Scenarios about cartoons for elementary school children. Birthday script “Cartoon, I know you! Competition "Riddles for the knowledge of fairy-tale characters"

  • 13.11.2019

Valeria Ignatenko
Scenario of entertainment "In the Land of cartoons"

Script for fun"AT Country of Cartoons»

Characters: Carlson, presenter.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music, sit on chairs.

presenter: Guys, today we have a holiday - Patriotic Day cartoon!

What are your favorite cartoons? Yours, Dasha, and yours, Vanya, yours, Sonya?

you listed a lot cartoons, but not all can be called domestic. Do you know why? Because domestic cartoons are that are produced in our country, they are our relatives, not foreign ones.

Do you want to play a little? Now I will ask you questions, and you will answer, and I will find out how well you know our cartoons.


1. Name cartoon where are the main characters Hare and Wolf?

2. Who did Winnie the Pooh eat too much honey?

3. What words did Leopold say to mice?

4. What is the name of Cheburashka's friend.

5. What friend did you travel with? country Toothbrush girl?

6. Who was Woof Kitten's best friend?

7. What was the name of the boy whom Carlson flew to?

Well done boys! You did a good job!

Carlson runs into the hall.

Who's having a day of fun here?

Where are the candies, where are the cookies?

I have an empty stomach

Give me compote!

presenter: No no! Play with us a little!

(Steam whistle)

Guys, what is that sound?

And what cartoons do you know about locomotives? (children's answers)

There is another very good locomotive cartoon, it is called "The Train from Romashkovo". Do you want to play a game that is called - "Locomotive".

The game "Locomotive"

To a cheerful song, the children get into two locomotives, behind Carlson and behind the leader. As soon as another music sounds, the children walk around the hall scattered. At the sound of the whistle of a locomotive, children must quickly "take the place of" in his train car.

After the game, the children sit on the chairs.

Carlson: Well, well done! Did I show you? Let's have a treat!

presenter: Not. It's too early to eat again! Let's play some more!

Look, we have heroes. Guess what cartoon the bunny is from? And Barmaley? And the Bear? And the bird? And Lisa? And the dog? And the Wolf? Children, help our guest.

Carlson: And then I'm from what m / f? (children's answers) That's right, you guessed it! Well done!

Do you want to play my game? She is my favorite! It is called "Collect a yummy"

The game "Collect a yummy"

On the floor, pictures of jars of jam and cakes are scattered in a chaotic manner. Children need to quickly sort pictures with sweets into different baskets.

Carlson: Well done boys! So now I can get a treat?

presenter: Of course, Carlson! Hold on, this is sweetie for you, we were very happy to see you visiting us!

Carlson: Thanks! Goodbye, guys!

(Children say goodbye)

presenter: Guys, did you like our holiday? And now I suggest you look at one of our domestic cartoons.

(View cartoon)

Now you are convinced that our Russian cartoons also very interesting, kind and funny?

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"Cartoon characters" (held in the park, sports ground.)

Presenter: Hello dear guys! You probably noticed that today is beautiful weather, and we have gathered with you for a reason, but to travel through the mysterious forest. Where you will be expected, there are many interesting stations. Are you ready to overcome them? Yes, then go!

1. Stations "Solve the crossword puzzle"

Leading: Here we are. What will be discussed today, the crossword puzzle will tell. Let's unravel it. Now I will ask questions, and you will guess. Attention! The letters are on the grass.

1. Who constantly causes trouble to the cat Leopold? (Mice)

2. Who has a length of 38 parrots? (Boa)

3. With the help of a fairy, did she manage to get to the royal ball? (Cinderella)

4. What did Cinderella lose at the ball? (Shoe)

5. What island was Kesha's parrot talking about in the yard. (Tahiti)

6. What was the name of Kuzi's friend brownie? (Nafanya)

7. Who was visiting Piglet and Winnie the Pooh? (Rabbit)

8. What was the name of the companion of the old woman Shapoklyak? (Lariska)

9. which of the cartoon characters likes to say the following phrase: "Guys, let's live together"? (Leopold)

10. What is the name of a resident of the village of Prostokvashino, who loves milk very much? (Matroskin)

All of you love to watch cartoons and, of course, you know them very well. Today we will meet with the characters of different cartoons, and at the end of the holiday we will watch films with their participation.

But you can show me your knowledge about cartoons at our next station. And so we go with you to the "Items of cartoon characters"

2. Station "Items of cartoon characters"

Various objects lie on the table: a jar of jam, a barrel of honey, a burst balloon, a bow, a log, a ring, an onion, a paper boat, a syringe, a vest. It is necessary to guess which hero the items belong to.

1. jar of jam. (Carlson)

2. Barrel of honey. (Winnie the Pooh)

3. Bursting ball (Donkey Eeyore)

4. Bow on the neck. (Cat Leopold)

5. Log. (Pinocchio)

6. Ring. (Thumbelina)

8.Syringe. (Aibolit)

9. Vest. (Leo Boniface)

10. Bulb. (Chipolino)

Moving forward to the next station "Multvoprosy"

3. Station "Multvoprosy"

We answer questions. A card is given with the name of the cartoon hero (for children in grade 1, you can replace it with the image of the hero)

    Grandmother Boniface lived there (Africa)

    The name of the monkey with whom Vera was friends (Anfisa)

    What did you give little Raccoon for his birthday? (A pineapple)

    The leader of the wolf pack in the cartoon "Mowgli" (Akela)

    The name of the captain of the yacht is "Trouble". (Vrungel)

    Whose girlfriends are leeches and frogs? (Water)

    What were the hedgehog sticks in the cartoon? (lifesaver)

    Who is Kesha who likes to watch TV? (Parrot)

    How was the boa measured? (Elephant, Monkey, Parrot)

    What is Chunga-Changa? (Island)

    On it, Boniface went to visit his grandmother. (Train)

    What terrible monster did Little Raccoon see in the pond? (His reflection)

    What medicine and why did the doctor prescribe Leopold? (Ozverin, to be able to stand up for himself)

4 .Station "Brilliant detectives"

Now each participant receives a card with the name of the character.

