: elimination of the cause of erosive changes in the surface and regeneration of damage to the epithelial layer.

Without eliminating the factor underlying the etiology of the development of the disease, the use of local and / or surgical methods does not guarantee against the recurrence of the disease. For diagnosis, microbiological, cytological studies, biopsy, colposcopy, blood tests, vaginal smears are used to identify the stage of the disease, the infectious agent / agents and their sensitivity to different groups drugs. After the diagnosis is established, a course of therapy is carried out to cure diseases that provoked the appearance of erosive changes (most often these are diseases such as trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia).

Antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, hormonal, immunostimulating medicines of general action are supplemented with appropriate topical preparations with the listed and / or regenerating functions (vaginal suppositories, creams, ointments, douching liquids) and are used as an addition to the main therapy. Treatment of cervical erosion is a complex event, and the choice of medicines is provided to a specialist. Self-treatment attempts can lead to a worsening of the situation, the development of cervical canal dysplasia of 2-3 degrees. Uncontrolled drug treatment is also ineffective and often leads to relapses.

Cauterization of cervical erosion: thermocoagulation

Cauterization of cervical erosion or diathermocoagulation is one of the first surgical methods of treatment for this disease. This procedure uses point feed electric current low power on the affected area of ​​the organ surface, providing cauterization of cervical erosion.

Although the percentage of recurrences for the disease of cervical erosion after cauterization is comparable to the use of other, more high-tech methods, this procedure, which is now less and less recommended by specialists, has a number of disadvantages. The use of electric current causes a fairly long healing period, erosion of the cervix after cauterization goes through the regeneration stage longer than with other methods of surgical treatment. Moreover, diathermocoagulation can provoke the formation of scar tissue on the cervix, its shortening, narrowing of the external os of the uterus.

It is for this reason that earlier experts did not recommend treating cervical erosion for nulliparous women. Scar tissue and shortening of the cervical canal complicate the process of bearing and childbearing.

Cryodestruction or cauterization of cervical erosion with liquid nitrogen - a little more modern method with a shorter rehabilitation period, but also capable of causing Negative consequences in the form of a shortening of the cervix or narrowing of the cervix.

In addition to cauterization of cervical erosion by these two methods, there is currently a sufficient choice of procedures that provide effective therapy without significant trauma and irreversible tissue changes.

Laser erosion treatment: laser surgical method

Laser erosion treatment or laser coagulation of the cervical surface is considered one of the most effective methods surgical intervention, providing an accurate impact on the affected area and a short rehabilitation period.

Treatment of erosion with a laser involves the use of a surgical laser with a minimum depth of exposure to the epithelial layer (1-2 mm). The procedure is short in time, rarely accompanied by complications and does not involve the surrounding healthy tissues in the process of exposure.

Erosion: radio wave method of treatment

When true erosion is detected on the cervix, radio wave treatment involves the use of radio waves to influence the affected area. At the moment, this surgical technique is considered the most modern and least traumatic. The use of this type of wave radiation does not lead to burns, pressure on the tissue. For erosion, radio wave treatment as the first choice provides the least damage to the surface and the fastest recovery time.

The disadvantages of this technique include the limited distribution of radio wave devices in the clinics of the country, the relatively high cost of the procedure.

In advanced cases, the severity of the course of the disease, the size and structure of the lesion, and the number of relapses affect the need to choose reconstructive plastic techniques that involve the removal of erosion of the cervix with adjacent tissues (conization of the cervix, removal of a part or whole organ) or removal of erosion along with the intestinal area.

Such a decision is made most often when it comes to the degeneration of tissues, the development of precancerous formations.

Vaginal discharge after erosion treatment: norm and complications

Discharge after erosion of the cervix, which has been treated with one of the surgical methods, depends on the chosen method of treatment and the stage of the disease. With diathermocoagulation, 2-3 weeks of clear discharge with bloody inclusions is considered the norm, with other methods (excluding reconstructive plastic) the rehabilitation period is shorter.

If the discharge after cervical erosion with any course of therapy becomes opaque, has a pungent odor, yellowish, serous inclusions - this is a sign of an attached infection or inflammatory process and a reason for an immediate appeal to a gynecologist.

Erosion of the gastrointestinal tract is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases diagnosed in every fifth patient during endoscopic examination. Most often, the location of this type of erosion is the stomach or duodenum.

Adults are most susceptible to this disease, however, in some cases, erosion of the gastrointestinal tract is also diagnosed in childhood. The symptomatology of the process is similar to the symptom complex of gastrointestinal ulcers and often gastric erosion is its precursor in the absence of the required therapy.

Erosion of the stomach

Erosion of the stomach is characterized by single or multiple lesions of the mucous surface that do not affect the basal layers. Various forms of lesions reach a size of up to 15 mm. With a significant spread of foci, a disease such as erosive-hemorrhagic stomach is diagnosed.

The cause of erosion is considered to be a sharp, significant or prolonged negative effect of various factors on the mucous surface. The most common causes include the introduction and development of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. In second place is the uncontrolled use of drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa.

Prolonged psycho-emotional stress, stress, rough, spicy, too hot food are also among the factors that adversely affect the gastric mucosa.

Factors associated with the development of gastric erosion also include the intake of alcoholic beverages, diseases that disrupt blood supply internal organs accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

Depending on the stage of the disease, "gastric erosion" treatment can take from a couple of weeks (in the acute phase) to several years. In addition to the medicines prescribed by a specialist, which differ depending on the cause of erosion, an important factor is the observance of a sparing diet that does not allow spicy, rough, hot or any other food and drink that irritates the surface of the stomach.

With the diagnosis of "chronic erosion of the stomach", treatment using a diet is the basis of therapy, without which healing and regeneration of the mucosal surface is impossible.

To prevent the occurrence of erosions of the gastrointestinal tract include compliance with the rules of nutrition, daily routine, prevention and treatment of other diseases, etc.

Erosion of the intestine: erosive changes in the epithelium

Erosion of the intestine, or, using correct term- intestines, is a precancerous disease and requires timely diagnosis and therapy.

The symptoms that accompany erosion of the duodenum, colon and other parts of the intestine depend on the stage of the disease and the location of the lesion. Common manifestations include the following:

  • discomfort and pain in the lower and middle parts of the abdomen;
  • problem stool: diarrhea, constipation, including the alternation of these manifestations;
  • increased gas formation;
  • impurities in the feces of mucous substances, the presence of blood inclusions;
  • decreased appetite, general malaise, etc.

For the purpose of diagnosis, the following methods are used: coprographic examination, irrigoscopy, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy.

Therapy is complex, including diet, drug treatment with various groups of drugs, and the exclusion of factors that provoked erosion. The effectiveness of therapy is assessed through endoscopic examination methods. If necessary, surgery may be recommended.

"Folk treatment of erosion" of almost all types, with the exception of erosion of the cornea and tooth enamel, recommends sea buckthorn oil and bee products for use. Tampons, vaginal suppositories with sea buckthorn oil, taking it orally with erosions of the gastrointestinal tract in calculated doses and in the absence of allergic reactions can become additional measure in complex therapy that helps regenerate the damaged surface.

However, it is worth remembering that only “folk treatment of erosion” will not be effective if the factor of its occurrence is not eliminated. Erosion can degenerate into a peptic ulcer, cause the development of cancerous tumors, and therefore a specialist should be involved in the diagnosis and treatment.