Chicken coop for broilers in the country. We are building a chicken coop for broilers in the country for the summer. Materials for a warm room in the country

  • 21.04.2020

Broilers are considered the most popular poultry among poultry farmers. Such chickens differ from conventional breeds in accelerated growth and active weight gain. Before you start growing such a bird, you need to make a chicken coop for broilers with your own hands.

Before building a bird breeding facility, it is necessary to understand the main features of such chicken coops and their difference from structures for keeping laying hens. The process of keeping ordinary and meat chickens is different and therefore chicken coops also have certain differences.

Common specific features include:

  • lack of nests for incubation of eggs;
  • compactness;
  • insulated walls;
  • additional lighting.

Also, the barn for keeping broiler birds should not have drafts, because of which the hens can get sick.

Broiler breeding methods

There are two common breeding methods for broiler chickens that you should be familiar with.

Cell method

Some poultry farmers prefer to use the cellular method of breeding birds. The main advantage of this method is the saving of free space in the chicken coop. Thanks to this, it is possible to save electricity spent on lighting and heating the room.

Raising birds in cages limits their contact with each other. This prevents the appearance and development of infectious diseases. The cages also limit the movement of broiler hens, so that they gain body weight faster.

floor breeding

Sometimes people decide not to use cages and raise chickens on the floor. In this case, you do not have to equip the room and equip it with special cages for birds.

Floor breeding has many advantages, because of which many poultry farmers begin to use it. Using this method, you do not have to clean bird droppings every day. Instead, it is sufficient to replace the floor straw once a week. When breeding birds by the floor method, no namin and traces remain on the paws.

Choosing the right place

  • the poultry house should be located away from noisy places;
  • the structure should be built on hills with solid soil;
  • you can not have a chicken coop in shady places near tall trees;
  • the building is recommended to be positioned in such a way that its windows are on the southeast side.

Materials and tools for construction

When building a chicken coop for broiler birds, special tools and materials are used, which include the following:

  • Brick. It is considered the main building material used in the construction of the walls of the structure.
  • Cement. It is used to create a solid foundation, walls, flooring.
  • Boards. Sturdy boards may be needed to make a wooden roof frame.
  • Ruberoid. The main waterproofing material that prevents the roof from leaking.

Calculations and dimensions

Before building on 10 chickens summer chicken coop, it is necessary to make all measurements with calculations. Three small broilers will need a square meter of free space. Therefore, if the corral consists of ten birds, the size of the chicken coop is made at least 2 x 2 meters. If there are ten more chickens, you will have to build a structure measuring 3 x 3 meters.

Having decided on the dimensions, be sure to make a drawing. It indicates the dimensions of the house, its height and the length of the walls. Also, an aviary is marked on the diagram if the chickens will walk on the street.

How to build a chicken coop for broilers with your own hands

The construction of the poultry house is carried out in several successive stages.

Foundation pouring and flooring

To build a solid foundation, they dig a trench 40-50 centimeters deep. Then, horizontal bars are laid inside the pit at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other. The created structure is poured with cement and sand.

When the foundation hardens, it will be possible to start laying the floor. The flooring is made of wood, as it perfectly retains heat and protects the room from temperature extremes.

The boards must be laid on roofing material, which will protect the chicken coop from moisture.

Construction and insulation of walls

After creating the foundation with the floor, proceed to the construction of the walls. The frame is made from high-strength wooden beams. When installing them, it is necessary to leave small openings for windows through which sunlight will enter. When the bars are installed, they are upholstered on both sides with plywood sheets or boards.

The inner side of the walls must be insulated with foam rubber or mineral wool. Some use foam and wood shavings as insulation.

The final stage of the construction of the building is the construction of the roof. Experts recommend creating it from solid and durable varieties of wood. Before laying, all wood is treated with special compounds to improve the moisture resistance of the material. The roof surface is covered with roofing material or any other waterproofing material.


There should be enough light inside the chicken coop and therefore it is recommended to think about lighting the room in advance. For a better supply of natural light with south side poultry house 1-2 small windows are made.

If you need to illuminate the chicken coop in the evening or at night, additional lighting lamps are installed. At the same time, they must be hung at a height of one and a half meters from the floor surface.


Any chicken coop should be equipped with a good ventilation system that will ensure air circulation inside. For this, several small windows are made.

Broiler house interior design

Arrangement of a broiler chicken coop inside is carried out in three stages.

