Infinite wisdom of Marcus Aurelius for every day. Orxe module "Fundamentals of secular ethics" (notebook) Precious wisdom placer Euripides true caution

  • 14.03.2020

In 161 AD, Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor, was arguably the most powerful man on earth. Historians call Aurelius the last of the "five good emperors", because his contemporaries spoke of him as a wise, fair and honest ruler. The emperor actively developed ideas about virtue, kindness, self-control and philosophy. Many philosophical sayings of Aurelius have come down to us, and even after almost two thousand years they do not lose their relevance and are nothing more than a storehouse of wisdom. Let's look at some of his quotes, which will reveal a lot about the lifestyle and motivations of this great man.

1. Teaching about work and early rising

Apparently, the problem of an early rise was relevant in all ages, so Aurelius devoted this Special attention and his thoughts have reached our days.

“At dawn, when you find it hard to get out of bed, say to yourself, “I have to go to work as a human being. What should I complain about if I'm going to do something to achieve a goal, and what will I bring to this world? Or what I was born to do is hide under the covers and eat? Can't you see how plants, birds, spiders and bees go about their individual tasks, creating as much order in the world as possible? And you don't want to do your job as a human? Why don't you do what your nature requires?

Of course, in the morning, the power of a bed and a warm blanket seems limitless: in the early hours, a pillow can become like a monarch who decides whether you lie down for another 5 minutes or not. But Marcus Aurelius categorically disagreed with this, because he could only recognize himself as the only emperor.

2. The doctrine of criticism and negative people

Even surrounded by the emperor meet different people. Objective criticism will not harm any person, but those who carry only negative things can ruin your life, and you will lose faith in your own abilities. As for such people, Marcus Aurelius also has his own opinion:

“When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will interfere. They are ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and sullen. They are like that because they cannot distinguish good from evil. But I saw the beauty of good and the ugliness of evil, and recognized that the criminal has a nature connected with my own - not of the same blood or birth, but of the same mind - and possessing a share of the divine. And that's why none of them can hurt me."

Why react to the words of people who live in negativity and despair becomes a kind of reason for their existence? You should not be pollinated by those who have lost all hope, lost faith in their own happiness and are trying to convey their philosophy to others. The emperor realized that such people can take over the minds of other people and sow the seed of despair in them, and warns us against interacting with negative people:

“You have power over your mind - the outside world does not. Understand this and you will find strength. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. I often wondered how each person loves himself more than all other people, but at the same time does not value his own opinion of himself, but relies on the opinion of others.

3. Teaching about gratitude

Marcus Aurelius believed that only a person who knows how to show gratitude can be happy. And it is very difficult to argue with him, because only a person who is able to appreciate goodness can share it with other people.

"All you need is confidence in judgment in the present moment, action for the common good in the present moment, and gratitude in the present moment for whatever comes your way."

Sometimes the whole problem lies in our head. We are too focused on our person, we are so suspicious that we can easily consider a harmless joke as the most severe insult. Live easier, don’t load your mind with insults and look at the world through the eyes of a happy, not a deprived person.

4. The doctrine of efficiency

Marcus Aurelius was not only intelligent, but also an incredibly active person. He believed that every minute is priceless and teaches us to value time as the most expensive and irreplaceable resource:

“Concentrate every minute, like a Roman, like a man, doing what you have to do with genuine seriousness, tenderness, willingness, desire and justice. Free yourself from other distractions. Yes, you can, if you do everything as if it were the last thing you can do in your life and stop living aimlessly; don't let your emotions underestimate what your mind is telling you. Stop being hypocritical, selfish and irritable."

5. The doctrine of peace of mind

Peace of mind is of great importance for a person, especially for one who holds power over a huge empire in his hands.

“You can rid yourself of many useless things, especially those that bother you, because they are entirely in your mind. And then you will acquire sufficient space for yourself by comprehending the entire universe in your mind and contemplating the eternity of time and watching rapid change every part of everything, how short is the time from birth to death and the limitless time before birth, as well as the equally limitless time after death.

Is it worth spending your life on thoughts that upset us, is it worth being sad because of the little things that steal best moments our life?
The emperor does not think so:

Marcus Aurelius created some rules that allowed him to become an exceptional leader who was appreciated and respected.

Aurelius also noted how his grandfather managed to maintain the integrity of his own personality, despite the fact that others said about him:

“His restrictions on accusations and all attempts to flatter him ... and his attitude towards men: no demagogy, no intrigues, no pandering. Always sober, always prudent, steadfast and not vulgar."

A leader is a person whose will must be stronger than a stone. Principles, beliefs - this is what makes the number one winner. Do not follow the opinions of others, do not fall for flattery and do not allow yourself to be manipulated. Rot your line and defend your own views so that others see strength in you and respect you.

Talking a lot and saying a lot are not the same thing.

Who seeks - he finds.

The sweetness of life is not in wisdom.

The inexorable temper is likely to give up.

