Mom dad sports family kindergarten. Scenario of the holiday "Dad, mom, I am a sports family" (DOE)

  • 13.11.2019

Scenario sports entertainment"Dad, mom, preschool, I am a sports family"

Material Description: suggest sports entertainment scenario"Dad, mother, dow, I'm friendly a family!", which aims to involve parents in active participation in; development of interest in sports- mass events, involvement families to a healthy lifestyle; instilling in children love and respect for their parents.

Target: Involve parents in active participation in sports life of the kindergarten; develop interest in sports- mass events, to involve family to a healthy lifestyle; instill in children love and respect for their parents.

Tasks: 1. Cultivate children's interest and love for sports.

2. Create favorable conditions for the celebration.

3. Form relationships between children and parents based on love, mutual understanding and creativity.

preliminary work: Conversations on the topic "My a family» , "Holidays in family» learning poems, proverbs, songs. Reading fiction.

Preparing each family team for competition: uniform, emblem, greeting.

Conducting training sessions before the competition.

Preparation of attributes for the competition.

Equipment. Decoration of the hall, Certificates for participants, skittles, small balls, jump ropes, 2 pairs of skis (cut out of plastic bottles, gymnastic sticks, material tunnels, jumping bags ... Potatoes, knives, wooden spoons, containers.

Veda - me. Hello - it means good evening, it means be healthy and happy, it means be in a good mood. Let your fatigue, and maybe sadness, be replaced by a good mood.

We invite you children

Mother don't forget dad.

Holiday sports and health.

We start now

If mom and I are together,

Let's have a great time

If a dad will be with us

We don't care about difficulties!

Veda. So here we go!

Today we celebrate our holiday family

Not only family teams, but also all children take part in our game.

We are in this room today

We have gathered our moms and dads!

We call them to the competition -

Cool competition!

Let's run and jump together.

Let's play ball together.

In the most difficult relay races.

Together we will win.

Together we will win.

Whose family is the strongest?

Who will celebrate success?

Who is not afraid of obstacles?

Hey parents, let's go!

Veda. And now I present to you the direct participants. To the music of V. Shansky "Together it's fun to walk" family teams come out and take their places at the start.

Team "Luck"- student...

Team "Friendship"- pupil ... and her parents.

We welcome them!

Leading: Team "Friendship" your motto.

Team "Friendship" our motto:

Dad, mother, I am our friendly a family!

Together we live together

And we dance and sing!

Veda. Team "Luck" your motto.

Team "Luck" our motto:

We sport family-

Dad, mommy and me!

We never get discouraged

And we always win!

Song "Be healthy".

Leading: We wish each team not only victories, but also a cheerful mood during all competitions, and also that participation in relay races becomes useful in strengthening your health. Take with you speed and courage, resourcefulness and ingenuity.

But any sports distances begin with a warm-up. I invite from each team of dads, and answer three questions.


1. Why are children given a pacifier (So that they don’t talk, so that they don’t smoke,

So as not to spit, so as not to cry).

2. What is the name of the spring, folk holiday (bread box, scrambled eggs, Shrovetide, candy bowl).

3. What does the pillow have besides two bellies? (One mouth, two eyes, three legs, four ears) .

Ved-th: Well done, dads! And now the questions mothers.

As a result of what the cat's house was damaged? (Flood, earthquake, hurricane, fire).

What did Little Red Riding Hood need to do to get into Grandma's house (press the button, dial the code at the entrance, show your ID, pull the rope).

What is the name of one of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault ( "Hen in earrings", "Cock in boots", "Cat in a sundress", "Puss in Boots").

Ved. Well done moms!

And now questions for the children.

1. What Baba Yaga flies (on a branch, on a vacuum cleaner, on a broom, on a mop).

2. What does a light bulb look like (for a banana, for a watermelon, for a cucumber, for a pear).

3. How to eat soup (fork, hands, spoon, scoop).

Ved-th: We coped with the warm-up on "Great"- we're moving on.

Ved. Our competition “Who will get to kindergarten faster?”

Dad jumping bags.

Moms jump rope

Children crawl the tunnel.

Ved. Well done! The first competition was successful. Dear jury, summarize the results of the warm-up and the first competition of the two teams "Luck" and "Friendship".

Ved. Our next contest "Let's have lunch"

mom feeds dad.

Daughter or son drinking juice from a straw

Ved. Yes, guys, we have witnessed very close-knit families of both teams. Well done!

