Representation of the team at the competition traffic rules business card. "In order to live without knowing grief, to run, jump and play. We all must always and everywhere observe the rules of the movement." And look through all the signs

  • 13.11.2019

Hello friends!

Hi people!

who lives in the Motyginsky district!

The current issue is

Road traffic!

And she demands a lot of respect for herself!

Welcome to the team of young inspectors traffic Razdolinsky school "Wand"

(Show signs with letters)

F- The desire to master the rules of the road is huge!

E - We have perseverance and desire!

Z - We know that it is necessary!

L - People, follow the rules of the road.

Our motto: "Appreciate every moment of your life"

Big cities, cars, motorcycles, scooters.

The 21st century is raging on Earth,

And you're in a hurry somewhere forever, man.

Every day we rush, not noticing the dangers around us.

Life is picking up speed, and you do not have enough time to look around.

And around rushes transport, and on the roads there are accidents every day.

But to prevent the danger of traffic, not so much is needed:

You need to know and follow the rules of the road.

And the valiant employees of the state traffic inspectorate and their young assistants will help you in this matter - the team of the secondary school in the village of Razdolinsk "Rod"

We bear the proud name of UID,

We live in harmony with the law.

There are many rules of the road in the world.

It would not hurt us to learn all of them,

But the main of the rules of motion

Know how the multiplication table should:

Do not play on the pavement, do not ride

All: If you want to stay healthy.

And we want, and we want to say

That it's better not to play on the road

Play football and run in the yard

Warning (whistle) only in the yard

All. And you know that...

the first attempts to create a cart that would move by itself were made two centuries ago.

And the first rules of the road were created in 1812.

And the first Soviet car was produced in 1924.

All. And you know that...

And the traffic police assistants are a detachment of young traffic inspectors, created in 1973.

Did you know that the first traffic light appeared on December 10, 1861 in London. The traffic light was controlled manually and had two semaphore arrows. Raised horizontally meant the signal "Stop"

Ah……… “move with care”

Modern traffic lights are the crown of scientific progress. They ensure traffic safety and maintain order on the road.

But on one condition:

All road users obey his signals.

A traffic light winked at me:
- Come on, child!
So what's the controversy here?
The light is on - green!
Boldly I go, friends,
Straight across the stripes.
And the cars are all
Here at the crossroads!
The yellow traffic light blinked
Cars screeched!
I stepped onto the sidewalk
Tires rustled.
Red for pedestrians
So, stop
Do not run, since there is no way,
Even if dexterous.

To avoid accidents.
must be strictly observed
Traffic rules
And norms of behavior.

And don't think wrong. That the road is not dangerous.
Learn little by little how to cross the road.

Dear road users! Remember that following the instructions of the traffic light, as well as the reaction to the traffic controller's baton, is very important, because your health and your life depend on it!

Therefore, the motto of the pedestrian is "Pedestrians, all to the crossings!" in modern world heavy traffic plays an important role.

Remember that you need to cross the carriageway in a strictly designated place for this - at a pedestrian crossing.

If the zebra is on the ground,

then orders you:

Look at the familiar sign

Feel free to walk across the road.

This type of pedestrian crossing is called ground, because. it is located on the ground.

And if the steps call us all down,

then you do not be stubborn, go down to the ground.

Walk safely - all vehicles are at the top,

After all, you, a pedestrian, now you're down.

This type of pedestrian crossing is called an underpass. It is the safest for pedestrians.

And here, above the earth, people walk here,

And the transport under the bridge scurries peacefully.

Not at all dangerous, there will be no trouble.

All transport and you live peacefully here.

It's overground crosswalk- an example of the peaceful existence of transport and pedestrians.

Dear pedestrians! Give preference to a safe road crossing, because you have one life. Why ruin her?

Let black and white stripes be the key to safe movement for both drivers and pedestrians.

And also an appeal to two-wheeled drivers:

Gotta drive carefully

everything is possible on the road.

Also wear a helmet

And ride without problems!

are being rebuilt...

Holidays coming soon, hooray!

Let the kids rest!

Hurry, hurry on Fresh air!

But so as not to overshadow the rest,

Students should remember

What danger awaits on the road!

Reminds me of red light

All: Traffic rules have no holidays!

Children: 1. Remember! There are so many difficulties on the roads!

