Interesting ideas for the anniversary of the school. Getting ready for the anniversary of the school. Original script for school anniversary: ​​video

  • 13.11.2019

The anniversary is a big event in the life of the school. Both students and teachers take part in this festival.

The scenario for celebrating the anniversary of the school may include welcoming words from the leadership, speeches by teachers, congratulations to graduates and students, a school anthem or a song dedicated to the school, poetry performances, cool scenes for the anniversary of the school and a dance program.

A scene-congratulations on the anniversary of the school can be staged based on fairy tales or issues of the children's comic magazine Yeralash. The scene may include the performance of altered poems and songs. Let's give an example of a funny scene for the anniversary of the school.

Who was sitting on the bench
Who looked out into the street.
Kolya sang,
Sergei was silent
Nikolai shook his leg.
It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.
Olya says to the guys

And today in our school
It will be a glorious anniversary!
She turns one hundred years old.

How then Kolya was indignant.

Yes, not a hundred, but only thirty!
Our school is young
I know that for sure!

And you are wrong again
Our school is forty-five!

A cool scene for the anniversary of the school continues with an episode in which the guys start making noise and arguing with each other.

What's the noise and what's the noise?
Maybe stop arguing?
(The guys stop talking and sit down at their desks).

You better raise your hand
What is not clear to you - ask.

How did our school come about?

Who studied there before us?

And what have they achieved?

Who will come to congratulate us?

Oh, how many questions you asked! I'm the only one who can't answer them. Let's turn to the history of the school and archival data.

The congratulation scene on the anniversary of the school ends, and the presenter begins a story about the history of the educational institution with a slide show or video.

You can prepare a sketch for teachers for the anniversary of the school, who will talk about the formation and main stages of development of the educational institution, about the achievements of students, graduates and teachers.

Can you prepare funny scenes from school life for the anniversary of the school, played out with the participation of both students and teachers.

Big school holidays are not only joy, pride and happy smiles, but also a headache for the teaching staff. How much effort, diligence, imagination teachers make to adequately meet the next high-profile school date. And sometimes the smallest thing is missing - an original, but uncomplicated idea that will make this holiday special, memorable. We bring to your attention a few ideas for organizing the anniversary of the school.

Anniversary dedication

Such a concept holiday events suitable in the case of a really round, bright date. Usually such celebrations are distinguished by a pathetic atmosphere, officialdom and scope. But, you see, this format is already a bit outdated and even conservatives will join the ranks of those who are tuned to the modern context of the holiday. Anniversaries remain in memory including things, souvenirs, videos and photo reports. Of course, it will not be superfluous to take care of shooting and producing a video film, only its genre should be approached especially. Why not make two films? One is a comedy film, in which the bustle of school life will be filmed with good humor, and the cadets will take non-standard interviews with teachers. The second film can be lyrical; interviews of veterans of the school, management, and former graduates are quite appropriate here. This would later become a valuable material for the history of the school. If you have a school TV or at least in some place (hall) there is a large TV, video congratulations in the form of poems read by students, music videos, etc. can sound at breaks during the holidays. Today film school is not challenging task even high school students can handle it. Many of them are proficient in video processing and editing programs, although the teacher should, of course, manage the process and write the script. If you have a desire to make a truly professional film, a small local TV company will provide you with this service. Or maybe one of the parents? There are actually many options.

Another wonderful moment of the holiday is a great creative memorable gift. A perfect example of this is the guardian of the school. Imagine that each class will develop, create one of the fragments of the future canvas. It can be an applique on fabric, embroidery, everything that the class's imagination does not stint on. The main thing is that the image should be symbolic, reflecting either the face of the class, or belonging to this school. And from these fragments one big amulet will be sewn, which will really be the subject of collective creativity.

If the school does not yet have a museum, the anniversary year is the best occasion to create one.

It's great if during the whole year, once a month, children of a certain year of graduation will gather at the school. You can hold a meeting with them a la the Odnoklassniki program, with an original script and a meeting with your favorite teachers.

Big options holiday concert can become the Waltz Evening and the show "Two Stars". In the first case, the senior classes prepare bright waltz numbers (and the teaching staff can join the idea), in the second, teacher + student duet numbers, which are always received with a bang and leave a lot of impressions.

First anniversaries

The young school cannot boast rich history, established traditions and experience of holding such festivities. But the first anniversaries are like the first birthdays of a child - long-awaited, significant, responsible. This touching theme of childhood can be made the leitmotif of the celebrations - appoint kids as the hosts of the holidays, give the school a memorable primer, where for each letter some bright event of these years will appear.

You can hold a school-wide photo contest “This is my school”, with the current possibilities of artistic photo processing, a whole album of masterpieces can be collected.

