Download program for reading fb2. How to open fb2 on a computer? What programs can be used to open Fb2

  • 06.04.2020

Despite the fact that mobile e-books have appeared that have replaced traditional paper sources of information for readers, it is desirable to have a book reader on your own computer. It may be needed, for example, to read technical, scientific and fiction, as well as to view drawings, which are now created in portrait format.
There are a lot of programs for reading books on a computer. Below is a selection of readers that managed to prove themselves from the best side.

Cool Reader

It can rightfully be called the most popular and widespread among users. There is a version for both desktop and mobile devices. Supports many different book formats: .doc, .txt, .fb2, .rtf and .epub. The program allows you to browse websites.

Features of the reader for the computer are as follows:

  • automatic page turning. The function can be disabled if you need to spend a lot of time to familiarize yourself with the data on the page;
  • adjustment of the background and brightness of the font in accordance with the wishes of the user;
  • viewing the contents of books in archives without unpacking them.


is a reading program e-books which can run on computers with operating system Linux and Windows.

main feature reader - a lot of settings. But, an ordinary user is unlikely to have to change anything, and he may well get by with the default settings. ALReader supports a lot of formats, including ODT and FB2. Just thanks to the ability to view the last two formats, the reader has become in demand.

It is noteworthy, but when creating the program, the creators paid Special attention and its design. Having opened ALReader, the user will be surprised to see a book in front of him on printed newspaper sheets. To use the reader, there is no need to install it. Immediately after downloading it can be used in full mode.


If the user often has to resort to viewing documents and reading literature in various formats, then he is recommended to download this reader. The reading process can be customized according to personal preferences.

It has a simple and intuitive interface, which, if desired, is easy to customize. All open book files are classified by characteristics - title, genre and author.

There is no need to move e-books to a shared folder - FBReader automatically creates links to their location in the computer's memory. The program has one drawback - a two-page mode is not provided.

Adobe Reader

It is difficult to find a computer user who has never met this program in his life. As a rule, if you want to open a book in PDF format, then Adobe Reader is used. In this format, not only books are now being created, but also magazines and other journalism. Many other readers do not always manage to open documents and books in PDF.

Documents in PDF format can also be a threat to your computer. Attackers inject malicious scripts into them, and therefore, before opening anything, you should check the file in an antivirus program.

The same problem applies to other programs where you can open books and documents in PDF. To minimize the risks, you should use only the latest versions of the reader. The program takes up a lot of space in the computer's memory and installs much longer than others. software products with similar purposes.


The .djvu format is gradually and steadily replacing .pdf documents. The fact is that the first format compresses files better, which saves space in the computer's memory. If you need a modern reader for reading data in .djvu format, then this is the best of them.

The advantages of the program are as follows:

  • opening documents in other formats besides .djvu;
  • you can scroll through all the pages, and not flip through them two by two, which happens in the vast majority of programs;
  • creating bookmarks in a simple and convenient way;
  • fast book opening speed.

Foxit Reader

Like the previous reader, Foxit Reader can also be used to read documents in pdf format. But, unlike Adobe Reader, it requires less hard disk space to install. The range of possibilities of the reader is quite huge.

The program menu is presented in several languages. The application functions mainly on computers running Windows. But, recently, versions have appeared that can run on a PC that uses Windows.

ICE Book Reader Professional

The word Professional in the name of the program is used for a reason. This reader has a rather enviable functionality, which is easy to understand by testing the program for a few minutes. Distributed absolutely free of charge and presented in Russian.

The program includes two modules of equal importance - a library and a reader. You can select single-page or double-page view to view documents.

Often, the mode is selected according to user preferences and monitor screen sizes. Each mode has its own set of settings.

The advantage and at the same time a disadvantage (due to the increase in the space occupied by data) of the reader is that it automatically downloads all the books to the library in full. So the file can be deleted from the main location later.

If the amount of space for storing data is small, then you should go to the settings and adjust the level of compression.

ICE Book Program Reader Professional has the following features:

  • support for files in various formats. Exception - .pdf;
  • the entered settings are remembered by the reader automatically. When you turn it on again, you will not need to change the parameters in them again;
  • data can be opened from archives without using one or another archiver. Information can be viewed in archives in the following, .rar and others.
ICE Book Reader Professional is one of the best readers and the most customizable. It is worth sitting on it for a few minutes, changing the parameters in the settings, and the program can be used to use it at night and on the street. Thereby bad influence vision will be minimized.

