Plasticine autumn. Modeling from plasticine on the theme of autumn: younger group, middle group, older group, kindergarten preparatory group. autumn rowan branch

  • 13.11.2019

Irina Parinova

Stages of work:

1. Prepare the necessary materials.

2. Preparing the background (reception "infusion of one color into another") for the earth we mix yellow, orange, green colors plasticine and put on cardboard, smearing it in a thin layer at the bottom of the sheet. surplus plasticine remove with the help of a stack.

3. To create the background of the sky, mix blue and white colors plasticine and apply, smearing it in a thin layer at the top of the sheet. surplus plasticine remove with the help of a stack.

4. Then we start sculpting the trunks trees. From pieces of brown plasticine roll up a thick long "sausage"- barrel tree. Roll out for branches "sausages" thinner.

5. Attaching the stem tree to leaf, flattening it a little, thereby making the trunk wider at the bottom at the base of the trunk. Thus we make several trunks trees and attach them to the sheet, depicting a forest.

6. To the trunk tree attach thin branches.

7. Next, we manufacture "gold decoration" trees - crown. For this we need plasticine yellow and orange colors. Mixing ( "pouring") one color with another we get an unusual color autumn foliage. From plasticine pinch off a small piece of the resulting color and roll it with two fingers (large and index) small balls, then stretching them in the form of a circle, bend the edges inward and get a leaf.

8. We stick leaves to our branches trees.

9. We supplement the work with a flock of flying migratory birds.

10. Work on finished with autumn painting, it remains to place it in a frame.

And, here is a pano manufacturing option « autumn tree» in engineering plasticineography.

PANNO« autumn tree»

Materials and tools:

A sheet of white cardboard;

- plasticine;

Pencil (plain, brown);

board to work with plasticine;

leaflets (factory);

PVA glue;

Paper napkin.

Stages of work.

1. Let's start with a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil tree and horizon lines on a sheet of white cardboard.

2. Then we proceed to lay out the trunk and branches of our tree. To do this, roll up brown thin sausages. We begin to lay out the contours of the trunk and branches.

3. For the image of the bark tree roll up thin flagella and bend them arbitrarily in different directions.

4. We attach our curved flagella to the trunk tree, thereby depicting the bark tree.

5. Using glue, glue on the branches of our tree leaves and create the background of the earth. To do this, mix yellow and orange plasticine, roll up small balls and lay them out at the bottom of the sheet, placing them tightly to each other.

6. To create the background of the sky, mix white and blue plasticine. We roll up small balls and lay them on a sheet, placing them tightly to each other.

7. Finished work panel« autumn tree» put in a frame.

The works will serve as an excellent interior design and children's art exhibitions.


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"Modeling from plasticine of an autumn tree" (5-6 years)

Lesson Objectives:

1. Teach children to sculpt balls, rollers, cakes;

2. To form the ability to compose a composition based on observations;

3. Develop attention and observation;

4. Raise interest in surrounding objects, in changes in the surrounding nature with the change of seasons.

5. Develop fine motor skills and coordination.

Equipment and material.

1. Plasticine.

2. Plastic knives (stacks)

3. Cardboard.

5. Oilcloth.

Preparing for the lesson. The teacher in advance for each workplace puts oilcloth, plasticine, stacks, a sheet of cardboard.

Lesson plan:

1. Observations on the first autumn changes.

2. Repetition of the rules for working with plasticine.

3. Study of the technological map.

4. Independent work.

1. Observations on the first autumn changes

[Educator -Guys, let's go to the window and look at the trees. Look how beautiful the trees are. Why do you think trees are so beautiful?

Children - They have multi-colored leaves: red, yellow, orange and very little green.

caregiver - Why do you guys think?

Children - Fall has come.

caregiver- What seasons do you know?

Children - Autumn winter spring Summer?

Educator- How does a tree change depending on the season?

Children - In winter there is no foliage, in spring green leaves appear on the tree, in summer the tree is green, in autumn the leaves change color and the tree begins to prepare for winter - shed its leaves.

2. Repetition of the rules for working with plasticine.

1. Perform modeling on a backing board, do not put plasticine on a table, desk.

2. Before work, warm up the plasticine well in your hands.

3. Do not throw leftover plasticine on the floor.

4. Store plasticine in a box separately from notebooks and books.

5. After work, dry your hands with a cloth and wash with warm water and soap.

3. Study of the technological map.

3. Physical education. minute.

Exercises for the muscles of the hands.

1) "My family"

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother,

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

But this finger is me,

That's my whole family!

(Alternately bending the fingers, starting with the thumb.)

2) "Cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop,

We salt-salt cabbage,

We three-three cabbage

We are eating cabbage.

(Movement with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the fingertips, rubbing the fist on the fist. Squeeze and unclench the fists.)

