An open letter to Minister Puchkov. The Ministry of Emergency Situations needs to be saved from their leader Vladimir Puchkov

  • 07.06.2020

The Ministry of Emergency Situations needs to be saved from their leader Vladimir Puchkov. Vladimir Puchkov took over as head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations less than two years ago, but even in such a short time he managed to show himself not on the best side. We propose to recall the former "merits" of Vladimir Andreevich. The work of the newly minted minister began with a major emergency in the Krasnodar Territory, as a result of which more than 170 people died. The Ministry of Emergency Situations did not notify the population about the threat of flooding in time and did not ensure the evacuation of residents of the flooded territories. A significant share of the criticism was also taken by the head of the department, Puchkov, whose subordinates did not work in this situation in the best way. Last year, another corruption scandal flared up in Khakassia - an organized criminal group engaged in embezzlement operated in the leadership of the Khakassian rescuers. Experts call this scheme “usual”, that is, the current head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, could well be aware of what is happening. The incident in Khakassia is not something unusual for today's Ministry of Emergency Situations, because. such "schemes" appear there quite regularly. The level of corruption in the territorial departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations rose sharply after Vladimir Puchkov became the new minister. There are rumors that a vertically integrated corruption system has now formed, when bribes from the grassroots go to the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Previously, Puchkov served as head of the Civil Protection Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - and even then there were a lot of complaints about his work. Then the official of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was accused of inappropriate spending, i.e. in theft. At one time, Mr. Puchkov was the head of the North-West Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. And here there was a scandal: this regional center created a three-dimensional database of geo-images, including potentially dangerous objects - hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants and the chemical industry. In addition, the training of 20 employees for this purpose cost two million rubles. It seems that there was no misappropriation of funds here. While in the position of Deputy Head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Puchkov "marked" himself in the fight against forest fires in 2012: many experts then placed all responsibility for the poor work of rescuers on Vladimir Andreevich. In addition, in 2010 it was the current head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who was responsible for the elimination of fires in the Moscow region. We all remember that the fire then reached the approaches to the capital. Vladimir Puchkov, as a minister, began to carry out a rather strange personnel reform - instead of the old leadership, he began to appoint dubious characters. For example, Major Bunakov, who served as assistant to the state secretary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, turned out to be a drug addict, and his immediate supervisor Vladimir Artamonov did his best to hush up the scandal. If we take an interest in the opinion of the old-timers about the new leadership, we will get the following answer: “Everything is in a beam. It’s good that we don’t participate in gay parades yet ... ”Now we can summarize briefly. Under Puchkov, the number of corruption crimes has increased dramatically, there can be no talk of any positive transformations in the ministry, and the general atmosphere in the department has become very difficult. What is the way out of this situation? Vladimir Andreevich must either be dismissed or forced to work! In addition, we advise the anti-corruption services to check the activities of the minister as soon as possible.

Subtleties of sending And now it's time to reveal to you the most terrible secret! Russian Post does not send a registered letter with an attachment list. Due to their ignorance, post office customers often confuse some concepts. An exceptionally valuable letter is sent with an inventory of the attachment. In this case, the sender fills out a special form, which was mentioned above. Of course, you can also send a registered letter with a description of the attachment. No one has the right to forbid you to do this. But only such an inventory you will have to draw up by hand and in free form. No one will compare it and generally pay any attention to it. There will be no seal or signature of the branch employee on it. And this means that if necessary, you will not be able to confirm that the envelope contained exactly the documents that you, according to you, put there.

Form opened:

How to sign a class 1 envelope? 1st class mail is sent first due to the shortened delivery times. The price distinguishes such departures - it is slightly higher than that which is established, for example, for sending registered letters. Important! The weight of 1st class shipments must not exceed 2.5 kg.

An envelope of the 1st class is filled out in the same way as a simple envelope with sending across Russia. A distinctive feature of the envelope is the presence of a yellow strip located in the middle. Language of filling in the mail envelope All data on the envelope are filled in Russian.
For republics within Russia that have a permitted other state language, it is allowed to fill out a postal envelope in it, but at the same time filling it out in Russian.

