An event dedicated to the day of cosmonautics for high school students. Scenario of the event for the day of cosmonautics. Scene "I want to be an astronaut"

  • 13.11.2019

"Cosmonautics" - this word sounds proud! The incredible successes of the Soviet cosmonautics attracted genuine interest from all sectors of society. different countries and even different continents. The grandiose achievements of theorists and practitioners did not leave anyone indifferent. Every year more and more nations join active space exploration, trying to compare their undertakings with the legendary exploits of our compatriots. It is not surprising that Cosmonautics Day in Russia is celebrated annually with honor and respect. Documentary programs are broadcast on central television, state authorities solemnly congratulate everyone on the anniversary of the first flight, educational activities are held in elementary, middle and high schools according to pre-planned scenarios. Classroom hour, sports marathons, intellectual quizzes for the Cosmonautics Day holiday at school bring up the citizenship of children and adolescents, strengthen their patriotism, teach them to respect the achievements of domestic astronautics.

How to spend Cosmonautics Day at school - Class hour for elementary school

Cosmonautics Day in primary school it is better to spend it without tying the class hour to legendary personalities and specifically dated flights. It is difficult for first-graders to realize many important things that high school students not only understand, but even know by heart. Children's holiday for the little ones, it should consist of traditional educational and entertaining elements that correspond to the theme of "outer spaces".

So, during the event, younger students can recite previously learned poems about space, stars, planets, space rockets, etc. The girls will please the audience with a funny alien dance, and the boys - with space tricks with elements of illusion. Both of them will be interested in watching a funny video in cartoon form, which tells about the first flights and launches of satellites. Everyone, without exception, will want to take part in games and contests with suitable overtones.

A teacher who knows how to spend Cosmonautics Day at school - a class hour for elementary school - is preparing for the event in advance. After all, it is very important in the entertaining and gaming process to tell the children in detail about the structure of the solar system, about the stars, giant planets, natural satellites and other cosmic bodies.

Games and competitions for Cosmonautics Day in elementary school

Even the most magical and fascinating stories about deep space can quickly bore students. lower grades. To avoid this, the atmosphere at the holiday is discharged with fun games and contests for children. And the most beloved among them are riddles.

As soon as I got into space,

Then he completely disappeared...

What did I lose along the way? … (The weight)

There will be no problems in space

After all, I put on a special ... (Helmet)

He led the first flight into space.

Who is this guy? (Yuri Gagarin)

The biggest star outside the window.

What's this? Of course, … (Sun)

When people light their lanterns

She appears in the sky

And it burns brighter than earthly lamps,

What's this? (Moon)

Trees live on it

It has wide margins

We live on it, you and I.

Our house - … (Earth)

With a tail of bright light

Flying across the sky... (Comet)

All fears are forgotten

The ship leaves for… (orbit)

Astronaut lucky:

He saw … (UFO)

I saw a strange body in space...

No way I met with... (Alien)!

Cosmonautics Day at school: event scenario for middle classes

Unlike toddlers, high school students absorb information more easily, concentrate longer, and express their opinions more boldly. This means that it is easier for middle classes to choose a scenario for the event for Cosmonautics Day. The main thing is that the holiday is not only useful and developing, but also bright, entertaining, memorable. Too monotonous lectures with endless questions and answers can easily beat off the desire of teenagers to learn new and unknown things.

An interesting event for the Day of Cosmonautics in middle classes

If you are planning to hold Cosmonautics Day at school, the event scenario for middle classes will definitely come in handy. Among all options The following are the most popular:

  1. Lesson-lecture "Hero of space expanses". A short open lesson for grades 5-8 with fascinating stories from the teacher about the first cosmonaut. The special feature of the event is the maximum number visual materials: portraits, presentations on interactive whiteboard, costumes, models, audio and video recordings and other props.
  2. Sports competition "Ready to launch a rocket." Several small teams participate in the relay race. All games are popular, but adapted to the theme of the event. For example, pulling the tail of a comet, jumping in space suits, shuttle running after the stars, throwing asteroids into the space ring.
  3. Theatrical performance for invited guests of the Stars of Cosmonautics. It is worth preparing for such an event in advance and very thoroughly. The participants of the production are given the roles of great personalities who have made a significant contribution to the national cosmonautics. As a plot, a simple segment from the historical chronicle is used.
  4. Game holiday "Star Wars". The scenario of such an event completely consists of funny intellectual and outdoor games of the type: “assemble a rocket from boxes”, “think up the name of a new planet from the letters that come across”, “arrange the events on the photographs in chronological order”, “guess the rebus, etc.” .

