World Safer Internet Day. World Consumer Rights Day World Internet Day of the year

  • 29.05.2020

Do not use one password for several sites or pages, in addition to the main e-mail box, create an additional one, do not follow links, do not download files from suspicious sites. These simple rules will help to avoid serious problems with software computer, said System Administrator The Central City Library Andrey Kutenev at a consultation for pensioners, which took place on February 6 as part of the Safe Internet Day.

Nadezhda Pastukhova, a specialist in the Department of Legal Electronic Information and Services, showed how to work on sites that help generate complex passwords. Immediately, the elderly participants in the class tried to create passwords for their mailboxes and pages on social networks.

On the same day in Central Library Several more events dedicated to Internet security took place. The most vulnerable users are children. Prevent them from accessing the World Wide Web modern conditions impossible. So you need to talk about the dangers that await them there. An introductory lesson with students of the 3rd grade of school No. 44 was conducted by Larisa Amirova, head of the department of specialized literature.

Why is there little political news in the "Typical Tagil" group, how to become the "Girl of the Day" of the largest Tagil community social network VKontakte, what other projects the public plans to launch - these and other questions were asked by students of the Nizhny Tagil Medical College to the administrator of the [TT] group Ekaterina Smirnova. And the Tagil journalists present at the meeting expressed their complaints to the editors of "Typical Tagilchanin": in their opinion, borrowed materials are not always accompanied by references to the source. Ekaterina Smirnova promised to take into account all suggestions and wishes in further work.

Students of the Demidov College and the Nizhny Tagil Pedagogical Institute that day learned about the responsibility for distributing materials of an extremist nature on the Internet, as well as rehabilitating Nazism and demonstrating fascist symbols. About electronic library systems young people were told by the chief librarian of the department of specialized literature Alena Lokhanina.

Ekaterina Safroneeva, Head of the Reference and Bibliographic Department, offered to test her knowledge of safe behavior on the Internet with the help of an interactive quiz.

The “Safe Internet Day” at the Central Library ended with an informational conversation held with parents by psychologists from the City Youth Palace. It turned out that if a child plays games on a computer, this is not always a cause for concern. But if he spends several hours at this activity, does not respond to requests, ignores his parents, does not communicate with friends, then it's time to sound the alarm. Modern psychologists compare computer addiction with drug addiction. In the most severe cases, only qualified specialists can help to cope with it.

"Safe Internet Day" was held as part of the All-Russian campaign "Safe Internet Week". In MBUK "TsGB" events within the framework of the Week are held from January 30 to February 9. In all libraries of the system, users participate in business games, conversations, reviews, quests.

Worldwide Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the second Tuesday of February. The use of web resources has become commonplace. The World Wide Web helps in work, paying bills, searching for information, allows people to communicate in different parts of the world, study, read the best literature, listen to new tracks and watch movies. The goal of the Website Safety Celebration is to promote the responsible use of technology online.

history of the holiday

A celebration dedicated to safe surfing on the Internet was established in 2004. The basis for sanctioning the holiday was a special program developed by the European Commission. The project had a "talking" name "Safe Internet". A year later, Insafe, a non-profit company, became the main coordinator of the holiday.

This organization is represented by several national centers operating under the auspices of the European Commission. Insafe includes a huge number of countries, including the Russian Federation, Iceland, European countries, Norway. Each of the centers conducts advocacy activities at the local level.

Plus, they are engaged in the implementation of special projects aimed at informing the audience about issues related to the safety of working on websites. The centers actively cooperate with young people, organize the operation of a helpline, and develop projects aimed at improving Internet surfing.

Human life is connected with receiving and exchanging information. The speed of these processes affects progress and labor productivity. The Internet has become a disruptive technology that has changed lives and economies. Along with the benefits came dangers. They are related to identity theft, malware, etc. To draw attention to this problem, an international holiday was established.


International Safer Internet Day is observed every year on the second Tuesday of February. In 2017, it falls on February 7th.

Who notes

The event is celebrated by figures public organizations, funds, officials, government representatives, employees of information security companies. The celebrations are joined by employees of institutions that protect personal data and fight against malware. The holiday is celebrated in 90 countries around the world.

History and traditions of the holiday

The holiday originated in January 2004. It was initiated by the European Commission. Her idea was supported by non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. They perform tasks to improve the security of handling the World Wide Web.

The participants undertook to combat the illegal content of the resources of the global Internet network, counteract the spread malware. The idea has become widespread among users and government agencies.

