Classroom March 8 theme. Class hour "March 8". Girls are different

  • 13.11.2019

Department of Education of the Yakovlevsky District Administration

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2 in the city of Builder of the Belgorod region"

Give the girls the whole world

Mysterious, big.

Let girls always be friends

With you and with me!

And we won't offend

Girls never

Dare to suddenly offend someone

Streams murmur, beams blind

And the ice melts, and the heart melts.

And even a stump on a spring day

He dreams of becoming a birch again.

A cheerful bumblebee is buzzing spring alarm.

Perky cheerful starlings shout.

Starlings scream in all directions:

"Spring is in! Spring is on the way!"

Leading : Good afternoon, dear guys, today we have gathered on the eve of International Women's Day - March 8, today our girls will fight for the title of the most beautiful and charming, dexterous and skillful.

As you know that the times of the economic crisis are very difficult, and it is easiest for rural residents to live, today our girls will plunge into the village idyll. And the task for them will also be unusual - our girls will act as milkmaids.

Well, we'll see how our participants can milk a cow. (In the role of a cow - a glove filled with water. Make small holes on the fingers). Who needs more?

Well done girls, we can say that you have already mastered the profession of a milkmaid, but we are moving on to the next competition

Leading : Life sometimes puts us in the most unthinkable situations, and we somehow have to cope with them. How would you behave in the following circumstances:

1. A “fashionable dress” was brought to the store, the cost of which is equal to 3 salaries of your father. How do you persuade your dad to give you such a gift?

Wonderful answers came from the participants, well, let's find out how our beauties will behave in the following situation:

2. Your boyfriend arrives 40 minutes late for a coffee date in burdock, with traces of lipstick. Your actions?

Well, none of those present probably doubted that our girls would cope with this task.

Leading : And now the blitz is a tournament!

How much does a loaf of bread cost?

A liter of milk?

How much does a kilogram of nails cost?

A dozen eggs?

Washing powder?


A liter of petrol?

Wanted to get to our bachelorette party?

Our girls are wonderfully versed in modern prices, stormy applause to them!

Well, it's time for an intellectual contest!

(Questions are asked one by one to the participants)

    A type of utensils painted with blue patterns only. (Gzhel).

    The most noble type of glass. (Crystal).

    A vessel designed to hold flowers. (Vase).

    Paper or linen squares for wiping hands and lips after eating. (Napkins).

    A set of dishes for tea, coffee or lunch. (Service).

    A flat stand on which a lot of dishes are placed at once to serve them to the table. (Tray).

    Sometimes kitchen, sometimes pirate. (Knife).

    Bottle stopper. (Cork).

    Salt utensils. (Salt cellar).

    A napkin placed on the table. (Tablecloth).

    What epithet is invariably added to the name of the Russian Empress Catherine II? (Great).

    What was the name and surname of D'Artagnan's beloved? (Constance Bonacieux).

    What names of the months of the year can become female names? (March - March, May - Maya, July - Julia, August - Augusta).

    What flower names are also female names? (Rose - Rose, lily - Lily, daisy - Margarita).

    Whose portrait is this?

    Eyes like the sky, blue

    Which heroine of Leo Tolstoy felt her eyes glow in the dark? (Anna Karenina).

    On what bird did Thumbelina fly to warmer climes? (On a swallow).
    10. What is the name of the old investigator from the novels of the writer Agatha Christie? (Miss Marple).

    Name and surname of the world's first female astronaut. (Valentina Tereshkova).

    What was the name of Chekhov's "lady with the dog"? (Anna Sergeyevna).

    What eye color did Natasha Rostova have? (Black).

    The name of the main character of one of the plays by A. N. Ostrovsky is translated as "seagull". What is the name of the heroine and the play? (Larisa. "Dowry").

    What flowers were carried in the hands of the heroine of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"? (Mimosa).

    What poet said about a Russian woman: “He will stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut”? (N. A. Nekrasov).

    The heroine of which novel was affectionately called by her patronymic - Nilovna? (“Mother” by A.M. Gorky).

    The heroine of the book of the writer P. P. Bazhov "Ural Tales". (Mistress of Copper Mountain).

    In the book of the writer Alexander Belyaev "The Amphibian Man", the main character was named Ichthyander. What was the name of the girl he fell in love with? (Gutierre).

    The name of a girl who at first sight really liked Tom Sawyer. (Becky Thatcher).

Leading : Our girls made us happy! Well done, our strict jury recorded all the correct answers, and we move on to the next competition.

Competition "Smak"

Blindfolded, identify the vegetable by touch and list what dishes you can cook from it.

These are our hostesses, they are remarkably oriented in food even blindfolded!

So the time has come for the next competition, which is called "The Princess and the Pea", our wonderful team captains need to determine by touch the "5th" point the number of peas lying on the chair (the peas are covered with a napkin).

Host: It's time to check how our beauties are ready for family life. Now the girls will have to play the role of a mother who needs to feed “her child”, but first put on a cap and bib for the “child” and feed the “baby” with milk from a baby bottle.

Moderator: Yes, the competition was not so easy, it was especially difficult for the “babies” who had to suck 250 ml of milk through the nipple! Well, the girls coped with this final stage of our event by 100%! Well done, well, let's give the floor to our strict but fair jury!

We prepared gifts

For dear girls

And we want to congratulate them!

(speech by the jury, awarding the winners, then the boys give flowers and gifts to the girls).

A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!

1. Introductory word from the boys. Poetry.

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!

May the sun shine with joy today
Leaving a sheaf of great worries in the shadows,
And all the flowers in the world
Let them bloom today at your feet.

I congratulate the beautiful ladies
With the spring sun, birds singing
And with blue high, clear.
Let the decoration of your faces
A gentle smile will serve
The radiance of the gentle eye.
A trifle is my gift - just a postcard.
But, a sign that I think of you!

May women's day never end
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!


1 competition. "Cinderella".

Which of the girls will quickly select beans from peas and buckwheat.

2 contest. "Money down the drain."

3 competition. "Wrap up the baby."

Who will wrap the “child” in a “diaper” (a boy in a roll of toilet paper) faster and more accurately.

4 competition. "Dress the child" or "Let's go for a walk with a girlfriend."

Two girls stand side by side, 2 hands (which are nearby) are tied to them. On command, with their left and right free hands, they should put on a scarf, mittens (gloves), put on shoes and tie shoelaces on the child. The winners are those who worked synchronously, did it quickly and accurately. Dress me!

You need to fasten the buttons on the boys' shirts, but do it in thick mittens.

5 competition. "Feed your son."

Blindfolded, the girls feed the boys sitting in front of them on a chair with biscuits, jam, porridge, etc. (optional). The one that feeds faster and more accurately wins.

Or:Unwrap candy in boxing gloves.

Feed the boys crackers, but do it with Chinese chopsticks.

6 Competition. "Best Stylist"

The girls go to the "salon" to get their hair done. "Stylists" boys braid their hair or do "hair", make-up, etc. (by agreement), give a name to their masterpiece. The winner is the one with the best hairstyle.

7 competition. " Accuracy - the politeness of kings!"

The host puts a few sweets on a chair under a napkin. The participant sits on a chair and, moving on it, tries to count with the fifth point how many candies are on the chair. The one who guesses correctly wins. The smaller the candy, the funnier the contest.

8 competition. "Theatrical".

