Check the accreditation certificate of the certification body. Documents on certification of information security tools and certification of informatization objects according to information security requirements. About proficiency testing and inspections

  • 25.11.2019
No. p.p. certificate number Scope of accreditation*
1 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.A003 23.05.2016 JSC "BITK" 1, 2, 3, 4 indefinitely
2 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.A007 18.04.2017 JSC NPO Echelon 2, 3, 4 indefinitely
3 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.A008 22.05.2017 CJSC NPP BIT 3, 4 indefinitely
4 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.A006 09.03.2017 JSC "Laboratory PPSh" 1, 2, 3, 4 indefinitely
5 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.A001 11.04.2016 CBI LLC 2, 3, 4 (495) 543-3060 indefinitely
6 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.A005 12.09.2016 JSC "NIIAS" 3, 4 109029, Moscow, st. Nizhegorodskaya, d. 27, p. one (499) 262-87-17 indefinitely
7 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.A002 05.05.2016 1, 2, 3, 4 indefinitely
8 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.A004 21.07.2016 JSC Center "Atomzashchitainform" 2, 3, 4 indefinitely

List of testing laboratories

No. p.p. certificate number Date of issue of the certificate of accreditation Name of the accredited person Scope of accreditation* Location of the accredited person Phone number of the accredited person Information about the suspension of the certificate of accreditation**
1 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B032 03.04.2019 JSC "RNT" 2, 3, 4 129515, Moscow, st. 2nd Ostankinskaya, 6 (495) 777-7577 indefinitely
2 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B034 20.05.2019 LISSI-Soft LLC 3, 4 141090, Moscow region, Korolev, microdistrict Jubilee, st. Leninskaya, 4, room. 7 (495) 589-9953 indefinitely
3 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B038 24.07.2019 JSC "ST Group" 2, 3, 4 143005, Moscow region, Odintsovo, st. Chistyakova, house 8 (499) 406-0055 indefinitely
4 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B035 28.05.2019 JSC "Echelon-North-West" 3, 4 199178, St. Petersburg, emb. river Smolenka, house 14 (812) 635-89-04 indefinitely
5 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B033 30.04.2019 RAMEK-VS JSC 3, 4 194292, Saint-Petersburg, 5th Upper lane, building 1, building 2, letter A (812) 740- 38-38, (495) 221-17-18 indefinitely
6 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B036 05.06.2019 JSC "SKAT" 3, 4 124498, Moscow, Zelenograd, Georgievsky prospect, building 5, building 1, room I, room No. 82 (495) 730-4949 indefinitely
7 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B025 11.12.2017 OJSC "SINCLIT" 3, 4 127254, Moscow, Ogorodny pr., 5, building 5 (495) 926-7189 indefinitely
8 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B026 22.12.2017 LLC "NITs-SPECTEST" 2, 3, 4 249030, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Kiev highway, house 64 (48439) 52820, (495) 927-02-90 indefinitely
9 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B008 23.05.2016 JSC "BITK" 1, 2, 3, 4 141290, Moscow region, Krasnoarmeysk, st. Chkalova, d. 5, room. 1-2 (495) 797-7532, (499) 271-7580 indefinitely
10 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B024 21.11.2017 PF FSUE "STC "Atlas" 3, 4 440028, Penza, Victory Avenue, 69 (8412) 64-3850, (8412) 64-3848 indefinitely
11 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B023 17.10.2017 CJSC "IBTrans" 3, 4 109029, Moscow, st. Nizhegorodskaya, 32, building 15 (495) 626-5635, (495) 786-6857 indefinitely
12 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B027 27.02.2018 LLC "IIAT" 3, 4 129110, Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 48, bldg. 3 (495) 780-5060 ext. 28-22 mob. (962) 908-5606 indefinitely
13 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B019 10.05.2017 Federal State Unitary Enterprise NPP Gamma 2, 3, 4 117393, Moscow, st. Profsoyuznaya, 78, building 4 (495) 514-0274, (495) 663-1684 indefinitely
14 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B002 10.12.2015 CJSC Komita 3, 4 197101, St. Petersburg, st. X-ray, 1 (812) 322-9400 indefinitely
