How can merchandising technologies be applied in the library. A technique for creating a comfortable space. Sales promotion activities

  • 22.05.2021

The retail book trade purchases books from publishers or wholesalers and sells it to end users (citizens, libraries, organizations). At the stage retail book goods, i.e. sales to a retail (final) buyer, there is a public recognition of the labor and other resources that were produced at all stages of the creation and promotion of book products. If the book has received such recognition from buyers, then they purchase it and thereby reimburse the costs incurred by the enterprises involved in the publication and distribution of books, making it possible to continue the process of producing book goods.

Retail logistics- this is a functional area of ​​​​logistics that optimizes commodity and other economic flows (service, information, financial, personnel) in order to sell goods to end (retail) buyers.

Purpose of retail logistics- create conditions for the buyer to meet with the book he needs (forming an assortment that most closely matches the demand, informing customers about the store's services, etc.), and then make the buying process pleasant and convenient.

This goal can be formulated more clearly using logistic rule "Seven N" in relation to retail: to provide our consumer with the goods he needs in the required quantity with the required quality in the right place at the right time with the best (optimal) costs.

The logistical efficiency of the retail book trade is due to the fact that it performs the following functions:

  • provides end customers with a wide range of products and organizes a comfortable shopping atmosphere;
  • provides consulting, information, advertising and other services to customers;
  • explores the situation in the book market;
  • searches for goods for which buyers demand;
  • performs operations to prepare goods for sale and sell them, sets retail prices for book products;
  • Makes payments to customers.

The state of the retail book trade in our country does not yet meet the needs of publishers and consumers of book products. First, the number of retail books is clearly insufficient. outlets; secondly, the level of their activity is not high enough.

According to rough estimates, there are about 50-60 thousand people per bookstore in the country (in Europe, one bookstore accounts for 6-13 thousand people). Of greatest concern is the state of the provincial book trading network. Most of the bookselling outlets are concentrated in the European part of Russia, and almost half of the small towns with a population of up to 100,000 people do not have a bookstore. Not all regional centers have modern bookstores capable of offering their customers an assortment of at least 10,000 titles.

Nevertheless, the processes of qualitative and quantitative development of Russian bookstores are underway. Retail bookselling enterprises are developing in the following areas:

  • bookselling networks are being formed and growing, publishing houses are opening, large bookstores are being improved;
  • the range of publications presented in bookstores is expanding;
  • sales increase through book clubs, online stores;
  • in stores, the volume and quality of services provided to customers are expanding;
  • stores use computer systems for inventory management, information exchange with suppliers and customers, etc.;
  • being introduced modern methods supplying bookstores with goods (see "Modern trends in purchasing logistics");
  • trading floors are equipped with modern equipment, design and merchandising are becoming important components of retail.

The defining directions for the development of the structure of the retail book trade are the creation of chains of bookstores and the development of large independent stores (Trading Houses or Book Houses).

A chain of stores is a set of retail outlets under common ownership and control that sell a similar range of products, have a common purchasing service, a central warehouse, and possibly a single sales floor layout.

At present, almost all large networks are created by publishing houses (the AST publishing group - the Bukva network, the Eksmo publishing house - the New Book and Bukvoed networks) and bookselling companies (Top-kniga). Some networks are based on former state structures, for example, "Moscow Book House".

Bookselling networks are characterized by the following. There is a common management structure that defines a common trade policy. It is engaged in the purchase of goods from publishers, has a warehouse and transport facilities. The centralization of the procurement system allows you to receive big discounts For publishers, shared warehousing and transportation results in significant cost savings. The network has a single computer system, which bookstores use to submit sales reports and generate purchase requests. Management of financial and economic activities of bookstores is carried out from a single center. Warehouse and administrative functions of chain stores are almost completely absent, they are taken over by the central enterprise. At the same time, the maximum typification of logistical schemes for the work of bookstores is being introduced, including the processes of movement of goods, information, financial, and personnel flows. All this significantly increases the efficiency of retail chains.

Performance results large independent stores are quite clearly visible on the example of such well-known enterprises as Biblio-Globus, Young Guard, Moskva, etc. They have a wide range of products and offer a modern level of service, so a large number of buyers use their services. Large independent stores actively influence publishers and distributors, providing them with data on demand, encouraging them to implement modern logistics technologies for supply and information exchange.

Of great importance for the effective operation of independent bookstores and medium-sized chains is the development of the wholesale link. The bookstore must work closely with a small number of suppliers who provide a high level of supply logistics, a wide range. Fast shipping books should ensure a constant presence in the range of popular publications.

