"He wants nothing!" How to help your child choose a career. What to be: choosing a profession from an early age? How to conduct career guidance for children

  • 13.11.2019

Not the easiest task. Adults themselves often do not know what they would really like to do until retirement. And it is even more difficult to guide a child on the true path.

Who to be? For children, this is a very difficult question. After all, they still know very little about the world and about themselves. Also, parents often do a disservice: they focus on their own, and not on children's interests, insist that it is supposedly prestigious, but not to the liking of the child. In general, they embody their own ambitions in children. Experts from the Foxford online school gave their advice to readers of the site - they told how to help a child make a choice and do no harm.

Preschoolers and primary school children: do not expect results from the child

Children from 4 to 7 years old can be addicted to the same thing for weeks: sculpt, dance, build towers or babysit dolls. This does not mean that you need to send your child to an art or dance studio, Lego club or parenting school. A child who, from the age of three, is persistently interested in something and shows obvious abilities, is rather an exception to the rule. Usually children try everything they can reach, and for periods they are enthusiastically engaged in one thing. Do not be afraid to ruin the talent, be afraid to drown out the child's inner voice by being too busy.

It is not without reason that the sanitary rules and norms for kindergartens require preschoolers to play completely freely for 3-4 hours a day. Parents often strive to keep their child busy with “more useful” things: English lessons, rhythm, Zaitsev’s cubes - all this should be in moderation. In free play, the child develops imagination, self-control, attention and memory in the most healthy and natural way. What is English worth without the courage to speak, or the ability to read without imagination?

The first two, or even all four years in elementary school, the child spends on learning to learn - to prepare for the transition to the middle level. At the same time, the student begins or continues to go in for sports, music, creativity in circles and sections, makes his first friends.

It happens that a boy decides to quit karate in order to go to football with a new friend. Or a girl wants to leave choreography for clay modeling. A rare parent would agree to this - still, so many years invested in classes, behind belts, medals and diplomas. Is it necessary to persuade a child to stay in order to develop character? Or give him freedom of choice?

And for parents of toddlers, and for parents of elementary school students, the advice is the same: keep the interest, not the choice. Let the child see that it is not karate or football that is important to you, but his health, agility and skill. Let your daughter know that you admire her grace and want her to stay energetic and flexible, but let her make a choice. Sculpting will not replace physical activity, but gymnastics, yoga, capoeira or figure skating will.

If a child has a new interest - drawing, chess, robotics or sewing - support with a word, buy materials and a subscription to the studio, praise for success, but do not expect results. The more the child tries, the better he understands himself. Only those who know how to listen to themselves and have received enough impressions are able to choose their own path.

The child will try and seek his interest and in high school. Adolescence is a time of experimentation, so be patient and be prepared to support your child's passions.

Teenagers and high school students: only serious practice

It seems that jokes about lawyers and economists won't last long. Rectors of metropolitan universities note that in 2017 many graduates chose engineering specialties and Information Technology. And rightly so, because these areas underlie half of the professions of the future.

In choosing a specialty, a high school student faces three key problems:

I heard about different professions, but I can only imagine well those that I saw in life and cinema;

Does not know what personal and physical qualities are needed in a particular job;

Incorrectly assesses their abilities and interests.

In order for your child to make an informed choice for the future, meetings with interesting people and excursions to the Christmas tree toy factory are not enough. It is necessary that the student tried on the profession for himself and received feedback from a specialist. Educational and entertainment cities of professions are suitable for children under 14 years old, and high school students need serious practice. There are three ways to go here.

1. Career guidance camp

Middle and high school students get to know professions in educational vacation camps. For example, in the robotics camp, students learn engineering and programming like real masters - they make useful robots. Some people light up with robotics, others understand that a tempting profession does not suit them. But all participants of the shift will learn how robots help people in medicine, in production, in education, and better understand the world of the future.

Another promising area is information technology. Do not worry if your student does not let go of the gadget. Perhaps in the next 2-3 years he will master one of the Internet professions. In IT-oriented camps, the guys work under the guidance of programmers, project managers, designers and SMM specialists. The world has changed, and a smartphone in some hands is a stupid toy, while in others it is a working tool.

The main advantage of the educational camp is the opportunity to get acquainted with several different specialties within one direction and understand how this or that job suits a teenager. Well, talking to experts, of course.

2. Lessons with a tutor

Sometimes a child chooses a profession in accordance with his favorite subject and is disappointed. After all, school mathematics is one thing, and university courses and tasks that an engineer, marketer or programmer solves are completely different.

