Price tags printed forms of price tags 1s. Settings for printing item price tags. Page placement optimization. Printing a price tag from an incoming document

  • 10.12.2019

This lesson shows you how to create print templates and print labels and price tags for a selected product group.

The procedure for printing both price tags and labels is identical, so I will show the process using the example of printing labels.

Create a label template (SE)

Labels and price tags are printed according to templates, let's open the list:

We create a new one:

Specify the name, size of the printed tape, select the destination from the list:

The tape size is also selected from the list:

In field For what a specific nomenclature card is selected, on the example of which it will be possible to generate a test print.

If the proposed SE does not suit you and you want to modify it, open the editor using the hyperlink:

In the upper part of the editor, the label dimensions and cell size are indicated, in the left part there is a list of fields available for adding to the template. The addition itself is carried out by double-clicking on the selected available field (or by clicking on the selection button located to the right of the list of available fields).

In the central part of the editor, the edited SE itself is located. When a cell is selected, a palette of properties for this cell is displayed on the right side of the editor (in which, for example, you can set the font format, set borders, etc.):

You can create a new SE in the editor based on the predefined:

Let's add its article number to the header before the name of the product. Additionally, using the properties palette, change the font:

When printed, we get the following picture:

SE is a regular spreadsheet document (complete analogy with Excel). For example, let's clean up the SE completely and create our own:

Let's add the article, name, barcode and print time:

After making all changes to the SE, it must be recorded.

If different SEs are used for different item types, this can be configured in the item type card:

If specific label or price tag templates are used when printing specific products, this can be configured in the item card:

Label printing

After creating the SE, we proceed directly to printing labels, for this we open workplace group printing of labels and price tags:

First of all, set the print mode:

In order to print labels not for all, but only for the selected item, you need to configure the selection. Suppose we are only interested in the nomenclature with the form Furniture and only the one for which prices are set with the type Retail:

After setting the selection, fill in the table of goods:

We see that the SE was filled in automatically:

By default, the number of labels is equal to the inventory balance of the item, but if necessary, you can set the number manually:

When printed, we see the following picture:

When printing a label for the product Bedside table, a barcode error occurred (because I set it arbitrarily, by entering random numbers, ignoring the formation rules), real life this should not be.

You can view and configure the price tag template in the section Administration - Printable forms, reports and processing.

Here are price tag templates and, if necessary, we can create (button Create) and develop your template.

Double-click to open an existing template (or create a new one). Pushing a button Edit Layout , we can change appearance our price tag - change the font, remove or add some fields (for example, a barcode).

We can download the default template and make our own template based on it or import a ready-made template (buttons Download default template and Import ).

Using the available fields (on the left) we can add them to the template.

Pay attention to the meaning of the fields Quantity per page . Here you should set how many price tags horizontally and vertically print (depending on the size of your template). If this parameter is not set, then by default it will print one label per sheet.

Group printing of price tags in 1C Retail 2.2

In the 1C Retail 2.2 program, processing for printing price tags is located in the section Purchasing - Service - Printing labels and price tags.

Using this processing, you can print price tags for selected groups of goods. You can add products to the table for printing by clicking the button Pick up products .

Selected items from the directory Nomenclature are transferred to the tabular part of processing for printing price tags.

When filling out the nomenclature, you can use the selection filters: button Show selection / Hide selection, set the selection condition and transfer stock items according to the selection to the table (button Fill ).

After selecting the nomenclature, set the template for printing: button Install - Label Template . To do this, we need to select positions and set a template for all positions. If there are several names, you can do it manually. You can select multiple lines by holding the button Shift or Ctrl. You can use Shift+End, to select lines from the current to the end of the document. In this case, the template will be assigned to all selected positions.

Choose our template price tag.

In button Install by selecting the item Number of labels , set required amount price tags - 1 pc. By default, it is set according to the quantity of the remaining goods in the warehouse.

We press the button Seal and our price tags are ready.

Printing price tags in 1C configuration Trade management

The Trade Management 11.3 configuration also has processing Printing labels and price tags . You can find it in the section Sales - Printing labels and price tags. The principle of its operation is similar to that described above in the 1C Retail 2.2 configuration, although there are slight differences, but they are intuitive. Therefore, we will consider only some of the differences.

In this configuration, the print mode for labels and labels is separately set when printing.

Here, these templates are separated, so the label template cannot be used as a label template and vice versa. This is due to the principle of output layouts to the printer. The label template is designed to be printed on a label printer.

The rest of the work with processing - the selection of goods, setting the price tag template, setting their quantity - is similar to that described above.

By using Assistant to create a price tag , you can also design your own templates for printing them. You can open the list of templates directly from processing - field Price tag template .