Enlargement retail companies - one of the trends in the development of the book trade. However, along with this trend, favorable conditions should be provided for the development of small and medium retail bookselling structures. They are characterized by a more flexible assortment policy, an individual approach to customer service. In addition, if the market is monopolized by 5-10 largest networks, they begin to dictate to publishers assortment policy and book pricing policy.

Logistics process in retail starts with providing the bookselling business with inputs, i.e. purchases and receipts to a retail bookselling enterprise of input commodity, personnel, information, financial flows. In addition to these flows, one more type of flows is of decisive importance in this area of ​​logistics - shopping flow. The more customers visit the bookstore and the more they shop, the more successful the bookstore business will be.

By managing input flows, the bookstore produces bookselling services that help people purchase books. As a result of sales, the store makes a profit. And what is no less important - satisfied with the perfect purchases and the level of customer service, ready to come back to the store and become its permanent partners. This characteristic of the customer flow creates the basis for future profits.

In the retail process, as in other logistics processes, there is a problem of equalizing the movement of economic flows during their transition from one link in the supply chain to another. In retail trade, it has two components: optimization of the "supplier - trading floor" interface and optimization of the "trading floor - buyer" interface.

The first component involves the formation and maintenance of a range of goods and a range of services that best meet the needs of customers. It uses purchasing and distribution logistics methods to ensure effective cooperation between the bookstore and suppliers (publishers and wholesalers). The development of cooperation takes place on the basis of the application of logistical concepts of trade-offs, total quality management, common costs, cooperation and integration.

The second component involves the optimization of the movement of economic flows at the retail stage, which is handled by retail logistics.

One of the main areas of retail logistics is to provide quality and range of products, available in bookstores. The increase in the number of book titles published in our country has exacerbated a number of problems. One of them was the problem of choice. Buyers have to spend a lot of time and effort searching for and choosing the right book in a wide range of bookstores. It is also difficult for booksellers to select the most suitable books for sale in their stores from the huge number of publications offered by manufacturers.

A wide range of products is a competitive advantage, but this advantage can be a source of economic hardship for a bookstore. Unreasonable expansion of the assortment slows down the movement of book goods, increases the level of return of unsold books to suppliers. And the wider the range, the more difficult it is to maintain its stability. An unstable assortment, a temporary lack of a book on sale can lead to dissatisfaction with demand, reduce the quality of customer service.

In addition, buyers want book merchandise as soon as they hear about a new book being released. In this regard, the issue of increase the speed of deliveries of goods. Life cycle books is very short: if the demand of the buyer for the book is not satisfied immediately, then he goes to another bookstore, and the book received late may no longer find another buyer.

The next direction in improving retail logistics is expanding the range by sales of media products(audio and video production, computer games etc.). This helps to attract a youth audience, but requires additional retail space. Consequently, the problem of more efficient placement of goods in trading floor.

Another area of ​​retail logistics is the creation of conditions for comfortable shopping. In the trading floor of the store, everything should encourage customers to approach the shelves with books, pick them up, leaf through them. It should be convenient for customers to move around the trading floor, it should be equipped with places where you can comfortably look through books or just relax.

Further efforts to improve retail convenience have resulted in the establishment of cafeterias in some bookstores. Such comfort zones attract visitors to bookstores, encourage them to spend more time in them, and therefore, booksellers have more opportunities to encourage them to make purchases. This direction is developing: cultural and entertainment events are held in stores (meetings with authors, children's book readings, etc.), children's rooms, clubs are created (see "Club activities of bookstores").

The transformation of the bookstore into cultural and leisure center welcome, but it must be borne in mind that the costs of these activities pay off, as a rule, slowly.

In retail logistics, the optimization of customer flows is of great importance. It is from the intensity of customer flows and the ability of the store to organize them efficient service, leading to purchases, depends on the success of the bookselling enterprise.

The location of a bookselling enterprise in urban areas has a determining influence on the nature and magnitude of consumer flows, since for many buyers it is very important to save time and effort on the purchase of goods. Convenient location implies the convenience of travel to the outlet, the presence of other trading enterprises nearby, etc.

Choosing the location of a bookstore involves trade-offs. Of course, it is preferable to place the store in a place where the flow of customers will be maximum. However, the more profitable and convenient the retail space is (on the central busy shopping street, next to the metro), the more expensive it is, therefore, the more income the store must have in order to pay rent or acquire it as a property. On the other hand, if the premises are cheap, then most likely it is located where customer flows are small, in which case the store may also not have enough income.