If broilers are grown by the cage method, cages will have to be installed inside the house. They should be installed in such a way that they are located at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the walls. Cells are placed in several rows with a height of 100-120 centimeters.

Feeders and drinkers

You can make your own bird feeder. For this, an ordinary water pipe made of polyvinyl chloride is suitable. In its walls, cuts are made 20 centimeters long and 10-15 centimeters wide. Then the structure is attached to the wall with screws and filled with compound feed.

As drinking bowls, you can use ordinary metal toes or unnecessary plates.


The floor inside the chicken coop can be covered with such materials:

  • Sawdust. Often the floor surface is covered with sawdust obtained from larch, spruce or pine. This bedding has excellent moisture absorption.
  • Straw. The distinctive features of this material include its warming properties. Straw also absorbs moisture well.

Possible Design Errors

People who are building a chicken coop for the first time can make some mistakes.

Missing rodent protection

When constructing a poultry house, care must be taken to ensure that the structure is raised from the soil at a distance of 5-10 centimeters. If the insulation comes into contact with the ground, rodents will start inside. They gnaw on wood, insulation and infect chickens with diseases.

Use of unsuitable materials

Some poultry farmers use the wrong materials when building chicken coops. These include PVC, chipboard and drywall sheets. All these building materials are quickly destroyed due to the fact that they absorb a lot of moisture.


Before you breed broilers, you need to build a suitable chicken coop for this. It is recommended to deal in advance with the features of creating a poultry house and with its internal arrangement.

Broiler chickens are bred for meat. And they are valued for their speed. But in order to achieve the desired result, you first need to figure out how to build a chicken coop for broilers. The poultry house for this category of poultry has its own specifics. And different from the house for laying hens. It is necessary to choose the right place for the future building. Decide on materials. Insulate walls. In addition, create certain climatic conditions, install the necessary lighting.

Broiler house differences

Before discussing how to make a chicken coop for broilers with your own hands, you need to understand its difference from the premises for laying hens. The difference exists because of the lifestyle of the chickens.

Layers are active. And broilers love peace. They don't need long walks. Therefore, you can do without a walking platform. It is essential for laying hens. Detailed recommendations in the article "Building a chicken coop for laying hens with your own hands."

Broiler houses do not require nests. This is the main distinguishing feature of the room. Chickens are fattened for 2-3 months and then sent for slaughter.

In addition, less space is required. Broiler hens are housed more crowded to limit their movement.

Broilers will grow well in bright light. Therefore, you need to take care of incandescent lamps. They, in addition to light, emit heat.

Choice of growing method

There are two options for growing broilers: cage and litter. The choice must be made depending on the number of chickens.

If broilers are grown in poultry farms, only cages are used.


Thanks to floor mats, litter can not be cleaned every day. This will save the farmer time.

Broilers will not have corns on their paws, as in cages from constant contact with a slatted bottom.

In addition, the litter content has a positive effect on the taste and quality of meat.

Learn more in the article "On the floor maintenance of laying hens and broilers."


This method of keeping allows you to save space in the chicken coop. And spending on electricity used for lighting and space heating.

You can raise more chickens if you put the cages in several rows. Broilers will not come into contact with each other. Therefore, the possibility of infection will be reduced.

Chickens do not have access to a range and hardly move. This lifestyle contributes to accelerated weight gain.

Details in the article "Features of keeping broilers in cages at home."

Place for a chicken coop

General rules

Before building a broiler shed, you need to choose a suitable area for it. There are several recommendations:

  • do not build a chicken coop near the road;
  • elevated places are preferable;
  • build near objects that give a shadow (but it should not fall on windows);
  • choose the southeast section.

Let's take a closer look at these tips.


Chickens need complete peace and solitude. Harsh sounds, constant car horns and road noise cause stress. Broilers will be nervous and gain weight more slowly.

Building a chicken coop on a hill will ensure dryness during rainfall. If you place the barn in a lowland, water will constantly flow to it after rain or snowmelt.

The inside will be damp, so mold will begin to form. And pathogenic microorganisms will appear.

Optimal to build on sandy soil. If the terrain is clayey, it must first be dried and poured with sand.

The shade is needed so that the chickens can hide from the scorching sun. But if a building or trees block the light from entering the coop, there won't be enough light inside.

If you build a poultry house in the southeast, it will be more lit, flooded with sunlight.