Zeno of China

(c. 334 BC, Kition, Cyprus) - c. 262 BC e., Athens, Greece)

Ancient Greek philosopher, founder of the Stoic school.

Love is the desire for rapprochement, caused by the appearance of beauty.

One must live in accordance with nature, and this is the same as living in accordance with virtue.

A friend is our other self.

We have two ears and one mouth so that we listen more and talk less.

(480 BC, Greece - 406 BC, Ancient Macedonia)

Ancient Greek tragedian, representative of the new Attic tragedy.

You should not mourn the dead, but the one who is born for a hard struggle with the hardships of life.

Mouth swore; the mind is not bound by an oath.

Death itself is less painful than its expectation.

If you value your life, remember that others value theirs just as much.

True courage is caution.

The king must remember three things: that he governs the people, that he is obliged to govern them according to the laws, that he will not govern forever.

The title of a free man is dearest of all.

When a deity wants to punish a person, it first of all deprives him of his mind.

Who knows, maybe to live means to die, and to die means to live.

(c. 470 BC, Athens - 399 BC, Athens)

The ancient thinker, the first Athenian philosopher, whose teaching marks a turn in philosophy - from the consideration of nature and the world to the consideration of man.

I know that I don't know anything.

When the word does not hit, then the stick will not help.

I eat to live and other people live to eat.

Never prefer the stupidity of your own invention to sound advice.

Who is wise, he is kind.

It is better to work without a specific goal than to do nothing.

Speak so that I can see you.

Every person has a sun. Just let it shine.

This is surprising: every person can easily say how many sheep he has, but not everyone can say how many friends he has - they are so not worth it.

It is easier for people to keep a hot coal on their tongue than a secret.

It is better to die courageously than to live in shame.

An evil person harms others to no avail.

The best family is when the wife is blind and the husband is deaf.

Whether you marry or not, you will repent anyway.

Be sure to get married. If you get a good wife, you will become happy, and if you get a bad one, you will become a philosopher.


(c. 460 BC, Abders - 370 BC, Abders)

Ancient Greek philosopher, one of the founders of atomistics and materialistic philosophy.

Rich is he who is poor in desires.

Life without holidays is a long way without an inn.

To ask about the cause of things is the same as to seek the beginning of the infinite.

The word is the shadow of the deed.

Either nothing is true, or the true is unknown to us.

Let the woman not argue: it's terrible.

No thing comes into being without a cause, but everything comes into being on some basis and out of necessity.

Not the word, but misfortune is the teacher of fools.

Do not strive to know everything, so as not to be ignorant.

The beautiful is comprehended through study and great effort, the bad is assimilated by itself, without difficulty.

I consider free the one who hopes for nothing and is not afraid of anything.

Courage is the beginning, but chance is the master of the end.

Whoever got a good son-in-law, he got a son, and whoever got a bad one, he also lost his daughter.


(c. 440 BC, Athens - 365 BC, Athens)

Ancient Greek philosopher, founder and main theorist of Cynicism, one of the most famous Socratic schools.

What science is the most necessary? The science of forgetting the unnecessary.

All who strive for virtue are friends among themselves...

Better to fight among the few good people against many bad people than among many bad people against a few good ones.

One must stock up either with the mind in order to understand, or with a rope in order to hang oneself.

Do not neglect your enemies: they are the first to notice your mistakes.

A good person deserves love.

You need to get along with those women who themselves will be grateful for this.


(435 BC, Cyrene, Libya - 356 BC, Cyrene, Libya)

Lessons 7-8. Virtue and vice.

Exercise 1. Distribute the positive and negative personality traits:

Task 2. Dictionary.

_____________________ is a positive moral quality of a person.

_____________________ - a lack of moral, spiritual; everything that is contrary to truth and goodness; evil and falsehood as a property, quality of a person; any moral distortion; inclination to evil, to a bad life.

Task 3. Fill the gaps.

Conquer anger with gentleness, evil - ____________________, greed - _______________, lies - ___________________.

Task 4."Golden mean"

Virtue is in the middle between two vices: excess and deficiency. Define virtues:

Task 5. « Precious Wisdom scattering".

Task 6. The value of each person is determined by the value of the objects of his aspirations. (Marcus Aurelius). How do you understand these words?

Task 7. Synonyms.

Choose synonyms for the word FRIENDLY __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Choose synonyms for the word COURAGEOUS _____________________________________________


Choose synonyms for the word GENEROUS _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

Task 8. Read the statements. Answer "yes" or "no" if you agree or disagree with the statement.

age, he can do anything.

    Virtue and vice are two opposite characteristics of a person,

by which other people evaluate it.

Task 9. Who is who?

Remember what they are called fairytale heroes. Point out what virtues and vices they possess. Color your favorite pictures.

Task 9. Read the story, answer the questions and draw an illustration for it.


The dog barked furiously, falling on its front paws.Directly in front of her, clinging to the fence, sat a smallcue disheveled kitten. He opened his mouth wideand meowed miserably. Nearby were two boyswaited for what would happen.