And now, while the teams are preparing for the next competition, our guys will show a dance "Little Ducklings"

Ved-th: The word of the jury.

Now let's see how your family can work.

Competition "Hostess"

The next obstacle is the spoon!

And in the spoon - potatoes!

You can't run, you can't tremble,

You can breathe, just be careful.

Children - take potatoes from a bucket, put them in a spoon, carefully carry them to their mother.

Mother- Peels potatoes with a knife.

Ved. Well done! You can see what guys are our helpers, and mothers are wonderful hostesses! Our next contest "Get in the basket"

Come on dads!

Show your skill!

In front of all the kids!

Catch the ball quickly!

Dad is holding a basket and mothers and boys are smart.

And now, while the jury is summing up the results of two competitions, we will play a game "Guess the tale"

I am reading an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you have to say what it is called ....

1. “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother ...” (Kolobok)

2. "Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie..." (Masha and the Bear);

3. “Don’t drink this water, brother, you will become a kid…” (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka);

4. "Apple tree, apple tree, hide us..." (Swan geese);

5. "Sleep peephole, sleep another ..." (Havroshechka);

6. "Frog, frog, give me my arrow..." (Princess Frog);

7. “Kids, kids, open up, open up ...” (The wolf and the seven Young goats);

8. "What do you want, old man?" (The Tale of the Goldfish);

9. "At the pike's command, at my will..." (By pike command);

10. "Sivka - Burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass ..." (Sivka - burka).

Ved. Well done, everyone knows fairy tales. And now for the jury.

Ved-th: Our next contest " Mother, dad, I, sport family»

1. Dad, mom on skis.

2. Son (daughter) riding a scooter.

Ved. And now parents will give their children some useful tips.

1st parent:

Our advice to all the guys!

And such a word:

Sport love from an early age

You will be healthy!

2nd parent:

Everyone knows, everyone understands

What a pleasure to be healthy.

Just need to know

How to become healthy!

3rd parent:

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be with sports inseparable,

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret!

4th parent:

Teach yourself to order -

Do exercises every day

Laugh more cheerfully

You will be healthier.

Ved. And now the jury will sum up the results, announce the winners of the competition. The floor is given by the chairman of the jury and members of the jury.

Prizes and certificates are awarded to the winners.

Thanks everyone! If today was interesting and fun for you, we are very happy. Let this holiday become a tradition in your families.

Song "Physical training"


  • create conditions for physical development;
  • to teach how to establish partnerships with parents, other adults and children


1. Provide optimal motor mode for children and adults during the holiday

2. Provide children with the opportunity to apply motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes.

3. Instill a love for physical education and sports.

Characters: presenter (physical instructor), Kolobok (educator), families (father, mother, child).

Parents with children enter the hall and take tickets from a chest on the table: red and blue, with which they are divided into teams.

Leading: Good evening moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas! Good evening guys! I am glad to welcome you to the family entertainment "Our friendly family!"

Today our holiday is dedicated to all of you: old and young, adults and children! We have gathered here to once again tell everyone what friendly families our guys have. And to check it out, we will hold several contests. We have two teams, I suggest you come up with names for them.

There are no uninteresting families in the world.

Their fates as planetary histories:

Each has its own special

And there are no others like her.

What do our children think about their families?

1st child

Family is mom

Family is me

dad, grandma,

My brother and sister.

Grandpas, aunts.

All this, my friends

Repeated seven times

In the word "family"!

2nd child

There are many fathers and mothers in the world,

Children love them with all their hearts.

There are only one among them -

They are dearer to me than all.

Who are they? I will answer:

My beloved family!

3rd child

Today's competition is tough.

We will reveal our talents.

My family is always with me

And we'll be all right!

Leading: Let's start our competition.

Team relay race.

1. Kangaroo relay

At the signal of the leading mother from each team, they run with the ball between their legs to the cubes on which their children stand, run to the cube, come back and pass the ball to dad, who in turn runs to the cube, gives the ball to the child, picks it up and returns to the team.

Equipment: 3 medicine balls, 3 cubes.

The jury sums up.

2. Relay "Stages"

Stage 1 - "Skier". Children are participating. The skis in this competition are two candy boxes.

2-stage - " On the ice." Dads are involved. "Ice floes" - wooden circles. Standing on one "ice" substituting another, stepping forward, passes between the skittles and back.

3-stage - " Riding on the core. Moms participate. The player sits on a soft large ball and jumps between the pins and back(phonogram).