Area and height of the house

When building a chicken coop for broilers with your own hands, you must first determine the size. Up to 18 young broiler chickens should live on 1 m 2. And about 10 grown individuals.

Accordingly, a minimum of 5 m 2 is required for 50 chickens. And for a hundred - at least 10 m 2.

The height is set at about 2 meters, so that the owners are comfortable in the room.


Preparing the tools

When building a chicken coop for broilers, they gather the right tools. It is recommended to prepare them in advance so that they are always at hand.

You will need a shovel, a container for diluting the concrete mixture, a screwdriver or a drill, an electric saw or an electric jigsaw, a tape measure, a pencil, a hammer, nails or self-tapping screws.


One of the most popular materials for building a chicken coop is wood. It is inexpensive and easy to install. It has low thermal conductivity and density. Minimizes heating costs.

Also, when building a poultry house, OSB is used - a plate of oriented chips. The material is highly durable and moisture resistant. Easily processed, not subject to rotting and mold.

Read more about the advantages and disadvantages in the article "Do-it-yourself OSB frame chicken coops."

More about the material

Polycarbonate is often used in construction. The material is durable and lightweight. Resistant to detergents and disinfectants. It is allowed to install oil radiators in a polycarbonate chicken coop in winter.

Another option is to use foam blocks. They are highly soundproof. The desired microclimate is maintained in the poultry house all year round. Easy to fit and low cost.

The rest of the features will be revealed in the article "Do-it-yourself chicken coops from foam blocks."

Foundation pouring

The key to a good chicken coop is a quality foundation. First, a foundation pit is made about 35 cm deep. If the barn is to be used only in summer, the foundation depth can be 20 cm.

Then the supports are laid - horizontal wooden bars measuring 100 by 100. The distance between them should be at least 20 cm.

The next stage is pouring with a mixture of cement and sand. Now you need to wait a few days for the foundation to dry thoroughly.

To protect the chicken coop from rodents, crushed glass mixed with clay is poured into the foundation.

About floor construction

After the foundation has completely dried, the floor is installed. For broilers, it is better to use a tree. It keeps warm longer. And protects the chicken coop from constant temperature changes.

To protect against water before laying a wooden floor, you can put sheets of roofing material. The thickness of the coating must be at least 2 cm. Lags for the floor are installed at a maximum distance of 60 cm from each other.

Wall installation

Supports for the walls of the chicken coop are placed on the base frames. Doors and window frames must be provided between the support posts. If you plan to walk broilers, you need to install a small door to the aviary.

The next step is the installation of a supply and exhaust ventilation system. Mechanical ventilation can also be provided.

A popular material for installing walls is pressed chipboard. They withstand moisture and heat well, serve for a long time. And are not affected by pests. We will consider this option when building the walls of the chicken coop.

The plates are connected to the supports with self-tapping screws. If open gaps appear, they are filled with mounting foam. From the outside, the walls are treated with bituminous mastic. It provides waterproofing.

Location of windows and doors

The door to the side of the broiler yard is usually done on the south side. It should be the same as in any outbuilding. There are no differences. The main thing is that it is convenient for the farmer to enter and exit.

When choosing a material, they usually stop at a tree. The door should not open outward, otherwise the bird may escape while the owner enters the chicken coop. A lock must be installed.

Windows are also set to the south. Their area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area.

Building a roof

After installing the walls of the chicken coop, you need to equip the roof. Better to make it out of wood. It is also necessary to put roofing material.

First you need to fix the flooring, then the ceiling beams.

The flooring must be insulated. You can use coal slag or expanded clay.

Roofing material must be attached to the beams, and then covered with any roofing material.

A ventilation pipe with a diameter of approximately 20 cm must be installed on the roof. This parameter must be taken into account when making the corresponding hole.

The length of the pipe is at least 200 cm. The protrusion in the room is made about 20 cm.


Before sheathing the walls of the chicken coop with board, siding or plywood, you need to determine where to install the insulation.

A common option is mineral wool. It is elastic, therefore it is able to completely clog into the smallest cracks.

You can also use sawdust, polystyrene foam, foam rubber, moss. If the insulation is made with sawdust, you need to mix them with boric acid and slaked lime. This measure will prevent rotting.

The choice of insulation is described in the article "How to insulate a chicken coop for the winter with your own hands."

Microclimate for broilers


Light in the chicken coop is necessary for high productivity and growth rate of birds. Lack of light negatively affects health.

