Topics for entertainment evenings in the senior group. An evening of entertainment in the senior group “A holiday for toys. Children all together

  • 13.11.2019

Program content:

  • Strengthen children's knowledge of fairy tales.
  • Correctly evaluate the actions of heroes.
  • To form ideas about justice, kindness, friendship, courage.
  • To develop the creative manifestations of children, expressively convey game images ( sly Fox, proud rooster, etc.).
  • Evoke an emotional response from children.

Event progress

On stage, the silhouette of a fairytale forest. A storyteller appears in her hands big Book with the inscription "Tales".

Vasilisa. Hello guys!

Hello dear guests!

I am the storyteller Vasilisa,

Invited you to remember

Old tales and listen to new ones.

Today we are visiting fairy tales,

There is a swarm in the book of fairy tales,

This is where my friends live with me.

All the characters in every story

They love songs, games, dances.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale knocks on the door

Tell the guest to come in.

(The sad Masha enters)

Storyteller. Hello Masha, why are you so sad?

Masha. Aunt Vasilisa, brother Ivanushka disappeared. Wherever I just did not look for him in the forest, and in the garden, and went to Baba Yaga herself, he is nowhere to be found. Has Ivanushka got into trouble, what kind?

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, grieve. I will help you.

Here I give you a pen

After all, it is magical.

The feather will shine

Open doors to fairy tales.

Masha, your brother must have gotten lost in some fairy tale.

Look, what a big book with fairy tales. The kid will only knock on the children's book "Knock-knock-knock" and now you look, the pages will come to life. Wave, Masha, a magic feather and it will take you to any fairy tale.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

My dear brother, find yourself!

(Masha leaves).

The storyteller opens the book:

Grandma kneaded not a bun, not a pancake.

I took out of the oven neither a pie nor kalachi,

As I put it on the table

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Who runs without legs?

It's a round bun! (shows an illustration)

What fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Kolobok.

(Gingerbread Man, Wolf, Hare, Bear, Fox come out of the book, go in a circle, Gingerbread Man sings)

Kolobok. I'm sweeping the box, sweeping the barn.

I have a ruddy side, who am I, children - (kolobok).

Game "Kolobok".

Masha. Kolobok, have you seen my brother Ivanushka?

Kolobok. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Masha, a new fairy tale start.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. I wonder what fairy tale Masha's pen has now transferred to?

(Three little pigs run out to the music)

1 Piglet. We know a lot about songs, dances,

We are not afraid of the gray wolf.

We are three funny brothers

And our name is ...... (pigs)

Storyteller. Children, what fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Three piglets

2 Piglet. We are three funny brothers

We love to run and play

We invite you guys

Dancing together.

The song "Starting Krakowiak"

Masha. Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, have you seen my brother?

(the pigs answer that they have not seen and leave)

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Mashenka, wave your feather.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

(The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds in the recording)

Little Red Riding Hood. And here I left the picture, I carry the gifts in a basket,

Butter pot, yes a delicious pie.

Storyteller. Children, who is this girl and from what fairy tale?

Children. Little Red Riding Hood. (Sits down to the children. A howl of a wolf is heard).

Wolf. Where is she? Where is she? It must be here somewhere. My lunch will be delicious. Have you met her?

Children. No.

(Looks for her, finds her, drags her by the hand to the middle.)

Storyteller. Shame on you wolf!

Little ones began to be offended.

Isn't it a shame

They don't want to play with you.

Would you come to us as a guest,

Let us into the house both in the rain and in the cold.

This is very good,

If everyone plays together.

Enough, wolf, you growl,

Invite everyone to dance.

Dance "Polka". (Wolf dances with Little Red Riding Hood in the center)

Masha. Tell me, please, have you seen my brother?

Wolf. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Don't be discouraged, Mashenka, let's look some more.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. Cockerel with spurs

His tail is patterned.

This tale is about

Like a rooster saved by a cat. What kind of children is this fairy tale?

(cockerel runs out)

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko.