2. Remember! There are thousands of cars on the roads!

3. Remember! There are many crossroads on the roads!

All: Remember - these rules are needed!

4. So that you live in peace - without troubles and without worries,

You learn the rules of traffic by heart.

5. Good luck! And be smarter.

By car or on foot

Respect each other people

To not be sad later.

6. Every time you go out on the road

Remember the rules and follow them!

After all, the driver is a friend of the pedestrian

So it was, so it is and so it will be.

All: You know!

It is very difficult to avoid an accident on the road.

Take your hands and feet, study traffic rules

Tell the world, take it home

Sing this song with us today

It's not fun, it's not a game, it's time to learn the rules of the road

Chorus: observe traffic rules,

observe everything without exception

Observe throughout Russia

Comply done in UID

Comply done in UID

Conduct form entertaining and educational competitive program

Target: reinforce the learned rules of the road with students and their parents.


  • cognitive aspect- reinforce the learned rules of the road, road signs, disassemble traffic situations and the rules for providing first aid to the injured on the road;
  • developmental aspect- develop the ability to compare, analyze, enrich the active vocabulary, expand vocabulary through the assimilation of new words, develop auditory and visual attention;
  • educational aspect- cultivate an attentive, kind attitude towards each other, positive emotions, a sense of humor, interest in life around, curiosity.

Expected result: preservation of life and health of schoolchildren and their parents on the carriageway.

Decor: team emblems, task cards, road signs; winners medals.

Equipment: presentation on the rules of the road (Appendix 2); the film “First Aid to the Victims of an Accident”, fragments of a recording of the statements of first-graders “From School Life”; phonograms of the songs “Our service is both dangerous and difficult”, “Chatushki”, “The Bremen Town Musicians”; screen, projector, computer.

Members: 4th grade students and their parents (three teams of 6 people each), YID "Chance", school health worker, propaganda team "Bright Future"

Fans: other students, teachers and parents of the 4th grade.

Jury: 3 traffic police officers.

Preliminary preparation: study the groups into which road signs are divided, their designation and installation locations.

Plan of entertainment and educational competition program

I. Introduction (dramatization)

II. Main part

1. Presentation of the jury.

2. Competition " Business card».

3. Contest "Plug in a traffic light".

4. Competition "Connoisseurs of road signs."

5. Competition "Solve the crossword puzzle."

6. A moment of laughter "From school life."

7. Competition "Traffic situation".

8. Competition fans.

9. Competition "Design a corner according to traffic rules."

10. Performance of ditties.

III. Final part

1. Speech by YID "Chance".

2. Summing up. Rewarding.

The course of the entertainment and educational competitive program

Music sounds, Distracted runs out into the hall, grabs his head and runs away. 3 participants of UID "Chance" come out

1 participant UID "Chance"

Collect your thoughts!
Be patient!
Listen and watch carefully!
Everything you see...
Everything you hear...
Be sure to tell everyone!

With traffic accidents people come to grips!

Music, runs out Absent-minded.




Hello kids and adults!


What happened to me!
At the crossroads of two roads
The car nearly ran over
I barely dragged my feet!
He looks into the room and thinks.
Bologoe or Kakhovka?
Again I didn't get it!
Where did I end up?
My name is Distracted,
There is not a day without adventures:
I confuse everything, I lose
I always forget...
Ah, my bitter fate!
Well, tell me, where am I?

2 participant UID "Chance"

You came to school with us, Absent-minded.


What are you doing here?

3 participant UID "Chance"

Together with the children and their parents, we will repeat the rules of pedestrians and traffic.


Traffic rules? Wonderful! I have this too, you know, a mess! The traffic rules must be treated with respect, But they don’t respect me: this one is like his car ..., car ..., fountain pen ?! No, automatic. Also not that. Motor transport. Right, right?

1 participant UID "Chance"

Vehicles! Oh, you are so distracted!

Why doesn't the motor vehicle respect you?


I'm walking along the road, and they rush back and forth, Well, cars, that is.

2 participant UID "Chance"

Cars drive on their own side of the street, and you have to walk on yours.


I know cars drive on the new side of the street! Correctly?

3 participant UID "Chance"

Not arriving, but the roadway. This means that cars pass through it! Understood?


Then where should I go? Completely confused me.

1 participant UID "Chance"

Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk!


By tortoise?! Something I didn’t see that cakes were set on the street, but how can you walk on cakes, you will smear your legs with cream!


