Stitching. How to sew a thesis: hard and soft cover

  • 14.04.2020

Diploma binding - the student's face, which is carefully studied by the State certifying commission on defense. The stylish interlacing of the thesis will help to make a good impression on the commission and defend itself with "excellent". It is difficult to make a brochure on your own - contact the professionals!

In CopyMax copy centers you will be helped to sew a diploma in hardcover around the clock. Is it difficult to find where you can do it urgently? Diploma brochure 1 day before the exam at the university? CopyMax will help even at night, 24 hours in the center of Moscow.

We manage to flash WRC (graduation qualifying work bachelor's degree), diploma, dissertation in 10 minutes. Delivery is scheduled in a few hours, and you are not yet ready for the final submission? Order online or come by - we will do it right in front of you!

Diploma hardcover

Hardcover is a classic booklet that will never go out of style. Distinguished by constructive reliability, rigor of lines and minimalism of artistic external design - this is what you need.

Binding «Metal Bind»

For the binding procedure, metal channels and prepared hard covers are used. A diploma or dissertation with it takes on a presentable appearance, the design is disassembled and assembled for reuse (with the replacement of sheets), and the stitching procedure itself takes 5-10 minutes. "Metal Bind" is more expensive, but if you need extreme reliability and a presentable look, choose this option without hesitation. The document block is not glued to the spine, but is clamped - if necessary, a diploma, term paper or dissertation can be removed from such a cover without any damage (for example, to replace sheets). The Diploma Hardcover is available in burgundy, dark green and navy blue.

Soft cover on a metal or plastic spring

With this economical option thesis can be used without fear of losing sheets. plastic or metal plate- reliable fastening of sheets arranged in the form of a notebook. Sheet replacement is not provided.

Have questions? Do you want to know the cost? We'll call you soon!

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Benefits of contacting our copy center:
  • We work around the clock, 24 hours a day
  • Fulfill an order for Diploma binding in 10 minutes!
  • Complete compliance with GOSTs. Binding complies state standards in accordance with the requirements of the VAK.
  • Perfect presentability. 3 types of brochures, beautiful covers of several types.
  • Student price. Find out how much it costs and compare the prices for the services of typographic binding of the thesis with the average prices in Moscow.

Diploma printout

In the offices near the Paveletskaya and Mayakovskaya metro stations, they will help you to flash and print your thesis. We will help to replace, hem the pages. Have you prepared presentation posters, handouts for the defense? The masters of the copy center will promptly print images, diagrams and other pages of A0, A1, A2, A3, A4 format. Including large format printing.

Choice of cover and spine

With us you can easily choose the right binding and cover option, available in dark blue, dark green and burgundy colors. It is advisable to find out about the availability of a particular model in advance by phone.

Additional services, post-press processing

  • Folding. Smooth folding of sheets or drawings into a smaller format. Automatically or manually.
  • Perforation. Creation of even, sequential holes with an automatic hole punch for spiral binding of paper.
  • Lamination. Coated with a transparent protective film.
ATTENTION: From 11/01/2018 at night (from 22:00 to 07:00) all services are subject to an extra charge of + 10%.

In printed and copy centers FAN performs all major post-printing work. We carry out binding of theses, binding of documents with a spring, thermal binding and much more. Professionally executed binding and printing of a diploma, term paper or dissertation, promotional products (presentations), as well as other post-print processing, gives the documents a finished and neat look.

Completed printed matter (presentation, promotional materials, study guides) can tell your customers a lot before the material is even read.

Hardcover theses, binding of presentations and promotional products (booklets, catalogs, etc.) with a spring, thermal binding: quickly and professionally in FAN centers

FAN Printing Centers use only high-quality expendable materials produced by EU countries. You can find the cost of binding in the price list on our website. The price of diploma binding, as well as other materials and services of our Copying and Printing Centers, is also indicated there.

Diploma and other documents are bound on professional equipment. This is a guarantee that the hardcover of any diplomas or other materials will serve you for many years. If you want to sew a diploma, contact the FAN center!
Staple binding allows multiple pre-folded sheets to be stapled together with a mechanical staple, similar to the one used to staple school notebooks.
This method allows you to staple up to 40 sheets of 80 g/m2 paper and is ideal for binding booklets, brochures, catalogs with a small number of pages.

The cost of one bracket is 1 rub.

Binding with a plastic spring is the easiest and fastest way to bind any printed matter. Bound documents take up almost half the space, and are easy to handle and read. Different spring diameters allow you to bind documents containing from 30 to 480 sheets. The flexibility of the plastic spring makes it possible to add or remove sheets and edit bound texts.