Write a letter to a. Puchkov

Letters are often addressed to Vladimir Andreevich Puchkov, with requests or proposals on various topics. As a rule, they are all connected with civil defense, since Vladimir Andreevich holds the post of Minister of Defense of Russia. There are different ways to write a letter to Puchkov, but not all of them are justified.

For example, writing an appeal on the official website often does not give any results. Therefore, this method is not optimal for those who have a serious problem that requires the direct intervention of the Secretary of Defense to solve. If you do not know where to report a natural disaster, you can write a letter to Puchkov.
Also addressed to the Minister of Defense Russian Federation Letters containing information about the commission or intention to commit a terrorist act are addressed.


From the regional or regional center to cities in the territory of subordination, letters should arrive in 2 days, from the regional center to other settlements - in 3 days. Frequently Asked Questions Since ordinary citizens do not often send registered letters, they may have questions regarding this type of mail. What is the difference between a registered letter and a regular letter? A registered letter differs from a simple departure by mandatory registration.


regular letter the sender simply lowers to the nearest mailbox. Registered mail is handed over to the postal worker. The employee applies the so-called bar postal identifier (SPI) to the registered item and registers it in a single database. Then he weighs the letter, specifies the method of delivery, accepts payment and issues a receipt.

How to send a letter by Russian Post: step by step instructions


The weight of the shipment must not exceed 100 g, and the size must not exceed 229 x 324 mm. Photos, manuscripts, printed editions should be sent as a parcel. For them, the maximum allowable weight is 2 kg. How to send a registered letter? To send registered mail, you need to contact any post office.

Depending on the size and weight of the letter, you should take an envelope of the right size, indicate the addresses of the recipient and sender on it, fill out the appropriate forms to receive additional services. The postal employee will calculate the cost of shipping, accept payment and issue a receipt. Simple registered letter If the sender does not need to receive notification of receipt, he can send a simple registered letter without any additional services.

A sample of the correct filling out of the notice of the Russian mail


Such mailing the addressee can open in the presence of postal workers and check with the inventory. If it turns out that the correspondence did not reach in full, the post office employee draws up an act. The act is sent to the main post office locality, on the basis of it, an investigation is carried out within a period of up to two months.

Based on the results of the investigation, the recipient is compensated for the value of the items not received in accordance with the declared value. If the payment of compensation is delayed or refused to pay, you can use legal assistance. See also: Commodity neighborhood of food products according to SanPiN - table How much does a registered letter cost? The cost of sending a registered letter of the Russian Post depends on many factors: the weight of the letter, the distance between the points of departure and destination, the class of departure, etc.

This is an indisputable proof that the sender forwarded the letter in a timely manner, and the recipient is familiar with the contents of the message. Forwarding a registered letter is a more reliable, but also more expensive way of delivering correspondence. How to send a letter by Russian Post if you want to use the Registered Letter service? After completing the above steps, the sender must contact the mail operator, say that he needs to send a registered letter, and pay the cost of this service. The postal clerk will weigh the envelope, register the letter with a track number, stick a barcode and stamps in accordance with the cost of sending.

Notification: what is it for and how to correctly fill out Registered notification letters - a service that allows the sender to find out the exact date the letter was delivered to the recipient.
First of all, you need to download on the Internet or ask the post office worker for a special form marked "f-107". The sender at home or directly at the branch fills out this sheet. And he does it in duplicate. Each item listed in the inventory must be evaluated.

The letter is brought to the post office open and the employee of the department carefully compares the contents of the envelope with the list that is indicated in the document. Only after that the post office worker signs on each copy and puts a seal. The sender also leaves his autograph. One copy of the inventory is placed inside the envelope, and the sender keeps the second one.