Equipment: 9 pins, 6 wooden circles, 3 soft beach balls with a holder, 6 candy boxes.

The jury is summing up.

The music sounds "We're going, we're going, we're going"

Leading. Music calls us all to travel...forward.

3. Relay "Jumping in bags"

The team is given a bag for jumping. Each team member takes turns doing tasks. Whose team will be at the finish line faster, she will receive a ball(phonogram).

Equipment: 3 bags.

Leading. While the jury is summing up, and the teams are resting, I invite everyone to watch the performance. (Children preparatory group perform a sports dance

4. Relay "Tunnel"

Each team member must overcome the tunnel to pick up one pin and return to the finish line.

Equipment: 3 tunnels, 23 skittles.

The jury sums up.

Leading: I offer a little warm-up for children. Guys, I will call different types household chores, and you answer in chorus who does this work: dad or mom (washes, drives a car, cooks dinner, repairs a TV, washes the floor, digs a garden, collects children in kindergarten, waters flowers, colitises firewood, knits, builds a house )

Well done! See, guys, how many different things your parents can do! Today we will see if your parents can also play well, have fun and participate in competitions!

I offer a little warm-up for adults. You have to solve a difficult task! Be very careful.

I will now set the task.

Listen, here's my family:

Grandpa, grandma and brother.

We have order in the house, okay

And cleanliness. And why?

We have two mothers in our house.

Two dads, two sons,

Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have?

(answer: 6 people)

Leading. Now let's fly in hot air balloons.

5. Relay "Elusive ball"

Dads are involved. Each participant is tied to the leg balloon. You need to crush someone else's ball, but at the same time keep your whole one. Whole balls are counted and the winners of this competition are announced.(phonogram)

Equipment: 6 balloons.

The jury sums up.

6. Relay "Cinderella"

Teams are given gymnastic regiments and gates, on command they need to roll more balls into the gates. The team with the most balloons gets a point for the win.. (phonogram).

Equipment: many balls, 3 collars, 9 gymnastic sticks.

The jury sums up.

7. Relay "Transfer each other"

Mom carries her child to the cube, leaves him back, then dad carries mom to the cube, pick up the child and come back.

Equipment: 3-cube.

The jury sums up.

8. Relay race "Jumping rope"

Mothers are involved. Each participant is given a jump rope. Whoever jumps the longest gets the ball.

Equipment: 3 jump ropes.

The jury sums up.

Horseman game

Dads put their children on their shoulders. In children, two ribbons are attached to the collars. On a signal, the children try to rip each other's ribbons.


Come on, let's ride the hoop

He comes from us, and we follow him.

We drive, we drive

Just don't let it fall.

9. Relay "Roll the hoop"

Each team is given a hoop. In turn, whoever rolls the hoop back and forth faster, giving it to the next.

Equipment: 3 hoops

Kolobok runs in(fairytale music)

Kolobok:- Good afternoon girls and boys! (greets children)

- Let me introduce myself:

I am Gingerbread Man - ruddy side! come to see you and show yourself!

- And most importantly, play with you guys. See how smart, smart, fast you are!

– I have prepared interesting, funny competitions and rides for you.

But are you willing to take part in the competition?


- Yes!


- I suggest doing a warm-up first. Do you agree?

Then quickly get up with me in a circle,

Repeat after me!

To the music of "Pinocchio" on the op. Y. Entin, children, together with Kolobok, perform a complex of rhythmic gymnastics.


- Well, guys, training

You did very well!


Everyone tried hard, well done! You are big daredevils! But attention! I have prepared an equally interesting competition for you! Competition "Kolobok"

Kolobok explains the rules of the competition:

On a signal, each participant in the competition very quickly rolls the ball - “kolobok” with both hands to the cube, picks it up and runs along the left side of the hall to his team. Having come running, he gives the ball to the next participant, and he himself stands behind the team.


- What dexterous athletes

I saw now. Here is the workout!

Well, just top class!

Leading: While the jury is summing up, let's have a quiz, which of you knows fairy tales better (8 riddles)

It's time for us to end the holiday.

We welcome all guests

What time did you choose

And they looked at us.

do sports,

Smile more often

Family is sacred

Family is happiness!

If friendship and health in the family -

Everyone will envy you!

(The final calls sound. Teams are invited to the middle of the hall for debriefing)

Leading: Words for praise are provided by our esteemed jury.

Summing up, awarding prizes.