It also happens vice versa: the child has chosen a profession, but doubts that he will pass the entrance exam in a difficult subject. To understand whether the student will pull in-depth physics and how many points he will pass the Russian language, contact the tutor. One or two years before the exam, an experienced teacher will help you deal with difficulties, inspire confidence in yourself and prepare for the exam in the most effective way. If it is difficult to find a suitable tutor in your city, study online via Skype. This is often cheaper than face-to-face classes.

3. Vacation internship

Graduates in Europe and the US allow themselves a free year after school to work and see the world. In Russia, this is not accepted, especially since guys can be drafted into the army. But according to the laws of the Russian Federation, a teenager over 14 years old has the right to work with the consent of his parents - a great chance to look at some profession during the holidays.

Before placing a child to practice at a friend's bakery, talk to him. Perhaps your enterprising student is already earning with might and main on cryptocurrency, coding bots for Telegram, or promoting his own YouTube channel.

What is Career Guidance for School Students?

Vocational guidance for schoolchildren is the process of finding an answer to the question "whom a schoolboy should be." In order to find this answer, it is necessary to examine this student in terms of his abilities, needs, values, skills and knowledge.

This is done in the presence of the parents and with the participation of the parents. It's deep teamwork. Of course, the student will be given tasks to determine the properties of his intellect and personality.

At our ProfGuide center, all this is done not by a computer program, but by a living person. We believe that this is fundamentally valuable for making an accurate decision about the fate of the child.

At what age can you choose a profession?

At the age of 14-15, a person can determine the profession quite accurately. But let's make a reservation: if he is ready to work on choosing a profession. This means that if he has enough experience of interacting with different aspects of reality, if he is ready to disagree with the statement of an adult, if he has a habit of mental and physical labor, and if he is mentally healthy.

Is vocational guidance possible until the age of 12?

Until the age of 12, not everyone can choose a profession, and very approximately. There are two reasons. Firstly, the child has not yet studied chemistry, physics, biology at school. Secondly, he has little social experience. Therefore, at this age, the child should not be limited by driving into certain areas. Let him develop comprehensively, studying himself and the world around him.

And yet, by the age of 12, the main directions of possible development and the main limitations in abilities are already visible. It is important to carefully identify these limitations, the properties of the child - both personal and intellectual. It is possible and necessary to develop a plan for intellectual and personal development up to the age of 15, determine the specialization of the class, school, send the child to circles and sections, give a list of books to be read and a list of skills that he must master by the age of 14-15.

This is what neuropsychologist Anna Andreeva is doing, identifying the abilities of children under 12 years old and analyzing the most difficult cases.

When do consultations take place?

We can take you on any day convenient for you. Career guidance starts at 10, 13, 16 and 19 hours Moscow time.
Career guidance is possible both in the office in Moscow and online (skype, viber).

And on the Internet consultation is not worse?

A Skype or Viber consultation is no worse if the connection is good and we can see and hear each other. Usually the connection is good.

Of course! This is a very important part of career guidance. We try to find universities and colleges that suit you by location (city, country), by price, by USE scores, by a set of subjects, by whether there is a military department, a hostel, and by other parameters.

What if my child doesn't know what he wants?

It does not happen that a teenager does not want anything. He does not want only what you offer him. But for him there are very pleasant gifts of fate. You just don't know about it yet. We always find activities that are enjoyable for the child. Is always.

Usually high school students come to career guidance with complete confusion in their smart heads. Why the confusion? But from what. It is not known what to be guided by when choosing a profession. The most obvious: school subjects.

From them, perhaps, to dance? Social studies are going well - I'll go where they take it. And these are economic universities. Do you want to work as an economist? Not? And by whom? Here we understand. Or: physics and mathematics are going well - I will go to an engineering university. Do you want to work with it later? With drawings, calculations? In the design office? Or at a factory or a construction site? Not? So, we need to figure it out.

Lay out the entire "child's card" on the table and see strengths and inclinations (interests). Tendencies can be so strange and different that, well, it's just not understandable. neither the high school student nor his parents. Everything the child wants. And here we sit and figure it out. It has to be done, it has to be done. Consider everything from all sides, see everything and make an informed decision. There are no people unsuitable for anything. No. And in your child - a treasure. Let's look for treasure together.

If you ask anyone elementary school student, for which he studies, you can hear: "For parents" or "To get fives." And you can not hear the answer "for yourself." But children from the very first grade should know that they are learning for themselves, for their future.

And, unfortunately, it is very rare to meet a first-grader who can say with certainty who his dad is, or even grandparents. And that is where it begins professional path, the result of which will be the selected profession. The test to determine the readiness of the baby for school includes questions about professions: "What does the postman do?", "What does the cook do?" etc.