On the sidewalk!


Ah, on the sidewalk!

2 participant UID "Chance"

And the street must be crossed at a pedestrian crossing!


Transition? This is where the pawn moves, or what?

I am not a pawn, but a person, though absent-minded.

3 participant UID "Chance"

1 participant UID "Chance"

A pawn walks on a chessboard, and a person walking on foot is called a pedestrian.

But do you know, Absent-minded, how to walk on the sidewalk, or drive, so as not to collide with oncoming traffic?


And I have this left - the right is also eternal confusion. Two arms, two legs, how to figure it out?

2 participant UID "Chance"

Walk and ride, you need to stick to the right side. You have to overtake on the left.

We need to strictly observe the order,

And we can't deviate from these rules!


So! On the roadway, I no longer have a foot - well, her.

Realizing it.

And if you need to go to the other side of the street, how do you get there? What about by air? After all, cars are moving, aren't they?

Participants of the UID "Chance" take out cards with the image of a traffic light (Appendix 1)

And what are these strange circles: red, yellow, green? It must be beautiful outside, right?


It's a traffic light.


You should probably say "flower".

1 participant UID "Chance"

No, a traffic light, because it gives light - signals to cars and pedestrians.

If the light is green, you go.

If the red light is on, don't go.

If the yellow lights up - wait.


So I only have to walk when the traffic light is green?

You have told me so much, I need time to remember everything.

Do the children and their parents know this?

2 participant UID "Chance"

We will check this now. And you sit and see what they know.


I agree.

Absent-minded sit down in the auditorium.

1 participant UID "Chance"

Today, three teams will compete in our hall: team 4 a of the Zebra class, team 4 b of the Traffic Light class, team 4 c of the Traffic Experts class.

2 participant UID "Chance"

At each stage, the teams will have to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities in traffic rules.

3 participant UID "Chance"

Their performance is evaluated by a competent jury from the traffic police. Jury presentation.

2 participant UID "Chance"

The results will be reflected in evaluation sheets (applications)

Now let's get to know the teams.

Competition "Business Card"

1 participant UID "Chance"

Now each team will present its business card - this will be the first competition called "Business Card".

Team 4 a class

Our Zebra Team

“The zebra is called the transition,
To move forward.
Skip all the cars and -
Bon Voyage"

Team 4 b class

Our traffic light team

"Follow the simple law:
The red light is on - stop!
Yellow flashed - wait!
And the green light - go!

Team 4 in class

Our Team of Traffic Experts

“Learn the rules of the road yourself,

And teach others these rules.”

The jury sums up the results of the first competition.

Contest "Plug in a traffic light"

Quiet music plays.

2 participant UID "Chance"

From the headquarters of the traffic police received a message about the failure of traffic lights. Your task is to connect traffic lights, i.e. to make pedestrian and traffic lights from disparate parts (applications). This competition is won by the team that correctly compiled the traffic light.

The jury sums up the results of the second competition.

Competition "Connoisseurs of road signs"

3 participant UID "Chance"

Now we will check how you know road signs! First, let's see the presentation "Road Rules for Parents and Their Children", which will help us remember what road signs are.

1 participant UID "Chance"

And now we will ask you riddles, and you must say: what is the name of the road sign, to which group of signs it belongs and in what places it is installed.

Let's warm up

2 participant "Chance"

I want to ask about the sign.
The sign is drawn like this:
Guys in the triangle
They are running with all their might.
My friend says:
“That means the path is closed.
There are athletes ahead
With numbers on the chest.
On the road - relay race:
The kids need to run somewhere."
But I'm afraid, however,

The sign has a different meaning.

What does this sign mean?

3 participant "UID Chance"

And now task for the first team:

My friend Lyapkin Yakov-
Golden head!
And the language of road signs
For him, like two and two.
We walked home from school
We see - a sign over the pavement:
Circle, inside - a bicycle.
There is nothing else.
A friend thought a little
And he said: "The answer is one -
The sign reads: the road leads
Directly to the bike shop.
A hundred cars sparkle with varnish
Chose, knocked out a check at the box office ... "
I argued: “There behind the sign,
Probably a cycle track
The path on the track is like a ring.
Wind racers in the face.
Even on a bike
The road to victory is very long."
"Oh, connoisseur!" - And a friend with a laugh
Showed me the flyer.
I read: "The circus has arrived
Cycling on the wall!
- You know, - Yakov told me, -
The wall there is round like a sign!
Yes, friends, in terms of signs,
He really is an artist!
What does this sign mean?

