Concert script for September 1 in music school. Scenario of the holiday “September 1 - Knowledge Day. Sample Auction Scenario

  • 04.08.2021

The song "September Again ..." (to the tune of "Old Piano") is performed by Kolegova Masha

1. September again,

He knocked on our doors

And a new song

Brought us together again

And that means-

It's school time

Everyone stop sleeping

We run, run again

To school in the morning!

How did you spend your summer without us?

I missed you, very much

We know it for sure

We meet friends

And dear teachers

Everyone stop sleeping

Gotta take, take the notes

Get in your hands soon!

Chorus: When I sit down at the desk with you again,

Then again I will say: “Stop, a moment, stop!”

And in an instant both sadness and sadness fly away,

Although summer is a little pity ...

Leading: Good morning, dear children, dear teachers, parents, guests! Today is the day of the beginning of classes, new good meetings with the world of knowledge that teachers are ready to give you.
Let's welcome our teachers:

Bayan Department: Mikova E.R., Sobyanina E.V.

Department of piano: Kipina E.V., Molchanova N.M., Chechelnitskaya L.M.

Choral department: Okulova O.V., Ivanova S.Yu., Gribchenkova N.G.

Department of solo singing: Kolegova G.Yu., Kolegov I.V.

Art department: Nazarova I.A.

Leading: Good morning to all who came here for the first time and to those who have lived several interesting and useful years at this school.

ceremonial line, dedicated to the Day Knowledge is declared open!

“The moon is shining” performed by Gushchin Dima

Leading: A new school year begins and everything repeats itself: lessons and breaks, tests and exams. But all worries and troubles will begin tomorrow, and today is a holiday.

Leading: We welcome the children of the 2nd grade Guys, how are you?

Leading: Third grade, respond! .. Everyone gathered, didn’t lose anyone over the summer?

Leading: And where are our Explore-ki from the 4th grade? .. Are you ready for school?

Leading: The one and only 5th grade. Are there many plans for this year?

Leading: We are glad to see the 6th grade, our school UFO - Restless Flying Object! Are there many plans for this year?

Leading: Well, now we got to our little rascals from the 7th! Now you are the oldest on the line. Do you feel the burden of responsibility?

Leading: We invite you to a joyful holiday

In honor of the first call in life

You, the little ones,

happy and different

Excited, maybe a little!

Leading: First graders, welcome to the World of Knowledge!

“First time in first class” performed by Irina Zainutdinova

Leading: The floor is given to the director of the school of arts Kolegov I.V.

Nafanya, a school brownie, runs out of the school doors.

Nafanya. Hi guys! I am your school brownie - Nafanya. I was lucky when they divided houses at the council - I got your school. At first I was upset, I almost went to drown myself: running around, kids, all sorts of dirty tricks for children, riots.

Leading. What are you talking about, Nafanya?! Why are you spoiling our holiday? Where did you come from?
Nafanya. Oh, oh, oh, how scary. I freaked out, I'm trembling all over!

Leading. Yes, I didn't mean to scare you. What do you want something?

Nafanya. What do I want?.. Yes, the guys are almost like relatives to me. How many of their stubs I pulled out because of the batteries, how many calls I listened to, how many times I worried on the control and hid the magazine, turned off the light ahead of time. And I can sing, and play, and draw.

Neimark "Merry Postman" performed by Tanya Makarova

This is where we had fun. But I'm the only one who cares about you. You still have a whole school year ahead of you! May it be happy for you, bring only good grades. Hello from evil spirits! Happy holiday, guys! And let this song be a gift for me. Bye!

"Lady Jazz" performed by Sultanova Irina

Pechkin(leaves the crowd to the porch of the school).
Allow me! Allow me to pass. I need to take the telegrams to school! Is this an art school?

Leading. Yes.

Pechkin. When receiving telegrams, sign and read them to the guys as soon as possible.

Telegrams are read.

"Students, close the taps more tightly and don't drip on the brains of teachers!" Vodokanal

"Children! Take care of bread! Do not hang noodles on the ears of teachers." LLC "Kueda bakery"

Now let me take my leave. They are waiting for me in other schools.

The new academic year begins.
It will bring you many discoveries!
New items, new friends,
Favorite teachers are waiting in the classrooms.


For all the guys
For all teachers
Gift number
Take it soon!

"Light and shadows" performed by Sergaev Vova

Leading. Attention! Attention! All students of the school to prepare for the adoption of the oath.
I will read the oath, and you all must repeat the word "We swear".