Leading: Thanks everyone! If today was interesting and fun for you, we are very happy. Let this holiday become a tradition in your families.

Olga Yavorskaya
Scenario sports festival in kindergarten“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”


Raising positive emotions in children and parents from a joint event;

Development of moral and volitional qualities, speed, strength, dexterity, endurance.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle families to physical education and sports, create festive the mood of children and their parents.

Consolidation of previously learned skills: jumping rope, exercises with the ball, running for speed.

Education of mutual assistance, courage, dexterity, strength.

To carry out the relationship in the physical education of children between kindergarten and family.

promote healthy lifestyle life, contribute to the initiation families to physical education and sports.

Involve children and their parents in activities physical culture and sports. To give children and parents the pleasure of joint physical education, to promote the development of positive emotions, a sense of mutual assistance.

Skills and abilities of pupils in the process of cooperation with parents:

Ability to interact with each other

The ability to provide mutual assistance, support in a group in solving the main tasks in achieving a common goal,

The ability to empathize

partnership skills,

Ability to listen to the opinions of peers, empathize with failures,

Cultivate a desire to help, both in word and action.

Holiday progress:

1 presenter: Hello, dear guests!

We welcome you to sports festival« Dad, mother, I - sport family».

Today we are visiting family teams. Our teams are very excited, let's greet them with applause.

Sounds like « Sports march» , children clap their hands, family teams enter the hall.


The garden welcomes cheerful guests,

From warm smiles in our hall brighter.

Dad left work today.

And mothers forgot big worries,

Put on sneakers, and taking the kids,

Came on sports holiday today soon.

And with pride everyone can say

What is closer no family to be found!

lovers our sport - cheers!


Today we have like real sports competitions, the jury will evaluate the results.

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle.

The composition of the jury is announced.

1 presenter: This holiday dedicated to sports and health,

Are the guests ready?

Then we'll start!


And now the members holiday will introduce themselves.

Each team takes turns chanting their name and motto.

Team "Meteor"

Captain: Our motto -

Not one step back!

Not a step in place!

But only forward!

And only all together!

Team Rocket

Captain: Our motto -

Our victory is important to everyone,

Peace and friendship - forever!


So our teams met, we wish them success.

And now, as expected, we will warm up before the competition.

Warm-up in Kazakh.


Are the teams ready for the challenge? Then let's start!

1 contest: "Running with an Egg in a Spoon".

The child starts first, passes the spoon to mom, the last one runs dad.

Rules of the game:

3) Hold the spoon with one hand, the other behind your back.

4) Winner - 5 points, 2nd team - 4, 3rd - 3 points.

2 contest: "Chain". It is necessary to make a chain with paper clips. The team that completes this task the fastest wins.


A test for mothers, our beautiful ladies!

Moms got bored and probably tired.

Tired of them standing - it is necessary moms to play!

3 contest for moms called "Spring-cleaning".

Moms stand with one foot in a bucket, they hold this bucket with their hand, take a broom in the other hand. In this position, they must run to the cone, run around it and return to their place.


Hey ladies are good!

We tried our best!

You ran so gracefully

As if butterflies fluttered.

Warm-up on questions:

1 presenter:

Name a fairy tale that tells about a large family family, where seven children did not obey their mother and got into trouble.

Name the story that mother- The queen helped her son find a real bride with the help of a pea.

What is the name of the fairy tale in which the girl went to visit her sick grandmother, but on the way she talked to a stranger and got into trouble because of this?

What is the name of the fairy tale in which, thanks to the friendly work of all families did you get a big harvest?

4 contest is called "Big Wash".

On a stretched rope, the child alternately hangs clothespins, mother - handkerchiefs, dad removes handkerchiefs and clothespins. The team that completes the task in the minimum amount of time wins.

Rules of the game:

1) The game starts on the referee's signal.

2) Stepping over the start line is prohibited.

3) Hang clothespins and scarves 1 at a time.

5 competition - "The most dexterous dad» .

Come on, dads!

Show your skill!

In front of all the kids!

Catch the ball quickly!

Dad juicy catches balls that are thrown by the child and mother in turn. wins dad who caught the most balls.

6 contest is called "Baron Munchausen".

Just like the famous fairy-tale traveler Baron Munchausen flew on the core, so you have to overcome the distance from the start line to the cone and back, holding the ball between your knees. The team that does it faster wins.


Wonderful! And no words can be found

To express all admiration

How difficult will the jury

Make an objective decision.

While the jury is deliberating

Musical warm-up is performed.