"Three from Prostokvashino": Uncle Fyodor, Dog Sharik, Cat Matroskin, mother, father, postman Pechkin, calf Gavryusha, jackdaw Khvatayka.

"The Bremen Town Musicians": donkey, dog, cat, rooster, Troubadour, princess, king, robbers.

"Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof": Bosse, concrete, Kid, Carlson, Mom, dad, Freken bok, dog Bimbo.

And now, on my signal, you should get together in one friendly company in one cartoon, but each one has its own name.

5. Station "Multdruzya"

I will now distribute cards with the names of the characters to the participants of the game, and you must find your partner in a certain time and stand around.

1. Crocodile Gena - Cheburashka.

2. Malvina - Pinocchio

3.Tom - Jerry

4. Piglet-Winnie - Pooh

5. Leopold - Mice

6.Kitten Woof - Puppy Sharik

7. Timon - Pumbo

8. Faith - Monkey Anfisa

9. Donut - Dunno

10. The Little Mermaid - Flounder

11. Cinderella - Prince

12. Carlson-Kid

13. Wolf - Hare

15. Matroskin-Uncle Fedor

Thank you all gathered in pairs then let's check. Now, one by one, loudly, you have to say the names of your cartoon friend. Ready!

So we got to the last station "Recognize the voice"

Now a replica from the cartoon will sound for you, and you will have to say the name of the cartoon or which of the characters it says. Ready? And so, the first remark:

1.NO! Hare, wait! (Wolf)

2.Guys! Let's live in peace! (Cat Leopold)

3. When the clock strikes twelve! You must come home. (Cinderella)

5. Who is there? (Holidays in Prostokvashino)

6. It seems that the rain is going. (Winnie the Pooh)

7. I am a man in full bloom. (Baby and Carlson)

8. You, where did you hide my cutlet? (Kitten Gaf)

9. Lariska, to me? (Crocodile Gena)

10. Was I bitten by a wasp? (Aibolit)

11. I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to sleep, but I want to get married. (Thumbelina)

12. Takes out the saber

And he cuts off his head at full gallop (Fly - clatter)

13. Suddenly from my mother's bedroom

Bow-legged lame

Washbasin runs out

And shakes his head (Moydodyr)

Dear Guys!

Cartoon country is a beautiful country. And who ever visited it, will remain a prisoner forever. And now I propose to go to the assembly hall to watch the cartoon.

(in the assembly hall of the school, on the multimedia screen, the children are shown their favorite cartoon)

1. Psychological attitude.

The man without a smile
This is a kitchen without tiles
This is a sea without a seagull
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
This is a tail without a cat!
Smile always
And have a good day!

2. Introductory word.

Teacher: Guys! Look at the screen. (video clip)

What kind of art will our event be dedicated to?

Yes guys. We will talk about screen art, namely, about such a form as animation or animation.

Teacher: Do you like cartoons?

How do cartoons make you feel when you watch them?

What do cartoons teach us?(Friendship, love, respect, good deeds.)

Teacher: Yes. Cartoons evoke feelings of joy, admiration, sadness, and feelings in us. Learn to do the right thing. And, probably, there is no such child who would not like to watch cartoons.

Pupils of 1 "B" and 2 "B" classes read poetry.

I don't know who or how

Invented cartoons,

But without them now

We would not be able to live.

Without funny smeshariki,

Hedgehog with a fox,

Without mischievous monkeys

And an elephant with a tiger cub.

Cheburashka, Shapoklyak,

Wolf and nimble bunny

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet,

Kesha parrot,

Cat Matroskin, dog Barbos,

Piglet Funtik,

Carlson and Miss Bok,

Glorious kind Luntik ...

If someone cartoons

Didn't come up with it first

I would have to invent them.

Most likely!

Teacher: Today, guys, we will visit the wonderful country of cartoons, where you will not only meet your favorite characters, but also show how you know cartoons.

But first, I would like to introduce you to the most significant figures in the field of animation - the directors of our most beloved cartoons.

NameWalt Disney Anyone who has watched cartoons at least once in their life knows. This amazing person as a director made one hundred and eleven cartoons. For his services in animation, he received 25 Oscar statuettes. It was Disney who created the most popular and recognizable animated character - and founded an animation studio . Thanks to his work, from early childhood we have been watching magical cartoons, which all, as one, begin with a screensaver with a fairy-tale castle. His most famous works are "Steamboat Willie"« », « », « », « », « », « ».

One of the favorite cartoonists of Russian viewers remains Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin. His most famous tapes are the releases of "Well, wait a minute!", on which more than one generation was brought up.