The school is still very young, which means that its energy is in full swing. Focus on recreational sports activities. For example, the show "Big Races" with funny relay races and pleasant surprises. And the participants of this event can be teams of students, teachers and parents. Of course, it is necessary to think over variety numbers during breaks, and organize audience support.

Piggy bank of small ideas

And here are a few small but important touches for the holiday:

  • Every student should feel school holiday, on the most solemn day, a group of school attendants can verbally congratulate everyone, give commemorative pens, calendar cards, school cadets can immediately take interviews and students, take pictures. In the center of the holiday - everything and everyone.
  • Be sure to make sure that the guys who are capable of this write articles about the anniversary of the school in the local press. Then present to the public the issues of these newspapers, this will only unite the school staff and emphasize the importance of the event.
  • In the hall, at the "hot" stand of the holiday, constantly update information - the easiest way is to post photo reports of past events.
  • As part of the celebration of the anniversary, do not forget the corporate spirit, for one quarter you can present business cards of the departments on the big stage. They should be light, creative, aimed at unity, at the value of each individual.
  • Be sure to include the event program with your parents, they should also feel the atmosphere of the holiday, relax, get to know their children better and get to know the teachers better.
  • Show the skills of your teachers and arrange a surprise for the children - one day the teachers will change places and teach subjects that are not their own. This will greatly surprise and activate the children and demonstrate the talent of a teacher who is able to adapt to any conditions and comprehend new heights.
  • And the last - the anniversary is a whole academic year, it should be held under the wing of the holiday, in each quarter there is a place for a bright, significant event. No need to overload one academic week with a series of projects and concerts. Much better will be remembered that anniversary, which was unobtrusive, but felt by every member of the school family, which was not so large-scale and struck with design, but was filled with real surprises and discoveries, allowed to be surprised and nostalgic, rejoice and be proud of their place in this School.

Purpose: development of a socially active and creative personality of a citizen and patriot, who has a sense of pride in his school and civic responsibility for his future.

1. Creation necessary conditions for the manifestation of the individuality of each member of the teaching staff.

2. Preservation and development of school traditions accumulated over past teaching activities.

3. Formation of skills of search and research activities.

Venue - auditorium

Fanfare sounds.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear teachers of the school!

Leading. Hello veteran educators!

Leading. We welcome our honored guests.

Leading. We are pleased to see graduates and students of our school today.

Leading. Begin gala evening, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of school No. 1 - the very first school-new building.

Leading. Secondary School No. 1 is part of a large educational space in the city. This work is headed by Valentina Ivanovna Rybakova.

Valentina Ivanovna, we invite you to open our festive evening.

Leading. We continue our holiday and invite our first-graders to the stage.

Poems of first graders

At first glance, a little - 20 years,
But how many joys and troubles have been experienced here!
Meetings, partings, victories over yourself,
And how many joyful and bitter tears shed.

And on this anniversary day
We gathered to remember again
Those who have gone down in history now
And who filled this day with labor.

There are many of them - old and young,
Whose work is akin to the work of a hero
Who, not sparing his strength,
It grows the future, and there is no rest for it.

The song "School Anniversary" performed by the vocal group of school teachers

Do you remember how it all started?
Everything was for the first time and again.
We built a school
It was called Faith, Hope, Love.

The first years of existence were very difficult. The construction of the new school building was almost completed, but desks, chairs, cabinets, and blackboards were just being delivered. And teachers and students unloaded the furniture, equipped the classrooms themselves, washed the windows and did the cleaning. Studied only in the first shift.

The children who came from the old school were pleasantly surprised by the huge four-story bright school. For joy, they rushed along the corridors at such a speed that in a few minutes of change they would run all over it.

The classes were packed. The teachers were looking forward to when the class had 48 people and only then it was divided into two classes.

But nevertheless, the school and the school staff successfully merged into the mainstream of life, diligently trying to raise healthy and smart students.

Leading. But the origins of the birth of the school should not be sought in the date of the laying of a new building or the assignment of one or another status to it, but in the emergence of the basic principles of its future activities.

After all, the history of school number 1 goes far into the past.

In 1857, a Yelabuga merchant of the first guild, a hereditary honorary citizen Kapiton Yakovlevich Ushkov, “out of a sincere desire for the success of education in his native city, he had an excellent idea - to build a spacious building for the county school with all the amenities required by an educational institution. In the same year, construction began on it. In September 1860, a women's school was opened. In 1870, it was transformed into a women's gymnasium, where mainly children of nobles, officials, merchants, and clergy studied. In 1920, the school was named after V. I. Lenin.

Before the Great Patriotic War school number 1 was the only one in the city. Therefore, all Elabuga residents who received secondary education before 1944 are graduates of school No. 1.

Leading. With heavy tracks of tanks, explosions of bombs and shells, difficult rear hard times, the war passed through the fate of our boys and girls.

