Carrying out the autumn festive entertainment “Sorceress autumn. Scenario of spring entertainment "nature wakes up" I am a cloud of autumn blue blue

  • 11.05.2020

Scenario of the autumn holiday in the preschool educational institution "Sorceress-Autumn"

Autumn holiday script for children 4-5 years old





Event progress

Cheerful music sounds, the children, together with the leader, enter the hall.

Leading. Look, guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today! How many colorful leaves are around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Of course, the festival of autumn!

The leaves were flooded with sunshine

Leaves soaked in the sun

Poured, weighed down

And flew in the wind...

Rustled through the bushes...

You can see them here and there.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

So the breeze brought the leaves to us here! Oh, how many of them (points to the leaves scattered around the hall), look!


Leaves all autumn day

Such beautiful

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves!

The song "Golden Leaves" is performed, lyrics by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko. The facilitator invites the children to sit on the chairs.

Leading. Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest are festively dressed!

1st child.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

2nd child.

Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its dress

He took off the green, measures a new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

3rd child.

Autumn drops gold

Autumn steals the birds.

- Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!


Someone is running to us here,

Someone is rushing over here...

Let's slam, we'll stomp friendly,

May he find us soon!

Music sounds, the children clap their hands, stomp, and Cloudy runs into the hall, in her hands are two sultans from the New Year's "rain".


I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I only want

I'll wet you all with rain!

Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and “splashes” them with a rain-sultan.


Cloud, cloud, wait

Take away your rains!

We know the song about the rain

And we will give it to you!

The song "Rain" is performed, lyrics by N. Solovieva, music by P. Partskhaladze.

Cloud. What a beautiful and interesting song! Thank you guys!

Rain, rain all day

Drumming on glass.

All earth, all earth

Wet from the rain.


We'll take umbrellas

Let's go for a walk in the rain!

The host takes out 2 umbrellas and conducts the game"Umbrellas".

Children are divided into 2 teams, each team is given an umbrella. The first players with an umbrella in their hands run to the Christmas trees standing at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, pass the umbrella to the next player. So the whole team should run.


Very fun to play

They showed their skill!

But as always,

We are missing someone...

Leading. We have no sun, friends!

Music sounds, the Sun enters the hall.


Hello! Here I am!

The sun all the guys know

The sun is highly respected

The sun shines bright, bright

And the sun is very hot!

The sun is the most important

Everyone needs the sun!


Sun, sun, wait

Look at me... (Whirls.)

I have water inside

And you always need water!

So I'm more important

So I need more!

The sun and the cloud are arguing, stamping their feet, which of them is more needed, more important.


Take it easy, take it easy

And please don't fight!

Get better at dancing

Have fun with us!

Dance, if not lazy,

It will help you reconcile!

The dance “Quarreled-reconciled” is performed, music by T. Vilkoreiskaya.


Well thanks kids!

We danced with all our hearts!


In the dance they circled merrily,

We became very close friends!

Leading. Well, if everything is in order, then you can continue the holiday!

Harvest ripened in the forest

Everyone takes baskets.

What will be collected

On forest paths?

What will they collect?

You will have to guess!

And on the hill, and under the hill,

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dances and in a row

Well done in hats!

What is this?

Children. Mushrooms!


Let's take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

Stumps and paths smell

Delicious autumn mushroom!

The song "For Mushrooms" is performed, words and music by L. Abelyan. Cloud and Sun take toy mushrooms from baskets and arrange them among the Christmas trees.


Look guys

There are honey mushrooms, here are butterflies ...


And here it is in the meadow

Poisonous toadstools!

(Points to fly agaric.)

Who knows what they are called? (Children answer)

Cloud. Well, everything is ready! Here are the clearings, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are also here.

Sun. It's time to go mushroom hunting! The game is being played "Collect the mushrooms."