The theme of the event is assigned annually. It deals with topical issues in the field of protection of Internet users and the introduction of new programs. On this day, educational events are held, conferences and seminars are held. Members of public organizations talk about ways to protect personal data. The media mention the event, post thematic materials. The television broadcasts thematic programs and films. Proposals are made to improve the ways of handling the World Wide Web, projects to improve security, memos and rules of use are presented global network Internet. People who are related to the functioning of the Internet exchange congratulations and gifts.

The Internet began as a military technology for the US Army. It soon infiltrated civilian life. The Internet is used by 2.5 billion people.

Members of the Insafe organization, which stands for Internet security, are all countries of the European Union, Iceland, Russia, Norway.

Since 2008, the National Internet Security Node in Russia has been operating in the Russian Federation - an authorized member of Insafe and the International Network of Hotlines to Combat Illicit Data INHOPE.

A web interface has been created as a mechanism for eradicating dangerous content. It allows each user to leave a complaint about violations of the resource.

From January 31 to February 7, 2017, Russia will host the Tenth (anniversary) Safe Runet Week - the main Russian event dedicated to the problem of safe and positive use digital technologies.

Safe Runet Week is a group of events united by a common theme - the safety of Internet and mobile technology users, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, the role of digital technologies in our daily security. These events are held in Moscow and many regions of Russia.

Safe Runet Week is the official Russian part of the world events dedicated to International Day safe internet(Safer Internet Day) is an international date that draws the attention of specialists and Internet users to the problem of "digital" security. Safe Internet Day was established in 2004 in Europe, but since then it has stepped far beyond the Old World - this year it will be celebrated by about 130 countries, including Russia. The international organizer of the Day events is the European network of Insafe Internet Safer Centers, under whose authority national events are held - they are organized by Insafe Safer Internet Centers, or, if there is no such Center in the country, by Insafe-authorized Safer Internet Day Committees.

Russian Safe Runet Week traditionally held on the days leading up to Safer Internet Day. Anniversary Week 2017 year will be held from January 31 to February 7 inclusive. The events of the Week will cover not only Moscow, but also about 60 regions of Russia.

For the first time the Safe Runet Week was held in 2008 on the initiative of ROCIT and the Russian office of Microsoft, and included three events. Since 2009, the operator of the Week has been the ROCIT project "Safe Internet Center" is the leading Russian complex project in the field of Internet safety for children and adults, representing Russia in the network of Safer Internet Centers at the European level. Since the same year, the Safe Runet Week has become one of the official Safe Internet Day events held in various countries world, and is the official event of the Day in the territory Russian Federation. Also in 2009, within the framework of the Week, for the first time, a regional component appears - the official events of the Week were held in four regions. Already in 2010, there were 31 participating regions of the Week, and since then, the Safe Runet Week has increasingly covered the space of our country.

As part of weeks conferences, round tables, "straight lines" with experts, presentations of projects and initiatives in the field of a safe Internet for children and adults, competitions are announced or their results are summed up, quizzes, information campaigns, TV interviews are held - events of various formats and for different audiences. The main thing is that the event is useful and interesting. Among partners weeks actively participating in its implementation - the leaders of the Internet industry, public and non-profit organizations, research institutes, government agencies, the press, and most importantly, those who are directly involved in the upbringing of children and the formation of positive values ​​in them.

Participate in the week everyone can. By doing this, he helps to make the online environment more convenient and safer not only for “society”, but also for himself and his loved ones.

Participate! It will be both interesting and useful.

International Safer Internet Day- a key international date dedicated to the problem of the safety of children and adults on the Internet and the formation of an ethical and safe online environment. Safer Internet Day is organized by the European Network of Safer Internet Centers Insafe, which contributes to the development and promotion of the Day in the world space.

Like a special date Safe Internet Day was established in 2004. Now this event has gone far beyond its original geographical boundaries and is celebrated more than 130 countries of the world. Events held within the framework of the Day take place on almost all continents - from Brazil to Japan and from Australia to Iceland. The number of events of the Day is already measured in thousands. Information about official Safer Internet Day events in various countries can be found in the list compiled by the organizers of the Day on the website

In 2017 motto Safe Internet Day sounds like this:

“Become an engine of change! Team up with others for a safer internet!”

Safe Internet Centers of EU/EEA countries, Serbia and Russia are the official organizers of Safer Internet Day events in their countries. Countries that do not have their own national Centers send their preliminary applications for participation in worldwide events to the Insafe network.

