How to learn to sell a product. Amount to trade. There are two psychological reasons

  • 21.11.2019

Sales is one of the most controversial and promising professions in the world. People are engaged in sales, as without higher education, and with three educations and a scientific degree. Sales are handled by salespeople behind the counter and executives large companies in large spacious offices.

A lot of people love to sell, and a lot of people hate to do it. But it is sales that can help you always have interesting work, generous bonuses for your efforts, and opportunities for self-development that you will not get in any other profession.

Salesmen are not born, anyone can learn to sell, man or woman, young or old, with an economic or technical education.

Here are 17 success rules that will help you learn how to sell:

1. Set yourself a goal.

Until you say the following phrases to yourself, declare your intention and believe in your own strength, you will not be successful in sales. Phrases for self-motivation for sales training:

- “Yes, I want to learn how to sell!”

- "It is important for me to learn how to sell!"

- "I take responsibility for my development and my success"

“I promise myself to achieve my goals”

2. Imagine the future.

Imagine yourself in a year, you know how to sell well and earn several times more than now. Imagine what you would like to achieve in a year, what to buy, where to go, where to live. Imagine all this in such a way that you want to achieve it. Do you really need it? Why are you going to learn how to sell? It's worth it! Then go ahead!

Think about what you do best when interacting with people. What is the most difficult for you. Choose one each day forte and one of your weaknesses and set such tasks for yourself in order to make them stronger and stronger. Strengthen what is given and tighten weaknesses. For example, if you find it difficult to work with the client's objections, then devote time to this every day (write down the most, and look for information on how to respond to them so that you always have convincing answers to "Expensive", "I'll think", "I I’m just looking”, “I don’t need anything”, “You didn’t convince me”, etc.)

4. Study your product and your competitors' products.

Find out everything about your product, ask customers what they especially like, why they buy. What were they compared to when choosing? You will soon become an expert and will be consulted.

5. Watch other sellers.

Notice what you like about the behavior of other sellers and try to do the same. The most interesting finds include your vendor arsenal. Look at other people's mistakes. Think about how you could serve the customer differently.

6. Ask buyers for advice.

Never argue with a buyer. It is better to find out why he thinks so, that he will advise how he thinks it is better in this or that situation. If the Buyer refuses to buy, ask if he can give you advice for the future as a seller.

7. Find a mentor.

8. Read 2 sales books per month.

Yes. Two books per month. You already know everything, there is nothing new in them. Sales books are for beginners. It is because you think so that you now have such results. Look for diamonds, don't reinvent the wheel. Download materials from the book "111 tips for salespeople. How to become a better salesperson" (Google Drive link)

9. Analyze your work.

At the end of each day, ask yourself what you did best and worst in sales for the whole day. Analyze your work and draw conclusions. There are no conclusions - there is no development.

10. Work for the future.

Do your job 10% better than expected. And in a year you will receive 50% more than expected. To receive, you must first invest.

11. Be persistent, confident and patient.

Try to help the person as much as possible, at the moment of communication with the buyer, this is the most important person in the world for you. Listen, clarify, demonstrate confidence and desire to help. Take as much time as you need. It may seem to you that this buyer will never buy, but if you analyze 100 of your buyers, you will see that they made the largest purchases thanks to your attention, and you could not always imagine that they will buy so many from you.

12. Build loyal customers.

Think ahead, offer what the buyer will only think about tomorrow, help him see the future, seize new opportunities and get rid of problems. Include personal communication, charm and invite buyers to come back again. Exchange contacts with buyers, sell to friends and friends of their friends.

13. Be good listeners.

Ask questions, ask more and talk less. Successful sellers know how to make the client tell everything about himself, and even sell to himself, what you wanted to tell him. Learn to be doubly attentive listeners on the phone, be sure to develop your phone sales skills on!

14. Never give up.

There will always be failures. Rejoice in them - they develop you. What has this failure taught you? What will you do differently next time?

15. Attend sales training.

Each sales training provides as much experience and practice as you get in half a year successful work in sales. Trainings develop you instantly, trainings save you time, trainings help you improve what is difficult for you to develop in yourself without other people. Attend all the trainings that you can attend in the company, and if there are none, then go to a good open training in your city. Invest in yourself, this investment pays off the fastest! This is the quality of your life!

16. Create your environment.

Connect more with people who believe in you, support you, and inspire you.

17. Always keep developing.

Life is an escalator - which goes down, as soon as you stop your development, there will be a lot of temptations to waste your strength, time and energy. Think about the future. Live in the present. Sell ​​with pleasure. Be sincere. With your help, every day there are more joyful and contented people in the world! The buyer is your friend, take care, help him in his situation and he will come back again and again.

Have you decided to improve your level in sales?

Ask your manager if your company plans to train you and your colleagues in sales trainings in the near future!

