Dramatization of a fairy tale under a mushroom middle group. Dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom" in the middle group material (middle group) on the topic. The course of educational activities

  • 01.04.2020

Tasks: To teach how to act out performances based on familiar fairy tales, using expressive means: intonation, facial expressions, gesture.

Develop an interest in theatrical activities

Suits: ant, hare, sparrow, butterfly, frog caps, jumpsuit and mushroom cap

Scenery: fake trees and mushrooms, tree leaves.

Characters: Host, Mushroom - adult, Butterfly, Frog, Ant, Bunny, Sparrow, Fox - children.

Music sounds.

Leading: In the meadow, along the roads

A white fungus has grown.

He is not a simple mushroom -

He brought us a fairy tale with you.

Music sounds. A mushroom grew in the meadow.

Leading: Autumn. The rain is getting stronger.

Ant hurries to the mushroom.

Ant goes to the Mushroom to the music.

Ant: I'm almost soaking wet.

I'll hide quickly under the fungus!

Leading: He just got up under the fungus

The butterfly goes to the fungus.

Butterfly appears to the music.

Butterfly: Hello good Ant!

Hide me quickly.

I can't fly anymore.

Ant: Well, of course I'll help!

Hide, hide, hurry!

Butterfly and Ant stand together under the Fungus.

Leading: Wet sparrow jumps.

Sparrow: You, friends, let me go.

Sorry, don't run.

I'm completely, completely wet.

You let it go under the fungus.

Ant: And you will find a place.

Butterfly: At least we're a little cramped.

Leading: Three of them. They are too tight.

The Mouse ran to Fungus.

The Mouse runs to the music to the Fungus

Mouse: Let me go under the fungus

I got wet! Help!

Ant: Even though it's tight for the three of us,

We will save you from the rain.

Butterfly: Rain, look, it's getting stronger!

Mouse: Hide, hide, Sparrow!

Music sounds. Bunny appeared in the clearing.

Leading: Who is that in the meadow?

So it's a gray Bunny!


Who is there, who is there under the Fungus?

You save me!

Fox is chasing me

Hide, help!

Ant(referring to the Mouse, Sparrow, Butterfly):

It's a pity for the Hare, he got wet.

All: Hide quickly under the Fungus.

Presenter: And here is the red beauty -

running gossip - Fox.

To the music, the Fox appears in the clearing. She looks around for the Hare.

Fox: Who is standing there under the Fungus

You recognized me?

Answer quickly

Did you miss the hare?

All: Not!

Fox: Better time don't lose

Music sounds.

Leading: The rain is over. And so

Have fun forest people!

All heroes come out from under the Fungus.

The Frog jumps to the Fungus.

Frog: Qua-qua-qua!

How did you fit under it?

Guess what happened?

All: The mushroom has grown!

We thank you

And say "thank you"!

All heroes bow to Fungus.

Mushroom: Don't thank me

Say "thank you" to yourself.

Your friendship saved you

And sheltered from the rain!

All the heroes dance to cheerful music around the Fungus.

Prepared by an educator of the highest qualification
category Shevchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna.
MDOU No. 33 "Forget-me-not" "Kindergarten of a compensating type" of the city of Kaluga.

"Dramatization of the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom"

in the middle group

Program tasks:

1. To teach children to dramatize the simplest fairy tale using table theater: combine movement and text in roles, develop a sense of partnership.

2. Continue to teach the means of expressiveness of speech, the dynamics of replicas in the dialogue.

3. Develop the ability to understand the main idea of ​​a fairy tale, empathize with the characters. To be able to convey the various states and characters of the characters using intonational-figurative speech.

4. To educate a “real spectator” - to be an attentive and benevolent spectator, to show culture - not to leave your seat during the performance, to respond to what is happening on the stage, respond to appeals and thank the artists.

Integration educational areas : "Reading fiction”, “Music”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “ Physical Culture”, “Knowledge”.

Lesson progress:


Children, look what is in my hands?

Children: This is a ball of thread.