Musical warm-up "Four Steps".

7. Contest for dads "Not easy to learn, easy to fight!"

Show jumping who will push up from the floor on their hands the longest.

The jury counts for each participant individually.

Leading: And we invite our mothers for the next competition.

8. Competition for moms "Gymnasts"

The competition is who will scroll the hoop around the waist the longest.

The jury monitors the participants, continuous rotation is recognized.

Leading: The floor is given to the jury for debriefing.

9. Competition for children "Jugglers"

The competition is who will carry the balloon on the racket to the landmark and back without dropping it.

Riddles for fans:

1 presenter:

I was slapped with a shovel

They made me a hunchback.

I was beaten, beaten,

Doused with ice water

And then with me, cool,

All rolled down in a crowd.


I don't look like a piano

But I also have a pedal.

Who is not a coward and not a coward,

I'll ride that famously.

I don't have a motor.

What's my name?


Happy to overtake each other

You look, my friend, do not fall!

They are good, light, fast.


He doesn't want to lie down.

If you drop it, it will jump.

Throw again, rushes gallop.

Guess what it is?


I took two oak bars,

Two iron rails.

I stuffed planks on the bars.

Give me snow! Ready…


I can't feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the snowy hill!

Became me sport is closer and closer.

Who helped me with this


I don't understand guys, who are you?

Birders? Anglers?

What kind of net is in the yard?

Don't interfere with the game

You'd better leave.

We are playing…


These fruits are not edible

But they are huge and comfortable.

Their other sportsman for hours

He hits hard with his fists.

(Punching bags)

I want to become a strong man.

I come to the strongman:

Tell me about this -

How did you become a strongman?

He smiled back:

Very simple. Many years

Every day, getting out of bed,

I lift...


Here is a silver meadow

Can't see the lamb

The bull does not bellow on him,

Chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow is good in winter,

And you won't find it in the spring. (rink)

I have guys

Two silver horses

I go to both at the same time.

What kind of horses do I have?


Two new maple

Two-meter soles:

He put two feet on them -

And run through the big snows.


Play in the yard in the morning

The kids played.

screams: "puck!", "by!", "hit!" -

So there is a game...


green meadow,

One hundred benches around

From gate to gate

The people run briskly.

At these gates

Fishing nets.


On an empty stomach

They beat me unbearably;

Aptly pour players

I'm kicked. (football)

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive.


Rides without wheels

Leaves no tracks. (boat)

Oh, it's snowing!

I'm taking my horse out.

For a rope

I lead a horse through the yard.

From the hill down I fly on it,

And I'm taking it back. (sled)

Stick in the form of a comma

Drives the puck in front of him.

(hockey stick)

10. Captains competition "Guess what it is?"

The facilitator distributes the name of the species to one of the participants sports, the participant must show this view without words sports, and the rest of the team to guess, the team itself chooses who will show and who will guess.

(basketball, alpine skiing; football, figure skating; volleyball, hockey; long jump, speed skating sport)


And now attention - the final competition!

Our families have a chance to show solidarity.

11 competition "Nonsense". Why nonsense! Now you will see.

The first stage is overcome by a child in felt boots. Mother your stage is in stop-walks, and dad - in fins.


So our holiday is over

And the jury did not sum up the result

We wish them not to be mistaken

And we'll play a little!

Musical pause.

The jury summed up the competition.

Leading: Let it all be just a game,

But we wanted to say it:

Great miracle - a family!

Keep her, take care of her!

There is no more important goal in life!

Let's say thank you to the jury and the audience.

Athletes - new victories.

And to all - our sports hello.

Do sports

smile more often

Family is sacred,

Family is happiness!

If friendship and health in family, -

Everyone will envy you!

Instructor: Thank you all for your attention.

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter.

For the fire of competition

Ensure success.

Now it's time to say goodbye

Our speech will be short.

We say goodbye to everyone

Until happy new meetings!


  1. Create a cheerful and joyful mood for children and their parents.
  2. Develop physical qualities: endurance, speed, reaction power.
  3. To carry out the relationship in the physical education of children between the kindergarten and the family.

The course of the holiday.

Host: We are starting our family sports festival “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”, in which our nimble children and their beloved parents take part. We meet the participants of our holiday.

A sports march sounds, the participating teams enter to the applause, they pass the circle of honor around the hall and sit on the benches.

Host: Welcome, dear guests!

We wish you fun and joy!

