Scenario of a children's fairy tale geese swans. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Geese-swans. Used materials and Internet resources

  • 13.11.2019

Script for staging Russian folk tale in the puppet theater

Performance duration: 35 minutes; number of actors: from 3 to 11.


First swan goose
Second swan goose
Baba Yaga
Apple tree

In the foreground are several trees to the left and right. In front of the trees on the left is a hut. In the background are meadows and forests.

Mother and father come out of the hut. Masha looks out the window.

We'll go to the fair
Wait for us in the evening.
You two stay
Don't play too hard!

Mother (Masha)

Look after Vanyatka
You are already big.

Don't go through the gate.
Listen, I forbid!

From merchants from distant countries
We will buy you updates.
Masha - silk on a sundress,
Vanya - a new belt!

Be smart, daughter, be
Take care Vanya.
We're on our way.

Vanya comes out of the hut and hugs her mother. She strokes his head.

Vanya, listen to Masha!

Mother and father go to the forest and hide behind the trees. Vanya sits down at the house.

Masha (yawning)

Oh, and bored at the gate
I sit idle.
As if to the girls in a round dance
I wanted to go!
I'll take a break for a while
Mom won't know.

Masha leaves the hut and gives her brother a cockerel on a stick.

Look, cockerel
Flying over you!
I went and you sit
Quietly under the window.
Do not go anywhere
And don't hurt the cat.

Vanya takes the cockerel, and Masha goes to the edge of the forest.

Masha (singing)

Over the river all year round
The girls lead a round dance.
And how they sing a song
Legs dance on their own!
Where are you boyfriends
Harmonists, shepherds?
Come quickly
It will be more fun with you!

Masha hides in the forest, after a while Baba Yaga peeps out from behind the trees.

And the boy is nothing
I'll have a feast!
Hey, where are you, grab it
And to my hut!

Baba Yaga is hiding, two geese-swans come out from behind the trees and go to Vanechka.

Geese-swans (sing in chorus)

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese.
One duck, another swan -
Two cheerful geese!

Geese stop near the hut.

First swan goose

Hello, Vanya-friend!
Do you want to ride?
Come out to our meadow
Let's have fun!

The swan geese begin to dance.

Geese-swans (sing in chorus)

Oh, the geese are gone
Grandma will weld us!
One woodpecker, another owl,
Weld, if we miss it!

The second swan goose (Vanechka)

Hey, why are you sitting there
Come out soon!
Well, come to us, baby,
More fun together!

Vanya throws the cockerel and goes up to the swan geese. They immediately grab him and drag him into the forest. Vanya laughs.

Geese-swans (sing in chorus)

Two cheerful geese
Vanya will not be bitten!
One stork, another ostrich -
Take it to grandma!

The swan geese hide behind the trees. Soon Masha appears from there and goes to the house.

I need to hurry home
To not be scolded.
Otherwise they will sew
Barely a sundress.
Dear brother, respond
Don't scare your sister.
Indeed, there is none, it seems.
What could have happened?

Masha lifts the feather of the swan goose.

Masha (horrified)

Oh trouble!

The first swan goose peeks out from behind the trees.

The first swan goose (gloatingly)

Vanya was stolen!

The first swan goose hides, the second peeps out.

Second swan goose

Baba Yaga will eat him!
All! We ran away!

The swan goose disappears, Masha goes to the forest.

What am I to do now
What will I say to my mother?
I just walked out the door
Vanya is gone!
How to find it now
Me in the world of white?
Father and mother will not forgive
What overlooked!
Well, maybe I won't
Into the clutches of a miracle.
When I find my brother
That will not be scolded!

Masha hides behind the trees. The house disappears. To the right is a stove.

Masha comes out from behind the trees on the left and goes to the stove.

I've been walking here all day
All pines, yes they ate.
Pechka, tell me where
Did the geese fly?

My rye pies
You try first.

I do not want! I don't eat those!
What a fool I am
Have rye when we have
Donuts don't eat?
Answer right now
Where can I find my brother?

My rye pie
You try first.

Well, you can't be
Stubborn oven!
I will run further into the forest.
Someone respect -
Where to look for Baba Yaga
Just tell me so!

Masha hides behind the stove. The stove disappears. Instead, an apple tree appears.

Masha appears from behind the trees on the left.

That's a misfortune, that's the trouble!
The mosquitoes have eaten!
Apple tree, tell me where
Did the geese fly?

I will say, but you first
Try an apple!

Masha (indignantly)

Yes, it is grass grass!
What a fool I am
There is a wild when we have
Pears don't eat?
Answer right now
Where can I find my brother?

If you don't eat, I won't tell!

Ah, that's what you are!
Here I'll show you -
I'll break the branches!
I will run further into the forest.
Someone respect -
Where to look for Baba Yaga
Just tell me so!

Masha hides behind an apple tree. The apple tree disappears. Instead, a river appears.

Masha comes out from behind the trees on the left.

Hey, kisselny coast,
milk river,
You tell me where is Yaga?
She has urgent business!

I'll tell you while
Kiselka try,
Drink, Masha, milk ...

What a fool I am
There is jelly when we have
Cream is not eaten?
Answer right now
Where can I find my brother?

I will say, and you kissel
Eat with milk!

Well, did you all agree?
Pies and pears
And now milk!
I do not want and I will not!
You tell me how far
Vanya from here?
Okay, once with you
I have to mess around now!
The sun is high in the sky
We must hurry!

Masha hides behind the river. The river disappears. Masha reappears from behind the trees on the left.