1 participant UID "Chance"

Task for the second team:

What kind of sign is this
It rose steeply above the river,
And from the cliff down into the abyss,
The car is jumping.
She wanted to dive
Take a dip, freshen up
And relax on the beach.
How not to get dusty on the way?
"All cars need to be washed, -
The sign to the drivers says -
So wash yourself, the way is open.”
Confirm if it is?
I am looking forward to an answer.

2 participant UID "Chance"

Task for the third team:

Cars rush at full speed,
And suddenly towards the sign:
It has a fence on it!
I rub my eyes, I look at point-blank range: “The highway is closed for constipation ?!
No, something is wrong here.
Fences to build on the way
Who will come to mind?
And how do not twist the steering wheel,
There is no detour here!”
Mystery? Very well!
I found the answer right away:
The artist decided to joke
The sign says what to do
Slow down all cars
And ... climb over the fence.
Perhaps the sign has a different meaning.
But who can tell me which one?

The team with the correct knowledge wins.

Competition "Solve the crossword puzzle"

3 participant UID "Chance"

Every self-respecting person should be erudite in the knowledge of traffic rules. In this competition we will test your knowledge and erudition. The task is as follows: to perform an operatively encrypted task, i.e., on command, answer the questions of the crossword puzzle.

Crossword questions for I team(applications):
1. Helps to establish traffic order and ensure the safety of the driver and pedestrian.
2. A vehicle moving vertically inside a large house.
3. The place where the vehicle is temporarily parked.
4. A device for opening and closing the track at railway crossings.
5. Marking a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light.

Answers: 1. Markup. 2. Elevator. 3. Parking. 4. Barrier. 5. Zebra.

Crossword questions for II team(applications):
1. Bicycle with a motor.
2. A section of the road where the paths of vehicles and pedestrians intersect.
3. A device for heating the cab of a car.
4. Road accident.
5. Paved road.

Answers: 1. Moped. 2. Crossroads. 3. Stove. 4. Accident. 5. Highway.

Crossword questions for III team(Appendix):
1. Road user.
2. "Conductor's baton" of the traffic controller.
3. Road for high-speed car traffic.
4. Change of direction of movement.
5. Side part, edge of the road.

Answers: 1. Pedestrian. 2. Rod. 3. Freeway. 4. Turn. 5. Curb.

While the teams are preparing, we have - a minute of laughter "From school life".

Displaying on the screen with the help of a projector fragments of the recording of the statements of first-graders.

1. Serezha is studying road signs. His teacher asks:

What does the sign with a knife and fork mean?

You can't eat while driving! There may be an accident.

2. - When the bus broke down, I walked on my dad's back!

3. The first time, when he saw a fire truck, Seryozha was very surprised:

Why is it so similar to tomato juice?

4. The son went with his father in a car, and then told his friends at school:

First, dad overtook all the cars, and then some man in uniform on a motorcycle caught up with us. He stopped us and wrote out a prescription for dad, like I did in the hospital.

5. Once in class, the teacher asked Seryozha:

Please understand the sentence: "Dad went to the garage."

And he answered:

Dad - an offer, left - a predicate, in the garage - an excuse.

6. The garage and the townspeople are consonant words, and therefore Seryozha determined:

We are not citizens, but tenants. After all, we do not live in a garage, but in an apartment.

Competition "Traffic situation"

1 participant UID "Chance"

The next contest is called "Traffic Situation". Now we will distribute the envelopes with the task to the teams. The task of the team is to understand the traffic situation within 1 minute and make the right decision.

2 participant UID "Chance"

Situation for the first team(applications)

You forgot to buy bread, and there are a few minutes left before the store closes. Having jumped out into the street, you try to block the lack of time with the speed of your legs. Here is the intersection, the green light is on. The car turns on the left, but you are already on the road, a collision is inevitable. What should have been done?

3 participant UID "Chance"

Situation for the second team(applications)
You are about to cross the road, you see - a car is approaching, but it is still far away and is moving slowly. You are clearly doing well. Is it possible to transfer?