15 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B001 27.11.2015 FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF 3, 4 607188, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Sarov, Prospekt Mira, 37 (831) 302-9644, (831) 302-9624 indefinitely
16 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B022 16.08.2017 OOO "KRTsDI" 3, 4 610005, Kirov, st. Mopra, 113, (8332) 65-3104 (8332) 65-3483 indefinitely
17 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B011 21.09.2016 JSC "FTsNIVT" SNPO "Eleron" 2 115563, Moscow, st. Generala Belova, house 14 (499) 725-0337, (495) 393-9072, (499) 725-0009 indefinitely
18 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B004 11.04.2016 CBI LLC 2, 3, 4 141090, Moscow region, Korolev, microdistrict Jubilee, st. Leninskaya, house 4, basement 10 (495) 543-3060 indefinitely
19 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B014 25.01.2017 Gazinformservis LLC 3, 4 198096, St. Petersburg, st. Kronstadtskaya, house 10, letter A (812) 677-2050 indefinitely
20 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B016 09.03.2017 JSC "Laboratory PPSh" 1, 2, 3, 4 199178, St. Petersburg, Smolenka river embankment, 25, letter E, room 31 (812) 702-7383, (812) 309-4509 indefinitely
21 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B020 22.05.2017 CJSC NPP BIT 3, 4 105082, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Pochtovaya, 22 (495) 783-5501, (495) 788-9124, (495) 780-5468 indefinitely
22 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B006 05.05.2016 FAU "GNII PTZI FSTEC of Russia" 1, 2, 3, 4 394030, Voronezh, st. Student, house 36 (473) 253-2476, (473) 255-5622 indefinitely
23 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B003 22.03.2016 JSC Informakustika 3, 4 194021, St. Petersburg, st. Politekhnicheskaya, house 22, lit. BUT (812) 777-7884 indefinitely
24 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B013 13.12.2016 OOO TsSTBI 2 127550, Moscow, st. Pryanishnikova, house 23A (495) 649-3295 indefinitely
25 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B018 18.04.2017 JSC NPO Echelon 3, 4 107023, Moscow, st. Elektrozavodskaya, 24, building 1 (495) 223-2392, (495) 645-3811 indefinitely
26 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B009 21.06.2016 NPO VS LLC 3, 4 420029, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Siberian tract, 34 (843) 272-8161, (843) 279-4423 indefinitely
27 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B007 17.05.2016 Federal State Unitary Enterprise "PA "October" 2 623420, Sverdlovsk region, Kamensk-Uralsky, st. Ryabova, 8 (3439) 322-279 indefinitely
28 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B017 10.04.2017 St. Petersburg Research and Development Center FSUE "NPP "Gamma" 2, 3, 4 (812) 235-5518 indefinitely
29 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B015 03.02.2017 CBI "MASCOM" LLC 2 119607, Moscow, Michurinsky prospect, 27, bldg. 2, basement, room 48 (495) 136-4010 indefinitely
30 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B029 01.10.2018 OOO STC IRBIS 3, 4 394005, Voronezh, Moskovsky prospect, 147a, 10 (473) 234-2790, (473) 229-9981 indefinitely
31 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B028 24.09.2018 JSC Center "Atomzashchitainform" 3, 4 119017, Moscow, st. Bolshaya Ordynka, 24 (499) 949-2307, (499) 949-4633 indefinitely
32 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B010 15.09.2016 JSC "DOCUMENTARY SYSTEMS" 3, 4 117246, Moscow, st. Nauchny proezd, house 6 (495) 580-9738 indefinitely
33 IPS RU.0001.01BI00.B012 18.11.2016 MOU "IIF" 2, 3, 4 142210, Moscow region, Serpukhov, Bolshoi Udarny lane, 1a (496) 735-3193, (496) 735-4420 indefinitely
34 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B030 25.12.2018 CJSC "AKUTA" 3, 4 197110, St. Petersburg, st. Pionerskaya, 44 (812) 677-08-38 indefinitely
35 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B031 20.02.2019 NRNU MEPhI 3, 4 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, d. 31 (499) 324-8766 indefinitely
36 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B037 17.07.2019 CJSC GIC PS VT 3, 4 170023, Tver, st. Rzhevskaya, 10 (4822) 44-4044 indefinitely
37 SZI RU.0001.01BI00.B021 01.06.2017 LLC NPP SVK 3, 4 127322, Moscow, st. Ogorodny proezd, 20, building 1, office I (495) 995-0423 indefinitely