Blindfolded children (4-5 people) collect mushrooms in baskets while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the mushroom picking stops. The winner is the player who collected the most mushrooms, in whose basket there will not be a single fly agaric or their number will be the smallest.


Interesting we played

We quickly collected all the mushrooms!


But now it's time to say goodbye

We will return to heaven.

Together. Goodbye!

Children. Goodbye!

Cloud and Sun run away to the music.

Dinara Grinina
Autumn matinee for children of middle preschool age

The course of the matinee:

To the music, the children enter the hall, sit on the chairs. The leader goes ahead children, the second caregiver behind all children.


Hello dear guests. We are glad to welcome you to our music hall!

Today I looked at the holiday in every house,

Because it wanders autumn outside the window!

looked in autumn holiday in kindergarten

To please both adults and children!

After the words of the presenter, 5 people immediately go to the middle of the hall. children.

1. Has come autumn,

Our garden turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch

They burn with gold.

2. Each leaf is golden -

Small sunny -

I'll put it in the basket

I'll put it on the bottom.

3. It's raining down the street

wet road,

Many drops on glass

And not much heat.

4. Yellow leaves are dancing,

From the branches they fall, they fly.

This fairy tale is golden

They call it leaf fall!

5. Leaves all autumn day

Such beautiful ones.

Let's dance, let's dance

About golden leaves!

After the last line of the poem, the rest of the children come out, stand in their places, a dance is performed "Yellow leaf, red leaf". At the end of the dance, the children take their seats. The second teacher collects the leaves behind the chairs.


Well done guys, very beautiful dance!


Someone is running to us here,

Someone is rushing over here...

Let's slam, we'll stomp friendly,

May he find us soon!

Music sounds, the children clap their hands, stomp, a cloud runs into the hall.


I am a cloud autumn, blue-blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I only want

I'll wet everyone with rain!

Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and "splatters" their rain-sultan.


Cloud, cloud, wait

Take away your rains!

We know the song about the rain

And we will give it to you!

A song is being performed (at the chairs) "Top boots, slap boots".


What a beautiful and interesting song! Thank you guys!

Rain, rain all day

Drumming on glass.

All the earth, all the earth

Wet from the rain.


We'll take umbrellas

Let's go for a walk in the rain!

After the words of the host, a musical introduction sounds, the children dancing the dance, get up and take the umbrellas that stand along the curtains. They take places to dance.

A dance is being performed "Hush, hush, hush".

After the dance, the children take the umbrellas back to their place.


They danced very beautifully

You have shown your talent!

But as always,

We are missing someone...


We have no sun, friends!

Music sounds, the Sun enters the hall.


Hello, here I am!

The sun all the guys know

The sun is highly respected

The sun shines bright, bright

And the sun is very hot!

The sun is the most important

Everyone needs the sun!


Sun, sun, wait

Look at me... (Whirling)

I have water inside

And you always need water!

So I'm more important

So I need more!

The sun and the cloud are arguing, stamping their feet, which of them is more needed, more important.


Take it easy, take it easy

And please don't fight!

You become to play with us,

And of course have fun!

The game is being played "Umbrellas". The host takes two umbrellas, gives 1 umbrella to Cloud, 1 to the Sun.

Leading: guys, now we will share with you into 2 teams, the first team of Clouds, the second team of the Sun.

The first players with an umbrella in their hands run to the Christmas trees standing at the other end of the hall, run around them and come back, pass the umbrella to the next player. So the whole team should run. Heroes run first.


Well thanks kids!

We danced with all our hearts!


So we played happily

Now they have become friends!


But now it's time to say goodbye

We will return to heaven.

Together: Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

To the music, the Cloud and the Sun leave.


Guys, what is this? On our autumn holiday, still no Autumn. Let's read poems about her, invite her to visit us so that she can find us soon!

4 people go to the middle of the hall.

1 child: We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Magic autumn and fairy forest

He invites us to visit.

2 child: The wind will spin under the song of rain,

Throw leaves at our feet.