And so that your child at the age of 15-17 does not stand at a crossroads, being afraid to choose one or another profession, it is necessary that he understands why he studies at school. And our task is to help him in this.


From the age of 6-7, start preparing your baby for school, not in the sense of tasks and, but psychologically. That is, tell him about the school, what they teach there, show your certificate, diplomas, school notebooks, albums. And let your child still play with children's toys, but he simply needs to know what he will have to face in the future. And such information will cause considerable interest in him.

AT primary school you can arrange an excursion for the child, for example, to a confectionery, a factory, a fire department or a post office. To show how everyday work goes in some team - there will be no limit to delight. After all, at the age of 8-9 years, the child is still dominated by thinking based on a visual image.

an important role in determining future profession plays heredity. Try drawing your family tree to see who your ancestors were. Perhaps, on the mother's side, all women were teachers, and on the father's side, three generations of doctors. Perhaps your child will choose a direction close to medicine, education or architecture.

An analysis of family traditions will help you understand what kind of talent your child can inherit. Perhaps he does not want to be like one of his relatives at all and will go his own way. The main thing - do not force: "Grow up - you will be a doctor, this is a family tradition."

Focus on professionalism

A teenager can already understand the difference between a profession and a career. Explain to him that becoming a good doctor or architect is better than "flying up" the career ladder, "walking over heads." After all, there are not so many good professionals who know their business, but there are more than enough careerists.


In childhood, you can notice in the baby musical abilities or a penchant for drawing, at school - for mathematics, physics or the Russian language. But how to open a future chief accountant, administrator or broker?

To do this, give the child some freedom. Just plan your child's schedule so that he has time for something of his own, for a hobby. Of course, there are children who spend all their time near the TV or in in social networks, and there are those that combine both school and sports sections. In any case, you cannot force a child to attend ballroom dancing classes if he wants to devote time to studying. foreign language, and vice versa. But the overload of classes and can take away the desire of children to do what they want.

The choice of a section or circle depends on the desire of the child. In such extracurricular activities, where there are no grades, the child's abilities are revealed. Children aged 10-12 are drawn to their peers, follow leaders who can captivate them. It is at this age that they can discover talents in themselves that you did not even know about.

And do not scold the child for the fact that, having worked out in one circle, he will move to another in a year - these are just attempts to "find himself."

Any parent wants to help their child, and every child hears the question from childhood: “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Assistance to adolescents and young people in preparing for the choice of a profession, taking into account the characteristics of the individual, is called career guidance. Specialists have a large arsenal of necessary technologies, which include diagnostic techniques, conversation, group training work, and many others. There are special career guidance camps, centers and other institutions where various specialists work - teachers, psychologists, etc. Most of these establishments and activities are designed for teenagers due to the fact that children should already have an idea about the world of professions. Modern Russian system education is structured in such a way that in high school, classes are often already divided into profiles, and children are required to decide which profile exams they will take.


One of the most important areas of career guidance work is professional information. The child must understand how diverse the world of professions is, how specific each of them is. Often in my work, I come across questions from teenagers: “what kind of specialties exist?”, And this is a really serious problem. Children cannot choose a profession for themselves, not because they cannot decide on their interests and desires, but because they have no idea what to choose from. In older adolescence, it is necessary to engage in professional information, but you can do it even earlier, starting from when children absorb information like a sponge and want to try on all the roles. In providing a child with information about various professions, it is important to ensure that professional information does not develop into profagitation, informing should be objective and unbiased.

Introduction to the world of professions

It becomes the leading activity in children after 3 years. Preschoolers try different roles, among which one can often find professional roles: playing salesman, doctor, policeman, teacher. If you do not interfere with the baby in such games, but support it, then already at this age you can notice some trends in professional self-determination. Some kids will be happy to sell pieces of paper, others will count the "money" received, some will enjoy the opportunity to communicate with other people, while some kids will rather want to draw alone, for example, "admission tickets to the theater." By this choice of the child, one can even determine not the scope or direction, but only the general nature of the activity suitable for the baby. Of course, in 10-15 years this child will be a completely different person, but, for example, temperament will remain the same - this is an innate set of mental properties, which subsequently becomes the basis for character formation.

The older the child becomes, the more detailed you can acquaint him with the world of professions. If the child shows interest in any specialty, you can ask one of the acquaintances working in this area to tell the child about their specialty, take a tour of the place of work, talk about the specifics of the activity, perhaps let the child try to do something on their own . Even if later the kid chooses a completely different profession, he will remember vivid impressions of the adventure, when he turned out to be, for example, a cook's assistant for a couple of hours, for a lifetime.