Amen Khaidarov is a well-known Kazakh artist, the founder of domestic animation.Several generations have grown up on Khaidarov's cartoons. Through his works, Amen Abzhanovich tried to teach the kindest and brightest. "Sunny Bunny", "Tail", "Forty Fables", "Aksak Kulan" - he created all these masterpieces of animation with love and awe, putting his soul into every stroke. The most famous creation of the master was the cartoon “Why does the swallow have a tail with horns?”. This is the first domestic cartoon, which has gained popularity not only among Kazakhstani, but also among foreign audiences.

It is impossible not to mention those directors who delight us with their cartoons in recent years.Konstantin Eduardovich Bronzit -Russian animator, director of cartoons: "Ivan Tsarevich and Grey Wolf», « ”,“ Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent ”, etc.

The directors of the cartoon "Er Tostik and Aidakhar" are Zhaken Danenov and Rustam Turaliev. The first is a recognized master of Kazakh animation, has been working in this genre since 1973. Rustam Turaliev, on the contrary, is a young, little-known animator.

Each animator has assistants: artists, screenwriters, composers, actors. Artists create images, draw, sculpt, move puppets. The writers come up with the story of the film. Composers write music for the film. Actors voice their roles. And the result of this hard work -those cartoons that we love and watch today.

Teacher: Well, now it's time to check how you know cartoons. To do this, we will divide into teams.Now each student will receivea card with a picturecartooncharacter.

"Holidays in Prostokvashino": Uncle Fedor, Dog Sharik, Cat Matroskin,the postman Pechkin, the calf Gavryusha, the little jackdaw Khvatayka.

"The Bremen Town Musicians": donkey, dog, cat, rooster, troubadour, princess, king.

And now, at my signal, you must assembleI am one friendly company at thatcartoon,whose heroes you are.

Teacher: So, we got 2 teams: "Vacation in Prostokvashino" and "Bremen Town Musicians".

1 competition: Warm-up

    What was written on Misha's alarm clock face?(spring, summer, autumn, winter, New Year)

    What did Masha ask the goldfish in her second wish?(rooster on a stick)

    Which of Smeshariki is an advanced user of the Internet and a computer?(Losyash)

    What did the squirrel always carry with her in the Ice Age cartoon?(acorn)

    Who did the hero of the cartoon "Kitten from Lizyukov Street" turn into?(in hippopotamus)

    Brer Rabbit asked Brer Fox not to throw him...(in the thorn bush)

    What was the name of the main character of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"?(Uncle Fedor)

    What did the two mice say at the end of the episode to the cat Leopold? ( Forgive us, Leopold )

    Tai Lung from Kung Fu Panda is...(Snow Leopard)

    Name the epic hero who is looking for gold stolen from Rostov by Tugarin the Serpent(Alyosha Popovich.)

    What are the names of the characters in the American cartoon cat and mouse from the cartoon of the same name?(Tom and Jerry)

    What was the name of the princess from the cartoon about Shrek?(Fiona)

    Which cartoon character came to us from the moon?(Luntik from the cartoon "Luntik and his friends")

    Which cartoon character about Prostokvashino filmed animals from a photo gun?(dog Sharik)

    In this cartoon, the main character is a superhero. He can save those in trouble, fight evil, climb walls, fly, spin a web. Going to the next business, he puts on a special suit with the image of an insect, the name of this insect is also in the title of the cartoon.("Spiderman")

Competition 2: What cartoon are we talking about?

1. “I live well, I have my own house, it is warm. We recently found a treasure and bought a cow. We have a hot stove. And my health is not very good: sometimes it hurts my paws, sometimes my tail falls off. And the other day I began to shed, the old wool is shedding, and a new one is growing - fluffy. (Holidays in Prostokvashino)

2. “These are the wrong bees ... And they probably make the wrong honey ... And if you don’t shoot, then I’ll be spoiled ... Not that it didn’t hit at all, but not in the ball ...”

(Winnie the Pooh)

3. “I saved the device for you, and you .... Well, it is not necessary! I really need your moon! Well, kiss your moon!” (Dunno on the Moon)

4. “Is it very hard for you to carry things? Listen, come on, I'll carry things, and you take me in your arms ... ”(Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena)

Competition 3: Guess the melody

Teams take turns choosing the number of the melody, listening to it carefully. Task: Guess the name of the song. You can earn extra points if you remember which cartoon the song is from.


1 - "I'm lying in the sun" (from the film "The Lion and the Turtle

2 - “There is nothing better in the world” (from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”

3 – "Chunga-Changa" (from the film "Katerok")

4 - "Song of the Cat Leopold" (from the film "Leopold")

5 - "About traces" (from the film "Masha and the Bear")

6 - "Who are the Fixies?" (from m / f "Fixies")

4 contest: Cartoon friends

Inow I will distributeto youcards with the names of the characters, and you must for a certain timefind who was friends with whom in the cartoon and pair them up.

1. Crocodile Gena - Cheburashka.

2. Malvina - Pinocchio

3.Tom - Jerry

4. Piglet-Winnie - Pooh

5. Leopold - Mice

6.Kitten Woof - Puppy Sharik

7. Timon - Pumbaa

8 .Donut - Dunno

9 .Cinderella-Prince

10 .Carlson-Kid

11 .Wolf- Hare

12 .Matroskin-Uncle Fyodor

- Now a replica from the cartoon will sound for you, and you will have to say the name of the cartoon or which of the characters it says. Ready? And so, the first remark:

1. “Leopold, come out! Come out, you vile coward!" (mice)

2. “There is no one! Well, where are you all? (Masha)

3. "Looks like it's about to rain!" (Piglet)

4. "Free the parrots!" (Parrot Kesha)

5. “Hare! Can you hear me?" (Wolf)

6. “Owl! Open! The bear has come! (Winnie the Pooh)

6 contest: Karaoke

Guys! I will give you envelopes in which there are pictures of cartoon characters cut into pieces. You need to collect a picture, name who is depicted on it, and sing the song of this hero together with everyone. The team that will perform the song more friendly, louder, more emotional will win.