High School Cosmonautics Day Quiz

The best way to spend Cosmonautics Day at school is to organize an educational quiz for high school students. Through such a competition, you can check the level of knowledge of high school students in a given area and resume in their memory curious facts about heroic compatriots, their great discoveries and achievements.

The quiz for Cosmonautics Day in high school is designed for the participation of two or three teams. Based on the results of each block of questions, the teacher must count the points and keep a record plate on the blackboard. So it will be easier for schoolchildren to track progress and strive even more to win over the opposing team.

An important part of the "space" quiz is the minor additions. That is:

  • presentation by the teams of their name (for example, "Space Warriors", "Andromeda", "Merry Lunokhod", etc.);
  • dressing in cosmonaut outfits (funny star glasses, foil vests, plastic helmets from space suits with an open face, knee pads, elbow pads, etc. at the discretion of the captains);
  • short distracting and informative performances of the quiz participants with interesting facts and vivid illustrations
  • practical tasks for the manufacture of UFOs, rockets, etc.;
  • audio and video pauses;
  • honorary award of the winners of the quiz.

Questions for a school quiz for Cosmonautics Day

So that the quiz on Cosmonautics Day in high school does not turn into a typical thematic certification in astronomy, it is better to distribute the questions into blocks and submit them to students in the form of different tasks. For example:

  1. Block A. Questions with "Yes" and "No" answers.
    1. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system? - Yes
    2. Sun - Is it a star? - Yes
    3. The first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin? - Yes
    4. Was the first American to conquer outer space? - Not
    5. Venus is the closest planet to Earth? - Not
    6. Is the planet considered a cold celestial body? - Yes
    7. Mercury is the smallest planet? - Not
    8. Have astronauts already flown to Mars? - Not
    9. Svetlana Savitskaya is the first woman cosmonaut? - Not
    10. Yuri Gagarin's flight lasted a day? - Not
  2. Block B. Testing with the choice of the correct answer.
    1. The smallest planet in the solar system - Pluto, Mars, Earth
    2. The closest star to the Earth is called - Aldebaran, the Sun, Sirius
    3. The first female cosmonaut is ... - Petrova, Savitskaya, Tereshkova
    4. The first to suggest the round shape of the Earth - Pythagoras, Ptolemy, Aristotle
    5. How many planets in the solar system are visible to the naked eye - 1, 5, 10
    6. What science studies celestial bodies - anatomy, biology, astronomy
    7. The flight of Yuri Gagarin lasted - 36 hours, a day, 108 minutes
    8. The first to go into outer space - Leonov, Gagarin, Titov
  3. Block B. Questions with detailed answers
    1. What star system does our galaxy belong to? (Milky Way)
    2. The solar system is ... (The sun and objects moving around it)
    3. What is a star? (huge gas ball)
    4. What was the call sign of Yuri Gagarin? (Cedar)
    5. The giant planets include (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter)
    6. Which city gave Yuri Gagarin a “ticket to heaven”? (Saratov)
    7. A light year is (The path traveled by light in 1 year)
    8. How long did Tereshkova's flight last? (2 days 22 hours 50 minutes)

So that high school students do not get tired during the quiz, separate the blocks with musical breaks, interesting reports from schoolchildren, broadcasting documentaries about rocket launches, animals in space, etc. So, Cosmonautics Day at school will be remembered not only for difficult questions, but also for vivid impressions. The same principle applies to activities in elementary school. A class hour, a quiz, a concert and other holiday scenarios for Cosmonautics Day should be original and not overloaded with dry information.