Say that the fastest way to increase sales is to invite a sales trainer directly to your office to conduct training for all sales staff at once!

We can offer your company the following assistance:

Analysis commercial offers and emails (want to find out how smart and attractive what you send them looks like?)

Ask a sales question!

Everyone is involved in shopping - some people to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent, but in modern world it is impossible to imagine those who do not have the need to buy something. But how do you choose a vendor? How to learn to sell? Let's discuss the process from a to z, identifying the main stages and patterns.

What qualities should a seller have?

Can anyone become a good salesperson? Probably not, because here, as in any work, vocation and abilities are important. But you can learn how to sell a product if you have the desire and desire. The seller is always a psychologist, a key figure on which the number of sales depends. What are the qualities good worker? The professional and personal skills necessary for successful activity include:

  • The ability to strike a balance between helpfulness and self-respect. Imagine that you walk into a store and are taken in by an active salesperson who wants to read your mind and spreads out in front of you like a doormat. Unpleasant excessive obsession? Of course. Few people will be happy with excessive helpfulness and a fake fake smile, which are often perceived as forced hypocrisy. It is possible that people with low self-esteem will like such a meeting, but it is still worth focusing on an adequate part of the population. The seller is also a person, like the buyer, so you should not forget your self-esteem at home, leaving for work. Do not talk to potential buyers, choosing the intonation of a disenfranchised serf. Try to maintain a fine line between "holding" the consumer and "flexing" under him. But it is worth remembering the importance and necessity of good manners: a greeting and a sincere smile, attentiveness and cordiality, competent speech are significant components in the work of a salesperson.
  • Ability to smooth out conflict situations, solve customer problems. Any seller cannot do without self-confidence, resourcefulness and self-control, since it is impossible to even approximately predict possible options buyer behavior. Many deliberately provoke conflicts, because they primitively lack emotions in their lives. What should the seller do? Do not panic - fear usually paralyzes your thinking abilities, which means that you will not be able to figure out how to achieve understanding. It is best to simulate common situations in advance and formulate for yourself universal methods and techniques that will allow you to find a way out that satisfies both parties. For example, a woman buys an expensive designer tie in a store, packed in a beautiful box. At first, everything is fine - the customer pays the money, takes the box and leaves quite satisfied and happy. But after a couple of minutes he returns and draws the attention of the seller to the fact that the packaging has a defect - it is slightly torn. It is logical - if a thing is purchased as a gift, then you want everything to be perfect. How to be? Change? And not for anything ... such ties are over. Return money? And the woman will remain dissatisfied, and the store will not make a profit, and the seller's time will be irretrievably spent. Of course, in no case can not refuse the buyer to return it cash. But it is better to politely apologize and offer him a choice: a refund; discount on the purchased goods (for example, 5%); discount card; a small gift with purchase. In most cases, buyers prefer to receive a discount than to return an already liked product.
  • Good product knowledge. Telling about the product and its qualities is the direct responsibility of the seller. And for this you need to perfectly understand and navigate the industry in which you work. You can only sell successfully if you understand what you want to sell. Buyers ask questions and expect logical and complete answers, so it is unlikely that someone will buy a "pig in a poke" when the seller cannot say a single articulate sentence. Here you can recall the Soviet cartoon about the sale of a cow, where an old man, having come to the market, could not get rid of it, but suddenly a boy appeared who decided to help him and praised his goods so much that the owner eventually decided - “you need such a cow yourself! ". Of course, it is much more pleasant and easier to trade Swiss watches than Chinese consumer goods, since the quality of products is the main characteristic that attracts consumers. If you sell food, then be prepared to answer questions about which cake is the most delicious, which cottage cheese makes the best cheesecakes, which sausage is suitable for salad, and which one is suitable for cheese rolls ... and so on. It is very unpleasant to see salesmen who work in, for example, candy stores, but the customers are proudly informed that they do not know about the taste of sweets and cookies, as they are on a diet, do not like or do not eat sweets, etc. If you trade in complex (or not so) equipment, then it is very important to be able to show its capabilities and functions to potential owners. Also, usually people are interested in the country of origin, the subtleties and results of use.
  • Orientation to customer needs. It is important not only to be able to listen to what the buyer needs, it is also necessary to hear and understand it. The seller must have developed empathy (feel people), know the basics of psychology in order to establish contact and identify the needs of the client. Sometimes a person comes to the store wanting to buy spoons, and leaves with a set of expensive pots, because the seller directed his thoughts in such a way that the buyer understood: yes, he dreamed of this wonderful set for a long time and strongly, new kitchen utensils are the first necessity! Selling a product to a customer is easy and unconstrained if you know how to communicate, are sincerely interested in people and want to help them.
  • Respectful attitude towards customers. In our country, the principle is cultivated in society - "we meet by clothes." Its fruits are also very noticeable in business - some sellers are trying to assess the solvency of potential buyers in appearance. It is sad to see the sometimes boorish attitude of trade workers towards people whose clothes do not seem presentable at first glance. You won’t find this abroad, it’s customary there that even millionaires can walk around in torn jeans and old sneakers. But in any case, sellers should not take on the role of appraisers - all visitors should be treated with respect, regardless of whether they are going to make a big purchase or not. After all, even if a person came for a trifle, and he was rude or served reluctantly, he simply will not return next time, choosing another store.
  • The habit of abstracting from personal problems at work. It is clear that everyone has difficulties and troubles - a toothache, a broken phone, insomnia or a quarrel with a friend, etc. But these details are of no interest to buyers, they are not your friends or relatives. They care about their problems. Arriving at the store, I want to see a friendly, polite and qualified professional as a salesperson, and not the sad shadow of Hamlet's father, wiping his tears with a silk handkerchief. People working in trade need to be able to control emotions and thoughts, leaving all the negativity at home.