A woman looked out the window and hurriedly ran outon the porch. She drove the dog away and shouted angrilyboys:

- Shame on you!

-What's embarrassing? We didn't do anything! - surprisedboys.

-This is bad! the woman replied angrily.

V. Oseeva

Answer the questions:

Why do you think the woman shamed the boys? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Is it possible to say that inaction is indifference, and is indifference a vice? ______________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 10. Choose an aphorism that reflects the meaning of the story you read.

Lesson 9

Exercise 1. Read the story.

The whole class gathered at Sergey's birthday party. The children looked with interest at the paintings painted by Sergei's grandfather, the collection of miniature car models collected by his father. Friends had fun, danced, played forfeits. The evening flew by unnoticed.

A week later, two friends, Sergei's classmates, decided to go to the cinema. Vadim went for Kostya and saw a surprisingly familiar car on a shelf in the hallway. It was a bright red racing model, which he held in his hands not so long ago at Sergei's birthday party. Vadim hesitated and decided to ask a friend directly.

Kostya confessed. The car was so good that he could not resist and appropriated it. He asked Vadim not to extradite him….

Answer the questions:

What choice did Vadim face? __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

What choice does Kostya have?

How could this story end? Write the option that you think is correct.

Task 2. Read the parable and answer the question to her.

Parable of King Solomon.

One day, someone came to Solomon at the moment when he was playing with a hunting bird, and said:

King, help me, I am in sorrow. Yesterday I freed my slaves, and today they threw stones at my house.

The king looked at him carefully, and then asked:

Why did you free your slaves?

So answered the one who came for advice:

I got a rich inheritance, and I decided to free those of the slaves with whom I spent my childhood. I thought to make them happy.

Then Solomon asked:

And who told you that freedom is happiness, and happiness is freedom?

And he also said:

Look at this predatory peregrine falcon. Although he is kept in a cage, he is the lord and master of the hunt. If he does not want to hunt, no one will force him - and still in the evening he will get his rabbit. He is free to fly away, and no one will detain him - that means he is with me as long as he wants to. For him, freedom is not happiness, it is life for him.

There is another bird - a chicken. Day-to-day she walks around the yard or hatches eggs. If she is released into the steppe, she will become stupefied from freedom, and in a day she will die. For her, freedom is not happiness, it is death for her.

Then the desperate petitioner asked:

What then is wisdom?

And Solomon answered:

The owner's wisdom is to separate the peregrine falcons from the hens. You will destroy the first by captivity, the second by freedom.

And he also said:

There are few peregrine falcons, many chickens, but both must be protected.

The husband replied:

I understand you, O king.

Then go ahead and learn to separate one from the other. The petitioner bowed to the ground and went out in thought.

How do you understand Solomon's words: “The wisdom of the owner is to separate the peregrine falcons from the chickens. You will destroy the first by captivity, the second by freedom.

Task 3.Using the text of the textbook, restore the sentence:

A moral choice is a choice

between ____________________ and ________________________,

between ____________________ and ________________________.

Lesson 10

Exercise 1. In the work of A. Exupery "The Little Prince" the hero says the following words: "We are responsible for those we have tamed."

Who are you responsible for? What is this responsibility? Does this responsibility limit your freedom?

Task 2. Choose tasks for which only you are responsible. What other responsibilities do you have? Write it down.

Task 3. Give examples of intentional and unintentional actions:

Task 4. Consider a cluster. Write a message about what you mean by "responsible behavior"?

Task 5. Read the story and answer the questions.

Star country.

In one fairy-tale country, there were stars, so the country was called Starry. The stars were different: blue and white, yellow and blue, green and pink, red and even black. They were also different in size. Very tiny stars lived here, medium-sized ones lived here, and even huge stars lived. Among them there was not a single star exactly like the other. But they all had one thing in common. The soul of each star was filled with love for all the inhabitants of this fabulous country. Therefore, they saw only good and kindness in each other, and from this they shone with an amazing magical light. The star country from this wonderful radiance was unusually beautiful and unique. Peace, harmony, mutual understanding and love reigned everywhere.

But one day the most vile of all the mischief in the world flew over the Star Country, the evil wizard, whose name was Dirty Pakostevich. Saw the Starry Country Dirty Pakostevich and envy boiled in him. How does he think so, love is all around, beauty, peace. Nobody fights, nobody fights. And there was no peace for Pakost Pakostevich. Unfortunately, there are still such specimens that feel very bad if others feel good. And conceived dirty trick Pakostievich his evil deed. And so that the stars would not recognize him, he turned into a wind of change and began to whisper that they say that in other countries they live more cheerfully, more interestingly and better. The stars were worried, worried. They also wanted to live even more interesting, even more fun, even better. “But what needs to be done for this?” - asked the stars. “Everything is very simple, you need to find shortcomings in others, scold all the time, criticize more, remember all the misdeeds that were once committed,” Pakost Pakostievich taught with knowledge of the matter. But the stars couldn't do it. And the evil wizard began to teach them further.