1 participant UID "Chance"

Situation for the third team(applications)

It was getting dark. A bus was driving down the street of the city, returning to the park. Because of the bushes that separated the sidewalk from the road, a soccer ball flew out onto the roadway, and a boy of eight years old jumped out behind him. Forgetting about everything in the world, he ran across the path of a bus rushing at high speed. The boy thought only of his ball. Another moment - the child will be under the wheels of a heavy car. The driver understood this. Wasting no time, he threw the bus to the side with one turn of the steering wheel in order to somehow soften the blow. But still, there was an attack.
What was the boy supposed to know in such a situation?

Guess the riddles

2 participant UID "Chance"

1. Where a new house is being built,
a warrior walks with a shield,
where it will pass, it will become smooth,
there will be a level playing field (bulldozer)

3 participant UID "Chance"

2. Miracle janitor in front of us
With raking hands
Grabbed in one minute
Huge snowdrift (snow plow)

1 participant UID "Chance"

3. Here is an iron, so an iron!
Ah, how huge!
He passed - the road suddenly
Became smooth and even (rink)

2 participant UID "Chance"

4. I only keep on the go,
And if I get up, I fall (bike)

3 participant UID "Chance"

5. I will turn with a long neck -
I will pick up a heavy load.
Where they order - I will put
I serve the man (crane)

1 participant UID "Chance"

6. A thread stretches, winding among the fields,
Forest, copses
Without end and end.
Don't break it
Not to roll into a ball (road)

Summing up the results of the competition.

The film "Providing first aid in case of road accidents"

1 participant UID "Chance"

If a traffic accident occurs or a person becomes ill, you must be able to provide first aid. medical care. Now you will watch a film with comments from our health worker on how to do it right.

Watching a film with the comments of a health worker.

3 participant UID "Chance"

Thank you for a meaningful presentation.

Competition "Design a corner according to traffic rules"

1 participant UID "Chance"

It's time for the last competition of our program, which is called "Make a corner according to traffic rules." The task of adult team members is to develop memos on the topics:

"Moving on the sidewalk" for the first team (applications),

"Ride on the bus" for the second team (applications),

"Crossing the roadway" for the third team (applications).

And the junior team members should draw pictures on these topics.

2 participant UID "Chance"

In the meantime, the teams are preparing, the participants of the UID "Chance" will perform ditties for you according to the rules of the road.

Participants of UID "Chance"

1. Put your ears on top of your head, listen carefully.
We will sing ditties to you very wonderfully.

2. We are funny guys and we sing here today
About the problems on the roads and about the traffic police service.

3. Oh, Vanya! Oh, you, Vanya, look at the traffic light,
You, Vanya, got it all mixed up and ran a red light.

4. It is necessary to obey, no doubt, the instructions of the traffic light,
It is necessary to follow the traffic rules without objection!

5. To all who have been given wheels, pass on our advice,
Let us first be asked if we can go or not.

6. How the driver does not slow down, but the car keeps slipping,
On wheels, like on skis - closer, closer, closer.

7. There is an opportunity for salvation, the best brake is caution,
Save your life, don't run in front of the car!

8. When going out, prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint, and most importantly - attention!

Registration of corners according to the rules of the road. Competition evaluation.

1 participant UID "Chance"

So our competition program has come to an end. While the jury is summing up the overall results, we will watch the performance of our Bright Future propaganda team. She will present to your attention a fairy tale: "The Princess-Nesmeyana in a new way."

The music of a fairy tale sounds. Nesmeyana sits at the throne and cries.


The king is walking, the crown is on his side, his knee is bandaged, he is lame.

Well, are you crying?

Well, are you crying?

Well, crashed the car,

I somehow know how to ride it.

I'm used to riding in a carriage, everyone gives way.

Okay, at least he's still alive (corrects crown).


I told you, learn the rules of the road!


What other rules

Am I king or not? (corrects crown).

Well, don't cry, I'll buy you a new car.

And my leg hurts, it hurt a lot, probably.

Okay, at least not the head (touches, adjusts the crown).

Do not Cry.


I want a car, cool-tu-yu. Wu-u-u-u.


Can you drive yourself? .

Do you want me to buy you a license? BUT?


No, I want you to buy me a traffic police inspector.


(surprised) Why?!


I want to get married! Ah-ah-ah-ah.


Well, you screwed up!

Two traffic police inspectors appear.