Broilers start to get sick and slowly gain weight. In addition, insufficient lighting can cause injuries in the herd.

In summer, daylight hours are long. And in winter, you need to connect the lamps, because the chicken coop should be light for at least 12 hours.

You can use fluorescent or conventional lamps. At night, it is better to turn off the lights so that the broilers sleep well.


Another requirement for a chicken coop with broilers is ventilation. If it is absent, the birds can become seriously ill. Chickens will begin to eat poorly and become less mobile.

Open windows and create a draft best idea. Especially in the autumn-winter period.

For ventilation, it is better to equip a system with an exhaust hood and a thermostat. It is especially needed on a farm located in hot areas with high humidity.


Broilers will systematically gain weight only when comfortable temperature. Extreme heat or cold adversely affect the health of birds.

If it is too cold, the body of the chickens will spend energy on its own heating. Therefore, the mass will be recruited slowly. In heat, growth also slows down. Broilers may suffer from respiratory problems.

The optimum temperature is 15 degrees Celsius. The parameter can be varied from 5 to 23 degrees.

The interior of the chicken coop

Mandatory conditions

First of all, for arranging a chicken house, you need to carry out lighting. This is written above.

If the farm is located in a region with severe winters, a heating system must be installed.

If bedding of broilers is practiced, a deep bedding of sawdust or straw is placed. You will also need drinking bowls and bowls for food.

A wooden box with a mixture of ash, dry clay and sand is placed in the chicken coop. The hens are happy to climb into it to clean their feathers.

What else is needed

With the cage content of broilers, racks are equipped and only then cages are installed. Feeders can be inside or outside. You also need to organize an automatic water supply system.

If necessary, install an incubator and a heated brooder for chickens. So that hatched babies do not freeze.

Disinfection cuvettes are placed at the entrance to the chicken coop. They wash the soles of shoes before going inside, so as not to bring infection or insects.

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Having at your disposal a private house or a dacha, every person at least once thought about breeding chickens. Not even so much to make a profit, but to have organic and fresh meat for yourself and your family. Those who have tried domestic chicken know how different it is from the store.

The difference between broilers and ordinary chickens

For those who nevertheless decided to start a chicken for meat, the choice is obvious - broilers. It's simple, it is this breed that is located for fast and high-quality weight gain over a short period of time - 2-3 months. Feature of the breed in weak paws. If you start an ordinary laying hen, then no matter how much they eat, they will run, and therefore gain poorly.

An adult broiler weighs up to 5-6 kg, when half of this mass is reached, not only does it become difficult to run, it becomes difficult to walk, which is why they gain weight faster than others. At the same time, they will have to be fed not with millet, like laying hens, but with compound feed, which is divided into starting (for young chickens) and finishing (give from about 3-4 weeks).

Also, the broiler breed is almost non-egg-bearing, at least maturation occurs already during the period of maximum weight gain, which also positively affects the growth rate. Thanks to this factor, their meat is much softer than laying hens, in which veins constantly meet.

Features of a chicken coop for broilers

Before building a broiler coop, you need to know in advance whether you will keep the bird year-round or only seasonally.

Because of the cold winters in most areas, many homeowners buy chickens in the spring and finish them in mid-fall, thus raising two shifts of birds during the warm season.

In this scenario, large material and labor costs are not required. Some successfully keep chickens in cardboard box with a table lamp in their garage, and when they are a little stronger, they are released into a fenced enclosure.

If year-round cultivation with high turnover is planned, then the issue of construction should be approached more thoroughly. Also a fundamental difference broiler breed could not but affect the layout of the chicken coop, so if you already had experience with building a chicken coop for layers, you can forget about it, since the specifics will be different.

So, a chicken coop for broilers with year-round maintenance should have:

  • reliable foundation, walls, roof;
  • good thermal insulation, and ideally a heating system;
  • a floor that will not be subject to rotting and moisture absorption. Also, he should not "pull" the cold;
  • natural lighting for adults, artificial lighting for new batches of chicks;
  • fences or cages so that the bird moves less.

Of course, one can single out any old barn that has been standing on the territory since the war, but the problem is that the breed is extremely unstable to diseases and infections that rodents carry. Although antibiotics are supposed to be dripped into the food during the fattening process, in fact, the slightest draft through the gap between the boards or a stray rat, and the whole bird can rest for a week.