Educator: That's right, only this is not a simple ball, but a magical one, it will lead us into a fairy tale. Let's all go together to where the ball will roll. The children follow the teacher, they are met by Luntik.

Luntik: Hello guys! You recognized me?

Children: We found out that you are Luntik.

Luntik: Yes, it's me. You have entered a fairy tale. In the fairy tale, animals, birds, people can talk to each other and live in friendship. Here friendship wins evil magic. And what fairy tales do you know, kids? Children's answers.

Luntik: And how can you get acquainted with a fairy tale? Children's answers: you can read a fairy tale in a book; you can watch a cartoon fairy tale; you can go with your parents to a children's puppet theater; you can listen to a fairy tale told by your mother or grandmother.

Luntik: Come in, do not be shy, settle down under the mushroom. I was at home - on the Moon and brought new fairy tales in my chest. Today we will get acquainted with one of them, but before the fairy tale begins, you must guess its heroes. If you guess correctly, then there is such a hero in the chest.

1. In a clearing near the Christmas trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And it has a million residents. (About ants)

2. Above the flower flutters, dances,

Waving a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

3. Hidden under the floor,

Afraid of cats. (Mouse)

4. Chick, Chirik! Jump to the grains.

Peck, don't be shy.

Who is this? (Sparrow).

5. Long ears, fast paws.

Grey, not a mouse.

Who is it? (Bunny).

6. The tail is fluffy,

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

7. Summer in the swamp

You will find her.

green frog,

Who is it? (Frog)

8. The red cheat hid under the Christmas tree.

The sly one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name? (Fox).

Luntik: All these heroes came from a fairy tale called "Under the Mushroom" by Suteeva.

Educator: Luntik, and we know this fairy tale, we read it.

Luntik: Oh, what a shame, I wanted to tell you so much.

Educator: Don't be upset, Luntik, we will be happy to listen to this tale again.

Luntik: Well, then sit down under our fabulous mushroom, listen to a fairy tale and remember what happened to our heroes.

Expressive storytelling.

Somehow the Ant caught a heavy rain.

Where to hide?

The Ant saw a small fungus in the clearing, ran to it and hid under its hat.

Sitting under a mushroom - waiting for the rain.

And the rain keeps getting stronger and stronger...

A wet butterfly crawls to the mushroom:

Ant, Ant, let me get under the fungus!

I got wet - I can not fly!

Where will I take you? - says the ant.

I somehow fit in here.

Nothing! In crowded but not mad.

The Ant let the Butterfly under the fungus.

And the rain is getting worse...

The mouse runs past:

Let me go under the fungus!

Water flows from me.

Where are we going to take you?

There is no place here.

Move a little!

They made room - they let the Mouse under the fungus.

And the rain keeps pouring and doesn't stop...

Sparrow jumps past the mushroom and cries:

Wet feathers, tired wings!

Let me dry under the fungus, relax, wait out the rain!

There is no place here.

Move over please!

Moved - Sparrow found a place.

And then the Hare jumped out into the clearing, saw a mushroom.

Hide, - shouts, - save!

Lisa is chasing me!

It’s a pity for the Hare, says the Ant.

Let's push some more.

They just hid the Hare - the Fox came running.

Have you seen a rabbit? - asks.

Did not see.

Lisa came closer, sniffed:

Isn't that where he hid?

Where can he hide?

Lisa waved her tail and left.

By that time the rain had passed - the sun came out. Everyone got out from under the mushroom - they rejoice.

The ant thought and said:

How so? Previously, it was crowded for me alone under the mushroom, but now there was a place for all five!

Qua-ha-ha! Qua-ha-ha! someone laughed.

Everyone looked: a Frog sits on a mushroom cap and laughs:

Eh, you! Mushroom something...

She didn't say it and ran away.

Everyone looked at the mushroom and then guessed why at first it was crowded under the mushroom for one, and then there was a place for five.

Did you guess?

Luntik: Did you guess why at first it was crowded under the mushroom, and then everyone found a place?

Children: Under the rain, the mushroom grew and became large.

Luntik: Yes, it was raining heavily, the fungus grew up, became large, and there was enough space for all the animals under it.