Important: a good salesperson should have personal qualities- adequate self-esteem, striving for excellence, positive and flexible thinking, self-confidence and stress resistance. If you want to improve yourself, but there is not enough time for this, then it is worth studying.

How to sell a product correctly?

In our time, the competition is so great that for a successful business, it is necessary to think through every step. In other words, you cannot do without a competent strategy. Now there is a huge amount of literature describing effective. Of course, there is hardly a universal way that is suitable for all products, since everyone is different, but some general trends and patterns that attract buyers can be identified. Consider step by step how to sell a product correctly.

Establishing contact with the buyer

This is the main and very important stage, since the outcome of the conversation often depends on the first impression. Without contact, a normal dialogue will not work, which means that the chances of selling the goods will rapidly approach zero. According to scientists, an opinion about a person (about the seller in our case) is formed at the very beginning of the conversation - literally in seconds. For sales, first impressions are often crucial, as lost customer confidence is almost impossible to regain. You need to understand that initially most customers are subconsciously set against the seller and do not want to communicate with him. There is a widespread belief among managers that "everyone likes to buy, but no one likes to be sold to." That is, a person intends to purchase a product, just dreams, but active imposition and pressure can lead to the opposite effect, and the buyer will change his mind. Newton's third law will work - the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. How often does the buyer respond to the excessive affection of the seller, who failed to arouse the location, “I don’t need anything”? There are many more cases than it seems at first glance. To prevent this from happening, the seller should try to establish contact. How? For example, you can do the following:

  • Attract the attention of the buyer - start a dialogue with the client, captivate him. It is worth considering the standard rules: an open posture, maintaining a “safe” distance (no need to get too close, usually a one and a half meter distance from a person is optimal), eye contact, bright facial expressions and gestures. It will be useful to read. For example, Harry Friedman, in his book No Thanks, I'm Just Watching, does a wonderful job of describing the process of turning a regular visitor into a customer.
  • Get to know each other - introduce yourself by giving your name and unobtrusively indicating the scope of activity, and also ask about the name of the buyer. Acquaintance translates the “seller-buyer” communication model into “person-person”, and it is logical that it is much easier to trust a person than a seller. But you need to understand that banal and formulaic greetings (for example: “Hello, my name is Anna, I am a sales assistant”) do not distinguish you from the crowd of identical trade workers, so it’s better to show originality. If the buyer introduced himself in response, then address him by name, as everyone is pleased. However, it is still not necessary to transform someone else's name - if a man called himself Alexander, do not make Sashenka out of him, etc.
  • Interest the buyer - tell us about ongoing promotions, new collections, current trends, reflected in the assortment of your store, etc. To do this, you need to be well versed in the field of your activity, know everything about competitors in order to inform the client about the benefits of your products. If a potential buyer is staring at an expensive sweater, then tell him about the composition and quality, emphasizing - a jacket made of natural wool, which means it will warm in winter and be worn for a long time, that is, it cannot be compared with acrylic counterparts sold in neighboring stores. points.

Important: people perceive information in a complex way - visually, audially and verbally, that is, the seller is obliged to pay attention not only to his words and washed them away, but also to intonation, facial expressions, gestures.

Identification of customer needs

To sell a product, at least basic knowledge in the field is required. How to understand what the client wants to receive? Needs are needs that are met through specific services or goods. Needs are believed to be:

  • conjugated;
  • non-conjugated.

The satisfaction of an associated need leads to the birth of another. For example, a woman bought shoes, but they also need a suitable handbag. A new skirt involves buying a blouse, etc. The seller needs to understand and anticipate the desires of the client, to guide them. Correct Definition the needs of the buyer is very essential, as people come shopping, trying to solve any problems, but completely same product may be needed for different purposes.