Twenty-six years before the launch of the Soviet spacecraft Vostok with a man on board, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky said: “I don’t want to die on the threshold of man’s penetration into space. I freely imagine the first person who overcame gravity and flew into interplanetary space ... He is Russian ... He is a citizen of the Soviet Union. By profession, most likely a pilot. He has smart courage, devoid of cheap recklessness. I imagine his open “Russian face, the eyes of a falcon”.These words were spoken by the great scientist in 1938. Yura Gagarin was about a year old at that time. Who could have predicted then that it was this boy, born in the family of Smolensk collective farmers, who would become the first of those inhabitants of the planet, to whose lot falls, having broken the fetters of earth's gravity, to penetrate into interplanetary space? And yet, the portrait of the astronaut, painted by Tsiolkovsky, surprisingly accurately anticipates both the appearance of Yuri Gagarin and the content of his inner world.Every corner of the Russian land has its own history. There is also one near the village of Klushina, where the childhood of the first cosmonaut of the earth passed. On March 9, 1934, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born here. Gagarin's father Alexei Ivanovich Gagarin is the son of a poor Smolensk peasant. He had two classes of a parochial school. But the man is inquisitive and has achieved a lot thanks to this.In the village of Klushino, he was known as a jack of all trades. He knew how to do everything in a peasant economy, but most of all he was a carpenter and joiner.Mother - Anna Timofeevna also did not receive an education in her youth. But she could correctly answer any question of the children. And there were four children in the family: older brother Valentin, born in 1924, sister Zoya three years younger, brother Yuri and younger brother Boris. In the family, the authority of the father was indisputable.Strict but fair, he taught the children the first lessons of discipline, respect for elders, love of work.In the year when Yura was supposed to go to school, the Great Patriotic War. September came and Yura Gagarin went to school with his peers. But the Nazis were too close. Just on this day, 2 planes with red stars on their wings flew over the village of Klushino. These were the first planes that Yura Gagarin had to see. One of the planes was hit and the pilot was barely pulling over the swamp. The plane crashed, and the pilot successfully jumped out. All the boys ran there. The pilot unbuttoned his leather jacket, and Yura, together with the guys, saw the orders flashing on the pilot's chest.The front was getting closer. The village of Klushino was cut off from the whole world for a long time. I had to leave school.Soon my father left for the army. Brother Valentine and sister Zoya were taken to Germany by the Germans. Everyone was waiting for the end of the war. And then one day, the mother, smelling of plowed land, hugged Yura, kissed her and said: “Hitler is kaput, our troops have taken Berlin.”After a two-year break, Yura returned to school.In the fifth grade, Yura went to another school. There he joined the pioneer organization. At school, the pioneers organized a technical circle. Here, for the first time, the guys, together with Yura, made the first model of the aircraft. That was the joy when this model soared into the air and, gaining altitude, flew. After graduating from 6 classes in Gzhatsk, he seriously thought about what he needed to get work qualification, enter the factory, and then continue their education.Yuri passes the entrance exams with "excellent" grades to the vocational school of agricultural machines in Lyubertsy, a Moscow suburb, specializing in metallurgical foundry. At the Lyubertsy plant, they taught the specialty of a moulder. Yuri graduated from the vocational school with honors and was certified for the 5th category of a caster-molder. After graduating from the school for working youth, he was awarded a certificate of merit for excellent success and exemplary behavior. This gave him the right to enter the Saratov technical school (where the school sent him), without exams. Branch Gagarin chose the foundry.In a new robe, he entered the foundry as a boyAnd froze for a moment: there is flame and smoke!Loudly splashes of metal flew from the mold,Like fragments of a single huge star.From childhood, he knew: you reap what you sow.... Liquid metal is pouring, hot as a century!The master narrowed his eyes cunningly: - Are you shy about something?Get used to it… man controls the fire.At the technical school, Yuri was instructed to make a report on Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, his teachings, rocket engines and interplanetary travel. Gagarin read a lot of books on this subject. He later recalled...