1 The facilitator starts reading the first part of the sentence, the 2nd facilitator ends the sentence.

Oath of the disciples
1st leader.
We're students music school on the day of the beginning of the school year we swear: - Never go to school ...
2nd leader.
...with unlearned lessons! We swear!
1st leader.
Never say hello to teachers...
2nd leader.
...filling your mouth with chewing gum! We swear!
1st leader.
Never finish a quarter...
2nd leader.
...with bad grades! We swear!
1st leader.
Never invite parents to meetings...
2nd leader.
...five minutes before they start! We swear!
1st leader.
Never listen to teachers...
2nd leader.
... in half an ear! We swear!
1st leader.
Never open the school door...
2nd leader.
...with a kick! We swear! We swear! We swear!

The song "Hello school" is played by the choir "Rainbow"

Leading: Good luck!
AT good hour!
Hello school! Meet us!

Leading: Dear friends! At this solemn line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year is declared closed!

teacher KOU "Krasnoyarsk adaptive boarding school" Shaldina Anna Viktorovna
This development will be useful to organizers, music directors, teachers in preparation for the holiday of September 1
Target: creating a festive atmosphere before the start of the school year.
An essential feature of the celebration of September 1 in a boarding school is that at the time of preparation there are no students in the lineup at the school. As a rule, children come from all over the district on the opening day of the school - September 1, therefore, unfortunately, it is not possible to prepare songs, dance numbers, and learn poetry with the children. However, despite this, the celebration of the First Bell in our school is fun and interesting.

(the hall is festively decorated with balls, bells, all classes are built, fanfares sound, the hosts read the text backstage to the motive of the song “Dialogue at the New Year Tree”)

Presenter 1: What is going on in the world?

Host 2: It's just September!

Host 1: Just September? Are you sure?

Host 2: Yes I'm sure. I already heard the school doors creak
and our first school bell will ring soon!

Presenter 1:
What will be behind all this?

Host 2: And there will be a lesson!

Presenter 1: Will there be a lesson? Just one?

Host 2: No, a lot.
A school road awaits us all, a very long road.
The school year has already begun...

(music changes to more solemn, presenters appear)

Presenter 1: Yes. The school year can already start
The school is ready to accept all children

Host 2: During the summer, classes and desks are painted,
Ready textbooks, atlases, maps

Presenter 1: More likely to come to discoveries and knowledge
The teaching staff will help

Host 2: And to continue our holiday,
We must give the floor to the director!

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the principal of the school __________________

(administration speech)

Presenter 1: And I wonder if all the classes gathered at our holiday?

Host 2: Let's check and have a roll call

(a chanting game is being held (there is no second grade in our school, so the roll call starts from the third))

Presenter 1:
Guys, you are not counted at school!
Third graders, are you here? (Here!)

Lead 2: And the fourth, as always,
Happy to meet again? (Yes!)

Presenter 1: Well, what about the fifth one?
Are you out of the habit of studying?
That, brothers, is not a problem!
Do we all want to learn? (Yes!)

Host 2: Somewhere near the sixth grade-
Very nice guys!
At school you always
Is life good? (Yes!)

Presenter 1: Grade seven is not easy,
Well - ka, give us the answer:
Will there be many twos? (Not!)

Host 2: eighth grade,
He's almost graduating.
Give us your word of honor?
Are you ready for the tests? (Yes!)

Presenter 1: Hey graduates, don't yawn
Answer in unison!
Always on exams
The best score is two? (Not)

Host 2: They are here for the first time
Go to your first class
With backpacks and bows
First graders are you with us? (silence)

Presenter 1: First class missing, no order...

Host 2: Nothing, we'll fix it now. Meet our dear first graders, ____ boys and ___ girls and their first teacher ____________________________________

(music sounds, first graders enter the hall, accompanied by a teacher)

Presenter 1: We congratulate you, first-graders,
We wish you great success in your studies

Host 2: Make friends with the school, teachers,
And soon you will be graduates

Presenter 1: Like those who are today now
By the hand will lead you to the first class!

Host 2: But first, listen to their order!

(congratulations to second graders from graduates)

Graduate 1:
Today our school meets you
And wishes you success.
The school was very worried
Tried to please you
After all, it is your second home.
Let there be order!

Graduate 2:
Don't wear gum to school
Better keep it at home.
After all, after the lesson,
Chew her hunt

Graduate 1: You still want to scream
Run, jump and knock.
A lesson is to learn
To strive for knowledge
Answer questions
And get grades.