There is absolutely no one here!

On the right is a hedgehog.

Hedgehog, where is Vanyusha?
But remember that nothing
I won't eat!

Straight, Mashenka, go
Down that path.
See you soon on the way
House on chicken legs.

Baba Yaga comes out of the hut with Vanechka.

Geese-swans, to me!
Where the hell are you?

Geese-swans peek out from behind the trees on the left.

Second swan goose (to the first)

Oh, burn us all in the fire!
Oh, they will throw us into the cauldron!

Stop wagging your tongue
I need business.
Don't take your eyes off the kid!

The first swan goose approaches Baba Yaga and caresses.

First swan goose

We are happy to serve!

Baba Yaga gives Vanechka a printed gingerbread. Masha peeks out from behind the trees on the left.

Eat, Vanechka-son,
Printed gingerbread.
Get fat soon
You will - a noble dinner!

Masha (aside)

What did Yaga think?
He wants to eat his brother!

Baba Yaga (hut)

Hey chicken leg
Wait for the hostess by the night!

Masha is hiding behind the trees, and Baba Yaga is heading towards her.

Baba Yaga (singing)

I'm on the forest grass
I'll ride!
On a hillock under a pine tree
I'll wallow!
Everyone who is mother and father
Will not listen
I'll catch on the porch
Yes, I eat!

Baba Yaga is hiding behind the trees on the left. After a while, Masha peeks out from behind the trees.

Vanya (laughs)


Geese-swans (in chorus)

Second swan goose (to the first)

Are we chasing Vanka?

First swan goose

Better fly to the meadows
Let's scare the girls!

Second swan goose

The hour is not even, he will run away,
No matter how they eat us.

First swan goose

What are you afraid of? Is the tail shaking?

Second swan goose

Okay, let's fly!

Mashenka is hiding, the geese-swans are going to the forest.

Geese-swans (sing in chorus)

Lived with grandma
Two cheerful geese!
One Chizhik, another Fawn -
Two cheerful geese!

The swan geese hide behind the trees. Vanya looks around. Throws the gingerbread and starts crying. Masha runs out of the forest, grabs her brother and runs back.

Ooty, little one, don't cry
We will return home.
Mom will bake kalach,
Let's drink cream!
The folder from the fair bears
Boots for you
And save us with you
He is from Babka-Eshka!

Masha and Vanechka are hiding in the forest. After a while, Baba Yaga comes out of it and goes to her hut.

I'll melt the oven now
There will be a great dinner!
Just fry or bake
Vanka, I don't understand!

Baba Yaga looks around and discovers the loss.

Baba Yaga (terribly)

Geese-swans, here!
Where the hell are you?

Frightened geese-swans peek out from behind the trees.

Second swan goose

Ouch! Trouble, trouble, trouble!
Oh, put us to death!

Everyone in pursuit! Seek out
And bring it back!
And not to pinch you
I command! Clear?
They won't get far
The sun is setting!
If you can't find
In the soup you cook!

Baba Yaga goes into the house. Geese-swans go to the forest and hide behind the trees on the left. Baba Yaga's hut disappears. There is a river on the left.

From behind the trees on the right, Masha comes out with Vanechka and hurries to the river, looking back all the time.

Mother River, I'm sorry
What have I screwed up!
Protect from the chase!

I forgave a long time ago.
I'll hide you, and you kissel
Eat with milk!

Masha eats jelly. Geese-swans appear from behind the trees.

First swan goose

There they are! Grab them all
And take it to dry land!

Masha and Vanechka are hiding behind the river. The swan geese run up and start looking around.

Second swan goose

Just been here
And where did they go?

First swan goose

Apparently, they ran into the forest,
So, you are afraid!

Geese-swans disappear behind the river. Immediately, Masha and Vanechka appear from behind her.

Masha (with a bow)

Mother River, for you
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Geese-geese! Be-be-be!
There are fish there!

Masha and Vanechka are hiding behind the river. The river disappears. In its place is an apple tree.

Masha and Vanechka again run out from behind the trees on the right and run to the apple tree.

You, apple tree, I'm sorry
What have I screwed up!
Protect from the chase!

I forgave a long time ago.
I will hide you, but you are mine
Eat apples!

Masha eats an apple. Geese-swans appear from behind the trees.

First swan goose

There they are! Grab them
And to Yaga for dinner!

Masha and Vanechka are hiding behind an apple tree. The swan geese run up and start looking around.

Second swan goose

Just been here
And where did they go?

First swan goose

Looks like they ran into the woods!
Badly we crept up!

The swan geese disappear behind the apple tree. Immediately, Masha and Vanechka appear from behind her.

Masha (with a bow)

My light apple tree, you
My bow to the earth!

Geese-geese! Be-be-be!
We are almost at home!

Masha and Vanechka hide behind an apple tree. The apple tree disappears. In its place is a stove.

Masha and Vanechka again come out from behind the trees on the right and run towards her.

Sweetie, I'm sorry
What have I screwed up!
Protect from the chase!

I forgave a long time ago.
I'll hide it, only a pie
Eat my rye!

Masha takes the pie and gives it to Vanechka.

Eat, Vanechka, my friend,
And listen to your sister!

Geese-swans appear from behind the trees.

First swan goose (whispers to the second)

You are quiet, otherwise you will scare,
Let's get down low.

The second swan goose rushes forward.

Second swan goose (loudly)

You lie, girl, you won't leave!
I see you! I see!