During the first 4 months of the war, more than 5,000 applications from schoolchildren were submitted to the district military commissariats of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic with a request to send them to the front. The result of this war is terrible: practically the entire conscription, all the graduates of 1941 did not return from the front.

“The boys went to war. . . And without having time to dance his first waltz. And not daring to declare his love. Boys grew up quickly at that time. . . ”

In the difficult war and post-war years, the school was headed by two women: Terentyeva Galina Vladimirovna and Sorokina Olga Polikarpovna. And only in 1961, the front-line soldier Fayzi Mukhametovich Masagutov became the director.

Well-deserved awards were given to the teachers of the school: the legendary commander of the partisan detachment - Mikhail Sergeevich Atamanov, sergeant - anti-aircraft gunner Galina Yakovlevna Chigvintseva.

Aleksey Andreevich Dulalaev, who worked as a geography teacher, went through the entire war, Mikhail Ivanovich Somov, a history teacher, and later the director of school No. 1, Nikolai Sergeevich Firstov, head of primary military training.

Leading. Nikolai Sergeevich is present today in our hall. A deep bow to you for your courage and heroism, dear Nikolai Sergeevich. This applause is for you.

Speech by Firstov N.S.

concert number

Leading. The war ended, a peaceful life began, full of joys and sorrows, labor enthusiasm and new achievements. As before, teachers were at the forefront of any undertakings.

Teachers! In such honorary title
Climbed to the captain's bridge
Those who have fully comprehended the depth of knowledge,
And who leads us to the pier with the name
"Great human life".

Leading. Graduates of different years returned to school No. 1 as teachers, but all of them were united by love for their native school. Among them are veterans of pedagogical work and young teachers who are full of energy and creativity. Dear veterans, each of you can confidently say about the school:

“This is our fate with you,
This is our biography with you!”

Leading. It was you who wrote the history of the school.

Leading. Fakhrutdinova Alexandra Nikolaevna - a teacher of history and constitution since 1946, and later of the Russian language and literature, she believes: "A teacher remains a teacher as long as he studies." And indeed it is!

Speech by Fakhrutdinova A.N.

concert number

Leading. We cannot fail to mention the name of another wonderful woman. School No. 1 has always been famous for its school grounds. This work was headed by Serebryakova Lyudmila Vasilievna, who with her students repeatedly participated in the exhibition of achievements of the national economy, held in Moscow and was repeatedly awarded medals and certificates “Participant of VDNKh”. Worthy successors of her work are Izmailova Salikha Zagrutdinovna and Kazakova Svetlana Vladimirovna.

concert number

Leading. Dear, kind, our glorious teachers. You have given more than a dozen years to school. Many of you have received honorary awards for your accomplishments.

concert number

Leading. Today it is impossible to list all the teachers, directors, directors of studies, technical workers who have given the school more than a dozen years. And we hope that you remember them and will always remember them.

Leading. (Goes down with a microphone into the hall) On a birthday, as a rule, different wishes are heard, which will certainly come true. What would you like to wish our school? (5-6 people)

concert number

You are an actor, and a director, and an educator,
A mentor is a wise and caring parent.
All manifestations of human nature
Combined in himself a classical teacher.
And if someone was going to evaluate
Your work: in the capital or in the wilderness
I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried
There is no unit of measure for the soul!

Leading. This unit of your soul, dear veterans of pedagogical work, was passed on to graduates of school No. 1 - young teachers who returned to their native school.

Leading. It is always difficult to start your career in a new building school. But for a person with seething energy, boundless imagination and a great desire to make the school the best in the city, all these difficulties were nothing. At this time, the “Literary Museum” under the leadership of Tselishcheva Raisa Nikolaevna, the “Historical Museum” under the leadership of Zaitseva Evdokia Ivanovna, the Club of International Friendship, which was headed by Nina Pavlovna Konovalova, were actively working.

School teachers won prizes in reviews amateur performances and were even rewarded with a trip to the city of Kazan. And all this happened under the strict guidance of Pyankova Nina Vasilievna

Head teacher! Woman and mother!
Both in school and in the family incarnation
Words worthy of us are hard to find,
What can decorate a woman director.
Nina Vasilievna, these words are about you!

Leading. We invite Nina Vasilievna Pyankova, now the head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, to the stage.

Speech by Pyankova N.V.

concert number

Leading. Nina Vasilievna Pyankova was replaced as director by Metlin Evgeny Anatolyevich - a witty, understanding, kind, sympathetic person. He was at the forefront of discovery new school.