The king hides behind the throne, but looks out.

sing a song


Our service is both dangerous and difficult,
She controls the movement
If someone behind the steering wheel is dashing
It rushes that there is urine,
This means that he will have to pay a large fine.
Service day and night!

The king comes out with his head down.


1. Dear king, we have one law for all.

2. Pay the fine.


jumps up briskly

Oh, how interesting!

What are those drawings?

1 inspector

These are not drawings, but traffic signs.

2 inspector

This sign means "Crosswalk" (applications)

1 inspector

The second sign prohibits cycling and is called "No cycling" (applications).

2 inspector

The third sign states that only bicycles and mopeds are allowed here. It's called "Bicycle Path" (applications).

1 inspector

Fourth sign - prohibition sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited" (applications).

2 inspector

Sign five - information sign "Elevated pedestrian crossing" (applications).

1 inspector

And this sign of special regulations "Bus and (or) trolley bus stop" (applications).


And what is multi-colored. Some circles: red, yellow, green? (Attachment 1)

1 inspector

This is a traffic light.

It gives light, signals to cars and pedestrians.

2 inspector

If the light is green, you go!

1 inspector

If the red light is on, don't go!

2 inspector

If the yellow lights up - wait.



Here you go! Did you see him while driving?


I saw, but did not understand why he was blinking at me, winking. Now it is clear.

Let's open a school of road sciences in our kingdom.

Let's ask them, because they fined me.


That's right, you need to learn the rules, and then ride. What if you ran into someone?


Yes yes you are right (corrects crown). And let everyone in the kingdom learn the rules of the road! (stomps his good foot.)

Am I king or not?


(to inspectors) Do you agree to teach us the rules of the road?



Final song.

There is nothing better in the world
Than friends wander around the world.
For those who know the rules of the road
No injury or anxiety
There is no risk of injury or anxiety.
Learning the multiplication table
Don't forget about traffic rules.
If the signs warn us
So they protect us.
So they protect us.


I do not want to get married.

I want to become a traffic police inspector.


Well, you won't please.

You have become quite an adult.

Summing up the results of competitions. Winner's reward ceremony

And now the jury is given the floor to announce the final results.


The jury decided to recognize particularly distinguished parents. In the nomination "Creative Personality" the winner is _____________, the diploma for the victory in the nomination "Organizer of our victories" is awarded to ____________________, the "People's Choice Award" is awarded to _________.


Thanks a lot. Now I also know some rules of the road. And in order to find out more, I’ll go to the kingdom to the Princess-Nesmeyana to study in the school of road sciences. Goodbye.



Distracted leaves.

1 participant UID "Chance"

Dear parents and children! In all countries of the world, people try never to violate the rules of the road, because the correct behavior on the roads is an indicator of human culture.

2 participant UID "Chance"

We wish you all safe roads.

3 participant UID "Chance"

Be educated.

See you soon!


1. Rules of the road for children. Nadezhdina V.P. - M .: AST, 2006.

2. The basics of safety in the city for children and parents. Petrov V. V. - M .: Harvest, 2007.

3. Rules and traffic safety. Zhulnev N. Ya. - M .: Bustard, 2008.

4. Safe street. Cheerful lessons. Shalaeva G. A. - M .: Slovo, 2007.

5. computer program. Traffic rules for the whole family. –M. : Novy Disk LLC, 2009.

Business card according to traffic rules "All ways are open to us"


young man
Young woman
Road worker
2 "Traffic lights"
Members of the propaganda team

Phonogram of the song "Unsuccessful date".

A young man comes out with flowers, waits for a girl, looks out for her.
The Girl comes out, sees the Boy, he also notices her. They wave to each other - as if across the road.
A road worker appears and prevents them from crossing: he turns a “zebra” on the road - a pedestrian crossing.
“Traffic lights” appear, with a “turned on” red light. Switch the light to yellow, then to green.
The Boy and the Girl are trying to rush to each other, but then the “agitation team” comes out on the “zebra”, pushing the Boy and the Girl to the “sidewalks”.

The soundtrack is quieter.

Read in order:
Our school is in a busy place,
She stands in plain sight.
Big trails are crowded
Surrounded on both sides.
We will show you the way
How to cross the road.
Traffic light nearby.
Two hundred meters ... Maybe a hundred ...

Going on the road in the morning
Don't forget about him.
Before you go
Look left, look right.
Assess the situation.
Only then move on.