Such a beautiful time:

Miracle came to us again - Autumn.

3 child: Autumn has gilded everything,

Golden all around:

And birches and aspens

Burning golden fire.

4 child: walks autumn in the gardens,

Walking, wondering

Like in a fairy tale here and there

All colors change.

After the poems, the children sit down in their places.

Music sounds, enters the hall Autumn.


Hello (referring to parents)

Are you talking about me? Here I am!

Hello my friends!

I came to your holiday

Sing and have fun

I want with everyone here

Make strong friends!


Hello beauty autumn we are glad to see you on our autumn holiday, the guys and I were waiting for you, and we want to give you a song.

A song is being performed « Autumn sweet rustle» . Standing in a semicircle at the chairs. After the song, the host invites the children to sit on chairs.


Thank you guys, very beautiful song.

Well, I brought you riddles,

And all the clues are in the garden.

Dig a little under the bush -

Look out into the light (potatoes)

Is the garden empty?

If it grows... (cabbage)

For the tops, like for a rope,

Can you pull out... (carrot)

Don't be scared if suddenly

Tears will shed…. (onion).

Autumn: well done guys, they guessed all my vegetable riddles.

A scene is being performed "Vegetable Dispute".


We also have a garden

Where a lot of vegetables grow.

Blue eggplant, red tomato,

They start a long and serious argument.

Which of all vegetables is both tastier and more useful?

Who with all diseases will be more useful to everyone?

Polka dots jumped out - well, a braggart!

A child comes out, playing the role of peas, stands in the middle of the hall on the left.

polka dots (fun):

I'm such a good green boy!

If I want, I'll treat everyone with peas.

Leading: Blushing from resentment, beets grumbled:

A child comes out, playing the role of beets, stands in the middle of the hall near the peas.

Beet (important):

Let me say a word

Listen first:

Beets are needed for borscht,

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat yourself and treat -

There is no better beetroot!

A child comes out, playing the role of cabbage, stands in the middle of the hall near the beets.

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beet, shut up!

Shchi is cooked from cabbage!

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

bunny bunnies,

They love stalks.

I will treat the guys

Sweet stalk.

A child comes out, playing the role of a cucumber, stands in the middle of the hall near the cabbage.

Cucumber (fervently):

Highly you will be satisfied,

Eating a pickled cucumber!

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will love it, of course!

It crunches on the teeth, crunches.

I can feed you!

A child comes out, playing the role of a radish, stands in the middle of the hall near the cucumber.

Radish: (modestly):

I am a ruddy radish.

I bow low to you.

Why praise yourself?

I am known to everyone!

A child comes out, playing the role of a carrot, stands in the middle of the hall near the radish.

Carrot (coquettishly):

The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice and gnaw carrots -

Will you then, my friend, strong,

strong, smart!


Then the tomato puffed up and said strictly:

An inflated tomato comes out, stands next to a carrot.


Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.

Shut up a little!

The most delicious and enjoyable

And, of course, tomato juice!


Put a box by the window

Water more often

And then, as a true friend,

Green onions will come to you.

I am the spice in every dish

And always helpful to people.

Guessed? I'm your friend.

I am a simple green onion.


I am a potato so modest

She didn't say a word.

But everybody needs a potato:

Both big and small.


It's time to end the dispute, it's useless to argue!

Which of us, from vegetables,

All tastier and all the more necessary?

Who with all diseases,

Will it be better for everyone?


To be healthy and strong

Gotta love vegetables

All without exception!

There is no doubt about it.

In each there is a benefit and a taste,

And I can't decide

Which one of you is tastier

Which one of you is more important.

The children bow and sit down in their seats.


What wonderful vegetables, thank you guys well done!

Guys, do you like walking in the forest?

Answer children: Yes.

Autumn: And who will tell me what autumn in the forest, happens a lot?

Answer children: mushrooms and cones.