In the future, it will serve as confirmation of what exactly was invested in the envelope. Now the package (envelope) can be sealed and handed over to the post office employee for clearance.
In the first line we write the full name of the sender (for example, from Fedorov Ivan Petrovich) or the name legal entity(can be abbreviated, for example - from Cosmos LLC) Important: if a specific employee writes on behalf of a legal entity, or a letter from structural unit, provide this information. For example: from the head of the sales department, Ivan Petrovich Fedorov, Cosmos LLC. In the second line we write the full address of the sender. The address is filled in the following sequence:

  • street - house - building - apartment (office);
  • the name of the settlement (village, city, urban settlement, etc.);
  • the name of the region;
  • name of the region, region, autonomous region etc.;
  • the name of the country;
  • index.

For example: st. Petrova d. 12 k.3 apt. 22, Ivanovskoye village, Petrovsky district, Arkhangelsk region, Russia, 123456.

Registered letter to Puchkov sample

This is of great importance, for example, during litigation, as in this case, the fact of sending a letter takes place. Registered mail can be delivered with acknowledgment of receipt. In this case, the notification form is handed to the client against receipt, i.e. after the addressee receives the letter, the sender receives a receipt for receipt. If a registered letter is sent without notification, then a notification is sent to the addressee as a notification of the arrival of the letter to the addressee. If the addressee does not come for the letter within 5 days, then the post office sends a repeated notification to his address, which must be handed over under the signature.