Consider an example: a potential buyer who wants to purchase curtains contacts the store. The seller finds out the approximate amount that the client is willing to spend, asks about the interior and color scheme of the room, and then shows the options that match the voiced information. However, the purchase is not made, and the person leaves light… Why? The consultant did not tritely ask - what is the goal of the buyer, what does he want to receive? The seller offered those curtains that were combined with the interior, and the visitor sought to protect himself from sunlight, since the sun shone in his room from the very morning, preventing him from sleeping. In this case, a person would most likely buy blackout curtains (made of opaque fabric), if they were told about them, paying attention to the advantages - drawn curtains plunge the room into complete darkness, as they do not let in light from the street.

To identify the needs of the buyer, you need to ask him. Usually there are the following types of questions:

  • Closed questions - they can be answered unequivocally ("yes" or "no"). Do not ask too many questions like this, otherwise the amount of information received will be negligible. Example: "Do you prefer classics in clothes?".
  • Open questions - it is expected that the answer will be detailed. However, it should be borne in mind that if the buyer is not interested, then he will simply run away to another store, where he will not have to conduct long and tedious dialogues. Example: "Which dresses do you prefer?".
  • Alternative questions - give a person a choice in the form of several answers. Example: "Do you like long dresses or short ones?".
  • Leading questions - are required in the case when the buyer himself does not really understand what he wants to receive. Example: “When choosing a dress, it is important to understand the purpose of the purchase: if you are planning to go on a holiday, will we see elegant and bright ones?”.
  • Rhetorical questions - create an atmosphere of ease in conversation, are necessary to maintain a dialogue. Example: “Do you want to choose a dress that best emphasizes your individuality and beauty?”.

Important: as a result of the conversation, the seller must mentally compose a kind of questionnaire that highlights client preferences. Products should be offered based on the information received. It is also important to remember about related needs: if you choose a shirt, immediately offer to match it with a tie, etc.

Presentation of a product or service

A presentation is a process during which you describe or show the client the goods or services offered. Of course, everyone understands: "it is better to see once than hear a hundred times." Therefore, the task of the seller is to show the product in such a way that the client understands that this is exactly what is needed! Usually, representatives of the organization sphere participate in the development of the idea of ​​product presentation, and sellers implement the idea. When presenting a product, you can pay attention to a number of points:

  • Show preliminary steps. It is impossible to sell a house without showing it to the buyer. If you're building custom kitchens, customers will want to see samples as well as designs made specifically for them.
  • Specify the benefit that the client will receive. Listing properties and characteristics alone is not enough, it is important to indicate how the product will change the life of the buyer, what it will allow, etc. Example: "This refrigerator does not need to be defrosted, so you save a lot of time."
  • Know how to correctly identify target audience. All people have different needs, but it is possible to identify types of buyers and come up with appropriate presentations for them. If you sell clothes, and young students come to you for shopping, then they prefer what is modern, which means that the emphasis should be placed on the latest fashion trends when presenting goods.
  • Anticipate logical objections. Tired of constant questions about why it is so expensive? Include your response in your presentation. For example: “Some people are surprised that the price is too high, in their opinion, but it is justified, since our doors are made of natural wood therefore will not adversely affect your health.”
  • Explain professional terms. Moreover, this should be done unobtrusively and easily - the client should not have the thought that he is stupid and does not know the obvious things.
  • Praise carefully, do not overdo it. When everything is too sweet, that is, often you don’t feel like it anymore ... and it’s hard to believe. Therefore, it is better to talk about the cons, as this will help to gain trust - after all, everyone understands that nothing is perfect.
  • Offer a choice. Comparing similar products is always interesting and useful - sometimes this is what helps the client to give something their preference.
  • Talk about the product, giving arguments. It is important for people to know that others liked and liked the product, as this automatically makes it attractive. Add digital data, graphics, photos and videos, existing certifications, testimonials, newspaper excerpts or social media recommendations, and more to your presentation. For example: “We have been selling similar greenhouses for 5 years, during which we received only thanks and not a single complaint.”
  • Include the buyer in the process of using the product. How? Due to trial periods, samplers, etc. Selling cars - pay special attention to test drives, because sometimes it is the opportunity to find out what it is like to sit behind the wheel of the car you like is the decisive factor in its acquisition.
  • Encourage the customer to buy. Everything is suitable for this: discounts, bonuses, additional guarantees, gifts, promotions ... Everyone wants a holiday, and it happens when you buy two bottles of cognac for the price of one.

Important: when presenting a product, one must not only act according to a well-established and rehearsed scheme, but focus primarily on a specific buyer and his needs.

Proposal wording

After the presentation, you should check the readiness of the buyer to make a deal. Better ask open questions, for example: “Did you like the offer?”, “Are you satisfied with the conditions?” and the like. If you ask directly, it's easy to hear "no", so it's worth proceeding carefully, as there may not be a second chance.