Picture for 1 team - Crocodile Gena from the film "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena"

Picture for 2 teams - Antoshka from m / f "Antoshka"


Dear Guys!This is the end of our quiz. You were all great, answered the questions of the quiz well, helped each other. I see that you know and love cartoons and know their characters. Let's count the number of points you earn. The one who has the most of them becomes the winner of the game, he is the best cartoon expert (reward).

Cartoon country is a beautiful country. And who ever visited it, will remain a prisoner forever.Keep watching cartoons. Goodbye.

Purpose of the event: preparation and holding of the educational and entertaining event "Animated show" Space Borsch "by the teacher additional education, students and parents of the creative association "Masterilka", for the effective interaction of all participants in the educational process.
Tasks: activation of cognitive interests of students; involving parents in joint activities; organization of interaction "teacher - student - parent"; increasing the creative activity of students, the development of the motivational sphere.
Participation in the event:
Teacher of additional education: scenario development, event organization;
Students: team members (7 teams of 5 people, 10 - 12 years old); theatrical performances, meeting guests;
Parents: participation in the preparation of the necessary props, holding the event (host, jury).
- Music from cartoons.
- A poster (A hedgehog standing on a pine branch is drawn on a blue background, and double-sided tape is glued all over the background), drawn from a frame from the cartoon "If the Stars Fall"
- Cartoon "If the stars fall" KIEVNACHFILM, 1978 Director: Gracheva Alla.
- Pictures depicting vegetables (Appendix 1).
- Sheets A-3 with the outlined contour of the earth (Appendix 3).
- Caps with the image of vegetables.
- Envelope with details to create cartoon characters.
- Sheet with text.
- Pictures depicting cartoon characters (Appendix 3).
- Evaluation paper for the jury.
- For each team: glue - pencil, felt-tip pens, pens, paper.
Event progress:
Fun music from cartoons sounds. At the entrance to the hall there is a poster, near which the Bear and the Girl are standing, meeting the guys.
The bear gives stars to all the guests and says: “Hello, help me and the Hedgehog collect all the stars in the sky, guys, come up to the poster and stick your star wherever you want. Tomorrow is Cosmonautics Day and we are gathering our starry sky.”
The girl also says: “Hello, help the Bear and the Hedgehog collect all the stars in the sky, guys, come up to the poster and stick your star wherever you want. Tomorrow is Cosmonautics Day and we are gathering our starry sky.”
Students stick stars, go into the hall and take their seats. The cartoon "If the Stars Fall" is shown on the screen.

Leading: Hello dear guys. Hello dear guests! Today is the most wonderful day of the year. Because we met at the fantastic holiday “Space Borsch Animated Show”, and what fantastic holiday can be without a riddle?
Leading: Let's watch a video riddle, and you will guess it. (Viewing a video fragment about the city).
Leading: What city is this mystery about? That's right, this is our city, the most beautiful and wonderful in the world - Yugorsk. (There is noise and roar)
Leading: Who came to us?
Alien dance
Leading: Here are such wonderful alien little men who reminded us that tomorrow is a holiday, what?
Leading: International Day of Cosmonautics. What was the name of the person who first flew into space? (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin).
Leading: On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on the Vostok-1 spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the Earth. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 108 minutes.
Leading: Guys, we probably do not live alone in our huge galaxy, and there are other inhabitants?
Leading: Imagine, once a flying saucer landed in our city and a green alien appeared from it ... (Watching a cartoon about the city, created by students of the creative association "Masterilka").
Leading: The alien flew away, but sent us a message video message.
“Hello, I'm from the planet Shrob. My son was asked homework make a cartoon about space borscht. But, unfortunately, on my planet they have lost all the knowledge about how to make cartoons. Help us"
Leading: Guys, are you ready to help the boy from the planet Shrob complete the task?
Music from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet"
Leading: Oh, listen guys, it seems that someone has come to us again.
A girl enters with a flower in her hands
Girl: Hello, my name is Alisa Selezneva. I came to you from the cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet". Who has seen this cartoon? That's wonderful, then you know that unusual mirror flowers grow on the third planet, which remember everything they see.
Girl: I brought such a flower at the request of my friend from the planet Shrob, for you when I found out that you would have a "Cartoon Show". This is a very difficult flower, each of its leaves will remember everything that you will do. And then I'll send it back.
Leading: Thank you, Alice, sit down, you will be a guest at our holiday. That's what a good assistant we have, let him listen.
1 child.- Everyone loves to watch cartoons: both adults and children. Cartoons are part of our life. We learn from cartoon characters about kindness and justice, courage and honesty.
2 child- We often hear animated film, animated film. Do you think animation and animation are the same or different concepts?
1 child- Animation means animation or animation, this is the Western name for animation.
Leading: In our country, it is customary to say - animation, which means multiplication, increase. These are techniques for obtaining movement with the help of several or many still images.
Animation and animation are different names for the same art form.
2 child- Guys, do you like cartoons? You must have seen a lot of them. Are cartoons all the same or are they different from each other?
Leading: Done, right. Cartoons are made using different technologies. Name what cartoons are according to the technique of execution.