Yes, do you remember? I don't go
If not green light!
If you pressed the button
Don't aim for the road.
A green signal
Be sure to wait!
Even if there are no cars close,
Don't run red lights!!!

Dear aunt,
Well, where are you going?
Here the path to the "zebra" is short":
Thirty meters ... Maybe forty ...

Look at this sign:
It's not just worth it.

Crosswalk sign

Don't yawn on the road
And don't forget the sign!

Going is not easy
Busy intersection.
And not in vain here for a long time
A traffic light has been installed.

Now remember strictly
What, crossing the road,
Always be careful
That will prolong your years!

Soundtrack of the song "I'm walking around Moscow."

Sing: So that everything in the world is good,
So that trouble does not come to your house,
So that every day, as a friend, comes to you,
Today and always.
So that the pedestrian is friends with the driver,
To keep the traffic light on
With the law of the streets, everyone to be friends,
With the law of the streets, everyone to be friends
And I didn't dare break it.
Let's learn the rules
Let's always remember them.
After all, the rules for us for all -
fun game.
We will study the signs while playing,
Tell everyone around
That only the one who learned the rules
That only the one who learned the rules -
For us, a reliable friend.

1 reader: Who dashes so dashingly along the road?
Like a flying carpet across the sky?

No overtaking sign

Or don't know what's wrong
Rushing without seeing a sharp turn?

"Several turns" sign

2 reader: In life - not in a fairy tale - you can’t make mistakes,
And yes, you can't break the law.
So let's, friends, figure it out
What do we need to know on the road?

3 reader: The signs that you see along the road,
Not to turn your head.
And in order to follow them strictly,
They will help you and me.

1 reader: This one warns of speed.

Speed ​​limit sign

2 reader: This - travel prohibits the yard.

No entry sign

3 reader: This one is that planes fly here.

Low flying aircraft sign

4 reader: This one is like a traffic light next to it.
We need to know all this,
To walk the streets safely.
So as not to be afraid of the roads at all,
Rules must be read and taught.

1 reader: We boldly go through life, because we are young! All roads are open to us, all paths! We look forward and only forward!

Girl: We can do anything!
Reach for the stars, reach for your dreams
resist the strongest winds.

Youth: Choose your path!
It is in our hands!
After all, we are young
and we choose life!

The Boy and Girl finally throw themselves into each other's arms.

Phonogram of the song "Turn"

Sing: We gave ourselves a word
Don't deviate from the straight path
But that's how it's meant to be:
We leave the gate
It's full of twists and turns!
May the path be good.
Here's a new turn and the engine roars
What does he bring us?
Fall or rise
Omut or ford?
And you won't understand
Until you turn the corner
A new turn, and the engine roars.

Until you turn, until you turn.

The soundtrack is quieter.

1 reader: We, the team of grade 9b of school No. 385, urge all of you to follow the rules on the road!

2 reader: Because the road is always moving forward!
Movement towards the goal! Movement towards each other!

3 reader: And let the roads become our best friends!

3 reader: Guys, let's live together?

Phonogram louder

Sing: Here's a new turn, and the engine roars,
What does he bring us? Fall or rise
Omut or ford? And you won't understand
Until you turn the corner...

Musical arrangement:
Phonograms of songs
"Unsuccessful Date", music. A. Tsfasman,
"I'm walking around Moscow", music. A. Petrova,
"Turn", music. A. Kutikova.

props used.
"Zebra" - pedestrian crossing, 2 traffic lights, Road signs, Flowers.

Welcome altered song on the topic of traffic rules
(performed to the backing track "Yeralash")

Girls and boys
Also their parents
road stories
Don't you want to see?
Curious stories
The magazine will show ours.
Attention attention!
Road "Yeralash".

Greeting verses of the host (traffic police officer)

For everyone who loves to walk
Everyone without exception
Need to remember, need to know
Traffic rules.

Introductory poems by the traffic police leader (traffic police officer)

So that children live safely in the city,
Adult rules composed -
Where is it safe to play, walk,
Where to ride a bike.
So as not to be considered ignorant,
Let's learn these rules.

Introductory rhymes about road signs

There are important signs
Road signs
They are on guard!
You know the rules and follow them
And let the signs to help you hurry!
There are a lot of them on earth
And without them the road is dead
Going on a long journey
Don't forget these signs!