When formulating a proposal, there is an opportunity to add value to the proposed product or service. How? There are three methods:

  1. Scarcity - acts as a kind of psychological factor that makes a person want to get what is only in limited quantities. Owning something exclusive (or at least not mass) helps a person feel his uniqueness.
  2. A limited-time offer is a catalyst that helps to make a positive decision. The promotion will expire, which means the buyer will miss out on the benefit ... and who would do that?
  3. The effect of repetition (imitation) - often people tend to copy others on a subconscious level, so a large number of customers who have bought a product is a kind of proof of its quality and relevance.

Important: the wording of the offer must be clear, transparent and in no way misleading buyers, otherwise the lost trust will not be returned.

Handling possible objections

Every salesperson faces customer objections every day of their work. They can arise both at the very beginning, that is, at the stage of establishing contact, and after the presentation of the product. It is normal and logical that the client doubts. The seller's task is to give a reasoned answer, dispelling doubts or explaining incomprehensible points. Consider examples of the most common objections and how to deal with them.

"Too expensive!"

A common objection, especially in retail stores. What should the seller do? Carefully find out what this decision is connected with. Depending on the cause, a method of neutralization should also be devised. For example:

  • The customer saw a similar product in another store, but at a lower price. Then you need to prove that the sentences are not identical at all. Your product is better in certain parameters, so the price is higher. You can build a dialogue in such a way that the buyer himself realizes the superiority of your product, for example: “Are the glasses in the Alfa store also crystal, like ours, or are they made of glass?”.
  • The customer wants a discount. If the policy of your organization provides for discount cards, then make a discount, go forward. Otherwise, however, you are not required to do so. Explain that the price of the product is logical and reasonable.
  • The price is really too high for the client. Then you can offer a similar product with a lower price.
  • The buyer thinks the price is unfair. Give arguments that prove the objectivity of the price. For example, high quality goods, prestige, compliance with the latest trends, etc.

"I will think…"

Everyone thinks before shopping - someone wants to consult with friends, evaluate the assortment in other stores, or simply reflect on the need for the desired product. Is there nothing the seller can do? Can. Usually people put off the purchase because something stops them - they didn’t understand, but, for example, they are embarrassed to ask. In this case, the salesperson should ask what prevents the client from making a decision, what information he lacks.

Important: set a deadline for the buyer, that is, the deadline for which the announced price for the goods is valid. In other words, tomorrow the selected cabinet will cost 10% more, as a new month begins, from which the supplier raised prices for materials.

Closing a deal and resolving issues

It seems that the client is already ready to buy, but even at this stage, failure can occur. The buyer does not dare, and the seller is already afraid of failure. It is important to gently push a person to a deal - to remind him of the possibility of a return within a certain period, of a guarantee, of a discount card that will be issued along with the purchase. Usually this is enough, and as a result, an agreement is concluded, documents are drawn up, etc. Maybe the purchase will be made on credit, then the seller must help the client.

The role of merchandising in sales

Merchandising is the art of selling, that is, a kind of set of activities aimed at increasing sales in a particular store. According to statistics, more than half of all decisions to purchase any product were made by customers standing directly in front of the counter. Why? A person chooses with his eyes ... seeing something, he can suddenly realize the need for this thing. If you come to a clothing store, it is easy to notice that handkerchiefs and gloves often hang next to bags, men's shirts coexist with ties. By chance? Not at all. Location marketable products Ideally, it should encourage visitors to buy, and preferably more than one.

It is believed that the promotion of the product is carried out in two stages. First, the manufacturer organizes advertising campaign- in the media billboards, in in social networks etc. Its purpose is to inform potential consumers about the quality of the product, its properties and characteristics. Due to the branded packaging, brand, star involved in advertising, the client also creates an image of the product. Merchandising belongs to the second stage, it is a way to draw the attention of the consumer, to show him the goods favorably. So that you want to buy.

Features of sales with cold contacts with a client

Today, everyone faces cold sales - they are often called "telephone spam" because they are carried out solely at the initiative of the seller. Cold contacts can occur both with the help of telephone connection, and personally, for example, by going round the apartments. The client most often does not show any interest in the product, and simply does not want to talk with the seller. However, this does not always happen - out of 50 unsuccessful calls, one may turn out to be winning, that is, to attract a buyer.

The main feature of cold sales is the difficulty in establishing contact with a potential buyer. You call on the phone, but you can’t even imagine - who will pick up the phone? Retired, student, secretary or CEO? How to behave and adapt to the interlocutor in order to interest him? Usually cold callers have developed communication plans (they are called “sales scripts”). However, one must be able to form an opinion about a hypothetical client in the first seconds of the dialogue in order to select the appropriate scenario. It is very important to understand what you are selling and to know everything about your competitors.