Wishing contestants are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like:

Woman with heavy bags;

Gorilla in a cage;

Sparrow on the roof;

Stork in the swamp;

Chicken in the yard;

Girl in a tight skirt with high heels;

A sentry guarding a food warehouse;

An infant who has just learned to walk;

A guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;

Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

9 competition."Just sing!"

The facilitator asks each participant in the game to remember a well-known (must be) song, the text and melody of which must surely be popular with the general public. Players have 1-2 minutes to do this. Each song must consist of one verse and one chorus. The goal of the game is for each player to sing the remembered song to the end. Three participants in the game sing a song at the same time. At this time, each of them should not pay attention to the opponent's singing, stray or laugh. Anyone who laughs, mixes things up, or sings the longest is out of the game. After each round, the winner is determined, and the winners of all previous ones sing in the final round. Of course, the winner of the whole game is the one who never makes a mistake, laughs and sings longer than any of the opponents.

10 competition. "Oh my God, what a man!"

The girls take turns drawing parts of the man's body on a sheet of drawing paper. 1st draws the head, then the sheet is tucked up, 2nd draws the body, 3rd legs, 4th shoes. You can draw with humor. At the end, the drawing unfolds, and everyone sees the “standard” of a man. You can also draw a "model of a woman."

3.Giving gifts to girls. Tea drinking.

  • development of creative abilities of children;
  • education of love and gratitude for mother and grandmother.
  • On the board hang posters with statements of famous people:

    "Mom is the most respected thing in life, the most dear - everything consists of pity." V. Shukshin

    "We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mama." M. Jalil

    There are proverbs on the board:


    I. Organizational moment.

    Teacher: We have guests today. Turn to them. Say hello. Smile at your guests. From our smiles in the classroom will become warmer and more comfortable.

    Teacher: Dear children, please tell me what holiday is approaching? (March 8). Whose holiday is this? (Mothers, grandmothers, girls)

    Teacher: Guys, we gathered on the eve of the holiday on March 8. This holiday, like many others, has its own history. Already in ancient Rome there was a women's day. Without such a holiday, the life of mankind would become much more boring. And it is no coincidence that this holiday is celebrated in the spring. The sun and mother warm, caress us! Pay attention to the words written on the board:



    Tell me what qualities are inherent in mom. (Children answer: affectionate, kind, sweet). We won't stop there, let's continue the list. What word interferes with our bright holiday? (That word is "violent"). Let's remove it so that it does not spoil our mood. And so let's say why we love our mothers. (Children answer: because she is affectionate, kind, sweet)

    Teacher: Mom ... Listen to how proud this word sounds! The people live a lot of good, affectionate words about the mother. We do not know by whom they were first said, but we repeat them very often in our lives, and this is how they pass from generation to generation. And how many proverbs about mothers. On the board hang proverbs that talk about mom. Let's read them. (The following proverbs hang on the board: “There is no sweeter friend than my own mother”, “In the sun it is light with mother good”). I read the first sentence first.

    • “When the sun is light, when the mother is good”;
    • “There is no sweeter friend than a beloved mother”;

    1. Find in the proverb the words that make you happy, from which it becomes light and comfortable?

    2. How do you understand this proverb : "When the sun is light, when the mother is good."(Answers of children: as the sun warms us with its rays, so mother warms us with her love and tenderness, because mother is kind, affectionate, she will always come to the rescue in difficult times)

    3. Find in the proverb the words that make you happy, from which it becomes light and comfortable?

    4. How do you understand this proverb: "There is no sweeter friend than a beloved mother."(Children's answers: in life, a mother is not only a mother, but also a friend because, having come to her with some kind of misfortune, she will help to cope with her, calm and caress you, when you have good news, you also go to your mother, so that share with her)

    Next task. I will call the names, patronymics of your mothers, aunts, and you have to guess who it is:

    What signs of attention do you give to your grandmothers, sisters, mothers for their love, affection? (Answers of children). We learned how to sign envelopes in the Russian language lesson. Each of you signed envelopes and postcards for your mother. On this day, mothers are far away from you, they miss you, but a warm postcard will warm them with your love.

    Congratulate, write them letters, because they are waiting for any news from you.

    Guys, tell me, who is replacing your mothers here? (Answers of children). That's right guys. Do not forget that your second mothers are nearby, who also treat you with love and care - these are educators, night nannies, teachers. Let's name them. (Name and patronymic). In a difficult and joyful moment, they are always with you, remember this.

    On the table you have beautiful greeting cards that you have prepared for your second mothers. Let's read some of them. I hope you don't forget to congratulate them.

    Guessing riddles: But not only a good deed can please your mother, but also the most affectionate magic words. Get to know them. I will give you riddles, and you answer. Just raise your hand, I will not accept choral answers.

    • Even an ice block will melt from the word warm ... (thank you).
    • Even the stump will turn green when it hears ... (good afternoon).
    • If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ... (thank you).
    • When scolded for pranks, we say ... (I'm sorry, please).
    • Both in Russia and in Denmark they say goodbye ... (goodbye).

    Remember to say these words every day.

    On the board are the sayings of famous people.

    Read the first statement: "Mom is the most respected thing in life, the most dear - everything consists of pity." V. Shukshin

    How do you understand this statement? (Children's answers: that our mother is the most respected, dear, that we have to love her, protect and feel sorry for her in life. And why should we feel sorry for her because a lot of things fall on her shoulders and we should help her in everything)

    Read the second statement: "We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mama." M. Jalil

    How do you understand this statement? (Answers of children: mother will always be the most dear and beloved to us until old age)

    No matter how old you are, she will always be your mother!

    The poem is narrated by Anya Togacheva.

    Teacher: Children are the most precious thing for a mother. The happiness of a mother is in the happiness of their children. There is nothing holier and more disinterested than her love. Mom is the first teacher and friend, and the closest. She will always understand us, console us, help us in difficult times, protect us, protect us from trouble. There is no person in the world dearer and closer than mother.

    A poem about mother is told by Eprina Marina.

    Leading: We are in eternal, unrequited debt to the mother, whose love accompanies us all our lives. Therefore, love tenderly, respect, take care of her, do not hurt your mother with your words and deeds. Thank her for her work and care for you, be kind, sensitive, responsive to her. Mom expects constant care, attention, cordiality of sympathy and a kind word from you. How nice to see children who help their mother. Don't trust your mom that she doesn't need your help. Make her life as easy as possible. And she will be happy!

    Outcome of the lesson: Notice how it became lighter in the classroom. Why do you think? Always remember and love your moms and I hope our girls will too good mothers. After all, look at what kind of needlewomen they are. All these works were done by them.

    Dear teachers and educators!
    We ourselves acknowledge
    Which, of course, we are not always
    We are behaving well.
    We make you very sad

    That sometimes we don't notice.
    We love you very, very much!
    Let's grow good
    And we will always try
    To behave.


    Exhibition of books about mothers.

    Class hour for 10-11 class. About women and International Women's Day

    Among the various miracles that captivate and beckon,

    The light of a distant star or the eternity of the gray-haired


    There is one thing that will always stop


    This is a woman, in her nature all the secrets


    Despite the dominance of pain and evil,

    Wonder Woman kept the house warm.

    She brought colors and sounds into ordinary life,

    In hard times, she was able to be a queen.

    E. Asadov


    1. To acquaint students with the history of the appearance on the calendar of International Women's Day, with the role of women in the development of society.