3)"Friendly family"

We intertwined our fingers

And pulled out the handles.

Well, now we are from the Earth

Pushing the clouds away."

(The exercise is performed while standing. Children interlace their fingers, stretch their arms forward with their palms forward, and then lift them up and stretch as high as possible.)

Exercise for the spine

The children are at the tables. First they lean to the right side while winking their right eye, then they lean to the left side and wink their left eye.

[i] Eye exercises

1. Sitting at the table, relax and slowly move your eyes from left to right. Then right to left. Repeat 3 times on each side.

2. Slowly look up and down, then vice versa. Promotes the expansion of visual - motor activity.

4. Independent work.

5. Exhibition and analysis of student work.

And here's what we got.

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The evening is an amazing time when the whole family gets together and unsuspecting parents find out that they need to bring autumn crafts to the kindergarten for tomorrow. So that this situation does not take you by surprise, we recommend that you prepare in advance and familiarize yourself with the ideas of children's homemade products.

We have prepared for you a lot of step-by-step and colorful master classes. different levels difficulties. We are sure that you will definitely find something worthwhile for yourself.

Hedgehogs are different

Did you know that the Soviet cartoon "Hedgehog in the Fog" 15 years ago was recognized as the best animated film of all time? See what a difficult animal this hedgehog is. It is definitely worthy of repeated incarnation with the help of various natural materials.

Volumetric hedgehog from seeds and plasticine

A cheerful and thrifty hedgehog, cheerfully carrying mushrooms on its back, can come to visit your apartment in the fall. To do this, you need to stock up on simple natural materials, an hour of free time and involve young assistants in the work.

For co-creation you will need:

  • foil;
  • leg-split;
  • black and brown
  • unpeeled seeds;
  • PVA glue;
  • acorns and leaves for decoration.
Make the base of the hedgehog out of foil. You can immediately tear off a large piece of foil and form a drop-shaped blank from it. Or roll up a separate ball for the calf, a small cone for the spout and connect them together by wrapping them in foil.

Cover the body of the hedgehog with black plasticine, and the muzzle with brown. This crucial stage can be safely entrusted to the child, nothing will be spoiled, and then all the flaws will disappear.

Grease the muzzle with a thin layer of PVA. Moisten the twine with a little glue and tightly, row by row, wrap it around the face, starting from the spout. At this point, you have to stop and let the glue dry. Remember that this must happen naturally. On a battery or when dried with a hairdryer, the plasticine will melt.

The next stage is design. From the seeds you need to make a hedgehog needle. Start work from the head, arrange the rows of seeds in a checkerboard pattern. Stick the "needles" into the plasticine as tightly as possible to each other.

Decorate the muzzle with plasticine eyes and a nose.

Mushrooms are easy to make from acorns by simply covering their hats with brown plasticine. You can attach real leaflets to them if you wish. Using plasticine, attach the fungi to the back of the hedgehog.

Such a handsome man will surely please your child, and will also allow you to enjoy joint creativity.

Hedgehog application from dry leaves

On a walk in the autumn park, did you pick up a beautiful bouquet of yellow leaves? Great, add more glue and cardboard to them - we will make a cute hedgehog.

All you need is to draw an outline. Your kid will be happy to glue the leaves. Just show him how it's done.

You can download the hedgehog template, we offer you 4 options:

Hedgehog application from seeds

Do you like the idea of ​​using seeds for hedgehog needles, but the voluminous craft seems too complicated to implement? We have prepared another simple MK, which features a funny hedgehog, seeds and plasticine.

A little perseverance and you can make a surprisingly cute and simple craft for kindergarten.

paper hedgehog

We bring to your attention another idea that even the kids from the younger group can handle. An original and cute application using autumn leaves will not take you much time. It also comes with a paper cut template to make it even easier for parents.



You have already loaded your head with what else to surprise worldly-wise kindergarten teachers who again and again expect crafts from your child? We offer to amaze their imagination with surprisingly realistic mushrooms from the simplest materials at hand.

For work you will need:

  • cotton wool;
  • water; starch;
  • long nails or thick wire;
  • cardboard;
  • paints and brushes;
  • PVA glue;
  • dry brew or poppy.
To get started, together with your child, select the types of mushrooms that you want to bring to life. Cut out base circles from thick cardboard for their future hats.

Pierce each circle in the middle with a nail. It will serve as the base for the legs. Instead, you can take a thick steel wire. But it’s better not to bother and purchase a dozen or two potential “mushroom legs” at the nearest hardware store.

Now it's time to cook the paste. Boil a liter of water. Stir in a glass of cold water 5 tbsp. with a slide of potato starch. While stirring the boiling water, pour the starch into it in a stream. While stirring, bring the paste to a boil. It is ready to use, it remains only to wait until it cools down to room temperature.