Once you have created a template, you can also edit it. In 1C Trade Management 11.3, when creating a template, there is a field For what, i.e. here we can assign a template to any item or item group, which was not in the 1C Retail 2.2 configuration.

To change the setting for selecting a separate item or group, you need to click the button Appoint .

We can also set an individual price tag in the item card by default: reference Nomenclature - Requisites tab, section Printing price tags and labels.

Printing price tags from goods receipt documents

In both configurations, both 1C Retail and 1C Trade Management, for the convenience of the user, the ability to print price tags directly from goods receipt documents is implemented. This function available in button Seal by selecting the line price tags .

Receipt of goods in configuration 1C Retail 2.2.

Example of printing price tags from a document Receipt of goods and services configuration 1C Trade management 11.3.

Clicking on the button Printing - Price tags processing is called from the document Printing price tags and item positions from the document are automatically transferred to it.

An example of filling in the tabular part of the processing from the document in the configuration 1C Retail 2.2.

An example of filling in the tabular part of the processing from the document in the configuration 1C Trade management 11.3.

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For printing labels, both standard A4 printers and specially designed for this device are used. It should be borne in mind that printing on a special device will be faster and more convenient. In this case, for each printer it is necessary to generate its own label template.

Forming a label template for a standard printer

In our example, the label layout will be created with certain dimensions: a width of 3.8 cm and a height of 1.9 cm. At the same time, 5 labels across and 14 along the page will fit on an ordinary sheet of A4 paper. Most often, the template contains only the necessary data: the name of the product, its cost and a barcode.

In the "1C: Retail" program, the layouts of all labels are placed in the "Templates for labels, price tags and KKM checks" directory. Let's go to the "Administration" section and run the "Print forms, reports and processing" command.

Launching the "Print forms, reports and processing" command

After that, a special window will open, in which we will open the reference book “Label templates, price tags and KKM receipts”.

Launch of the directory "Templates for labels, price tags and checks of KKM"

In the launched window, using the "Create" button, we form a new label layout.

Window of the list of the directory "Templates of labels, price tags and receipts of KKM"

In the window for creating a layout, it is obligatory to fill in two fields: “Template type” and “Name”. The layout type can have multiple values.

Let's stop our choice on the value "Label (price tag) for the product". At the same time, we will indicate the name we need for the layout - “Label for A4”. To further edit the template, each created element must be recorded.

Layout window

In the window of the saved directory component, to change the template, click on the "Edit layout" button. A new window will open where you can edit the template.

Window for changing the layout of labels and price tags

Let's dwell on the elements of this editor. On the right side are the resizable layout settings. Here you can adjust specific settings for barcode printing (Code Type, Display Text, Font Size, and Rotation Angle). There are also 2 settings here, thanks to which you can find out the number of labels placed on one sheet horizontally and vertically.

To the left of the editor is a list of fields that can be used in the template. It also contains data on the prices of the item, store, institution, time and user. Additionally, there is information about the product: nomenclature, features and barcode.

The main part of the editor is designed to create (draw) a template. The 1C: Retail 2 product has a standard label layout. In order to use it, you need to click on the “Load default template” button in the editor window and select “Label” in the drop-down menu.

Choosing a Standard Label Layout

The 1C: Retail program will prompt you to confirm that the changeable layout has been replaced with a standard template.

Resizable Layout Replacement Request

In order to see what the default layout is, you must agree to this request. After that, the layout will open in a spreadsheet document.

Part of a spreadsheet. Default label template

AT standard template The label contains only the name of the item and the barcode. It should be borne in mind that the size of the labels will be larger than we need according to the initial conditions. Do not forget that the editor does not have a ruler with convenient divisions up to millimeters.

To get access to changing the “Column width” setting, select any column by clicking on its ordinal number, and then go to the context menu.

Switching to the "Column Widths" parameter using the context menu

After selecting this item, the "Column Width" window will open, where you can easily set the desired width.

Column Width window

Unfortunately, the width in the program is measured not in millimeters, but in conventional units. However, there is a way to generate a label template with millimeter values. To do this, you need to go to the 1C:Enterprise 8 Configurator using the 1C:Enterprise launch form.

Opening the configurator

In the "Configurator" you need to open a new spreadsheet document by going to the "File" menu item in the "New" field. After that, a window for selecting the type of a new document will appear and here you need to stop your choice on the "Spreadsheet Document".

Launching the "Document type selection" window

As a result, a new table file will be formed, and if you move the border of any column in it with the mouse, then the values ​​of two settings will appear in the configurator form in the lower left corner: “Position” and “Size”. In this case, they will be displayed in millimeters. "Position" - the interval from the left field of the Spreadsheet file to the left field of the current column, which is currently being adjusted. "Size" - directly the width of the column.