Autumn: well done, right. Come on guys, we'll play with you, check how smart you are?

Answer children: Yes.

The game is being played "Collect mushrooms and cones"

Rules of the game: choose two children, they are given a basket. One collects mushrooms, the second cones. The winner is the child who collects his basket faster. The game is played 2 times. After the game, the children sit down.

Autumn: Guys, I really liked your holiday, you sang well, danced beautifully, played merrily. And I have prepared gifts for you.

Shows a basket in which apples lie, gives it to the teacher.

I had a lot of fun!

I loved all the guys!

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

What to do? Waiting for business!

Goodbye kids!

Children: Goodbye!

To the music Autumn leaves the hall, the children wave after her.

Leading: On this, our holiday came to an end, and it's time for us guys to return to the group. Dear parents, we ask you not to disperse, we invite you to a photo session.

MADOU village Bedeeva Polyana


"Sorceress - Autumn"

(for middle group)


year 2013.



Leading. Cloud,

Sunshine, Autumn.

Cheerful music sounds, the children, together with the leader, enter the hall.


Here I am!

Autumn has come to you.

Hello autumn brought.

We didn't see each other for a whole year.

Summer is my turn.

You are happy to meet me.

You like forest outfit.

Look - guys, how beautiful it is in our hall today! How many colorful leaves are around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Of course, the festival of autumn!

The leaves were flooded with sunshine

Leaves soaked in the sun

Poured, weighed down

And flew in the wind...

Rustled through the bushes...

You can see them here and there.

The wind turns gold

Sounds like golden rain!

So the breeze brought the leaves to us here! Oh, how many of them (points to the leaves scattered around the hall), look!

1. Child.

Leaves all autumn day

Such beautiful

Let's sing a song

About golden leaves!

The song "Leaf fall" is performed, lyrics by N. Naydenova, music by T. Popatenko. The facilitator invites the children to sit on the chairs.

Leading. Autumn is a very beautiful time of the year! All the trees in the garden, in the yard, and in the forest are festively dressed!

2nd child.

In the morning we go to the yard,

Leaves fall like rain

Rustle underfoot

And fly, fly, fly...

3rd child.

Admire the masquerade!

The forest changes its dress

He took off the green, measures a new one -

Yellow, red and purple!

4th child.

Autumn drops gold

Autumn steals the birds.

Goodbye, forest and meadow,

We are flying to the warm south!



Someone is running to us here,

Someone is rushing over here...

Let's slam, we'll stomp friendly,

May he find us soon!


I am an autumn cloud, blue-blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I only want

I'll wet you all with rain!

Maybe I'll do some riddles. About vegetables that grow in the garden


Cloud, cloud, wait

Take away your rains!

We know a lot of mysteries

And we'll guess them for you

Cloud.(I will tell you guys, I am autumn riddles.)

1. How to put on a hundred shirts,

Crunched on the teeth. (Cabbage)

2. As in our garden

Riddles have grown

Juicy and large

Those are round.

green in summer,

By autumn they turn red.

3. Both green and dense in the garden grew a bush.

Dig a little: under a bush...

4. Make everyone around cry

Although he is not a fighter, but ...

5. Pink cheeks, white nose,

I sit in the dark all day long.

And the shirt is green, She is all in the sun.

6. In the garden - a yellow ball,

Only he does not run galloping,

He's like a full moon

Delicious seeds.

7. He bites - but not a dog.

There is a tooth. But where is the mouth?

White wears a frock coat.

What is it, tell me...

8. It happens, children, different -

Yellow, herbal and red.

Now he is burning, then he is sweet,

You need to know his habits.

And in the kitchen - the head of spices!

Guessed? It…

9. I grow in the ground in the garden,

Red, long, sweet.

10. Dried out in the hot sun

And it bursts from the pods...

Poems for children "Vegetables"


Rain, rain all day

Drumming on glass.

All earth, all earth

Wet from the rain.