There is a fox nearby.

What should I do, that's the problem.

Hide me somewhere.

Storyteller. Don't be sad cockerel

Get into the bag quickly.

And don't be afraid, be brave

We will reconcile you with her.

(hides in bag)

Fox. Oh, it smells like cock in here!

Now we are hiring offal.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,

Where are you, little friend?

I brought for you

Both peas and wheat.

Rooster. You fox, don't rush

You find me first.

Fox. Here's a bag!

Maybe it has a rooster in it.

(Rooster jumps out, runs)

Rooster. Kitty, brother, help me out!

Cat. What's the noise, what's going on?

Who is screaming, who is being caught here?

Rooster. It's me, your cock

Help me out buddy!

Cat. You see, Petya, how many times

I gave you orders.

You didn't listen and ran away

And got into trouble again.

I'll save you this time

And I'll ask the fox:

"Be kind and kind

Let go of the rooster."

Fox. I agree to be

I will live peacefully with you.

Storyteller. Children, so that they never quarrel, let's sing a song to them.

Song about Friendship

(Mashenka asks about Ivanushka. The cat replies that he has not seen)

Masha. What to do, Aunt Vasilisa? This was the last story.

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, cry, there is one more sheet left in my book. Look who's pictured here.

Masha. Yes, this is my Ivanushka. Where are you brother?

Ivanushka. I'm here, Mashenka, visiting the guys in kindergarten.

Storyteller. So our journey to the "Land of fairy tales" ended. And now it's time for me. Goodbye kids!

Masha. Wait, wait! Thank you, Aunt Vasilisa, for your kindness. And now I invite you all to the table, I treat you with pies. Ruddy pies with butter, sour cream.

Evening of entertainment "Fair" in senior group

Cspruce: Expand children's ideas about the fair of their native land, introduce them to folk art and Russian folklore.


Enrich children's knowledge about Russians folk traditions;

Develop musical, dance, singing abilities of children;

Introduce children to various genres of oral folk art: songs, round dances, dances, folk games;

Encourage children to actively participate in dramatizations;

To involve children in creative self-expression, free communication with peers;

To cultivate respect for the past of their people, love for their native land.

The decoration is the facade of the house with a window decorated with painted shutters. To the right is a tree, a birch stump, a fence, sunflowers behind the fence, a rooster on the fence. Music sounds, the sun begins to rise on the central wall (the music is “In the damp forest of the path”).


The night has passed

Darkly led away

The cricket fell silent

Cockerel crowed.

(The cockerel screams “ku-ka-re-ku” and flaps its wings. The music sounds “Oh, I got up early”).

Leading: Mom came out

Opened the shutters.

(Mommy comes out of the house, opens the shutters, pushes the curtains. Children run out to the playground to the music of the chorus from different sides).

Leading: The cockerel sang, the sun came out, say hello to himneed to.

Children: Sunshine, hello!

(The child walks around the hall, raising his hands up, the hand is clenched into a fist, the big one is bent, and speaks loudly).

Child: Who will play interesting game, and in which I will not say? All children gather around the driver).

Children: The sun is rising, the game is on!

(They unhook their hands at once, disperse in two, as if inventing a game ... The driver claps his hands twice, quickly everyone stands in a circle).

Game "Hide and Seek"

Driver: This is how our children live in the Urals. The Urals is a land of fabulous riches of the earth and wonderful craftsmen, a land of beautiful and unique nature.

I take it all in my heart

Love your land forever.

But the main strength of the Urals is V

marvelous art of work.

There are many cities in the Urals, both large and small. They have been famous since ancient times for their fairs, where various goods were sold. People from distant villages, villages, cities came to fun fairs, and fairs were always fun, a lot of jokes, laughter, music. We also have a fair today.

(Sellers take out trays with goods. A child runs out - a buffoon).

buffoon: Come to us people!

Today we have a lot of interesting things waiting for us: funny dances, jokes, games, songs, jokes.