“Tsiolkovsky turned my soul upside down, It was stronger than Jules Verne and HG Wells, and other science fiction writers. Everything said by the scientist was confirmed by science and his own experiences... And, perhaps, from that day on, I had an irresistible craving for the sky, for the atmosphere, for space.”There was an flying club in Saratov, and on October 26, 1954, Yuri Gagarin was enrolled as a pilot there, according to a personal statement. In the diploma of graduation from the Saratov technical school, 32 subjects appear, in 31 subjects Gagarin has excellent grades (only one four in psychology). Aeroclub Gagarin graduated with only "excellent" grades.After the exams, he received a referral to the Orenburg Aviation School, which he graduated in 1957 and received the specialty of a military fighter pilot.Junior Lieutenant Yuri Gagarin arrived at his duty station - a fighter aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet - with his young wife Valentina.In the spring of 1960, Yuri Gagarin was included in the list of candidates for cosmonauts.The Gagarin family has a new addition: a daughter, Lenochka, was born. In March 1961, another significant event: the birth of the second daughter, Galina, and the successful testing of the ship with a dog and a dummy in the pilot seat. In the last days of March, the cosmonaut team flew to the Baikonur cosmodrome.The first cosmonaut was chosen by the mentors and the state commission. But a few days before the launch, the chief designer, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, suggested that the future cosmonauts choose the first one themselves and justify their choice. The opinions of the commission and the pilots coincided - almost everyone offered to send Gagarin.And what was written in the sheet of Yuri himself? In his opinion, Pavel Belyaev should fly first.“He is a real person, you can take an example from him. We young people still have a lot to learn from him. He even managed to fight at the front. I think that we will have time to fly into space. I really want to fly! Passionately! I want and hope that we will not be detained on Earth for a long time!”ONE FOR ALL...Discordant, noisy, immense,The ether lived by its cares.And thunder jet peals -GAGARIN! - did not thunder to the whole world.And he went to the rocket. Suddenly looked backTo smile to everyone who saw off.To the shoulder - fortunately - someone touched,And someone shook his hand heartily.Everything went as usual, as in training,And then everything will become unusual,When the rocket is torn off the edgeFire dagger, jet thunder!He looked at Herman as if he were a brother,On his faithful understudy.And he shouted out to those who were seeing him off: - Guys!One for all and all for one…TASS messageOn April 12, 1961, the first spacecraft in the world, Sputnik Vostok, with a man on board, was put into orbit around the Earth in the Soviet Union. The pilot-cosmonaut of the Vostok satellite is a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Pilot Major Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich.TASS messageAfter successful On April 12, 1961, at 10:55 Moscow time, the Soviet spacecraft Vostok made a safe landing in a given area of ​​the Soviet Union.Here is how Yuri Gagarin recalled his flight: “When I was flying in the Vostok spacecraft and for the first time saw our land from the side. It was an amazing sight! In the bluish haze of the atmosphere below me, the planet on which we all live - people ... "A day later, Cosmonaut No. 1 was met by Moscow. When he appeared on the podium of the Mausoleum, the enthusiastic roar of the crowd rolled over Red Square ... So the first cosmonaut was met everywhere. Yuri Alekseevich first flew around, and then traveled around the entire globe.But Gagarin believed that, to some extent, a happy accident made him the first cosmonaut.In September 1961, Yuri Gagarin began his studies at the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy. And he remained a flying astronaut.When he returned to earthFinished stellar businessSo white-toothed smiledThe smile was so warm!There is only kindness in her,There is not an ounce of superiority.As if the grove radiatedBirch lake light.She united wiselyMovement of will and mind.So sunny frosty morningLaughing Russian winter.She, like a miracle, opened up to us,And such was its scope,Such sincerity sparkledIn slightly squinted eyes!It is easy for us on the great path,The soul is warmer in its warmth.Yes, without Gagarin's smileIt would be darker on earth!On March 27, 1968, Yuri Gagarin, under the guidance of an experienced designer Vladimir Seregin, performed a routine training flight on the UTI MIG-15 fighter. The plane crashed three kilometers from the village of Novoselova, Kirzhachsky district, Vladimir region. The conclusions of the commission investigating this incident were completely classified (and they still are). All this gave rise to many rumors and legends around the death of Yuri Gagarin.March mournedAnd the snowflakes meltedFrom sadnessDnieper vines,And flowedcombustible tearsCheeksWeeping birches.The sky was pinkish bluefell silentGroves and fields -Grieved for her dead sonMostSmolensk land.ate kremlingloomyIn the latter standguard...How long have you met Yuri?Aprilvictorious rumble?Then he entered into immortalityEarthly and heavenlystraightaway…swallowing wormwood,don't believeThat the gray-eyed hero died.Memory of KlochkovLight curtains - matte lightLight furniture. His officeGlobes, maps, portrait of the Queen.Star trails are enticingly new.The flight schedule is on the table.Light work! Bright life!I hurried minutes, I saw dreams with stars,But the clock stopped on the wall ...Leaving left bright as a flame.Bright, bright, bright memory.50 years have passed since the first man-guided spacecraft broke away from the earth's mooring and left an eternal trail in the starry spaces.The planet remembered the first cosmonaut as charming, with an open smile. Everyone knew him. And everyone saw in him a dear and close person!In the homeland of Gagarin - spring.Streams like strings of ringing April!Above the quiet Gzhatya house with three windowsDrops clean drops from the roof.Today the sky is clear.Rockets flew into space peacefully.Gagarin's boys are not up to sleep.They dream high.The birch forests are open to the winds,Noisy in spills of sunlight.Louder every morning bird din,Goodness and peace is a sure sign.… He smiled at the stars and the worlds,

