Dmitry Titov, former president of Rosneft's subsidiary bank, has been detained. Two of the seven members of the board of directors of the Far Eastern bank were replaced by Rosneft Savinykh Viktor Vladimirovich

  • 22.01.2021

Who and why unleashed a campaign to discredit the vice-president of Rosneft for security, Oleg Feoktistov?

Group former employees Rosneft, which left the company with a scandal, warmed up under the wing of Transneft and now, with the support of Andrei Belousov, launched a campaign to discredit Vice President for Security Oleg Feoktistov, whose active work in this post caused them logical fears.

In the story of the unexpected dismissal of Oleg Feoktistov, vice-president of Rosneft for security, a certain clarity has appeared. As it became known through our sources, surrounded by employees of the Security Council of Transneft Vyacheslav Skvortsov and Vladimir Rushailo, it seems that a group of former top managers of Rosneft, who were forced to leave due to, as it is customary to say, "discrediting circumstances", is directly related to these events. These are former vice-presidents Larisa Kalanda, Rashid Sharipov, Igor Pavlov and a number of other employees now assembled under the wing of Transneft. The motive is obvious: the fear of investigating these very “discrediting circumstances”: Igor Pavlov - stories of systemic theft at the Angarsk Oil Refinery, Rashid Sharipov - likely kickbacks and the acquisition of “crookedly” registered elite foreign real estate.

By the way, Kalanda and Sharipov are relatives: Kalanda's brother is married to Sharapov's sister. Vladimir Kalanda, the husband of Larisa Kalanda, was once dismissed from the FSB not without scandals, and in 2016 he was relieved of the post of first deputy of the Federal Drug Control Service without publicly explaining the reasons and providing other work. A group of “offended” launched a stormy activity to discredit Oleg Feoktistov and Igor Demin, whose arrival in the security service of Rosneft caused them completely logical fears. In a short time, the new leadership of the Rosneft Security Council, in close contact with law enforcement agencies, managed to bring a number of high-profile cases to court (the Tuapse Oil Refinery, the case of Dmitry Titov, the former president of the RRDB). A separate topic is the “Ulyukaev case”, in which the role of Oleg Feoktistov is a commonplace. To discredit the leadership of the Security Council of Rosneft, the group of “offended” needed powerful allies in the highest echelons of power, whom they received in the person of presidential aide Andrei Belousov.

Andrei Removich Belousov has long been considered a prominent macroeconomist and, in this capacity, an opponent of the liberal ideologists Gref and Kudrin. Everything has changed since 2006, when he was appointed German Gref's deputy at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. From that moment on, no conflicts between Belousov and the "liberal wing" were noticed. Moreover, he gained a reputation as "Gref's man." In this capacity, he appeared in the conflict over the redistribution of Pavlovskgranit's property, when the asset came under the control of well-known businessman Yuri Zhukov through Sberbank, which at that time was already led by Gref.

Then Belousov was even suspected of complicity in the raider seizure. In any case, no macroeconomic initiatives have come from Andrey Belousov since his appointment as presidential adviser on economic policy, and his Practical activities switched to solving "specific issues". In particular, the network drew attention to his close contacts with the director of the direction " New business» Agency for Strategic Initiatives by Artem Avetisyan (Belousov, member of the ASI Supervisory Board). Belousov also lobbied for a capitalization scheme for RusHydro at the expense of dividends from Rosneftegaz. By the way, the general director of Rosneftegaz at that moment was Larisa Kalanda. In 2015, a close friend of Belousov, businessman Sergey Plastinin, whose business has never been connected with hydro generation or energy in general, became an adviser to the new head of RusHydro.

The extremely tense relationship between Belousov and Sechin is no secret to insiders. It is known that the arrest of Ulyukaev caused almost a public hysteria in Belousov, because he had every reason to believe that he was in the circuit of persons who were the object of interest in the case of the former minister. Larisa Kalanda is generally considered in Transneft to be Belousov's man. Steady contact was established even when she was the state secretary of Rosneft and the general director of Rosneftegaz. Now these contacts turned out to be very useful. Using them, "offended" in the absence of proper control from the head of Transneft, Nikolai Tokarev, managed to create a wave of negativity against Oleg Feoktistov and Igor Demin and achieve their dismissal from Rosneft. According to our sources, the band members were inspired by the result. In their circle, they say that "Sechin does not have long left" and soon the entire leadership of Rosneft will be dispersed, since such forces are involved in the work and that Sechin's obstinacy, unwillingness to compromise, to put it mildly, is not his defense.

Also, our sources claim that a group of “offended” ordered a number of “investigations” against Sechin in Russian and foreign “independent” media that are negatively disposed towards the “Putin regime”, including Novaya Gazeta based on the “Sechin Yacht-2” model and the London Daily Telegraph.