To give the brochure solidity, you can use the binding on a metal spring. This booklet has such advantages as bonding strength, presentability, the ability to open the printed block by 360 degrees. Binding documents with a metal spring has certain disadvantages - the impossibility of editing (the metal spring cannot be opened to remove or add sheets), a relatively small allowable block thickness (up to 110 sheets).

Another type of document binding is hardcover or thermal binding. Thermal binding involves the bonding of a printed block, in which the individual pages are connected with an adhesive that softens at high temperature. Thermal binding is used when binding diplomas and term papers, dissertations and reports, books and catalogues. After thermal binding, the brochure stays flat and does not 'bloat'. The maximum block thickness is 350 sheets, with a paper weight of 80 g/m 2 .

Modern and fast fastening method for brochures, booklets, magazines, books. Hot-melt binding or hot-melt seamless binding (CBS) is a type of fastening of paper blocks from a soft cover using a special glue. The process is that the spine of the block is glued with melted glue and then the block is glued to the cover. This type of binding is often referred to as book binding or soft binding.

The diploma is written - and thank God! But only a student thinks that he can exhale calmly and, finally, meet friends, as he immediately recalls with bitterness: it is necessary to sew it into a hardcover (folder).

"What is the problem?" - you ask. And the fact that not a single GOST says how to properly sew a thesis with 3 holes into a folder!

The method of flashing a diploma directly depends on the requirements of the university. However, there are common points for the design of all final qualification works. Thanks to them, you can not rack your brains at the last moment, where you can sew a thesis in Moscow at 12 at night the day before the defense.

And if you need only information on how to sew a graduation project to get the coveted diploma, consider that you are very lucky. Here is a lot of information that will help you solve this problem.

Types of diploma bindings

If you thought that there was only one way to flash a WRC, you are in for a major disappointment.

Experts have at least 2 ways:

  • Hard cover,
  • soft binding.

Moreover, each of them has its own varieties. Depending on the requirements of the university and the focus of the final work, you may need one of them. And to find out which one, let's understand the intricacies of each type.

By the way, if there is no time or you don’t want to bother with binding, you can always ask for help from those who are not too lazy. And for our readers now there is a discount 10% on .

Types of hardcover

The vast majority of universities in the post-Soviet space oblige graduates to carry out diploma projects in the form of hardcover books.

If you do not know how to sew a thesis. This photo shows a classic version that will surely suit you.

Here is the most common version of the cover with the traditional severity, solidity and solidity of the design. This option is great for the final research project.

If you managed to find a place where you can sew a thesis, then you will be offered the following cover options:

  • cardboard,
  • paper vinyl (or bumvinyl),
  • leatherette,
  • balacron,
  • plastic,
  • decorative fabrics.

The solid version is good for its solidity. Judge for yourself: on the flyleaf of the bottom cover, corners, pockets, envelopes, files for inserts, disks, cover letters / documents, reviews, and so on are necessarily attached.

Hardcover can be made in several ways:

  • Mount Metalbind (Metal Bind) . This binding is a solid paper block, which was created without the use of glue. The fastening is made thanks to the clamp in the metal channel. If the author, for example, needs to replace or insert missing sheets, the entire firmware can be easily disassembled and reassembled.
  • Hemming with threads and gluing . Today, this method is used quite rarely, since the pages are damaged during further operations with the graduation project.
  • Thermal bonding FAC . KVS, or adhesive seamless connection, is the application of an elastic adhesive composition to the spine of the printed block. Next, the firmware is placed in a special binder, in which the composition will harden. Like stitching with threads, this method is very outdated, since it is impossible to re-embroider or bind a diploma with it, making adjustments to it.

All this will be paid, since these methods (except for thread) are almost impossible to perform at home.

Therefore, it is better to find out in advance how much it will cost to sew a thesis. And if you can't afford it, further in our article there are ways to make the firmware yourself.

However, there is a faster way - to purchase a ready-made folder with a set of fasteners of interest. As a rule, ready-made folders already have plastic or metal bolts, detachable rings or ordinary holes for lacing. Such folders will become a presentable and inexpensive solution for issuing a diploma.

In office supply stores, you can find a rigid folder with a factory perforated drawstring. This is an inexpensive and simple version of the thesis firmware.

How to stitch a thesis into 3 holes (photo)

A diploma with three holes is stitched according to the following scheme:

In general, we have prepared for you step by step instructions how to insert the printed block into the channel with holes and sew with tape:

  1. Place the cord along the outer side of the insert, which fixes the sheet.
  2. Pass it outward through the center hole.
  3. Again bring inside out through the extreme hole.
  4. Pull up through the second outermost hole.
  5. Pull through the middle hole and thread to the wrong side.
  6. Connect the ends and pull them into a strong knot.