Important: in order to engage in cold sales, it is necessary not only to have stress resistance, conversational skills and competent speech, good knowledge about the product and flexibility of thinking, but also with a beautiful, pleasant voice that evokes disposition and a desire to continue the dialogue.

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Thus, it is quite possible to learn how to trade correctly, increasing sales volumes, if you focus on the needs of the buyer and understand the importance of each stage in the process of selling goods. The world-famous marketer Philip Kotler said that "the client needs to be given a choice, and then he will leave all his money with you." And you can help with the choice ...

In contact with

Retailing involves many regulations, rules and pitfalls. Moreover, they differ depending on the taxation system used by the seller organization. Each of them has its own nuances and features of how to do retail. In this material, we will describe in detail what and how to do so that there are no problems with buyers and regulatory authorities.

The difference between retail and wholesale

First, let's figure out what kind of trade is considered retail. It seems that everything is simple: when a lot of goods are sold at once, then this is wholesale trade, and when one by one or in small quantities, then this is retail. However difference between retail and wholesale, actually, not in it. By law, you are considered to be a retailer of goods if the buyer is using them for personal rather than business purposes. But as a seller, you do not have to control what the person who bought it from you does with the product. At the same time, you cannot sell at retail, for example, commercial or cash equipment, that is, a product that cannot be used for personal purposes.

Retail is different from wholesale and the documentation that accompanies it. When selling goods at retail, you must not issue an invoice for the goods to the purchasing organization, otherwise the transaction may be recognized as a wholesale transaction.

How to make a retail sale without consequences

One of the main rules is the issuance of a payment document to the buyer. This can be a written contract of sale, a cash or sales receipt, or another document confirming payment (for example, a form strict accountability or cash receipt). In very rare cases, no documents are needed. Let's try to figure out how to arrange a retail sale without consequences. Consider all possible options.

Retail sales contract

In fact, this contract is mandatory for any retail sale transaction. But most often it is not necessary to conclude it in writing. For example, with a simple purchase in a store, this is done verbally. The condition for the oral conclusion of a contract of sale is the coincidence of the moments of transfer of the goods to the buyer and its payment. As soon as a cash or sales receipt is issued, the contract is considered concluded, and these documents, in turn, legally confirm it.

Sales receipt

A sales receipt may also serve as confirmation of the conclusion of a retail sale contract. With a few exceptions, in most cases it can be omitted. You are required to issue a sales receipt to the buyer if you are selling non-food items, as well as selling furniture, weapons and ammunition, cars, motorcycles, trailers and licensed units. If the cash receipt does not contain such information about the product as the name, article, grade, type and other characteristics, then the sales receipt is also required when selling:

  • textile, clothing, knitwear, fur products,
  • technically complex household goods (communication equipment, musical equipment, electrical appliances, etc.),
  • precious metals and precious stones,
  • animals and plants,
  • building materials.

In addition, a sales receipt is issued at the request of the buyer.

This document is compiled in free form. On our website you can download the sales receipt form, as well as clarify the required details that it must contain.

Trade without a cash register

Companies that pay a single tax on imputed income (UTII), as well as individual entrepreneurs using the patent system of taxation, are allowed to trade without a cash register. Instead of a cash receipt, they can issue to customers any document that replaces it - a sales receipt, a receipt, etc. And this is most often best option for small businesses, since when trading without a cash register, you do not need to spend money on the purchase of appropriate equipment and its maintenance. Despite the fact that, according to the law, a cash document replacing the check must be issued at the request of the buyer, experts advise to issue it every time in order to avoid problems during checks.

Some UTII payers are allowed not only to retail without a cash register - they may not issue any checks and receipts to customers at all. It does not depend on the taxation regime, but on the type of activity.

In 2016, the law allowing UTII payers and those who apply the patent taxation system to trade without a cash register was changed.

Price tag rules

AT retail equally important to comply pricing rules. If they do not comply with the form approved by the Government, or if any of them have an incorrect price, this can also lead to fines.

To issue a price tag correctly means to place on it information about the name of the product, its grade and price per weight or unit (required in rubles). According to the rules that came into force in January 2016, it is allowed to issue price tags both on paper and on any other medium - the main thing is that the information is clearly visible. For example, prices may be indicated on a slate board, on an electronic or light board. In all cases, the design must be clear and uniform.

On our website, you can always clarify how to draw up a price tag correctly, download templates for free, or fill out and print price tags online.

In the store, this document is considered public offer, and the seller is obliged to sell the goods exactly at the price that appears in it. Failure to comply with this condition, as well as non-compliance with the rules for designing price tags, is considered a gross violation of the law. If the price on the price tag and at the checkout do not match, this can lead to administrative sanctions, even if the store simply did not have time to change the labels.