Greetings from the "Drivers" team at KVN according to traffic rules

We ride, we ride
And we won't give up
And in difficult competitions
Let's fight today.
We are only victories
Today we want
We believe, we are friends
We will win!

Poems for the host of the traffic rules competition

It's good that everyone is together today
We'll have a slow conversation
About the rules of the road and moving,
And remember what a traffic light is.

Name: Development of material for the competition "Road Matanya"
Nomination: School, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, competitive events, Music (Singing) (class 5-7); 5th grade

Position: music teacher
Place of work: MBOU secondary school No. 75
Location: Voronezh city, Voronezh region

Material for the competition on traffic rules "Road Matanya"

Preparatory stage.

A team of 8-9 people is determined. The children prepare in advance the costumes of the main characters (Baba Yaga, traffic police inspector and props (brooms, steering wheels, traffic lights, road signs). The team’s business card is learned. Roles are assigned and then ditties are learned to the melody of ditties of Babok Yozhek from the cartoon "Flying Ship".

Team business card

We are glad to meet you.

In a cozy, warm room.
You are greeted by a team of students high school № … KLAXON. Let's get acquainted!
(Participants read their line and turn their backs to the audience, on which road signs are attached with the first letters drawn inside, as a result, the name of the team is obtained).
1 TO when the traffic light flashes,
2. L our beloved green light,
3. A the car is moving down the road
4. K like a whirlwind that has no barriers!
5. C look the driver on the road:
6. About five brings the pedestrian,
7 . H safety, road safety

All: We know the rules creates.

And we are now standing on the stage here for a reason,

After all, we are all good friends with the traffic police!

1 reader. One, two - together in step!

All. The kids are out on the road!

2 dude. Three, four - do not yawn!

All. We are starting Matanya! (Then line up.)

Chastushki for the competition "ROAD MATANIA"

Stretch the fur, harmonica ...

Eh, let's play it up:

Sing, Matanya, grandmother Yozhka,

Sing, don't talk!

Grandma Yozhki:

We changed the panicles

On iron, on horses:

"Tell us, my dear, the truth,

How can we drive faster!


You look to the left

And then to the right

Otherwise, the inspector will find

I'm in control of you!

Grandma Yozhki:

What kind of idol is this?

Idol in 3-eyes?

We never

Have never seen.


Well, women, a traffic light

Everyone knows him.

To people and machines

Helps a lot!

Grandma Yozhki:

There is a hut in the distance

How would we turn to her

Lots of signs on the road

How to choose the right path?


There are many different signs

These signs need to be known

To rule on the road

Never break!

Grandma Yozhki:

Stretch the fur, harmonica ...

Eh, let's play it up:

Sing, Matanya, Babka Yozhka,

Sing, don't talk!

Grandma Yozhki:

We don't need to tell

We know what's what

After all, where do we want to go?

We won't tell anyone!

Grandma Yozhki:

How can I see this sign?

I explain things like this:

If I turn left -

I will definitely accept my death!


These signs are on the way

Don't miss anything.

They have one concern

Forbid everyone to turn.

Grandma Yozhki:

We will fly like an arrow

And look at all the signs.

On the road something at times

Appeared to us.

(At this moment, a pedestrian crosses the road with a phone in his hands, not looking at the road ...)


You, grandma, do not rush,

Keep your speed normal

And then all the pedestrians

They will be alive and well!

To avoid accidents

must be strictly observed

Traffic rules

And norms of behavior.

Stretch the accordion fur,

Eh, let's roll.

Sing road Matanya,

You go finish.

14. Here you do not load a horse,

Don't park, don't slow down.

This sign tells everyone:

“The one who is standing here is wrong!

15. What kind of animal is this?

Both horned and big?

I'm already afraid of him

I'll stop soon.

16. Roam here in the middle of the road

Moose, wolves, rhinos.

You, our knight, do not rush,

Let the hedgehogs pass first!

19. Let there be no more troubles,

Sadness and anxiety.

Let the green light burn

On your road!

20. To avoid accidents.

must be strictly observed

Traffic rules

And norms of behavior.

21. Make the right choice,

Choose a path

you according to the rules

Road traffic!

22. So that at every intersection

Quicker to think

Driving rules from childhood

We all need to study!

6. Look at this sign -

It doesn't just hang.

He scares drivers:

No cars allowed!