Luntik: What heroes of the fairy tale do you remember?

Who first came to the fungus?

Children: I remember how the ant was the first to come to the fungus.

Luntik: Who came to the mushroom later?

Children: Then came the butterfly.

Luntik: Who can ask for a fungus, like a butterfly? What is the voice of the butterfly?

Child: Plaintive, thin.

Luntik: What words did the butterfly say?

Child: Ant, Ant, let me get under the fungus! I got wet - I can not fly!

Luntik: Who came later?

Child: Then the mouse came.

Luntik: Who can ask for a fungus, like a mouse? What is the voice of the mouse?

Luntik: What words does the mouse say?

Child: Let me go under the fungus! Water flows from me.

Luntik: Who came later?

Child: Then the sparrow came.

Luntik: Who can ask for a fungus like a sparrow? With what voice does a sparrow speak?

Child: He cries and plaintively says: The feathers are wet, the wings are tired! Let me dry under the fungus, rest, wait out the rain!

Children: Then the hare came.

Luntik: Who can ask for a fungus like a hare? What does the hare say?

Child: The hare is screaming, he is frightened, afraid of the fox.

Luntik: What is the hare screaming?

Child: Hide, save! Lisa is chasing me!

Luntik: Who came after the sparrow?

Children: Then the fox came.

Luntik: Who can ask about a hare, like a fox?

Child: Have you seen a hare? Isn't that where he hid?

Luntik: What was the frog doing near the mushroom? What did she say? Who remembers?

Children: She laughed and said: Kwa-ha-ha! Qua-ha-ha! Oh, you ... And a mushroom ...

Luntik: Who did you like the most? Why?

Children: - I liked the ant the most. Because he is kind, he let everyone under the mushroom. - I also liked the ant, he felt sorry for everyone.

Luntik: It seems that in our fairy tale it also starts to rain. How sad!

Educator: How can we cheer Luntik? And let's play!

The game is called Rain.

Game "Rain"

Evil cloud got angry

And a light rain fell.

Drop - one, drop - two

Very slowly at first.

And then, and then

All run, run, run!

Rain, rain, we must go home!

Thunder, thunder, like from cannons

Today is a holiday for frogs.

A rain cloud sends

And the water flows like a wall.

Where can you hide from the rain?

Luntik is waiting for us under the mushroom.

The sun came out from behind the clouds

We will stretch our hands to the sun.

Shaking the head from side to side, "shaking your finger."

Slow rhythmic tapping of the finger on the palms.

Running in a circle with acceleration.

Walking in place.

Bang fist on fist.

Circle jumping.

Hands in front of you, palms up and down

Shrug, look around. Raise your hands up, depict a mushroom cap above your head.

Raise your hands up, spread apart.

Luntik: Well, the rain has ended in our Fairyland. Oh, children, what do I see, our fairy-tale heroes are bored, they want us to play with them and tell a fairy tale about them. Want to?

Luntik: Then let's distribute the roles, and we will play a fairy tale in a table theater.

Luntik: Children, who will play the role of an ant in a fairy tale?

Luntik: What actions will you perform for the ant?

Child: I will run fast so that the rain does not soak me.

Luntik: Children, who will play the role of a butterfly in a fairy tale?

Luntik: And what actions will you perform for a butterfly?

Child: I will crawl under the fungus.

Luntik: Children, who will play the role of a mouse in a fairy tale?

Luntik: And what actions will you perform with the mouse?

Child: I will run.

Luntik: Who will play the role of a sparrow in a fairy tale?

Luntik: What will you do for a sparrow in a fairy tale?

Child: I will jump and cry.

Luntik: Who will play the role of a hare in a fairy tale?

Luntik: And what actions will you perform for a hare?

Child: I will jump fast.

Luntik: Who will play the role of a fox in a fairy tale?

Luntik: What are you going to do, fox?

Child: I’ll come closer, sniff and ask: Have you seen the hare? Isn't that where he hid?

Luntik: Who wants to play the role of a frog?