We have been waiting for you for a long time - we are waiting,

We can't start the holiday without you.

Physical education is useful, doubly fun physical education. After all, every minute of playing sports prolongs a person's life by one hour, and cheerful - by two. Today we have gathered together to get a charge of vivacity, show off our erudition and cheer for those friendly families who came to take part in our competitions.

Your performance will be judged by a jury consisting of:

For the will to win, honesty in the fight, the jury can add 1 point to the team or, on the contrary, remove 1 point for breaking the rules. And now the children will read the poems.

Children read poetry

1st child:

We invite everyone now.

Holiday of sports and health

It starts with us!

Our moms, our dads

Start with us!

2nd child:

Who is the fastest

Who is the best of all

We are very interested!

Let cheerful laughter be heard

And the song won't stop!

3rd child:

Sport straightens our shoulders

Strength, dexterity gives us.

He develops muscles for us,

4th child:

And they came today

Everyone, of course, win!

All teams, all heroes

They can convince you!

5th child:

Let the holiday of the star light up

Let everyone in our garden know

What stellar teams

We are performing today!

6th child:

Even in the darkest morning

Physical education makes us happy.

And, of course, very important

So that everyone does the exercises!

Calling us to the records!

Leading: Now we will all sing a song together and do exercises.

To the music, the children sing a song and perform a warm-up “Song about exercise”.

Leading: And now we invite our teams "Sunshine", "Success" and "Friendship" to take their places on the start line. Let joy and laughter help in difficult times, but the main hope, the fans, is on you! Let's give our teams a big round of applause.

Teams line up at the start line for a salute.

Team greetings:

Sun Team:

Team "Success" - physical education - hello!

And such a word

Love sports from an early age,

You will be healthy.

There is no better recipe in the world -

Be inseparable from sports!

Live a hundred years

That's the whole secret.

Success team:

Team "Sun" - physical education - hello.

Teach yourself to order -

Do exercises every day

Laugh more cheerfully

You will be healthier.

Sport, guys, is very necessary!

We are friends with sports!

Sport is an assistant, sport is health,

Sport - a game, physical education - cheers!

Friendship Team:

Teams "Sun" and "Friendship" - physical education - hello!

It's hard to be a champion

But you can try!

To all the guys, our advice and this word:

Love sports from an early age,

You will be healthy!

Host: Attention, attention!

We start the competition.

Competitions are unusual

Excellent from others!

And so, you can start the competition -

Fun competitions.

There are teams, the jury is in place.

Fans, are you there?

All in unison YES!

The first relay race "Fast legs" (Run a snake with two stuffed balls in your hands between four hoops laid on the floor, go around the rack and return in the same way. The balls are passed to the next participant.)

Jury's word

The second relay “Fast legs, dexterous hands” (In four hoops lying on the floor, one pin is placed. The first participant runs, puts the pins on the floor with his hand, goes around the rack and returns in a straight line. The second participant runs and puts the pins in hoops, goes around the cube and returns in a straight line.)

Jury's word

Third relay "Who is faster?" (Each participant runs in the footsteps to the hoop rack, crawls into it, runs to the rack, runs around it, runs back, passes the baton to the next participant.)

Jury's word

Host: Our athletes need to rest. In the meantime, they are gaining strength, we will hold a competition for fans (spectators). Teams sit on benches.

Contest for fans "Guess the fairy tale"

Host: I am reading an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you must say what it is called.

  1. “I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother ...” (Kolobok);
  2. “Don’t sit on a stump, don’t eat a pie…” (Masha and the Bear);
  3. “Do not drink this water, brother - you will become a goat ...” (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka);
  4. “Apple tree, Apple tree, hide us ...” (Swan Geese);
  5. “Sleep, peephole, sleep, arc ...” (Havroshechka);
  6. “Frog, frog, give me my arrow ...” (Frog Princess);
  7. “Kids, kids, open up, open up ...” (Wolf and seven kids);
  8. "What do you want, old man?" (The Tale of the Goldfish);
  9. “At the command of the pike, at my will ...” (By the command of the pike);
  10. “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass ...” (Sivka-burka).

Host: And now the fans should be divided into two teams. The teams line up at the starting line.

Relay race for fans “Walking with bags on their heads” (Each team is given a bag of sand. The first participant goes with a bag on his head to the counter, goes around it and goes back, passes the bag to the next participant. The team that completes the task faster wins).