When selling books, as well as when peddling trade, price tags are not needed. When peddling goods, you must have a price list indicating the names and prices of goods. The price list is certified by the signature of the person responsible for its execution and the seal of the seller.

Responsibility for violation of trading rules

If your organization is required to issue a cashier's receipt for every purchase, and an audit reveals that the salesperson hasn't done so, this can result in nasty administrative sanctions. Responsibility for violation of trading rules, in particular, for the non-use of cash registers, regulated by Art. 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. For officials the fine will be from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles, for individual entrepreneurs- from 3 to 4 thousand, for organizations - from 30 to 40 thousand. The same sanctions are provided for non-issuance of a sales receipt in cases where the law makes it a duty.

If the inspection authorities caught you on the discrepancy between the price tags and the real value of the goods, your store may be fined 10-20 thousand rubles, and the employee who did not issue the check will have to pay from 1 to 2 thousand to the state treasury. In case of repeated violations, the consequences can be more serious, up to the closure of your store.

Employees of regulatory authorities can "catch" the cashier on the wrong order of issuing change and a check. If the cashier put the change first, and then gave the check, for the inspector this may be a reason to find fault. cash receipt must be handed over to the buyer at the same time as the delivery, not before and not after. Otherwise, it threatens with a fine for non-use of CCP. Another common violation of the rules of trade, which entails serious responsibility - often cashiers do not add change to the buyer in change. This can be interpreted as consumer fraud (Article 14.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses). For citizens, the fine in this case will be from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, for officials - from 10 to 30 thousand rubles, for legal entities- from 20 to 50 thousand.

How You Can Be Caught for Trading Violations

Representatives of the internal affairs bodies and Rospotrebnadzor have the right to conduct a so-called test purchase (officially, this operation is called a “test purchase”). Employees of Rospotrebnadzor under the guise of ordinary visitors come to the store and buy a certain product. Police officers can do the same, but two more people must be present when checking them, who are also shopping. Rospotrebnadzor checks stores for compliance with trade rules, and the police - as part of operational search activities. After making a test purchase, the inspectors are required to introduce themselves, present certificates and an order on the basis of which the event is being held. The inspector himself must be mentioned in this order, otherwise the test purchase can be considered illegal.

Employees tax service have the right to make test purchases only together with police officers. Tax inspectors can check the presence of a cash register and the rules for its installation, but not the rules for issuing a check. So, if the inspector made a test purchase without representatives of the internal affairs bodies, this event is illegal.

The reason for the test purchase may be a complaint from any of your buyers. Sometimes these methods become methods of competition. You may not even suspect that inspection bodies are going to your store. And the only recipe for peace that can be here is to follow all the laws and rules always, every day, even if it seems that there is no reason to worry. And if something is not clear - be sure to find out.

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The conversation should be conducted in such a way that the interlocutors from enemies are made friends, and not friends enemies.


But everyone can learn how to work with people, you just need to work hard on yourself. The ability to learn and perseverance allow us to "create real miracles." Let's try to isolate the most important for success.

1. Greet the client fully armed

"I don't have to work around the clock," you say. But preparing for work before it starts is completely normal. After all, teachers prepare in advance for lessons, and do not start leafing through the textbook after they enter the classroom. Actors rehearse roles, and do not go on stage with a cheat sheet in hand. This is where you need to be ready to go.

2. Study products and prices for similar products in other companies

First, you must replenish the assortment if you see that some product is in demand, but you do not have it. Second, you will be prepared to discuss financial matters.

Your prices should not be higher than others, and if they are higher, then be sure to explain to the customer why this is due: longer service life, additional functions ("mobile phones sold by us have built-in GPS, you will not need to buy a separate navigator for auto").

3. Forget the adage "if you don't cheat, you won't sell"

Moreover, the client now went informed - before meeting with you, he had already sat on the Internet, and discussed the issue with friends, and looked at a couple of other companies or called. In any case, you can deceive the customer once, the second time he will not come to you.

Anyone who wants to have a permanent clientele trades honestly (remembering the proverb: "Tell the truth, only the truth, but do not tell the truth inappropriately!" - do not give out unnecessary information without the need!).

4. The client does not have to wait

Taxi, private trader, garbage truck - but you must be there ten minutes before the meeting in order to have time to look around, check that your appearance all right, and enter the office minute by minute.

The same applies to order fulfillment - have a board or calendar on your wall with a note next to each date when you should remind customers that the goods will be shipped to them tomorrow. And if they promised "tomorrow in the first half of the day" - it should be so.

The storekeeper's binge, transport problems, technical reasons do not concern the customer. Accuracy is not only courtesy of kings. This is the first thing to learn when wondering how to learn how to sell.