Graduate 2: Let fives fly into the diary
And a few fours.
You need to be friends with them.
And be diligent.
Threes, twos are not friends.
You can't let them in your diary!

(music sounds, graduates leave the stage, the music changes and Dunno appears)

Dunno. Disperse! Make way! Let's get through, finally!

(Dunno reaches the hosts, puts a large backpack on the floor, wipes his forehead with his sleeve)

Dunno: I'm not late? (leader) Hello!

Presenter 1: Hello Dunno!

Dunno: Three days going, zamyalsya completely. Now everything is in order! Now, so to speak, armed to the teeth. Do you think it's easy? Knowledge, how much they weigh! But I was determined to become smart. And as I decided - everything: I will die, but I will become. Where do you enroll in school here?

Host 2: Are you coming to our school?

Dunno: Of course, why do you think I came, and even brought such a large backpack with me?

Presenter 1: Yes, the backpack is really big, just huge!

Host 2: What did you put there?

How is that, everything you need for successful study!

Presenter 1: And what, in your opinion, is necessary for successful study?

Dunno: Well, things are different ... And books ... In general, what I found at home - I brought everything!

Host 1-2:

Dunno(proudly): Everyone!

(leader 1 looks into Dunno's briefcase and takes out an iron)

Presenter 1: And why do you need it?

It's just an iron! You have to be neatly dressed to school. So I grabbed the iron, suddenly I remember the trousers. And also, if I fight with someone, you can attach it to a bruise. Like this!

(Dunno puts an iron on his cheek, presenter 2 takes out a broom from his backpack)

Host 2: Well, why are you doing this?

And this was advised to me by a friend, he said that if they sweep out of school, then at least they will sweep it with my broom - it won’t hurt so much!

Presenter 1: Yes, your friend has a good sense of humor! But you don't need all that!

Dunno: Isn't everything needed?

Host 2: Real students will never make a mistake and take the wrong things to school.

Presenter 1: Here, our guys know perfectly well what subjects they cannot do without at school, right, guys? (all Yes!")

Dunno: I do not believe!

Presenter 1: And now we will prove it to you and play a game with the guys

Host 2: We will ask questions if "NO" you say - then tap your feet.
If you speak "YES"- then clap then.

("yes" - clapping, "no" - stomping)

Presenter 1: What is in your portfolio?
A box of bright watercolors...

Host 2: A simple pencil...

Presenter 1: Plate with fish and goulash...

Lead 2
: A textbook with a glossy cover...

Presenter 1:
Paper bow for playing with a cat...

Host 2: Your favorite toy...

Presenter 1: And the New Year's cracker...

Host 2: Eraser and ruler...

Presenter 1:
Battery faucet...

Host 2: Notebooks, books and notebook...

Presenter 1: Both machine gun and machine gun...

Host 2: And a compass, and a large pencil case ...

Presenter 1: And the electronic dump truck...

Host 2: And replaceable shoes - sneakers ...

Presenter 1:
Album for cool sketches...

Host 2: Universal slingshot...

Presenter 1: And a medical glove...

Host 2: Constructor new for work...

Presenter 1: A set of paper in all colors...

Host 2: Cardboard, and glue, and plasticine ...

Presenter 1: And kerosene, and vaseline ...

Lead 2: A diary with a filled page...

Presenter 1: To put a unit there ...

Host 2:
We managed to collect a portfolio,
For which everyone gets five!

Presenter 1: You see, Dunno, our guys know perfectly well what should be in a student's briefcase

Dunno: Thanks guys, you helped me a lot. Now I will definitely be able to collect a portfolio, and I can go to your school! Hooray! Well, then I ran to get ready, until I forgot something ...

Host 2: Goodbye, Unknown!

Presenter 1: We will be glad to see you in our school again!

(Neznaika leaves)

Presenter 1: The sonorous summer has flown by
Today again to the lesson
Let solemnly and loudly
The first bell will ring!

Host 2: The honorable right to make the first call in the new academic year provided by ________________________________________________________________________

(bell rings)

Presenter 1: The bell rings, louder and louder.
What trill is spreading over the world?
Do you think the nightingale sang?

Host 2: Oh, how it rings in all ends of the earth!
Let the sleeper wake up soon.
Do you think that guests have come to us?
But no - the lessons begin!

Presenter 1: Grab your bag and have fun
Some lazy people sleep for a long time.
Do you think the tram is ringing in full?
But no - the lessons begin!

Host 2: The bell rings for each of us
Hearing it, people smile,
And the faces of the guys bloom:
The time has come...

