Is it possible to transfer the Internet through usb. How to distribute the Internet over a local network? Sharing WiFi Using the Command Line

  • 29.03.2020

Nowadays, wifi network has spread everywhere. It is understandable, because with the help of it you can connect a variety of devices to the Internet. Most of all, this is true for the phone, because wifi allows you not to spend money on expensive 3G. We will now answer the question of how to distribute wifi from computer to phone.

How to distribute the Internet from a computer? The easiest way is with a router. To create a wifi connection, do the following:

  1. We buy the router itself. It does not matter its price characteristics and manufacturer, because all routers have the same operation scheme. Expensive is worth buying in cases where you need a long range of the network.
  2. We connect it to the computer. This is easily done with the included patch cord cable.
  3. Now you need to configure the router and the network itself. To do this, we look for the ip indicated on the back of the router and enter it into the address bar of the browser. Next, you will need to enter your username and password, they are also located on the reverse side. If they are not there, then use the standard ones: admin / admin. It remains only to find out and change the network settings.

Great, now you have a wifi network walking around your house. If your phone does not find it, then go back to the router settings. In the "visibility" parameter, select "for all devices in range." After that, the problem should be fixed.

Distribute wifi without a router

We have considered the most popular way to create a home network. But there are other methods as well. First, let's talk about what you need for them:

  • WIFI adapter. If you do not have a router, then without an adapter on a stationary computer, you will not be able to distribute wifi. The adapter is pretty cheap. You can easily find it in an electrical goods store. There are two types of adapter: external and built-in. If you don’t want to suffer too much with studying the computer, then buy an external one that is inserted into the usb port.
  • Drivers on the computer. It is especially worth paying attention to them for those who have recently reinstalled the operating system. You can find drivers on the Internet, on the website of the manufacturer of your components. But there is an easier way, which is to use special programs to update drivers. There are a lot of them on the Internet, but I advise you to download drp solution or driver booster. They will not only install the missing drivers, but also update the old ones. This will contribute better connection with a network.

If you already have drivers installed and purchased Wi-Fi adapter, then consider the following methods to help you set up a wi-fi network.

Distribute wifi command line

This method is used for PC on windows 7/8/10.

So let's get started. We find the command line (hereinafter cmd). To do this, click on the Windows icon and go r to the item “System Tools → Windows → Command Prompt”.

Find "Command Prompt"

Now we enter cmd as shown in the screenshots:

Go to "Advanced"

Come in? Perfect. Now let's set up the network itself. Paste this line into cmd:

« netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="luboenazvanie" key="luboyparol" keyUsage=persistent»

See the ssid and key parameters? This is the network name and key. You can change them as you wish, but you cannot leave them empty.

Now wifi can be started, but it doesn't make any sense. Let's do the following first:

  • Let's find our used internet connection as shown below:

Click on the "Network Internet Access" icon

Go to "Network and Sharing Center"

Item "change adapter settings"

  • Go to "properties" by right-clicking on the active connection.
  • Let's go back to properties.
  • We are looking for the first item and put a tick next to it.
  • Let's go back to cmd. Paste the following into it: "netsh wlan start hostednetwork"

Perfect. Now your phone will easily connect to the Internet via wifi.

But with each restart of the PC, the command must be entered again.

Create a hotspot

How to distribute wifi using a hotspot? This is quite simpler than the previous method. But it is only used for PC on windows 10.

To create a hotspot, you need to:

  • We find the parameters of Internet connections.

Go to "Windows Settings"

  • Click on the "mobile hot spot" item. In the menu that appears, all the Wi-Fi network data is already available. You can delete them and install your own.
  • We save all entered and used data.
  • A new menu appears. In it, you need to use the slider to change the item "off" to "on".

After that, the wifi network will work with the parameters that you entered. If there are any problems with it, then try disabling the firewall. But don't forget to turn it back on.

Programs for creating a wifi network

On the Internet, there are many programs and utilities for creating a Wi-Fi network. An example of such a program is MyPublicWiFi. But use them at your own risk. For the sake of some of them, you will have to disable the antivirus program. Understanding the interface of some similar programs is also quite problematic, especially if they are not Russified.

Summing up

Here we have answered the question of how to easily share wifi from pc to phone. To do this, you need a router / adapter and drivers. The entire setup will take no more than 20 minutes, but the effort will pay off. You can connect to your home Wi-Fi network from your phone without any problems.

Here are the steps required to transfer internet from PC via USB cable to Android device ( reverse tethering). It also describes how to make Android distribute the received Internet via Wi-Fi.

In order to provide Internet on Android via USB, you need:

  • root;
  • busybox;
  • Android 2.3 or later.

If it is necessary that Android distribute the received Internet via Wi-Fi, then the following is added to the requirements:

  • kernel with iptables/netfilter support;
  • iptables command line utility (if your system does not have one, you can get it by installing a firewall for Android);

Action algorithm

  • Connect Android device via USB to PC.
  • Turn off Wi-Fi and 3G connections.
  • Turn on ->Settings->Wireless networks->USB modem.