Table file

In our particular case, one column of cells is enough for the label. Set the width of the first column to 38mm. Do not forget that there is some error when setting a specific value in millimeters. This is due to the fact that this figure can correspond to several possible field positions that differ by less than 1 mm. However, for our conditional example, this does not yet greatly hinder the achievement of the result.

Setting the Label Width We will print three lines about the product on the surface of the label: the name, the barcode, and the price. That is why when setting the height of the layout, you need to move the bottom margin for the third line. In our example, we need to set the required value for the "Position" parameter, which displays the distance from the top border of the "Spreadsheet Document" and we will set it to 19 mm.

Label Width Assignment

After these manipulations, you need to save all changes in the Spreadsheet document by selecting the "Save As" item in the "File" menu section.

Action to save all changes to a file

After that it will be available new form to save the file.

After all these manipulations, we go to the window for changing the layout of the label and price tag. In this window, execute the "Import" command. The program will automatically issue a warning that the current layout will be destroyed and will ask for confirmation to continue the action.

Importing a Spreadsheet Document

If you confirm this action, a new window will appear for selecting the imported file.

Window for selecting the imported file

We load the imported file and after the operation, all the required label sizes will be automatically selected.

Spreadsheet document that was imported

After that, you only need to enter the name of the item, the barcode and the cost of the goods into the template. To do this, select the top cell, which will contain the name of the nomenclature and double-click to display the required field for entering information. The barcode must be added to the second cell, and during this action, the 1C: Retail program will prompt you whether to add a new barcode as an image or not.

Adding a barcode

If you choose to add a barcode as an image, an image will be created that will be recognized by the barcode scanner in the usual way. Otherwise, the barcode will be generated as text. It is worth confirming the program request and the barcode will be added as an image. In this case, its filling will be carried out according to the size of the selected cell.

Table file after barcode creation

Let's slightly expand the barcode in the vertical direction.

Barcode expansion vertically

According to default settings each image, including the barcode, is automatically outlined when created. To remove the line we do not need, select the barcode, call the context menu and click on the "Properties" button.

Launching the Properties Palette Command

As a result, the “Properties Palette” command will be executed and for the “Line Style” setting, select the “No Line” option. Additionally, for the “Picture Size” setting, define the “Proportional” option. According to this parameter, the barcode will have an unchanged visual appearance. At the same time, the text data will be displayed correctly.

Change barcode settings

It is important to point out that in order to print a barcode, the 1C:Print module must be installed on the computer. It can be easily downloaded from the website technical support 1C users.

Select the third cell and double-click on the free field "Price" to add this value. Since in the “Retail 2” configuration the cost is entered in rubles by default, on the right side of the “Price” setting, we add the signature “rubles” through the interval.

Adding the "Price" value to the template

For our cell with the cost in the "Property Palette" => "Property Value" => "Horizontal Position" set the option "Center".

Setting the characteristics of a cell with a cost

For the cell with the name of the item, set the "Placement" parameter to the "Crop" value. Thanks to this, if our item name is too long, then the part that does not fit in the cell will be automatically cut off. Since the main information on the label is contained in the barcode, such a reduction will in no way reduce its informativeness.

Adjusting the settings of the cell with the name of the item

Also in the window for changing the layout, there is the possibility of adjusting the settings that allow you to edit the output of the barcode: “Code Type”, “Reflect Text”, “Font Size”, “Rotation Angle”.

Barcode Output Edit Settings

The "Code Type" option is set to "Auto" by default, but this parameter can be easily changed to any other required: "EAN13", "EAN128", "Code39" and so on. This change is not very necessary, since the "Auto" setting is universal.

Using the "Display text" option, you can configure the output of the barcode in text form. So, if this option is checked, then you can set the "Font Size" for the barcode digits.

Additionally, you can adjust the "Angle of Rotation" when the final barcode is printed. The "Default rotation angle (0%)" setting means that the barcode will be printed in landscape orientation, just like in the template we created. At the same time, this angle can be 90%, 180% and 270%.

For all these settings, the standard options completely satisfy us. You only need to set the print area by selecting the entire template and clicking on the "Set print area" button.

Setting the print area

As a result, you only need to specify the settings: "Horizontal Quantity" and "Vertical Quantity". As indicated at the very beginning of our conditional example, on a standard A4 sheet, 5 labels should fit horizontally and 14 vertically. We set exactly these parameters in the appropriate fields and click on "OK".

