Interactive map how to make a presentation. How to make an interactive presentation useful for preschoolers. Checking the correct operation of the navigation buttons

  • 03.12.2019

They differ in some features of working with data, displaying information on maps, and, of course, functionality. Storymap will help you in case if:

    • you need to create a simple, visual, mobile-friendly map, consisting of a relatively small number of marker points;
    • your task is not to visualize large amounts of data, various statistics, but only to show the location of some important objects for the material;
    • it is important to show directional movement from one point to another - for example, the route of an international research expedition or something similar.

Getting Started

The service was developed by Knight Lab, and therefore is very similar to other applications created by the lab - and . Creating maps based on it is very simple, fast, and at the same time they look beautiful (including on mobile devices), as they can include a wide variety of multimedia content. Let's figure out how to work with this application.

The Storymap interface does not have a Russian version, but if you do not speak English, this is not a problem - you need to remember a small number of fairly universal words that will allow you to navigate the application.

To start creating interactive map, press the big green button in the center of the screen and log in with your Google account. Unlike Timeline, it is needed here only for entry.

The Storymap workspace is a bit like a familiar presentation application. In fact, here you also make a set of slides, only each of them is tied to a specific place on the map. So, on the left you have a list of slides, in the center is a map for finding locations, on the bottom are fields for entering text and attaching additional files to slides.

We add the first mark on the map by clicking on Add Slide and plus in the left column. Then we will need to select a point on the map to which it will refer. For this, there is a search box on the map itself, which is implemented here through Google. And this means that you can enter addresses in Russian and, moreover, accurate to the street and house. We find the desired mark, and Storymap transfers its marker there.

By the way, you can make your own markers if for some reason you don't like the standard ones: the settings button is in the lower right corner - marker options.

Everything you do can be viewed even before the publication of the project, through the preview - it is located in the second tab in the center under the word Preview. Each the slide being created can be conditionally divided into two parts: on the left - the map, on the right - all the content that you link to it. What can be tied?

First of all, an illustration is a column with the heading Media. It can be downloaded from a computer, or added via a link if it is already published somewhere on the web. Here is a description and an indication of the source of the image. Further, on the right - the main content. In general, under the entire part with content - from illustration to text, you can put your own background, this feature lies under the Background options button. Well, and finally, you can include almost anything in the text description of the mark on the map, since embed codes are supported here. And this means that almost any multimedia elements will be included here.

Remember that, unlike Google Maps or Yandex. Maps on the Storymap are important in the sequence of the added slides. That is, the reader will move around the map in the order in which you lined them up.

When all the points and descriptions are added, you can look at the settings a little more - in Options at the top left. Here you can specify the size of the embedded map (if you will place it on a page of your site or blog), the content language (if you specify Russian, navigation in the created map will automatically be translated to it), the display style of the map itself, the font and text of the button inviting you to viewing. Another option is already hidden under the Share menu item - this is the ability to set the desired image under the title screen of the map.

Would you like to see what the finished product with Storymap might look like? see the map Tour of Media Power by Oksana Silantieva in 2016.

Astvatsaturov G.O., Armavir The preparation of interactive maps is now very popular. There are great opportunities to use ready-made interactive maps online from the Internet, but in the lesson we can be let down by speed. In addition, we can prepare our interactive maps based on those learning objectives that we set before us. The proposed demo version of the map can be easily used for interactive whiteboard with proper setup. So, let's start creating an interactive map. Step one. Insert the main card. In this case, a map of Russia. more Attention! For an interactive map, it is more expedient to set up not an object, but a whole slide. Step two. In the change of slides we find the "rectangle out" mode. With it, the effect of changing cards is the most rational. In the "change slides" we also remove the checkmarks from the "on click" and "automatic" modes. Step three. Now we need to create hyperlinks. They will be selected objects - a particular region, even a locality. In our particular case, we will single out the Krasnodar Territory and Karelia. We select them with a polyline. We get objects that will later become hyperlinks. Note! A solid fill is required so that the hyperlink appears not only along the path, but throughout the entire object. Set the format of the resulting image to 100% transparency. Step four. On separate slides we place the maps of regions we need. Let me remind you that the change of all slides in the "rectangle out" mode. Step five. We make each of the selected objects hyperlinks to the corresponding maps. The recommended action of a hyperlink is "on hover". In this mode, the operation of the interactive map is most effective. If necessary, we can continue to deepen the content, that is, move from the map of the region to the map of the city (settlement). From here - to individual objects. Step six. Do not forget to place "back buttons" on all maps and on main map, and on the map, then for example, the region. So what do we get? We point to the necessary objects. In this case, to Karelia or the Krasnodar Territory. Remember to set the arrow mode to "visible" so that the transition to other slides is carried out quickly. A hyperlink to a locality is made by a transparent Pavlovskaya rectangle. In fact, it is not visible. In our case, this is Krasnodar. Point to the name of the city... Map of the Russian Federation A hyperlink to a settlement is made by a transparent rectangle. In fact, it is not visible. In our case, this is Petrozavodsk. Pointing at the name of the city... Map of the Russian Federation So, we have two "return buttons" of different levels: one - the Russian Federation, the other on the region Map of the Russian Federation Map of Karelia View of Krasnodar from space So, we have two "return buttons" of different levels: one - the Russian Federation, another for the region Map of the Russian Federation Map of the Krasnodar Territory Materials of the following sites were used in the development: rder=asc&start=650&

Purpose of work: To learn how to create a multi-level interactive map using PowerPoint.