(Children approach the trays, examine the goods. Someone buys something and puts it in the basket).

Vendors shout: Buy toys from me: drums, rattles, balls and ducks, pipes.

1st child: Scarves, wreaths, bright flowers, tambourines, balalaikas. Well, take it apart!

2nd child: Silk shawls embroidered by ourselves - multi-colored border, bright fringe, beads, ribbons, brooches, painted spoons.

3rd child: Cups, saucers - never beat!

4th child:

Cheesecakes and cookies, different treats!

5th child:

Gingerbread and donuts, pies, gingerbread

From the heat, from the heat, a piglet for a couple!

6th child:

Come to the samovar, drink hot tea, eat a hot pie, don't be shy my friend!

Leading A: Okay, interesting at the fair. And it's true, what's not here, and the song sings about it.

Dramatization of the song "Where was Ivanushka"

A girl with a yoke comes out.

Leading: And you,beautiful girl, tell us what you bought, brag about your purchase.

Girl : I'm coming from the fair, look what I'm bringing: here are the rocker armspainted buckets!

Round dance "Went young for water"

buffoon: Fair! Fair! Have fun people!

You see a good fellow is going to the fair.

Music "Pedlars" dancing, the peddler enters.

Peddler : I havefull - the box is full,

I go to peddlers.

Come soul - beauty,

I will distribute all goods.

I have sensible goods, come and have fun.

I take payment not with money, but with the smiles of children.

Hello good fellows!

Hello red girls!

Everyone's faces are cheerful, open, so my goods do not stale.

Leading: Still need to see what kind of goods you have. You are a smart guy, but you invite without looking back. Well, show me what you can boast of?

(The peddler takes out a lace handkerchief from the box).

Peddler: A round dance of white snowflakes is the work of skilled hands.

Wonderful lace is knitted in the Urals by craftsmen.

Presenter: Well, thank you! Is it possible to be beautiful without a marvelous Ural shawl (takes a scarf), thin, delicate, transparent and the pattern is so successful.

Dance with a lace scarf.

Peddler : Come, come, beautiful girls, I will give you a handkerchief (to the girls) Ural (takes out handkerchiefs). Well, choose which ones?

1st girl: Peddler, handkerchiefs, please,

So that everything is floral with a border.

2nd girl: With red flowers.

3rd girl: Blue bud.

4- ah girl: With green leaves.

The peddler brings handkerchiefs.

(4 more girls come up). Well, we need different scarves, so that the ornament is like this: red berries and carved leaves!

Peddler (sings):

There are Russians everywhere: Marusya, Tanya, Gali.

Everyone loves these fabrics and wears them everywhere.

And even abroad marvels at scarves,

And our craftswomen are famous for their work.

Girls sing:

Like a field above a river, earthly flowers are eternal

Everything is intertwined in patterns, they smile at us from scarves. Eh!

Dance with scarves.

1st girl: ( approaches the peddler): Peddler, do you have an embroidered towel?

Peddler: (gives her a towel)

The needlewoman of the Urals embroidered a towel,

I decided to surprise everyone - to depict a rooster!

Girl (takes a towel, admires):

From the towel Petya looks like an important person

And besides, the head with the royal crown.

The tail spread like a fan, he fascinated us all.

2nd girl: Well, I would like to buy a spinning wheel. Do you have a spinning wheel, peddler?!

Peddler ( gives a spinning wheel):

Yes! Is it possible for us to leave the Uralochka without a spinning wheel?

And it is not for nothing that the beautiful spinning wheel is famous. With roses, patterns -

pleasing to the eye!

3rd girl: With a song, conversations, I will spin a thread for you.

The boy comes up, takes the barrel in his hands:

And the barrel is just amazing!

Where did he come from?

Peddler: He has a Ural residence permit.

Or rather, he is Turin.

The boy admires: varnished, beautiful.

And flowers of incomparable beauty grow on it.

Peddler: I brought different toys from different places:

And Dymkovo, and Khokhloma, and Gorodets.