The 1C: Retail program will automatically check the correctness of the set parameters, and if the required number of labels actually fits on an A4 sheet, the editor window will close, otherwise a notification will appear about the actually possible number of labels. If such notifications appear, then the dimensions of the layout need to be slightly reduced along the horizontal and vertical axes. When zooming out along the horizontal axis, you need to slightly reduce the barcode or its image until the border of the template is fully visible. After successfully closing the editor window, you need to finally save the corresponding reference element (layout).

Saving the element of the directory "Templates of labels, price tags and receipts of KKM"

Formation of a label template for a special printing device

Let's take as a basis the already created label layout for a standard printer and go to the reference book "Label templates, price tags and KKM receipts". In the directory list window, click on the "Create a new element by copying the current" button.

Formation of a new layout by copying a previously created one

A window will appear for generating a new layout, which will already contain data from a previously created template. It is only necessary to correct the "Name" before saving it.

Window for creating a new layout

After saving the layout using the "Save Object" button, we proceed to modify the object by clicking on the "Edit Layout" button.

In the window for changing the label and price tag, we clearly see that the previously created template and all its parameters have been completely copied.

Change layout window

For correct printing on a special printer for labels according to this template, you need to change the print settings, for which we will use the "Page Setup" button.

Launching the Page Setup window

In the "Printer" cell, you need to select the appropriate device for printing, and in the "Size" field - the required label for this printer. In our case, a model with dimensions of 40 by 20 mm is used, while the adjustment of the printer itself is not considered in this article. You also need to reset all indents for the page.

Setting print preferences

In the window for changing the layout, you need to specify the settings: "Horizontal Quantity" and "Vertical Quantity". From the point of view of a computer, a label printer refers to ordinary printers with a small print area.

A single label will be one page, and therefore the options "Horizontal Quantity" and "Vertical Quantity" will be equal to one. Let's use the page preview function by clicking on the magnifying glass icon on the top panel of the program.


The label fits almost completely on a 20 x 40 mm page, and when printed on a standard A4 printer, we formed a 38 x 19 mm label. Therefore, it should be slightly increased in both sizes, and for additional control, we will reuse preview. After all the checks, click on the “OK” button in the layout editing window and after closing the editor, save the directory element (layout) again.

Label printing

For this action, we will start the processing "Print labels and price tags" and go to the sub-item "Stocks and purchases", then to "Service" and run the command "Print labels and price tags".

Launching the "Print labels and price tags" command

This command window will appear.

Print Labels and Price Tags window

You need to run the "Set print mode" command in the panel of the tabular part of the window, after which a menu will appear where you need to select the "Print labels" command.

Selecting a print mode

Set the value for the "Store" field, set the method for obtaining the cost "By price type" and define the value of the price type. Set the product selection settings for filling in the “Products” tabular section by clicking on the “Show selection” button in its command panel.

Elements for selecting conditions and a list of fields that can be changed will become available above the "Products" tabular section.

Part of the "Print labels and price tags" form with selection fields

Among other standard selection criteria for printing itself, the following are considered important: “Only with a barcode”, “Only with prices” and “Only with stock balances”. Opposite them, check the boxes to apply these criteria.

After that, you need to click on "Fill". With this filling, the 1C: Retail program automatically indicated the number of labels for each line, which is equal to the number of goods in the balance in the warehouse, since the label is printed for a single unit of goods.

Select all the lines of the table field using the key combination "Ctrl + A", run the "Install" command and in the window that appears, click on "Label Template".

Selecting a Label Layout for Selected Stitches

A selection window will appear with a list of layouts.

Layout selection window

After defining the layout, in the table field the column "Label Template" will be filled with certain values ​​and all previously selected lines will be marked with a flag, which indicates their selection for printing.

Table field "Products" after defining the layout of the labels

After we click on "Print" and in the "Print labels and price tags" window, you need to run the "Print" command.

As a result, a table file will be created that will contain labels for the goods from the list in the required quantity.

Let's take a label for a label printer as a layout and create a spreadsheet file again. Below in the figure you can see part of the printed file, and each label will be printed on a separate sheet.

Part of the document to be printed

  • Label layouts in "1C: Trade Management 11"
  • In this program, to open the list of layouts, you need to go to the following menu item: “Administration” => “Print forms” => “Reports and processing” => “Label and price tag templates”. Template changes are made in the same way, except for the following nuances:
  • the parameters of the current template cell are opened in the right part of the editor;
  • it is possible to adjust the dimensions of the template and the cells of the spreadsheet file in millimeters;
  • the number of elements on the sheet is not very clearly regulated;

you can assign the current layout to a system object if it is possible to activate the default layout for it.