Leading. Together with him from the first days at school work:

  • Donaurova Natalya Vitalievna - teacher primary school
  • Bondarenko Guzel Ibragimova - teacher of Russian language and literature in Tatar classes
  • Grigorieva Lyudmila Mikhailovna - teacher foreign language
  • Kondenko Lyubov Nikolaevna - teacher of mathematics
  • Yushkova Valentina Ivanovna - teacher of mathematics
  • Osipova Razina Garifzyanovna - maintenance worker

concert number

Leading. No matter how vividly we imagine the history of our school, the main thing is that the present is extracted from the past and the sprouts of the future are visible.

The best traditions of today's school were laid then, and today they are continued by a creative team led by a businesslike, energetic director Vasily Fedorovich Shvedchikov, who brings new ideas.

Speech by Shvedchikov V.F.

concert number

Leading. Our graduates are a special pride of the school. It is difficult to count all the students who were given a start in life by secondary school No. 1. These are teachers, doctors, lawyers, musicians, engineers, TV presenters, people of different professions

Leading. We will continue this list, because life does not stand still, and the school still lets out the most wonderful people in the city from its walls, whose names we will hear more than once.

Alumni speech

Let everything that we live in school
It won't go away, it won't disappear like smoke.
And will remain in the heart painfully familiar
A corner that has become dear to all of us.
And remember joy and sorrow
Our feelings, anxieties, deeds
We wish each other success
| And love, and kindness, and warmth.

The song "School Waltz" performed by the vocal group of school teachers

Natalya Karpusheva
The script for the celebration of the anniversary of the school "Our school is 65!"

Music, photo on screen schools...

Behind the scenes:

Moments of happiness and strange excitement,

And children's laughter, and the work of teachers -

All this, as if lived anew,

Merged today in a word « anniversary» !

The uniqueness of every moment

Just the school remembers,

And today is her birthday

What will unite adults and children.

On glorious and joyful holiday

We gathered our friends

We are celebrating a birthday schools,

Her sixty-fifth anniversary!

musical number

Leading: Every day we come here,

And we meet familiar faces,

Every day, every hour, we always

We won't stop being proud of you

Our school you are our home,

You are the support, hope and faith!

We will always be by your side

You will be our example in everything.

Leading: Three words - our school-65!

We, as one, speak with delight

Three words: but try to weigh

Mind, soul and heart appreciate them!

Leading: There are no such measures to evaluate by right

All that has been invested by people over so many years!

We share a common glory to our school

And multiply the total number of victories!

musical number

Leading: Our sweet home, which is on the seven winds,

You are open to everyone.

And you come here.

Here we forget unnecessary fear

And again you take with you to childhood.

Leading: Today we will find out together with you what is beautiful School number 2. For what deeds we are known. For what deeds love. What qualities are loved school students and their parents, for which teachers respect our school.

Leading: School. Second school! What is she?

Leading: The second one means patient.

Leading: It has a permanent teaching staff, there are a lot of smiling faces.

Leading: So - happy.

Leading: Graduates are always welcome here.

Leading: Means - hospitable.

Leading: Here we are ready to help every student.

Leading: So - good.

Leading: Former students bring their children and grandchildren here.

Leading: Means - favorite.

Leading: Here she is, our school!

musical number

Leading: Home - not yet school, no palace

Its creator was not an architect.

And so as not to turn into ashes

Spaces of closed captivity,

You can probably revive him.

And you will instill an eternal soul.

And everyone will be happy in it

Then only it will be a house.

Leading: Here I see all his signs,

Where humor is not a hindrance to knowledge,

Where is my comfort and my success,

Where is the teacher's kind smile ...

Jokes, laughter settled here,

Everything is firmly here in this unsteady world.

Leading: We propose today to build our virtual school: brick by brick, brick by brick.

Leading: Of course, every building has its own architects. Our virtual project will not be an exception. school number 2. Here, to lay the foundation, the chief architect will now come out

Leading: The floor is given to the director schools.

At the end of his speech, the director "lays the foundation"

Leading: Well, the foundation has been laid - of course, this is the teaching staff schools, these are our teachers who pass on to you all their knowledge and skills, all their wisdom. It is impossible for any institution, enterprise, and even more so, school without such a capacious philosophical concept as wisdom.

Leading: 65. Too little or too much?

It is not enough, if you measure a century,

He keeps a strict account of the years,

But the string school years

There is an era in everyone's life.

Leading: Accept, dear school,

hello and congratulations

From our old timers

On your birthday!

Leading: The floor is given to a veteran of pedagogical work ___

Leading: So, the first brick in our there will be WISDOM on the wall, we ask you, on behalf of all veterans of pedagogical work, to lay a brick "Wisdom"

The phonogram turns on

musical number

Leading: Let this not pick up a name,

But the milestones passed say:

You created the Land of Education,

Where there are no barriers to creativity.

Leading: Second brick - "DISCIPLINE"

Leading: The right to pledge it is granted to those who manage the educational and educational processes in school.