    2. Contribute to the formation of information culture of students, understanding of information as a means of developing their own horizons.

    3. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards understanding the role of International Women's Day in the history of mankind.

    Conduct form: information kaleidoscope.

    Preparatory work

    1. Prepare information about the history of International Women's Day.

    2. Prepare a quiz on the topic.

    3. Prepare interesting information about outstanding women of the country and the world.

    4. Find articles about the unusual fate of women in the world.

    5. Conduct a survey of students on the topic.

    Questionnaire on the topic

    1. When was International Women's Day established?

    2. What was the reason for the appearance of International Women's Day on the calendar?

    3. Do you think such a day is necessary?

    4. What outstanding women of the country and the world can you name?

    5. Can you name the monuments of the world dedicated to women?

    Information hour progress

    I. Main body

    Classroom teacher. Every year on March 8, we celebrate International Women's Day. Today we will get acquainted with the history of this holiday, interesting facts, associated with him, we learn about the fate of some women who have contributed to the history of the women's movement.

    I want to give the floor to students who have information and facts from the history of the holiday.

    The students who prepared the information hour come out.

    Student 1. Before we introduce you to information and interesting facts about the organization and celebration of International Women's Day, I would like to thank all the women for being on the calendar this day. You will ask why? Yes, because thanks to this day, the World Men's Day, which is celebrated on November 1, appeared on the calendar.

    Student 2. Of course, this day did not appear without the intervention of women. In general, the history of the women's holiday goes deep into antiquity, into the history of Persia. It was there, one might say, that the women's movement was born and gave its sprouts.

    Student Z. And here's how it happened. The Persian king Xerxes had a beloved wife, Esther. She came from an old Jewish family, but her husband did not know about it. Based on the denunciation of his close associates, King Xerxes wanted to exterminate all the Jews who inhabited the state. Queen Esther turned the royal decree against the Persians themselves, and in honor of her wisdom, a day was approved in the Jewish calendar, which fell on the day of 13 Adar (this spring month has no exact date) and which began to be celebrated as the modern Jewish holiday of Purim, or Passover.

    Pupil 4. And the thing is that the tradition associated with Esther, the wife of King Xerxes, was continued by her descendants. The famous revolutionary and fighter for women's rights Clara Zetkin, speaking at international conference women in 1910, proclaimed the idea of ​​celebrating March 8 every year as the birthday of the women's movement in the struggle for their rights. Clara Zetkin, who knew ancient history well, decided to perpetuate the feat of the Persian queen Esther, who, with her feminine wisdom, saved the Jewish people from extermination. In 1910, this day, March 8, was just the day of the celebration of the holiday of Purim. That is why the spring holiday of March 8 is often associated with the celebration of Easter.

    Classroom teacher. And yet, with what specific events is the desire of the women of the world to have their own holiday connected?

    Student 1. I propose to restore the chronology of this holiday. That's how it was. In 1857, New Yorkers who worked in textile mills marched through the streets of their hometown to protest the low wages and appalling working conditions. Their initiative was supported by the women of Europe.

    Student 2. Thanks to these performances in New Zealand in 1867, women taxpayers received the right to vote in local elections, and in 1893 in parliamentary elections.

    Student Z. In 1869-1896. women won the right to vote in four American states: Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho and Utah.

    Student 4. On March 8, 1908, at the call of the Social Democratic Women's Organization of New York, a rally was held with slogans about women's equality.

    Student 1. In 1909, the Socialist Party of America first declared a national women's day, which was celebrated until 1913 on the last Sunday in February. In 1909 it was February 28th.

    Student 2. In 1910, the German socialist Clara Zetkin, during the Second International Socialist Women's Conference, held on August 27 in Copenhagen as part of the 8th Congress of the 2nd International, proposed establishing a day for the struggle for women's rights.

    Student Z. And on March 8, 1911, rallies were held in Australia, Germany, Switzerland, and Denmark demanding that women be given equal rights with men. So this day has received international recognition.

    Student 4. In 1912, the holiday was celebrated on May 12 in the same countries. In 1913, in Germany, women rallied on March 12, and in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, Holland - on March 9, in France and Russia - on March 2.

    Classroom teacher. How did this day appear in the Russian calendar?

    Student 1. In Russia, the celebration of March 8 has become a tradition since 1913. To this day, on this holiday, the entire female population of our country, regardless of age, education, religion, receives congratulations from men.

    Student 2. In 1917, on February 23, according to the old style, or March 8, according to the new style, women's demonstrations were held in Petrograd with the slogans “Bread and Peace!” The next day, the workers of the Putilov factory joined the strike, clashes with the police began. And on February 27, the general workers' strike turned into an armed uprising.

    Student Z. In July 1917, the Provisional Government announced that the right to participate in elections to the Constituent Assembly belongs to all Russian citizens of both sexes who have reached the age of 20 by the time of the elections. However, the matter was not limited to the right to vote. The Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918 includes an article on the complete equality of women and men.

    Pupil 4. In 1918-1919. women gained the right to vote in Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands, Canada, Poland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, and in 1920 in the USA.

    Student 1. However, I want to note that during the First World War, the day of struggle for women's rights was not celebrated.

    Student 2. In 1921, by decision of the 2nd Communist Women's Conference, it was decided to celebrate March 8 in memory of the women's strike in St. Petersburg on March 8, 1917, which served as the beginning of the February Revolution.

    Student 3. Starting from 1966, in accordance with the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965, March 8 became a holiday and non-working day.

    In the USSR, this day ceased to be a political holiday, it became the day of all women.

    Student 4. Since 1975, the UN, in connection with the International Year of Women, has declared March 8 as International Women's Day.

    Student 1. In 1977, the UN General Assembly proposed that states declare, in accordance with their traditions and customs, any day of the year as the Day of Struggle for Women's Rights and International Peace. This decision was made in connection with the International Year of Women, as well as the International Decade of Women, which took place from 1976 to 1985.

    Student 2. At present, the activities dedicated to the Day struggle for women's rights and international peace are timed by the UN to March 8.

    Classroom teacher. Deciding to start fighting for women's rights - not everyone will decide on such a thing. Who were these women who led the women's movement? Can you talk about it?

    Students talk about the founder of the women's movement, Clara Zetkin. The story is accompanied by a presentation.

    Student 1. Speaking about the struggle of women for their rights, it is necessary to say about Clara Zetkin, or Clara Eissner, whose name in modern history mentioned very sharply or not mentioned at all.

    Student 2. Clara Eissner was born in the city of Wiederau, which is located in German Saxony, in the family of a teacher. She received her education in a private pedagogical educational institution in Leipzig, where she became close to a circle of Russian revolutionary émigré students, among whom was her future husband, Osip Zetkin.

    Student 3. Participating in the labor and women's movement, she joined the Socialist Workers' Party, which since 1890 was called the Social Democratic Party of Germany. Then there was forced emigration, first to Zurich, then to Paris.

    It was there that she played an important role in the founding of the 2nd International and prepared a speech for its Constituent Congress on the role of women in the revolutionary struggle.

    Pupil 4. In the midst of her revolutionary struggle, she marries Osip Zetkin, from that time she bears her husband's surname. Only in 1890 was Zetkin able to return to Germany. In the Motherland, she directed all her strength to the struggle for equal rights for women.