If you didn’t succeed, then our specialist can come and.

Set up. Let's connect. Let's fix it. Let's find error 1s.

1C: Entrepreneur 8

The program "1C: Entrepreneur 8" - was created to maintain accounting and reporting by individual entrepreneurs IP, PE, PBOYuL. The program allows you to keep a book of income and expenses and business transactions individual entrepreneurs who are payers of income tax individuals(personal income tax).

1C: Enterprise 8 Licenses.

If you need to work with the 1C program on more than one computer (this can be the local network), as well as when working in one 1C database, it becomes necessary to buy 1C licenses. 1C licenses are additional protection keys for 1C programs that are purchased separately and give the right to use on several computers.

napechatat-cennikiPrinting price tags in "1C: Trade Management Edition 11.0" interface "Taxi" is an important part of the program, if maintained trading activity, and there is an item for sale. Convenient menu, the ability to work on different types prices, as well as simultaneously process a large product group - this greatly facilitates the work. In this review, we will show how to print price tags, learn how to create templates, edit them and print the final result.

If it is necessary to print price tags or labels for already received goods, this is done from the "Warehouse and delivery" menu. In addition, templates can be printed out immediately after the arrival or during price changes in the "Price List". Consider step by step all the options for printing documents.

How to print a price tag for a previously received item

Before printing price tags for goods that have already been credited, you need to open the “Print labels and price tags” tab in the “Warehouse and delivery” menu in the “Service” field.

In the field that opens, you need to make settings and make a selection.

  • Selection "by type of prices" allows you to select a product by type of formed price;
  • Selection "by store" prints price tags in 1C for a specific outlet or warehouse.

Be sure to check the date of filling, the relevance of prices will be on this date.

Before you print price tags in 1C, you need to select the item, for this, in the "Products" tab, mark the required line.

  • "Fill by selection" allows you to select product groups;
  • "Select Products" - the choice is made for each item.

Let's take a look at each group in more detail.

Fill in selection

Before you make price tags in 1C, you need to fill in the field with the product. To do this, check the “Show selection” tab, in the field that opens on the left side, you can select the criteria for selecting goods and by double-clicking the left mouse button move the line to the right field.

In the right selection box, you can refine the grouping."Comparison type" allows you to display the product in a group, list, or select a more accurate position. In the "Value" field, select an analytic according to the selected criterion.

After clarification, in the "Goods" tab, you need to select the "Fill in the selection" field. The program will display all the information on the nomenclature.

Before printing price tags in 1C in "Trade Management in edition 11.0", you must manually select a template. If there are few positions, you can choose for each product separately. To mark the layout for the entire nomenclature, you need to use the Ctrl button and drag the line selection down to the end with the left mouse button. If necessary, you can make adjustments.

Then you need to open the "Install" tab. In it, first of all, it is necessary to clarify the number of labels. By default, if the pre-selection was carried out on the balance of the item in the warehouse, the remaining quantity of goods on the date of the operation formation will be entered.

Next, you need to use the "Select" button to select the layout from the "Price tag template" and "Label template" fields. Accordingly, this template will be selected for the entire selection nomenclature. Label creation layout is marked in the same way.

Before you print price tags in 1C, you can edit them. To do this, when choosing a template, you need to go to the "More" tab. All fields of the price tag layout are subject to adjustment, by analogy with the excel format. After that, you can print a sample and see how it will look on paper.

Similar actions can be performed with label printing in 1C.

After filling in all the fields in editing the template, you can print them. In the upper field in the "Set print queue" tab, choose to print a set of layouts or each template individually.

In the field that opens, a specific product or group is selected with the settings, you can raise or lower a specific position in the list using the arrows. Then you need to visually check the document, and if errors are found in the price tags, return to the previous menu. After correction, it should be printed.

"Select Items"

When you select this function in the field that opens, you must mark each position individually in the following sequence.

  1. Before printing price tags in 1C in the Trade Management version 11.0 configuration, you need to select the item group in the right corner. After that, the entire list of goods grouped by this characteristic will open in the left;
  2. In order to see the list of selected products, it is necessary to activate the link in the lower part of the left field “Total number of items selected”;
  3. Then select the nomenclature from the left field. If a commodity item has several characteristics, you can select specific models by clicking on the product icon;
  4. The transfer of the nomenclature to the main document is performed by the button "Transfer to document".

In the future, the sequence of selecting a document template and printing is carried out in the same way as for the selection of goods.

Printing a price tag from an incoming document

In order to print the label layout from the receipt, you need to go to the "Purchases" menu on the "Purchase Documents All" tab.

In the field that opens, you need to find the receipt document, then select the required template from the "Printer" tab in the upper field.