However, this does not mean that no one else will be able to hold their event on Safer Internet Day. Will be able! To do this, you need to send an application to the national organizer of the Safe Internet Day (for Russia, this is ROCIT - operator of the Safer Internet Center in Russia), which will be definitely considered. After agreement with the National Center, the event is officially included in the list of Safer Internet Day events and can be directly associated with Happy Internet Day. Thus, for example, the network of regional partners of the Safe Runet Week in Russia was built and expanded. After all, the more people and organizations support the Day, the higher the chances that our online life will become safer.

The central events of the Tenth Anniversary Safe Runet Week will be held in Moscow. In 2017, the Week will include:

January 31– Online press conference of Internet industry experts in honor of the decade of the Safe Runet Week” on the Internet resources of ROCIT.


  • Sergey Plugotarenko, Russian Association for Electronic Communications;
  • Sergey Grebennikov, ROCIT;
  • Urvan Parfentiev, Safe Internet Center
  • Mark Tverdynin, "Don't Allow!"
  • Andrey Vorobyov, Coordination center for .ru and .rf domains

1st of February- Scientific and practical seminar "Safety of digital childhood: new risks and digital culture"

Venue - Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Start - at 11-00

February 3rd- A traditional videoconference with the regions on raising awareness of children, parents and specialists in the field of education and culture in terms of the positive and safe use of digital technologies.

Co-organizer - Russian State Children's Library. The event will traditionally be attended by representatives of the Internet industry and the research environment. Within the framework of the event, there will also be a demonstration game "Learn the Internet - manage it!"

February 4- Lectures on a secure Internet environment for future programmers and IT people. Co-organizer - CODDY School. The lecturers will be representatives of the leading players in the IT and mobile industry in Russia.

The beginning of the event - at 16-00

Note: The program of the Week may be subject to amendments and changes. Follow them on the site of the Week.

The results of the anniversary Safe Runet Week will be summed up at a special press conference dedicated to the end of the Week, which will be held in the press center of the Parliamentary Newspaper February 9th.

If your organization wants to host an event weeks secure Runet, then this can be done very simply.

Report your desire Center for Safe Internet in Russia by the address [email protected] by submitting the following information:

  • the name of the planned event;
  • type of event (conference, round table, press conference, etc.);
  • approximate date of the event (within the Safe Runet Week, i.e. from January 31 to February 7, 2017 inclusive, other dates may be considered as a special exception);
  • organization (organizations) hosting the event, their organizational and legal form ( non-profit organization, government agency, educational institution etc.);
  • key participants (for a round table or press conference - speakers, for a public event - key persons, etc.);
  • planned approximate number of participants (listeners, speakers, etc.);
  • planned coverage of the event in the media;
  • target audience (children, parents, social workers, teachers, etc.);
  • up-to-date contacts of the coordinating organization and the person responsible for the event.

After receiving your application, representatives Safe Internet Center in Russia ( ROCIT) will contact you at the coordinates you specified. To get a more complete picture of the planned event, representatives of the Center can ask additional questions or request Additional information, which is not a commercial, state or other secret protected by law.

On the inclusion of the announced events in the Week Center for Safe Internet in Russia (ROCIT) formally notifies the applicant organization by e-mail. From now on, materials related to the event may use the official Safe Internet Day logo (Russian and English), as well as the official logo of the Safe Runet Week participant. After coordination with the national Center, the event is officially included in the events of the Safe Runet Week and can legally directly associate itself with the Safe Internet Day. The Safe Internet Center in Russia publishes information about the event and the applicant in the section "Events in the regions" the official website of the Safe Runet Week, and also disseminates information in materials dedicated to the Safe Runet Week, including in the media.

you can support Safe Internet Day in ways that suit you. For example, by publishing information about the Safe Runet Week on your website (for example, a press release), or by sending out information about the week in the media.

And of course, everyone can become a speaker, listener or contestant of the Safe Runet Week event.

Date in 2019: .

The World Wide Web has spread at a frantic pace around the world and covered civilized society with an imperceptible grid. The positive qualities of local networks are undeniable. They were able to radically change the views on work, leisure, ways of communicating and obtaining information, training. Comfortable? Crazy. Fast? Incredible. But how safe is it? The issue of Internet security has become so global that even a holiday identical to the problem, World Safe Internet Day, has appeared.

