Presentation on the theme of wild animals. Wild animals - presentation

  • 15.04.2020

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Wild Animals Completed by: Safarova Yu. A.

Fox Fluffy tail, golden fur, Lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.

The fox has bright orange fur, a sharp muzzle and a fluffy tail.

The fox lives in a deep hole with several exits in case of danger.

The fox patiently hunts down prey

The fox hunts for a hare, wild and domestic birds, field mice

With great pleasure, the fox can eat fruits and berries

The hare Rides without looking back, only the heels sparkle, Rushing with all its might, the tail is shorter than the ear.

Hares have long ears, a short tail, and their hind legs are much longer than their front legs. On the run, the hare brings its long hind legs far forward.

The hare is gray in summer and white in winter.

Hares eat different grasses, thin twigs, bark, seeds, berries, apples, various vegetables.

In Russia, hares usually give birth three times: in March-April, "nastovichi" are born (at this time there is still snow, which at night is covered with a hard crust - crust). The hare's second litter is in June - at this time rye is earing, buckwheat is blooming. And hares are called "spikelets" or "buckwheat". And the third time the hare brings "leaflets" - they are born in August.

Wolf Gray toothy, prowling through the fields, Looking for calves, lambs.

The wolf is the ancestor of the dog. The wolf has a thick gray coat, very sharp teeth.

Wolves howl intimidatingly at night, terrifying everyone in the area

Wolves hunt in packs, especially in winter when it is more difficult to trap prey.

Wolves often use the burrows of other animals as dens. Wolves expand other people's holes and very rarely dig their own.

Bear Who, having forgotten worries, sleeps in his lair?

Winter - the hungriest harsh time - the bear spends in the den. He has a wonderful dream. The fat accumulated during the autumn is spent sparingly during sleep.

In winter, the she-bear gives birth to 2 - 3 cubs. Newborn cubs are helpless. They are born blind, the coat is short. The mother feeds them with milk.

Waking up, the bear feeds on ants, aspen shoots, the corpses of animals that died during the winter, grass shoots. Later it eats berries, small animals and bird eggs. In Siberia, pine nuts and river fish serve as food.

Squirrel Who lives in the hollow in the warmth?

Squirrel is a small animal with a long fluffy tail. Lives in a hollow and deftly runs along trunks and branches.

The squirrel feeds on seeds of cones, nuts, acorns, mushrooms. The squirrel does not hibernate, so since autumn it has been preparing supplies in secret pantries.

Squirrel brings cubs 2 times a year. Usually 3 to 10 baby squirrels are born.

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Prepared by the teacher: Kulakova O.A. Presentation on the topic: "Wild animals"

Lying between the trees Pillow with needles. Quietly lay, Then suddenly ran away.

Red fiery lump, With a tail like a parachute, Quickly jumps through the trees, He was there ... Now he is here. He's fast as an arrow. So this is…

Red-haired cheat Hid under the Christmas tree. The sly one is waiting for the hare. What is her name?..

Clumsy and big, He sleeps in a den in winter. He loves cones, loves honey, Come on, who will call?

All the time he prowls through the forest, He is looking for someone in the bushes. He clicks out of the bushes with his teeth, Who say that?

He has a huge mouth, He is called ...

Two humps, hooves, a tail… He is huge! People crowd in front of him. Children, who is he?

We know him big and kind, And we respect him for that. The ears are very big, the paws are so strong. His trunk is long, We love most of all. You know exactly who he is, Children, that's for sure ...

Very formidable and courageous, He waves his hairy mane: And growls, as if in a chant - This is brave, strong ...

He is a spotted giant - A neck as long as a crane: A “count” goes on safari, And his name is ...

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Animals of the forest The work was done by Mityushkina Elena

09/09/2012 2 Brown bear

The brown bear is the largest of our land predators. 3

FOOD OF THE BEAR 4 The composition of the bear's food depends on the season and the harvest of certain feeds. Upon leaving the den, he feeds on ants, aspen shoots, the corpses of animals that died during the winter, and grass shoots. Later it eats berries, small animals and bird eggs. In Siberia, pine nuts and river fish serve as food.

Winter - the hungriest harsh time - the bear spends in the den. He has a wonderful dream. The fat accumulated during the autumn is spent sparingly during sleep. 5 If a bear, disturbed by someone, has risen from the den, then he is quickly losing weight, he needs food. The beast turns into a tramp, as people say, into a rod. Shatun is dangerous, he is hungry, annoyed. In search of food, it sometimes makes attempts to get an elk or other animal. It can go to a person's dwelling, attracted by the smell of food.

She-bear with cubs 6 In winter, she-bears give birth to 2-3 cubs. Newborn cubs are helpless. They are born blind, the coat is short. The mother feeds them with milk.


Hares have long ears, a short tail, and their hind legs are much longer than their front legs. On the run, the hare brings its long hind legs far forward.

Hare changes coat color 09/09/2012 10 In summer it is gray and in winter it is white

09.09.2012 11 Hare food Hares eat various grasses, thin twigs, bark, seeds, berries, apples, various vegetables.

09.09.2012 12 In Russia, hares usually bear offspring three times: in March-April, "nastovichi" are born (at this time there is still snow, which at night is covered with a hard crust - crust). The hare's second litter is in June - at this time rye is earing, buckwheat is blooming. And hares are called "spikelets" or "buckwheat". And the third time the hare brings "leaflets" - they are born in August. Hare with a hare

This is a small animal with a long fluffy tail. Lives on trees and deftly runs along the trunks, along the branches.

15 Squirrel food Squirrel feeds mainly on cone seeds, nuts, acorns, mushrooms. The squirrel does not hibernate, so since autumn it has been preparing supplies in secret pantries.

09/09/2012 16 Red squirrel in summer and gray in winter

09/09/2012 17 Squirrel The squirrel brings cubs 2 times a year. Usually 3 to 10 baby squirrels are born.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Victoria Olegovna
Presentation for children senior group"Wild animals"

Preschool education is the first step in the education system, therefore the main task of teachers working with preschoolers is to form interest in the learning process and its motivation, development and correction of speech.

Working with children with various speech pathologies and facing problems in their learning, a speech therapist has to look for aids that facilitate, systematize and guide the process of learning new material by children. One of these means is to use presentations.

Presentation contains materials on 28 slides for a lesson on the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech and vocabulary activation older children preschool age.

Slideshow is able to attract any child to view. The screen displays vivid images of various forest animals. Each illustration has a text entry for the teacher, which reports his habitat, housing, way of eating. This feature display can allow the child to independently activate the sound production of speech and compose a short descriptive story on any animal.

Some wild animals are presented in the presentation in full family (mom, dad and baby). Their habitat is clearly shown. On the slides you can see brown and polar bears, hare, squirrel, wild boar, wolf, elk and fox.

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