A group of former employees of Rosneft, who left the company with a scandal, warmed themselves under the wing of Transneft and now, with the support of Andrei Belousov, conducted a campaign to discredit Vice President for Security Oleg Feoktistov, whose active work in this post caused them logical fears.

In the story of an unexpected layoff Rosneft Vice President for Security Oleg Feoktistov there was some clarity. As it became known through our sources, surrounded by employees of the Security Council of Transneft Vyacheslav Skvortsov and Vladimir Rushailo, it seems that a group of former top managers of Rosneft, who were forced to leave due to, as it is customary to say, "discrediting circumstances", is directly related to these events. These are former vice presidents Larisa Kalanda, Rashid Sharipov, Igor Pavlov and a number of other employees now assembled under the wing of Transneft. The motive is obvious: the fear of investigating these very “defamatory circumstances” (Igor Pavlo c - stories with systemic theft at the Angarsk Oil Refinery, Larisa Kalanda and Rashid Sharipov- probable kickbacks and the acquisition of "crooked" registered elite foreign real estate). By the way, Kalanda and Sharipov are relatives: Kalanda's brother is married to Sharipov's sister. Vladimir Kalanda- the husband of Larisa Kalanda was once dismissed from the FSB not without scandals, and in 2016 he was relieved of the post of first deputy of the Federal Drug Control Service without a public explanation of the reasons and the provision of other work.

A group of “offended” launched a stormy activity to discredit Oleg Feoktistov and Igor Demin, whose arrival in the security service of Rosneft caused them completely logical fears. In a short time, the new leadership of the Rosneft Security Council, in close contact with law enforcement agencies, managed to bring a number of high-profile cases to court (the Tuapse Oil Refinery, the case of Dmitry Titov, the former president of the RRDB). A separate topic is the “Ulyukaev case”, in which the role of Oleg Feoktistov is a commonplace. To discredit the leadership of the Security Council of Rosneft, the group of “offended” needed powerful allies in the highest echelons of power, whom they received in the person of the presidential aide Andrey Belousov.

Andrey Removich Belousov for a long time was considered a prominent macroeconomist and, in this capacity, an opponent of the ideologists of the liberal course Gref and Kudrin. Everything has changed since 2006, when he was appointed German Gref's deputy at the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. From that moment on, no conflicts between Belousov and the "liberal wing" were noticed. Moreover, he gained a reputation as "Gref's man." In this capacity, he appeared in the conflict over the redistribution of Pavlovskgranit's property, when the asset came under the control of well-known businessman Yuri Zhukov through Sberbank, which at that time was already led by Gref. Then Belousov was even suspected of complicity in the raider seizure. In any case, no macroeconomic initiatives have come from Andrey Belousov since his appointment as presidential adviser on economic policy, and his practical activities have switched to solving "specific issues." In particular, the network drew attention to his close contacts with the director of the "New Business" direction of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Artem Avetisyan (Belousov is a member of the ASI Supervisory Board). Belousov also lobbied for a capitalization scheme for RusHydro at the expense of dividends from Rosneftegaz. By the way, the general director of Rosneftegaz at that moment was Larisa Kalanda. In 2015, a close friend of Belousov, businessman Sergey Plastinin, whose business has never been connected with hydro generation or energy in general, became an adviser to the new head of RusHydro.

The extremely tense relationship between Belousov and Sechin is no secret to insiders. It is known that the arrest of Ulyukaev caused almost a public hysteria in Belousov, because he had every reason to believe that he was in the circuit of persons who were the object of interest in the case of the former minister. Larisa Kalanda is generally considered in Transneft to be Belousov's man. Steady contact was established even when she was the state secretary of Rosneft and the general director of Rosneftegaz. Now these contacts turned out to be very useful. Using them, "offended" in the absence of proper control from the head of Transneft, Nikolai Tokarev, managed to create a wave of negativity against Oleg Feoktistov and Igor Demin and achieve their dismissal from Rosneft. According to our sources, the band members were inspired by the result. In their circle, they say that "Sechin does not have long left" and soon the entire leadership of Rosneft will be dispersed, since such forces are involved in the work and that Sechin's obstinacy, unwillingness to compromise, to put it mildly, is not his defense.

Also, our sources claim that a group of “offended” ordered a number of “investigations” against Sechin in Russian and foreign “independent” media that are negatively disposed towards the “Putin regime”, including Novaya Gazeta based on the “Sechin Yacht-2” model and the London Daily Telegraph.