STDU Viewer

Its interface is not so attractive, but it is easy to use and allows you to change a lot of parameters in the settings. There is a multi-tab mode, which makes it possible to open several books at the same time.

The most important advantage is multi-format. With it, you can open documents in .pdf format.


Everyone makes the final choice of a reader for himself. However, if you have any difficulties in choosing, then you should focus on the most functional ones - STDU Viewer, ICE Book or AlReader.

FB2 format (FictionBook) is a file format that is used for reading e-books and was developed for this very purpose.
It has gained great popularity due to its cross-platform, because it can be opened not only on a computer, but also on an Android phone and tablet and other devices and operating systems.

Readers of files with the fb2 extension usually have many different possibilities, from changing the background and font, to reading text from the screen. E-books are conveniently sorted alphabetically, by authors, updated, and as you read, you can see how many pages have been read, and there is also a table of contents with convenient movement through the chapters of the work and a bookmarking function.

Depending on certain features of the programs, convenience, as well as their "paid" or "free" - some become popular and recommended, while the latter are unclaimed.

How to open the fb2 format: an overview of the 2 best programs

We have prepared for you an overview of almost all programs for opening the fb2 format, not only for a computer, but also for a phone, because. mobile platforms are gaining more and more popularity every day.

STDU Viewer

Since you were looking for a program for a computer, then STDU Viewer is the first on our list, and not only for this reason.

STDU Viewer Main Features:

  1. A huge number of openable file formats: FB2 (including FB2.ZIP), TXT, TCR, PalmDoc(PDB), MOBI, AZW, EPub, CBR and CBZ for comic lovers, as well as PDF, TIFF, DjVu, JBIG2, WWF, XPS and even BMP, PCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, DCX, WMF, EMF, PSD image formats just in case.
  2. Great functionality: quick and advanced search, adjusting brightness and contrast, font, page rotation, printing functions and others.
  3. STDU Viewer is completely free with all the features for ordinary users, and for companies that want to use this software for commercial purposes, you will have to pay.

You can download any of the following versions for free from the Official Site.

Portable version (2.5 MB)

regular version
Simple installer (2.5 MB)

MSI Installation Package (3.0 MB)

How to install? It's simple, download for example "a simple installer" and run it. The installation process is the same as for any other software:

FBReader is the second on our list and one of the most popular.


  1. Supports multiple platforms: Android, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Blackberry 10 and more.
  2. Opens all popular formats: fb2, ePub, Kindle, mobipocket, rtf, MS doc, PDF, DjVu, CBR/CBZ (requires additional module to be installed) and others.
  3. Huge opportunities: synchronization with the online library, setting up existing fonts and connecting your own, changing the background that is pleasing to the eye, creating bookmarks, sorting by authors, highlighting and translating individual words, 29 interface languages ​​and much, much more.

For mobile devices:

For Windows:

Download version for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 can be found at the link:

Version for Android 3-5:

Version for Android 2 and some tablets:

Version for old Android 1.5/1.6 :

Bottom line: Why is it more convenient to read books in fb2?

If you need to open it on a computer, then use the STDU Viewer - it's free and has decent features.

If you need a phone reader, then in our opinion it is more convenient to use FBReader. Firstly, this reader is completely free, and secondly, it is quite convenient and will not cause you convulsions from an overabundance of options, at the same time, everything you need is at hand.

I have enough old phone, but even on it FBReader works and I'm used to it. All the books that I have read in in electronic format, with the use of this reader.

FB2 is a popular format used for storing printed matter: books, teaching aids, magazines. It is an XML table in which each element is described by its tags. This approach allows you to open FB2 on any device, provided that the reader you use supports this format.

Online Services

If you want to read e-books online, you can use the service, which provides the ability to download files in the FB2 format. Unfortunately, other sites have stopped working: either they are blocked due to copyright infringement when downloading books, or they simply give an error when trying to add a new document.