Leading: Of course, friends, these are our head teachers

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: Today you are greeted and honored,

And therefore doubly solemn

On get out the stage who is traveling

For this amazing country.

musical number

Leading: The third brick - "HEALTH".

Leading: Of course, the right to lay it is given to physical education teachers.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: For you, the performance of our charming kids

Dance and song of children "Sport"

Leading: Fourth brick - "HONOR AND CONSCIENCE"

Leading: We conferred for a long time who would lay this brick, and decided that it should be done by a psychologist and a social pedagogue.

Leading: We ask you, Lilia Kazimirovna and Olga Mechislavovna, to lay the next brick.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: In our common holidays we are with you,

School a year is short - but where does the year come from?

May the light of kindness and cheerful smiles

Illuminate your path at all times!

musical number

Leading: Teacher!

Leading: Your name is proud of your dear school.

Leading: Teacher!

Leading: There is no more beautiful profession in the world.

You bring the light of knowledge to children.

Not for money, fame or titles -

This is your high calling.

Leading: We want to bow low to you

And apologize for our failures.

Leading: Fifth brick - "ERUDITION"

Leading: On behalf of all teachers, the right to lay this brick is granted ___

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Student performance 9 "B" class - poems in English. lang.

musical number

Leading: Today is a special day for us-

Are there many such days in the world?

Like gold of the highest standard -

Generous hearts of teachers.

Leading: Sixth brick - "MUTUAL ASSISTANCE"

Leading: Where do we run when we lack teaching materials and who do we turn to for help?

Leading: That's right, in our school library to Lyudmila Petrovna. Please lay a brick "Mutual Aid" and we want to assure you that you can always count on us.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

musical number

Leading: Our secret is simple - anyone will understand it,

And little things do not play a role here ...

To reach high notes

You only need to study our school!

Leading: Within its walls nourish their talent

Such Bachs and such Glitches,

That every yellow-mouthed amateur

It will reach the heights of any science in it.

Leading: Seventh brick - "MUSIC"

Did you guess? Of course, thanks to Yadviga Fabianovna, within the walls our school has music.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

musical number

Leading: Smile back at us

All of us school helmet hello

On her birthday

We do not regret anything.

Leading: Eighth brick - "SMILE"

Leading: Who smiled so charmingly when we first came to the first class?

Whose smile helped the first four years school life? (answers)

Leading: On behalf of primary school teachers the right to lay a brick "Smile" provided ___

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: You have been linked to school invisible threads

Your first discoveries and first worries,

After all, not just a teacher, but the first teacher

Gives the road to the distant tomorrow for everyone.

musical number

Leading: Our school is a temple of science,

House of comfort, bright light,

Good teacher's hands

Our first and last call.

Leading: Ninth brick - "LOVE"

Leading: Love is great, and even better when students love their teachers. And today we confess our love to our class teachers.

Leading: On behalf of all class teachers, the right to lay this brick is provided ___

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: Let the light of the soul not fade.

We wish you not ghostly happiness.

And, on the path of untraveled roads,

God bless you from every misfortune.

Leading: So that you live under the shadow of lovely eyes,

So that all dreams come true little by little,

And so that the fire of desires does not go out,

Good friends for you on the road.

musical number

Leading: Tenth brick - "Cleanliness and tidiness"

Leading: Thanks to whom in our school always clean and comfortable Whose work is so inconspicuous, but very, very necessary?

Leading: Thank you for your hard work our technical staff supervised by ___

Leading: You are granted the right to lay this brick.

The phonogram turns on (attach it to the frame of the building)

Leading: So many years as if by yourself

Today we are intertwined in the annals -

So school lived by you

Another great life.

Leading: And how much have you redone,

And how much is waiting for you ahead -

You are not trying for the sanitation station,

And for the health of the kids!

Leading: Sounds like ___ to you

musical number

Leading: Strong friendship will not break,

Will not fall apart from rains and blizzards,

Here in the cold and cold

We are friends with science

After all, science is the best friend.

Leading: Eleventh brick - "FRIENDSHIP"

Music sounds. On screen slideshow of life schools

Leading: So it reaches for warmth, goodness and light -

The soul of a child is a quivering sprout!

Amid the bad weather of life, the path to prosperity

And difficult, and disturbing, and distant ...

Leading: But the young heart does not know evil and boredom

And the world is drowning in wide-open eyes ...

And children's trusting hands

compresses school in hand.

Leading: Brick "Friendship" on behalf of all students lay graduates our school___

Alumni Word:

1. Our dear teachers! On behalf of the 65th issue our school We want to thank you for your hard but rewarding work.

2. Thank you for your love, warmth and knowledge given by you.

3. Thank you for your patience, for the ability to understand and forgive everything.

4. Thank you for being you.

5. We are sure that the best teachers in the city are teachers our school!

6. And let those that may meet on your life path, there will be only flowers!

7. And if there are thorns, then let them be only from roses!

8. Our dear, beloved, for you "bloom" grown by you "flowers of life"- Your children. Meet!

musical number

Leading: Under friendly panting,

Under a quiet sniff,

Under joyful singing

Is born into the world

Leading: Second the school is the best

With childlike talents

And with the kindness of a teacher

Is born into the world

Leading: What is missing? our virtual school? Right "Rooftops".