Masha and Vanechka are hiding behind the stove. The swan geese run up and start looking around.

First swan goose

It's all because of you!
What did you open your beak?

Second swan goose (weeping)

Oh, how sorry I am for myself!

The first swan goose (with annoyance)

May you perish in the soup!

The swan geese disappear behind the stove. Immediately, Masha and Vanechka appear from behind her.

Masha (with a bow)

Cookie forever you
I would appreciate that!

Geese-geese! Be-be-be!

Masha and Vanechka hide behind the stove. The swan geese reappear from behind the trees on the right.

Second swan goose

How treacherous is fate!
I can't take it, I'll die
I don't want to be soup!

First swan goose

You are not a goose - you are a kangaroo!
How stupid are you!

Second swan goose (weeping)

We'll be fried and eaten
And you are all jokes!

First swan goose

We will be sheltered in the village
Two familiar ducks!

Geese-swans go to the stove.

Geese-swans (in chorus)

They won't go to Yagusa
Two cheerful geese!
One is grey, the other is white
Two cheerful geese!

The swan geese hide behind the stove. The stove disappears. In its place appears the house of Masha and Vanechka.

Masha runs out from behind the trees with Vanechka and runs to the porch.

Oh, we made it before dark!
Mom won't know.
Right now she
We will not be scolded!

Father and mother appear from behind the trees. Masha and Vanya throw themselves on their necks. Then everyone goes into the house. Father looks out the window. Geese-swans appear from behind the trees on the right and go to the house.

Geese-swans (in chorus)

Take us to live.
We don't have a grandmother!
They will guard your house
Two cheerful geese!

Stay, so be it!
Chur, don't mess around!
And not to feed Yaga
You have to, brothers!

Vanya comes out of the house. The father disappears, Masha looks out the window.


Geese-swans (in chorus)

Do you want to eat?

Geese-swans (in chorus)

Well, then go to the yard,
There you will find food!

Tatyana Gudkova
Dramatization of the fairy tale "Geese-swans"

Program content:

1. Continue to develop a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

2. To improve the performing skills of children in creating an artistic image, using game, song and dance improvisations.

3. Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech. Develop a dialogic form of speech.

4. Stimulate the desire to seek expressive means to create a new image of the character, using movement, facial expressions, and gestures for this.

5. Develop children's memory, thinking, imagination, attention.

6. Cultivate the ability to rejoice in the success of peers.

Leading: In the same village, in the same house

There lived a friendly family: Mom, dad, Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka.


It's time for us, Alyonushka, to go to the market in the morning, We leave Vanya at home, And we remind you.


Sit at home with your brother, look after Vanyusha. And we will arrive in the evening, we will bring you gifts.

Leading: Dad and mom went to the market. Alyonushka put her brother under the window to play.

Girlfriends: Alena come to us, Look at the girlfriends, We will start a round dance Who will enter the circle faster.

Leading: And while Alyonushka was playing with the children, they flew into the yard Swan geese. Ivanushka was picked up and carried away On their wings, no one knows where.

Alyona: Swan geese, wait! Don't take the van!



Alena rushed to the meadow, There are no geese anywhere around. He sees a stove on the road, Asks her for help.

Dear oven. The geese flew by? Maybe they were joking about something?

Stove: Hello, dear girl. Eat my cheesecake. I'll tell you everything as it is, But the cheesecake must be eaten.



Alyosha: What are you, what are you „I'm in a hurry!

Dear river, The geese flew by? Maybe they were talking about something?


I’ll tell you about geese, I’ll help you as much as I can! Just drink kiselka




Yes, try milk! What are you, what are you, I'm in a hurry

Well, then I won't tell!

Alena crossed the river, She came to the green forest, Here is the forest apple tree, The branches bend to the ground.


Apple tree:


Apple tree:

Hello apple tree! The geese flew by? Maybe they were talking about something?

Calm down, rest, sit under me! I'll tell it like it is, Only my fruit must be eaten

No, I don't eat forest ones, Everyone knows the sour taste.

Why don't you want an apple? So look for yourself, as you can,

Leading: Here's the hurry Alena

Jump across the clearing. Looking before her, the house stands, Grandmother Ezhka sits in it, Under the window, Ivan plays All the girlfriends amuse.

geese they dance and cackle. They trample with spatulas.

Alyona: You play Ivanushka,

Come to me, come on, What would geese are not seen We were not caught with you.

Leading: He puts a pipe on a stump,

Let him play all day long.

Alena and Vanya run away.

Baba Yaga: Where is your nanny?

Where is the boy Vanka? You equip yourself in pursuit, Yes, follow Vanya.

Alyona: Apple tree, cover quickly,

You save us from the geese.

Apple tree: You taste the fruit,

I will help you then. Bend over more carefully Yes, sit under the branches.

The geese flew by.

Leading: Apple tree guys bent over

River, river, water, Help us to hide



You drink milk, Yes, taste the jelly! And sit down derailed, so that no one takes you away.




geese flew nearby Yes, they began to fly in the district. Yes, they set off on the path, The stove stands in the way From the rough smoke pours.

Stove, stove, help, Save me from trouble.

Take a bite of my pie, quickly sit in the oven

The wings of the flock rustled, Geese flew to the house. Children crawled out of the oven Saying a kind word

The children run towards the house.

Alena washed Vanechka with delicious porridge,

Then the parents returned from the market.

Mother: Are you all right?

Maybe it was boring at home?

Father: We brought you gingerbread,

Yes, there are two books with pictures.