    Along with theoretical discussions, Zetkin practically participated in the struggle to soften labor law for women and the provision of universal suffrage.

    Student 1. From 1891 to 1917 she edited the newspaper of the Social Democratic Party of Germany for women "Equality". It was at this time that she turned the social democratic women's movement in Germany into one of the strongest in Europe. Starting in 1907, she headed the women's department created under the SPD.

    Student 2. During the First World War, Clara Zetkin, along with other representatives of the radical wing of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, condemned the granting of government loans for the war. She was one of the organizers of the anti-war conference in Berlin in 1915 and was repeatedly arrested for her speeches against the imperialist war.

    Student 3. Clara Zetkin was a member of the Spartak Union, on the basis of which the Communist Party of Germany was founded on December 31, 1918 - January 1, 1919.

    In 1920-1933, throughout the existence of the Weimar Republic, the German revolutionary represented the Communist Party in the German Reichstag.

    From 1919 to 1929 she was a member of the Central Committee of the KKE. In parallel, she was employed in the Executive Committee of the Comintern, headed its International Women's Secretariat, as well as the International Organization for Assistance to Revolutionary Fighters, established in 1922.

    Pupil 4. From the moment of its inception, Clara Zetkin strongly condemned fascism. In 1932, while chairing the Reichstag, she issued an appeal to resist Nazism by all means. After the Reichstag fire and Hitler's rise to power, left-wing parties in Germany were banned, Zetkin went into exile for the last time, this time to the Soviet Union.

    Student 1. Few people today know that she died in 1933 in Arkhangelsk near Moscow. After her death, she was cremated, the ashes were placed in an urn in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow.

    Student 2. At one time, a postage stamp dedicated to Clara Zetkin was issued in Germany, streets in Russian cities were named after her.

    Student 3. Interestingly, Clara Zetkin gave Russian names to her two sons - Maxim and Konstantin.

    Pupil 4. She loved our country very much, which became a haven for her after her exile. Living in Arkhangelsk, she looked after roses, talked a lot with delegations of women who turned to her on issues of the women's movement.

    Classroom teacher. Imagine that, perhaps, without this woman, the issues of the women's movement would not have been resolved for a long time not only in our country, but also in many countries of the world. What other famous women were women's rights activists?

    The second group comes out, preparing a story and a presentation about Dolores Ibarruri.

    Student 1. This woman could become famous only thanks to one phrase she said, which speaks about her character, attitude to life, herself and people.

    Student 2. It is to her that the words belong: "It is better to die standing than to live on your knees."

    Student 3. Dolores Ibarruri, Passionaria - in Spanish "fiery", "passion flower". She was born in Spain. Dolores Ibarruri was a prominent figure in the Spanish and international labor movement, the leader of the Spanish communists, an active participant in the republican movement in the years civil war in Spain in 1936-1939.

    Student 4. For a long time she lived in the Soviet Union, and in 1960 she even received Soviet citizenship.

    Student 1. Her only son Ruben participated in the Great Patriotic War and died near Stalingrad in 1942, defending our country from the Nazis.

    Student 2. From 1942 to 1960, Dolores Ibarruri was the General Secretary of the Spanish Communist Party, and from 1960 until the end of his life, its chairman.

    Student 3. She returned to her native Spain only in 1977 under King Juan Carlos and was elected to the Spanish Parliament.

    Pupil 4. Short lines of biography, behind which is a big and very complicated life. Her autobiographical book The Only Way has been translated into Russian, French, Italian, German, English and other languages. Also known is her autobiography "No Pasaran" ("They will not pass"), published in 1966.

    Dolores Ibarruri, one of the founders of the Women's International Democratic Federation, took an active part in the international democratic women's movement.

    Student 1. She is a laureate of the International Lenin Prize "For strengthening peace between peoples." Professor at Moscow State University. A street in Yekaterinburg is named after her.

    Classroom teacher. Women at all times fought for their rights and knew how to defend them. Even looking into myths and legends, we will get acquainted with the fair sex, who tirelessly fight for their rights. It is not surprising that many mythological figures are feminine.

    Let's get to know them and try to guess what mythological character we are talking about.

    Students come out with drawings that they do not show until the guys guess and name the mythological character.

    Student 1. Let's start with the simplest. Let me introduce you to a representative of mythology who is a fighter for her rights, sometimes she can come to the rescue in a difficult life situation. So, the first character.

    Forest old woman-sorceress, witch, sorceress. The character of the fairy tales of the Eastern and Western Slavs. She lives in the forest, in a hut on chicken legs. One of her legs is made of bones, she sees badly, she flies around the world in a mortar. In most fairy tales, she is the opponent of the hero, but sometimes his assistant and giver. (Baba Yaga.)

    Student 2. Now the second character.

    These are air maidens that protect people from ghouls. The Slavs believed that they live near the house and protect the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits. Cheerful, playful and attractive creatures, singing enchanting songs with delightful voices. early summer in the moonlight, they circle in round dances on the banks of reservoirs. Where they run and frolic, there the grass grows thicker and greener, and in the field the bread will be born more abundantly. (Beregini.)

    Student Z. And here's another character. According to ancient legends, a woman who sold her soul to the devil. In the south she is more attractive, often a young widow; in the north - an old woman, fat as a tub, with gray hair, bony hands and a huge blue nose.

    It differs from other women in that it has a small tail and has the ability to fly through the air on a broomstick, a poker, in a mortar. He goes to his dark deeds without fail through the chimney, can turn into different animals, most often a magpie, a pig, a dog and a yellow cat. It gets older and younger with the month. A well-known gathering place for these women on the Kupala night is in Kyiv on Bald Mountain. (Witch.)

    Pupil 4. But the task is more difficult. Slavic goddess water. A fair-faced river girl, murmuring her cheerful song. She will give a drink to a tired traveler, and wash the wound of a warrior, and having risen into the sky, she will fall with blessed rain on the fields. She was revered as a bright and kind goddess, giving life to all living things. From her name come the names of the rivers - Dnieper, Dniester, Danube, Dvina, Donets. Her name is complex and consists of two syllables that mean "water" and "nenya" - "mother". Special honors were paid to this goddess during the Kupala holidays. (Dana.)

    Student 1. And I want to offer another, no less famous character from children's fairy tales, fiction. In Slavic fairy tales, this is a wonderful bird that flies from the thirtieth kingdom. And this kingdom is fabulously rich lands, which were dreamed of in ancient times. The color of this bird is golden, and it lives in a golden cage. It can be assumed that the bird is associated with other mythological characters: Rarog, Fire Serpent. Sometimes in fairy tales this bird acts as a kidnapper. (Firebird.)

    Student 2. Her name is mentioned in many poems and songs. She is the goddess of love, the patroness of the family, the hearth, the goddess of youth, beauty, fertility. Femininity itself, tender, melodious, blond-haired, in white clothes, she will bring the guy to the sweet one in the round dance on Kupala night, and hide the stepdaughter from the evil stepmother under the branches when she gathers to meet her friend. In young families, it supports the hearth: sometimes it just smolders, and she throws up a twig, waves her clothes - the hearth flares up, touches the hearts of the unreasonable with warmth - and again the harmony in the family. (Lada.)