Putin and Medvedev can rub beautiful words about supporting small and medium-sized businesses into people’s ears to tears, but nothing will change in our long-suffering country as long as there are such top officials, Bolshevik ministers, damn it, like Puchkov, who don’t give a shit about the Law, for business development in the country and for private property. I read this letter in the original, it contains lies and verbiage, but key phrase in it: "Therefore, it is necessary to abolish the private fire department, transferring movable and real estate within the framework of the existing fire and rescue garrisons to other types of fire protection, as well as providing employment for firefighters "... Again, the skeletons of the Bolsheviks climbed out of the cracks with cobwebs to take everything away and divide? of the executor of the document, and what is the movable and immovable property of the CPO !!! It is of course a trifle, but the movable and immovable property of the CPO is fire trucks, fire fighting equipment, equipment, office buildings and RMM, which are PRIVATE PROPERTY of various "LLC" and "IP" who received from the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation LEGAL and PERMANENT Licenses for fire extinguishing activities.
The private fire department began to be created in December 1991. Immediately after the death of the USSR and the proclamation of capitalism in Russia. Until 1993, the activities of "ICHP" (individual private enterprises, as the current "LLC" were called in those years) for extinguishing fires were not prohibited by law, and therefore allowed. Somewhere since 1993, the activity of the IChP in extinguishing fires began to be licensed in accordance with the Orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Federal Licensing Law certain types activity appeared only in September 1998. Existing since 1991, private fire protection, as a type of fire protection, was included in the Federal Law "On Fire Safety" only in August 2004, the famous FZ-122. Since then, THIS IS THE LEGAL TYPE OF FIRE PROTECTION.
Why did the current Minister of Emergency Situations Puchkov dislike the private fire department? Which he, in a Bolshevik way, decided to liquidate as a class, sorry, as a species, on July 20, 2017! And he didn’t like it that the CPO in the competition began to win “contractual units of the FPS GPS EMERCOM of Russia”! This is what experts have foreseen since 2008, and argued their predictions on the pages of the site “0-1. RU". The fact is that the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and Puchkov personally, when he was a deputy minister and was engaged in lawmaking, did not solve one of the main, strategic issues in organizing the FPS, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. They have not been able to approve in the Government of Russia the LIST OF OBJECTS ON WHICH THE SFS (FPS) IS MANDATORY CREATED, which was provided for by the early versions of the Federal Law “On Fire Safety”. Eh, if they had done this by the middle of 2008, it would have made no sense to come up with “contractual divisions of the FPS”, and there would have been an OBJECT FIRE PROTECTION of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies, CREATED MANDATORY at large public and private industrial, as well as military facilities, and there would have been would, and quietly flourished, private fire protection, in distant fields, where the creation of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies is not necessary!
But Puchkov, being a deputy minister, failed this work. And since 2009, the “contractual FPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations” began to steadily roll into the abyss, losing tenders, like an economically clumsy government structure overflowing with unnecessary managerial posts ...
Therefore, by July 2017, Puchkov understood the only way to win in the competition with PPO, this is to eliminate it as a type of fire department. “AVOID the private fire department,” as he writes in his letter to the leaders of the Subjects of the Federation of the Russian Federation! But something like this understanding needs to be justified! And the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not have clear facts of poor combat readiness of the ChPO and poorly extinguished fires. Therefore, in his letter, Minister Puchkov is simply lying.
Well, for example, Puchkov is lying that the CPO is a more expensive fire department! Alas, the more expensive ones are his contractual divisions of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Ministry of Emergencies, which is why they lose in tenders!
Puchkov writes in his letter that the ChPO is more poorly equipped and trained. But this is not true! CPO is equipped in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations that people from Puchkov from DND present to CPO Customers. It is equipped in accordance with license requirements! After all, it was Puchkov’s people who prepared the project and coordinated Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 69 of 2012 “On licensing fire extinguishing activities”! After all, it is Puchkov's people who check the equipment, education and training of the ChPO units and issue them Licenses for firefighting activities! If the Ministry of Emergency Situations issued a license, then everything is fine with the equipment!
Puchkov writes in his letter that the ChPO does not take part in the activities of the fire and rescue garrisons! Again not true! The participation of the CPO in the activities of fire and rescue garrisons is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of May 5, 2008 N 240 "On approval of the Procedure for attracting forces and means of fire departments, fire departments to extinguish fires and conduct emergency rescue operations." By this Order, the Ministry of Emergency Situations established that the PPO takes part "BY AGREEMENT with the owner of protected organizations." Hello!!! Chiefs! This is how the Ministry of Emergency Situations DEFINED it, and not the ChPO puts sticks in the wheels of fire and rescue garrisons!
Puchkov writes that the training of PPO personnel is not carried out on an ongoing basis! Another lie! Training at the ChPO is carried out on the basis of licensing requirements established by the Russian Federation Decree No. 69-2012 and the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 No. 645. All these documents were prepared in the depths of the central apparatus of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. As you wrote in them, it is being conducted, and if it is not being conducted in this way, then the Ministry of Emergency Situations has the legal right to suspend the license of the PPO, and not complain to the heads of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
Puchkov also praises departmental, municipal and voluntary fire protection. Virtually no existing species fire department!
Large subdivisions of departmental fire protection (with the exception of departments not supervised by the Ministry of Emergency Situations: Ministry of Defense, Russian Railways, Civil Aviation and something else secret there) DO NOT EXIST in Russia. Even the largest private fire brigade, which was created back in Yukos, and then transferred to Rosneft: Rosneft-Fire Safety, it is not departmental, it is LLC, i.e. joint-stock, i.e. private, i.e. also works for profit. The same is true for Gazprom subdivisions.
The municipal fire brigade was covered with a copper basin a long time ago when the State Fire Service of the Subjects of the Russian Federation was created. GPS subjects and absorbed the entire IGO. There is NO municipal fire department in Russia!
The voluntary fire brigade is a "filkin's letter", everyone knows that Puchkov ordered that the DPO be a MILLION DOBROVTS! As the minister ordered, they did it! This was reported to the minister. They say here it is, a million volunteers! No one will audit this million volunteers. Licensing for extinguishing fires for DPO was canceled in time, which means there is no need to check.!!! And the paper will endure everything! GENTLEMEN DO NOT CHECK, GENTLEMEN BELIEVE THE WORD!
And even in his last phrase, Puchkov managed to write a lie that the abolition of the private fire department, ...... I quote: "will reduce the financial burden on the budgets of all levels, reducing the cost of ensuring fire safety" ... Baby!!! …Let's guess! Here in the CPO where I am, personnel specialist fire department, I work, I own about 50 basic and special fire trucks, as well as two of my own repair bases! They didn’t steal, but acquired and built over the 25 years of our organization’s existence, since 1991 an individual entrepreneur, and since 1999 an LLC, to provide services in the field of fire extinguishing. All this movable and immovable property is the property of the founder of our PPO. We protect distant oil fields, at a distance of 60 to 150 km. from the locations of the units of the Federal Border Guard Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Every day, about half of these vehicles are in the combat crew ... Attention to the question! Now, if we are DISCONTINUED, who and with what money will immediately buy, well, if not 50, then 25 fire trucks to replace us (and we won’t leave our cars to Puchkov, it’s better to sell them as scrap metal and for spare parts so that Minister Puchkov wipes himself off)? The guarded facilities where we are standing do not have their own fire trucks and there is no money to buy new fire trucks! Puchkov also doesn’t have money for new cars to replace us, he would have to change old equipment for a new one in the city divisions of the FPS, and that’s a little joy! The subject of the Russian Federation also has money for such an amount new technology no, not even a couple of new fire trucks. The subject would have fire trucks in the State Fire Service Slowly replace the subject for the protection of rural settlements ... I’m not talking about municipalities, they haven’t bought fire trucks for 20 years, they somehow scrape a pretty penny for motor pumps in the villages ... So I just talked about 50 firefighters cars of our CHPO! And how many such CPOs are there throughout Russia? Puchkov considered it?
Final question. What stupid asshole, or what assholes, came up with the idea of ​​​​abolishing the CPO in the current hungry and creditless years, and what kind of asshole performer prepared this letter for Puchkov to sign?

