Summer team building outdoors. Outdoor team building. Scenarios of winter team building and entourage

  • 24.04.2020

Employees are looking for a way to get rid of extra tasks? Is there any tension in communication with subordinates? Do people fall silent when you appear, although before that they were vividly discussing production problems? It's time to organize a team building.

Teambuilding (translated from English as “team building”) is an active joint recreation of the team. Its origins are the "rope course", which was carried out in the 50s of the last century to strengthen the team spirit of the military. Team building scenario - in the form of a corporate holiday or psychological training, modeling the life of the company to train him joint activities.

Team building has different goals:

  • atmosphere of informal communication;
  • building a team of like-minded people;
  • development of the ability to work in a team;
  • team building;
  • definition of leaders;
  • & psychological relief.

The venue for team building can be an office, a stadium, or picturesque recreation areas - the main thing is to break away from your usual workplace. The fastest psychological relief occurs in nature, away from the usual office walls. By immersing the team in unusual conditions, it is possible to identify informal leaders, hidden sympathies and conflicts. Based on these results, the coach selects games to unite the team.

The venue in nature can be a boarding house, summer camp, clearing in the forest, river bank. Some firms can afford long-distance trips - Sochi, Antalya. Such rest is very active and dynamic.

Stages of team building

  1. Groups of 5-10 people are formed in advance by random selection for greater psychological relief.
  2. They choose the team captain and the motto, which must be followed at all stages.
  3. The participants of the training overcome obstacles, explore unfamiliar terrain and build crossings, develop some kind of project. You can play volleyball, paintball, karting, football, horseback riding - all in an adapted version.
  4. But physical exercises are not the main thing, the main thing is to establish mutual understanding and interaction.

Here are some of the tasks:

  • “Show” - from all members of the team, depict the specified object - a picture, a letter, a proverb;
  • "Pantomime" - depict the beast with gestures so that the team can guess it;
  • “Take care of the eggs” - bags with eggs are hung on a swing made of logs on a stump on both sides. The team must stand on the swing and not break the eggs;
  • "Who is the first" - the captains, on a signal, build their team in the form of a circle, triangle, letter, bird wedge, by height, alphabet, shoe size, eye or hair color.

In conclusion, the participants evaluate their actions, identify mistakes and successes, sum up the results, the winners receive awards, the rest receive memorable prizes. If the leader also took part in the training, the credibility of him increases significantly.

Many agencies offer to arrange such a vacation. But if the company has a full-time psychologist, he will quite cope with this task. Team building does not have to be expensive - shells, ammunition, equipment. Any corporate party, if desired, can be turned into a mini-team building for team building and prosperity of the company.

Team building in nature

The scenario of team building in nature is conditionally divided into two parts:

  1. Warming games for dating - icebreakers.
  2. Direct games to unite the team and increase its effectiveness.

Game examples


Purpose: getting to know and warming up the group

The coach informs the participants about the test of creativity and dexterity, for which each player needs to make a plane out of paper. The paper must be thick so that the wind does not blow away the props. On the plane, everyone gives personal information about himself:

  • surname and first name (you can choose another for the duration of the training);
  • what I did last night;
  • the name of your favorite movie (other information is also possible);
  • vacation plans.

Questions should not be very difficult, not very personal - the main thing is that the answers to them are accompanied by positive emotions.

After filling out the questionnaire, everyone line up and launch their planes. The one whose plane flew the farthest wins a small prize. Then everyone runs forward, picks up any airplane and launches it again. Then the participant picks up the airplane, which turned out to be closest to him, and reads the note aloud.

"Living Knot"

Purpose: formation of teamwork skills

Participants stand in a circle holding hands. The coach tangles the ring and the members of each team must unravel as quickly as possible without breaking their hands.


Purpose: to teach group members to actively interact in difficult situations.

Employees are divided into groups and put on blindfolds. 10 - 20 large boxes and buckets of water should be placed in the clearing. Each team must be explained that they must build a fort out of boxes around them. Between the boxes from which the fortress is built, the distances must be up to 10 cm, and all team members must immure themselves inside the fortress. Lookers are appointed, whose eyes are open. Those who are outside the fortress, they must pour water, and also check the holes if they are more than 10 cm.

Team building in nature is completed with a small reflection, where everyone expresses their opinion, what they liked and what can be improved.

Quest team building

Forms of team building can be very different, one of the most popular, adapted for both birthdays and last call and corporate party is a quest-team building. For example, the scenario plan for the Treasure Island quest team building - bright, fun program games for cohesion and team building. The program is based on images familiar from childhood - adventures, sailors, pirates, treasures. Quest team building can be entertaining, for a corporate holiday, part of some event to improve the climate in the team, or a serious team building training with elements of the Rope Course.

Program legend

You and your colleagues find yourself on an island where the chest of the famous old pirate Flint is hidden. In order to find treasures, you need to take the form of real pirates and go through real pirate tests with the whole team. The chance to take possession of the treasure appears after mastering all the hint notes. It is also important to understand what Flint's mysterious hints mean, and what team spirit means. And then you can share the spoils.

Examples of games and tasks, or How to get treasures

First, participants must get to the island itself in order to study and observe the laws of the island in teams during the game.

Then you need to transform into treasure hunters - choose a name, motto, captain, create your own unique and vivid image of the team, demonstrating your strengths to everyone.