    Student 3. It is named after one of the days of the week. This is a female deity, the patroness of Friday. It also favors youth games with songs and dances. Appears in white clothes and guards the wells. Where it is depicted on plank roofs, there is healing water. In order not to dry out her grace, in ancient times, women secretly made a sacrifice to her - sheep's wool on an apron. In Belarus, the custom has been preserved to make statues of her from wood and pray to her for rain on a dark night. (Paraskeva Friday, or Virgo-Five.)

    Pupil 4. How many poems and songs are dedicated to this female image! She is the maiden of the waters, according to other legends, the wife of the Waterman.

    It's high beautiful girl living at the bottom of a pond. At night, she, along with her friends, splashes on the surface of the water, sits on a mill wheel, and dives. The maiden of the waters can tickle the passer-by to death or take her away. As a rule, they are girls who drowned themselves from unhappy love or were drowned by their stepmothers. According to legends, she can marry a man, but this marriage is always unsuccessful. (Mermaid.)

    Student 1. This character of legends and tales associated with female images is the most popular in our time. And how many films are dedicated to him! She, according to some legends, is the daughter of Frost, according to others - his granddaughter. Kind, not as tough as Frost. Sometimes in the summer he lives with people and helps them. (Snow Maiden.)

    Classroom teacher. You and I once again made sure that even in legends and tales the role of female images is great. They give life, save, help, protect, heal, pity and love.

    And what is it like today in the life of a woman - our contemporary? What does he live? What does he do? How does he solve professional and life issues?

    Students come out and lead a tour of a gallery of photographs of women who have achieved success in their professional activities.

    The first group of students leaves.

    Student 1. We decided to learn about the life and work of the remarkable women of Russia and the world, who today know and honor their International Women's Day, which is included in the calendar of memorable dates. Thanks to them, women, fighters for peace and justice, life becomes better, kinder and cleaner.

    Student 2. Here is one of those that we wanted to talk about on the eve of International Women's Day.

    Student 3. Marina Lavrentievna Popovich - lieutenant general of the Cossack troops.

    Pupil 4. A woman who surprisingly organically fit into the primordially male profession and is devoted to her all her life.

    Student 1. So, we begin our story (opens the portrait of M.J1. Popovich).

    Student 2. Who will believe that this woman is a pilot and general, screenwriter and director?

    Student 3(accompanies the story with a presentation). She was born on July 20, 1931 on the Leonenki farm in the Velizh district of the Smolensk region.

    Since childhood, she dreamed of the sky. In 1951, her dream came true, she graduated from an aviation technical school in Novosibirsk, then - a DOSAAF technical school in Saransk. After there was a Moscow branch of the Kyiv Aviation Institute. But even this was not enough for her - she conquered the Leningrad Academy of Civil Aviation. The most amazing thing is that she, the candidate technical sciences, is engaged not only in technology, but also in creativity, studying in State Institute theatrical art.

    Pupil 4. If we consider it professional activity, then you think: what this woman does would be more than enough for five people.

    In 1964 she became a test pilot. She was the commander of the An-12 ship. The first woman to break the sound barrier in a MiG-21 jet fighter, for which she received the nickname "Madame MiG" in foreign media. In the summer of 1965, on an RV aircraft with two turbojet engines, she set a world record for the speed of flights of aircraft of this class, passing a closed 2000-kilometer route at an average speed of 737.28 km / h.

    On September 20, 1967, the American Jacqueline Cochran exceeded the world record by flying on an RV plane along the route Volgograd - Moscow - Astrakhan - Volgograd 2510 km, 344 km. She set 10 world records as the commander of the giant Antey airship (An-22). In the last record flight, the crew led by her covered a distance of 1000 km at a speed exceeding 600 km / h, with a load of 50 tons.

    Until 1978, she served as a military test pilot in an aviation research institute in the city of Vladimirsky, Astrakhan Region.

    Student 1. Just imagine her track record!

    For five years she was a pilot-athlete in DOSAAF, worked as an instructor at the Central Aeroclub named after. V.P. Chkalov.

    Since 1979, she worked for five years as a lead test pilot for General Designer Antonov in his Design Bureau in Kyiv.

    She was the president of the VERSTO flight association in Tushino.

    Later, she headed the airline "Converse Avia" under the Ministry of Aviation Industry.

    Works in the center of A.E. Akimov, who deals with torsion fields.

    He is vice-rector of the International Institute of Management (MIU) for patriotic work.

    President of the International Academy of Energy Inversions. PC. Oshchepkova.

    Vice-President of NGO "International Fund "Health of the Fatherland"".

    Student 2. The military rank of Marina Lavrentievna is Air Force Colonel Engineer, Lieutenant General of the Cossack troops. Marina Lavrentievna is an experienced test pilot. She took part in the first selection of women - candidates for astronauts. Passed a stationary medical examination as part of the second group of nine people in February-March 1962. She is a test pilot of the 1st class, the author of 101 world records on various types of aircraft, the total flight time is more than 6 thousand hours on 40 types of aircraft, deserved master of sports of the USSR.

    Student 3. In addition, Marina Lavrentyevna is a passionate and enthusiastic person. She is the author and co-author of nine books, including a collection of poems. She is the author of the following books:

    . "Life is an eternal takeoff";

    . "Walking in two swings";

    . "Sisters of Icarus";

    . "Start above the clouds";

    . "Autograph in the sky";

    . "UFO over planet Earth".

    Hero of Socialist Labor;

    Order of the Badge of Honor and two more orders of the USSR;

    Gold and silver medals to them. S.P. queen and big gold medal FAI;

    She is a full member of the Platonic Academy of Sciences (France), a full member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (St. Petersburg), a full member of the International Theological Academy, a member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems, a member of the Writers' Union of Russia. A star in the constellation Cancer is named after her.

    Marina Lavrentievna is fond of studying UFOs, dreams of building airships.

    Classroom teacher. One fate ... How many interesting things we have now learned! You listen and do not believe that this is a story about one woman! It is hard to even imagine that a woman can reach such heights in an absolutely male profession.

    The second group comes out and opens the portrait on the board.

    Student 1. And we want to talk about a woman who is a representative of the Muslim world, lives in the East. It is generally accepted that the lot of Eastern women is only home and family. UAE Minister of Economy Sheikha Lubna bint Khaled Al Qasimi completely refutes this opinion.

    Student 2. UAE Minister of Economy Sheikha Lubna bint Khaled Al Qasimi has been included in Forbes magazine's list of the 100 most powerful women in the world.

    Among the merits of the first woman of the United Arab Emirates, who in 2004 was entrusted with the portfolio of a minister, the magazine notes the transparency of the management of the national economy, the skill of negotiating, the clear planning of trade relations, and the increase in the authority of the country.

    Student 3. Sheikha Lubna is included in the top 100 outstanding women of the world along with three other prominent representatives of the Arab countries. Among them are the Jordanian Queen Rania, the wife of the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Moza Al-Misned, and the chairman of the Kuwaiti Global Investment Fund, Maha Al-Guneim.

    Pupil 4. Sheikha Lubna belongs to the ancient ruling dynasty of the emirate of Sharjah. She studied in the USA and was the first representative of this country to go abroad to study. She studied computer technology in the States and became a programmer. Upon returning to the country from California in 1981, the current minister worked in her specialty in the seaport of Dubai and, according to the local press, made a great contribution to improving its work.

    Student 1. By the time of widespread information technologies the first UAE programmer was already a well-known specialist, had own company and intended to do scientific work.