The service looks clumsy, but copes with the task, actually showing the contents of the book. How it works:

The page will refresh, you will see the text of the downloaded printed matter. Pictures are not added, there is no table of contents either, but the text itself is formatted as tags are written in the XML document.

Browser extensions

You will see the text of the book with all the pictures and the correct layout. EasyDocs automatically saves the downloaded file in the library, so that if necessary, you can drop all the books into the browser. If you open the FB2 format through Chrome without installing the extension, then an XML document with all the tags will be displayed. Theoretically, you can read the text in this form, but it will quickly get boring.

A similar functionality is offered by an add-on for Mozilla Firefox called "FB2 Reader". You can install it in the "Add-ons" section of your browser settings.

FB2 reader does not save books in the library, but it has another advantage - it displays a clickable table of contents, which makes it easier to navigate through the text.

On Mozilla Firefox, you can also install the EasyDocs extension, which is used in Google Chrome to open FB2 format.

Computer programs

If you constantly open e-books on your computer, it is much more convenient to install one of the programs that can work with the FB2 format and offers a number of additional features. There are similar applications for Windows 7, and for Windows 10, and for Mac OS, so there will be no problems with reading.

FBReader is distributed free of charge. The program allows you to quickly create a real library of e-books on your computer, neatly sorted by genre and author.

A simple program with a minimalistic design that does not distract from reading, and a small set functions. Ebook Reader has a free and Pro version.

The Pro version has the following benefits:

  • Reading in full screen without limitation.
  • Copying text.
  • Changes to the title and author of the book.
  • Create categories in the library.

But even without these options, you can completely do without. In the free version of the program, FB2 files are easily added to the library individually. You can add bookmarks and save them so that you can quickly return to the right place. The library displays reading progress.

Universal reader for different formats. It has a portable version that can be run from removable media without prior installation. Another advantage of STDU Viewer is the display of the book's table of contents. If the content is not displayed in the Ebook Reader, then the STDU Viewer displays at least the division into parts, if it is present in the book.

It is possible to add bookmarks to pages. In addition, the program offers several reading modes. The page size can be changed in height, width, manually specified as a percentage. Text and images can be selected and copied to be saved on your computer as separate files.

The list of readers that support the FB2 format is not limited to these applications. You can find several other programs similar in functionality, but most users choose FBReader because this application has long established itself as the main assistant when reading e-books on a computer.

Readers for Mac OS and Linux

If you are using an Apple computer, then install on it Caliber program. This is a free utility that can work with EPUB, MOBI and FB2 documents. In addition to reading, Caliber provides the ability to make your own rating of read works. There is a sync feature with major online libraries so new books can be added directly from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

In addition, there is a version for Mac OS FBReader programs. You can also install it on Linux - the corresponding version is also located on the program's website.

Despite the fact that epub and mobi formats are becoming increasingly popular on mobile devices, fb2 (FictionBook) is still too early to bury. Today we will look at the best fb2 readers under our microscope, which provide maximum comfort for the eyes and without unnecessary frills. These applications should not only open e-books, but also be highly customizable.

The list of mobile fb2 readers for Android includes the following free apps:

All applications are available for download on Google Play, links to them are available next to the description of each fb2 reader. So let's start testing.

FBReader - cute fb2 reader for Android

How to open a file? FBReader - the first thing that comes to mind

Perhaps not a single review is complete without mentioning the free FBReader reader. If you do not know how to open the fb2 file, then this is the application that first of all comes to mind, regardless of the platform. The fact is that FBReader is available everywhere:

  • for desktop OS (Windows / Mac OS / Linux)
  • mobile phones and tablets (Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry 10)

Only iOS is missing from this list - but, of course, there are quite a few "native" reader applications for reading in this mobile OS.

In addition to fb2, the FBreader for Android application successfully opens the following document formats: ePub, azw3, Word documents, HTML, plain text documents, PDF and DjVu books (via a module). True, the last of these are available after installing the plugins, which are available for free download on the application website.

Let's see why the FBReader project was developed, what are the main features of the reader and why should it be used to read books on Android? Let's list the three main features of the reader (highlighted in bold).

Synchronizing books on your phone through the network library. FBReader provides a cloud storage service for books. You can download fb2 books for Android for free (link - list electronic libraries), calmly upload documents and books in fb2 format (they can be compressed into a zip archive) to the cloud, and then access and read them on any device. The position (where you are in the document) will be saved. By the way, synchronization is configured in a couple of clicks, by default it is disabled.