Relay for fans "Sun" (Each participant has a gymnastic stick. You need to run to the hoop, put the stick like a ray of sunshine, run around the counter, pass the baton to the next participant).

Moderator: Our teams rested, gained strength. And we invite athletes to take their places on the start line. Teams take their places on the start line.

Host: We continue our competition. Teams, are you ready to start?

The fourth relay race “Jumping on fitballs (hops)” (Each participant jumps on hops to the rack, goes around it and jumps back, passes the baton to the next participant).

Jury's word

Fifth relay race “Rolling the ball between the legs” (Two teams stand in columns one after another in a leg stance apart, the ball is in the hands of the guide (captain). On a signal, the first participant leans forward and sends the ball back between the legs with a push of two hands. The last one catches the rolling ball runs to the beginning of the column and repeats all the movements of the guiding player. The relay ends at the moment when the guiding player returns to the first place with the ball.)

Jury's word

The sixth relay race "Don't drop" (Hold the balloon with a racket back and forth, tossing it up, pass the baton to the next participant.)

Jury's word

Host: The teams will have a little rest, and we have a musical break. Now the guys will dance a rhythmic dance. Guys, get on the rhythm.

Children perform the rhythm "Papa, Mama" (to the song of L. Agutin "Papa-Mama")

Moderator: Teams are invited to the start line to continue our competition.

The seventh relay race of the "Classics" (In front of each team there are hoops in a checkerboard pattern. Each participant jumps into the hoops, as in the "classics" game, runs around the rack, runs back, passes the baton to the next participant.)

Jury's word

Eighth relay race "Salute" (Balls of three colors are scattered throughout the hall. Each team, on a signal, collects the balls of its color in a box. Having collected all the balls, the team is built on the start line. Who is faster)

Jury's word

Presenter: Leave rattle toys for babies,

Grab your sticks, go play hockey!

Ninth relay race “Hockey” (Lead the ball with a stick to the rack, run around the rack, come back, leading the ball with a stick).

Jury's word

Host: And now relay races for adults. The children sit on the benches, and the adults are divided into two teams.

Relay race for adults "Turnip" (Two teams of 6 participants participate. These are grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs at the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip. The game starts grandfather On a signal, he runs to the turnip, running around the “bumps” with a snake, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the turnip and run back, then the granddaughter joins them and etc. At the end of the game, a turnip clings to the mouse.The team that pulled the turnip out the fastest wins)

Relay race for dads "Tug of war"

Moderator: The participants showed themselves perfectly. This was our final run. Teams take places on the benches, and the guys read poetry.

Children read poetry

1st child:

Love physical education

Dads, moms, kids.

Air, sports and vitamins

Everyone needs in the world.

2nd child:

Do volleyball

Rowing, swimming, football.

Launch colorful kites,

Skate in winter

Ride a bike

And always strive to win!

3rd child:

If you want to be skillful

Agile, fast,

Strong, brave,

Learn to love jump ropes

Ball, hoops and sticks!

4th child:

Never be discouraged!

Hit the target with snowballs.

In a sled from a hill, quickly rush

And get on your skis!

Here is the secret of health:

Be healthy! Physical Education Hello!

Host: Our competition is coming to an end. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of our competition, we will all dance a fun dance together. We stand in two circles for the dance of little ducklings.

Everyone is dancing the dance of the little ducklings.

Jury's word: Grand total


To the music, all participants of the holiday pass an honorary circle around the hall and leave for the group.

Tasks: to develop independence in the use of acquired motor skills in children; to determine the relationship and mutual understanding between children and their parents in motor play activities; create a fun sports mood for children and their parents.

Equipment: ribbons - according to the number of children (two for each child); two stumps (for landmarks); two hoops; two balls; two arcs (height - 50 cm); two sticks; two trays; two balloons; two baskets; cones - by the number of participants; two boots; two nets (for catching balls); two cubes; emblems; diplomas.

Characters: Carlson, Baba Yaga (adults).

The course of the holiday

Children enter the hall with flags to the music and form a semicircle.

Instructor. Dear children, dear parents! Today we have gathered in this hall to see once again how strong, fast and dexterous we are.

1st child. Parents are such people

They rush to refer to employment.

Everyone needs to play sports!

2nd child. But to set records for everyone

And forget about diseases -

Over adults in matters of sports

The children decided to take patronage.

3rd child. Children are happy for the sports holiday,

Young athletes...

All. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

4th child.

Every day in the morning

We are charging

5th child.

We like it very much

Do everything in order.