Luntik: What does a frog do in a fairy tale?

Child: She was sitting on a mushroom, and then she rode away.

Luntik: I will start telling a fairy tale, and you continue.

Fairy tale dramatization.

Luntik: Well done, guys, good fairy tale said, I really liked it! And you?

Help me collect fairytale heroes in a magic box.

Children add theatrical attributes.

Educator: Guys, it's time for us to say goodbye to the fairy tale and return to Kindergarten. Try to tell this story to your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, younger brothers and sisters at home.

Educator: Luntik, goodbye, it's time for us to return.

Luntik: Come visit the fairy tale again, I will be glad to see you. And I will definitely tell a new fairy tale.

Holiday scenarios for children in kindergarten

The script for the play for children based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the Mushroom"

Malaya Victoria Aleksandrovna, head of MDOU No. 81, Krasnoyarsk

Hall decoration: forest, rain music sounds. There is a mushroom in the middle. An ant enters the scene

Ant: The rain got me on my way

I need to find a roof.

Paws are already wet

I will think about a halt.

The ant approaches the mushroom.

Ant: I'll hide here under a mushroom

Warm up and wash off.

A butterfly flies past a mushroom.

Butterfly: Sweet, sweet ant.

You have pity on me.

My wings are wet

I'm not flying, look.

Ant: Yes, where do you stand here.

I have nowhere to stand.

Butterfly: I won't take up much space.

Ant: OK. Come in. Accept.

A mouse runs past the fungus.

Mouse: Can I hide here with you?

There is nowhere for me to hide from the rain.

Ant: There is no place here. You do see.

Mouse: In crowded but not mad.

Butterfly: Okay, hide quickly.

Well, don't be afraid, be brave.

A sparrow flies by, sits on a branch.

Sparrow: I'm all cold and tired.

Butterfly: Like it fell off the branch.

Mouse: Can we let go, ant?

Butterfly: Have pity on the sparrow.

Mouse: We'll move up a little.

Let this little one dry.

Ant: Sparrow come quickly

Here you will be warm.

A hare runs past the mushroom. Frightened hides behind a tree.

Hare: Help! There is a fox!

I need somewhere to hide!

Ant: I feel sorry for the hare.

Butterfly: There is enough space for all of us.

Mouse: Hide to us soon, oblique

Let's deal with the fox.

The fox fits.

Fox: Have you seen a hare here?

Ant: No. After all, you ran after him.

Fox (goes around the mushroom): Maybe they hid it?

Mouse: There is not enough space without him.

Fox: Ugh. Ran off with a scythe again

I'm hungry again to sleep.

The fox leaves. Butterfly comes out from under the mushroom.

Butterfly: Look, there is no rain

Come out, friends!

Friends dance

Ant: How did we get enough space?

One was tight.

A frog (doll) appears

Frog: Kwa, look at the mushroom.

He grew up, and you are afraid.

The frog is hiding.

Ant: The fungus really got bigger.

Butterfly: He brought us all together.

Mouse: We will be friends now.

Hare: Let's live in a world of friendship.

Ant: When friendship comes

All heroes: Close together does not happen!

Friends song.

Game - dramatization based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Under the mushroom" (middle group).

Target: to teach children to dramatize a fairy tale, imitating the movements of animals, to develop expressiveness of speech, to determine the most friendly episodes, to evaluate the actions of heroes. To give children the opportunity to improve colloquial dramatic speech, to display emotional relationships in speech - it sounds, sometimes joyfully, sometimes sadly, sometimes pitifully, depending on the situation in which the characters are. Educate in children friendly relations, moral qualities(kindness, sympathy, politeness) to develop social and communicative qualities.

Vocabulary work: enrich speech with definition words (bold, kind, fast, nimble, nimble), replenish vocabulary (rain pours, wait out the rain, fit in, water flows in a stream, in cramped conditions, but not offended).

Preliminary work: bring a fairy tale book to the book corner

V. Suteeva "under the mushroom", examining illustrations, getting to know the content, modeling and application "Large and small mushroom".

