International top manager day congratulations. International day of the top manager. Until the holiday "International Day of TOP-manager" left

  • 04.03.2020

Senior managers implement activities that are related to competition in the market, promotion of goods, services, project financing. The prosperity of the company depends on the success of the actions taken. A professional holiday was established to draw attention to the importance of their work and exchange of experience.

Who notes

The celebrations are attended by top managers of companies: financial, commercial, technical directors, consultants, heads of departments. The holiday is considered by graduates of specialized educational institutions, business coaches, founders of enterprises.

History and traditions of the holiday

The event was initiated by the Organizing Committee of the XI International Congress "Innovative Economy and Management Quality". He established the holiday and decided to celebrate it since 2009 on the second Thursday of April. The chosen date has a symbolic meaning. It is associated with the awakening of nature, renewal, new aspirations and goals. The holiday emphasizes the role of top managers in creating successful companies and progress of society.

The celebrations were widely spread and supported in professional circles. On this day, trainings, classes for the exchange of experience, and advanced training are organized. Outstanding top managers are awarded certificates of honor, diplomas.

About the profession

The top manager manages the commercial, administrative activities companies. He accepts strategic decisions that determine the development and future fate of the institution. The path to the profession begins with obtaining a specialized education. The position is promoted by the implementation successful projects. It is highly paid and prestigious profession. It comes with a lot of responsibility and stress.

In the West, the work of top managers is paid depending on the value of the company, the achievement of a number of goals. There are ways of motivation in the form of receiving options, shares, shares in property.

The gap in income between managers and ordinary employees of companies in the United States reaches several thousand times. The highest salaries are at the top level of high-tech giants.

The heads of Russian oil-producing enterprises annually receive tens of millions in the form of remuneration.

None of the functioning modern company impossible to imagine without top management. This separate structure within large corporation helps to increase competitiveness, thinks over development plans, develops and implements profit-oriented activities. Such meticulous work deserves respect and reverence.

The history of the emergence of the profession and the formation of the date

The first mention of management as the basis of management dates back to the 1930s. Ushakov's dictionary, which published the term "manager", written in the French manner, captures its meaning as a managing coach, sports administrator.

There is not a single synonym in Russian that can completely replace the Western "manager", although in fact this word refers to any profession. It is used large companies for a more status description of the position - for example, a janitor is often called a cleaning manager, no matter how absurd it may sound. Such a marketing move is justified not only by respect for the specialist, but also by the high demand for the existing vacancy. Under the influence of the West, the concept that a manager is not just office worker, and a certain formed layer of citizens with stable work and salary working for your future.

TOP management is primarily a management structure. Such a specialist organizes the integral work of the company, performing a number of fundamental functions:

  • setting tasks and monitoring their implementation by ordinary employees,
  • implementation of corporate policy,
  • control commercial activity firms,
  • execution of instructions of the General Director,
  • independent decision-making of a strategic nature and bearing responsibility for them,

The position is not available to every employee. In order to hold this position, you must have a higher economic education, great experience and respect in this organization, as well as a number of qualities, such as stress resistance and responsibility.

In 2009, professionals got the opportunity to celebrate a personal celebration. The initiator of this event was the organizing committee of the international congress on economic fundamentals management, proposing to date the International Day of the TOP Manager on the second Thursday of the month of April.

How the holiday is celebrated around the world

In 2018, the celebration of the International Day of the TOP Manager falls on April 12th. The celebration is handled by both middle and senior managers, and commercial directors, students and teachers of specialized educational institutions, heads of groups.

"The most difficult art is the art of managing" (Karl Julius Weber).

The path to success is difficult and thorny. Choosing the right direction from a variety of possible ones is a serious task that requires special skills, knowledge and qualities of character. Therefore, a talented leader is the true wealth of the organization.

In 2009, at the initiative of the Organizing Committee of the XI International Congress "Innovative Economy and Management Quality", a holiday was established to emphasize the importance of the work of managers - International day of the TOP-manager. The holiday is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of the world on the second Thursday of April, this year - April 9. As part of this event, conferences, round tables, trainings are held to exchange experience.