Leading: So they are doing

Grief and need do not know. They sing songs loudly, But they do not wait for geese.

Related publications:

This year we decided to hold an autumn matinee in the form theatrical performance. For this, they chose the Russian folk tale "Geese-Swans".

Synopsis of GCD on FEMP based on the plot of the fairy tale "Geese-swans" (middle group) Author Popova N. R., educator of MADOU d / s "Topolek", Sovetsky Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra Abstract directly educational activities on educational.

Synopsis of GCD on speech development. Retelling of the fairy tale "Geese-swans" ABSTRACT of direct educational activities in the preparatory group Educational area « Speech development» Subject: Retelling.

Summary of the GCD on FEMP based on the fairy tale "Geese-swans" in the middle group "Number 3" Synopsis of GCD in middle group on Cognition (FEMP) based on the fairy tale "Geese-swans" Formation of the number 3. Number 3. " Educational integration.

Abstract of the cognitive-speech GCD "On the roads of the fairy tale" Geese-swans " Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten"Sun", Arkadak, Saratov Region Synopsis.

Literary and artistic analysis of the Russian folk tale "Geese-swans" Literary and artistic analysis of the Russian folk tale "Geese-swans" 1. "Geese-swans" Russian folk tale - magical. 2. Subject:.

Program content:

Development tasks:

  • Develop children's expressive skills
  • Develop monologue and dialogic speech
  • We develop the plasticity of movements with speech
  • Development of memory and attention
  • The development of fantasy in the transfer of the image

Educational tasks:

  • Vocabulary activation and enrichment
  • Teaching children to transform into various images
  • Learning intonation expressiveness
  • Acquaintance with Russian folk art (fairy tales, fables, nursery rhymes, sayings)
  • To instill the ability to listen, understand and characterize Russian folk works

Educational tasks:

  • Introduce children to beauty
  • Instill love for Russian folk art, Russian literature, theater
  • Cultivate responsibility for friends and for their actions.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading Russian folk tales, including the fairy tale "Geese Swans"
  • Watching cartoons based on Russian folk tales
  • Listening to Russian folk music.
  • Evaluation and characterization of the heroes of the Russian folk tale "Geese Swans"
  • Learning dialogues from the fairy tale "Geese Swans".
  • round dance games
  • Learning the game "Burn bright"
  • Learning the elements of Russian folk dances
  • Making posters, programs, tickets with children.


  • Scenery
  • Suits
  • Hero attributes.

ACTORS: (children of the preparatory group)
OVEN - (adult)

Music sounds.
Voice: There lived a man and a woman.
They had a daughter and a little son.
Masha and Vanya appear.

Mother: We, daughter, are going to the city. And you be smart. Take care brother. Don't leave the yard.

Masha: Don't worry, mother! I'll save Vanya. I won't leave the yard.
And you, father, bring us curly sugar candies!

Father: Be your way, only you, Masha, take care of Vanya. Don't leave the yard.

Mother and father leave. Children wave to their parents.
Masha sits on a stump near the house, plays with a doll, Vanya is nearby, playing with a horse.
Girlfriends run out into the clearing and play the game "Burn clear."

Masha: You sit here, and I'll play a little with my girlfriends. Do not go anywhere!
Vanya stays at the house, plays with the horse, and Masha runs away to her friends. They play again with Masha.

The music is disturbing. Several children appear - these are geese-swans, they wave their arms-wings,
take Ivanushka by the arms and run away with him. The girlfriends run away. Masha comes running, looks around, sees that her brother is not there ...

Masha: Ouch ! Where is Vanyusha? My friends, have you seen my brother?
Girlfriends: It must have been carried away by the swan geese!

Father's words:(behind the scenes) Only you, Masha, take care of Vanya. Don't leave the yard.
Masha: It's my own fault, I'll save myself!
Masha and her friends run away.


(Masha in the forest. Music. Masha runs along the path. A stove appears.

Stove: Mashenka, dove! Help me. My rye pies are baked.
Get them out!
Masha: Ouch! No time for me, Oven! Brother needs to be rescued!
(Masha wants to run further.)
Stove:(sighs) Ah!
(Pulls out pies from the oven.)
Stove: Thank you Mashenka!
Masha: Haven't you seen, Oven, where the geese have flown?
Stove: Get out there! For dense forests, for high mountains!
Masha: Thank you!

Apple tree: Mashenka, dove! Help me! Shake off the ripe apples from my branches!
Masha: Ouch! I have no time, Yablonka! Brother needs to be rescued!
(Masha wants to run further.)
Apple tree:(sighs) Ah!
Masha: It looks like you'll have to feel sorry for it!
(Returns. Removes apples from the branches.)
Apple tree: Thank you Mashenka!
Masha: Have you seen, Yablonka, where the geese have flown?
Apple tree: Get out there!

Masha bows to Yablonkaand runs on. Runs up to the River.

River: Mashenka, dove! Help me! Remove heavy stones. Give space to my water!
Masha: Ouch! I have no time, Rechenka! Brother needs to be rescued!
Masha wants to run further.
River:(sighs) Ah!
Masha: It looks like you'll have to feel sorry for it!
Returns. Removes heavy stones from the river.
River: Thank you Mashenka!
Masha: Have you seen, Rechenka, where the geese have flown?
River: Get out there!
Masha bows and runs on.

Masha finds herself in a dense forest and sees the hut of Baba Yaga, carefully sneaks up to her, but suddenly
disturbing music sounds - this is Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: I feel! I feel! I feel!
He enters the hut and takes Vanya out of there.
Baba Yaga: Sit down, sit here, and while I heat the oven, so that you are warmer!