Hey you, he called to a black star named Adelaide. - Why are you so black? I know, I know, you're too lazy to wash. Fu, dirty, what ... A ton of soap is needed to wash such a grimy one. Hee hee hee... ha ha ha...

Someone picked it up, someone said nothing ... But it did not become more fun. And the black star Adelaide began to grow dim right in front of everyone's eyes from rude ridicule and did not shine with an amazing magical light as before. But the dirty trick Pakostievich did not let up.

Hey, hulk, - he called to the big green star Iolanthe. Here it is corroded ... Look, soon you will leave the whole country without food with such and such appetites. Ha ha ha...

Nobody stood up. And from rude ridicule, the bright green star Iolanta began to fade. But the dirty trick Pakostievich still did not let up. He walked up to a little pink star named Yuuta and started laughing at her.

Oh, I can't... What kind of minnow is this? Not an asterisk, but some kind of microbe. Just look at it under a microscope. What is the use of it, in vain only smokes the sky. And he laughed merrily again.

From such rude and evil words, strange laughter, the tiny pink star Utah almost completely went out. And then many stars picked up the idea of ​​Dirty Pakostievich. They began with great zeal to look for flaws in each star, criticized each other, recalled all the misdeeds that had once been committed. And from rude, offensive words, bad thoughts, love began to leave, and souls began to be filled with hatred, anger, envy. And because of this, the stars faded, dimmed and no longer shone with the amazing magical light that once gave the unique charm of the Starry Country. Beautiful and bright earlier, it turned into a dull, gray, lifeless country. The first to come to her senses was a very young white star named Lyuska. She decided to save her beloved homeland at all costs. "What to do?" thought Lucy. “Maybe wait for a good wizard? But when will he arrive? After all, you can wait a year, and two, and three, and thirty-three, or even not wait at all. And you need to act right now immediately, otherwise it may be too late. And she began to act at her own peril and risk.

Instead of shortcomings, Lyuska began to find virtues in the stars, looking for that kind and good that was in the soul of each of them. First she turned to the black star Adelaide.

Adelaide, you are very kind, you always took care of sick stars. Thanks to your attention, sensitivity, patience, they recovered faster.

And a miracle happened. The faded little star Adelaide suddenly shone again with an amazing magical light.

Hooray! Happened. Kind words help - Lyuska rejoiced overjoyed. And she began to act more confidently.

Iolanthe, I have always admired your responsibility, your punctuality. After all, you've never been late in your life. And from these kind words, Iolanthe flared up again, sparkled, shimmering with all sorts of shades of wonderful green.

Then Luska spoke to the tiny star Yuta.

Although you, Yuta, are very small, your soul resembles a huge inexhaustible storehouse of all kinds of interesting creative ideas. It is thanks to you that our holidays were so fun and interesting.

And Utah shone again with an amazing magical light. Luskin's idea was picked up by other stars. They began to look for something good and good in each other that was in the soul of each of them. And a miracle happened. The stars flashed one by one like the lights of a New Year's garland. Again the Starland shone with an amazing magical light, again it became beautiful and unique, perhaps it became even more beautiful than before. And the dirty trick Pakostievich realized that he had nothing more to do here and went home. He flew off to look for a country whose inhabitants love to find shortcomings in others, but do not notice advantages, where they love to criticize each other, quarrel, remember mistakes and mistakes, where they remember insults for a long time. But didn’t the dirty trick Pakostevich accidentally fly over your country?

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    "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics"

    Module "Fundamentals of secular ethics »

    students _____ 4 b class

    MOU "Secondary school No. 2"


    Part I

    2016-2017 academic year

    Rock 1. Russia is our Motherland.

    Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences.

    We live in a wonderful country, whose name is ___________________________________.

    We lovingly call our country ______________________, because we were born and live in it.

    The basic law of our state is _________________________.

    The capital of Russia is the city of ____________________.

    The head of our state is ______________________, currently this post is occupied by _________________________________________________.

    The state symbols of Russia are ________________, ______________, _____________.

    Task 2. Answer questions about the state symbols of Russia.

    Lesson 2. What is secular ethics?

    Exercise 1. Thinkers.

    In Raphael's fresco "The School of Athens" we see two prominent ancient thinkers allegedly arguing about philosophy. Who are they?


    Task 2. Dictionary

    ____________________ is the love of wisdom.

    __________________________ - (Greek) ethike, from ethos - custom, disposition, character), a philosophical science that studies morality, morality. The term was introduced by Aristotle. ( IV century BC).

    ____________________ - not church, civil.

    Task 3. Check the illustrations (check the box) that depict people of secular professions.

    Task 5. What does secular ethics help a person to understand? (Use textbook when answering) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lesson 3 .

    Exercise 1. Dictionary.