Together: Lessons are starting!

Presenter 1: The line of the first call is declared closed!
(music sounds, all classes disperse into classrooms)


Hello adults!
Hello children!
An unusual day today in the world -
Music everywhere, smiles and laughter -
The school opened its doors to everyone.

LEADING : Good day to you, dear guests, teachers, dear parents! Today is a good day, not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good that it brings us. Indeed, today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us. And I wish good to all the guests and participants of our holiday!

    Meet the choreographic studio "Yablonka" head Klimina Elena Leontievna with a dance composition "Good afternoon"


It seems like yesterday we stood
We met a fun vacation time,
Which after the academic year
How long ago did it start?

But queen nature
Relentless, and the months of summer
In the past. And school uniform put on.

Well, now it's time for the holidays!
Happy holiday, we congratulate you all!


Now I'm interested to know
Is everyone here for the holiday?

Pretty girls here? (Here)
Are there smart boys? (There is)
Caring mothers came? (Yes)
Do dads always go on this day? (Yes)
Strict teachers here? (here)
Are there first graders? (there is)

It's great that you are all together and a familiar melody sounds to you now.
Meet the ensemble "Flowers of Siberia" of the children's art house "Kirovskiy"leaders Taylakova Tatyana Alekseevna, Sinelnikova Raisa Ivanovna, accompanist Loginova Victoria Viktorovna

    dance composition "We are small children, we want to walk"


All of you friends
We are glad to see

And now we would like to know
How are you ready for school YES!

Did you have a good rest? (Yes)
Swimming, sunbathing (YES)
Did you miss knowledge? (Yes)
Have you already collected your portfolio? (Yes)
Is everyone healthy today? (Yes)
Ready for the school year? (ready)
Well done! It looks like they came in good spirits.
And you are looking forward to the continuation of the holiday with great impatience.

    On the stage of the theater of the reader "Spark" director Kondratieva Svetlana Ivanovna Boris Zakhoder "Horizon Islands" reads Gritsenko Alexander

    Oriental dance studio "Gamil el rakasa" invites you to the world of exciting adventures, wild races, and beautiful charming cowboys together with the soloist of the studio Sharapova Daria.

    Meet the choreographic studio "Yablonka" with gypsy dance.

And Arabic drums
The heart beats in an oriental dance,
And salty oceans
Do not erase more blush from the cheeks.

    dance composition "Mezhance" performed by Alina Savchenko.


Summer flew by quickly

The school year has come

But we also have a lot of autumn

Will bring good days.

    Pop vocal studio "Sounds of Music" performs, head Tatyana Viktorovna Sinitskaya "Merry Song"


I have a new friend
He sniffed everything around
Table, sofa, magazine and book
He is still quite a baby.
Barks loudly like a bell
Well, of course he is. Who is this Guys! That's right puppy!

    On the stage, the theater of the reader "Spark" Valentin Berestov "Cat's Puppy" reads Yulia Zavarykina


Guys, I will now make you riddles about my favorite animals, and parents will also help us with this.

6 funny bear cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries.

But one of them is tired

I lagged behind my comrades,

Now find the answer: How many bears are ahead? (5)

Three big ones, three small ones

Small, remote

Whole family.

How many of them are sitting on the stump? (6)

I pull the net, I catch fish.

Got a lot:

2 perch, 3 crucian.

One brush - and that in a pot. I’ll cook the ear, I’ll treat everyone. How many fish will I cook? (6)

Which word has 40 A? (magpie)

A rooster weighs 2 kg on one leg. How many kg does he weigh on two legs? (2kg)

Leading: Well done boys. I see that you are very smart kids. Tell me, do you like animals? And what?

    Meet the pop vocal studio "Sound of Music" with the song "Mongrel Cat"

    Moderator: Did you guys like the performance? Let's raise our hands and clap loudly, because now it's dancing for youchoreographic studio "Apple tree with a dance composition" Let's raise our hands" I invite you all to join the girls and also warm up a little!

Leading: Well done boys,Have you watched the cartoon about Masha and the Bear? Did you see how Masha was going to school?

And now I want to check if you forgot what you need to put in your school bag.