An important point is the arrangement of lighting and barriers. It is necessary to clearly understand how many shifts will be grown at the same time and create for each the necessary conditions. After all, each age requires different conditions.

For example, when rearing multiple shifts, chicks need additional light and warmth, windproof enclosures to minimize drafts, finer nets, separate starter drinkers, etc.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that broilers are afraid of loud sounds, so if the chicken coop is located near a source of constant noise, for example, a roadway, you need to take care of soundproofing.

Preparing for construction

Bearing in mind the number and timing of keeping the bird, you can start preparing for the construction. First of all, we choose a place. To do this, you should look for a site on a hill so that water does not flow to it and it does not become a source of so undesirable moisture, it is also better to go deeper into the site to avoid loud sounds from the street.

When choosing a place, you still need to consider the issue of lighting. Naturally, if you place a chicken coop between two tall houses, then you won’t have to wait for full-fledged light. It would be ideal to place the building on a bulk cushion and away from other buildings. By the way, the farther the chicken coop is located from other households. buildings, the less likely it is to introduce diseases.

Measurements and drawings

The size of the future building directly depends on the number of poultry grown, the budget and the place itself allocated for construction. Consider the most effective and easiest way to keep poultry. Using it, it will immediately become clear what dimensions the future chicken coop should have.

Modern poultry farmers prefer to grow broilers in longline cages. Usually somewhere in three tiers. Each bird net must be at least 50 cm high; a pallet must be equipped between the tiers, where the litter will fall. From the floor of the upper tier to the ceiling must be at least 80 cm for artificial lighting equipment. From the base of the lower tier to the floor of the room should be 50 cm to exclude dampness from the floor. So the minimum height of the building from floor to ceiling is 2.8 -3 meters.

It is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room from the calculation of the estimated capacities. But the smaller the area, the lower the cost of heating the room. According to the norms for 20 chickens, it is permissible to count about 1 square of a cage, but then you will have to clean as often as possible. In general, to fully provide yourself with meat, a room of 3x4 meters will be enough, where, in addition to the cage, food, a heating device (heater, potbelly stove), and an exhaust hood will be stored.

Materials and tools

Of course, the construction of a new building in our time is quite expensive, but with the proper cultivation of broilers on a serious scale, the construction will quickly pay off. To make a chicken coop for broilers, you will need the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • level;
  • Master OK;
  • plumb;
  • a hammer;
  • buckets;
  • hacksaw;
  • nails 70 mm, slate.

According to the materials you will have to purchase:

  • bags of cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • cinder block or brick;
  • timber 100x50, 20th board, formwork board;
  • insulation (polystyrene, mineral wool);
  • ruberoid;
  • metallic profile;
  • slate.

Also, it is desirable to add mounting foam to the list, which can later be walked through places where a draft may presumably occur.


Even if this is a chicken coop for broilers in the country, it is better to use experienced comrades or independently study the technology of installing formwork and laying bricks. Fortunately, there are enough videos with step-by-step instructions for this.

Foundation and walls

So, the most responsible business is the pouring of the foundation and the erection of walls. First, we remove a layer of earth to a depth of about 20 cm, put together the formwork and pour cement mortar mixed with rubble. We level the whole thing with a trowel. To speed up the process, you can rent a concrete mixer. After hardening, we put a brick, while not forgetting about the plumb line and level.

It is also unforgettable about the windows, which are desirable to be placed on the south side of the building. There are no special requirements for windows, but it is desirable that they can provide ventilation, and in the cold season they are not the main source of heat loss. Of course, it is not necessary to buy double-glazed windows, you can use old frames, glass cutters and glazing beads.

Floor and roof

After the walls, you can immediately proceed to the roof. To do this, we fix the beam along the perimeter, on the one hand we make small racks, which will subsequently provide the roof with a slope. Then, every 70-90 cm, we put the beam across, we sheathe the structure with boards as close to each other as possible. Next, the roofing material overlaps each other. To prevent it from slipping, the joints are punched with nails with large hats. We put slate on top and fix it with slate nails.

The main thing you need to know about the field is that it must withstand the load of the legs from the cages, not pull moisture, it is easy to wash, because no one has canceled timely care and wet cleaning. Usually the floor is poured with concrete, and linoleum is laid on top or boards are laid.