Leading: Brick "THE ROOF OF GOOD MOOD" our kids are laying, those who will have to live for many more years in these dear, dear walls of wisdom, discipline, health, mutual assistance, erudition, cleanliness and order, conscience and honor, music, love, smiles and friendship. In the middle school number 2.

Kids go out to the soundtrack, hang the roof

musical number

Leading: School is our common home.

Here we grow, growing beyond our years.

It is difficult, but then

We will go through life more boldly.

Leading: These walls truly protect us.

Here it is easy for us both in sorrows and in troubles

And here they are waiting for us, as mothers are waiting at home,

Rejoicing in victories big and small.

Leading: School is home, in which live:

Happiness, friendship, hope and work.

The childhood of youth is the maturity of the spirit ...

And it seems uncloudedly cheerful

The time that gives generously School!

Leading: May you on your birthday, School,

A hundred times glorify, give thanks

And they will lift you to the throne of songs,

So that with every generation

Henceforth, you magically look younger!

Good mood song

Leading: Pass anniversaries like dreams

Like commas in life scripture.

And forward again, to the breath of spring,

To the heights of creative aspirations and knowledge.

Leading: Well, let the path be hard and rocky somewhere,

But summing up the past weekdays,

It's like we're starting a new leaf

Like a new day, which will be tomorrow.

Before the start of the holiday, a film about the school was shown.

Music sounds. Fanfare.

Pupils of the 1st grade come out and read poetry.

We have a holiday today,
Today is the anniversary.
And the school has a lot
Teachers, guests.

And we, of course, too
We want to congratulate you
For not forgetting the school
Thanks from everyone!

We've only just begun
Your long school trip
But with you we are not afraid
Not a bit, nothing!

And what kind of teachers we have!
Is it possible not to love them?
Your sorrows and worries
We are accustomed to share with them!

Dear our teachers!
Today is the anniversary day
You can't be silent
You are our mentors
Our older friends!

Wherever you are
Stood in line
Crashed into the clouds
To your thoughts
To passion, to thought, to deed -
The teacher's hand touched.

You rub on the paint palette
You bake bread - the work is not easy -
In everything there was a school sourdough,
Touched the teacher's hand

We say "thank you" to you
For your hard work
For the fact that you are in the world,
What are you doing here.

We wish you creative success
We wish you good health.
On behalf of former, present
And future students
Happy anniversary everyone!

The children leave to the music. Slideshow. Music "It's great that we are all here today." Leaders come out.

Vedas. 1. Dear friends! Today these words for each of us are colored with special warmth and sincerity. After all, today there are real comrades in the hall, whose unforgettable school years helped to make friends.

Vedas. 2. We heartily congratulate all those present on the anniversary home school and sincere thanks to those who came to our evening!

Vedas. 1. Good evening dear teachers of the school!

Vedas. 2. Hello dear veteran teachers!

Vedas. 1. We welcome honorable and distinguished guests!

Vedas. 2. Good evening dear parents!

Vedas. 1. Hello school graduates and students!

Vedas. 2. Let's start the evening dedicated to the golden anniversary of the first school!


Vedas. 2. We are fifty, but is that a lot?
For a school that stands like a monolith
She has traveled a long road
And there is much more to come in life.

Vedas. 1. 50 - gold, 50 - labor,
50 - your life has counted.
50 is a moment
50 is life
50 is just the beginning!

Vedas. 2. 50 is a lot and a little
And you can't get away from them.
50 is not the end but the beginning
second half way

Vedas. 1. 50 is a lot and a little
It's a paved path in life
There were not always roses on the road,
But there is no turning back from her.

Vedas. 2. 50 is life on top
This is wisdom and an experienced look,
Silver at the temples, a thread of wrinkles,
That means 50 already!

Vedas. 1. 50 - intermediate finish,
50 - intermediate start,
50 is only just
Not anymore, but 50 more!

Vedas. 2. 50 is not old at all,
And let the skeptics not believe
50 is a good joy,
50 is a light sadness.

Vedas. 1. Our age is not measured by years,
And the beating of the heart in the chest,
And if it is young - be sure
At 50 - still ahead.

Vedas. 2. 50 - children have already grown up,
The pride of the school and the joy of the family.
Your Glorious 50th Anniversary
They celebrate with love.

Vedas. 1. 50 - intermediate finish,
50 - middle of the way,
50 - can you take a look
How much passed, how much to go?!