Whoever guesses the toy gets it!

The game "Recognize the toy by design"

Child seller: And I have painted silk handkerchiefs.There are voiced balalaikas. If you start playing, your legs will dance on their own! Does anybody want?

Leading: Of course there are.

See both girls and boys

They are already coming to you, handkerchiefs, balalaikas

Now they will!

Boy : Balalaika, balalaika, play more fun!

Girls: We will wave handkerchiefs and dance a cheerful dance!

Dance with balalaikas and handkerchiefs.

Peddler: Well, well done! How they dance!

Leading: I want the music to ring.

Well, get down to business.

Mischievous harmonicas will sing,

And with them painted spoons.

And besides, ours, the Urals.

Do you have these?

Peddler : And the spoons and tambourines are all there - take it apart!

Children take apart musical instruments.

Child : (holding a spoon painted with Ural-Siberian painting:

Look at such wonderful painted spoons!

To a petal a petal, it turns out a flower!

And along the edge, the pattern gently pleases our eyes!

Presenter: The master will take it and the spoon will play.

The orchestra performs the Russian folk melody "Polyanka". A girl with spoons in her hands runs out into the middle of the hall.

Girl: Hey, I'll stomp my foot, but I'll stomp another

Cheerful we will be with spoons!

Spoon dance.

Leading: Wow, people from all over the country came to our fair.

They brought their products from Turinsk, from Tagil.

Here Tagil trays (picks up and shows).

Well, beauty! And you know how?

The game "Decorate the tray and boards with Ural-Siberian painting."

( A buffoon runs into the middle of the hall)

buffoon: Holidays, free time. Laughter heals even the sick. After our holiday, it will be much easier to work. Today at the fair for you fun and games. And here is the carousel!

host :( brings out the carousel):

Don't yawn, rather run.

Skip Tanya too.

Stronger, Dunechka, hold on,

Come on, carousel, spin.

Carousel ride. A guide child comes out with a bear.

Guide: Make way for the honest people, the bear is coming with me. He knows a lot of fun. There will be a joke, there will be laughter! (Before us is a learned bear. The bear knows how to dance and sing. Sing to us, the bear! Gives the bear an accordion, the bear plays, silently opening its mouth.

Guide: It hurts bad you sing. Do you hear?

- No!

Guide: Sing, bear, louder.

The bear begins to roar loudly, the guide steps back from him, waving him off. Then he takes the harmonica, throws a scarf over his shoulders.

Guide: Show us how Dunyasha enters the circle, dancing famously.

The peddler takes out a sundress from the box.

All: Wear, wear Dunya.

The bear is dancing.

Guide: You, bear, danced easily, earned milk. Get it!

The bear drinks, bows and leaves.

Leading : And what is a fair without a cheerful Petrushka?

He has a cap on top of his head.

Words fly out of him like a fountain.

He has a full head.

Petrushka appears on the screen.

Parsley : Oh, guys, good afternoon!

I'm not too lazy to dance with you!

Well, give me an answer:

Are you bored with me?

Children: - No!

Parsley: So whisper in my ear, what's my name?

Children: Parsley!

Parsley: How?

Children: Parsley!

Parsley : Right! It is impossible without jokes and laughter at the fair.

I want to cheer you up now, friends.

Raise your hand and say "I".

How many of you here love fairy tales?

Children : I!

Parsley: Who is the master of all trades here?

Children : I!

Parsley : Who takes care of the clothes?

Children: Me!

Parsley : Does he put it under the bed?


Parsley: Do you take care of your clothes so much that you put them under the bed?

Children: No!

Parsley: And who can sing songs?

Children: I!

Parsley: That all the songs I can sing?

Children: Yes!

Parsley: Wow! And I am the famous Petrushka - singer.

I know many songs - fables.

Who wants to match with me?

Compete in the singing of fables!

Children: We!

Parsley : Well! Chur, I'm the first to start, agree?

Children : Yes!

Ditties are fiction.