Coat the mushroom blank with a paste. Roll a hat ball out of cotton, dip it in paste and glue it to the hat. Wrap the stem of the mushroom with moistened cotton. Repeat this procedure several times until you get the desired size and shape of the fungus.

Don't forget to wring out excess glue from the cotton! The resulting blanks must be completely dried on a battery or in a warm oven. Already at this stage, the mushrooms are very pretty.

The moment has come creative work- painting. It is she who will turn faded blanks into real ones. autumn mushrooms. You can paint crafts with any paint: acrylic, gouache or watercolor.

Color the hats according to the mushrooms of your choice.

Wait for the paint to dry completely. Cover the end of the leg with a thin layer of PVA and dip it in dry poppy or tea leaves - this will imitate the remnants of the earth.

For extra shine and chic, you can cover the mushroom caps with any colorless varnish.

You can arrange a beautiful basket with mushrooms - your craft will not go unnoticed. And the secret of making realistic mushrooms will long excite the imagination of everyone who was lucky enough to see them.

These hand made beauties are obtained as a result of the efforts made.

Don't have the right basket? No problem! The most beautiful composition using moss, coniferous or dry twigs and real dry leaves can be arranged in a regular cardboard box or on a small stump, or independently.

Fantasize and think outside the box - in kindergarten, and indeed in any other, creativity, this is only welcome.

autumn trees

Has your child already wondered why in autumn the trees change their green attire to a bright yellow-orange decoration? So it's time to satisfy his curiosity, and at the same time craving for creativity.

plasticine tree

We offer you a beautiful and uncomplicated plasticine application that even the youngest naturalists can handle.

For work, prepare colored plasticine and cardboard.

Draw a tree trunk on thick cardboard. Now let the child roll up many thin and long plasticine sausages 2-3 shades of brown.

Glue them along the tree trunk, alternating shades for realism. Fill in the entire contour of the trunk and do not forget about the twigs.

Add some more branches for a lush crown.

Roll out many thin sausages in red, orange and yellow. Roll each sausage into a spiral. You will see, the child will really like this exciting activity.

Glue the spirals on the crown of the tree in random order. Form a tree of the desired size.

Make blades of green plasticine. "Plant" grass near the tree.

Complete the appliqué with falling leaves.

Here is such a man-made beauty we got. A bright frame will make the picture even more expressive.

Application "Tree of confetti"

The original idea of ​​an autumn tree is to decorate it with paper confetti. Check out step by step master class by watching our video. Confetti can be easily and simply cut with a regular hole punch. In this technique, you will quickly be able to grow a whole fantasy forest.

pumpkin seed trees

Have you noticed how pumpkin seed looks like a leaf? And creative personalities not only noticed this, but also used the similarity to create an original application from this natural material.

See our step by step photo MK and be inspired by your own masterpieces.

Unusual trees from cereals

We continue to heat up the degree of creativity. Now, to create crafts, colored cereals will be used. Do you have rice, semolina or millet in stock? Then try to master this method of creating an application.

Or this option:

"Macaroni" tree

The unusual shape and safe composition of various pasta products makes it possible to use them in preschool creativity. Find pasta in the form of bows or leaves and "grow" your own unique tree.

Unusual "button" trees

And if you accidentally have a lot of unnecessary multi-colored buttons lying around at your house, then we know how to use them for a good cause. Try to create a bright panel that will decorate a summer house or nursery. And armed with wire and pliers, you can comprehend the art of button bonsai.


Autumn is harvest time. And even if you didn’t plan to harvest a real crop, surprise everyone with a realistic nylon pumpkin. You can make it as for a children's competition autumn crafts, and just for the soul, and at the same time get acquainted with an interesting technique for making kapron vegetables and fruits.

For work you will need:

  • dyed nylon;
  • filler (foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, even ordinary cotton wool will do);
  • needle and thread;
  • thin wire;
  • a small piece of wire;
  • green teip tape;
  • scissors;
  • brush and paints.
From the selected filler, form a ball the size of a future pumpkin. Cover the ball with yellow nylon folded in 3 layers. Tie the shell with a thread and cut off the excess.

Using a needle, make jumpers with a thread. Make them at the same distance until you go around the entire workpiece in a circle.

From small pieces of thin wire, make round blanks for leaves.

Cover them with green nylon, fix its ends with a thread and cut off the excess. Slightly deform the edges of the leaves, giving them a realistic look. Wrap the ends of the wire with tape.

Wrap a piece of wire with teip tape. Wrap it around the handle and carefully remove the resulting spiral. It turned out a branch-antennae, which we will attach to the pumpkin.

Gather a branch of a pumpkin, gradually connecting the leaves and tendrils with teip tape in random order.