After that, it still cannot be said that the chicken coop is ready. From the very beginning, additional lighting equipment will be needed for the first batch of chickens. Therefore, from the house you need to conduct additional wiring to the chicken coop.

Actually, for a couple of dozen chickens, two ordinary incandescent lamps are enough, but in the future it is advisable to take care of a full-fledged outlet for artificial lighting.

Equipment inside

Now about the main thing - the internal equipment of the chicken coop. As stated above, The best way poultry breeding - three-tier arrangement. The area of ​​each tier is about 1 sq.m. So in one such three-tiered grid, under normal conditions, up to 50 chickens can be raised. Everyone can put together such cells.

To do this, you can take a metal profile or a wooden beam (the beam is less durable in this case) and a galvanized roll mesh. The size of the cells can be taken differently, larger for tiers with adults and small for chicks. You will also need two metal or slate sheets that will serve as litter trays and drains that will become drinking bowls. If there are plastic sewer pipes, you can cut them lengthwise and get the same drains.

We make a stable frame from a profile or timber, stretch the first mesh at a distance of 50 cm from the floor. Next, after 50 cm we fix the metal sheet, after 20 cm we again stretch the mesh. We repeat the procedure twice and get a three-level "rack". To turn it into a cage, we make perimeter fences from the same mesh separately for each tier.

We fix drains on both sides for each tier. On the sides you need to install plugs. One drain will be used for water, the second will be filled with food. For chicks, this option is not suitable. They will climb into the drains with their feet. Therefore, in any pet store you can buy special drinkers and feeders.

Place for walking

For those who decide that confinement of broilers in cramped cages is too inhumane, they can organize a place for walking. By the way, this is true only in the warm season. But in this way, the more the broiler moves, the slower it will gain weight.

So, you can organize walking right next to the chicken coop. The only thing to do is to ensure sufficient fencing so that the broilers do not scatter all over the yard. To do this, you can drive a few beams or profiles left over from the installation of cells into the ground and stretch the mesh. Some simply knock pallets together, placing them against the walls of the chicken coop.

It is desirable that the broilers "graze" not on the pavement, but at least some layer of earth, and ideally a lawn. It should only be allowed out in dry weather. After rain on wet ground, the bird may get sick. Also, do not forget about other animals that may show interest in the bird.

Strengthening and warming

From about mid-autumn, depending on the region, the walls of the chicken coop will be insulated and heating will be installed. Often there are gaps between the camps and the roof. If they are, it is better to blow them out with foam.

For wall insulation, the easiest way is to take ordinary foam. In this case, it is necessary to calculate so that the bird cannot reach it. You can also sheathe the chicken coop from the outside, but then you will have to apply an additional protective layer for insulation.

If the chicken coop was built on 12 squares, it will be enough to buy a small convector, which, according to the instructions, should be enough for the volume of the chicken coop. Another source of heat loss is the cracks in the front door. If they are, you need to cover them. For example, stuff a rubber band or foam rubber on the door, which will fit snugly against the loot.

Broiler coop care

As already noted, the health of broilers cannot be called strong. Due to their rapid growth, their bones and immunity do not have time to adapt, plus the flea market in the chicken coop creates not the most favorable conditions. Therefore, care and cleaning of the chicken coop should be performed on a regular basis.

In fact, if you use the above tiered design, then cleaning takes no more than 10 minutes. It is necessary to sweep the litter from each flooring into a bucket, wash the drinkers, change the water, add food and sweep the floor. Do a wet cleaning once a week. Actually, that's all. Before bringing in a new shift, the cage must be washed completely and allowed to stand for several days.


Yes, not everyone can build a real full-fledged chicken coop. In a full-fledged all-season option, the initial costs will be quite significant and it will not be easy to recapture them. It is worth mentioning here that today's feed prices, the initial cost of chickens plus minor expenses do not make it possible to pay off small lots. In order for broiler breeding to pay off the costs of construction and maintenance, it is necessary to grow at least a hundred chickens per month.

Use drawings of simpler structures designed for summer period, you can only eat organic meat with a strong desire. There can be no talk of commercial gain.

3525 09/18/2019 7 min.

Growing broilers is the most common direction of chicken poultry farming. Such birds are unpretentious, grow quickly at home, and also have high productivity. One of the most important moments for raising chickens is the preparation and organization of the poultry house. It can be built with your own hands, but it is important to follow the construction technology. This allows you to save the budget, as well as take into account all the necessary factors for the content. In the article, we will look at how to build a chicken coop for broilers on our own, what to look for during this process.