You help each otherAnswer questionsOnly YES and only NOKindly give me an answer.Do we put a bag of sweets at the bottom? (Not)What about a police pistol? (NO)Shall we put a vinaigrette in there? (NO)Or maybe a bicycle? (Not)Shall we put a ripe orange? (YES)BUT grocery store? (NO)What about games, books for friends? (YES)A pencil case? (YES)Let's put the salad in the bag? (NO)Putting a smile and success? (YES)Perky children's sonorous laughter? (YES)

Ruler, eraser, pencil? (Yes)

Will we take the kitten in luggage? (Not)

Will we forget the diary? (Yes)


    I think that the most important thing is to look very beautiful and now Ludwig Ekaterina will show you the dance “Beauty is a terrible power”.

LEADING : Masha, of course, is a star, but we are no worse with you. I think that in front of me are future medical stars, mathematicians, star poets and writers and

    The pop vocal studio "Sounds of Music" sings the song "Stars" for you

LEADING : I wonder who we have more here, star girls or star boys? Let's check it out now. As soon as I say star girls or star boys you should scream, stomp your feet, squeal. You are ready? I hear that we have enough star boys and girls for you too.

    For you, the dance composition "Jazz" performed by Borisova Svetlana.

    On the stage of the theater of the reader "Spark of Akhundova Alla" Beautiful girl "reads Alyosha Zakharov

    Dance with a cane performed by Alexandra Raznochintseva.

Presenter: The song "Boys" will be performed by the Nadezhda guitar playing studio, head Golubkova Alla Ivanovna.

True friendship begins at school

To never end.

True friendship is tested by the heart

So this friendship is forever

    The guitar studio Nadezhda will perform the song “If you went out with a friend”.

    You know, guys, I think that you can be friends not only with neighbors and classmates, but also with friends from a distant galaxy.

    For you, the pop vocal studio "Sounds of Music" sings the song "Lunatics"

Childhood does not leave us,
Childhood is always with us
Those who leave childhood
From childhood they become old.
Childhood does not leave us
Childhood always lives in us,
Just takes away from childhood
Life is vanity.

17. The song "Childhood" will be performed by the Nadezhda guitar playing studio.

AND NOT in vain, WE HAVE

    Korzeneva Dina performs with the song "To be a man"

school bell again

Call for a lesson

So the summer is over.

On the first day of September

Giving us all joy

It repeats every time!

    The song "School Time" will be performed by the Nadezhda guitar playing studio.

    And now for your moms, dads, grandparents, the song “This will never happen again” will sound.

    Our dear children, dear adults, and now it's time for all of us to sing the song "Scarlet Sails" together.

    Well done, let's sing the song "I love you" together again and see who can sing better and louder adults or children. Song I love you.

What is my homeland called?
I ask myself a question.
The river that winds behind the houses
Or a bush of curly red roses?

Is that autumn birch over there?
Or spring drops?
Maybe a rainbow stripe?
Or a cold winter day?

Everything that has been around since childhood?
But it will all be nothing
Without mother's care dear,
And I'm not the same without friends.

So that's what is called the Motherland!
To always be by your side
Everyone who supports will smile,
Who needs me too!

    We meet the ensemble "Flowers of Siberia"with the dance composition "Russia is my Motherland!"

Irina Zakotnova

BACKGROUND: 1 Fanfare sounds.

Student 1: Why did it suddenly become a tradition

Celebrate the change of years in December

After all September- this is the beginning of all roads!

The year starts at September.

Student 2: The academic year is knocking on the window

A branch of a maple burning with fire.

We begin to learn life

On the day given to us september.

Student 1: First experience, example and tasks

And the syllable read in the primer ...

All victories, mistakes, good luck

It all starts in September.

Student 2: Happy New Year, friends, teachers.

For others, the change of years in December,

And for us New Year is coming,

Always comes in September.

Leading.: Hello, students, parents, distinguished guests, teachers! Here comes the new school year. The merry mischievous summer is over, and with it such a short summer vacation has sped away. We are glad to see you again. Indeed, today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with the vast world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to you. Today for our school double holiday. Exactly 50 years ago 1 September 1965 Kryukovskaya building schools hospitably opened the doors to the first students. She was the very first teacher in the very first class. 12 first graders crossed the threshold schools.

BACKGROUND (quiet) 2

We invite them (unfortunately not in in full force) to our anniversary line. (exit)

BACKGROUND (loudly) 2

Today, in your anniversary, our school will be replenished with a new bouquet of first-graders. They are our birthdays - and we invite them to take a place of honor on lineup.

And so, to the applause of all schools we invite you to...

Grade 1, 2015 class teacher Syusina N.A.