Parsley: I won! Give me a prize!

buffoon: Prize? What prize do you want?

Parsley : The best, most expensive!

Peddler: Get it! ( serves matryoshka)

But remember, it's not so expensive that it's made of red gold,

And it's expensive that good craftsmanship.

Parsley : Oh, what a beauty! Thank you!

Peddler: And you, well done singers, will also receive prizes, and I will bestow you.

(Gives them a nesting doll, the children look at it.)

1st child : Why do you have such an ugly nesting doll?

Peddler: So show your skill, how you decorate in the Urals

nesting dolls.

Game "Decorate the Matryoshka"

Parsley: Well done! Now our nesting dolls are also dressed up


Leading : The guests of our fair have already got to know each other. And, of course, the guys want to make gifts for the girls. And how are gifts obtained at the fair? A good fellow will throw off his boots, spit on his palms and on a high pole, and there is a rooster in a cage. We don't really have a pole. What to do?

Peddler : Let's try this: here I have a rope, put it on the floor. At the end we put a rooster, whoever walks the rope blindfolded will receive a prize!

Attraction game"Get the rooster." The winner gives a rooster to a girl.

Peddler : Eh, the box is full, the whole is empty now,

I met a lot of friends at the fair this time.

Leading : We are very glad, peddler, that you came to visit us.

And for each gift in his box found.

And now let your box not remain empty!

1st child: Our gift is very simple, Tagil masterstray.

2- child : AND cutting board we decided to give

Without it, it is very difficult to live in the kitchen.

Leading : Yes, a very necessary thing for cutting vegetables:

Beets, onions and cabbage, for salads and borscht.

Peddler : Thank you very much, dear Uralians!

Leading: Goodbye! (leaves).

The Urals are rich in skillful hands,

And we can't count those golden hands.

And today we are our fair

They wanted to show the art of painting.

We continue the traditions of the people

We are learning from the people now

Ural round dance

Leading : We close the fair now,

It was nice to have fun.

Let your mood be.

Like a colorful festive chintz.

Elena Strugova

Theme: "Holiday for toys."

Target: the formation of positive emotions and feelings.


1. Organize children's activities aimed at emotional release and the implementation of social requirements.

2. To form a desire to take an active part in the event,

3. Develop the monologue speech of children.

4. Cultivate a sense of collectivism, a friendly attitude towards each other and adults, respect for toys.

Parents are invited to the party.

Preliminary work: children compiling stories about their favorite toy, designing the exhibition "My Favorite Toy", talking with children about caring for toys, memorizing poems with parents "Poems about toys", making paper bunnies (origami) by children.

The children prepared for the holiday of toys: they inflated balloons, set the table and seated the toys at the table in order to show them the concert.

Holiday progress:

Educator: Guys, what do you think the toys do when we are not in the group? (children's answers).

You and I can only imagine that toys can come to life here and the miracle that happens here is called a “toy fairy tale”.

Do you agree with me that any toy in the group can also have a holiday? (children's answers)

Therefore, we have prepared a concert for all the toys. And we will go to the holiday on a train, stand up one after another. Guys, what do you call the one who drives the locomotive? (Answer)

And we'll start with the driver (child)

(children stand up, holding each other, after reading the verse they go in a group, imitating the sound of a steam locomotive)

Driver child:

steam locomotive blue,

And behind him are the wagons.

Machinist Vasily -

Shoulder straps.

He is driving a steam locomotive

Fun and bold

It will turn right

Then - to the left.

Passengers will not be saved

Tired of driving.

The driver is under two years old

Here's the deal.


Well, here we are guys, how many different toys are here!

(children stand up freely)

Several toys hid from you, in order to find them, you need to guess them.