Minister of the Russian Federationfor civil defense, emergency situations
and elimination of consequences of natural disasters to Vladimir Puchkov.

Dear Mr. Minister,

I am writing to you with a statement that I am compelled to place in the public domain. Because I see no other way to bring information to you about the activities of your subordinates in Moscow.

The activity, which, in my opinion, consists in exerting administrative pressure on entrepreneurs, which may be associated with organized corrupt activities.

An occupation that has nothing to do with the tasks assigned to the structures of the Medical Unit. At the same time, high-ranking employees of the department are confident in their impunity, probably clearly understanding that in Moscow there is a practice in which, always, a superior officer covers his subordinate, regardless of the actions that he performs.

So checks at small enterprises are carried out by personnel without proper training, which allows such “controllers” to arbitrarily interpret legislative acts and norms.

Complaints about corrupt actions of employees sent to higher officials are not considered in Moscow.

On the contrary, the management of enterprises that have decided to resist the corrupt activities of individuals is under pressure.

Acts of inspections and resolutions are prepared in advance, explanations based on the results of inspections are not taken into account, acts of disagreement are not considered, petitions that can clarify the situation are rejected.

For example, in the course of consideration of resolutions based on the results of an audit at an enterprise, a high-ranking employee of the North-East Administrative Okrug Derevyanko D. demands that the capital task of the 60s of construction be destroyed so that it would comply with the “fire-fighting” standards adopted in the North-East Administrative Okrug. Or, as proof of the innocence of the entrepreneur, it requires notarization of certificates for finishing materials.

Another senior officer of the department, V. Kochetygov, as a representative of a higher organization, refuses applications on formal grounds. Obviously, only in order not to consider complaints on the merits and not to counteract corruption in the ranks of their subordinates. So Mr. Kochetygov found a reason not to consider an application for an extension of the term for consideration of an administrative case due to the fact that the application was not attached sick leave an entrepreneur who, at the time of filing and consideration of the act of disagreement, was on sick leave, which could be received on hand only after the closure of such. Which could not contribute to an objective consideration of the administrative case against the entrepreneur and completely covered the illegal actions of subordinates, such as ensuring the operation of individual facilities, the operation of which is not possible, exceeding official authority, hindering the conduct entrepreneurial activity contribute to the economic ruin of a small enterprise. Such cases in Moscow are massive.

The amounts of fines that are imposed on small and small manufacturing enterprises, comparable to the size of annual profits and equivalent to the amounts of sanctions imposed on large enterprises, for example, the oil and gas complex.

Which confirms the statements made above about the unwillingness of those responsible for “ fire safety” in Moscow to perform official duties, but only to satisfy their ambitions, moving up in the service, and, possibly, to receive income from activities under administrative pressure on the capital's business.