How to open fb2 with FBReader?

In addition to your own library, you can connect additional online catalogs and bookstores. As for me, I don’t use the network functions of the FBReader reader at all, I just download books from popular online libraries to my Android in fb2 format. This is a standard way to download books, which works with a bang.

Setting the display of fb2 books. In addition to the fact that FBReader has a nice user interface, it's nice to be able to fine-tune the display of text in the book. In this regard, it is necessary to note the color schemes, night and day reading mode, screen brightness, changing the background of the substrate, text color, font size and typeface. You can download your favorite TrueType or OpenType fonts to Android and specify them in the reader settings.

Finally, the third feature of this fb2 reader for android will appeal to those who read books on foreign languages- namely, the easy connection of dictionaries for translating words in the text of books. Take the same Kindle: there you can connect an English-Russian dictionary and quickly find out the translation of a word when it is highlighted. On Android readers, this feature is often not available, but FBReader is a pleasant exception. Add ColorDict, Fora Dictionary, dictionaries to your phone, specify FBReader where to get words from - and you can read FictionBook books and quickly translate words into Russian.

AlReader - old fb2 reader with good functionality

AlReader is a fairly old reader for fb2, which appeared at the dawn of the heyday of mobile phones. When you open the application, there is even a feeling of nostalgia: AlReader is too reminiscent of its earlier versions. That is, the interface has not changed much since then. This can be treated in two ways: on the one hand, if you have already opened books in FB Reader and similar readers, then you will most likely not like the interface of the AlReader application. On the other hand, we still advise you to evaluate other aspects of this mobile application.

The AlReader application boasts support not only for the Fb2 format, but also for reading books in epub, mobi, doc, including from archives. You can use the local or network library. Actually inside the book, you can also navigate through the sections (one of the fb2 features, by the way), create bookmarks and notes as you read. The app recognizes many gestures, which makes sense. First of all, to adjust the brightness, navigation.

The appearance and style of displaying a book on a phone screen is conveniently customizable: indents, background and font color, headset size, flipping effects - in general, everything that can be found in any developed e-book reader for Android.

In short, we would advise you to pay attention to the AlReader mobile reader just because it is a proven reader among users not only of Android, but also of other mobile platforms. And the unsightly shell is partly compensated by skins and excellent functionality.

Moon + Reader - "moon" fb2 reader for night owls

Reading fb2 with Moon Reader

"Moon reader" is not much inferior to the same FBReader, it can be used with the same success to read books in FB2 format, not only. The list of supported book formats includes popular mobile formats epub, txt, html, pdf, mobi, fb2 and others. Books can be packed into rar and zip archives and opened without problems on Android via Moon+ Reader.

Similarly FBReader, Moon Reader has the ability to connect online libraries with books. You can also download e-books in the formats listed above to an SD card or internal memory, and then open them in the app.

Ease of reading on top: adjusting font sizes, colors, backgrounds, indents, shadows, transparency and other beauties that somehow affect the perception of color. Returning to the name of the application - Moon Reader - yes, reading at night in this reader is quite convenient, there are a dozen design themes, as well as night and day reading modes.

Note while reading the following possibilities: autoscrolling, smooth text scrolling, screen brightness adjustment during a slide, optimization for long reading, scrolling effects, text alignment adjustment, hyphenation, display modes for both tablet and small screens of Android devices.

If we talk about the unique features of the fb2 program, then this is an unusually wide support for gestures. You can customize literally any command by assigning a specific gesture for its execution. And if the Kindle or other e-ink reader bypasses the screen in terms of readability, then in terms of gestures, Android is ahead of the rest. You can set actions for taps, volume control buttons, search, camera button and others. You have 24 operations at your disposal, on which these gestures can be attached.

Good news for lovers of foreign literature and for attentive readers who like to scribble in the margins: Moon Reader is very convenient to highlight text fragments, you can connect dictionaries for text translation, popular dictionaries-translators ColorDict, Fora, ABBYY Lingvo and others are supported. In this aspect, Moon Reader bypasses even the authoritative FBReader reader.