Features of a chicken coop for broilers

Broiler chickens of productivity have distinctive features. This is important to consider not only for breeding and keeping these birds, but also when building a chicken coop. Broiler house specifics:

  • birds require little space, because in large areas they become overly voracious, gaining fat. must be small;
  • constant lighting is necessary for the harmonious growth and development of birds. If you use, they will not only maintain light, but also additionally heat the room;
  • The chicken coop should be warm and well ventilated. For this purpose, heat sources should be installed, as well as carefully considered;
  • broilers do not need a place to nest, unlike laying hens, but you need to think very well about the flooring - they spend most of their time on it. In industrial farms, cell content is used.

Read about how to make nests for chickens with your own hands.

Broiler chickens are usually slaughtered after 2-3 months of keeping. Therefore, birds are usually kept in cages that are easy to clean and change.

In the chicken coop, it is necessary to think over both the foundation and the floor, which will protect the birds from the attack of small rodents and predators. It is recommended to first create a drawing of the room, which displays all the details of the future design. The floor housing method for broilers is more suitable for small farms. The floor mats allow for less frequent removal of feed and also reduces the risk of paw damage, which often happens when hens are raised in cages. Poultry farmers note that with this method, the taste of meat also improves.

Broiler chickens are kept in special boxes - brooders, where they are provided with an optimal microclimate and feeding regimen. They are located away from adult birds, so as not to disturb peace and relaxation.

Microclimatic conditions

For year-round keeping of birds, it is necessary to carefully plan the microclimate in the room. This directly affects the health and productivity of chickens, since with a lack of heat, part of the internal energy of the bird is spent on its own warming. The temperature in the room should be in the range of 5-23 ° C, water and drinking bowls should not be allowed to freeze. At too high temperatures, weight gain is reduced, and there is a risk of respiratory diseases.

The second important point is ventilation, in its absence it significantly increases the risk of deadly diseases, chickens become less active and lose their appetite. In this case, the presence of drafts should not be allowed, the speed of air flows should not exceed 2.5 m / s. To control air exchange, it is necessary to equip the ventilation system, the presence of a thermostat and an exhaust hood is a mandatory parameter. It is especially important to organize a forced ventilation system in regions with a hot and humid climate.

Cell lighting

The presence of light is one of the most important conditions for the microclimate in the chicken coop. With it, you can control the rate of development and growth of poultry, control meat productivity. Lighting is necessary for chickens in the amount of 12-14 hours a day, at night the light can be turned off so that the birds rest. As a source of artificial light, it is best to use fluorescent lamps or appliances with conventional incandescent bulbs. Lighting it is best to mount on the ceiling to create a diffused light that is most beneficial to poultry.

Maintaining optimal daylight hours in the coop reduces the incidence of injury, cannibalism, or pecking in birds.

Features of building a house: differences

The chicken coop should be located away from noisy roads, it is advisable to choose a site in a dry and elevated place. Shade from nearby trees and buildings should not fall on the windows of the house. It is believed that the best place for a poultry house is the southeast side of the site. The structure for broiler chickens differs from the classic chicken coop in the following points:

  • cells are best placed in 2-3 tiers to save space and material costs. The floor and foundation must be strong to support the weight of all the birds concentrated on the racks;
  • to ensure normal air circulation and inflow fresh air, the total volume of the room and the height of the ceilings should be slightly increased;
  • it is necessary to carefully consider the heating and wall insulation system, since broilers are prone to respiratory diseases.

If strong winds are constantly observed in the region, then it is advisable to make an additional fence or plant a hedge of climbing plants. The building itself can be started from scratch or use the former utility room, competently equipping it inside and out. Read about building broilers for broilers with your own hands.

Calculations and dimensions

The volume and area of ​​​​the chicken coop largely depends on the size of the herd. When calculating the sizes, they are guided by the following indicators - it is comfortable for 8-10 adults or 25-30 chickens to be in 1 m 2. However, to keep the young, it is necessary to build a separate cage. To save space and ease of maintenance, wooden or metal cages are placed in racks on several tiers. The last level of cages should be no higher than 1.5 meters from the floor.