Income not reported on income declarations by public servants. Contrary to the law, the officials of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations do not place in the public domain declarations on the received for 2010 and 2011 (as this is done by employees of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations). No responses have been received to inquiries regarding this issue.

I draw your attention to the fact that your subordinate “fire inspectors” of Moscow could not have been unaware of the plans of the leadership of the Russian Emergencies Ministry and the statements made by you personally about the ministry’s programs to reduce administrative pressure on entrepreneurs, up to a five-year moratorium on inspections at small and medium-sized enterprises .

An appropriate agreement with representatives of entrepreneurial public organizations was signed by you. So, at least, it was reflected in the media.

Based on this application and the applications sent by me earlier to the head of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations, I ask you to conduct an internal audit. Check the completeness and correctness of filling in income declarations officials Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow.

I ask you to remove high-ranking officials of the department Derevyanko and Kochetygov from their positions as leaders who directly violate the rights of entrepreneurs, contribute to the illegal actions of their subordinates, and do not comply with the decisions of their leadership in relation to small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow. Since their actions and activities bring direct damage to social relations that develop in the process of entrepreneurial activity between entrepreneurs and government bodies, as well as damage the basic postulates and principles protected by the fundamental law of Russia

Appendix - a set of documents previously sent to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow

Sincerely, Vandyshev Alexander,

website editor



P.S Dear Mr. Minister, you are probably not aware that it is almost impossible to send you an appeal through the website of the department. The section "question to the minister" allows you to write one paragraph, and the section of citizens' appeals two. In addition, when trying to send a message to you, even in such summary, the system gives an error.

P.S. Who's who...

Derevyanko Dmitry Vasilievich, Deputy Head of 4 ROND SVAO

Kochetygov Valery Anatolievich Deputy Head of Department - Head of Department. Supervisory Department.

Head of the Directorate for Supervisory Activities of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the City of Moscow Colonel of the Internal Service Naidenkov Oleg Nikolaevich

Department's response to the editorial requestPharmacist Ru(dated November 22, 2013) regarding non-placement of declarations of employees of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow for 2010-2011.

P.S Actually, the request was caused by the rejection of information on the income of one of the employees presented above. Young, single, two children and a Mercedes worth from 1.9 ...... On this topic, a request was also sent to the higher management of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow


judge of the Moscow Arbitration Court Kuzin M.M. ruled against entrepreneurs, once again, supporting, without any reason, "arguments" and facts of violation by firefighters-controllers of the Moscow Emergencies Ministry of laws regulating the conduct of control measures.

It is striking that Judge Kuzin not only rewrites his decisions, from case to case, but copies them with the same errors, apparently ripping off ready-made texts from the Internet or from files received from Moscow "firefighters" liquidators of small businesses in Moscow.