6th child. Fun to walk

7th child. raise your hands,

8th child. Squat,

9th child. Run and jump.

Instructor. Is your health okay?

All. Thank you charger.

10th child.

How many of you guys know

What helps us in sports

And is it always good for us?

Sun, air and water -

Our best friends!

11th child.

We will be to the delight of mom

Hardened since childhood.

12th child.

We'll grow up soon

Let's become champions.

13th child.

Love sports since childhood

You will be healthy!


Come on together, kids,

Let's all shout...

All. Physical training!

Carlson is flying in.


Here Carlson came to you, friends,

Congratulate you on idleness!

I wish you success

And all the fun.

I flew off the roof to meet you and hang out and play pranks together.

Instructor. What are you, Carlson! Our guys never mess around! They are always busy.

Today we have a sports day.

Carlson. Do you know who is the best athlete in the world? Of course it's me! Can I stay and see what you can do?

Instructor. Of course, stay. Now our guys will do a warm-up.

Children are arranged in three columns.

Warm-up with ribbons.

1. I. p. - the main stand.

1 - right hand with a ribbon to the side, head tilt to the left;

3 - left hand with a ribbon to the side, head tilt to the right;

4 - and. n. (6 times).

2 . I. p. - the main stand.

1 - hands with ribbons up, right foot on the toe back;

3 - hands with ribbons up, left foot on the toe back;

4 - and. n. (6 times).

3 . I. p. - feet shoulder width apart.

1-2 - turn the body to the right, stretch your arms with ribbons in front of you;

The same to the left side (6 times).

4. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart.

1.3 - hands with ribbons up;

2 - torso tilt to the right;

The same with a tilt to the left (6 times).

5. I. p. - sitting on his heels, hands with ribbons on his knees.

1-2 - get on your knees, hands with ribbons up, wave them at the top;

3-4 - and. n. (6 times).

6. I. p. - the main stand.

Jumps: legs and arms with ribbons, to the sides in alternation with walking (b time).

7. Breathing exercise "Blow on the ribbons" (2 times).

Carlson. Yes, I would also do well to practice, otherwise I'm a little out of shape.

Instructor. And our holiday continues. Teams, march in places!

Rebuilding in two columns.

Instructor. Two teams take part in our holiday: "Rays" and "Arrow".

Teams, greet each other.


We are brave guys!

We are rich in Russian power.

Get the dream prize

Hey enemy, beware!


Become a champion - we all know

The task is difficult for everyone.

We start to compete

And we firmly believe in our success!

Instructor. Guys, and our competitions will be evaluated by the jury (jury presentation).

"Flies" Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. Why without me? Carlson was invited, but they forgot about me?

Instructor. Hello Baba Yaga! Don't be so upset! Stay with us.

Baba Yaga. And I'm also a good athlete. Look at us with Carlson! I fly on a broom, and he - with his motor. Are you afraid to compete with me? Count!

Children(consider). One two Three.

Baba Yaga and Carlson "fly" to the stumps and back.

Instructor. Well done! Now cheer for our guys. (Carlson is a fan of one team, Baba Yaga is a fan of another.)


1. "Through the hoop" (children).

Running with passing the hoop through oneself to the stump (distance - 4 m), back - running.

2 . “Kick the ball into the goal” (parents).

Moms roll the ball with both hands, dads roll the ball with a club.

3. "Lame Crane" (children).

Grab your right leg with your right hand at the ankle and jump on one leg to the stump, back - run.

4. “Who will carry the ball faster” (children, then parents).

On the tray is an inflated balloon. Without holding it with your hands, bring it to the stump, back - run with the ball in your hands.

5. "Collect the bumps" (children, then parents).

At a distance of 4 m there are cones in the hoop - according to the number of participants. Players one by one with a basket run to the hoop and put one cone in the basket. Come back and pass the basket to the next player.

6. "Who is the first" (children, then parents).

Put on one boot and run to the stump, return, take off and pass the boot to the next player.

7. "Basketball" (children and parents).

Dad is standing in a hoop and holding a "net" in outstretched hands. Children take turns running up with the ball at a distance of 2 m and trying to throw the ball into the "net". They run back with the ball and pass it to the next team member.

8. The game "Whose circle will gather faster."

To the music, the teams scatter and run around the hall to the music. The music has stopped - one team gathers around Carlson, the second - around Baba Yaga. The next time the teams switch places.



The participants of the holiday say goodbye to the heroes and leave the hall to the music.