There are three main types of trade zones: shopping centers, business center of the city, residential areas.

Shopping centers are the streets where large commercial enterprises are located. AT last years trade complexes are being built, consisting of a large number of stores united under one roof. The location of stores close to each other causes intense customer flows, and the main part of them are potential buyers, i.e. people who have come to the area specifically to shop.

The business center attracts booksellers by the fact that a significant number of highly educated and wealthy people working here become visitors. However, there are also negative aspects: it is difficult to find a parking place, customer flows noticeably weaken on weekends and in the evenings.

In residential areas of cities you can also highlight the streets where several shops serving the area are concentrated. This is the most advantageous place to locate a district-level bookstore.

In addition to placement in an urban environment, the intensity of customer flows is influenced by such external factors, such as transport accessibility, store visibility, large and clearly visible storefronts, etc.

The decision on the location of the store should be made on the basis of an assessment of several options. At the same time, it is necessary to collect detailed information about positive and negative aspects each option. The best option can be selected according to the methodology described in relation to the selection of a supplier (see "Supplier Selection").

To organize an effective retail sale, a bookselling company must know its customers well, so it is necessary to conduct customer research. The simplest are studies of the intensity of customer flows. Their task is to determine the total number of store visitors per day, the distribution of the customer flow by trading hours, to identify seasonal and other factors that affect the intensity of customer flows. Despite the relative simplicity of this type of research, their results are very important for the logistics of retail sales (for example, for the schedule of salespeople, organizing the replenishment of stocks of books on the trading floor, etc.).

Interesting insights can be gained by comparing shopping flow data with sales data (by hours of sale and topics of books purchased). This analysis can reveal changes in the qualitative characteristics of consumer flows (housewives, schoolchildren, employees, walking public, etc.), which allows you to clearly tune retail logistics to the behavioral characteristics of individual groups.

More complex are studies devoted to an in-depth study of the composition of customer flows. Their results should be the identification of customer requirements different groups to the subject, quality, appearance of publications, the level of bookselling services, etc. This data will help booksellers use the most effective forms and methods of serving different categories of customers in the retail process.

The division of buyers into groups, i.e. their classification makes it possible to more accurately take into account their features, however, unfortunately, very few studies have been devoted to this problem.

The simplest is the classification, according to which the following groups of buyers are distinguished:

  • interested in a specific publication;
  • professionals who are interested in books on a particular topic;
  • wishing to purchase a book for a gift;
  • those who buy books for prestige reasons or to invest money;
  • book lovers who collect personal libraries.

This classification does not exhaust the whole variety of motives for purchasing books and types of buyers. In addition, the same person may be guided by different motives during different visits to the bookstore and at the same time turn out to be a representative of several of these categories.

Depending on thematic preferences, the following types of buyers can be distinguished:

  • "only classics" - they prefer elite, intellectual literature, as a rule, they have a higher education;
  • "in the know" - prefer periodicals, press, popular science publications;
  • "business person" - occupies a certain position in society, the range of his interests is determined by the nature of his activity (economics, politics, etc.);
  • "traditionalist" or conservative - characterized by a tough stance towards new topics or names;
  • "most famous" - consumers who read books on the recommendation of friends and acquaintances.

Reading researchers offer a division of buyers according to the intensity and qualifications of their collecting books:

  • a reader who does not have a pronounced interest in the book, reads from time to time, does not have his own books or has a random collection;
  • a reader with a utilitarian-entertaining attitude to the book, who prefers books about the household, detective stories, adventure literature, easy-to-read prose, who has a small personal library;
  • a reader with a "moderate" attitude to the book, but stable contacts with the book world. He acquires popular science literature, books on the specialty, new literary and artistic publications;
  • a reader with an active attitude to the book, a constant interest in literature, including more complex prose, poetry, drama;
  • a reader with increased demands on books, in-depth cognitive and philosophical orientation and an increased interest in literature (bibliophile).

Studies conducted by the largest bookstores show that the majority of bookstore visitors (about 75%) come to them on purpose, the rest - by chance (on the road, walking, etc.). More than half of bookstore visitors come to buy a specific book or a book on a specific subject. Approximately one third of them come in to get acquainted with the assortment, see what's new, etc. About 10% of visitors want to receive some services, attend presentations, etc. From these data, we can conclude that not all visitors plan to become buyers. Their behavior will depend on the employees of the store. The higher the level of service, the more of this group will become buyers.

It is very important to study the opinions of buyers about why they visit a particular bookstore, what image the company has developed. Knowing its attractive and unattractive sides for visitors, a bookselling retailer can purposefully work to improve its image in order to increase customer flow (see "Creating customer flows").