In two weeks the country will celebrate professional holiday firefighters - Fire Department Day, people who risk themselves every day for the sake of others. It would seem that the state is doing a lot to ensure them. But is it?
If we look at the news posted on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on April 12 this year, we will see a bravura report by the head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, on achievements in this direction!
“Improving the social security of firefighters, rescuers, dog handlers, pilots and other specialists of the Russian Emergencies Ministry, especially those who perform combat missions in peacetime, is a priority for the Russian Emergencies Ministry,” said Vladimir Puchkov, head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. (
Reading such a statement, I want to stand up and take off my hat, welcoming such a far-sighted and fair leader! Pride bursts! But here's the bad luck: the minister is a man of words, not deeds. His deeds and words live on different dimensions and do not intersect. Except on paper.
Here are his steps social protection personnel: regional centers are being reduced, crisis management centers at regional centers, aviation rescue centers are being reduced. Moreover, quite a lot of money was allocated from the budget for the creation of aviation rescue centers in 2014, and in two years they will be liquidated. Do not say anything, the approach of a "strong business executive"! Also, the positions of ordinary employees are being actively reduced on the ground, including the positions of inspectors of the state fire supervision (the lack of control over economic entities now will definitely manifest itself in a few years with fires and death of people).
In general, on the eve of the World Cup and the election of the President of the country, Puchkov, apparently within the framework of the same “social protection”, throws out into the street more than a thousand people - professionals, for the vast majority of whom risking themselves for their neighbor is not empty words. And that's without taking into account financial resources and the time spent on training these specialists.
To paraphrase the classic, one can say "Puchkov's mind cannot be understood." But let's do a little analysis of the work of one of the most "effective" ministers, who in 2016 in peacetime buried more of his employees than the units of the Ministry of Defense participating in hostilities in Syria during the entire operation.
In general, Puchkov's madness costs the country and its citizens very expensive. It is worth remembering only the non-working system 112, on which astronomical sums were spent and due to which there are already human casualties (note that after it became clear that the project had failed, the numbers 112 quietly disappeared from all the vehicles of the Ministry of Emergencies, but the money was already “mastered”) . In the same way, all kinds of OXIONS, KSIONS, MKIONS and other "brilliant" inventions that cost the budget seven-figure sums are useless.
It is worth mentioning the annual emergencies associated with fires and floods in different regions of the country, once they reach a level above the municipal level, the Ministry of Defense becomes the main liquidation force, as it was on Far East, because the Ministry of Emergencies simply does not have enough manpower and resources, even taking into account the RS Emergencies, not to mention the illiterate leadership on the spot when the task force of the central apparatus arrives, and also with Puchkov at the head. Crazy teams immediately begin, diverting forces to serve this entire company and interfering with the management system. A very striking example is the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Severnaya mine in Vorkuta, where Puchkov, despite the objections of the chief engineer, actually sent rescuers to their deaths during a live conference call with the whole country.
During the formation of new structures in the EMERCOM of Russia and the development of existing ones, the economic feasibility of actions had to be calculated. But in Puchkov's actions there is no state approach, no concern for subordinates. In fact, having received a well-functioning system in 2012, recognized throughout the world as the best, after 3 years Puchkov received a huge financial deficit, and after 4 years he began to massively reduce positions and liquidate organizations. What a true leader collected bit by bit and cultivated for 20 long years, Puchkov is destroying at a rapid pace.
At the same time, the rights of personnel for Puchkov are generally an empty phrase. Thus, the issue of liquidation of institutions and the further fate of its employees is regulated by the legislation as follows.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237, a serviceman may be early dismissed from military service due to organizational and staffing in the event of a reduction in his military position, the impossibility of appointment to an equal military position and the absence of his consent with the appointment to a higher or lower military position.
According to Federal Law No. 141-FZ of May 23, 2016, dismissal due to a reduction in a position in the federal fire service replaced by an employee of the FPS State Fire Service is allowed only if it is impossible to transfer or the employee of the federal fire service refuses to be transferred to another position in the federal fire service.
In accordance with federal law dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ head government agency in which the positions of the civil service are being reduced, or of the state body to which the functions of the abolished state body have been transferred, is obliged, within two months from the date of warning the civil servant of dismissal, to offer the civil servant all available, respectively, in the same state body or in the state body to which the functions have been transferred abolished government agency vacant positions civil service.