When choosing the "Price tags" layout, the quantity of goods will always be 1, in contrast to the "Labels" template, in which it is equal to that specified in the receipt document.

Then the sequence of actions is as follows.

  • It is necessary to select the entire field using the hot keys Ctrl + left mouse button;
  • Choose a template;
  • Check quantity, correct if necessary;
  • Print out the form.

Before you print layouts, you need to check their filling again.

Changing the price type in a document

If there is a need to print a template not with a retail price, but with a purchase or wholesale price, this can be done as follows.

  • In the main field of the document, you should transfer the mark from the “By store” tab to the “By price type” button;
  • In the "Prices by price type" field, select the desired line.

The number of items can be adjusted in the "Show / hide fill mode" tab.

  • When choosing the item "Fill according to the balances in the warehouse", the quantity of goods will be adjusted based on the balances on the date the document was generated;
  • If you select "Generate by quantity in the document", the information will match the information specified in the receipt.

The quantity will be adjusted after selecting "Default quantity".

Printing a price tag from the CRM and Marketing menu

You can also print price tags and labels in 1C during a price change, for example, when creating a new price list.

In the field, you need to create a new document and make a price change. The subsequent algorithm of actions is similar: you need to select a template, in order to avoid errors on the price tags, visually check everything and print the layout.


Before you make price tags in 1C, it is important to understand from which document it will be more convenient to do this. You can print in the 1C program from any operation related to price changes. This is a great algorithm, no need to create new operation and generate templates.

Before printing price tags and labels, it is recommended to finalize them individually. All fields are available for editing: you can change the size of the cells if the name or barcode, height and font of the inscriptions do not fit. And also create several standard templates and subsequently choose them as needed.

As a rule, in retail stores price tags are printed based on a specific template (layout).

Let's figure out how to create your own layout - place the company logo and change the standard appearance of the price tag.

In particular, consider:


The article was written for the editors of 1C: Retail 2.1 . If you use this edition, great - read the article and implement the considered functionality.

If you plan to start implementing 1C: Retail, then most likely a more recent edition will be used. Interfaces and functionality may vary.

Therefore, we recommend taking the course 1C: Retail 2 for store automation and service companies, this will help you avoid mistakes and loss of time/reputation.

Create a standard price tag

To store templates of price tags and labels in the system 1C: Retail a special guide “Templates of labels, price tags and KKM checks” is intended.

To call the directory list form, you must first go to the section Administration and choose a team Printing forms, reports and processing (see Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Calling the window “Print forms, reports and processing”

A special form will open (see Fig. 2), in which the command for opening the “Labels, price tags and KKM receipt templates” directory is available.

Rice. 2 Calling the form of the list of the directory “Templates of labels, price tags and receipts of KKM”

In the opened form of the list of templates (see Fig. 3) using the button Create you can create a new template.

Rice. 3 Form of the list of the directory “Templates of labels, price tags and receipts of KKM”

In the form for creating a template (see Fig. 4), only two fields are required to be filled in: Template type and Name. Template type can take on multiple values. In this case, select the value "Label (price tag) for the product".

Specify an appropriate name for the template. Before further editing, the created element should be recorded by pressing a special button in the form of a floppy disk.

Fig.4 Template creation form

Please note that both the price tag and the label are of the same template type. This is due to the fact that the actions during the creation of both objects will be similar.

If we talk about the difference between labels and price tags, then their difference is only in purpose.

It is assumed that the price tags are cards of medium and large size. They use large fonts. Typically, price tags do not contain barcodes, because designed to be placed on showcases for customer review.

As for labels, the situation is different. Typically, a label is an adhesive card for a product. Labels are used in small and medium sizes, large labels are rarely available.

The label must have a barcode. Sometimes an additional price is indicated. Moreover, labels are glued for each unit of goods, unlike price tags, which are usually created and placed one for each type of product.

Labels are actively used when reading goods at the checkout and during inventory. Those. the label is the product identifier when working with barcode reading equipment.

In the form of the saved directory element, click the button Edit Layout(see Fig. 4). A special form for editing templates will open (see Fig. 5).

Rice. 5 Template editing form for labels and price tags

The label and price tag template editor has a small set of tools. Consider the main components of this editor. On the right are the parameters of the edited template. Here you can set specific barcode printing options (Code Type, Display Text, Font Size and Angle of Rotation).

But these parameters are mainly used for labels. A little higher are two parameters that allow you to determine the number of price tags placed on one page horizontally and vertically.

The left side of the editor contains a list of fields available for use in layouts. Here there is information about the prices of the item, store, organization, current time and current user.