1. Master the basic functions of PowerPoint.

2. Learn how to insert the components needed to create an interactive map in PowerPoint.

4. Be able to create "return buttons".

Work order:

1. Open the PowerPoint program in the Microsoft Office folder by clicking: Start - Programs - Microsoft office - PowerPoint . The main program window will open. 2. Click: File - New - New Presentation . 3. In the windowLayout Contents chooseBlank slide. 4. Insert the main map of the project into the program, for which do:Insert - Picture - From File and specifying the address of the map, download it (Fig. 1). 5. In the main menu, perform the following algorithm: slide show slide change . In the window that opens, find the mode P rectangle outside . With it, the effect of changing cards is the most rational. Then uncheck the modes On Click and Automatically . Mark Apply to all slides.

Fig.1 Main window of the program PowerPoint.

6. To ensure the interactivity of the map, you should select the objects that will be linked by hyperlinks to the attached slides. The execution algorithm is as follows: Insert - Picture - Auto Shapes. In the windowAutoShapes choose:Basic Shapes - Polyline . With the help of the cross-shaped cursor that appears, we outline the boundaries of the object on the map. Be sure to close the line to get the whole object. 7. To remove the fill and make the selected area invisible, place the cursor on the object and right-click. In the window that opens, select AutoShape format. In the window that opens (Fig. 2), set Fill transparency 100%. Then do: Line Color - Other Colors (fig.3) – Line transparency 100% - Approx.

Rice. 2. Program window. Rice. 3. Program window Colors . AutoShape Format

8. Click: Insert - Create Slide . 9. In the windowLayout Contents chooseEmpty slide . 10. Insert a drawing (map, photo, table, graph, etc.) into the opened slide, which will be a hyperlink. For this inrun the following algorithm: Insert - Picture - From File and enter the file address. 11. Return to the main map, for which click the left mouse button in the windowStructure on the first slide. 12. C using a hyperlink, you should link the selected objects of the main map with the attached slides. To do this, place the mouse cursor on one of the selected objects and right-click. In the window that opens, select Hyperlink . 13. In the window that appears Adding a hyperlink (fig.4) choose Link to a location in the document . Select a location in the document slide 2 (or other associated with this object) . Similarly, hyperlinks are created with other objects. In attached slides, you can also highlight objects and set hyperlinks to other slides, etc.

Fig.4. Program window Adding a hyperlink.

14. For the normal functioning of the interactive map, back buttons should be placed on the attached slides, providing a transition to the main map. The algorithm is as follows: in the window Structure click the left mouse button on the image of the second slide, and then successively click Slide Show - Action Buttons - Action Button: Back .Use the cursor to select a place on the slide for the back button. A window will appear Setting up an action (Fig.5). Install in the window By mouse click the following settings: Follow the hyperlink The first slide is OK. 15. To test the functioning of the interactive map, press: Slideshow - Start showing. We carry out a check.

Rice. 5. Program window Setting up an action

The use of interactive maps in the classroom is very effective. It allows you to quickly solve various educational tasks with the children, quickly "move" in space and time.

There are great opportunities to use ready-made interactive maps online from the Internet, but in the lesson we can be let down by speed. Or in this moment we are not connected to the internet at all for some reason.

There are already electronic teaching aids with similar cards. But often there is a need for their own development of such a plan. We can prepare our interactive maps based on the educational tasks that we set for ourselves.

And again I would like to emphasize that this technique is very effectively reproduced not only on an ordinary screen, in combination with a computer-projector, but especially on an interactive whiteboard.

So, let's start creating an interactive map.

Step one. We insert the main map, for example, a map of Russia.

Attention! For an interactive map, it is more expedient to set up not an object, but a whole slide. Therefore, it is advisable to perform the next step of changing slides.

Step two. In the main menu, we perform the following algorithm: Animation - Slide Change . In the change of slides we find the mode "rectangle out" . With it, the effect of changing cards is the most rational. AT "Slide Change" also remove the checkmarks from the modes "on click" and "automatically" . This applies to all slides of our development.

Step three. Now we need to create hyperlinks. They will be selected objects - a particular region, even a locality, for example, the Krasnodar Territory and Karelia. We select them with a closed polyline.

The execution algorithm is as follows: Insert - Shapes - Polylines i (maybe scribble ).

If you are unable to get a filled shape, put on top of the planned area an auto shape that fits the outlines the most and make it transparent. We get objects that will later become hyperlinks.

Note! A solid fill is required so that the hyperlink appears not only along the path, but throughout the entire object. Therefore, be sure to close the line to get the whole object.