At the top of the pumpkin, fix a piece of wire and wrap it with teip tape. Attach a branch with leaves to the tail.

To achieve realism, tint the depressions with orange. Blot excess moisture with a tissue.

As a result of the efforts made, a wonderful gift of autumn, made by hand, turned out.

Ideas for inspiration

We have prepared for you a photo selection of unusual autumn crafts to motivate you to action. Watch and get inspired to work together.

Spectacular composition of natural materials

Dry twigs and grass, a bunch of viburnum, some smooth pebbles, a pine cone and sand, thanks to fantasy, turn into a cozy rural courtyard with a wooden house under a thatched roof. This craft looks very unusual, and you can get it absolutely free. It is enough just to get out for a walk in the nearest park.

Yellow leaf bird:

Printable bird:

Bouquet of maple leaves

In autumn, fallen golden leaves are just asking for your hands. Walking in the park, it is so easy to collect a whole maple bouquet, but its natural beauty instantly disappears in the apartment. It can be fixed. We will teach you how to make beautiful roses from maple leaves. Such a bouquet will create an atmosphere of autumn comfort in the room and will delight you with its warmth for a long time.

Autumn crafts from twigs and threads

A little imagination - and dry twigs collected on a walk can be turned not only into crafts for the garden, but also into spectacular souvenirs or bright interior decorations.

Simple paper crafts

Unusual autumn leaves can be created with your own hands, and an empty paper bag can be turned into a picturesque tree with a spreading crown.

A few more templates to print:

Just let your imagination run wild and follow the step by step photo instructions.

Autumn application from plasticine "Autumn time". Step-by-step instruction with photo

Author: Baibulatov Ruslan, 8 years old, boarding school for students with disabilities.
Head Matveeva Lyubov Viktorovna, teacher primary school.

Purpose: the master class will be useful for educators preschool institutions, educators of correctional boarding schools, primary school teachers, as well as teachers additional education. The work can be done individually or in pairs.
Target: learn how to make an application "Autumn time" from plasticine.
Educational tasks:
- to continue acquaintance with the technique of application from plasticine;
- development of skills and abilities in working with plasticine and a stack;
- expansion of knowledge about materials and their properties, technologies of use;
- formation of practical skills.
Correctional and developmental tasks:
- correction and development of mental activity in the process of orientation in the task;
- correction and development of fine motor skills of hands and fingers.
Educational tasks:
- education of aesthetic taste, independence, accuracy.
Materials and tools: plasticine, stack, board for plasticine, cardboard, glue.

Lesson progress

You can start a lesson or lesson like this.
- What is the date today?
- What day of the week?
- What season?
- What autumn months do you know?
What signs of autumn do you know?

Let's remember the natural phenomena that occur in autumn:
- In autumn it often rains cold, shallow, drizzling, and the sky is overcast with gray clouds.
- How do you understand the proverb:
Autumn is coming and the rain is coming with it.
- It is often windy in autumn. The wind is weak, strong.
- How do you understand this expression?
A mournful wind drives
I flock to the edge of heaven.
- The color of the sky in autumn also changes, what does it become? (gray).
Leaf fall.
What happens to the leaves in autumn? (In autumn, the trees prepare for winter and shed their leaves. But before that, the leaves turn into amazingly beautiful yellow and red colors. Then the wind sheds the leaves and in the forest, where there are many trees, there is a feeling of rain from yellow leaves).
Who knows what this phenomenon is called? (leaf fall).

Today in the lesson, we will make an application from plasticine "Autumn Time", where we will try to reflect the natural phenomena that occur in autumn: this is a gray sky, and wind, and leaf fall, and rain.
- But first, let's prepare our fingers for work, let's do physical education for a minute "The wind blows in our faces ..."

So, let's begin.
- In order for the work to turn out neat and beautiful, we take coloring.

- Let's repeat the technique of safe work with scissors.
- Cut out a tree with leaves along the contour.

What color is the sky in autumn? (dark, gray, gloomy).
- What do you think, what color cardboard is suitable for work? (violet)
- Glue the cut tree to the cardboard. But first, let's repeat the rules for working with glue.

- Glue well.
- What color is the birch trunk? (white).
- We take a small piece of white plasticine (if necessary, warm it up in our hands) and spread it on the trunk and branches, trying not to go beyond the contour.

- Then we take gray plasticine and smear it over the cloud.

- What color are the leaves in the autumn?
- We make leaves of different colors and press them to the cardboard.

- Add black stripes to the trunk and branches.

- It seemed to us that there were few leaves on the ground and we decided to add. The veins of the leaves were drawn in a stack.
- Now we make raindrops from gray plasticine.

- If you have time and desire, you can add another rain cloud.

- This is the application we got. We wish you creative success!

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