But to ship a child before reaching adolescence is not worth it. First, most of the questionnaires are designed for older adolescence, and some for adolescence. Secondly, all diagnostic methods are built on the principle of choosing between some of the proposed activities, which means that the child should already have an idea about most professions. Quite often, psychologists are faced with situations in which diagnostic work most of the time is spent explaining to a teenager the names of professions and the principles of this work. Thirdly, diagnosis is a rather boring process for a child, which means that it will not be productive.

Overestimate the benefits early career guidance difficult: try yourself in different types activities are very helpful. The sooner they come to light, it turns out what is interesting to do, the more time there will be to train these abilities, to prepare for the main choice in life. Then by the end of school, the choice of specialty and educational institution will be much more thoughtful, conscious and productive.

Ekaterina Safonova

Natalia Postnikova

Amazing country Childhood! You can dream about your future, for example, who to be. Realize your dream in games: today - a doctor, tomorrow - a banker and even the President ...

Preschool age is most favorable for pedagogical influence. Toddlers learn to love work, respect any kind of human activity, get acquainted with the simplest, but most characteristic features. professions acquire skills that will be developed in school. A system of measures aimed at identifying the personal characteristics, interests and abilities of each person to assist him in a reasonable choice professions, most appropriate to his individual capabilities - this is professional orientation.

Vocational guidance for preschoolers- this is a wide field of activity for teachers, a new and still unexplored direction preschool pedagogy. preschool institution is the first step in the formation of basic knowledge about professions. It is in kindergarten that children get acquainted with the variety and wide choice professions. Acquaintance with the work of adults and with the outside world occurs already in the younger years. preschool age when children through fairy tales, communication with adults and the media learn about different professions. We believe that acquaintance preschoolers with professions not only expands the general awareness of the world around and the horizons of children, but also forms in them a certain elementary experience professional action, promotes early career guidance.

Children's thirst for knowledge is enormous. Developing, it is transferred to various actions, the work of people, their professions. career guidance work in kindergarten is based on conducting classes using pictures depicting people of different professions, their jobs, tools. To consolidate knowledge on this topic, educators read to children fiction, study with them poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings about work. To systematize children's ideas and form a value attitude to the results of human labor, educational-game situations are used, for example, "Let's learn how to wash a cup", "Merry bastards" etc.

Preschool age is an emotional-figurative stage, when knowledge about specific forms of labor, professions are accumulated through visual perception, interpretation of images, pupils have the opportunity to observe the work of employees of the children's garden: educators, nurse, manager, cook, janitor. At the same time, teachers try to draw the attention of the kids to the fact that the whole DOW team It works amicably, harmoniously, all adults make sure that the children feel warm, cozy and interesting here.

Role-playing games help to realize the social significance of labor. It is in role-playing games that information about professional activities of adults, the knowledge gained in the course of educational and joint activities. In the process career guidance role-playing game, production plots are imitated, professional social environment , models professional behavior, models of interpersonal professional relations. career guidance role-playing game, in general, knowledge about professional activities of adults is transformed into an experience accessible to the child, through which this knowledge is appropriated by the child. The fact that this knowledge is sufficiently formed is evidenced by the fact that children willingly take on a leading role, correctly perform role-playing actions, and can independently choose equipment and game attributes.

The successful implementation of the above forms of work with children is impossible without the organization of correct and age-appropriate career guidance-th subject-developing environment.

career guidance pupils has become one of the areas of work of the kindergarten team. Our a task: in an accessible form to give children knowledge about professions. The work is based on the organizational and content model early career guidance for preschoolers.

We carry out systematic work to familiarize children with various professions. We have developed a series of excursions for the entire academic year. Excursion routes were developed jointly with parents. Systematically, teachers and children visit various enterprises. Such excursions began to be organized from acquaintance with fire station No. 64. In this academic year have been to the airport "Bugulma", at the railway station "Bugulma", in the library, local history museum. Children were able to get acquainted with the basics firefighter profession, librarian, machinist.

Thus, we are preparing children so that in due time - no matter how far away this time may seem to us now - they can boldly enter into an independent life. So we want our children:

understood that work, work occupy a very important place in people's lives, that work is, in fact, the basis of life;

respected all who work, and appreciated the fruits of their labor;

get to know what people are doing professions, with the help of some tools and machines, and what is the result;

were ready to work themselves - for the reason that they like it and are interested, and because it is necessary;

would learn to work, mastering the necessary skills, would work, benefiting people, and would develop their labor abilities.

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