1. There is only one toy in the world,

Children love this toy

She's a big fashionista

Dresses endlessly changes

2. Spinning on one leg,

Carefree, cheerful

In a colorful skirt, a dancer,

Musical (yula)

3. Gray flannelette little animal,

clubfoot long-haired,

Well guess who he is

And give him a carrot (hare)

4. Hit the wall -

and I'll bounce

Throw on the ground -

and I'll jump

I'm flying from palm to palm -

I don’t want to lie still (ball)


What good fellows, children, have guessed all riddles. And how can you name all the objects that you guessed in one word? (answer)

What material is the ball, doll, spinning top, hare made of? (children's answers)

Do you know how to take care of toys? And how do you protect them? (children's answers)

Well, you can be called caring and frugal, appreciating your toy friends that bring you so much joy. Let's start our holiday for toys?

(children sit in a semicircle)

Do you guys know that all children in the world, regardless of skin color, nationality and place of residence, everyone loves to play, and if you imagine how many children there are in the world, then imagine how many toys?


How many toys are there on Earth? -

More than frogs in ponds!

If you put everything together,

There will be five oceans!


And what do you think, what do children and toys love most in the world? (answers)

Of course holidays and congratulations. And on birthdays it is customary to read and invent poems.


Dad for my birthday

Wrote a poem

And kissing my nose

Gave me another horse.

Dapple gray is my horse

Fits in the palm of your hand!

Why is your horse so small?

The younger brother asked a question.

To his question in response

I revealed my secret to everyone -

Brother, mother, cat Lisa:

The horse was in a kinder surprise!


Do you also like small toys made of chocolate surprises? Why?

(children share their impressions about their toys, what they collect and collect)

What do you guys think, toys can grow? (answers)

And ... knows a little more about this than we do, listen to her.


Days go, go, go

And the toys don't grow.

Even a plush watchdog

It hasn't grown at all in a year.

I took from Aunt Nina

Vitamins for toys

I give them so many dishes! -

And the toys don't grow, -

Soup, scrambled eggs, salad...

My brother laughs at me.

The whole monkey got dirty,

In the wash, a hare with a white mouse,

In fat cream, my bear.

Well, I'm going to cry.

Tell me, guys, what games do you like to play the most? Name them. (children's answers)

And Katya will tell us what game she likes to play at home.


I'm happy with my game.

I was a doctor today.

I gave pills to everyone

She prescribed injections for everyone.

Only my mother was afraid

I did not agree to the injection.

She told me:

"I, my daughter, am not sick."

Here I examined my mother

And she said: "It's bad,

How are you, mom, no matter what,

Can't do without me.

And since you're stubborn,

You need two injections, mom!

Well done ...., but what does she do with us when her doll is sick?


Quiet. Quiet. Silence.

The poor doll is sick.

The poor doll is sick,

She asks for music.

Sing what she likes

And she will get better.


Of course, you can sing and tell her a fairy tale, and then, when she recovers, play. How about we play with you?

The game is being played: "Pass the toy"

What kind of caring girls we have in our group and will cure the doll and feed her, and they are also beautiful and neat, they teach dolls to be fashionable.


I have a Barbie doll -

Full of golden hair!

I will tie a bow to the doll,

She smiles at me.

I smile back at her

And, like Barbie, I'll comb my hair.

And the dolls in our group are beautiful and other toys. And it also happens that two guys want the same toy at the same time, and then what happens? (children's answers)


We quarreled, reconciled

And sometimes they argued

But very friendly

For our game.

The game is replaced by the game,

The game ends

And the friendship never ends.

Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!

We learn to be friendly with you and be able to negotiate with each other, this makes your friendship stronger.

The game "Zhmurki"


Guys, where do children like to play besides kindergarten? (children's answers)

Of course, and on the street, a favorite game in the sandbox.


In the middle of the yard - a mountain

There is a game on the mountain.

Run for a while

Get on the sand

Clean, yellow and raw

If you want - swarm, And if you want - build,

If you want - bake dolls

Golden pies.

Come join us guys

Don't forget to take shovels

excavators, shovels,

Buckets and trucks.

And the girls on the street love to jump rope.


Skipping rope for sticks

I've been fiddling all day.

With my little sister, Galochka,

I jump day by day.