The Internet can be treated differently. But the importance cannot be underestimated local network in breaking through the economy and solving social issues. In addition, the virtual world is a fascinating, informative and multifaceted side of the life of many users.

Unfortunately, not all actions and information received on the local network are safe. It is the importance of solving Internet security problems that prompted the world community to create a world-class holiday.

The relevance of Internet security: who celebrates the holiday?

The rapid development of electronic and information technologies inevitably affected the life of every person. The Internet has become an integral part of it, and for some, virtual communication has completely replaced the real one.

The World Wide Web has changed the views of man even on time and distance. Now it costs nothing to contact friends or business partners who are thousands of kilometers away. It is easy to find any information of interest with a couple of mouse clicks, instead of rummaging through volumes of books and other literature. And what are they worth educational programs. It's just a godsend for parents and teachers, students and just curious and creative individuals.

But the possibilities of networks were able to use not only ordinary users, but also people who were not clean at hand. And dangers lie in wait for us in the network at almost every step. Do not underestimate the actions of cyber scammers.

Hackers use various programs and viruses to gain access to our personal data, mail, cash flow. Such actions cause material and moral damage. Network "spies" steal and appropriate exclusive information and intellectual property. From which specific individuals, and entire corporations, and even countries suffer.

And children and teenagers are especially vulnerable to Internet attacks. Their still fragile psyche does not adequately respond to the flow of negativity coming from the network. After all, the pages that open links lead to sometimes terrify even adults.

The topic of negativity from the local network can be continued endlessly. And in the realities of geopolitical conflicts, the network is filled with hatred, calls for violence, outright misanthropic slogans.

Therefore, we can safely say that the World Safe Internet Day, when such problems are solved, is a holiday for everyone. This is an important day for ordinary citizens, regardless of age and status, and for any organization, enterprise, and of course, for the whole country.

history of the holiday

The internet was originally designed for use by the US military. But this technology quickly spread around the world and today there are up to 2.5 billion users on the network. And this is a third of the inhabitants of the entire planet.

And already in 2004, there was an urgent need to protect Internet users. This idea belongs to the European Commission. With the support of European SchoolNet and Insafe, non-profit organizations, a special holiday was established related to safer Internet issues. It quickly gained international status. Today, World Safer Internet Day takes place in 84 countries at once. And the date was chosen the first Tuesday of February. In 2017, the holiday falls on February 7th. On this day, many public and government organizations will hold thematic events designed to teach people to resist the actions of scammers in networks, tell them where to look for help in case of material or moral damage.

Since 2008, the National Internet Security Node in Russia organization has been dealing with such issues. She is an official member of Insafe and helps users solve problems related to the safety of using various resources. For this, a special resource has been created, where any user can leave a complaint about dangerous or illegal content.

Each Runet user must know not only the basics of working on the network, but also ways to protect themselves, their families, and their finances. On Safe Internet Day, February 7, it will be useful to learn simple but effective tips.

To ensure financial security:

  1. For payment systems and Email use different and preferably complex passwords. Choose tricky answers to your secret question, which will help you restore access to your account in the future, but will make life more difficult for scammers.
  2. Do not post personal information on forums and social networks. Remember that dishonest people can always use your phone, address and other data.
  3. Control the movement of your finances with the help of the service " mobile banking» and set limits on cash cards. So you can track and prevent unauthorized expenses.
  4. Don't trust free networks in in public places. The provider of such networks is able to track the traffic and will be able to use your data.
  5. Do not write access passwords in text files, but set separate passwords for the most important documents on your PC.
  6. If your phone or tablet is lost or stolen, try to quickly change passwords on important payment sites or block your money cards.
  7. Be sure to install a trusted antivirus program and keep it up to date.

An important issue is the safety of children on the Internet. And in many respects it depends on the attentiveness of the parents. The "Parental Control" function will help block access to unwanted sites. To cut off advertising, where pornography or propaganda of cruelty often slips, installation of special software will help.

Filter-censors help to cope with many tasks. If such filters are not installed, do not allow your child to use Runet without adult supervision.

Much more difficult with teenagers. But still, you should be interested in what sites the child visits and with whom he chats in social networks.

Of course, it is difficult for a simple layman to protect himself from all the negativity from the World Wide Web and from the actions of advanced hackers. But 80 - 90% of the security on the Internet depends on their own actions and the user's desire to protect themselves.

Larisa , January 16, 2017 .