In fact, at the moment, of the institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia being liquidated throughout the country, 5–7% of employees are employed by the ministry, the rest are either already illegally dismissed or are subject to illegal dismissal. Illegal, because the dismissal procedure takes place in the presence of vacancies - just the Central certifying commission The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, through which all appointments are now made by order of Puchkov, does not consider other candidates (does not reject as a result of the selection, as it should be, namely, does not consider).
Obviously, if people are fired when there are vacancies, grossly violating them social guarantees, then there must be some driving force in this process. And here it is also there: all positions not occupied by people are in the so-called “personnel reserve of the minister” and they are fully provided by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation with funds for wages. The concept of " personnel reserve Minister" is not provided for by any normative or departmental legal act and is a tool for illegal activities: since cash arrive, Puchkov distributes them in accordance with their intended purpose - for salaries (gaps are closed for having a deficit) and for bonuses. Only these bonuses go, as a rule, to the central office of the ministry and actually range from 5 to 40 salaries of a simple employee of the FPS.
Puchkov justifies his anti-state actions with the development plan of the Russian Emergencies Ministry for the coming years and the optimization of budget spending. Meanwhile, according to the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the actions of the leadership of the Russian Emergencies Ministry have already been recognized as ineffective and led to a budget deficit in 2015-2016.
Even with all the cuts in 2015, the Ministry of Emergency Situations did not have enough money for wages. At the same time, the team of “skillful” leaders of the ministry was not punished, the only one who was “left” was the director of the financial and economic department R.Sh. Akhmadeev. After all his “competent” financial planning in normal organizations, such employees are put out the door, but be that as it may, Puchkov’s close associates are unsinkable, and today the same Akhmadeev heads the FKU “Financial Settlement Center of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia” and again controls cash flows.
In general, Puchkov selects “worthy” personnel for himself. What is worth only the appointment to the leadership of the logistics of the entire ministry B.Yu. Gogokhia, who was at the time of his appointment in a criminal case of embezzlement and later put on the federal wanted list for fraud committed. Yes, and what kind of budgetary savings if only one deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the former head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for St. Petersburg Belyaev has a whole collection of 19 apartments in St. land with a total area of ​​​​70 acres, which he obviously did not purchase with a salary.
Guided by his imperial ambitions and selfish interests, Puchkov personally violates and forces his subordinate leaders to violate all existing norms of law. And the checks carried out by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation speak about his “efficiency” as a leader. Overdue accounts receivable The Ministry of Emergency Situations increased by 2.9 times in 2015 alone, to 1.6 billion rubles. The overdue debt on advanced payments increased immediately by 21 times - from 49.9 million rubles to 1.06 billion rubles. According to the Accounts Chamber, out of the 45 housing facilities planned for completion in 2013-2015 by the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the amount of 6.5 billion rubles, only 33 housing facilities for the amount of 4.4 billion rubles were completed. In shared construction, out of 20 objects for the amount of 284.7 million rubles, only 18 objects for the amount of 137.6 million rubles (48.3%) are ready. FKU "UKS EMERCOM of Russia" spent only 13% of the funds.
BMW 750Li XDrive cars purchased by the Russian Emergencies Ministry (cost 6.9 million rubles), which were bought (think about it!) under the guise of mobile control posts, Audi A8L (cost 7.6 million rubles) and Chevrolet Tahoe (cost 4.2 million rubles). And all this in order for Puchkov and those close to him to be able to move like royalty on taxpayers' money.
It is difficult to explain from the point of view of optimizing budgetary expenditures Puchkov's purchase of 200 Chinese DJI Phantom 3 Advanced quadrocopters for 38 million rubles. For each drone, the Ministry of Emergency Situations paid 190 thousand rubles, while the real cost per piece of a Chinese-made masterpiece is about 70 thousand rubles. At the same time, the characteristics of the purchased drones (household, not professional) are absolutely not comparable with the tasks facing during monitoring and rescue operations. Quadcopters retain controllability no further than 2 km and can be in the air for no more than 23 minutes.
The audit also showed that in 2014, the PKU DPC concluded a state contract with Zlatoust Arms Company LLC for the supply of 15 sets of dragoon sabers and 15 sets of premium officer sabers for a total of 8.8 million rubles. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia awarded the citizens of the Russian Federation with this weapon. In violation of the list of types of weapons approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2005 No. 718, which citizens of the Russian Federation can be awarded, “dragoon sabers” and “Cossack sabers” were purchased, which are not included in it. Also, a significant amount (360 units) purchased in 2014-2015 has accumulated in the warehouses of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. premium weapons, including Austrian Glock pistols purchased at astronomical prices. At the same time, the Russian Emergencies Ministry continued to purchase weapons in 2016.
I would like to believe that caring people in power will pay attention to the atrocities and outrages committed by a person without conscience and moral principles - V.A. Puchkov and will accept right decisions before it all escalates into popular discontent. Stop the collapse and destruction of the Russian Emergencies Ministry!

Rescuers and firefighters of the Russian Federation