    ________________________ – 1. The totality of mankind's achievements in industrial, spiritual and social terms. 2. Way of life, customs, traditions and beliefs, spiritual and material wealth of the peoples of the world.

    _________________________ - a set of ideas based on belief in miraculous, supernatural forces and beings.

    Morality These are ethical rules of conduct.

    Moral - internal predisposition and the need to comply with these rules

    Task 2. Make a list with your parents moral standards(rules) adopted in your family.






    Task 3. In the 17th century, the Arab traveler Pavel of Aleppo arrived in Russia. Here is how he describes the features of life in Russia at that time.

    "AT holidays everyone rushes to church, dressed in their best clothes, especially women ... People pray in temples for six hours. All this time the people are on their feet. What endurance! Undoubtedly, all these people are saints! Wine shops remain closed from Saturday to Monday. The same is true for major holidays. Even peasants are called by patronymic. Black bread is preferred over white bread. Dogs are always fed meat and watered with milk. Therefore, when attacking a house, each dog is able to fight the crowd. The wife, having brought food, sits at the same table with the men. On Easter, everyone kisses, saying “Christ is Risen!” Muscovites trade is tough, this is the trade of well-fed people. They say little when trading. When you try to bargain, they get angry. The price is the same throughout the market. When we entered the hospital, because of the bad smell, we could not stay in this room to look at the patients. The king, however, approached each patient and kissed him on the head, mouth and hands - and so on to the last.

    Read the document and discuss the following questions with your parents.

    1. What features of Russian culture of the 17th century that so struck the Arab traveler are still alive? (underline with blue pencil)

    2. Which of the above traditions can not be found? (underline with yellow pencil)

    3. Do you think this is good? (Write)


    Lesson 4. Features of morality.

    Exercise 1 . Emphasize those qualities of a person that morality approves.

























    - Think about whether you have these qualities? Why did you make such a conclusion?

    (Write) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Task 2. Read the text carefully, determine the moral norms that Anatoly violated and underline them.

    Mom woke up Tolik at 9 o'clock in the morning and asked him to go to the store. He lay in bed, staring at the TV, until 11 o'clock. After breakfast, I grabbed a couple of apples and went out for a walk with the dog. He immediately kicked her with his foot (barked with joy). Mom asked me to be home at 13 o'clock - for dinner. Met a classmate. He recalled that in mathematics they asked a difficult problem. During the conversation, Tolik began to nibble on the second apple. Returned home at 2 pm. After dinner, my mother said that it was time to do homework. “But they didn’t ask us,” said Tolik. At 4 pm he went to the park to play football. The ball is stuck on a tree. Tolik broke a long branch out of the bush and knocked the ball down. Returning home, I saw a wallet on the ground. A worried woman, looking at the ground, walked beside him. Tolik imperceptibly raised his wallet and ran to buy ice cream. At the crossing across the street stood a visually impaired old woman. Shreds rushed across the street straight to the store.

    3 . What moral rules will you follow on the road of life?

    Lesson 5

    Exercise 1.

    Task 2 . What is the missing word in the line? underline


    What concept unites these words? Write down ________________________

    Task 3 . What is the missing word in the line? Emphasize. MERCY HEART

    What concept unites these words? Write it down. _______________________

    Task 4. Evaluate the actions of children (Put ):

    Feed a homeless kitten

    Lesson 6

    Task 1. Insert the missing word:

    is an example of the actions of people and the relationships between them.

    - the opposite of good, this is what seeks to eliminate and correct morality.

    During historical development societies and cultures have become more...

    B immoral acts are also called...

    Task 2. Choose the correct answer:

    What is considered a good deed?

    a) solve a problem for a friend; b) being late for an uninteresting meeting;

    c) help a neighbor solve the problem; d) forget about the unpleasant request.

    How are good deeds done?

    a) to avoid punishment; b) in the hope of a reward;

    c) in the hope of praise; d) disinterestedly and consciously.

    Specify the actions that society approves of:

    a) mutual assistance; b) violence; c) humiliation; d) cheating.

    What is the result of evil deeds?

    a) enmity; b) joy; c) peaceful coexistence; d) friendship.

    Task 3. Divide actions into two groups: unwillingness to help elderly parents, adoption of sick children, insult, helping those in need.

    Lesson 7

    Exercise 1 . Dictionary.

    _____________________ - positive moral quality person.

    _ ____________________ - a lack of moral, spiritual; everything that is contrary to truth and goodness; evil and falsehood as a property, quality of a person; any moral distortion; inclination to evil, to a bad life.

    Task 2. Fill the gaps.

    Conquer anger with gentleness

    Evil - ____________________,

    Greed - _______________,

    Lie - ___________________.

    Task 3. "Golden mean"

    Virtue is in the middle between two vices: excess and deficiency. Define virtues:Reference words : friendliness, generosity, courage .

    Task 4. "Precious wisdom placer." Fill in the blanks, use the textbook.