There is also information about the product itself: nomenclature, characteristics and barcode. It should be noted that when used in the program Retail 2 additional properties that you create, they are also available in this list. For example, an additional property was created in our database Floor, access to which is present (see Fig. 6).

Rice. 6 Fragment of the list of available fields

The third area of ​​the editor (main area) is a spreadsheet document for drawing the layout. In principle, we will work with a spreadsheet document, which is used to display printed forms of all documents in the system. 1C: Retail.

You can create your own price tag layout based on a standard template specially provided in the configuration Retail 2.

To do this, in the editor form, click on the button Download default template and select from the drop-down menu price tag(See Fig. 7).

Rice. 7 Selecting a default template

System 1C: Retail will issue a confirmation request to replace the edited template with the default template (see Fig. 8)

Rice. 8 Confirmation request to replace the template being edited

AT this moment the template is empty, so we agree with the system's proposal. A standard price tag layout will appear in the spreadsheet document (see Figure 9).

Rice. 9 Fragment of a spreadsheet document. Standard price tag layout

Please note that in the template editing form, in addition to the ability to select a default template, there are two more commands: for importing a template from a file and exporting to a file.

Using these commands, you can export the created layout to an external file and load it either into another template, or even into another system. 1C: Retail.

In addition, the import and export mechanism can have another useful application, which will be discussed in the next article when creating a layout for labels.

Editing text elements of the price tag

Consider what the default price tag template consists of. This is a standard spreadsheet document, which consists of cells of a certain size and a certain content.

The standard template displays: the name of the organization, the name of the product and its characteristics, the manufacturer of the product, the price. The footer of the template displays information about the code, article number and name of the product packaging.

In addition, the current date (the day on which price tags are printed) is indicated.

All in all, the standard layout satisfies the needs of the store quite well. Only some adjustments may need to be made. To begin with, let's look at how the fields available on the left side are displayed from the list to the template layout.

For example, in this layout we will display more information about the store. Let's place this information below the organization at the top of the layout. First, let's expand the area between the organization and the nomenklatura.

To do this, place the mouse cursor on the line with the nomenclature and select the command from the context menu push apart(see fig. 10).

Rice. 10 Creating free space between lines

In the form that appears, select the option "Vertical".

An additional line will appear between the line with the organization and the line with the nomenclature (see Fig. 11)

Fig 11. Standard price tag with an added line

In the resulting empty area of ​​the price tag, copy the cell for the organization. It is important that this copies the cell format (see Figure 12).

Rice. 12 Copy layout cell format

Now, by activating the new cell and pressing the button on the keyboard Delete clear it of text. To display information about the store, activate an empty cell and double-click the left mouse button on the field available in the list Name for the store, add it to a free cell (see Fig. 13).

Rice. 13 Adding Store Name Information to the Layout

In addition, it may be necessary to place some static text in the layout, which will not change in any way when the price tag is printed. In the standard template, this cell is the signature cell. This is exactly the text that will be the same for all price tags.

Let's consider what is the difference between a signature cell and any other cell that displays some property from the list of available fields. These cells differ fundamentally, as they belong to different types of cells.

Cell properties can be viewed through the context menu (item Properties) or using the keyboard shortcut alt + Enter. The Properties Palette of the current cell opens, in which you can edit these properties.

Notice the property filling. For the cell in which the field is displayed Store.Name, this property has a value Sample. It is this property that characterizes the cell type. There are three values ​​available for selection: Text, Parameter and Sample(see fig. 14).

Rice. 14 Cell Properties Palette

When a new, not yet filled cell is selected, the property filling takes on the value Text. cells with type Text are used just to display some static information.

Still, the main ones are the cells in which the value somehow changes, since price tags for an unlimited number of goods will be printed based on one layout.

Therefore, it is necessary that each price tag is somehow modified and displays information about a specific product, price, store, organization, etc.

You can specify the cell type Parameter. In that case, the system 1C: Retail defines the text that will be displayed in this cell, by the name of the parameter. The parameter name can be entered directly into a cell with a fill type Parameter.

In this case, it will be displayed in the Properties Palette of this cell (see Fig. 15). There are certain restrictions on the parameter name. It must be a single word containing only letters, numbers, and underscores.

Rice. 15 Cell properties palette with fill type Parameter

To fill in data from the list of available fields, cells with the fill type are used Sample. Sample is a shared type. In such a cell, you can specify both static text and some parameters that will change dynamically.

The cell is filled in as follows: we can enter arbitrary text, use spaces, and where it is necessary to enter some kind of dynamic component (that is, some parameter), you should enter the name of the parameter in square brackets.

After the parameter, you can again put a space, enter some text, and after that another parameter, and so on.