When you have a selection on the screen, regardless of the resulting fill color, set the format of the resulting image to 100% transparency. Thus, the hyperlink object is invisible, outwardly our map is no different from the usual one. But meanwhile, all the regions we have selected are hyperlinks.

Step four. On separate slides we place the maps of regions we need. Let me remind you that changing all slides in the " rectangle out ».

Step five. We make each of the selected objects hyperlinks to the corresponding maps. Recommended hyperlink action " on mouse hover ". In this mode, the operation of the interactive map is most effective.

In the maps of regions, we also highlight those objects that should become hyperlinks. If this is a region, then also select it with a polyline. Settlements should be highlighted with a rectangle, superimposing it on the name. Next, set the transparent light of the figure and its lines again.

If necessary, we can continue to deepen the content, that is, move from the map of the region to the map of the city (settlement). From here - to individual objects. For example, to show the view of the school from space. Or follow the hyperlink to photos of individual objects.

Step six. Do not forget to place “back buttons” on all maps both on the main map and on the map, for example, of the region. That is, on the remaining cards there may be several back buttons: for example, one button - with locality on the map of the region, the other - on the map of Russia.

So, our map is ready. I would like to emphasize that for all other slides, you must also select high-quality maps or images. That is, it would hardly be appropriate, for example, to cut out a separate region from a large map of Russia, enlarge it and place it on a separate slide. As a rule, we will get a little recognizable, blurry object.

We must try to find separate maps, diagrams, high quality photos. Only then will this technique be effective. One more thing.

If you're showing an interactive map, be sure to check out the section on customizing your PowerPoint presentation to work on an interactive whiteboard.

Interactive maps can also be used in didactic travel games through virtual, fictional countries. In this case, it is necessary to colorfully draw the necessary zones, objects. However, there may be other problems with hyperlinks here.

If you drew some symbols on such a map, made inscriptions, etc., then grouping them into one object (a region of a country, for example) will not help you make it a hyperlink. It is hardly appropriate to give a hyperlink to individual elements. Here again, a hyperlink based on an invisible autoshape can help.

Purpose of work: To learn how to create a multi-level interactive map using PowerPoint.


1. Master the basic functions of PowerPoint.

2. Learn how to insert the components needed to create an interactive map in PowerPoint.

4. Be able to create "return buttons".

Work order:

1. Open the PowerPoint program in the Microsoft Office folder by clicking: Start - Programs - Microsoft office - PowerPoint . The main program window will open. 2. Click: File - New - New Presentation . 3. In the windowLayout Contents chooseBlank slide. 4. Insert the main map of the project into the program, for which do:Insert - Picture - From File and specifying the address of the map, download it (Fig. 1). 5. In the main menu, perform the following algorithm: slide show slide change . In the window that opens, find the mode P rectangle outside . With it, the effect of changing cards is the most rational. Then uncheck the modes On Click and Automatically . Mark Apply to all slides.

Fig.1 Main window of the program PowerPoint.

6. To ensure the interactivity of the map, you should select the objects that will be linked by hyperlinks to the attached slides. The execution algorithm is as follows: Insert - Picture - Auto Shapes. In the windowAutoShapes choose:Basic Shapes - Polyline . With the help of the cross-shaped cursor that appears, we outline the boundaries of the object on the map. Be sure to close the line to get the whole object. 7. To remove the fill and make the selected area invisible, place the cursor on the object and right-click. In the window that opens, select AutoShape format. In the window that opens (Fig. 2), set Fill transparency 100%. Then do: Line Color - Other Colors (fig.3) – Line transparency 100% - Approx.

Rice. 2. Program window. Rice. 3. Program window Colors . AutoShape Format

8. Click: Insert - Create Slide . 9. In the windowLayout Contents chooseEmpty slide . 10. Insert a drawing (map, photo, table, graph, etc.) into the opened slide, which will be a hyperlink. For this inrun the following algorithm: Insert - Picture - From File and enter the file address. 11. Return to the main map, for which click the left mouse button in the windowStructure on the first slide. 12. C using a hyperlink, you should link the selected objects of the main map with the attached slides. To do this, place the mouse cursor on one of the selected objects and right-click. In the window that opens, select Hyperlink . 13. In the window that appears Adding a hyperlink (fig.4) choose Link to a location in the document . Select a location in the document slide 2 (or other associated with this object) . Similarly, hyperlinks are created with other objects. In attached slides, you can also highlight objects and set hyperlinks to other slides, etc.

Fig.4. Program window Adding a hyperlink.

14. For the normal functioning of the interactive map, back buttons should be placed on the attached slides, providing a transition to the main map. The algorithm is as follows: in the window Structure click the left mouse button on the image of the second slide, and then successively click Slide Show - Action Buttons - Action Button: Back .Use the cursor to select a place on the slide for the back button. A window will appear Setting up an action (Fig.5). Install in the window By mouse click the following settings: Follow the hyperlink The first slide is OK. 15. To test the functioning of the interactive map, press: Slideshow - Start showing. We carry out a check.

Rice. 5. Program window Setting up an action