Material: elements of costumes, models of a large and small mushroom, an audio recording with rain playback.

The system of gradual introduction of dramatization elements:

BUT) Acquaintance with the content of the tale;

B) Content Conversation;

AT) How does the fairy tale begin?

G) Who do you like the most in the story?

D) Why good Ant? (put everyone under the mushroom and hid from the rain?).

E) What was Lisa like? (cunning).

Yo) What can you say about Butterfly? (wet, defenseless).

AND) What Bunny? (small, coward).

H) What are Mouse and Sparrow? (fast, nimble).

AND) And what can you say about the Frog, what is she like? (cheerful, quick).

TO) Why was it crowded for one Ant under the mushroom at first, and then there was a place for five of them? Guess!

L) What words end the story?

M) What is this fairy tale? (interesting, kind).

Playing roles:

- educator (leader and mushroom);








2. Telling a fairy tale using a flannelgraph and figures (to help children remember the plot and its sequence, to show speech activity).

3. Role retelling of the story.

4. Theatrical game - dramatization: Let's play a fairy tale and visit it together (we distribute roles).

Educator (leader):

One day the Ant caught a heavy rain. Where to hide? The Ant saw a small fungus in the clearing, ran to it and hid under its hat. He sits under a fungus - the rain is waiting, and the rain is getting stronger and stronger. A wet Butterfly crawls towards the fungus: Ant, Ant, let me under the fungus! I got wet - I can not fly!

Ant: Where am I going to let you in - I'm the only one here who fits like a glue. Nothing, in tight quarters, but not offended.

Educator: let the Ant Butterfly under the fungus, and the rain is even stronger ... The Mouse runs past.

Mouse: Let me go under the fungus, water flows from me in a stream.

Ant: Where are we going to take you? There is no place here.

Mouse: Move a little!

Educator: They made room - they let the Mouse under the fungus, and the rain keeps pouring and does not stop ...

A sparrow jumps past the mushroom and cries.

Sparrow: My feathers are wet, my wings are tired. Let me dry under the fungus, rest, wait out the rain.

Ant: There is no place here!

Sparrow: Move over please!

Ant: OK.

Educator: Moved - Sparrow found a place. And then the Hare jumped out into the clearing, saw a mushroom.

Hare: Hide - save! Lisa is chasing me!

Ant: It's a pity for the Hare, let's make some more room.

Educator: Lisa came closer and sniffed.

Fox: Isn't that where he hid?

Ant: Where is he to hide?

Educator: The fox waved its tail and left. By then the rain had passed and the sun was out. Everyone got out from under the mushroom and rejoice. (Song with movements). The rain, the rain stopped, the sun shone, everyone became cheerful in the clearing. The ant thought and said: How is it? Previously, it was crowded for me alone under the mushroom, but now there was a place for all five!

Frog: Qua-ha-ha! Qua-ha-ha!

Educator: Everyone saw that a frog was sitting on a mushroom hat and laughing.

Frog: Oh you! Mushroom - then ... I didn’t finish it and galloped off.

Educator: Everyone looked at the mushroom and then guessed why at first it was crowded under the mushroom for one, and then there was a place for five. Did you guess?

Game exercise "Circle of Friendship" (to the musical accompaniment "How beautiful this world is")

Compiled and conducted by the educator first qualification category Yu.O. Karpekin. Novosibirsk MKDOUd\s 430.

Summary of theatrical activities

in the middle group

Topic: “Staging of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the mushroom””

Target: Development of creative abilities by means of theatrical activities.


1. Introduce children to a new kind of theater - glove. Teaching children to act

the simplest fairy tale using glove theater; combine in the role of movement and text,

develop a sense of partnership;

2. Continue to develop the ability of children to build a line of behavior in a role using

glove doll; continue to teach children to use adjectives in speech.

3. Repeat colors with children, continue to develop fine motor skills, artistic

abilities in children.

4. Develop the ability to understand the main idea of ​​a fairy tale, empathize with the characters.

5. Cultivate friendships.

Integration of educational areas : "Social and communicative development", " cognitive development», « Speech development”, “Physical culture”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

vocabulary work : new word "Glove" (theatre);

preliminary work : reading and playing fairy tales by V. Suteev, acquaintance with types of theaters, games with theaters.

material support .