    Task 5 . The value of each person is determined by the value of the objects of his aspirations. (Marcus Aurelius).How do you understand these words? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Lesson 8

    1. R



    Assort the positive and negative personality traits:


    a responsibility



    Task 2. Find and underline, in the statements of great people who left their mark on history, one line is the quality of virtue, and two - vice.

    “Gratitude is the least of the virtues, while ingratitude is the worst of the vices.” Thomas Fuller

    - “Courtesy is the first and most pleasant virtue” François Fénelon

    “Love for parents is the basis of all virtues. All who are virtuous are happy.” Cicero

    - “Deceit is the most heinous vice” Montaigne

    Task 3. Synonyms.

    Choose synonyms for the word FRIENDLY _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Choose synonyms for the word COURAGE


    Choose synonyms for the word GENEROUS


    Lesson 9

    Task 1. Using the text of the textbook, restore the sentence:

    A moral choice is a choice between ____________________ and ________________________,

    between ____________________ and ________________________,

    between ____________________ and ________________________.

    Task 2. Check yourself.

    What determines a person's moral choice?

    a) from friends

    b) from the country;

    c) from parents;

    d) from the person himself.

    What determines a person's moral choice?

    a) strength of character

    b) family

    c) place of residence;

    d) age.

    Lesson 10. Freedom and responsibility.

    Task 1. Read the statements famous people. Which of them do you agree or disagree with? Mark ( + - I agree,- - disagree)

    For the free - all heights are achievable. (Maksim Gorky)

    Freedom is responsibility. That's why everyone is so afraid of her.(Bernard Show)

    Freedom is the natural ability of everyone to do what he pleases, unless prohibited by force or law. (Justinian)

    With the free, I consider the one who does not hope for anything and is not afraid of anything. (Democritus)


    buy bread

    Challenge 2. Choose things for which only you are responsible.

    walk the dog

    to wash the dishes

    study well

    take out the trash

    water the flowers

    clean up your room

    play with little brother

    Task 3. Using the text of the textbook (p. 25), complete the statements:

    Parents are responsible for _______________________

    Children are responsible for _____________________________.

    Teachers are responsible for __________________________.

    Students are responsible for __________________________.

    Physicians are responsible for ____________________________.

    Architects are responsible for _________.

    Artists are responsible for ________________________.

    Lesson 11 Moral duty.

    Task 1. Establish a correspondence between the types of moral duties and examples of the manifestation of these duties:

    moral duty

    an example of its manifestation

    Task 2. Read the parable and answer the questions to it.

    Taoist story. Wise Pig about morality

    Once the Wise Pig thought about moral issues and, after thinking a little, said the following aloud:

    Each tribe, clan and even family, if at least three chickens live in its courtyard, has its own morality. Some consider it worthy of a warrior to kill the enemy on the sly, while others consider it worthy to defeat in a knightly duel. Some kill to ease the pain, others save the life of a suffering cripple. The enumeration of these contradictions can be continued indefinitely, but the main thing that follows from all this is that if in the eyes of someone you want to seem like a person who follows the laws of morality, act in accordance with his views.

    Having said all this, the proud Pig retired to her feeder to check if there was anything left from yesterday's dinner.

    - Find in the text a wise saying (key) of the Pig? Highlight it.

    Task 3. Read expressively this poem. What, according to the author, is necessary to be a good man? Emphasize.

    But no matter how life breaks us,

    There is some magic in it...

    There are too few good people.

    And yet they are the majority.

    Become a good wizard

    Come on, try it!

    There is no need for special tricks here:

    Understand and fulfill the desire of another -

    A pleasure, honestly!

    Lesson 12

    Exercise 1. Finish the proverbs:

    Do you like to ride?

    What you sow is ___________________________________________.

    Do not dig a hole for another, ___________________________________.

    Task 2. Using the text of the textbook (p. 28), restore the sentence.

    Fairness is the ______________________ rule that governs ___________________________________________ in the distribution of _________________, ____________________ and _____________________, ______________________ etc.

    Task 3. What moral rules did you have to face in life

    (write) and what conclusion did you draw? (rules on page 29 of the textbook)


    Task 4. Discuss with friends and write a set of rules that will help you treat others fairly.

    Lesson #13 Altruism and selfishness

    Lesson 13

    Exercise 1. Dictionary: _

    1.__________________ ( from Latin ego - z) - behavior aimed at satisfying personal interests, including to the detriment of the interests of other people or society.

    2. _______________ (from the Latin wordalter - other) - willingness to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of their own interests.

    Match the concepts and examples:

    Altruism The man fulfilled the request of an unfamiliar child

    Classmate did not submit homework

    selfishness The boy did not share the donated sweets

    Man renovated neighbor's apartment for free

    Task 2. Read the text of the textbook (p. 30 - 31). Using it, prove that the heroine of the fairy tale C. Perro Cinderella can be called an altruist.



    -Which of the heroes of the fairy tale "Cinderella" do you consider an egoist? (write) Why?