Vedas. 2. Fifty is the flowering of life,
Happiness lasts for a whole century.
Do years matter?
The school is young at heart!

Slideshow - old school buildings, photos of the first editions.

Vedas. 1. With the beginning of the industrial development of diamond deposits, the appearance on the map of the city of Mirny, the first school in the city was opened in it: school number 1. On September 1, 1958, 15 teachers already worked at the school under the guidance of director Razmakhnina Tamara Ivanovna. Opened middle classes from 5th to 7th. The following year, 1959, the construction of a new school with a full set of classes was completed. It was a wooden two-story building on Komsomolskaya Street. In the same year, the first graduation of students of the 10th grade of 7 people took place at the school. (Photo)

In 1960, a new two-story building of school No. 1, a typical stone building, was commissioned, where senior classes began to study.

Vedas. 2. The city grew and changed its appearance. In 1964, a new three-story building was built along 40 Let Oktyabrya Street. (Photo). The teachers came to Mirny from all over the Soviet Union. They rode at the call of their hearts, knowing that it was necessary to teach, educate, and they did it passionately, enthusiastically, creatively. As a token of gratitude for the selfless work of teachers, a diamond weighing 31.5 carats, found on the night of October 3-4, 1966 by a team of workers of the 5th processing plant, was named "Teacher's". Its facets reflect the talent and skill of teachers, whose names will forever remain in the history of the school.

Vedas. 1. Dear teachers! dedicated to you "Crane song".

Vedas. 2. Noise and rush off any trouble,
How resentment leaves a funny joke,
If she is with you, if she is always near

Vedas. 1. On that difficult road to a distant goal.
You were iron and fire
Were the hammer and the anvil
Were a pusher and sails -

Vedas. 2. Who have you been in your life?
The birds were in a cage, but they themselves
Birds you released in life the sky.

Vedas. 1. We are being carried away by the rapid age.
In the hustle and bustle we forget, allowing punctures,
That she is not a foundation, she is a person,
The person who runs the school.

Vedas. 2. So that it is light in the heart and at school,
Come here only with a cheerful smile.
May you always feel love and warmth
The person who runs the school.

Vedas. 1. We are inviting to the stage a person who has been heading the first school for the 17th year. This is Tatyana Petrovna Filippova.

Director's speech.

Concert number.


Vedas. 2. Leafing through the pages of the history of the school, looking at old photographs, we see the young faces of teachers. What inspiration their eyes shine with! Years fly by. And in the turmoil of affairs, and on holidays, we often remember you, our dear veterans.

Vedas. 1. We are proud that you worked at the first school!

Vedas. 2. Half a century ... a wonderful date
We congratulate you, friends!
You used to work together at school
We cannot forget about this.

Vedas. 1. You stood together at the very beginning
Teaching pets to fly
They spared no effort, did not sleep at night
To create a good name for the school.

Vedas. 2. Veterans! Live longer
Keep your step firmer
Let Everyone See: A Living History
On this day, he walks in line.

Vedas. 1. You accept the words of gratitude
For hard and honest work
Come to school with joy.
Where you are remembered and loved and expected.

Vedas. 2. Today, our anniversary is attended by veterans of pedagogical work Shunina Anna Vasilievna, Sepetinova Alexandra Vasilievna, Malchuganova Valentina Mikhailovna, Nikiforova Lidia Mikhailovna, Safonova Kapitolina Lavrentievna, Strebkova Vera Mikhailovna, Nevskaya Maria Mikhailovna, Ivanova Alevtina Vasilievna, Karpova Louise Alexandrovna, Mikhailova Zoya Ivanovna, Salomatova Nina Romanovna .

Vedas. 1. Dear veterans, we invite you to the stage, you have the floor. ( Children give them bouquets and gifts)

Veteran teachers sing the song "Our Youth Team". Slideshow.

Vedas. 1. 50 years is a great experience, success of students, joy for those who once again passed the test for courage, for loyalty, for success somewhere. The history of school number 1 is inseparable from the history of the city and the region.

Vedas. 2. And today, as birthdays, representatives of district and city organizations came to congratulate us. We invite you to the stage.

Invited guests come out: representatives of local authorities, representatives educational institutions cities and districts, leaders - graduates, veterans, speeches are made, gifts are presented.

Between the performances of the guests, concert numbers prepared by students and creative teams.

Vedas. 1. And now we're handing over microphones to the 1973 graduates. Meet: Karchevskaya Larisa and Vasiliev Yuri!

Vedas. 1. And now the memories
days gone by, past days
After all, our school is many years old
And the first graduate is now, probably, grandfather
And the graduate is a gray-haired grandmother.

Vedas. 2. Let's go back to the past, friends,
remembering the past,
Now you are kids again
And it's time for everyone to go back to school!