    Balls of thread for each child;

    Glove theater of the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom";

    Baskets (for balls and surprise)

    Flowers - seat cushions for children;

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction

Educator: Hello guys! Come all here. Let us greet our guests and give them our smiles and good mood. Guys, today we will go on a magical journey through the Fairytale Land. And our first stop is a wonderful meadow, near which we ended up. Look at the clearing someone is sitting. Who is it?

Children: cat

caregiver: Quite right, only it seems to me that the cat is sad. Let us find out what happened to the cat, while you sit down on wonderful flowers, and I will ask the cat what happened to him.

(While the children are seated in flowers, I pretend to listen to the cat)

Educator: Guys, the cat said that he loves to play with balls of thread, but while he was playing, the threads unraveled and got tangled and now it is very inconvenient to play with balls. Let's guys help the cat and roll the balls for him? (Give out balls to children and take one ball for yourself). To wind the ball, we need to take the ball in one hand, and with the other hand we wind the thread around the ball. Happened? Well done!

Tell me, what color are your balls? Let's call what color the balls are in turn and after we say what color the ball is, we put it in a basket, we only say in full answer, I will start:

I have a white ball. And you, …….? (They put the balls in the basket)

Educator: Look, guys, our cat is cheered up and thanks us for the help. Well, it's time for us to go further on a journey through the Fairytale Land, now we will go over the bumps in the swamp, step carefully and do not rush, otherwise you can get into a swampy swamp and stay there for a long time. (Go over the bumps and go to the forest hut).

caregiver: Oh, guys, the hut is standing. Who? Who? Does he live in a hut? (knock, mouse peeks out)

mouse: Hello guys!

Children: Hello. I imperceptibly take the Mouse in my hands

2. Main body

Educator: What item of clothing does the Mouse - a toy look like? (mittens or gloves). Correctly. If we put a mitten mouse on our hand, then our Mouse will come to life. Look here (I put a toy on my hand and play a little with children and a mouse. Our Mouse came to us from the theater and such a theater is called Glove. Why do you think the theater was named that way? (children's answers)

caregiver: That's right, because the puppets in this theater come to life only when they are put on the hand, like a mitten or a glove. (Quietly return the mouse to the house)

caregiver: What other theaters do you know? The mouse will show you pictures, and you name them. Position yourself so that you can see both the Mouse and the TV screen. (Finger, flannelgraph, desktop, shadow theater). What fairy tales are you familiar with?

Answers children.

Educator: How can you get acquainted with a fairy tale?


Guys, do you like to solve riddles? (Yes) . Now I will check how you guess the riddles, if you guess the riddle correctly, the guess-answer will appear on the screen.

1. In a clearing near the Christmas trees

The house is built from needles.

He is not visible behind the grass,

And it has a million residents. (About ants)

2. Above the flower flutters, dances,

Waving a patterned fan. (Butterfly)

3. Hidden under the floor,

Afraid of cats. (Mouse)

4. Chick, Chirik! Jump to the grains.

Peck, don't be shy.

Who is this? (Sparrow).

5. Long ears, fast paws.

Grey, not a mouse.

Who is it? (Bunny).

6. The tail is fluffy,

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

7. Summer in the swamp

You will find her.

green frog,

Who is it? (Frog)

Educator: Guys, you did an excellent job with riddles, but what do you think, from which fairy tale did all these heroes come to us? We have a hint on the screen, take a look.

Children: All these characters came from a fairy tale called "Under the Mushroom" by Vladimir Suteev.

Educator: Mouse, and we know this fairy tale, we read it.

Mouse: Oh, what a shame, I wanted to tell you so much. It talks so well about the rain.

Educator: Guys, let's play a little with you and tell the Mouse about the rain.

FizminutkaThe game is called Rain.

Evil cloud got angry

And a light rain fell.

Drop - one, drop - two

Very slowly at first.