* The identification data of the scope of accreditation of the certification body or testing laboratory are indicated (one line may contain several identification data of the scope of accreditation of the certification body or testing laboratory, separated by commas):

"1" - when the certification body or testing laboratory performs work on the assessment (confirmation) of conformity in relation to the means of countering foreign technical intelligence, including the means in which they are implemented, as well as the means of monitoring the effectiveness of countering foreign technical intelligence;

"2" - when the certification body or testing laboratory performs work on the assessment (confirmation) of conformity in relation to the means of protecting information from leakage through technical channels, including the means in which they are implemented, as well as the means of monitoring the effectiveness of protecting information from leakage through technical channels ;

"3" - when the certification body or the testing laboratory performs work on the assessment (confirmation) of conformity in relation to the means of protecting information from unauthorized access, including the means in which they are implemented, as well as the means of monitoring the effectiveness of protecting information from unauthorized access;

"4" - when the certification body or testing laboratory performs work on the assessment (confirmation) of conformity in relation to safety equipment information technologies, including secure information processing facilities.

** To be filled in in case of a decision to suspend the validity of the accreditation certificate.


Those conformity assessment bodies that do not work do not make mistakes. But some mistakes can cause the closure of the organization, while others, if eliminated in time, will remain only in the documents of the state controller. In any case, it is worth knowing about the typical violations that Rosaccreditation specialists identify. Learning from the mistakes of others is much more beneficial than learning from your own.

2 5 10/08/2018

About proficiency testing and inspections

It’s worth starting with the fact that Rosaccreditation inspections are of two types - regular and unscheduled. Let's start with the first.

Accredited certification bodies and testing laboratories confirm competence one year after accreditation, repeating the procedure every two years.

The experts analyze the management system and the technical competence of the accredited person. Look at what has been done by the certification body or testing laboratory during the period of the inter-evaluation interval. They study archives, "cases of certificates", test reports.

The procedure for confirming competence is carried out at the request of an accredited person.

About the work of experts

Now the experts are going to the place where the activity of the accredited person is carried out. Prior to the creation of Rosaccreditation, they mostly performed their work remotely. Agree that verification of documents sent by mail and on-site examination are completely different things. On-site assessment allows you to determine the real competence: the level of knowledge and skills of specialists.

If we are talking about a laboratory, then the experts check the availability of premises, equipment, measuring instruments necessary for testing in accordance with all declared areas of accreditation.

At the next stage, experts fix non-conformities and classify them as critical or non-critical. If the violations are serious, the accreditation is suspended. The list of detected violations is submitted to the Federal Accreditation Control Department, and accredited persons carry out corrective actions and prepare a report on their implementation. The sooner nonconformities are resolved, the sooner accreditation is renewed.

About the prevention of violations

Verification activities, like any audit, allow the accredited person to become more competent and create “added value”, leading to improved processes and increased customer satisfaction. Comments should be taken as a guide to action.