It is important not only to attract visitors to the store, but also to make the majority of them buyers. Therefore, it is important to properly organize customer flows within the store, accompanying the process of their movement with the provision of the maximum demanded services.

Forming customer flows, the bookstore must effectively use the benefits of its surrounding socio-cultural environment. First of all, this refers to the study and consideration of cultural, demographic and other characteristics of real and potential customer flows. Equally important is the effective use of the advantages of the location of the store near other outlets. Mutually beneficial partnership agreements can be established between trade enterprises of various profiles, providing for the coordination of advertising, service and other activities.

For most bookstores, it is possible to accurately determine how the composition of customer flows changes by trading hours, which allows sellers to individualize the service for each category of customers. For example, elderly people come early in the morning, non-working mothers come in during the day, children run in after school, employees visit the store after work.

The setting and atmosphere of a bookstore should encourage visitors to buy. Here an important role is played by the placement of book products in the hall, its layout, and the placement of book-selling equipment. All this should work to ensure that customer flows move in the right direction and pace, creating convenience for customers and ensuring the effectiveness of shopping.

In the trading floor of the store, certain patterns of movement of buyers are manifested. So, the main part of the buyers moves counterclockwise and rarely approaches the shelves in the back of the store. There is a so-called "golden triangle": the entrance is the most hot commodity- cash register. The flow of buyers is directed by the organization of entrances and exits, the arrangement of commercial equipment, the location of cash desks.

Nearly two-thirds of all purchasing decisions are made in-store by consumers. Even if the purchase was planned in advance, still seven out of ten buyers decide in favor of purchasing a particular title of the book on the trading floor. By facilitating the search for books, turning the process of choosing a purchase into an exciting activity, by increasing the time spent by the buyer on the trading floor, you can increase sales (see "Merchandising").

There are some rules for optimizing customer flows within the store. In order for customers to feel comfortable, it is necessary to leave approximately 60% of the area for their movement, therefore, commercial equipment should not occupy more than 40% of the sales area. When placing commodity groups, it should be taken into account that:

  • 80-90% of buyers bypass the points of sale located along the perimeter of the hall, and only 40-50% bypass the inner rows;
  • there are product groups for which the bulk of buyers come;
  • departments with the best-selling goods should be located separately, since the buyer will be forced to inspect most of the trading floor, in addition, such an arrangement will eliminate the accumulation of buyers;
  • in an effort to force the buyer to go through the entire store, one should not assume that he will look for the product he needs, wherever he is. If the buyer does not see this product in the hall, then he always has the opportunity to go to another store for it.
  • Despite significant differences, the publisher and the bookseller have one very important similarity - they want to sell as much as possible. more books. This similarity creates rich ground for cooperation, including in the field of merchandising. Differences in the goals of the manufacturer and the trader can lead to significant friction between them, and the negative result of cooperation is more dangerous for the manufacturer. Replacement books from a single publisher can usually be found more easily by a bookseller.

    Merchandisers can be store employees or publishers. It is possible to use a mixed version.

    Table 7

    Differences in merchandising purposes between a publisher and a bookseller


    Retail bookseller

    Increase sales own goods

    Increase total sales

    Introduce as many of your titles to the market as possible

    To form an optimal assortment based on all the publications offered on the book market

    Pay attention to new publishers

    Maintain the image of the store as implementing modern tendencies and sales technologies to expand the circle of customers and increase the number of purchases

    Form a commitment to certain publications

    To form a commitment to the store and individual publications. Participate in the formation of the needs and development of the tastes of customers

    Win new buyers of your books

    Increase the number of regular customers who are satisfied with the quality of the store. Win new customers by building sustainable competitive advantage shop

    Influence the buyer's decision in favor of choosing the publisher's products

    Improve the efficiency of the store offer and increase the total number of purchases. Provide buyers with the complete information they need to make decisions to buy more books

    Distinguish your own products from competitors' products

    Place accents in accordance with the general atmosphere of the store, its personality, the concept of presenting goods

    Train and advise shop staff on the properties and benefits of books published by the publisher

    To fully meet the needs of customers for information to make the right choice, which positively affects the image of the store and increase the number of purchases

What does trade and the library have to do with it, you ask?

To answer this question, we should slightly expand the concept of "merchandising".

Proper merchandising is unthinkable without the so-called POS materials - merchandising tools. You have already noticed that this is a new word of English origin. That's all the other terms will also be English. So let's be patient and look into it.