Children: - Through outer space

Satellites, rockets are flying,

The stars are twinkling silver

The planets are beckoning us.

Mars, Jupiter and Venus -

We know a lot of planets

But prettier and dearer

Than the Earth is dear - no!

I travel on foot

Or on a bike

On the path near the house

We go fast with friends.

Only in outer space

I have never been.

I still have a great spacesuit,

You can't go there without it!

Luna Merkuryevna: Hello! My name is Luna Merkuryevna - I am a Journalist of the nearest galaxies, I see everyone has already gathered to celebrate the holiday dedicated to the grand event that took place on April 12, 1961, What kind of event, who will say! (children's answers) Every year on April 12, our country and the whole world celebrate Cosmonautics Day. The fact is that it was on April 12, 1961 that our astronaut made the world's first space flight.

1. The very first in space

Flying at great speed

Brave Russian boy

Our astronaut...


On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft with a man on board took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Yu.A. Gagarin first saw the Earth through a porthole. In 108 minutes, he circled the globe and landed in a given area.
This event happened 50 years ago, here's how it was, watch the special report:



aliens : Attention attention. Hello Earthlings!

We are from the planet Shelezyaka, we ask for help.

Our planet has been taken over by space pirates.

Save us. We send you the last robot,


MOON: Don't worry, we'll figure it out now

The robot comes out to the music.

Robot: Hello! Where I am?

Moon: You are on planet Earth!

Robot : What is my meaning?

Moon: This is what we would like to know

Robot: I turn on the reboot, turn on the reboot. (reboots)

Robot: The brain is a processor for me,
Instead of nerves - wire!
Po-lu-cha-et-xia that I
Everything that is around,
I-zu-chat I become-well!
Sending a request! On-went-sya suddenly

Ya Robot Bronislav model 210 n 1 f 17

I was sent to you for help

Only earthlings can save a distant planet

Urgently get ready to fly and save Shelezyak's planet

From space pirates.

Moon: Guys, can you help the robot? Are you so brave, are you afraid of anything?

I will fly with you, I will have a great report!

Robot: First you need to build rockets


Robot : asks what the name of the rocket is, why.

Now, let's get into the rockets. Tell me, do you have equipment? An astronaut must have a space suit for spacewalks. It is uncomfortable to walk in, do you know how to walk in spacious clothes? Now we will check.

GAME: Relay in felt boots and helmets.

Moon : Departure into space is a solemn event, now the children will perform the “march of young astronauts”

Robot: I will help you, turn on the musical solemn program.


Robot: And now everything is in place! Fasten your seat belts, clasp your hands through one. So, everyone is ready to fly, the countdown begins

10,9,8,7,6.5,4,3,2,1 poooo.

Space music sounds.