    Student 2. Becoming at the age of 40 with a small first woman - a member of the government of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikha Lubna broke the shackles of medieval traditions and became an example of female success in male society in the East.

    Student Z. During her tenure at the ministry, in a favorable global environment, annual per capita income in the UAE grew by more than 15%, exceeding $28,000 in 2005.

    Pupil 4. Her example was followed by many women of the East. Today, young women in the Arab countries are fighting for rights in the same way that the women of Europe once did.

    The next group of students comes out.

    Student 1. Our portrait gallery of women - fighters for their rights and for the rights of their people would be incomplete if we did not talk about the Russian princess Olga.

    Student 2. Someone might say that Princess Olga has little to do with the International women's day but we do not agree with this. The strength and power of women like Princess Olga contributed to the fact that women at all times fought for their rights and thus influenced the women's movement.

    Student 3. In the history of Russia there are several beautiful female names. One of them is the Grand Duchess Olga, whom the chroniclers called cunning, the church considers a saint, and historians consider her wise.

    Scientists have not yet come to a consensus about the origin of the princess. It is only known for certain that she was a native of those places where ancient Pskov is now located. According to legend, this city arose at the request of Olga. It was as if she loved to ride a horse along the shores of lakes or to walk on a boat along the clear, wide river Velikaya. During one of the walks, she stopped on the shore and looked around. Clouds swept across the sky, blocking the sun. Suddenly, light shone from behind the clouds, illuminating with marvelous rays a stone cape that rose at the confluence of the Velikaya and Pskov rivers. Admiring the beauty of her native nature, the princess said: “There will be a temple of the Holy Trinity and the city is great, glorious and in all abundance ...”

    Pupil 4. Olga's name indicates that most likely she was born in a Varangian family. The chronicle preserved information that she was a beautiful girl, therefore, after the death of Prince Oleg, Prince Igor, who inherited the throne of Kyiv, married her after the first meeting. From that time on, she became Princess Olga. Soon their only son Svyatoslav was born. Probably, Olga saw little of her husband, who was constantly on campaigns, waged endless wars and collected tribute from the tribes subject to him. During the collection of polyudya from the tribe of the Drevlyans in 945, Prince Igor was killed. Olga had no choice but to take over after her husband, since the heir was still too small.

    Student 1. From the Tale of Bygone Years, we know that Olga took revenge on the Drevlyans for the murder of her husband. First, she tricked the Drevlyan ambassadors into a trap and destroyed them. Then, with her army, she went to fight the Drevlyans, burned their settlements and imposed a heavy tribute. Then the Drevlyan capital city of Iskorosten was burned.

    After the conquest of the Drevlyans, Olga began to strengthen the princely power. She set the amount of tribute and dues, indicated the places of their collection, and until now, echoes of her name have been preserved in the names of villages and graveyards. So, on the Dnieper there is the village of Olzhichi, and in the North - Olgin churchyard.

    Student 2. It should be noted that the time of her reign was characterized by a calm, measured life. In any case, in the annals there is no mention of victorious campaigns and bloody battles that would have taken place at that time. In Russia, a short period of “silence and reconciliation” was established, as the Russian historian N.M. Karamzin.

    Student 3. But this did not mean at all that the ruler was not interested in foreign affairs. Like Oleg, she sought to increase the prestige of Russia, although she achieved her goal not by military means, but by peaceful means. In order to strengthen contacts with other states, in particular with Byzantium, Princess Olga decided to be baptized. It was a very important and wise step. Baptism not only equalized Olga with the rulers of other countries, but also allowed her to occupy a special position. After all, she was baptized in Byzantium, and the emperor himself became her godfather.

    Pupil 4. After returning from Constantinople, she withdrew from state affairs, transferring power to her son Svyatoslav Last years she devoted her life to the promotion of Christianity, under her leadership at that time several churches were built. Therefore, after her death, Olga became the first Russian woman to be canonized as a saint. The Orthodox Church also recognized Princess Olga Equal to the Apostles, which is a worthy assessment of her activities.

    The next group of students comes out with a portrait of M.A. Andreeva.

    Student 1. And we invite you again today. The woman we want to talk about is a professor, doctor of geographical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

    She lives in Chelyabinsk, but her achievements are known to the world. This is Maria Andreevna Andreeva.

    Student 2. Since 1958, she has been the head of the Department of Physical Geography of the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical Institute. During all the years of work at the institute, he conducts scientific research on the problems of the hydrometeorological regime of the Urals. The relevance of her work is determined by the great national economic importance of the water resources of the Urals, especially the Trans-Urals, which is experiencing a large shortage of fresh water.

    Student 3. She defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Physical and geographical features of the lakes of the Southern Urals and their economic use." Further scientific work was aimed at studying long-term fluctuations in the hydrological regime of lakes and the meteorological factors that determine it.

    In 2000, Maria Andreeva was included in the number of one hundred outstanding women in the world. Her name is included in the international directory "Who is who". This decision was taken by the international council of the Biographical Institute of America. Honored Scientist, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Honorary Member of the Geographical Society of Russia, Maria Andreeva was awarded this for her great contribution to science. She is the author of about 180 scientific papers, including books, study guides and articles on physical geography, hydrology and ecology of the Urals.

    Student 4. Chelyabinsk schoolchildren in the new academic year were able to study the geography of their region using a new textbook. Its author is a world-famous geographer Maria Andreeva, a woman who discovered the geography of the Urals to the world.

    Classroom teacher. We could continue the story about the outstanding women of Russia and the world. However, I am now announcing a Who's Who quiz dedicated to women who must be remembered on International Women's Day. They lived and live on different continents. They are strong, smart, talented, persistent, their contribution to the development of science and culture is enormous.

    Women Quiz

    1. She won the election brilliantly. As chancellor, ten years in a row tops the list of the hundred most powerful women in the world. (Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany.)

    2. Among the companions of great people, she occupies a special place: to her alone two world geniuses devoted their art and themselves without a trace, proudly declaring for many years: “Gala is my only muse, my genius and my life.” Confessing: “Without her, I am nobody,” neither Paul Eluard nor Salvador Dali were cunning: numerous testimonies leave no doubt - if she were not around, the world would be left without their masterpieces. (Gala, or Elena Dmitrievna Dyakonova.)

    3. For a long time she worked in the Government of Russia, being a Deputy Prime Minister. Soon she won the elections and became the governor of one of the most important cities in Russia. Heading the government of this city, she does everything possible to preserve its glory and greatness, laid down by Peter the Great. (Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko.)

    4. She owns the glory of the world's first female astronaut. She began her working biography in the city of Yaroslavl. From an ordinary weaver to an astronaut - the road is not easy, but she passed it with honor. (Valentina Tereshkova.)

    5. A small number of people know that Russian scientists have made the greatest contribution to the fight against herpes virus infections. And first of all, the fight against this virus is associated with the name of a famous woman who invented one of the best medicines for the treatment of herpes - acyclovir. (Gertrude Elion.)

    6. This woman has made a huge contribution to the formation of the democratic traditions of Pakistan. However, her fame in politics, her ability to reach every person in resolving political issues aroused the hatred of the opposition circles in Pakistan. She was killed a few years ago. ( Ex-president Pakistani Benazir Bhutto.)

    7. Humanity should be grateful to this woman for the discovery of DNA. Half a century ago, in the spring of 1953, hundreds of thousands of people were excited by a series of articles in the journal Natura about the discovery of the structure of DNA, the substance of heredity. (Rosalind Franklin.)