And then, and then

All run, run, run!

Rain, rain, we must go home!

Thunder, thunder, like from cannons

Today is a holiday for frogs.

A rain cloud sends

And the water flows like a wall.

Where can you hide from the rain?

The Mouse is waiting for us under the mushroom.

The sun came out from behind the clouds

We will stretch our hands to the sun.

Shaking the head from side to side, "shaking your finger."

Slow rhythmic tapping of the finger on the palms.

Running in a circle with acceleration.

Walking in place.

Bang fist on fist.

Circle jumping.

Hands in front of you, palms up and down

Shrug, look around. Raise your hands up, depict a mushroom cap above your head.

Raise your hands up, spread apart.

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful clearing is waiting for you and me, and the fungus is growing on it. Come in, do not be shy, settle down under the mushroom. I have prepared for you a magic chest in which fairy tales are hidden, and today we will tell and show you, Mouse, and you, dear guests, one of them.

3. Staging a fairy tale.

The children were waiting for the story

The children called the fairy tale to visit,

The fairy tale has already arrived

The story is waiting for you kids.

(I distribute glove puppets.)

Somehow the Ant caught a heavy rain.

Where to hide?

The Ant saw a small fungus in the clearing, ran to it and hid under its hat.

Sitting under a mushroom - waiting for the rain.

And the rain keeps getting stronger and stronger...

A wet butterfly crawls to the mushroom:

Ant, Ant, let me get under the fungus!

I got wet - I can not fly!

Where will I take you? - says the ant.

I somehow fit in here.

Nothing! In crowded but not mad.

The Ant let the Butterfly under the fungus.

And the rain is getting worse...

The mouse runs past:

Let me go under the fungus!

Water flows from me.

Where are we going to take you?

There is no place here.

Move a little!

They made room - they let the Mouse under the fungus.

And the rain keeps pouring and doesn't stop...

Sparrow jumps past the mushroom and cries:

Wet feathers, tired wings!

Let me dry under the fungus, relax, wait out the rain!

There is no place here.

Move over please!

Moved - Sparrow found a place.

And then the Hare jumped out into the clearing, saw a mushroom.

Hide, - shouts, - save!

Lisa is chasing me!

It’s a pity for the Hare, says the Ant.

Let's push some more.

They just hid the Hare - the Fox came running.

Have you seen a rabbit? - asks.

Did not see.

Lisa came closer, sniffed:

Isn't that where he hid?

Where can he hide?

Lisa waved her tail and left.

By that time the rain had passed - the sun came out. Everyone got out from under the mushroom - they rejoice.

The ant thought and said:

How so? Previously, it was crowded for me alone under the mushroom, but now there was a place for all five!

Qua-ha-ha! Qua-ha-ha! someone laughed.

Everyone looked: a Frog sits on a mushroom cap and laughs:

Eh, you! Mushroom something...

She didn't say it and ran away.

Everyone looked at the mushroom and then guessed why at first it was crowded under the mushroom for one, and then there was a place for five.

Did you guess?

Did you guess why at first it was crowded under the mushroom for one, and then there was a place for everyone?

Children: Under the rain, the mushroom grew and became large.

The guys were artists,

And you guys showed a fairy tale.

Artists, audience - everyone was good,

Let's pat each other heartily.

Mouse: Well done guys, they told a good story, I really liked it!

4. Reflection


    What did you like about our lesson?

    And you ….?

    And what did you like the most?

    Who did we meet in Fairytaleland?

    And how did we help the cat in the flower meadow?

    Who else did you meet in Fairytaleland?

    And from which theater did the Mouse come to us?

    What other theaters do we know?

Well done. Guys, it's time for us to say goodbye to the fairy tale and return to kindergarten. Try to tell this story to your mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, younger brothers and sisters at home.