Prestigio Reader - good phone reader for book formats

Prestigio Reader can open many book formats, but first of all, the emphasis is on mobile: these are FB2, ePub, DjVU, etc. If you prefer to listen to audio books, then the reader will satisfy these needs without any problems.

Prestigio Reader is a really "prestigious" fb2 book reader

Prestigio Reader is, frankly, a very pleasant discovery for us. At the first steps, when working with the reader, everything is intuitive. First, the guide illustrates where and what elements to use in the application.

Fb2 books are added to the library automatically through smart search. Which is incredibly convenient, because. you do not need to search for files on your phone yourself, although a file manager is provided in Prestigio Reader for this purpose. In addition, more than 5 thousand books are available for download in the online library.

The interface of the Prestigio Reader application is very pleasant and fresh. By default, everything seems to suit you, but in any case, you can customize the design of the fb2-book for yourself. In quick settings - font sizes, indents, typeface. Going into the advanced settings, you will see the settings for styles, colors, panels, animations - even more than the user needs when reading files in fb2 format.

PocketBook - FB2 and PDF Reader for Android

The PocketBook program is designed to read fb2 books on a mobile device on the Android platform. It is hardly worth listing the book formats that this reader works with - it covers all popular extensions, essentially duplicating both Moon Reader and FBReader.

Hand on heart, we have to admit that among the fb2 readers for Android there are not so many nice programs in which a) the interface looks modern b) it's nice to read books. Unfortunately, on Google Play there are pdf and fb2 readers with a frankly poor shell. You open them and think: well, all the hope is that the pages in the book will look normal, at least the program will not let you down in this. But no, and the fonts match the interface.

As for the PocketBook app for Android, the opposite is true: this is one of the most successful apps for reading books in the FictionBook format. The developers have achieved this through convenient navigation through the library and the implementation of a circular menu.

At first, such a device of the main menu in PocketBook requires getting used to, which is understandable: rarely in any mobile fb2 reader you will find such know-how. But then it becomes clear that through this menu you can carry out almost all the necessary actions: change font sizes, adjust brightness, go to the menu, and so on. In the main menu of the application, a standard basis of parameters for setting up the display of text in the book is available: indents, colors, design themes.

In a word, the developers of the PocketBook application did their best and released a quality reading product for Android. It is curious that the same team is developing e-books on e-ink and related accessories.

EBookDroid - FB2 and PDF Reader

The EBookDroid reader focuses on two book formats - PDF and Deja Vu, but fb2 books can also be read with the same convenience on a phone or tablet. However, what about this very convenience?

After a quick test of the EBookDroid, the feeling is twofold. On the one hand, all the basic reading functions are in place. You can open books, navigate through pages and sections, leave bookmarks and comment different ways, customize the display of fonts, and even add your own typefaces.

However, as for the shell itself, it is not very pleasing to the eye. Although the EBookDroid application is updated fairly regularly, these innovations do not affect the visual shell to a small extent. The FictionBook reader app looks like it's not 2016, but 2006.

We hope that soon we will be able to download the material design fb2 program. And this is not a taste, but a simple requirement from most Android OS users.

Cool Reader - old fashioned reader for Android

Free old school fb2 reader for Android called Cool Reader supports almost all popular e-book formats (PDF, MOBI, RTF, FictionBook itself, etc.), although, for example, DOC and AZW3 are not on the list.

Old school - because the interface, as in the previous case, is a bit outdated. This creates certain inconveniences: firstly, the bookshelf is not as effective as in the case of PocketBook (it could simply be replaced with a simple list); secondly, you immediately have to rebuild everything "for yourself": background, color, font size and alignment.

If we close our eyes to the user shell, then, as the developer notes on the program description page, Cool Reader at the same time has similarities with FBReader, Aldiko, AlReader, Moon reader and other representatives of fb2 readers for Android. Therefore, the list of functions is similar to all of the above.

Summary. We have mentioned, in our opinion, the best fb2 readers for Android. As you can see, there is always something to open both fb2 and pdf, epub, mobi. In the following reviews, these mobile formats for storing books on the phone will be considered. Good luck!

Even with the gradual displacement of paper sources of information, the user may also need a book reader for a computer - to familiarize himself with fiction, scientific or technical literature.