    Lesson 14

    Exercise 1. Make up proverbs and sayings. Connect with a line.

    Task 2. Tell me how you put up with your friend. Choose the words suitable for your reconciliation:

    Task 3. Read A. Barto's poem and answer the question.

    A friend reminded me yesterday

    How much has done me good:Why was the friendship of the guys at risk?

    A pencil was once given to me by _____________________________________________

    (I forgot my pencil case that day), _____________________________________________

    In the wall newspaper, almost in every one, __________________________________________

    He mentioned me. __________________________________________

    I fell and got wet - ___________________________________________

    He helped me dry. ___________________________________________

    It is for a dear friend ___________________________________________

    I did not spare the pie, ____________________________________________

    Once gave me a bite, ____________________________________________

    Now I've counted it. ____________________________________________

    And me to him, guys, ____________________________________________

    Something no longer attracts ______________________________________________

    U rock 15. What does it mean to be moral

    1. Analyze the actions of the characters in the picture. Find your place among the heroes, put a badge in a circle .

    2. Insert the missing word.

    Good and evil manifests itself in ___________________ people.

    Virtue is _______________ choosing the best behavior.

    Being moral means _____________________.

    An example of moral behavior in society can be _____________________________________________.

    3. Appreciate fairy tale characters. Which of them has virtuous qualities ( D ), and who are vicious ( P )?

    Rock 16. Summing up. (Check yourself)

    Final test. Good luck!

    1. A science that considers the actions and relationships between people in terms of ideas about good and evil.___________________________________________

    2. System of norms and values ​​that regulate people's behavior. _______________________________________________

    3. Moral value, which relates to human activity __________________________

    4. Expresses a person's desire for good. _______________


    5. Action, the result of which is the infliction of harm to oneself and other people. __________________


    6. The ability of a person to determine his behavior, taking into account the laws of nature and society. ___________________


    7. The ability of a person to be responsible for his own free choice. ___________________________________________

    8. A moral rule that regulates relations between people in the distribution of benefits, rewards, punishments, income, etc. ____________________________________________

    9. Moral position in life, which requires a person to commit selfless acts for the sake of other people or common goals. ________________________________

    10. Relationships based on mutual affection and personal interests. ___________________________



    military duty

    Proverbs, sayings

    Task 3. Together with your parents, make a set (list) of moral norms (rules) adopted in your family.

    Our family code

    1. ___________________________________________________________________

    2. ___________________________________________________________________

    3. ___________________________________________________________________

    4. ___________________________________________________________________

    Task 4. In the 17th century, the Arab traveler Pavel of Aleppo arrived in Russia. Here is how he describes the features of life in Russia at that time.
    “On holidays, everyone rushes to church, dressed up in their best clothes, especially women ... People pray in churches for six hours. All this time the people are on their feet. What endurance! Undoubtedly, all these people are saints!

    Wine shops remain closed from Saturday to Monday. The same is true for major holidays.

    Even peasants are called by patronymic.

    Black bread is preferred over white bread.

    Dogs are always fed meat and watered with milk. Therefore, when attacking a house, each dog is able to fight the crowd.

    The wife, having brought food, sits at the same table with the men.

    At Easter, everyone kisses, saying "Christ is risen!".

    Muscovites trade is tough, this is trade of well-fed people. They say little when trading. When you try to bargain, they get angry. The price is the same throughout the market.

    When we entered the hospital, because of the bad smell, we could not stay in this room to look at the patients. The king, however, approached each patient and kissed him on the head, mouth and hands - and so on to the last.
    Read the document and discuss the following questions with your parents.

    1. What features of Russian culture of the 17th century that so struck the Arab traveler are still alive?

    2. Which of the above traditions can not be found?

    3. Do you think this is good?

    Lesson 4. Features of morality.
    Exercise 1. Emphasize those qualities of a person that morality approves

    Task 2. Read the text carefully, identify the moral standards that Anatoly violated and underline them. .

    Mom woke up Tolik at 9 o'clock in the morning and asked him to go to the store. He lay in bed, staring at the TV, until 11 o'clock. After breakfast, I grabbed a couple of apples and went out for a walk with the dog. He immediately kicked her with his foot (barked with joy). Mom asked me to be home at 13 o'clock - for dinner. Met a classmate. He recalled that in mathematics they asked a difficult problem. During the conversation, Tolik began to nibble on the second apple. Returned home at 2 pm. After dinner, my mother said that it was time to do homework. “But they didn’t ask us,” said Tolik. At 4 pm he went to the park to play football. The ball is stuck on a tree. Tolik broke a long branch out of the bush and knocked the ball down. Returning home, I saw a wallet on the ground. A worried woman, looking at the ground, walked beside him. Tolik imperceptibly raised his wallet and ran to buy ice cream. At the crossing across the street stood a visually impaired old woman. Tolik rushed across the street straight to the store.


    Task 3. Solve the crossword. At right decision in the selected cells you should get a word that combines the last two lessons.