Violations during the confirmation of competence are almost always detected

At the same time, in 90% of cases they are eliminated, and the accreditation is renewed. This is the preventive effect of the procedure. The effectiveness of regular assessment activities is measured by the proportion of accredited persons who have managed to eliminate non-conformities. The higher this number, the better. This means that the competence of accredited persons is increased

About unscheduled inspections

If it is suspected that accredited persons are violating the accreditation criteria, unscheduled checks. Historically, the predominant grounds for them were complaints received by the Federal Accreditation Service. A significant part of them is sent by uninjured persons whose rights are infringed. Usually these are the participants in the conformity assessment services market themselves. For them, a complaint is an instrument of competition, often unfair.

In order to create a new image state control Since last year, the national accreditation body has been actively implementing a risk-based approach to organizing inspections. In 2018, we were the first of the federal oversight agencies to start working on risk indicators. And we are already seeing the effect.

Rosaccreditation identifies market segments where intervention is required and where the risk of gross violations is high. Previously, in such cases, supervisory activities were carried out according to separate orders of the Government. This mechanism is quite clumsy and does not allow you to quickly respond to violations. But even three months of operation of a one-day firm allow it to more than cover all the costs associated with accreditation. The introduction of a risk-based approach has dramatically increased the efficiency of work: in the course of 86% of inspection activities, violations were identified and instructions were issued to eliminate them.


In 2017, 1214 inspections were carried out. Of these, 832 - for the purpose of assessing the elimination of non-conformities and during the procedure for confirming competence.

On behalf of the Government, 13 inspections were carried out, 226 - on the basis of applications for possible violations of the legislation on accreditation, 143 - as part of an assessment of the implementation of previously issued instructions. In 82% of cases, Rosaccreditation identified violations and took response measures

About suspension of accreditation

For the control activities of Rosaccreditation, the suspension of accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories has never been an end in itself. The main thing is prevention and ensuring the lawful behavior of accredited persons. Our task is to identify signs of violations in time and inform about it, including by sending warnings about the inadmissibility of violating the established requirements.

The best result is if the accredited person corrects himself: cancels certificates issued with violations, conducts unscheduled inspection control. First, it saves the oversight agency's resources by focusing them on other serious violations. Secondly, it does not create unjustified administrative pressure on accredited persons who are ready to correct mistakes.


All market participants - manufacturers, consumers, supervisory authorities - are interested in product safety and the availability of a reliable certificate for it.

In 2015, the number of certificates canceled as a result of verification activities was one. In 2016, more than 200 certificates and more than 230 test reports issued with violations were identified, 10 certificates were terminated. In 2017, the number of such certificates amounted to 2,500. Considering that about 150 thousand certificates are issued in the country every year, more than 5% of them are terminated, and every third certificate is issued according to the instructions of the Federal Accreditation Service.

About the most common violations

Violation One: Illusory Trials

Lack of testing laboratories equipment, measuring instruments, standard samples and material resources necessary to carry out work in accordance with the current scope of accreditation

Serious violation, since the tests in this case are not carried out. Testing laboratories that do not have necessary equipment are excluded from the Register of Accredited Persons.

How could such laboratories ever be accredited? Cases have been recorded when equipment is provided during accreditation and then transported to another location. It happens that several accredited persons are registered at one address. There are few such laboratories, but they account for the bulk of counterfeit papers. The work to identify such legal entities is almost completed, and their illegal activities will be finally stopped in the near future.

Often employees of Rosakkreditatsiya have to show ingenuity. For example, to check the information that the tests were not carried out, service specialists analyze the consumption of electricity. Cases have been identified where laboratories producing thousands of protocols per month consumed less electricity than a household refrigerator. Moreover, the equipment required for such tests is quite energy-intensive. This is indirect evidence confirming that the tests were not carried out.

Or another example: when testing for strength, cement hardens within 28 days, and the certificate for it was issued in a shorter period - this is a clear violation. The same can be said about certificates for rims, which are issued in a much shorter period than is provided for by the test method. This is enough long work, during which the wheel must spin on drums, be tested in a salt fog chamber.