Wobbler - from English. wobble - fluctuate. These are pendants on a movable leg, which are mounted on the surface of the shelf above the product to which you want to draw attention. The wobbler dangles in the air flow and draws attention to itself and to the product with simple movements.

Mobile- hanging or rotating giant product layout. It can be jeans of the 350th size or one and a half meter Chupa-Chups caramels. Mobile literally screams with its size and it is simply impossible to get there.

blister- transparent packaging in which the product shows its true fresh face.

Shelftalker- bright divider. It helps to visually unify the type of goods sold under the same brand. Shelfstockers also include colored price tags with inscriptions such as "Discount of the century", "Sale of the season", etc.

dispenser- stand for leaflets, decorated with a slogan, brand or company logo.

In addition, merchandisers use advanced gadgets: video monitors, in-store television and radio... So that the buyer has all 5 senses involved. And all at once. Embrace gender differences. For example, men notice a product better. located far away, and women carefully examine the shelves in their immediate vicinity.

Well, do you feel the analogy between a store and a library? The store is puzzled to sell the goods to the buyer for his own money. And the library, having acquired books, is puzzled at all costs "suck in"These books are for your reader. Free of charge. And the librarian is thrilled with happiness if the book" laid eyes", that is, the reader " pecked"to library tricks.

Library tricks in this case are nothing more than the same merchandising.

And now about myself as a merchandiser. I confess honestly, merchandising turned out by accident. After that, I analyzed everything and drew conclusions. But ... the main thing - did it!
First photo. An exhibition of books donated to the library was made.

Time has passed. It's time to change the scenery. The books were removed from the exhibition. But it seemed that it was too early to hide them on the shelves. I decided to put on the bookshelves of open access, which are especially popular: the front cover. without removing bright .... labels? allurements? barkers? or, as it is with merchandisers - Wobblers? Shelftalkers?...
And that's what happened.

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Library merchandising? Easily!

Merchandising is a good thing! Trade uses it with might and main: shelves with goods that need to be sold are at eye level, men's goods are on top, women's are on the bottom ... I took it in my hands, consider it, I bought it :) But we have an arrangement by LBC and alphabetically, so as not to search for all departments ... Places for open extended exhibitions, most often, are not enough, but, nevertheless, the article is interesting. It evokes different thoughts ... I came across a link to it on Facebook - now I recommend it to you.

So - to the source ... (everything highlighted by the author is saved).

I am a library reader and my ATTENTION focused on the FACADE, SHOWCASES (WINDOWS), SIGNS of the library.
My INTEREST cause ATMOSPHERE in the library, ZONING places for books and relaxing with a book, as well as INTERIOR DESIGN.
I have A WISH learn more about the library (NAVIGATION), get the INFORMATION I need and evaluate the GOODS LAYOUT (FUND LAYOUT).
In the library I get PLEASURE from the provided SERVICES, my EMOTIONS are only positive, the library SERVICES completely suit me.
Is this how your libraries are set up? Not? Or not quite right?

Well, let's figure it out. The topic of today's post is simple and creative (everything creative is simple :) We will talk about ... library merchandising or .. about the arrangement of stock in the library.
Anticipating your thoughts about the impossibility of high-quality work in this direction due to lack of funds, low salaries, small spaces and similar problems, I would like to inform you of the main postulate of a professional librarian: desire multiplied by love for the chosen profession will make your library. How would this happen? Let's study.
You all know that progress is pushing the book in all respects, both as an educational tool and as an element of culture, entertainment, because there is an alternative. The competition didn't start today and it won't end tomorrow, most likely never. But today we have in our hands a weapon (so to speak, of mass destruction), which will help libraries in the difficult struggle for the reader, and every day this weapon is becoming more and more perfect. His name is merchandising.

Merchandising is usually called a set of events held in the open access hall for visitors and aimed at the effective presentation and promotion of a particular product, brand.

Merchandising includes not only the display of goods, but also the calculation and construction of an optimal scheme for the flow of people, the study of target groups of consumers, the factors influencing their behavior, and methods for managing the perception of visitors. All this concerns libraries in the most direct way.
Let's touch on only one component, namely the display of goods, in library terminology: features of the arrangement of the fund. More precisely - that part of the fund, which is in the public domain and is defined as reading "for the soul."
In any case, our user is a person, and all the psychological laws used by merchandising affect him.