Baba Yaga leaves, Vanya remains sitting on a bench, holding silver apples in his hands.
Mashenka approaches her brother cautiously:

Masha: Vanyusha! My little brother!

Masha: Vanechka! My little brother! Forgive me for leaving you alone, for not saving you from the evil swan geese ...

Vania: Masha, take me away from Baba Yaga!

B.Ya. comes out of the hut.

Baba Yaga: Hello girl!
Masha: Hello grandma!

Baba Yaga: Why did it show up?
Masha: I walked through the mosses, through the swamps, wet my dress, came to warm myself.

Baba Yaga: Sit down. Sit down, warm yourself, and at the same time help me spin the yarn.
Masha: Help, help, grandma!

Baba Yaga gives Masha a skein of yarn, and she herself goes into the hut. Mashenka pulls a thread from a skein.
Mouse appears.
Mouse: Girl, girl! Baba Yaga went to heat the stove. She will wash you, boil you, put you in the oven, roast you and eat you.
The girl is scared and crying.
Mouse: Don't wait for her, take your brother and run! And I'll spin yarn for you!
Masha: Thank you Mouse!
Mashenka and Vanya run away. The mouse sits in her place.
After some time, Baba Yaga comes to the hut.

Baba Yaga: Maid, are you spinning yarn?
Mouse:(fervently) I'm spinning, grandma! I'm spinning!

Baba Yaga: Are you spinning, girl?
Mouse:(fervently) Spin, spin, grandma!

Baba Yaga: Now I'll take a look at your work!
Baba Yaga appears and sees the Mouse.
Mouse. Ouch! ( Runs away.)
Baba Yaga: Oh, you, gray, deceived me! (Screams in anger): Geese-swans, fly in pursuit! Brother's sister took away!
Geese-swans are flying in pursuit. Music.


Music. Masha, Ivanushka and Rechka are on the stage.)
Masha: Rechenka, mother, hide me!

Mashenka and Ivanushka are hiding behind the River. Geese-swans arrive, circled, did not find and flew away. Mashenka and Ivanushka come out.

Masha: Thank you mother river!
River: Debt good turn deserves another! Run quickly, Mashenka, save your brother!

Masha: Apple tree, mother, hide us!
Apple tree: Hide under my thick branches!

Mashenka and Ivanushka are hiding behind the Apple tree. Geese-swans arrive, circled, did not find and flew away. Mashenka and Ivanushka come out.

Masha: Thank you mother apple!
Apple tree: Debt by payment is red! Run quickly, Mashenka, save your brother!

Masha: Mother stove, dear, hide us!
Stove: Hide quickly! Nobody will find you here!

Mashenka and Ivanushka are hiding behind the stove. Geese-swans arrive, circled, did not find and flew away. Mashenka and Ivanushka come out.

Masha: Thank you, mama baker!
Stove. Debt good turn deserves another! Take, Masha, my pie on the path!

He hands out a pie to the children.
The children are returning home.


Music. Masha and Ivanushka are sitting.
Masha. Here we are at home. That's okay. That's good!

Music. Mother and father enter.
Children. Father! Mother!
Mother. BUT We brought you gifts! Mashenka - a new handkerchief, Ivanushka - a honey gingerbread!
Father. And curly lollipops! Eat for health!
Mother and father give gifts to children. Music. The final music sounds, everyone goes to bow.

  • Voice: There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it, A lesson for good fellows.
    Courage, honesty, kindness, Evil and misfortune always win.
    List of used literature
    1. Russian folk tale "Geese swans".

Used materials and Internet resources

  • Video cassette "Geese swans", 1949.
  • Music by Yu. Nikolsky.


(Russian folktale)

A small scenario for kindergarten, where the children themselves will play.




STORYTOR: Once upon a time there was a mother, a father and two of their children in a distant village. The daughter's name was Alyonushka, and her little brother Ivanushka. Every day, father and mother went to work, and Alyonushka was left at home to look after her brother. And then one time...

(Music. The curtain opens. Alyonushka, her brother Ivanushka and mother and father are on stage.)

MOTHER: Alyonushka, we'll go to work. And you take care of your brother. Don't leave the yard. Be smart. And we will bring you gifts.

ALENUSHKA: All right, mother!

(Mother and father leave. Alyonushka sits Ivanushka down.)

ALENUSHKA: Ivanushka, sit here!
And I'm just going to my girlfriends for one minute!
Here's a whistle, play with it!

(Alyonushka gives Ivanushka a whistle toy and leaves.)

STORYTELLER: Alyonushka went to her friends, and Ivanushka is sitting, playing with a whistle. Suddenly swan geese flew in, grabbed Ivanushka and carried him off somewhere.

(Several children appear - these are swan geese, they wave their wing-arms, shout “ha-ha-ha”, take Ivanushka by the arms and run away with him. Alyonushka comes running, looks around, sees how the Geese-swans take away their brother and run after them. Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: Alyonushka saw that the Geese-Swans had carried away her brother, ran out into an open field, rushed to catch up with them. Yes, where there, they disappeared behind a dark forest. She remembered how people said that the Geese-Swans were fooling around, they carried away little children. She cried. What will he say to his father, mother, when they return from work?
Suddenly he sees - standing in the field Furnace.

(Music. The curtain opens. There is a Stove. You can hang a painted stove on the child who will play the Stove as a poster (the same can be done for the Apple Tree and for the River).)