Quite often, laboratories rent expensive and technically sophisticated equipment, such as an anechoic chamber, necessary for testing according to the declared scope of accreditation.

The activities of organizations that have sinned this have been suspended, or their scope of accreditation has been reduced. Most of the testing laboratories work conscientiously and during the time allotted for them to correct violations, they buy the missing equipment, and as a result, one can observe an increase in their measuring capabilities.

Violation two: without a house and address

Absence of an accredited person at the place of business

During the verification activities, it turns out that the laboratories that allegedly issued the test reports are physically absent at the specified place of work. We identified a wide pool of certification bodies that used the protocols of these pseudolaboratories. Of course, according to GOST, work both under a subcontract and with contractors, including testing laboratories, is not prohibited. But the certification body should be responsible for their work.

And when an organ declares that it is not allowed into the testing laboratory, it sounds at least strange. Sometimes the number of certificates issued based on such protocols is in the hundreds. Therefore, the fulfillment of the order of Rosaccreditation to cancel the validity of all such certificates would be economic suicide for the certification body.

As a rule, such bodies make a decision to be liquidated, and a huge number of “ownerless” certificates remain “inheritance”. In order to stimulate “work on the mistakes”, Rosakkreditatsiya, taking into account the amendments to accreditation law, will provide an opportunity to suspend certificates and re-conduct tests, during which, most often, it can be confirmed that products are really safe. This is a real way out of the current situation.

If the testing laboratory should be “tied” to the place of activity and to its equipment, then for certification bodies such “anchors” are specialists

They must properly sample, organize the process, obtain a test report, analyze all materials in accordance with the requirements GOST R ISO/IEC 17065-2012. Rosaccreditation specialists clearly identify individuals working in different bodies and signing thousands of certificates a year.

The Federal Accreditation Service has prepared amendments to the criteria assigning each expert to one certification body. This is a condition for inclusion in the Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Violation three: life without rules

Violation of the requirements of technical regulation, rules for performing work on conformity assessment

This type of violation is closely related to industry specifics. The technical regulation "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" describes the certification schemes and the rules for issuing a certificate based on vehicle type approval. But there have been cases when certificates for components of Chinese origin for Russian vehicles were issued without testing.

Certification of such spare parts is possible only if they are supplied by official suppliers of the manufacturer or are identical to these spare parts. According to a number of indirect signs, the experts of the Federal Accreditation Service were convinced that this was not the case. At Russian manufacturers requested information. They confirmed that they are not supplied with such components.

In this case, we were talking about cheap Chinese fakes that did not pass the test. On this basis, the certificates were cancelled.
It also happens that Rosakkreditatsiya cancels the certificate, and the applicants go to "certify" in another place. The federal government comes to the rescue customs Service, whose representatives go to court, after which the certificates are invalidated.

Violation Four: Out of Range

Provision of services outside the scope of accreditation

There is a widespread practice of conducting tests by accredited laboratories on indicators that are not in the field of accreditation. At the same time, the header of the test report indicates that the laboratory is accredited in the national system. Thus, the customer is misled. This practice is strictly suppressed by the Federal Accreditation Service. Administrative liability for such a violation involves a fine of 400 thousand rubles.

This administrative responsibility is feared by laboratories, including state ones, which conduct real tests. The fact is that not all technical regulations are provided with test methods (measurements) and measurements by 100%. Sometimes laboratories need to extend a method to similar product groups that are not covered by the method. This is provided by the standard and is provided by the procedure for expanding the scope and validation. (TR CU 007/2011, TR CU 008/2011, TR CU 017/2011);
MP 01.022-07 (TR CU 007/2011, TR CU 008/2011, TR CU 017/2011)

Fifth violation: competence let us down

Personnel mismatch qualification requirements

It is impossible to specify in detail what kind of education a specialist needs to have in the accreditation criteria. For example, an expert with the necessary engineering education was accredited for explosion-proof equipment, but it was obtained at a printing institute.