This is science without words influence the subconscious, create a comfortable background for the selection process, wherever this choice occurs. Top-class merchandising provides the user with the feeling that he has found and purchased what he needs, without straining, as if by itself, and at the same time enjoying it. A person cannot always explain why he had such a feeling, he is sure that he made the choice himself! No one pestered with questions, did not press, did not rush to make a decision, just prompted, unobtrusively and gently: this is what you have wanted for a long time, just lend a hand! The result is clear. The question is how to achieve it.

To do this, it is important to determine:
- the specifics of the library (its uniqueness, zest)
- service features
- what exactly needs to be promoted and what to put in the public domain
- what is the motivation of users to visit the library
- what they want to get.

Users want to get information first of all. What is it for? For self-improvement, learning and for fun. “I need” and “I want” are two main motives for which a user comes to the library. If you "need" to find information carriers for study - there are traditional forms of search, such as, for example catalogue, file cabinet. After all, a person already knows what he needs.

If reading is a type of leisure organization, it is more difficult. Such a reader will not turn to the catalog, and the librarian will not always ask. But he wants to go through the books with his hands, touch, look through, read the annotation for sure and, having made a choice, he will be sure that he came for this. Therefore, the factor due to which he makes his choice acquires special significance. And if you do not rely on chance, but organize the process, then both the reader and the library will benefit. The reader will be grateful for the information found, saved time, effort.
The library will grow quantities users, and these will be loyal users who will visit the library not once or twice, but will be attached to it “emotionally”. Book circulation will increase. These are the main library indicators, for the improvement of which we strive every day and try to attract the reader and introduce him to the book in various ways, from advertising to public events. One of the advantages of merchandising is that it does not require any money, additional time, or involvement of human resources. On the contrary, it frees the librarian and pleases the reader. Creates a sense of order and comprehensive staffing in the reader, strengthens the image of the library.

Oopen access. The place of choice is the place of doubt.

If there is open access to the fund, there is also the problem of choice. All users who come to the library can be conditionally divided into three groups:
1. The user clearly knows what he came for.
2. The user roughly imagines what he wants to take. Perhaps he identified the genre or the author.
3. The user has absolutely no idea what he will choose. He will make his choice on impulse.

According to research by marketers, the percentage of decision-making purchases made in the store (impulsive purchases) is 60-70%. The numbers, you see, are large, it is an unforgivable mistake to ignore them. With a small error, research data can be transferred to the library, people are people everywhere. All three types are our readers, and it is important for the last two to unobtrusively help make a choice. The librarian will not stop communicating with the reader, the conversation is not about that. The choice of information media and visits to the library should become more pleasant and productive, that's the point.

The best representation of information media:
1. Supply books and the widest possible range of information media on the shelves. If this is not possible, then arrange information about them as completely and colorfully as possible. * Parade of models "Burda fashion" from 1998 to 2006 or magazine covers illustrating the presence of magazines in the library.
2. Grab the attention of users. Each zone, each rack and shelf must be "visible". * You can achieve: a special arrangement of racks, the color of the shelves, a selection of series, dividers, etc.
3. Targeting and differentiation are rightfully considered the most important principles for the promotion of any product. The bigger, the better. Specifically! For whom? You need to position. * For children, detectives for women and men, books for music lovers, literature on needlework.
4. It is very effective to put a rack with children's colorful literature (any) on an adult subscription. While parents are choosing a book for themselves, the child has something to do, he does not indulge, and the likelihood that after such viewing the child will drag the parent into children's department, increases many times. * The usual objection of adults that there are a lot of children's books at home will be easily parried by the child "But there is no such one!"

5. Convey to the user information about the significance of the book. By all available means, "hook" him. Perhaps a film was made based on the book, an actor with a bright creative destiny was filmed, the book became a cult or received an award, etc. * Authors who received literary awards of the year D, Bykov "Evacuator", "Patrols" S. Lukyanenko
6. Influence all the senses (vision, tactile sensations, even smell, hearing: paper crunch). No matter how small it may seem, but these factors can affect the choice both positively and negatively.
More: Everything must be signed, because the reader may not ask, he will leave with nothing.
It's better anyway; if it is seen and heard and touched.
7. By all means should make it easier for the user to search. So that without difficulty he can find on his own not only what interests him, but also orient himself in the diversity of the flow of the author's books or the sequence of books in the series
8. A “hot rack” gives a good effect - these are books that are in demand by schoolchildren and students at a certain stage of the educational process. * “Crime and Punishment” by F. Dostoevsky is necessary for all schoolchildren at once, because pass at the same time. As a rule, librarians place a rack not far from them, which attracts the attention of people and makes them want to reread the classics or take other works of their favorite writers, poets, who “didn’t get their hands on”.