Mouse: What a pity ... So that you remember me, I prepared a surprise for you. Come visit the fairy tale, I will be glad to see you. And be sure to tell a new story. (I distribute treats and coloring books for the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom” on behalf of the Mouse to the children

Educator: Let's guys say goodbye to Mouse and our guests and wave to them.


theatrical lessons

“Staging of the fairy tale by V. Suteev “Under the mushroom”

As a means to motivate children to play activities, I used a glove toy Mouse and a toy Kitten. This allowed me not only to arouse interest in the upcoming activity, but also to maintain it throughout the lesson. Game techniques not only entertained children, but provided emotional activity and at the same time helped to achieve developmental and educational results of activity.

She used problem situations: she turned to the children with a request to help Kotik with glomeruli and determined what color they were. I used information and communication technologies, which made it possible to most fully convey the emotional state of the character to the children. Use of visibility, including modern (the answers to the riddles appeared on the screen, the views of the theaters too). Thoughtful placement of equipment, its diversity, change of activities - all this maintained interest and prevented fatigue, developed communication skills.

For a better assimilation of the program material, I thought over the design and attributes for the game, arranging them most conveniently for children. This is a meadow of flowers, bumps in the swamp, the Mouse's house, a clearing with a mushroom;

Children constantly moved in the space of the room;

For the development of figurative thinking and imagination, musical accompaniment was used: entering the hall, moving around the room was accompanied by music and amused the children, helped to create a relaxed, trusting atmosphere; The structure of the lesson included several blocks of tasks, namely:

Introductory part, where we helped Kotik with balls;

The main part, where we got acquainted with a new kind of theater;

    Fairy tale staging, where we showed a fairy tale;

    Final part (Reflection).

The following methods were used in the course:

Verbal methods have been used repeatedly:

When creating a game motivation "Magic Journey to Fairyland";

Conversation with children and a story about the new theater.

Visual methods were used in the next moment: showing photographs of theater views, riddles. This method was aimed at children who perceive information with the help of visual analyzers.

Practical methods: winding balls of thread, dramatizing a fairy tale

A method for evaluating the actions of other children.

At the lesson, stimulation methods were also used, the result was summed up after each part of the lesson, in the form of approval, praise.

Techniques Used

To attract and focus the attention of children, the technique "Musical accompaniment" was used (fragments of melodies were played);

Reception of ensuring emotionality, interest of children: the use of characters, requests to children “smile at each other”, “thank with applause”;

Reception of activation of independent thinking of children: creation of problem situations.

Individual assistance was provided only to children in need.

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes, which corresponds to the norms of San Pina.

Analyzing the lesson, we can say that the tasks

were successfully completed as they were appropriate for the age of the children:

Children got acquainted with a new type of puppet theater for them,

Learned how to control glove puppets,

Learned to interact with each other.

Today we have seen that a child from a "subject (carrier) of spontaneous activity" turns into a subject of activity, purposefully realizing his creative activity in the form of theatrical activity.

I think that the lesson is built logically, and the stages of the lesson are interconnected.

The logical construction of the lesson made it possible to conduct it without going beyond the time allotted for the task.

I think that the game motivation aroused interest among children and the activity was quite high.

The lesson created a relaxed, trusting atmosphere;

The children pleased me with the fact that the kindness of the child's soul was reflected in their answers in communicating with the Toy Mouse, as with a living being.

The children happily immersed themselves in the game with dolls: (even the boys played their roles with pleasure)

The game situation I created forced them to work closely together.

The use of visibility, thoughtful placement of equipment and its diversity, changing activities, all this increased the attention of children, maintained interest and prevented fatigue, and developed communication skills.

Along with the positives, there are also disadvantages.

Due to psychological characteristics, not all children were able to fully open up for communication. Perhaps, in order to find the treasured key to the hearts of these children, it would take a little more time.

More actively encourage children to interact with each other, speech accompaniment of their activities.

Pay attention to summarizing children's answers.

Stimulate external and internal activity for the formation of new knowledge.

In general, I want to note that the lesson was a success, the tasks were completed, as evidenced by the completion of the final task.

According to the reflection of the children at the end of the lesson, it was revealed that the children liked the lesson, they have a desire to play puppet theater in the future.

The Chinese people have a saying: “Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me try and I will understand.” The technology of this activity was based on this.