Dynamic cells (with type Parameter and Sample) are visually distinct and are displayed in triangular brackets. Triangle brackets system 1C: Retail puts herself. This can be seen in the price tag layout.

An important property of a cell is Format. In the standard template, this property is used to display CurrentTime(dates) (see Fig. 16).

Rice. 16 Filling in the Format property

Default current time contains the date and time. Printing on price tags only requires information about the date. The format is filled in the Cell Properties Palette.

You can use the button to fill in Choose with a three-dot icon. At the same time, the form of the format string constructor will appear (see Fig. 17).

Rice. 17 Format string constructor

This constructor is designed to define the output format for values ​​of the type Number, the date and boolean. In figures 16 and 17, the date format is set, in which there is no time value, and the year is displayed in two digits.

If necessary, this format can be overridden, for example, display the full year (dd.MM.yyyy) or display the month not as a digit, but as its full alphabetic name, and at the same time replace the separating points with spaces (dd MMMM yy).

In addition to changing the format manually, you can select the date representation of interest from the drop-down list. In this case, the value of the format string will be filled in automatically (see Fig. 17).

When forming the layout, another cell property is often used, which allows you to determine the behavior of the cell if the text that we display in it does not fit in size.

This property is called Accommodation. It can be assigned one of the following values: Auto, crop, score and transfer(see fig. 18).

Rice. 18 Filling in the Placement property

When choosing a value Auto the text that does not fit in the cell is placed in subsequent cells. But this happens only if the cell next to the right does not contain any value. Otherwise, text that is not included in the main cell will simply be cut off.

Meaning crop means that text that does not fit in the main cell is always cut off. Meaning score means that if the text does not fit in a cell, then all the text in this cell is filled with hash marks (#########). The value of the cell itself is not visible.

Wrap means that if the text does not fit in this cell, then the cell is stretched in height so that the text fits completely. At first glance, this is the most convenient option for placing text, but it is fraught with a certain problem.

When using text wrap, the size of the layout can become uncontrollable, i.e. it can easily deviate from the given original size in height.

In the future, when printing, stretching one price tag may lead to an unreasonable increase in the vertical dimensions of neighboring price tags for other products.

To resolve this issue, you will need to disable automatic layout row height adjustment.

To do this, call the context menu in the digital row header and select the Row height item (see Figure 20).

Rice. 20 Calling the “Row height” form

The line height form will appear (see Figure 21).

Rice. 21 form row height

This form must be unchecked. auto height line and set the desired constant value of the line height. In this case, if the cell height allows you to place two or more lines of text, the text will still wrap to the next line, but the cell height will be constant. Text that does not fit will be cut off.

It should be noted that both the beginning of the text and its end can be cut off. It depends on another property of the cell - the position of the text in the cell (namely, the position Vertically).

In order to cut off the lower lines, you need to select the value for this property. Top(see fig. 22). Nearby adjusts the horizontal position of the text.

By default, this property is set to Auto, and the text is aligned to the left of the cell. By choosing other values, you can center the text in the cell, right-align or justify.

Rice. 22 Fragment of the Cell Properties Palette (Position property group)

It is also possible to change the font of the text in a cell. In the Properties Palette under Decor there is a corresponding property Font. It is possible to select a specific font, its size and style (see Fig. 23).

Rice. 23 Fragment of the Cell Properties Palette (property group Appearance)

Adding a company logo

Let's add the company logo to the price tag layout. The logo will be inserted between the name of the store and the name of the product. Let's expand the corresponding area by analogy, as we did earlier (see Fig. 10 and 11).

The resulting additional area consists of several cells. They should be merged. To do this, select them with the mouse and select the command in the context menu Merge(see fig. 24)

Rice. 24 Merge Free Area Cells

The logo will first be inserted into one of the free cells under the price tag. Then we adjust the free area to the desired size and move the logo into it.

So, we activate with the mouse one of the cells under the price tag. To insert an image, main menu select item TableDrawingsPicture(see fig. 25).

Rice. 25 Calling the form for choosing a picture

A form for selecting a picture will appear (see Fig. 26).

Rice. 26 Form Select picture

The picture can be selected from the Library or from File. Since the logo is stored in an external file, you should click on the button in the form Choose from file. A dialog box will open for selecting a picture file (see Fig. 27)

Rice. 27 Picture File Selection Dialog Box

After selecting a file, the image will be displayed on the form Picture selection. Below the picture will be indicated its dimensions. In practice, it was found that the dimensions are indicated with a small margin (see Fig. 28).

The vertical size is desirable to write out or remember. Then you can click on the button OK.

Rice. 28 Completing picture selection