A girl comes out and rings the bell.

The speech of the teachers is a pioneer greeting. Music "Fly up the bonfires."

Vedas. 1. Today we have many graduates of different years visiting us. But even more of those who went to the cities of Russia and abroad!

And many graduates live and work in their native city and the republic, remembering the proverb "Where you were born, there you came in handy." They work and hold responsible positions in many organizations and enterprises of the city, district, republic.

Vedas. 2. The school is rightly proud of its graduates. Among them there are doctors and candidates of sciences, medalists who graduated from educational institutions with honors. Many graduates study at higher educational institutions occupy a worthy place in life. Their conscientious work is marked by government awards. Therefore, our school is really rich in graduates.

Vedas. 1. Hello ex-children,
How do you live now?
Almost all over the world
Life has scattered you.
The school gave you a legacy
Your very first lesson.
And pioneer childhood
And the Komsomol badge.

Vedas. 2. Here you learned to work,
Books and life to learn.
Here was a favorite teacher
And a teacher, like a mother.
There were hikes and vacations,
Holidays and evenings.
The first breaths of lovers.
Everything was like yesterday.

Vedas. 1. The school lives without getting old,
The new kids are growing up.
Here they will be warmed with a smile,
They will lead you by the hand.
Hello ex-children,
How do you live now?
We are on the anniversary of our school
We are glad to welcome you!

Song "Odnoklassniki", slide show.

Vedas. 2. And now we invite graduates of the 60s to the stage! ( Calls the number of graduates who came to the anniversary ________)

1966 - The school received a letter from a 1966 graduate, Dmitry Bochkov. ( Reading a letter)

Greetings from the graduates of the 60s.

Vedas. 1. We ask the graduates of the 70s to rise. ( Quantity _____). We invite you to the stage.

Greetings from the 70s.

Vedas. 2. Graduates of the 80s! ( Quantity _______)

Greetings from the 80s.

Vedas. 1. Graduates of the 90s! ( Quantity _______)

Greetings from the 90s.

Vedas. 2. When we were preparing for the anniversary, we found an interesting document in the school archive. This is a letter from the graduates of 1992 to the distant year 2001. We ask the graduates of 92 to come to the stage. ( One of them reads the text of the letter and hands it over to the graduate of 2001. The facilitator asks questions)

Vedas. 1. And now the new generation of the 2000s is taking over!

Song my generation.

I ask the graduates of the 2000s to rise, today _________ graduates came to our meeting. We invite you to the stage.

After the 2007 performance. The performance ends with the 2008 Golden Anniversary Edition.

Vedas. 2. And now we ask all the graduates present in the hall to take an oath of allegiance to the school. I ask everyone to stand up!

Vedas. 1. I, a graduate of school No. 1, solemnly swear:

Carry the memory of those who taught me and with whom I studied through all my life; I SWEAR!
- to always be honest and principled, humane and fair, as they taught me at school; I SWEAR!
- carry high the banner of the native school, protect its honor; I SWEAR!
- never rest on our laurels, constantly improve our knowledge, remember the wise precepts of our mentors. I SWEAR!

Lyric music.

All the best friends
Goodbyes will be short
For the first time here you put the words
And wrote them down in a notebook

No more fear in front of the computer
We confidently entered the Internet
And before there were only accounts
Have we gone ahead?
How to know!

Only time will give us the answer.
Yes, we are a different generation
Let's grow up differently now
Findings are never without loss.

But we are children, as you once were
And we believe in miracles
Let the wind be fair
And scarlet will inflate the sails

But he will always wait from swimming,
Like a mother, old school!
Let's never forget
Visit her more often
As on the pier, meet here again.

Well, see you soon, friends!
Let our school family be friendly!

All teachers and students come on stage. Final song.

1 verse

Here is one of those stories
About which you can not argue:
Our school is 5 decades old.
5 dozen winters and springs,
A million simple questions
We are looking for answers here.

Here we comprehend science,
Here we create and dream.
Here we meet first love.
School - you are the planet of happiness
Both victories and bad weather
We share with you again and again.


School first.
Our friendly family!
Where cheerful laughter sounds,
Where success awaits us all!
Let the years pass
But we believe that always
School windows good light
We will shine after.

verse 2

These doors opened
Many, many generations
Spent the school in the big world.
There were many songs here.
The wind was light and cheerful,
And he called us on the road.


verse 3

Will New Year, and again
First school chime
He will fill young hearts.
Our children will grow up
Decades will fly by.
And there will be no end to this.

At the end of our meeting
Blows out holiday candles.
The music became quieter.
Let us part now
Only in the heart remains
A day we will remember.

Anniversary cake with candles is brought out into the hall.

Vedas. This concludes our anniversary party! Until we meet again, friends! We ask you to leave your wishes for the school in the anniversary book.