  • Drawn - consist of numerous drawings.
  • Cartoons in the transfer technique - the characters have body parts separately and when shooting they are shifted, thereby creating movement.
  • Puppet - cartoons with voluminous puppet characters.
  • Animation of objects - the characters of these cartoons can become any object that can be moved.
  • Silhouette animation - cartoons of shadows, where illumination from below is used.
  • Animation of bulk materials - for example, sand.
  • Computer cartoons - cartoons created using a computer.
  • We all know well drawn and puppet cartoons, computer animation has also become a part of our lives. Someone likes some cartoons, someone else.

Leading: How are cartoons made? You know?
2 Child: We will tell you now.
1 Child: Discussion and search for a topic for the plot. Script writing. We already have a topic, what is it? (space borscht)
2 Child: Storyboard. Breakdown and rendering of scenes of the future cartoon.
1 Child: Creation of characters and scenery from improvised material.
2 Child: Shooting scenes.
1 Child: Selection of musical accompaniment.
2 Child: Mounting.
1 Child: Voice acting.
2 Child: Cartoon premiere.
Leading: Guys, look what an unusual space flower. Its petals have already memorized the information received. This will help us go through the main stages of creating a cartoon, each leaf will be a test for you in the game.
Leading: Our "Cartoon show" will be held in the form of a team competition. The team is invited to welcome...
Exit and presentation of commands. (Teams came up with a name and distinctive symbols in advance).
Leading: Many thanks to the team, it was a pleasure to meet you. Good luck to everyone, and let me introduce our fair and independent jury.
Leading: Well guys, let's turn to our assistant in our show - this is a cosmic seven-flower, it's time to start the game. Remind me what we need to make a cartoon about, who listened carefully?
Leading: That's right, about space borscht, and now guess my riddles. Children guess riddles and get a picture with a guessed vegetable.

1. She hides from the sun
Under a bush in a deep mink,
Brown is not a bear,
In a mink - but not a mouse. (Potatoes)

2. Garlic beloved brother,
And no one is to blame
Who will touch him
Instantly sheds a tear. (Onion)

3. For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Feels very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar.

4. What's a fiddle? What's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch.
If I ... (Cabbage)
5. It is sweet, bitter,
Yellow, red, thick, thin,
riddles, riddles about vegetables
Round, long, small, large;
The owner's friend is the best. (Pepper)

6. As in our beds
Riddles have grown
Juicy and round
Those are big ones.
They turn green in summer
And by autumn they turn red. (Tomatoes)

7. He bites - but not a dog.
There is a tooth, but where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is it, tell me ... (Garlic)