9. Book collapses. A real gift for those who are used to being guided by someone else's opinion and just curious. If the piles of books handed in by readers are not placed on the shelves, by the end of the day they decrease by 1/4. * A new batch of books arrives - there is nowhere to put them. Without disassembling it, just put it in a heap directly on the windowsill / rack, etc. The conditioned reflex is developed instantly, users go there first of all to see what's new. They enjoy rummaging through a pile of new books.

When placing a fund in the public domain, there are rules that are useful to follow so that the user can easily navigate.

Visitor trajectory should be as simple and logical as possible. According to research, when entering the room, most users tend to turn right, like a scientist cat, apparently because they are right-handed, and then move around the hall in a counterclockwise direction from the pulpit around the perimeter, then it is possible to inspect the shelves in the center. Thus, the perimeter is the most visited area, the location in which will almost certainly attract the attention of visitors, but whether it will go to the center is not a fact. The space between the entrance to the hall and the pulpit is a "blind" zone. Entering

Premise, it takes time for the reader to slow down and stop. He may simply not notice the ID located here. But this space is very effectively used to place advertising and informational materials that can be viewed without haste at the exit. They will become a kind of "reinforcement" of the correctness of the choice made or lay interest in the future.

Convenient and advantageous location. In any room, you can select "priority" places in which books will be taken actively and "dead zones". Near the pulpit is a priority place. Everything that is here is doomed to be noticed. Corners are not a running zone. This is usually. But there are also individual features of the premises in which + and - arise spontaneously. To increase the flow of readers, such places can be leveled or activated, depending on the tasks. * rearrange the rack
The movement of users can be organized to eliminate traffic jams and show as much as possible. This can be done using furniture arrangement, floor graphics and POS materials. (product information * pillar (clamshell, placed on the floor), mobile (such as a pointer on cardboard for the ceiling), wobbler (on a flexible leg), jumbi (enlarged copy of the product).

Habitual and logical location. Our eyes are used to perceiving information the way we read: from left to right and top to bottom. We categorize everything we see in the usual way for us, and quickly find what we need. It is precisely with this that it is more efficient to arrange books in groups or some characteristic features. *Detectives, modern prose, works of our countrymen, memoirs, etc. Within each group, the arrangement is such that the attribute decreases. *chronologically, older on the right, newer on the left. We will also arrange the books from 1 to 5 parts and further if they come out in series. This order makes it easier for the reader to find the right book on the library shelves.

M maximum visibility. Books are more visible when presented as a block. When books have a similar cover design, it is easier for the reader to notice and engage, hence the potential for SERPs is higher. * A series of ironic detective in a bright yellow and black cover.

To be near the leader, and the leader to be the best. When arranging a fund of a meaningful type, its environment plays an important role. Books adjacent on the shelf with popular, fashionable given time, is perceived as more preferable than the others. Beautifully and spectacularly designed, they seem not only more attractive, but also more interesting. Accordingly, the converse is also true.

Show the product in person. Books should be as clearly visible as possible, not obscure each other. It would be nice to turn one of the books on the shelf in full face (better than the demand leader).

W common sense in everything. It is important to understand that the application of the principles described above is highly dependent on individual features library, its goals and objectives. It is important that each shelf, each zone of the library be involved, "earned" in full force. the main thing is that they are different from the rest. Since the arrangement of the fund is in a sense a creative process, the final result strongly depends on the personality of the librarian, his logic, creativity, and accuracy.

There are several tips on how to make people pay attention to the “dead zones”: brighter local lighting, coloring of shelving in contrasting colors to the overall interior gamut, arranging shelving in an unusual way (triangle, star, etc.),

Maintaining the range

Not only the arrangement, but also the maintenance of the assortment is important so that the interest of users does not fade away.
1. Correspondence to place and time. What is appropriate in one situation may be strange in another. * An exhibition of horticultural literature is unlikely to be of interest to the reader in winter.
We compile and display the fund, first of all for the reader, so the assortment should be as diverse as possible in order to attract people of different interests. Otherwise, the number of readers may be reduced, as they will not find anything interesting for themselves.
2.Everything that can be shown should be shown. The reader is quite inert in his actions: what he saw - he took, no, he might not even ask. Or maybe not even know what he actually wants. The request “I want something fun, unobtrusive to pass the time” is quite abstract and, therefore, it is very difficult for a librarian to hit the target, ideas about the humor and seriousness of literary works can differ dramatically.
Books should be placed close to each other so that the reader can carefully examine them, sort through them.
3. Keep only as much as you need. Appearance printed publications plays an important role. The reader, without hesitation, will choose the cleanest and newest book on the shelf, among other equal options, and may well disdain the read and shabby one. Therefore, the preservation of the collection plays a significant role in library merchandising. The fund must be neat! Morally and physically obsolete books should be removed from the shelves or written off, as they discredit those standing nearby and strike at the image of the library. To be regarded by readers as a waste dump or an archive buried in dust, the library has no moral right. The user should see in it consonant with time information centre. Even with modest deductions for acquisition, you need to expose the most “delicious” closer to the user, and what is left to submit is as “tasty” and more advantageous as possible.