    8. The amazing life of this woman, marked either by luxury or poverty, was full of violent passions and terrible tragedies. She was respected for her skill and talent. She was envied - for the love of the public, the independence of behavior, the patronage of the powers that be. And her romance with Sergei Yesenin, closeness to Yesenin's entourage and admiration for the revolution in Russia are remembered even more often than bright creative life great barefoot dancer. (Isadora Duncan.)

    9. They love and hate her, curse and envy her, admire her intelligence and cunning, seek friendship with her not only in her country, but also in other countries of the world. Her hairstyle has become the subject of discussion by politicians, journalists and ... comedians, and her actions are unpredictable. (Yulia Tymoshenko is a former Prime Minister of Ukraine.)

    10. A well-known journalist, a person who paid great attention to the coverage of problems related to the life of people in hot spots. She took someone else's tragedy as her own. Her articles were expected, they were feared, they hoped that after she told the truth in the newspaper, everything would change. Did not work out. She, a well-known journalist, was killed meanly, on the sly. (Journalist Anna Politkovskaya.)

    Classroom teacher. Our quiz can be endless. So many women of the planet Earth have done so that humanity remembers the fair sex, not only on International Women's Day, so many glorious female names are inscribed in the history of the women's movement of the planet. Students come out prepared to read the poem.

    Student 1. Many poets and writers have sung the woman in their works, but now, by the way, E. Asadov's poem "Woman" will sound, with which we want to end the story about International Women's Day.

    In the mountains, on a rock, dreaming of debauchery,

    Treason sat, thin and angry.

    And next to the cherry sat Love,

    Dawn gold in braids weaving.

    Student 2.

    Gathering fruits and roots in the morning,

    They rested by the mountain lakes

    And always waged an endless dispute -

    With a smile, one, and the other with contempt.

    Student 3.

    One said: “The world needs

    Loyalty, integrity and purity.

    We are bright, kind should be -

    That's the beauty!"

    Student 4.

    Another shouted: “Empty dreams!

    Who will thank you for this?

    Here, right, bellies will tear from laughter

    Even mindless fish!

    Student 1.

    Once such they raised a cry,

    That the shaggy old man woke up in anger,

    Great sorcerer, irritable grandfather,

    Slept in a cave for three thousand years.

    Student 2.

    And the old man barked: “What kind of war is this?!

    I'll show you how to wake the sorcerer!

    So here's to ending all your strife,

    I will fuse you together for all time!”

    Student 3.

    He grabbed Love with a magical hand,

    He seized Treason with another hand

    And threw them into a jar, green as the sea,

    And then there - and joy, and sorrow,

    And fidelity, and anger, kindness, and dope,

    And pure truth, and vile deceit.

    Student 4.

    As soon as he put the jug on the fire,

    Smoke rose over the forest like a black tent,

    Higher and higher, to the mountain peaks,

    The old man looks at the jug with curiosity:

    When everything is melted down, tormented, What the hell will happen there? The jug is getting cold. The experience is ready.

    A crack ran along the bottom

    Then it broke into a hundred pieces

    And a woman appeared.

    II. Summarizing. Determining the theme of the next information hour

    Class hour for March 8 on the theme "Spring Mosaic"

    Oral humor magazine for grade 9

    Congratulations to girls on International Women's Day in the form of an oral humorous magazine. All materials of the magazine are prepared by boys. It is desirable that each boy takes part in the congratulation (the script contains a sufficient number of texts and materials for this).

    Aims to expand children's understanding of each other; the formation of a positive moral assessment of such qualities of character as goodwill, politeness; encouragement to participate in collective events, to develop their abilities and talents; creating a positive moral climate in the team.

    Conduct form: humorous oral magazine.

    Preparatory work:

    A week before class, introduce the boys to the script, assign roles;

    You can instruct one of the boys to make a slide film on the computer (beautiful views of spring nature, flowers, lyrical music);

    For the game "Questions and Answers" prepare strips of paper with answers to questions (according to the number of girls in the class). Before the start of the game, the boys will quickly distribute these strips to the girls on their desks. Then, as the game progresses, the girls, in response to a question, will have to read the sentence written on their strip.


    1. Only after 12 at night.

    2. I am always ready for it.

    3. This is my favorite activity.

    4. When chickens do not peck for money.

    5. When the wallet is empty.

    6. Under the pillow when no one is looking.

    7. I love it, especially in algebra!

    8. With pleasure, but on the sly.

    9. Only in a cheerful company.

    10. When I answer at the blackboard.

    11. Only for a large reward.

    12. Mostly under duress.

    13. As soon as I go to school.

    14. At recess around the corner of the school.

    15. As a rule, in a chemistry lesson. 1 b. Under the desk, in the classroom.

    17. When the mood is rainy.

    18. I can hardly restrain myself from it.

    19. Only in the director's office.

    20. In all lessons.

    Equipment: tape recorder, computer (if there is a slide show).

    Decor: flower garlands, Balloons, Photo: spring nature, flowers, birds. Write the contents of the oral journal on the board (rewrite from the classroom plan).

    class plan

    I. Opening remarks.

    II. Oral humorous magazine "Spring Mosaic".

    1. In the cages of a bird - in the towers of a girl (Editorial article).

    2. Girls are different (Research).

    3. Reception at 9-A (Video report).

    4. Game "Questions and answers".

    5. Virtual postcard (Slide film)

    If you fail to prepare a slide film, you can skip this step.

    6. Holiday greetings.

    III. Summing up (reflection).

    Class hour progress

    I. Opening remarks

    Presenter 1. Dear (surname, name, patronymic of the teacher), dear girls! Today, on the eve of March 8, we have prepared for you a festive issue of the oral magazine "Spring Mosaic". Our correspondents did their best not to let you get bored today, to learn something new, and not to forget about the guys.

    II. Oral journal "Spring Mosaic"

    Presenter 1. We open the first page of our magazine. "In the cages of a bird - in the towers of a girl" - an editorial on the position of women in society. Prepared by our correspondent (name, surname).

    In the cages of a bird - in the towers of a girl

    Presenter 2. In the old days in Russia, women had a hard time. They built special "towers" for them and hid them from prying eyes. Everyone knows the proverb: "In the cages of a bird - in the towers of a girl." Daughters from an early age were kept in strictness. Taught sewing and various household chores. They weren't allowed out of the yard unaccompanied by guards, guided by the proverb: "Keep the money in the dark, and the girl in cramped quarters." Only on a holiday were the poor girls allowed to have a little fun: ride a swing, sleigh and skate. The nobler the family, the more rigor was in education. Giving the girl in marriage, the parents did not ask her consent. She herself did not know who she was going for, she did not see her fiancé before marriage. Having become a wife, she fell into complete submission to her husband, she could not even go out anywhere without his permission. Russian beauties were not like modern beauties. According to the concepts of that time, the beauty of a woman consisted in thickness and corpulence. Thin and slender were considered ugly and were ready for anything to get better. The historian Kostomarov writes that an indispensable sign female beauty elongated ears were considered, some beauties specially pulled out their ears. Well, and the former beauties blushed and whitened no less than the current ones. Lipsticks, ointments, rouge and white were harassed by kilograms.