In the course of supervisory activities, the activities of the organization were suspended as not meeting the requirements for personnel. Now this problem has been solved: on the website of the service, explanations have been published on the proper education of experts when working on assessing the conformity of explosion-proof equipment.

Violation six: paper will endure

Providing false information in Single register accredited persons

Often, in order to hide the gray schemes of work done backdated, violations by accredited persons are deliberately allowed: information is either not entered, or is entered in violation of the deadlines. According to the established procedure, information about the protocol must be entered within five days after the application is accepted.

It's hard to check. Repeated violations found will result in suspension of accreditation. So far, Rosaccreditation has not suspended any certificate solely on this basis, but the base of violations is being formed, warnings are sent to accredited persons.

Mistakes are a reason to reconsider the approach to work and debug processes

As statistics show, there are more conformity assessment bodies following this principle every year. This is a good sign, signaling an increase in the consciousness of market participants.

Federal Service for government agency executive power, which performs the function of the National Accreditation Body of Russia and is directly subordinate to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

Functions of Rosaccreditation

The function of the National Accreditation Body means: the creation of a unified national system accreditation; control over the activities of organizations; accreditation of organizations; issuance of certificates of conformity; supervision of testing laboratories; maintenance of registers of certificates, declarations, certification bodies and testing laboratories, accredited persons, experts, expert organizations.

Official full name

Federal Accreditation Service

Official short name


Official website of Rosaccreditation

Official site Federal Service for accreditation is located at: In addition, on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development Russian Federation there is a page of the Federal Accreditation Service -

The Rosaccreditation website was launched at the end of 2011, and in 2012 it acquired convenient online services. Currently, the service website is a modern high-tech service portal for organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation. In addition, the site contains a lot of useful information for the consumer about product certification in the Russian Federation, about testing laboratories, certification bodies and other organizations and experts.

List of site functions: rendering public services online with the possibility of monitoring, Information support accredited organizations, FSIS Rosaccreditation (on-line service for organizing certification and testing), electronic registration of declarations, section, maintenance of registers of certificates, declarations, accredited persons, experts and expert organizations.

Logo (emblem) of Rosaccreditation

The emblem of Rosaccreditation is also an image of the Sign of the national accreditation system of the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated May 22, 2014 N 283) and can be used by persons included in the register of accredited persons.

History of creation

  1. Early 2011 - mid 2012. organizational period. Organization of the activities of the Federal Accreditation Service, development of priority by-laws.

  2. Second half of 2012 - early 2013. Transition period. Adoption and implementation of priority by-laws, creation of information systems for accreditation, start of work of territorial bodies.

  3. Early 2013 - mid 2014. The period of implementation of the final model. Adoption of the Federal Law "On Accreditation" and relevant by-laws. Creation and start of implementation of FSIS.

  4. Second half of 2014 - present. Full implementation of FSIS, implementation of a quality management system, international recognition of the Russian accreditation system.

federal state Information system"FSIS Rosakkreditatsiya" is one of the key tools for reforming the certification system in Russia, which, in case of successful design and active implementation, will greatly increase the efficiency of not only Rosakkreditatsiya, but also accredited organizations and practically "negate" the corruption potential of the certification system, which Russia is familiar firsthand. As a result, consumers of products and services will benefit from the full-scale implementation of FSIS in the first place.

Leadership and Structure

  • Shipov Savva Vitalievich

Head of the Federal Accreditation Service

  • Sultanov Nazim Samedovich

  • Migin Sergey Vladimirovich

Deputy Head of the Federal Accreditation Service

  • Yakutova Marina Arkadievna

Deputy Head of the Federal Accreditation Service

Registers of the Federal Accreditation Service

  1. Register of Certificates of Conformity

  2. Register of Declarations of Conformity

  3. Register of accredited persons (certification bodies, testing laboratories)

  4. Register of experts and expert organizations