ALENUSHKA: Stove, stove! Tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

OVEN: Eat my rye pie, I'll tell you!

ALENUSHKA: Here it is! I will eat rye pie!
My father doesn't even eat wheat!

OVEN: Well, I won’t tell you anything either!

ALENUSHKA: Apple tree, apple tree! Tell me, where did the swan geese fly?

APPLE TREE: Eat my forest apple, I'll tell you!

ALENUSHKA: Here it is! I will eat forest apples!
My father doesn’t even eat garden ones!

APPLE TREE: Well, I won’t tell you anything either!

ALENUSHKA: Milky river-jelly banks, tell me, where did the Geese-swans fly?

RIVER: Eat my simple jelly with milk, I'll tell you!

ALENUSHKA: Here it is! I will eat a simple jelly with milk!
My father doesn't even eat cream!

RIVER: Well, I won’t tell you anything either!

(Music. The curtain closes.)


STORYTELLER: Alyonushka ran for a long time through the fields, through the forests. Suddenly he sees a hut standing on chicken legs. She went into a hut. She looks, her brother Ivanushka is sitting on a bench, playing with silver apples, and Baba Yaga is nearby. Alyonushka guessed that Geese-Swans were in the service of Baba Yaga. She was frightened, but there was nothing to do, she had to rescue her brother.

(Music. The curtain opens. Ivanushka is sitting on the stage of Baba Yaga, Ivanushka is sitting on a bench, he has silver apples in his hands (you can wrap simple apples in silver foil). There is a bowl of porridge on the table. Alyonushka enters.)

ALENUSHKA: Hello, grandmother!

BABA YAGA: Hello, girl! Why did you come to me?

ALENUSHKA: I walked through the mosses, through the swamps, soaked the small square, came to warm up.
Don't send me away, grandma?

BABA YAGA: Sit down if you have come!
You will spin yarn for me.

(Baba Yaga gives Alyonushka a skein of yarn, and she leaves the hut. Alyonushka pulls a thread from a skein.)

STORYTELLER: Alyonushka is sitting, spinning yarn, thinking how to escape from Baba Yaga. Suddenly the Mouse comes running.

(Mouse appears.)

MOUSE: Alyonushka, give me porridge, and I'll tell you something important!

(Alyonushka gives the Mouse porridge.)

MOUSE: Alyonushka, don't wait until Baba Yaga comes, take your brother and run away from here!
And I'll sit down and spin yarn for you!

ALENUSHKA: Thank you, Mouse!

(Alyonushka takes Ivanushka by the hand and they run away. The mouse sits in her place. After a while, Baba Yaga approaches the hut.)

BABA YAGA: Girl, do you spin yarn?

MOUSE: I'm spinning, grandma!

(Baba Yaga leaves. Music. After a while, she again approaches the hut.)

BABA YAGA: Maid, will you come to yarn?

MOUSE: I'm spinning, grandma!

(Baba Yaga enters the hut. Sees the Mouse.)

BABA YAGA: Oh, you gray, deceived me!

(The mouse runs away.)

BABA YAGA: Geese-swans, fly in pursuit! Alenka and Ivashka ran away!

(Geese swans appear, run around the stage, flap their wings, shout “ha-ha-ha”. Music. The curtain closes.)

STORYTELLER: Alyonushka is running with her brother Ivanushka. And the swan geese are catching up. Suddenly he sees - ahead of the River-jelly banks.

(Music. The curtain opens. Alyonushka, Ivanushka and Rechka are on the stage.)

ALENUSHKA: River, mother, hide us!

RIVER: And you eat my simple pudding!

(Alyonushka and Ivanushka eat jelly.)

ALENUSHKA: Thank you, mother river!

RIVER: Go, hide under my bank!

(Alyonushka and Ivanushka are hiding behind the River. Geese-swans came running, ran around the stage, waved their wings, shouted “ha-ha-ha” and ran away. Alyonushka and Ivanushka go out. They run further. The river leaves, the Apple tree appears.)

ALENUSHKA: Apple tree, mother, hide us!

APPLE TREE: And you eat my simple apple!

(Alyonushka and Ivanushka eat apples.)

ALENUSHKA: Thank you, mother apple tree!

APPLE TREE: Go, hide under my branches!

(Alyonushka and Ivanushka are hiding behind the Apple tree. Geese-swans came running, ran around the stage, waved their wings, shouted “ha-ha-ha” and ran away. Alyonushka and Ivanushka go out. They run further. The apple tree leaves, the Furnace appears.)

ALENUSHKA: Stove, mother, hide us!

OVEN: And you eat my rye pie!

(Alyonushka and Ivanushka eat pies.)

ALENUSHKA: Thank you, mother-oven!

(Geese swans appear.)

STOVE: Hide quickly!

(Alyonushka and Ivanushka are hiding behind the Stove. Geese-swans came running, ran around the stage, waved their wings, shouted “ha-ha-ha” and ran away. Alyonushka and Ivanushka come out.)

ALENUSHKA: Thank you, mother oven.

STORYTELLER: Alyonushka and Ivanushka ran on. And their house is not far from here.

STORYTELLER: Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka ran home. They sat on a bench, their father and mother are waiting.

(Music. The curtain opens. Alyonushka and Ivanushka are sitting. Mother and father enter.)

MOTHER: And here we are from work!
Are you all right?

ALENUSHKA: Mother, father, forgive me!
I didn't look after my brother! His swan geese took him away!
But the Mouse, the River, the Apple Tree and the Stove helped us!