    Women constantly fought for their freedom and finally won permission to stop horses at a gallop and enter burning huts. And in our time, they are practically no different from men. They can lead the state, drive ships, planes, cars, dig trenches, mine coal, serve in the army and play football. And at the same time remain as gentle, mysterious and beautiful as 300 years ago, when they were sitting in the towers, like birds in cages.

    Girls are different

    Presenter 1. “Girls are different” - this is how our special correspondents called their study (names, surnames).

    Presenter 3. So, girls are different: green, blue, red ...

    Presenter 1. Stop-stop, from this place in more detail, please. We are only interested in red girls.

    Presenter 4. Everything is clear, modern red girls, old-fashioned red girls, are different: cheerful and sad

    mi, harmful and not very active, athletic, positive and progressive.

    Presenter 3. Researchers combine them into 4 large groups, or type, or class: a) nerds, b) cool girls, c) princesses and d) wildcats.

    Presenter 4. Consider the features of each type.

    Presenter 3. Zubrilki, they are nerds. They do not put on make-up, they always do all their homework, by the 9th grade they can not only write, but also read. With such, without wasting time, you need to make friends - perhaps tomorrow, when they become stars, you will have to tell reporters that you studied with them in the same class.

    Presenter 4. Cool girls. Everything in piercings and tattoos, nails in the most radical colors. They sneeze at everyone to the awesome music. They even sleep with headphones on.

    Presenter 3. Princesses or doll girls. They like to wear different hair clips, trinkets and other rubbish. They love everything pink and fluffy.

    Presenter 4. Tears, they are tomboys. These girls sit only on the last desk. They think they are the best! They chew gum furiously, inflating bubbles juicy and neighing predatory when the bubble bursts and the teacher shudders from cotton. You need to be careful with them: even a compass in their hands can become a melee weapon.

    Presenter 3. Having analyzed these types, we found that none of them is suitable for our girls. Therefore, we made a scientific discovery - we discovered a new type of girls - girls are cool, the most beautiful. This type just prevails in our class.

    Presenter 4. These girls are beautiful, friendly, neat, polite, sociable, cultured, distinguished by intelligence and quick wits.

    Reception at 9-A

    Presenter 1. We received a statement from one red girl who asks to be accepted into our class. We offer you a video report from the selection committee.

    (3 boys sit down at the teacher’s table, one of them puts a sign on the table “Admission is announced at 9-A.” A “girl” (a boy in disguise) comes up to the table.)

    Moderator 5. Why did you decide that you need to study in our class?

    Girl. Because I am a cool girl.

    Presenter 6. But we have not just cool, but also red girls.

    Girl. Have you dried up? My appearance speaks for itself (becomes a model on the catwalk)! A total waste!

    Presenter 7. But our girls are cultured, polite ...

    Girl. Yes, I can hardly restrain myself so that the whole culture does not come out of me. And as for politeness, I know three whole polite words: "goblin", "nerd" and "loh". I use them instead of the word "fool".

    Host 6. They say you need to look at what a girl has in her purse and find out if she has this quality or not.

    Girl. Yes, how much this neatness will fit me! Get hurt!

    (She shakes out the contents of her purse on the table, there is a washer, a sneaker, a sock, lipstick, a comb, a mirror, a pack of cigarettes, etc.)

    Presenter 7. Yes, there is a whole bunch of neatness here, but how are you with your mind and ingenuity?

    Girl. Well, this is what I'm having trouble with. As soon as I need to think, especially on the control, I get sausage and depression starts.

    Presenter 5. And quick wits?

    Girl. This is where the minder comes to the rescue. Always tells you how to move out so as not to think.

    Presenter 6. Well, what does she tell you?

    Girl. That in this world you can always find someone to write off.

    Host 7. Ah, well, then you do not meet our requirements at all. All of our girls are smart and intelligent. And if we accept people like you, we ourselves will have no one to write off.

    Girl. A complete bummer!

    Presenter 5. Don't be upset ...

    Girl. Think I don't care! Chao, bambino (blows a kiss, runs to the door)\

    Presenter 1. Wait, stay for another 5 minutes. We will now have intellectual game. And you will see how smart and quick-witted our girls are. Any question is answered instantly, without hesitation. And they tell us too. The game will be hosted by (names and surnames).

    Girl. Okay, we've been slacked off. (Sits down at the teacher's table.)

    Game "Questions and answers"

    Presenter 8. Now we will play the game "Questions and Answers". And the girls will show how smart and reasonable they are.

    Presenter 9. Given their excitement and festive mood, we have prepared tips for them.

    (Boys hand out sheets of paper with answers to questions to girls.)

    Presenter 8. We will ask each girl a question, and she should read the answer to it in the cheat sheet that she received. Presenter 9. Attention, questions:

    (The hosts take turns asking questions, the girls answer by reading the answers on the sheets.)

    1. Do you like to study?

    3. Do you like to go out with your friends?

    4. Do you exercise in the morning?

    5. Do you do your homework?

    6. Do you smoke?

    7. Do you like to eat?

    8. Do you read other people's letters?

    9. Do you like to cheat on tests?

    10. Do you like to sleep?

    11. Do you dream of big love?

    12. Do you spread gossip?

    13. Can you swim?

    14. Do you play dirty tricks on teachers?

    15. Do you drink beer?

    16. Do you like to eavesdrop on other people's conversations?

    17. Do you dream about new outfits?

    18. Do you sometimes feel like singing loudly?

    19. Do you lie to your parents?

    20. Do you like to go to the theater?

    Presenter 1. As you can see, the girls did not let us down and gave convincing answers to all difficult questions.

    Girl. Yes, I see that there is nothing to do with my thinking. I'm going to increase my intellect! Chao cocoa (runs out the door)

    Virtual postcard (if a slide film is made)

    Presenter 1. And now a virtual musical break. A gift from the boys of our class. Slide film "Spring mood" - author, director and sound engineer (first name, last name).

    (The computer slideshow starts.)

    holiday greeting

    Presenter 1. Well, now the last page of our magazine is a greeting card.

    (Music sounds. All the boys line up at the blackboard.)

    Presenter 10. Dear (name, patronymic of the teacher), dear girls, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of spring, on March 8.

    Presenter 11. Among the first days of spring, March 8 is the most expensive of all. After all, everyone on earth knows: spring and women are alike!

    Lead 13. We want to congratulate all of you, so beautiful, on the holiday of spring. Both the sun's light and your clear look are equally necessary to us!

    Presenter 14. With a fragrant sprig of mimosa, spring comes to every home. We heartily congratulate you...

    All (in chorus). Happy International Women's Day!

    Presenter 10. Spring to you bright, kind, gentle and dreams come true! May March give, though snowy, smiles and flowers to all of you!

    Presenter 11. We wish you happiness and love - they are more precious than all gifts! And may your dreams come true on the beautiful day of March 8!

    Presenter 12. May the first snowdrop give you tenderness, the spring sun give warmth, and the March wind give hope, and happiness, and joy, and only good!

    Presenter 13. Let the heart beat drops to the beat, let the blizzards sink into the past, and let the heart forget about adversity in the spring round dances.

    Lead 14. Let storms and bad weather perish, let them go forever into the shadows. We wish you only happiness...

    All (in chorus). On your kindest, brightest day!

    III. Summing up (reflection)

    Classroom teacher. Did you like today's edition of the oral magazine? What was more interesting: watching or preparing the release? (Children's answers.)