Our tick will stumble,

And I'll skip

Skipping rope for sticks

I twist the handles.

My jump rope is flying

Under the legs from top to bottom,

Sister Galochka screams:

"Please stop!"

I hold my sticks tightly

And I fly to the sun

Break up with the jump rope

I don't want to.


I'm spinning a rope

I'm jumping, jumping, jumping.

Mixed up spinning

Sunshine and puddles.

All benches, every house

That's how they walk.

Dancing janitors with mustaches

And flowers, and poplars ...

Under your feet

Under your feet

This is how the earth spins!

Hey, who needs a skipping rope?

Let's jump - I'm not sorry!

What toys do the boys play with? (answers)


Our bright car

Excellent, foreign car!

Yes, and the garage with dad

Purchased yesterday.

But a foreign car is cramped

Stand under our chair

And remove the garage from the closet

My brother and I couldn't.


He is yellow and red

Brilliant -

Windows, doors,

Six wheels!

Well, just like the real thing!

Who would sit

And I took it.

turn the wheel,

Step on the brake -

What a good bus!

Guys, you recited poems and played so well that the toys wanted to play with you, go and play.

(children play games at will. Music sounds.)

To cheerful music, children enter the hall, stop near the chairs.

Leading: Hello, hello friends, today we will go to the country of Mathematics.

Children together:

One two three four five,

We can also rest.


Hold hands tight

Stand in a wide circle.

Let's dance together with you

Dance "One-two-three!"

Dance "Boots"

Leading: Well done guys, you are dancing merrily, and now ... (There is a knock on the door. Pechkin enters with a parcel).

Pechkin: Who is dancing so merrily here? What is going on here?

Leading: Hello, Pechkin, you came to us just in time. We want to compete here who knows math better. Can you count or not?

Pechkin: But how. I know funny rhymes and riddles. I will count and you do. Agreed?

Leading: Of course, Pechkin, we agree. Guys stand in a circle.


I go and you go

One two Three.

I sing and you sing

One two Three.

We go and we sing

One two Three.

Pechkin: And you want to fly with me on a rocket.

Get up on your toes

And then hands down.

One two three four.

Here's a rocket going up.

Hands to the sides - in flight,

We send a plane.

Right wing forward

Left wing forward

One two three four.

Our plane took off.

One two three four.

(Children after Pechkin repeat the movements.)

Leading: Pechkin, you must be tired, sit down and rest and see how fast and agile our children are.

Game "Plant Potatoes and Harvest"

Pechkin: Well, guys, well done. How many potatoes did you collect? (Children count potatoes.) Well done!

Now turn on the pump

We pump water from the river,

Left - one, right - two,

Water flowed in a stream.

One two three four. (3 times)

Well, we've worked hard.

(Children after Pechkin repeat the movements.)

Pechkin: Well, guys, here's a postcard for you, and there are riddles for you in it:

He has known me for a long time

Every angle in it is right.

All four sides

Equal length.

I'm glad to present it to you

And his name is...


Three corners, three sides

May be of different lengths.

If you hit the corners

Then you jump up on your own.


I have no corners

And I look like a saucer

On a plate and on a lid

On the ring, on the wheel.

Who am I, friends?


Pechkin: Well, well done guys. Thanks for making me happy. Good Bye! See you later.

Leading: Pechkin, so what did you bring us in the package?

Pechkin: Oh, I forgot. I have apples here. But I don't have many of them here. You count and divide equally.

Leading: Fine. But I want you to complete the task, solve the problem. Here, give these children apples, but so that one apple remains in the parcel (5 children and 5 apples).

Pechkin twists and turns apples, nothing happens.

Leading: Well, what will the guys help Pechkin?

One child distributes apples and gives them to the fifth with a parcel.

Leading: That's it, Pechkin.

Pechkin: Thanks guys for the lesson. Goodbye. See you. (Pechkin leaves.)

Leading: And so our holiday ended.