    1. Courage, courage.

    2. Disinterested attitude to everything, other people's troubles, suffering.

    3. Fear of everything; trait opposite to courage.

    4. Disinterested attitude to everything, other people's troubles, suffering

    5. Treason.

    6. Inaction, the tendency to do nothing, not to undertake.

    Lessons 5-6. Good and evil.

    Exercise 1. Divide fairy-tale heroes into two kingdoms. How would you name these states?

    Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Chippolino, Ivan Tsarevich,

    Vasilisa the Wise, Sorcerer, Barmaley.

    Task 2. Who will invite whom to the birthday party?
    Cat Leopold

    Koschei the Deathless

    Crocodile Gena

    Old woman Shapoklyak


    Dr. Aibolit


    Task 3.

    D overie

    O responsibility

    B fraternity

    R hell

    O darn

    Suggest your own version of the "decoding" of words


    O____________ Z____________

    B____________ L____________

    R____________ O____________

    Task 4. Make up proverbs and sayings. Connect with a line.

    From good - good

    From evil - evil will be born

    The beast gives birth

    A bird gives birth to a bird

    good has found you

    Do good to love

    But evil is done without difficulty,

    Good is harder to do

    Too bad

    Do good and evil always

    In the power of all people.

    who does no good to anyone

    Task 5. Read the story of Valentina Oseeva and answer the questions.


    Two women were drawing water from a well. A third one approached them. And the old old man sat down on a pebble to rest. This is what one woman says to another:

    My son is dexterous and strong, no one can cope with him.

    What can you say about your son? her neighbors ask.

    What can I say? the woman says. - There is nothing special about him.

    So the women took full buckets and went. And the old man is behind them. Women go and stop. My hands hurt, water splashes, my back hurts.

    Suddenly, three boys run out towards me.

    One tumbles over his head, walks with a wheel - women admire him.

    He sings another song, fills himself like a nightingale - his women listened.

    And the third ran up to the mother, took heavy buckets from her and dragged them.

    The women ask the old man:

    Well? What are our sons?

    Where are they? - answers the old man. - I only see one son!
    How did the women feel when they talked about their sons? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Did they change after the old man's words? __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

    What does it mean to be a good son (daughter)? _______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Task 6
    What concept unites these words? Write down ________________________
    Task 7. What is the missing word in the line? Emphasize.
    What concept unites these words? Write it down. _______________________
    Task 8.Make a conclusion on the topic "What is GOOD and EVIL"?

    Task 9. Evaluate the actions of children (Put ):

    Children's actions



    Let homework write off

    Explain the solution to the problem

    Hiding bad grades from parents

    Feed a homeless kitten

    Lessons 7-8. Virtue and vice.


    a responsibility



    Exercise 1. Distribute the positive and negative personality traits:

    Task 2. Dictionary.

    _____________________ is a positive moral quality of a person.

    _____________________ - a lack of moral, spiritual; everything that is contrary to truth and goodness; evil and falsehood as a property, quality of a person; any moral distortion; inclination to evil, to a bad life.
    Task 3. Fill the gaps.

    Conquer anger with gentleness, evil - ____________________, greed - _______________, lies - ___________________.

    Task 4."Golden mean"

    Virtue is in the middle between two vices: excess and deficiency. Define virtues:






    Reckless Courage

    Task 5. "Precious wisdom placer."

    Task 6. The value of each person is determined by the value of the objects of his aspirations. (Marcus Aurelius). How do you understand these words? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Task 7. Synonyms.

    Choose synonyms for the word FRIENDLY __________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

    Choose synonyms for the word COURAGEOUS _____________________________________________


    Choose synonyms for the word GENEROUS _________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
    Task 8. Read the statements. Answer "yes" or "no" if you agree or disagree with the statement.

    1. The most famous division of virtues in ethics was proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes.

    2. Virtue is the ability to do the best in everything.

    3. No man can ever become completely virtuous.

    4. The moral development of a person as a person begins at the age of 16, and before that
    age, he can do anything.

    1. Virtue and vice are two opposite characteristics of a person,
    by which other people evaluate it.

    Task 9. Who is who?

    Remember the names of these fairy-tale characters. Point out what virtues and vices they possess. Color your favorite pictures.

    on the porch. She drove the dog away and shouted angrilyboys:

    - Shame on you!

    -What's embarrassing? We didn't do anything! - surprisedboys.

    -This is bad! the woman replied angrily.

    V. Oseeva

    Answer the questions:

    Why do you think the woman shamed the boys? _________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

    Is it possible to say that inaction is indifference, and is indifference a vice? ______________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

    Task 10. Choose an aphorism that reflects the meaning of the story you read.

    • Laws must eradicate vices and inculcate virtues. (Cicero)

    • Other people's vices are always before our eyes, our own - behind our backs. ( Seneca the Younger)

    • If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the title of man. (M. Saadi)

    • Man's greatest sin is not hatred, but indifference to his brothers. (Mother Teresa)