FATHER: It's good that you told the truth, Alyonushka!
But from now on, it’s better to look after your brother so that the Geese-swans don’t drag him away again!

ALENUSHKA: All right, father! I will watch!
Now they would never drag Ivanushka away!

MOTHER: Well, that's fine! And we, children, brought gifts!
Alyonushka - a handkerchief, Ivanushka - a belt! And honey gingerbread!
Eat for health!

(Mother gives gifts to children. Music. Curtain closes.)


Olga Korotkova
Scenario for staging the Russian folk tale "Geese-Swans" in the senior group

Swan geese

Scenario for staging a Russian folk tale in the senior group.


First swan goose

Second swan goose

Girls, boys (extras) 6 people

Leader with a book fairy tales enters the hall to the song "Believe fairy tale» , leafing through the pages of the book, at the end of the first verse of the song closes the book.

Quietly, quietly sit next to

Again fairy tale enters the house

In an amazing outfit

colorful, painted,

Here the heroes come to life, miracles are hovering around.

I love the story very much and I give it to you.

And we have in Russia

The stories are very good.!

The show starts

Visit fairy tale to us is!

About swan geese

And about different people.

This old tale

Everyone is happy to listen

We offer fairy tale

You in a new way!

Exit Baba Yagi (to the song of the woman - Yagi and dances)

Well, why are you sitting

Do not tremble, do not squeak?

Or fairy tales are not read,

Have you heard about me?

Know me, I'm glad!

Need to tell sooner what today for granny

Vanyusha will be brought geese.

Where are my swans? geese? calling geese:geese,geese...

Come out in a hug geese("lived with grandma")

B. Ya. geese mine fly to the village, bring Vanyushka to me,

Let the road be long ... ha-ha-ha

And below us are forests and meadows ... ha-ha-ha!

And the road is far ....ha-ha-ha!

fly away geese, B. Ya leaves.

Vedas. Meanwhile in the village...

Lived on, goryushka didn’t know, father (coming out) yes mother (coming out). And they had a daughter Masha (runs out) Yes little son Vanechka (runs out).

Father comes to Mashenka:

We'll go to the fair

Wait for us in the evening.

You two stay

Don't play too hard!

Mother (Masha)

Look after Vanyatka

You are already big.

Don't go through the gate.

Listen, I forbid!

From merchants from distant countries

We will buy you updates.

Masha - silk on a sundress,

Vanya - a new belt!

Be smart, daughter, be

Take care Vanya.

We're on our way.

Vanya hugs her mother. She strokes his head.

Vanya, listen to Masha!

Mother and father go to the forest and hide behind the trees. Vanechka and Mashenka go into the house. A few minutes later Masha comes out ...

Here I brought water, cleaned the house cleanly,

I milked the cow, I fed my brother Vanya,

I'd rather sit, sit, look at my girlfriends.

Vanechka comes out to Masha and sits down by the house.

Under Russian folk music, the extras run out and stand in front of Masha.


Masha, Masha, come out

What's the point of being locked up!


Dance better with us

Well done daredevils!


Oh how I want to go

You, Vanyusha, sit down,

Do not go anywhere!

Performing "Quadrille". Children imitate the game of tag.

Appear geese, stop near the hut.

First swan goose:

Hello, Vanya-friend!

Do you want to ride?

Come out to our meadow

Let's have fun!

geese the swans start to dance.

Second swan goose (Vanechka)

Hey, why are you sitting there

Come out soon!

Well, come to us, baby,

More fun together!

Vanya throws the cockerel and goes up to the swan geese. They immediately grab him and drag him into the forest. Vanya laughs.

Swan geese(sing in chorus)

Two cheerful geese

Vanya will not be bitten!

One stork, another ostrich -

Take it to grandma!

Girls (pointing into the distance):

Masha, Masha, Masha, Masha, look:

Who is flying ahead?


It's evil geese

grandmothers Yagusi!

(Children scatter in all directions. They fly to the music Geese and grab Vanya).


geese, geese wait,

Let Vanyushka go!

You are not bad

And not at all evil!

Oh, where can I find a brother?

Who will help me in trouble? (crying with hands on face).

Exit Magpie

I am a white-sided Magpie, flew in from afar!

There is no such place in the forest

To be unknown to me.

Who, to whom, why, when?

I always know everything!

I brought it on my tail

Lots of fresh news!

(Tells) :

Dense forest flying,

I met geese, I flock!

Wings flapped in the distance and the child was carried away!

Apparently, he was unattended

That's Yaga and pleased!


Tell me better bird

Where did you manage to geese hide?


In the dark forest, at the edge,

There is a strange hut,

If you go straight to her

What you are looking for, you will find there!

Vedas: Masha cried. But there is nothing to do, it is necessary to rescue the brother, and went to look for Vanya.

For a long time Masha walked in the forest,

He sees an apple tree - beauty.

Song of the Apple Tree


Something the apple tree is sad

She bends the branches down!

Apple tree:

I'm standing all alone

That makes me sad.

There are a lot of apples - the load is heavy,

Who would come to help me?

Masha. Help me

Pick my apples!

Very tasty, eat.


I'm in a hurry. Vanyusha is gone.

I can eat chips.

apple tree:

What are you, Masha, in "chips" harm

You don't eat them for lunch!

Eat my apples

Full of vitamins.

And spring water

You wash them first


Well, I'll put them in my pocket

Then I will treat Vanya ...