"Kindergarten "Severyanochka" general developmental type

with the priority implementation of the physical development of children "

Yamalo-Nenets District, Shuryshkarsky District, Gorki village

"Together with mom we have fun."

Performed: educator MBDOU

Kindergarten "Severyanochka"

Shostak Inna Eduardovna

Gorki, November 2013

Purpose: To cultivate love and respect for mothers.

Tasks: 1. To involve children in active participation in entertainment (reading poems, participating in skits, games).

2. Raise the emotional mood in children and adults.

3. Raise in children the desire to bring joy to adults:

gifts, compliments, deeds.

Preliminary work.

  1. Preparation of gifts (drawings, beaded bracelets).

  2. Design of the photo newspaper "That's what our mothers are!".

  3. Reading fiction: poems, stories about mothers.

  4. Conversations: “Describe your mother”, “Where do mothers work?”.

  5. Preparation of games, competitions.

  6. Music selection.
Equipment and materials.

  1. Photo newspaper "That's what our mothers are!".

  2. Children's drawings.

  3. 2 glasses, 2 tablespoons, 2 buckets of water, 4 chairs, 4 scarves, plastic balls, 2 bags, children's shoes.

  4. Sheets of paper, simple pencils.

Leading: Good evening our dear mothers! We are always glad to see you.

Let me congratulate you on the holiday - Mother's Day!

"Mom" is one of the first words of a child.

Boy: Mother! There is light in this word of the sun!

Mother! There is no better word in the world.

Mother! Who is dearer than her?

Mother! She has spring in her eyes.

Girl: Mother! The best on earth.

Mother! Gives joy, gives laughter.

Mother! Because of us sometimes sad

Mother! Regret and forgive.

Leading: Check out our jokes.

They are only half a minute.

1 joke "Mom and son."

Mom: Where is the apple, Andryusha?

Son: An apple? I've been eating for a long time!

Mom: You didn't wash it, did you?

Son: I cleaned his skin!

Mom: Well done you have become!

Son: I have been like this for a long time!

Mom: And where are the cleaning cases?

Son: Ah, cleaning? Also ate!

2 joke "About mom and girl Natasha."

Leading: There is a girl Natasha in our apartment.

Her mother brought her a box of candy.

The rest are tomorrow.

Put it in the buffet.

Host: And Natasha sat down,

I ate all the candy.

Eating and laughing

Natasha: Mom! Don't scold!

I haven't forgotten.

Remember you taught

Never for tomorrow

Don't leave things!

(L. G. Gorkova, N.F. Gubanova "Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten 3 - 7 years old, p. 77")

Child: It does not happen that mothers

There was nothing to do

Because our mothers

Busy until evening.

Child: And the child, everyone knows,

It's good to play with mom!

It must, without a doubt,

Fix the situation!

Leading: And now mothers and children should form 2 teams. It is necessary to come up with the name of the teams and choose the captains.

Jury presentation.

1 competition "Funny ball".

Which team will pass the ball faster? There are 2 drivers in the team, passing the ball to the players of their team. 2 captains. The driver throws the ball to the player. The player returns the ball to the driver and runs to the end of the column. Which team's captain will be the quickest to get the ball over his head?

2 competition "Water Carriers".

On two tables (chairs) there are buckets of water, each team has a tablespoon, at a distance of 2-3 m there are empty glasses on the chairs.

3 competition "Shoe a child with a blindfold."

4 children 4 pairs of shoes, 4 scarves (blindfold).

4 contest "Whose team will collect more vitamins?".

2 bags that 2 moms hold, plastic balls. Children collect balls: 1 child from each team. Moms - captains build a team of children and lead.

Leading: Our competition has come to an end. The word of the jury is given.

5 competition "Know fairy tale hero by description."

Jury word.
Leading: Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers,

We are for everything, for everything, dear,

Children: Thank you!

Leading: Now let's sing together song "From a smile, a gloomy day is brighter."

Bottom line: sweet gifts, portraits of mom.

1. Technology of fun "Holidays for preschoolers" - M .: AST, Astrel, 2007