5. Don't get lost!

All the time that you are not in the office, you must be in working condition mobile phone(make sure it's charged beforehand). In the office - telephone, fax, Email(It is possible to receive notifications of incoming emails).

It should be easy for the customer to contact you. And if you also remember (by yourself or with the help of the list on the table) which customer is called, this will help to activate contacts.

6. Trade "on the go"

At the oriental bazaar, they always weigh as much as the buyer requested, and add a little more from themselves ("with a trip"). You should always have some not too formal supplements ready for the client - offer him free instruction on how to use the product, give him a calendar with the company logo.

In a word, do something beyond what is supposed to. Does the customer care about you? And you to him too! Seeing that you work with all your heart, he will enjoy the purchase, recommend you to other people, and the next time he will come back to you. No familiarity, but be friendly.

7. Make a good impression!

You must always be in good mood and good shape. It is always easier for a fit, healthy, energetic salesperson to achieve results. There are no trifles here - everything is according to Chekhov: "And the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts."

Comparing, for example, two approximately identical dental clinics with equal prices, quality and range of services, a person will choose the one where the staff is more pleasant, polite, erudite.

8. Remember that it is always easier to work with a group than with one buyer.

Remember, from Gilyarovsky: "To persuade one village peasant to go into a shop and buy something - that's difficult. And I will persuade the crowd to swim in the hole in the winter!" When acquaintances, family members, or even just other visitors are nearby, it is more difficult for a client to refuse a deal than face to face.

If it is possible to organize meetings with groups of clients - be sure to do it. This approach is good for retail sales. Using this technique, any sales consultant will understand how to sell correctly very quickly.

9. Not a day without a new customer!

10. A negative result is also a result

Of course, in order to understand how to sell correctly, you need to gain experience, which usually consists of a large number negative results. Yes, it's frustrating when a deal falls through - but it gives you the opportunity to understand what exactly went wrong for you.

After analyzing the reasons for the failure, you change tactics - and next time everything will be fine. You need to believe in yourself, work on yourself - and success will come.

A product so that this buyer not only appears, but also multiplies?

In the world modern business you need to be a real virtuoso in order to emerge victorious from tough and sometimes merciless competition. The classical formula of political economy "commodity-money-commodity" attracts the second component: "money". How to sell goods correctly so that there is enough money not only to cover the costs of manufacturing products, but also to make a profit by continuing the successful development of production in the future?

Effective sales are the key to the success of any company. Even those worldwide who have long been implementing their best product in the world at prices that suit the buyer, they cannot do without the services of a qualified manager. It is he who owns all the secrets of marketing and must know how to properly sell a product.

To offer a product, study it well. The richer the information about it (how it is operated, in what area it is used, what options and how they differ from each other, etc.), the more arguments you will find for the buyer in defense of your product.

  1. You need to know and understand the psychology of a potential buyer. Who is he: student or intellectual, young or old, man or woman. Having determined the nature of a potential buyer, you will know what language to speak with him and how to build a strategy for the relationship "buyer - seller".
  2. Consider the emotional component of your client. Give him the opportunity to feel like the owner of a sample that has not yet been purchased. Demonstrate the product in action, allow you to touch it, touch it, smell it. Do everything to make the client lose the desire to leave you without a purchase.
  3. Never mention the negative nuances of the product, so as not to spoil the positive.
  4. Knowing how to properly sell a product, but not knowing the rules of ethics, you cannot achieve complete success. Lure the buyer in the network of your charm. Your friendly smile, attractive appearance, respectful attitude - this is an additional advertisement for the product. But at the same time, be able to keep your distance, not allowing any familiarity, familiarity.

Features of wholesale trade

Retail trade differs from wholesale not only in the ability to work with each individual client and piece sales. There are some simple rules how to sell goods in bulk. Here the work is aimed at the prospect associated with the constant search for a customer. The size of the client company determines the scale of deliveries in large or small lots. Delivery, price, terms - a temptation for the client and a weighty argument in favor of the supplier.

  1. At first, try to "lure" the buyer with low prices for the supplied parties and low bills for logistics.
  2. Comply with the terms of the contract.
  3. Timely and regular delivery of goods is the key to long-term relationships.
  4. Wholesale is selling on an equal footing.

Modern types of trade

Recently, the service "sell goods on the Internet" has been increasingly introduced. The success of such an operation will largely depend on the completeness of the information that you provide to your customers about yourself as a supplier on the sites. It is important that you have the opportunity to contact you as soon as possible if necessary. Auctions held on the Internet make it possible to sell goods at the highest possible price. By putting your goods up for auction, you get the opportunity to monitor the cost and adjust it. Having a specific product, it is better to sell it by participating in forums.

Remember, the deeper your knowledge of how to properly sell a product, the greater the guarantee of success.