If you perform all the steps in the described sequence, then the node will be located below, remaining invisible. If you start the firmware from the front side, then at the very end the tape will be on the title page.

And here is a photo of how to stitch a thesis into 3 holes:

This whole process is simple and does not take much time. The only big difficulty is the perforation of the paper. It will not be easy to find a hole puncher for 3 holes, and if you succeed, it will not be cheap.

But do not despair! You are a student, which means that you always have an emergency exit. So, there are four ways to make three even holes for a graduation project:

  • go to a printing salon and ask them to make holes on a puncher;
  • take an ordinary drill at home or from a neighbor and drill holes at an equal distance from each other;
  • nevertheless try to make this technique an ordinary hole punch for 2 holes by accurately marking the third and sophisticated rotations of the device;
  • pierce the holes with a thick awl (before starting the operation, be sure to fasten the paper in all corners so that the sheets do not move apart when pierced).

Types of softcover

Although it is better to use hardcover binding for the main copy of the thesis, softcover is an excellent alternative for the second and subsequent copies of the work as a less expensive and suitable alternative.

The soft cover of the diploma is a transparent cover with a supporting seal

Softcover types:

  1. Binding with plastic spring. Rigid split spring helps remove or add at any time required amount sheets. To date, this is the most popular method of flashing VRC with a turn of 180 °.
  2. One piece soft plastic coil is done in works that are not subject to further adjustments. But it has a 360° opening.
  3. metal spring. This type of binding is also not suitable for subsequent data processing. If I asked once, then further insertion or withdrawal is impossible. A 360° turn is also possible.
When flashing a thesis, keep in mind that often the final qualifying work is done in three copies: one in hardcover, the other two in soft cover. The first one is intended for the commission and after passing it will be stored in the archive of the university. The second one is given to the department for a review, the third one remains with the student.

Well, then everything is on knurled: writing a diploma speech, preparing a presentation and the defense itself. Endless work! Maybe it makes no sense to fill your head with information about the firmware and spend precious strength and nerves on it? Who then will take care of it? . Professional guys will stitch the thesis in such a way that you will not undermine. Believe me - they checked!

At the end of the training, each student is faced with the need to flash a diploma, which needs to be done with the highest quality and accuracy. This ensures protection of the thesis from damage and its presentable appearance. The first thing you ask yourself is: "Where to flash a diploma in hardcover?", because you need to find a company where the service is performed really efficiently and at a reasonable price. To do this, you can contact our company, where you can sew a diploma using advanced equipment and the vast experience of each employee. The result is a smooth, strong and beautiful binding of your work in just a few minutes. When deciding where to get a diploma in Moscow, be sure to contact us if quality comes first for you. We can do both hardcover and softcover brochures, it all depends on your wishes.

What is the binding for? Binding is a durable coating that is used to connect sheets and protect from external influences. It is important to print and stitch the diploma with high quality in order to present it in the best light for verification. A lot of time and effort is invested in the thesis, so it is so important to take care of it. appearance. The types of bindings currently available are as follows:

  • with a metal spring;
  • Hard cover;
  • soft glue binding;
  • staple stitching;
  • brochure on a plastic spring.

To qualitatively flash a diploma in hardcover, you need to use special equipment. Most educational institutions For binding it is forbidden to use a hole punch. It is not surprising that students have a question, where to flash a diploma in Moscow? Turning to us, you pay for the quality and speed of work, while the cost of our services is very affordable. It is important to complete the paperback of the diploma in hardcover in accordance with all requirements so that you do not have to reprint it. Therefore, we continuously monitor the news and, if necessary, make changes to our work. By the way, we can also stitch the final qualifying work with the help of a steel spiral - modern technology which won't take much time.

Spring/spine size, maximum amount sheetsA4A3
plastic spring
Small spring, up to 100 sheets132 r.165 rubles
Medium spring, up to 240 sheets176 p.220 r.
Large spring, up to 480 sheets220 r.264 r.
metal spring
Small spring, up to 60 sheets165 rubles198 r.
Medium spring, up to 100 sheets187 r.231 r.
Large spring, up to 120 sheets209 p.253 r.
Hard cover
Spine 5-7 mm, up to 70 sheets319 r.
Spine 10-13 mm, up to 130 sheets363 r.
Spine 16-20 mm, up to 200 sheets396 r.
Spine 24-32 mm, up to 320 sheets429 r.
The service of rebinding the binding on a plastic spring: 55 rubles
Rebinding service for hardcover and metal spring binding: 50% of the cost
Inserting one envelope for a CD: +33 rubles to the cost of binding
Inserting one file into the binding: +44 rubles to the cost of binding