According to the media

Instead of the former acting. Vice President - Head of the Security Service of Rosneft Oil Company Vladimir Aladin and Senior Vice President of the All-Russian Bank for Regional Development (RRDB, a subsidiary of Rosneft Oil Company, the main shareholder of the Far East Bank) Tatyana Kan, Deputy Head of the Security Service of Rosneft Oil Company was elected to the Board of Directors Igor Demin and Head of the Department for Work with Credit Organizations of the Financial Department of Rosneft Oil Company Vladimir Andrianov.
Five more seats were retained by members of the Board of Directors formed at the annual meeting on June 30, 2015: Rosneft Financial Director Petr Lazarev, Rosneft Financial Department Director Alexander Sokolov, Department Director corporate governance- Rosneft Corporate Secretary Svetlana Gritskevich, RRDB President Dina Malikova and Far Eastern Bank President Valery Pavlyuk.

On March 28, shareholders also approved the annual report and annual financial statements, elected audit commission consisting of three people and decided not to pay dividends based on the results of work in 2015, and leave the net profit in the amount of 679.057 million rubles undistributed.

At the end of 2014, the Far East Bank allocated RUB 403.943 million for the payment of dividends at the rate of RUB 57.03 per ordinary share and RUB 38.02 per preference share with a par value of 11 rubles. Another 305.126 million rubles from net profit were left unallocated.

Ernst & Young LLC was approved as the auditor for 2016 and performed these functions in 2015 as well.

The authorized capital of the Far East Bank is 114 million 895 thousand rubles, it is divided into 10 million 86 thousand ordinary and 359 thousand preferred shares with a par value of 11 rubles, Interfax notes.

At present, Rosneft's subsidiary bank, the All-Russian Bank for Regional Development (RRDB), owns 70.256% of the ordinary shares of the Far East Bank. 9.9147% of the shares are owned by the owner of the Independent Oil and Gas Company (NNK), the former head of Rosneft, Eduard Khudainatov (through Antares LLC), the Region investment company, which manages the Algoritm long-term direct investment closed-end mutual fund, and Natalya Bogdanova, who manages the ZPIF of long-term direct investments "Vector of Development".

Last Friday, Rosneft announced that Elena Titova, Rair Simonyan and Walid Shamma were leaving the RRDB Supervisory Board. At the same time, Elena Titova steps down as president of the bank.

These three investment bankers from the Russian division of Morgan Stanley were called to the Rosneft group by its head Igor Sechin, who planned to create Rosneftbank on the basis of RRDB to serve the oil and gas sector. The bank should have entered the top ten players, having risen from the 60th position. It was not by chance that Igor Sechin relied on these specialists. Each of them had experience working with the oil and gas sector.

In December last year, Elena Titova was appointed to the post of president of the Rosneft bank. She has worked in the Russian office of Morgan Stanley since 2006, where she rose from managing director to president of the bank. Prior to that, in the Russian division of Goldman Sachs, she oversaw projects in the oil gas industry and energy.

Rair Simonyan served as First Vice President of Rosneft in 1996-1997. At that time, the company was headed by Alexander Putilov - according to Forbes magazine, he is a dollar billionaire and co-owner of Eurasia Drilling, the largest oilfield service holding. Rosneft is a client of this holding.

Walid Shamma has worked in the Russian office of Morgan Stanley since 2007 and graduated from the American University in Beirut.

In RRDB and Rosneft, the departure of top managers is explained by a change in the bank's development strategy. RBC daily was informed in the bank that a team of investment bankers was invited to prepare a development strategy, increase efficiency, control and full transparency of financial support, as well as increase efficiency. "At this stage, the bank's development concept has changed - a decision has been made to focus on developing RRDB as a corporate and retail bank, improving treasury operations and increasing the efficiency of its activities," the RRDB noted.

According to RBC daily sources close to RRDB, Ms. Titova could not cope with the tasks assigned to her, and that is why they decided to part with her. Talk about her possible departure appeared in March. According to RBC daily, in addition to top managers, Rosneft plans to part with the entire management team that Elena Titova brought to the bank.

Elena Titova will be replaced by Dina Malikova, who previously held the position of senior vice president of the bank and oversaw client business, planning, budgeting and cash settlement systems, as the acting president of the RRDB.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, ex-head of the International Monetary Fund, manager of the consulting firm Parnasse, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, director of the department regional sales Rosneft Avril Marie Ann Conroy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Rossiya Dmitry Lebedev, President of the St. Petersburg International Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange Alexei Rybnikov, CEO Kirill Seleznev of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz and Svyatoslav Slavinsky, Vice President for Economics and Finance of Rosneft.

Experts do not rule out that Rosneft, like many large industrial enterprises, may get rid of its bank. “A bank as part of an industrial group greatly harms consolidated reporting due to the level of leverage,” says Interfax-CEA CEO Mikhail Matovnikov. According to him, for banks, the level of borrowing in the ratio of 1:10 is the norm, and for industrial enterprises the allowable level for this indicator is 1:3. LUKOIL and Gazprom, according to Mr. Matovnikov, long ago gave up direct ownership of more than 20% stakes in banks; they often use non-state pension funds and other similar structures to establish control. “Attracting external financing is not a problem for Rosneft anyway, and it does not need its own bank. Maybe Rosneft will also eventually transfer its stake in RRDB to its pension fund,” suggested Mr. Matovnikov.