To the question "How do you envision your new class?", she is answered:

BACKGROUND (quiet) 3

I imagine my new class as rays of the sun, which every day will shine brighter and brighter. And here they are the first graders of 2015 of the year:

BACKGROUND (loudly) 3

On the solemn anniversary line prospective graduates are invited schools accompanied by former graduates of different years.


BACKGROUND (loudly) 6

Leading: Let it sound fanfare, but it depends on us

All Russia. Her love is mutual.

And not just a melody will strike now -

The power and pride of the Russian Anthem!

- School, quietly! An anthem sounds.

The anthem of Russia sounds. (Hymn with words, 1 verse and chorus)

Leading: Solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open.

Attention guys!

We open the ruler!

Cordially congratulations!


The new academic year begins, and no matter how the head school gotta say the words congratulations for the new academic year. Your manager is contacting you school Akshonova E. AT.

Leading: The guests who came to our holiday today also remember with pleasure their school years. How worried they were when they crossed the threshold for the first time schools how they got deuces and fives, how they were friends, how they fell in love for the first time.

Today we are visiting:

The word is given ___

FON 6 (quiet)

Leading- School…

– Kryukovskaya school!

– What is she like?

– It has a permanent teaching staff,

So, be patient.

- There are a lot of smiling faces here,

- So happy.

- Graduates are always welcome here,

So, hospitable.

- Here we are ready to help each student,

- So it's good.

- Former students bring their children and grandchildren here,

- Means- darling.

- Here she is, our school!

Song "Look back" 7

Student 1: There is a holiday - charm,

It's like a first date.

Let's imagine: school - house,

And flowers bloom all around!

Holiday joyful, cheerful -

Our birthday schools!

BACKGROUND (quiet) 9

Student 2: Happy Holidays congratulations very happy

Those who are now school for the first time.

First-class guys are standing with flowers,

They came to their very first class.

Leading: AT september merry

New kids in first grade

Accepts school!

Here are some, look

Naughty, noisy…

Don't judge by looks

They are smart guys.

The floor is given to our first-graders.

Performance of first graders:

Song of the first grader 8

Leading - Guys accept congratulation from your first teacher Syusina Nadezhda Anatolyevna.

Leading: September 1- it's a holiday for everyone schoolchildren, and their parents. We congratulations you on this wonderful day. The floor is given to parents of first-graders.

FON 6 (quiet)

Leading: Today on there are kids in the school yard for whom this holiday is a little sad - after all, they begin their last academic year in our school. These are our graduates.

Let them be few, but for us they are honorary members of our friendly school team.

Response to graduates.

We have no peace in our hearts: Last year we are in school.

Have studied here for so many years! It's a pity not to stay more.

Last year we school. Thank you school!

But time can't be turned back

To repeat it all again, to experience it all again,

But time cannot be turned back.

Oh, you exemplary children who replace us!

Appreciate in school every hour read more books.

Knowledge will be beneficial. Hometasks

Do your best, my friend.

We can't turn back time.

(give gifts to first graders)

Student 1: It's time to go on the road of knowledge.

The teacher will give us both heart and warmth.

We want to confess our love to teachers.

They sometimes have a hard time with us.

Student 2: And let all teachers know

That without them the Earth does not spin,

That the guys can't live without them,

And it's happiness to be next to you!

presenter: Dear teachers! FON 10 (quiet)

Let the festive bouquet

Will tell you everything for us

That so many years

We are very love you.

For honesty, modesty, intelligence,

For the clarity of your eyes

For your kindness, so rare now,

Accept a bouquet of flowers from us as a sign of recognition! (loudly)

Students give flowers to teachers.

Host: Our dear teachers! We congratulations Happy New School Year to you! We wish you all the very best in your hard work.

Student 1: School 50 is great!

The bell rang - no more reasons:

Well, than, tell me not anniversary!

Student 2: Let the balloons fly into the sky,

Let the cranes fly high.

We are you congratulations, school!

Bell, call, call!

Leading: And now first-graders are allowed to release balloons.

FON 11 (quiet)

Leading: It's a pity the holiday ends beautiful!

But the bell rings and worries.

And doors and classrooms are open.

The first lesson has begun!

The right to give the first call is given to a 9th grade student Konstantin Koluzanov and a 1st grade student!

FON 6 (quiet)

Host: This is the end. ceremonial line. By tradition, the right to be the first to enter school provided to our first graders, accompanied by our graduates. Take these little warm hands in your hands and lead the children to our native school.

Leading: Good luck to everyone in the new academic year, strong friendship, many joyful and unforgettable moments school life!

ALL: Goodbye, see you soon!