We'll take umbrellas

Let's go for a walk in the rain!

The host takes out 2 umbrellas and conducts the game "Umbrellas".


Very fun to play

They showed their skill!

But, as always,

We are missing someone...

Leading. We have no sun, friends!

Music sounds, the Sun enters the hall.


Hello! Here I am!

The sun all the guys know

The sun is highly respected

The sun shines bright, bright

And the sun is very hot!

The sun is the most important

Everyone needs the sun!


Sun, sun, wait

Look at me... (Whirls.)

I have water inside

And you always need water!

So I'm more important

So I need more!

The sun and the cloud are arguing, stamping their feet, which of them is more needed, more important.


Take it easy, take it easy

And please don't fight!

Get better at dancing

Have fun with us!

Dance, if not lazy,

It will help you reconcile!

Dance with leaves


Well thanks kids!

We danced with all our hearts!


In the dance they circled merrily,

We became very close friends!


Well, if everything is in order, then you can continue the holiday!

Harvest ripened in the forest

Everyone takes baskets.

What will be collected

On forest paths?

What will they collect?

You will have to guess!

And on the hill, and under the hill,

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dances and in a row

Well done in hats!

What is this?

Children. Mushrooms!


Let's take a basket in our hands,

Let's go to the forest for mushrooms.

Stumps and paths smell

Delicious autumn mushroom!

The song "For Mushrooms" is performed, words and music by L. Abelyan. Cloud and Sun take toy mushrooms from baskets and arrange them among the Christmas trees.


Look guys

There are honey mushrooms, here are butterflies ...


And here it is in the meadow

Poisonous toadstools!

(Points to fly agaric.)

Who knows what they are called? (Children answer)

Cloud.Well, everything is ready! Here are the clearings, here are the mushrooms, the baskets are also here.

Sun.It's time to go mushroom hunting! The game is being played "Collect the mushrooms."


Interesting we played

We quickly collected all the mushrooms!


The time for forgiveness has come.

I'm leaving you now.

You don't forget me.

See you again in a year.


But now it's time to say goodbye

We will return to heaven.

Together. Goodbye! Children. Goodbye!

Anna Selivanova

Photo report autumn holiday in the middle group "Blue cloud"

Muses. hands Selivanova A. A


Guys, look how beautiful it is in our hall!

Here is an artist, so an artist!

He gilded all the forests,

Even the heaviest rain

This paint has not been removed.

Please solve the riddle

Who is this artist?

Children: Autumn!

Presenter: We are now waving a leaf

Let's invite Autumn.

All: Autumn, Autumn, welcome!

Autumn comes to the music.


I am golden autumn

Came to you again

With your magic brush

I repaint

All autumn nature

Trees and fields.

Guys! Do you know poems about me?

Then tell.


I invite the children to stand in a circle,

So that pair dance dance.

And now we sleep

The holiday will be better.

"Turn away turn around" dance

Disturbing music sounds.


What happened? What happened?

Everything in the forest has changed!

A rainy cloud has come to us,

We wanted to ruin our holiday.

A cloud comes running: I am an autumn cloud, blue - blue,

Let it be small, but very strong!

If I only want

I'll wet you all with rain!

Music sounds, a cloud runs around the guys and “splashes” them with rain - a sultan

Autumn: Cloud, cloud, wait,

Do not rush to pour rain.

Better be with us

Smile and pull up.

We will circle with you

Dance and have fun.


Presenter: A cloud shed tears, scattered puddles everywhere

(spread the puddles)

Game "Jump over puddles"

Hedgehog comes out with a song.


I dance a big master,

You try it like this.

Get up in a circle, everyone

Let's dance with me.

"Round dance with a hedgehog"

Autumn.- I see you, the children notice me,

You meet with a bright, cheerful holiday,

For this I thank you all

And I will give you all my surprise.


Well, now it's time to say goodbye, because I have a lot to do!

I wish you all health, goodbye, friends!

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