What happens next depends on the operating system on the PC.

For Linux

sudo dhclient usb0
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

Where eth0- the name of the interface through which the Internet is available. Also, using ifconfig, find out the ip address on the usb0 interface (for example,

For Windows

After connecting Android via USB, windows will slowly detect a new device and add a new local connection. Go to its properties and turn on the automatic detection of the IP address (most likely it will already be installed).

Go to the connection settings through which you receive the Internet, on the "Access" tab. Set the share flag and select the Android network from the drop-down list.

Further Android customization

It remains to configure the default gateway in Android. In the terminal, type, substituting the address that you received in the previous paragraph instead of

busybox route add default gw dev usb0

After that on Android device internet will be available.

Setting up Internet distribution via Wi-Fi

If you want Android to serve as an access point and distribute the received Internet to everyone:

  • Turn on ->Settings->Wireless networks->Point WiFi access . You can also set the name there. WiFi networks and password.
  • Run the following command in a terminal (as root):
    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o usb0 -j MASQUERADE

Thus, you can distribute the Internet from a PC over a Wi-Fi network without a wireless adapter, but only an Android phone.

Many have a computer with the Internet, as well as a phone, a tablet, and they want to surf the Internet and through other gadgets. There are several ways how to share internet from computer to other gadgets without a router. Three key methods to achieve this goal: telephone hotspot, third-party programs and the console.

How to distribute the Internet from a Windows 10 computer using a hotspot

An easy method to distribute the Internet from a computer via Wi-fi without wires, it does not require extra utilities and lengthy settings. Necessary:

  1. Through the "Start" go to "Settings", in the network section we find the corresponding section.

  1. We find "Sharing ...", open and determine the type of connection: Wi-Fi or Internet.
  2. Click "Change" a window will appear, in it you need to write a login and a code for a new network, and the computer will share the Internet using it.
  3. At the top of the window, enable the "Allow ..." function.

Upon completion of the operation, you can use the new network via Wi-Fi. To use, connect and write a password. This function is disabled in the "Network" section.

How to distribute the Internet through a computer using the command line

Is it possible to distribute the Internet from a computer? - of course. The console will help us in this method, the method is more complicated, but it also does not need third party programs and its dignity is that it works not only for the version of Windows 10, but for others too. Need:

  1. We go to "Start", type in the search engine "Command", RMB on the correct result and run with admin rights.

  1. Create a network, type: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=(login) key=(code) and
  2. To activate, re-enter netsh wlan, but also add start hostednetwork to the line and click confirm the action.
  3. We go to the section to change the connection settings, using the appropriate icon and allow other users to use this network.
  4. Right-click on the Internet icon and open "Properties", follow the "Access" tab, put a mark in front of the permission request. Next, open the current network, click Wi-Fi access, it was created in the second step.

With the right manipulations, the Internet will work. To turn off the network, type in the console: netsh wlan stop hostednetwork, to activate it back: replace the word stop with start, other words are identical.

If there is no result, open the "Device Manager" by making RMB on "My Computer" and selecting "Properties". We open the list of devices for creating a network and check their activity, if something is deactivated, we turn it on in the context menu.

How to distribute the Internet from a computer through a Wi-Fi application

If you do not want to deal with the previous methods, you can download a special program - Connectify Hotspot, which will quickly set up an access point. This utility is free and Russified. Download and install the program. Further:

  1. We launch the utility and do everything according to the advice on the screen. The application will ask you to determine the type of connection and set the initial settings.

  1. Run the program and the network will be activated.

Is it possible to distribute the Internet through a computer using a cable?

If you need to connect another PC to the network, if it does not have a router, the current option will do. This method called a network bridge.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We connect the Internet ports with a cable.

  1. Now on the computer from which we share, go to the Internet in the "Control Panel", open the "Network Control Center ..." go to the settings.
  2. The page will be highlighted, hold down the "Ctrl" key, thus select two connections. One is responsible for connecting devices to the network, and the other is for connecting the second computer to the first. RMB click on two connections and select "Bridge settings".
  3. After some time, the created network with the name "Network Bridge" will be displayed, and next to the used connections we will see the inscription "Connected, Connected". The Internet on another computer will appear after about 15 minutes.

How to distribute the Internet from a computer to a router

First, we need to connect the router to the laptop, then we begin to configure the settings:

  1. RMB click on the active connection and click "Properties".

  1. A window will be displayed, we go in it "Access", we mark the bird "Allow ...", a list will be displayed, click "Connection by local network and OK.

  1. If you are currently connected to the network, then a notification will be displayed that the result will be visible when you reconnect. Near the connection will be the inscription "Public".

Now we can use the Internet through other gadgets within the network coverage area.