Assortment dynamics

According to user requests, fashion, some event that fueled interest (* screening of the film of the same name) fund is expedient to move from place to place. This is necessary in order to satisfy the emerging interest of users and increase book delivery. As soon as interest began to fade, the number of books can be partially reduced, or removed to its original place. Dynamics- this is monitoring the interest of readers and the movement of the fund in accordance with the popularity of publications or some objective reasons.
1. "Red hut corners." Books that are at the peak of popularity put on the most attractive places, figuratively speaking in the "red corner". (* After the release of the feature film “In the First Circle”, interest in the book by A. Solzhenitsyn increased, the same situation with the works “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov, “Perfumer” by P. Suskind, “Children of the Arbat” by A. Rybakov, etc. .d.). As a rule, users begin to be interested in the work of writers, not limited to one work. And here the educational role of the library cannot be overestimated. The cinema has played into the hands of the good deed of introducing to reading: it has awakened the appetite, and the appeal to the original source should consolidate it. This will be facilitated by a timely decorated exhibition or any selection of books on the shelf led by the leader in demand.
2. You put it closer, you take it closer. According to research, the most popular shelves are at the level of the eyes and hands of a person. It is also better to take books that stand in the middle of the shelf, worse at the edges. To save space in the hall, racks often reach 2 m, and the lower shelf can be located at a level of 20 cm from the floor. Not every user will reach out or bend down for a book of interest to him. To avoid stagnation on these shelves, you can:
- change books in places and rearrange them on other shelves. It is not advisable to do this more than once a month.
- Put thick books with clear inscriptions on the spines on the upper or lower shelves
- put on the upper and lower shelves already "won back", but still in demand books of the same series * "Wolfhound" M. Semenova or one author (S. Nikitin).
- put books that are obviously more attractive for men upstairs, and downstairs for women. The peculiarities of the psychology of adults are such that a man, as a rule, considers bending below his dignity, and a woman cannot always physically examine or reach the top shelf. Moreover, neither one nor the other will use the bench, unlike children who are happy to climb at least to the ceiling.
- Use the most "trump points" to promote not very "promoted", but modern, interesting books or little-known authors.
3. It doesn't hurt to mix. There are books whose genre is difficult to define, for example: a women's romance with magic (fiction or ladies' novel), a detective story with mysticism, etc. If the demand for a book has begun to decline in its usual place, it's time to move it to another related, but quite related genre. You can and even need to mix in if there is multiple copies of the same book. In any case, they need to be placed as far apart as possible, so there is more chance of being noticed.
4. The fashion for authors and genres is changeable. New names constantly appear, new genres arise, interest in forgotten ones awakens. It is necessary to adapt to this natural movement, to be aware of what is happening in the literary world and to reflect modern trends in the arrangement of the fund. The practice of highlighting the most popular authors is not new and is very effective. Often the reader "goes" to the author, keeps track of all the novelties that have been published, and his desire has the right to be. Since the user wants to read Dontsov, Kalinin, Belyanin, it doesn't matter what, if only his favorite author, the library should meet. Moreover, this is not an isolated occurrence. In the age of PR technologies, many names are well-known and to find out why they are idolized by millions, many people want to read their books simply out of curiosity or in order not to be a "black sheep" among friends.
5. Quite effective to make a "seed" on industry literature, exposing several books of an applied nature or popular science on a rack, for example with modern prose, or in other sections that have thematic points of intersection. * After the release of the movie "Harry Potter" and "Charmed", there was a demand for books on magic.

Merchandising really does not require large material costs. But, of course, it requires constant attention. As soon as the books “stand up”, no one pays attention to video cassettes, for some reason users bypass the rack - it's time to take action. You need to understand the causes and eliminate them.
Take action, experiment, and perhaps this will be the reason for the next conversation on the topic of library merchandising.
(Based on the materials of the report Features of the arrangement of the fund in the public library Shostak N. V., head of the MB "Youth")