Leading: Put the pictures on the table, we'll need them later. I'm inviting a team representative... to pick a petal!
In turn, a representative from each team will come out and choose a petal task, and then all teams will perform it.
Music plays in the background while the children complete tasks.
Leading: So let's start.
RED PETAL - Voice acting
Leading: Guys, now we will watch fragments of cartoons without sound. Your task is to come up with dialogues, words for the cartoon characters. Then we will turn on the cartoon again, and the characters will speak with your voices. There are 7 fragments in total.
Each team turns on the dialogue of heroes from the cartoon without sound. The team is making voiceovers. After we turn on the original.
- fragment No. 1- "Belka and Strelka lunar adventures"
- fragment No. 2 - "Big Wow"
- fragment No. 3 - "Dunno on the moon"
- fragment No. 4 - "The Secret of the Third Planet"
- fragment No. 5- “Prisoners of Yamagiri-maru”
- fragment No. 6 - "Contact"
- fragment No. 7 - "Flight to the Moon"
ORANGE PETAL - Create Heroes
Each team receives a glue - a pencil, an envelope with details.
Leading: Guys, there are leaflets on your tables, vegetables are drawn on them, each team has its own. Now you will receive glue and envelopes with details to create the image of the hero - eyes, ears, arms, legs. You will need to stick the details on the drawing to get a character for the cartoon. The number of eyes, ears at your discretion. The drawing of the received hero must be signed and submitted for evaluation by the jury. You have 3 minutes for everything.
Each team receives a piece of paper with the text: Once, in early spring, grandmother Shura called me and said: “Sasha, I just saw an alien saucer fly over our meadow and land.” She assured me that it was definitely a plate. She flashed lights from all sides. I rejoiced and told her to watch further. During the evening, grandmother Shura called me five times and reported about the alien saucer. And in the morning, encouraged by my mother, we went to the meadow to look at this miracle. As we approached this place, we saw that...
Leading: The task is this: come up with an ending to the story.
Leading:For example, below stands and flashes all the lights, a real plate, and little green men run around and chirp something in their bird language. And then everyone ran into the plate and it disappeared.
Leading: You have 3 min.
GREEN PETAL - Making decorations
Everyone is given the same A-3 sheets with the outlined contour of the earth.
Leading:Scenery play a very important role in the cartoon. The scenery is the scene in which the events of the cartoon story take place. This is the space in which the heroes move, and the objects that the heroes can manipulate.
Leading: Guys, in 3 minutes you need to fill the sheet with images of dishes, plants, everything you might need to get the scenery for the cartoon about space borscht.
BLUE PETAL - Shooting(Display photo of object)
Students receive hats with the image of vegetables and objects
Leading: We do not forget that we have a space borscht, so we must take a photograph accordingly. Now each team will receive hats and a task. Your task is to take a live photo of your task, that is, to depict the plot. Preparation time 3 minutes.
1. 4 Luke run away from the Cook.
2. 4 Potatoes - boiled in a tight Saucepan.
3. 4 Tomatoes - do not want to go to the Meat Grinder.
4. 4 The cabbages pretended to be a caterpillar so that the caterpillar would not recognize them.
5. 4 Carrots were scared of Grater.
6. 4 Peppers are fried with pleasure in a Frying Pan.
7. 4 Garlic scare the Germ.
BLUE PETAL - Montage
Leading: The next task is to come up with a caption for the frame. A catchphrase or instructive phrase, proverb, morality. For example, "I'm not greedy, I'm homely!". Time for preparation 3 min.
Teams are given pictures of cartoon characters.
VIOLET PETAL - Musical accompaniment "Guess the melody".
Leading: Our competition is called "Guess the melody". You will listen to short excerpts of melodies from cartoons. Whoever guesses the name of the cartoon first raises his flag.
Leading: Attention! You must remember the full correct name of the cartoon. The jury will keep track of who raised the flag first and help us in all contentious issues.
1. Cat Leopold. (If you are kind).
2. Little raccoon. (Smile).
3. Song about traces (Masha and the bear)
4. Octopuses. (Stick, stick, cucumber).
5. Mom for a mammoth. (Song of the Mammoth).
6. Dobrynya Nikitich and Serpent Gorynych. (They sat on the golden porch).
7. Big secret for a small company.
8. Bremen town musicians. (Let there be no stake and no yard).
9. Fun carousel. (Red, red, freckled).
10. Winnie the Pooh. (Winnie the Pooh song. If I scratch my head).
11. Winter in buttermilk. (Song of the cat Matroskin).
12. Crocodile Gena. (Song of the old woman Shapoklyak).
13. Flying ship. (Ditty Butterflies Hedgehog).
14. Chamomile train. (Song of the train).
Girl: The flower is filled with knowledge, and I will take it to the planet Shchorb. Thank you and goodbye!
The girl leaves.
Leading: This was the last test in our cartoon show, it's time to take stock.
The jury sums up.
Leading: While the jury is deliberating, we will move on to the most interesting stage of creating a cartoon: viewing the finished work!
Viewing an animated cartoon created by students of the creative association "Masterilka" "Give fire like Prometheus."
Leading: Who do you think is the author of the cartoon "Give Fire Like Prometheus"? The guys from the creative association "Masterilka", who participated in the second All-Russian competition"Talents of Russia" and became the winners of this competition, took 1st place!
Leading: Cartoons can be made by hand. And believe me, it is very interesting and exciting to create your own cartoon! The results will exceed all expectations! You can enjoy the cartoon you created yourself, as well as show it to all your friends, and you can send the cartoon you made to the amateur cartoonist competition, and then you will win national recognition! Dare!
Leading: The most exciting moment of our show has come, now we will find out who won this game.
Rewarding teams with prizes and diplomas.
Leading: Dear friends, our "Cartoon Show" has come to an end, thank you very much for your participation. You showed yourself as real creative personalities, you were attentive, resourceful, extraordinary thinking, in a word, real animators. We wish you good luck in all your creative endeavors, all the best to you, goodbye!

Scenario of the holiday "Journey through cartoons"

Leading. Good afternoon guys. Do you know what little-known holiday October 28 was?

Children. Animation day.

Leading. October 28 is International Animation Day, which was established in 2002 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the public introduction of the first animation technology. On this day and a week before this important date, premiere screenings of cartoons begin in many countries. By the way, in June 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio was founded in Moscow. Cartoons are created using a special technology - animation. This technology allows you to create the illusion of movement. Each following drawing of the figurine is slightly modified to show movement. Individual drawings are photographed frame by frame and then projected onto a screen at 24 frames per second. For what? In animation, it is possible to capture the impossible without expensive special effects. Characters walk through the air, gather themselves into a pile after a house has fallen on them, etc.

We all love to watch cartoons and are familiar with many heroes. And today we will remember everyone's favorite children's cartoons, their heroes, we will test our knowledge in a quiz game.

First, let's do a little warm-up. I will give you riddles, and you guess them together.

He is merry like a balalaika,
And his name is ... (Dunno)
In her bag - not a pussy,
In her bag is Lariska,
Likes to be harmful, passion like
And her name is ... (Shapoklyak)
He is not cheerful, and not evil
This cute weirdo.
With him is the owner - the boy Robin,
And a friend - ... (Piglet)
For him, walking is a holiday,
And honey has a special scent.
This is a plush prankster
Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh)
Who lived in a telephone booth
Did he sing songs, was he friends with Gena?
He has soft ears
I remember you and me. (Cheburashka)
A girl appeared in a cup of a flower,
And there was that girl, a little more than a fingernail.
In a nutshell, that girl slept
And saved a little swallow from the cold. (Thumbelina)
You guys are great at solving riddles.

And can you sing? Let's sing a wonderful song together.

Song about friends (from m / f. "Masha and the Bear")

When do you think animation came up?