Profession Top manager

The top manager is the central link in the management of the company: CEO, vice president of the company, financial, commercial, technical director, etc. The scope of his duties is wide:

  • developing a business strategy and positioning it in the market,
  • setting tasks and monitoring their implementation,
  • management of internal processes.

The decisions of the top manager have an impact on every employee of the organization. He is a conductor between the external environment and within the company itself. The top manager works for the result, for the successful implementation of projects. To do this, you need to have a certain set of professional and personal qualities: competence in their industry, experience, desire to improve their skills, a high level of intelligence, responsibility, restraint, purposefulness, the ability to make quick decisions and much more.

In the field of top management, there are a number of misconceptions that distort the idea of ​​the activities of the managerial level and its contribution to the development of the organization.

  • "The manager's work is systematized and clearly planned." It is a myth. In fact, the work is going on at a very high pace, in accordance with the current tasks.
  • "Managers tell subordinates what to do." There are a lot of types of control, all of them are selected for a specific team, based on working conditions, needs, etc.
  • "Management is a science." Management is practice. Real work, built primarily on practice, rather than on analysis and systematization.

Portal "" congratulates all managers on professional holiday and wants a lot of promising ideas, support from colleagues and subordinates, a strong team, and as few obstacles as possible on the way to achieving goals.

At international day top manager is not a specific date on the calendar. It was born in 2009, when the XI International Congress dedicated to the problems of innovative economy was held, and falls annually on the second Thursday of April. The international community emphasizes the importance of the role played by top management in the formation of the intellectual potential of the nation. In 2019, the holiday falls on April 11.

A top manager is a foreign borrowing, in certain circles this holiday is called Top Manager Day. Especially where the desire to make the domestic economy more modern, more professional, better, is based on the responsible role of the leader. On his shoulders may lie the fate of a small team or a huge corporation with its branches throughout Russia and abroad.

The first leader is the balance of the interests of the enterprise and the team, great endurance and fireworks of creative ideas, excellent assistants at hand and top-class specialists in the state! Spring is the time of the flowering of nature, when dreams and dreams find their practical reflection. long-term plans. It is no coincidence that it was at this time that we should recall the huge scientific base on which today lies the foundation of the knowledge and skills of a modern top manager.

In the last century, remnants in the form of false values ​​​​of society and the pursuit of profit remained. Today, the credo of every first leader is based on responsibility, comprehensive concern for people and the highest professionalism. As the creators of the holiday emphasized, its main goal is the proclamation and all-round popularization of the above values, which unite people of different nationalities, places of residence and doing business, as well as religion.

The destructive and unpromising basis of the former ideals of the pursuit of profit in the new millennium was replaced by new criteria - the creation of an effective economy that will work in conditions aimed at improving the standard of living of people. There are many excellent examples in the world of how a top manager achieves impressive results in the new conditions, adhering to new, modern, promising methods and principles in his activities.

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The event was initiated by the Organizing Committee of the XI International Congress "Innovative Economy and Management Quality". He established the holiday and decided to celebrate it since 2009 on the second Thursday of April. The chosen date has a symbolic meaning. It is associated with the awakening of nature, renewal, new aspirations and goals. The holiday emphasizes the role of top managers in the creation of successful companies and the progress of society.

The celebrations were widely spread and supported in professional circles. On this day, trainings, classes for the exchange of experience, and advanced training are organized. Outstanding TOP-managers are awarded certificates of honor and diplomas.

About the profession

The top manager manages the commercial, administrative activities of the company. He makes strategic decisions that determine the development and future fate of the institution. The path to the profession begins with obtaining a specialized education. The position is facilitated by the implementation of successful projects. This is a highly paid and prestigious profession. It comes with a lot of responsibility and stress.

In the West, the work of top managers is paid depending on the value of the company, the achievement of a number of goals. There are ways of motivation in the form of receiving options, shares, shares in property.

The gap in income between managers and ordinary employees of companies in the United States reaches several thousand times. The highest salaries are at the top level of high-tech giants.

The heads of Russian oil-producing enterprises annually receive tens of millions in the form of remuneration.