The size of the windows should be at least 1/12 of the entire area of ​​​​the chicken coop. The thickness of all main walls is recommended within 20-30 cm. Ventilation openings are located 20 cm from the level and floor, at the same distance from the ceiling. When planning the ventilation system, you need to consider the electrical circuit if you plan to use special devices and a thermostat. You can read about building a chicken coop for laying hens with your own hands in.

Materials for a warm room in the country

Do-it-yourself construction planning, selection of all components and their transportation saves a lot of money.

To build a chicken coop for broilers with your own hands, you will need the following materials (the list may vary depending on your poultry house project):

  • a wooden beam measuring 100x50 and 100x100;
  • materials for building walls (plywood, brick, wood or foam blocks) and insulation;
  • sand-cement mixture, slag and formwork boards for foundation construction;
  • bricks or foam concrete for the basement;
  • crushed stone and several sheets of foam for bedding under a concrete screed;
  • roofing material, plywood for roofs;
  • roofing material - tiles or slate;
  • metal plates for racks for cages;
  • wooden slats for mounting sectional partitions;
  • antifungal coating (antiseptic), varnish or paint for treating walls from the outside;
  • fixing tool and brackets for fastening drinkers, feeders.

Do-it-yourself construction at home: drawing

It is advisable to carry out all work in the summer - this simplifies not only the transportation of materials, but also reduces the effect of moisture on raw materials. In addition, birds in the warm season can be populated immediately after the completion of all work. After preparing all the materials and tools, you can proceed to the construction of the building. Typical building plan:

  1. It is necessary to dig a trench 30 cm wide and 40-45 cm deep to fill the foundation. After that, formwork is installed, a layer of waterproofing and roofing material are laid.
  2. In a climate of mid-latitudes, the foundation completely hardens within 5-7 days. It is advisable to cover it with plastic wrap to prevent moisture from entering.
  3. A brick (foam concrete) is laid out on the foundation as the basement. This design avoids the constant attack of rodents, reduces the impact of soil on the walls. Just 3-5 rows is enough.
  4. A fine-mesh net with a width of 60 cm or more is laid out on the basement part and fastened with dowels.
  5. Inside the foundation, you need to remove the fertile layer of earth to the depth of the bayonet of a shovel, pour crushed stone 7-10 cm thick. Lay a sheet of foam plastic on top and pour a concrete screed.
  6. The walls of the chicken coop are built of brick or foam concrete, but it is better to use a wooden frame. As a rule, it is collected directly on the ground, then transferred to a pre-prepared foundation. At the same stage, you must not forget about the window openings and the door.
  7. If you use frame construction, sheets of insulation are laid inside the walls, which are sheathed on both sides with plywood or edged boards. The recommended insulation thickness is 5 cm.
  8. Roof rafters are prepared on the ground and then mounted directly on the walls. As a rule, a conventional gable cover is used, due to which snow accumulation can be avoided. After installing the rafters, you can proceed to its lathing and installation of the roof.
  9. The roof must be insulated and a layer of moisture protection laid. The inside is sheathed with plywood sheets.
  10. It is necessary to leave space for a ventilation pipe with a diameter of 20-25 cm. Its length must be at least 2 meters. All joints must be insulated with construction foam.
  11. You can start finishing and interior work. It is recommended to cover the walls inside with lime mortar, and paint the outside with varnish, which increases the life of the building.

The last stage of work is the installation of shelving for cages, conducting electricity and creating a ventilation system. It is convenient to use a Buleryan stove or simple electric heating as heating. Cages can be made independently from wooden slats or metal mesh, or you can buy ready-made steel structures.

It is better to delegate electrical work to a specialist in order to avoid mistakes, which can lead to a short circuit and a fire in the chicken coop.

Video: how to build a broiler house with an aviary

In this video, a farmer shows a homemade chicken coop for broilers.


  1. It does not require the presence of perches in the aviary. The right chicken coop, barn, paddock in the country is small in size and lacks a walking area.
  2. Chickens of this direction are kept in two-story cages (cells) or on the floor. The first option allows you to save space in the house, so it is more suitable for industrial farms.
  3. With floor content, the taste of meat improves, the process of cleaning the room is simplified, these are all the differences.
  4. The construction of a chicken coop for repair broilers begins with the creation of a project and a drawing of the building. This allows you to avoid mistakes and use space wisely.
  5. The construction of the building will not be difficult even for novice farmers. At the same time, it is important not only to comply with the construction technology, but also to take into account the peculiarities of keeping chickens, for example, their nutrition in winter and summer.