70s BC e. - The Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius in his treatise "On the Nature of Things" described a device for displaying moving pictures on the screen.
X-XI centuries - The first mention of the Chinese shadow theater - a type of spectacle, visually close to the future animated film.
15th century - There were books with drawings that reproduced the various phases of the movement of the human figure. Rolled up and then instantly unfolded, these books created the illusion of drawings coming to life.
In the Middle Ages there were craftsmen who entertained the public with sessions of moving pictures using optical devices like filmoscopes, where transparent plates with drawings were inserted. Such devices were called a magic lantern or in Latin "laterna magica".
In the middle of the 17th century (1646) - a Jesuit monk Athanasius Kirscher gave the first description of the device he designed "magic lantern" - a device that illuminated the image on transparent glass. Since the 17th century, traveling theaters throughout Europe have been performing such performances.
In the 19th century it has been proven that the image remains on the retina for a fraction of a second after the eye has ceased to perceive the object itself. So was found multiplication principle . Made by a Belgian physicist Joseph Plateau, who in 1832 designed a special device - "phenakistiscope" (The name comes from the Greek word "phenax" - a deceiver and the root "scope" - to look. By showing a series of rapidly changing still images, the phenakistiscope created the illusion of a moving, changing image for the viewer), allowing a simple rotational way to get the illusion of movement of the drawn figures. But the French inventor and engineer is considered the real father of cartoons. Emily Raynaud. Three years before the famous Lumiere brothers - the inventors of cinema - showed their first film in Paris, the first cartoon was shown. On October 28, 1892, in the little theater of the Grevin Museum in Paris, the premiere of the so-called "luminous pantomimes", or cartoons, took place.

And now we will see your cartoons. You had to prepare a performance based on your favorite cartoons, show your favorite cartoon characters.

2nd grade is invited to the stage.

(performance 2a class)

Well done. And now 2b class will present their homework to us.

(performance 2b)

They also prepared their performance for the 2nd grade. Please take the stage.

(performance 2nd grade)

Well done second graders. And now we ask you to show your homework for grades 3a and 3b.

(Performance 3a, then 3b)

Well done third graders. Are 4th graders ready? Please come to the stage 4a class.

(performance 4a)

And the 4b class finishes showing the homework.

(performance 4b class)

Leading. We are used to the fact that animation is drawings. But there are other techniques
puppet animation. In popularity, it is second only to hand-drawn animation. The doll is positioned directly in front of the camera and photographed frame-by-frame, each time with minimal changes in its pose, so that the illusion of movement is created during the subsequent projection. This type of animation originated in Russia, where V. A. Starevich began to make puppet films in 1911.

Silhouette and collage animation. In silhouette animation, figures cut out of cardboard or other material are superimposed on celluloid film, and their position changes slightly for each next frame. In collage animation, the same principle is used, but instead of figures, clippings from books, stickers, and illustrations are used.
Object animation makes non-living objects appear animated. They can be used as everyday items (matches, forks, watches), as well as photographs and various images.
AT computer animation(appeared in the 70s) after the main poses are drawn, the intermediate positions of the characters are automatically calculated. In electronic animation on a computer, the entire cartoon is created. But this is a very time-consuming and expensive business, for example, the first full-length (that is, lasting more than an hour) computer cartoon "Toy Story" (USA, released in 1996) was created for a long four and a half years.

How well do you know cartoons?

Now I will spend with you quiz. Questions will be asked to each class separately in turn. If you know the answer, name it; if not, the right to answer passes to the next class. Be careful.

2a. What is the name of a friend of Cheburashka (Crocodile Gena).

2b. What words did the cat Leopold say to mice? ("Guys let's be friends! ") .

2c. In this cartoon, the main character is a veterinarian. He treated animals, got to the sick on an eagle, on a whale, etc. (“Doctor Aibolit.”)

3a. In which cartoon are the main characters - little men who are engaged in the repair of various kinds of equipment and technology? ("Fixies").

3b. What is the name of the cartoon whose main character is called Masha, and things happen to her? different stories? ("Masha and the Bear") .

4a. What was the name of the talking horse in the cartoon series about the three heroes? (Julius).

4b. Remember and name the cartoons in the names of which there are numbers? (“Z heroes on distant shores”, “Ali Baba and 40 robbers”, “38 parrots”, “12 months”, “Flower - seven-flower”, “101 Dalmatians”, “Snow White and 7 dwarfs”, “3 little pigs” and etc.).

2a. What are the names of the characters in the cartoon "Smeshariki". (Losyash is an elk, Krosh is a hare, Hedgehog is a hedgehog, Nyusha is a pig, Barash is a lamb, Kopatych is a bear, Kar Karych is a crow, Sovunya is an owl).

2b. Name a famous (and loved by your parents in childhood) cartoon about a wolf and a hare. ("Wait for it") .

2c. What heroes pulled a vegetable in the garden? ("Turnip", heroes: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse)

3a. What were the names of the three heroes from the famous Russian cartoon? (Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets).

Zb. In which cartoon did the father have 3 daughters, each of them asked her father to bring her a certain gift from the city? ("The Scarlet Flower") .

4a. What are the specialties of people who invent and make cartoons? (screenwriter, director, animator, voiced by their actors).

4b. In this cartoon, based on the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen, the evil queen bewitched her brother and separated him from his sister. My sister searched for him for a long time, passed a series of trials, was able to find her brother and melt the ice (shards of ice, mirrors) in his heart. ("The Snow Queen") .

2a. What is the name of the hero who asked the fish to grant wishes, saying these words: “According to pike command at my will." (Emelya from the cartoon "By the Pike").