(Masha collects and puts several apples in the basket)

It's hard to walk through the forest

He sees a river on the way.


It became difficult for me to flow,

Help me guys

Clean up the bottom a little.

Yes, and the coast at the same time!

Attraction: "Let's clean up the riverbed"

I met Pechka in the field.

Song of the stove (audio recording)


Children, hello! I am the Furnace!

I need to bake a pie!

Well, Masha needs help here.

Can we help her guys? (answers)

The game: What do they put in pies? Questions - answers.

Stove: Well, thanks for helping. And for this I will tell you where Baba Yaga keeps Vanya.

Over there, at the edge of the forest, stands her hut!

Masha quietly approaches Baba Yaga's hut (hides behind trees).

Baba Yaga, on the other side of the hut, gives Vanechka a printed gingerbread. Masha peeks out from behind the trees.

Eat, Vanechka-son,

Printed gingerbread.

Get fat soon

You will - a noble dinner!

Masha (to the side)

What did Yaga think?

He wants to eat his brother!

Baba Yaga (sings)

I'm on the forest grass

I'll ride!

On a hillock under a pine tree

I'll wallow!

Everyone who is mother and father

Will not listen

I'll catch on the porch

Yes, I eat!

Baba Yaga is hiding behind the trees on the left. After a while, Masha peeks out from behind the trees.

Mashenka comes in, sneaks out of the trees, goes up to Vanechka.

Masha: Hello, brother, my dear, I'll take you home,

Mother will come soon, she won't find us with you

They run into the forest.

Enter Baba Yaga: Where is the boy?

Where geese?

Robbed! Deceived!

They snuck out from under the nose!

I just can't find the words

And I'm trembling with anger! geese, geese!

Are arriving geese.

Baba Yaga: What are you standing for? What are you waiting for? March in pursuit!

Do not find me a boy - you then

There will be terrible trouble!

Geese fly away, Baba Yaga leaves.

Vedas: Tired children run for a long time

Here they met the stove on the way

Masha: Stove, dear, have pity on us,

Close Swan geese, cover us quickly.

Children hide behind the stove geese swans run up and start looking around.

First swan goose

It's all because of you!

What did you open your beak?

Second swan goose (crying)

Oh, how sorry I am for myself!

First swan goose (with annoyance)

May you perish in the soup!

geese-swans disappear behind the stove. Immediately, Masha and Vanechka appear from behind her.

Masha (with bow)

Cookie forever you

I would appreciate that!

Masha and Vanya run away. Reappear Swan geese.

Second swan goose

Just been here

And where did they go?

First swan goose

Looks like they ran into the woods!

Badly we crept up!

Mashenka and Vanechka appear by the river.


River, river, help!

Protect from the chase!

Hiding under the fabric of the river.

Geese fly around the river:

Was just here. And where did they go?

geese The swans disappear across the river. Immediately, Masha and Vanechka appear from behind her.

Masha (with bow)

Mother River, for you

BUT geese returned to the hut home.

Baba Yaga.

Didn't they catch up?

Have you lost?


We circled, we flew

We looked into our eyes.

Someone help the kids

And hides them from us.

Baba Yaga.

I'll, geese, I will punish

I will tie everyone with ropes


Yes, I'll put it in the oven!

I'll just put firewood,

(goes for wood)

Magpie flies in

What a scandal!

What a scandal!

Our forest has not seen this.

Baba Yaga tied the Geese.

Save them quickly!

Magpie unleashes geese


Tired of being evil

We do not want to serve Yaga.

We will go to the village to live,

There is grain and a warm house.


Yes, yes, yes, let's fly from here.

Here you feel bad, here you feel bad.

Baba Yaga comes out, looking for Geese.

My servants fled.

There is no friend, no girlfriend.

I'm completely hungry.

So who am I going to eat now?

I'll fly after,

Maybe I'll find the kid.

He leaves for the hut.

Vedas: Everyone ran away from Baba Yaga. "Goodbye" to her said. A woman flew off - Yaga in a mortar herself in pursuit of Vanya and caught up with the children at the apple tree.

Baba Yaga:

And here is Vanya, my lunch. (Turns to Vanya)

Do you happen to have gum?

I love it very much, I chew it from morning till night!


Do you love chewing gum? Well, in vain!

It's a problem for the stomach

Do you want to live up to three hundred years -

Eat borscht for lunch

Eat cutlets, soup, and porridge

You will be more beautiful year by year

Make friends with physical education -

There will be a slim figure.

Eat fruits - they are healthy

Forget about sickness.

Thank you for advice

Better go home!


Hello Grandma-Yagusya

Take apples, eat

(Treats apples)

Will you be a good grandmother

And you will not do evil!

Baba Yaga:

That's why I was evil

That I lived alone in the forest.

Never heard of vitamins.

Didn't eat healthy food.

Will you forgive me old,

I won't harm you anymore

I'll take care of my health

And I'll take you home.

Baba Yaga, together with the children, approaches the hut.

Masha with Vanechka:

We forgive you, Yaga.

Come to us, we invite you.

Since then, for many years they all lived without trouble.

I'm sorry to upset you fairy tale should end,

And for what you tried listening and smiling

Thank you very much and I will give gifts -

The apple tree brought its gifts for the children.

(They take out the apples.)

Miracle stove surprised, gave sweet buns

(The buns are taken out of the oven.)

Well, the river is sweet tea, drink it, yes remember the fairy tale!

Sounds like Russian folk melody. The children leave the room.