And sometimes they are even released in book format.

All these books no longer take up space on the shelves and do not require good lighting for reading, but they can be reproduced only with the help of special programs.

Cool Reader

One of the most common programs for reading both on a computer and on a mobile device is.

It supports both standard type formats. , .txt and .doc, as well as books with .epub and .rtf extensions, as well as web pages.

In addition, the app features include:

  • The ability to adjust the brightness of the font or background according to user preferences;
  • The function of auto-turning pages, which, however, is not always convenient, since it may take a different time to read even information of the same volume;
  • Reading books directly from the archive without the need for unpacking.


To work with most e-books, you can use the AlReader application, which works mainly on the Windows OS, but also syncs well for the Linux system.

A huge number of settings set at an acceptable level by default, a lot of supported formats (including FB2 and even ODT) - all this makes the reader popular among many users.

The design of the program resembles a book printed on newsprint.

And as additional benefit it is worth noting that AlReader can work even without installation.

Thanks to the cross-platform reader, you can read literature written in most popular formats, as well as easily customize the reading process to your requirements.

The setup process is simple and intuitive, and all book files opened by the application are sorted by their characteristics - genre, author or title.

And for this, there is no need to move e-books to a shared folder - FBReader will create links to their location on the computer.

And among its shortcomings, only one can be mentioned - the lack of a two-page mode.

However, the same problem applies to other readers for this format.

As a result, Adobe is constantly releasing updates to Reader, which is why it takes up quite a lot of space on your computer and takes some time to install.


Due to the high popularity of the format. such texts are easier to find and download, and they themselves gradually.

This is due to the much better compressibility of the files, so they take up much less space.

There are many readers that reproduce the format - but one of the best is DjVu Viwer.

Among its advantages:

  • High speed book opening;
  • Scrolling all the pages at once, and not turning them over 2 pieces, as most other programs offer;
  • Possibility of convenient and simple creation bookmarks;
  • Opening any files in DJVU and a number of other formats.

Useful information:

Also pay attention to the program. This program can be called one of the best for viewing information in DjVu format. The differences of the utility are the presence of several tabs for documents, continuous scrolling and many options for printing.

Like Adobe Reader, the program is also designed to view books in pdf format, but it takes up much less space. At the same time, Foxit Reader also has a lot of opportunities.

And the menu is in Russian, and in a number of other languages ​​- to select them, it is enough to connect to the Internet and open a file using the reader.

The application works on a Windows PC, but there are workable versions for Linux as well.

In the name of this reader, the word Professional is far from just that. Of all the programs presented in the review, this one is the most multifunctional.

At the same time, it is localized in Russian and distributed by the manufacturer for free.

As part of ICE Book Reader, there are two modules of approximately equal importance - the reader and the library.

And for reading, you can choose one of two modes - either two-page or one-page.

Most often, it is chosen depending on the screen size and user preferences. However, each mode has its own settings.

The advantage and, at the same time, the disadvantage (due to the increase in the space occupied by information) of ICE Book Reader is the downloading of books in its library in its entirety, not only the creation of links to them.

Thus, the file can be deleted from the main location.

Although in order to still reduce the space that files take up, it is worth adjusting their compression level.

You can pay attention to such features as:

  • Remembering personal settings so that the next time you turn on the reader settings are not required again;
  • A huge list of supported extensions (including almost all formats, except, perhaps,);
  • Opening information from archived files (and, and .zip, and all other archives) without the mediation of archivers, which may not be installed on the PC at all.

It is worth noting that ICE Book Reader is not only the best reader, but also the most customizable.

Having spent a little time, you can set up the program for use both outdoors and at night, and even in such a way that reading is less tiring for your eyesight.

A program that does not have a particularly attractive interface, but is easy to use and has many settings.

In addition, it has a multi-tab mode, which allows you to open two, three or more books at the same time.

But the main advantage of the reader is the support for all popular formats for literature, and pdf.


Choosing the best reading program for you can be as individual as comparing different types of books (soft or hard cover, in A5 format, larger or smaller).

What’s more, each one has benefits.

Still, ICE Book, AlReader and STDU Viewer are ideal for most tasks.

Thematic video:

The best book reader for PC

Book reader for computer - Review of the best programs