2b. In this cartoon, the grandfather and the woman had a misfortune - the mouse broke the golden egg, which it touched with its tail, dropping it on the floor. ("Ryaba Hen")

2c. What heroes of the Soviet cartoon sang a song, lying on the sand, with the words: "I'm lying in the sun, I'm looking at the sun, I'm lying and lying, and I don't look at the lion cub ..."? (cartoon "Lion and Turtle")

3a. The heroine of this cartoon lost her golden shoe at the ball. What is this cartoon and what was the name of the main character? (Cinderella from the cartoon of the same name).

3b. The protagonist of this cartoon is a boy, a man who was raised by the jungle and animals. ("Mowgli", "The Jungle Book").

4a. In which cartoon did the horse turn into a magical horse and grant wishes, help his master? ("The Little Humpbacked Horse") .

4b In which cartoon is the king's youngest son throwing an arrow into a swamp? What is the name of the cartoon and the name of the youngest son of the king. ("Ivan from the cartoon "The Frog Princess").

2a. How many sons in fairy tales and cartoons does a father have? (3 sons, usually the eldest is a smart kid, the middle one is this way and that, the youngest is a fool).

2b. The protagonist of this cartoon is a wooden boy, carved from logs by Papa Carlo. What was this boy's name? (Pinocchio, "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio")

2c. What is the name of the bear who loved to eat honey, was friends with Piglet, sang the song "I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud, I'm not a bear at all, how good it is for me, a cloud, to fly across the sky." (Winnie the Pooh from the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and Everything - Everything - Everything").

3a. The heroes of this cartoon - a donkey, a rooster, a dog, a cat were expelled by their owners. They all went to travel wherever their eyes look. This cartoon was based on a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. ("The Bremen Town Musicians") .

3b. In which cartoon was the cat able to deceive the cannibal, eat him, impersonate a subject of the Marquis of Carabas? ("Puss in Boots") .

4a. What was the name of the big black cat - the panther from the cartoon about Mowgli? (Bagheera).

4b. Who has Winnie the Pooh stuck in the door? (at the rabbit, when he left the guests, after eating too much honey).

2a. This insect is a girl. She walked around the field and found some money, bought a samovar for it and arranged a tea party. One of the guests, a mosquito, saved her from a spider. Who is it about and what is the name of the cartoon? (The main character is a fly, the cartoon "The Tsokotukha Fly")

2b. Which cartoon character came to us from the moon? (Luntik from the cartoon "Luntik and his friends").

2c. What was the name of the housekeepers who lived in the apartment of the girl Masha? (Kuzya and Nafanya).

3a. . The main characters of this cartoon are piglets, each of which built a house for himself. What was the name of the pigs and what cartoon is it? (Nif Nif, Naf Naf, Nuf Nuf, cartoon "Three Little Pigs").

3b. In this cartoon, the hero hatched from an egg. He was not like all the birds in the yard, he was ugly and "ugly". Over time, he turned into a beautiful bird - a swan, everyone admired him. What is this cartoon? ("Ugly duck") .

4a. Remember and name the name of the cartoon in which the main character is a little girl who appeared from a grain, with whom various adventures and incidents took place: she was stolen by toads, she lived in a hole with a mouse, she was almost married to a mole. The swallow rescued her and took her to the land of the elves. ("Thumbelina").

4b. At what time did the carriage in the Cinderella cartoon turn into a pumpkin, the coachmen into mice, and the chic dress into tatters? (At 12 o'clock, the cartoon "Cinderella").

2a. In which cartoon was Uncle Fyodor one of the main characters? ("Adventures in Prostokvashino").

2b. What words did the wolf from the cartoon "Just you wait" shout to the hare when the hare deceived him? (“Well, hare! Well, wait a minute!”).

2c. What are the names of the cartoon characters "Luntik and his friends". (Luntik, caterpillars Vupsen and Pupsen, Bee is a small bee, Mila is a ladybug, Kuzya is a grasshopper, Uncle Shnyuk is a spider, Baba Kapa is a big old bee, Grandfather Sher, Shershulya is a hornet, Korney Korneevich is a worm, Elina is a butterfly) .

3a. Fairy-tale little man with a propeller behind his back. (Carlson).

3b. Name Carlson's favorite treat. (jam, buns).

4a. In what cartoons and fairy tales was the evil stepmother, her 2 daughters, stepdaughter? ("12 months", "Cinderella", "Frost").

4b. In what city did Dunno live with friends? (In the Flower City).

2a. Which cartoon character about Prostokvashino filmed animals from a photo gun? (dog Sharik).

2b. What was the name of the postman from the cartoon about Prostokvashino? (Postman Pechkin, Igor Ivanovich).

2c. What did the cat Matroskin call his cow? (Murka)

3a. The boy is an onion. (Chippolino from the cartoon "The Adventures of Chipollino").

3b. In which cartoon did a monkey and a parrot measure the length of a boa constrictor with steps? (38 parrots).

4a. What are the names of the dogs that flew into space. Russian animators filmed a cartoon of the same name. (Belka and Strelka) .

4b. What color was Malvina's hair from the cartoon about the golden key? (purple).

Summary of the lesson: So our quiz has come to an end. You were all great, answered the quiz questions well, gave examples, helped each other. I see that you know and love cartoons and know their characters. Let's count the number of points you earn. The one who has the most of them becomes the winner of the game, he is the best cartoon expert (reward). Continue to watch cartoons, you can draw your own, develop your interest, vision, memory. Goodbye.

holiday "Last call'for 11-... Geography and we go on and on travel on our program... (looks for text). Oh ... song "to the melody of G. Gladkov to cartoon"The Bremen Town Musicians", lyrics by E. Konkov. ...