The bank was registered in March 1996 "in order to improve the financial and credit mechanism for the interaction of entities Russian Federation with the government of the Russian Federation, expanding the capabilities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement federal targeted programs, as well as regional and interregional investment programs as a credit institution fully controlled by the state”. Major shareholder acted on behalf of the state Russian fund federal property (RFBR, disbanded in 2008). Also, the state property committees of the Oryol, Irkutsk and Moscow regions, Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region, the Republic of Tatarstan, and the heads of a number of regional administrations became members of the bank's supervisory board.

Since January 2005, the credit institution has been a member of the deposit insurance system for individuals.

As the business geography expanded and the bank's business interests diversified, an inter-regional banking group was formed that covered the entire territory of Russia. In addition to RRDB, it included one of the largest regional credit institutions, the Far East Bank, headquartered in Vladivostok. Within the framework of the group, RRDB and DVB interacted as two powerful banking centers serving the west and east of Russia, respectively. On March 31, 2016 Far East Bank withdrew from the group.

Today, RRDB is the leading credit institution banking (consolidated) group, which, in addition to it, includes LLC RN-Dragmet (manufacturing), LLC WestInvest (real estate), LLC Peresvet-Finance (finance) and PJSC AKB Peresvet (banking activities ).

In April 2017, RRDB was selected as an investor to participate in the implementation of measures to prevent the bankruptcy of Peresvet Bank. As part of these measures, the claims of Peresvet's major creditors were converted into subordinated bonds (bail-in procedure) and an additional issue of Peresvet shares was purchased in full. As a result, RRDB gained full control over the bank.

As of August 1, 2019, the volume of net assets of the RRDB amounted to 708.57 billion rubles, the volume own funds- 134.64 billion rubles. According to the results of the first half of 2019, the bank shows a profit of 5.27 billion rubles.

Branch network:
head office (Moscow);
5 branches (Krasnodar, Nefteyugansk, Novosibirsk, Samara, St. Petersburg);
30 operating offices;
21 additional offices.

JSC "Orenburgneft" - 24.32%;
Samotlorneftegaz JSC - 24.32%;
LLC RN-Uvatneftegaz - 22.29%;
JSC RN-Nyaganneftegaz - 18.24%;
PJSC NK Rosneft – 9.17%;
JSC "RANP" - 1.03%;

OOO UK Portfolio Investments D.U. ZPIF of mixed investments "Commercial Investments" - 0.63%.

Ultimate control over the bank is exercised by the oil company Rosneft, 50.00000001% of whose shares are owned by JSC Rosneftegaz, which is 100% federally owned.

At the moment, the bank does not disclose the ownership scheme on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Supervisory Board: Pavel Fedorov (Chairman), Boris Kovalchuk, Avril Conroy, Yuri Kurilin, Rostislav Latysh, Dmitry Lebedev, Dina Malikova, Leonid Prokudin, Kirill Seleznev, Alexander Sokolov, Dmitry Torba.

Governing body: Dina Malikova (Chairman, President), Vladimir Andrianov, Nina Zhuravleva, Dmitry Kashlakov, Sergey Naumov, Ekaterina Orlova, Andrey Tsarenko, Sergey Chunaev.

* PJSC Oil Company Rosneft was established in 1993 on the basis of Rosneftegaz, which, in turn, appeared two years earlier instead of the abolished Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR. Rosneft is currently the leader of the Russian oil industry and one of the largest public oil and gas companies peace. The main activities of Rosneft are the exploration and production of oil and gas, the production of petroleum products and petrochemicals, and the marketing of these products. The company is listed strategic enterprises Russia. Its main shareholder (slightly more than 50% of shares) is JSC Rosneftegaz, 100% state-owned. A 19.75% stake belongs to BP Russian Investments Limited, 18.93% to QHG Shares Pte. Ltd, 10.97% - NBCO JSC National Settlement Depository.

In November 2012, it was announced that under the President of Rosneft Igor Sechin, a group of strategic advisers from among the former top managers of the Russian Morgan Stanley was formed to create on the basis of financial assets oil company, including RRDB and Far East Bank, a new universal financial institution. The appearance of Rosneft-Bank, as the future brainchild of the parent company has already dubbed, “would allow the implementation of large-scale international projects, optimize Rosneft's trading systems for oil and oil products, and provide a full range of high-quality financial services individual and to corporative clients oil and gas and energy sector”. Now the future of the project is in doubt, and the team involved in its implementation is mostly disbanded.