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In life, situations may arise when you need to quickly connect your smartphone to the Internet, and there is not a single available Wi-Fi point nearby. But if there is a computer connected to the Internet near you (for example, via a twisted pair or USB modem), then you can make this PC an excellent Internet repeater for your smartphone. In this article I will tell you how to distribute the Internet from a computer to a phone, what means exist for this, and how to use them.

If you are interested in how to distribute the Internet from a PC to mobile devices, then the first (and easiest) option is to organize a Wi-Fi access point on a PC that your smartphone could connect to. To do this, we need a computer or laptop with a Wi-Fi module, as well as programs specially designed for this (for example, MyPublicWiFi, Hotspot Connectify, etc.). For example, to turn your computer into a virtual router for distributing the Internet using the first of these programs, do the following:

How to connect the Internet from a computer to a smartphone using a USB connection

In the issue of distributing the Internet, you can also use the connection of your smartphone via a USB cable to a PC. At the same time, in the vast majority of cases, it is necessary to have root rights to your device, which somewhat reduces the popularity of this method compared to the one given a little higher.

However, if you decide to transfer the Internet from a PC, then you will need drivers for your Android phone, as well as a special Android Reverse Tethering program (you can download it, for example, from here). The latter is a utility for Windows OS that allows you to use ADB (Android debug bridge - Android debug bridge) to distribute the Internet from your computer using a USB cable.

So, follow the next sequence of actions:

More about Android program You can read Reverse Tethering on the forum.

We distribute the Internet from a PC to a mobile phone using Bluetooth

To share the Internet from a PC to a smartphone, we can also use a Bluetooth connection. At the same time, drivers must be installed for the bluetooth, and it itself is activated on the PC (with the corresponding icon in the system tray).

So, to connect your smartphone to the Internet via bluetooth using a computer, do the following:

Video instruction

Above, I considered several options for how to distribute the Internet from a computer to a phone. It is most convenient to use the first of the listed options by using a special program for organizing a virtual Wi-Fi access point on a PC. If for some reason you are not satisfied with the first option, you can try to connect to the Internet via USB or Bluetooth, while keeping in mind that in the second case you need to have root rights on your mobile device, and in the third case you need to correctly configure Bluetooth- connection on your PC.

In contact with

In order to have WiFi in the house, it is not necessary to buy a router. A laptop connected to an Ethernet cable can also distribute the Internet around the apartment. There are enough instructions on the net how to do this on Windows 7 and older, but if you have XP, do not rush to do a complete reinstallation of the operating system.

Laptop as a router on the old OS

For any operating system from Microsoft, Internet distribution via WiFi can be organized both by built-in tools and third-party utilities. But why litter the hard drive with unnecessary programs? On Windows XP, follow the steps below:

  • Open "Start" and go to "My Computer".
  • In the left pane, select "Network Neighborhood".
  • Next, go to the "Show network connections" section.

  • Next, go to the address "Wireless networks" - "Advanced".
  • Here, select the “Computer-to-computer” option and confirm your choice.
  • Click “Add” and enter the data of the network to be created (name, password, encryption method) and confirm.
  • Next, open the “General” tab and highlight the IPv4 item, click on the “Properties” button.
  • In this window, set the indicator to “Use the following IP…” and enter the following data:

IP -

Subnet mask -

The distribution has been created, it remains only to enable the ability to connect to it from other devices that are in the wireless network coverage area. To do this, return to the network connections window and right-click on the local connection, open its properties. You need to put an indicator in front of the item "Allow other network users ...".

Now the distribution of Wi-Fi should be fully functional.

Settings on the current OS

Similar steps can be done with Windows 7. In order for Wi-Fi to be distributed from a computer or laptop, you can, as in the previous example, create a new virtual network step by step. The difference is only in some steps.

  • You need to look in the "Network and Sharing Center".
  • Run “Setting up a new connection…”.

  • Then go to “Setting up a wireless network “Computer-Computer” and click the “Next” button.

As you can see, the steps are similar. In the new window, enter the network name, encryption type and password. Save changes and click "Next". Here it remains only to apply the setting "Enable sharing ...".

But that's not all. In order to be able to connect to WiFi from other devices, return to the “Network and Sharing Center” and in the left part of the window, find the line “Change advanced settings…”.

Having opened this menu, make active the items highlighted in the screenshot:

Ready! But Windows 7 also offers another, more advanced and simple way to organize the distribution of WiFi from a computer or laptop equipped with a wireless adapter. This is using the command line. Find her in the list of all Windows programs and open with administrator rights (right-click on the shortcut and select the appropriate item).

In the window that opens, enter the following command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="new network name (at least 8 characters)" key="password"

and press Enter. This is a quick distribution, and to start distributing the Internet from a laptop, use the command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

It remains only to go to the "Network Control Center ..." - Properties of the Local Connection (the one that is the wire through which the Internet "gets" into the apartment). Open the "Access" tab and check both boxes. Now the distribution of WiFi is working.

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