Robot : Our path lies directly through the constellation Ursa Major, Look how many stars are in the sky.


As soon as the evening comes

We appear in the sky

Let's start a star dance

We meet with friends.

Learned to sing and dance

We are at the big bear,

She is like an affectionate mother

In everything he hopes for us.

Silence in the sky today

And the Milky Way is like a street.

Through the window Aunt Luna

Looks at us, admires.


At the end, the children lay out the constellation Ursa Major.

Robot : I turn on the information mode: The stars are very far from the Earth, so they do not heat and seem very small. There are about 6,000 stars in the sky.
And in order to understand them, people combined the stars into groups - constellations. The brightest constellations were given names. Which of them do you know?
(Cancer, Aquarius, Taurus, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, etc.)
If you are lost, then the stars will help you find the North, South, West, East.

Game: Think of a constellation

(children connect the stars by numbers, think what it looks like, come up with a name) 2-4 children participate.

CHILD: In order, all the planets
Call any of us:
Once - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four is Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is eighth in a row.
And after him already, then,
And the ninth planet
called Pluto.
(author of the poem - A. Haight)

Robot: So we go further, attention, the planet Shelezyak is ahead! Fasten your seat belts, you can hold each other.

(Music for landing)

Robot: Meet the Inhabitants of this planet.



Enter Pirates

We are pirates from the planet Tuami

You better not contact us

We have destroyed our planet

And now we come to others

We'll ruin everything, get dirty and break it

You'd better not meet with us.

Soon this Shelezyaka will be ours, we will seize it and do whatever we want with it.

(make a mess.)

Game: "Clean up"

Pirates: Who dared to restore order on the planet

Moon: You can't do that. If you spoil the planet, then there will be nowhere for the inhabitants of this planet to live.

Pirates A: This is who says we ourselves know how to behave.

Moon : That's what I'm saying, and even children know how to behave on the planet.

Pirates: That these kids are smarter than us?

Luna: Yes!

Robot: We need to check, I propose a riddle contest.


On an airship

Cosmic, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

We are heading for…


* * *

There is a special pipe

In it the universe is visible,

See the stars in a kaleidoscope

Astronomers in...


Stars in the dark sky at night.

Knows everything

Stars in the sky...


* * *

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

Rushing among the bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet,

The Mystery of the Universe...


Shard from the planet

Among the stars rushes somewhere.

He flies for many years, flies,

Space ... (meteorite)

There is a special spacecraft,

It sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler

Flies in orbit artificial ...


* * *

Lights the way at night

The stars won't sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep

In the sky shines for us ...


* * *

planet blue,

Beloved, dear,

She is yours, she is mine

And it's called...


* * *

The bottomless ocean, the endless ocean,

Airless, dark and extraordinary,

Universes, stars and comets live in it,

There are also habitable planets.

Pirates: True, children are smarter than us.

And how should one behave in order not to spoil the planet?

Moon: What do you guys think?(children's answers)

The robot confirms the facts.

Children read poetry

There are planets in the universe

They are very different

But one like this

Not found in the universe.

There are forests, seas and mountains,

Different people live

On other planets

Life has yet to be found!

Let's save this planet

called earth,

After all, this planet is our home,

You can't offend her!

After all, she is alive like us:

Flying, spinning, shining,

Washed by the seas

And sunbathing!

Also, please people

Do not litter, do not break,

Every leaf and bug

Take care, protect!

Moon. Let's save the planet.

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole universe!

Pirates: We will no longer behave like this, we will plant trees, we will no longer spill and pollute water, we will protect our planet, we flew to the planet Tuami before it is too late.

Robot : Well done guys, they brought the pirates to their senses, and I made friends with you so much that I want to teach you a fun dance.

General dance: "Robot Bronislav"

The robot says goodbye, all the guys go home to Earth.

Sounds like space music

Moon. It's good to be back on your home planet. Look, the inhabitants of the planet Shelezyaka are getting in touch with us again, let's hear what they tell us.

Video . The inhabitants of the planet Shelezyaka are very grateful to you for saving us. Be always the same brave and kind. If you ever need our help, please contact us. Thank you! Goodbye!