Having adopted the image, groups with a guide from the "natives" (instructors, trainers) go through various pirate tests - game stages from the old Flint both in the water and on land:

  • high-altitude tasks - “Whistle everyone upstairs”, “Web”, “Trap”;
  • communication skills - "Toxic Waste", "Labyrinth", "Thirst";
  • puzzles for logic and command memory - "Minefield", "Jenga", "Mega-cards";
  • team tasks - "Roll up the core", "Pedometer", "Gutter";
  • individual and team competition - "Fighting rats" and shooting";
  • pirate games - "Hole", "Reach for the target" and "Raft";
  • personal tests - "Live crayfish", as in Fort Bayart.

When all team tasks are completed, it remains to combine all the clues found into one map of the treasure location and together, by all groups, go through a common test to find treasures - parts of a tent, Indian wigwam or hut, which are then collected together.

The program ends with the presentation of diplomas and pennants. Continuation is possible in the form of a discussion of the results or a corporate party, birthday or other main festive event.

Team building in the office

The use of long-term programs makes it possible to form a team that easily overcomes crisis situations, restructuring and adapting to new conditions. But these methods require both time and money. Team building in the office is a more popular method: minimum time, familiar environment, saving resources.

Office team building exercises are simple yet fun. Psychologists offer participants tasks in the field of culture, sports, art, gaming activities. Trainings can be thematic (entertaining, intellectual) and alternate with each other. Training in the office allows you to work with a large team without interrupting the work process, and employees will be able to gain relaxation and skills in joint activities. Here are the game options for the team building scenario in the office.

build a tower

Employees are divided into teams, the task of each of them is to build a tower for a certain period of time from improvised materials that can be in the office - folders, paper clips, paper. The team that built the highest is awarded.

Remember everything

This is a more intelligent version of the training. The participant suddenly had amnesia. Colleagues to whom he asks questions about himself help him to remember everything about himself.


In already close-knit teams, a task in the form of a survey is effective. The meaning of the game is that employees conduct a survey on a selected topic and during the lesson, all employees discuss the results.

There are many types of such exercises, because team building in the office involves different scenarios- role-playing games, different kinds joint activities. Despite the seeming frivolity, team building has proven its effectiveness in terms of team building on many examples, because the slogan "cadres decide everything!" relevant at all times.

How to organize a corporate party in nature, read in. AND .

A field, a river, a forest - these are the places where urban residents are drawn to on holidays and weekends. There you can retire on the shore with a fishing rod, pick meadow flowers and wild strawberries, read a book in a cozy hammock. It is good to spend time in nature not only with the family, but also with the whole group or team. Today, team building events are very popular, they are called team building. In late spring and summer, they are best spent outdoors. A well-organized corporate party helps to strengthen the culture of interpersonal relations of the whole company. The scenario of a corporate party in nature must be carefully considered or referred to special organizations involved in team building activities.

Goals of corporate parties

Sometimes employees can prove themselves in informal conditions. It is in the games fresh air increases the motivation of colleagues. During corporate events, the leadership qualities of some employees are revealed, hidden shortcomings in the interaction of colleagues are revealed. The organization of corporate parties has the following guidelines:

  • rapprochement of the team;
  • strengthening the corporate spirit;
  • onboarding new employees;
  • learning to work and act in a team;
  • definition best qualities colleagues;
  • establishing friendships;
  • demonstration of the company's success in the market;
  • increasing the motivation of employees;
  • motivation for a sense of pride in one's company and belonging to it;
  • demonstration of a high level of the company to competitors;
  • formation corporate ethics, corporate identity.

Conducting team building

The best collective way out into nature is a well-organized outing. Many special firms are engaged in the organization of similar holidays. If there is no desire and opportunity to contact them, then the leaders decide to take up the organization of the corporate party themselves. For this, an initiative group is selected from among colleagues (3-4 active people). In some firms, this is done by special managers. The organizing group is doing the following:

  • Calculation of the exact composition of team building participants.
  • Choosing the right place. The organizers first go to this district themselves to make sure the place is safe, large, and easily accessible.
  • Menu compilation. Most often, colleagues in nature prefer barbecue or shish kebab.
  • Count Money for the event. This includes paying for travel to the place, buying food, prizes for competitions.
  • Development of scenarios and competitions for corporate parties in nature.

After all of the above actions, a date for the team building is assigned, previously agreed with all colleagues. Such trips are usually arranged on weekends, which is convenient for most colleagues.

Exemplary scenario of a corporate party in nature (fashion quest)

What do you most often do when you go out into nature? Grill barbecue, sing karaoke, guitar, dance. To involve all employees, it is better to come up with games. The scenario of a corporate party in nature in spring or summer may consist of a quest. Today, many fell in love with What is its essence? The whole team is divided into teams. Each of them must complete prepared tasks and solve riddles. This will lead the leading team to the cherished goal (maybe a prize). There must be a leader at a corporate party with a quest. He sets the tone for the entire event. Here rough plan conducting a quest (scenario for holding a corporate party):

  • The goal of all teams will be a small chest with a prize. He is hidden in advance in a secret place (in a clearing under the leaves, under a bush or tree). The lock of the chest is closed with a key and they hide it in a completely different place (they can bury it). Teams will have to go through many trials and adventures to open the coveted chest. It's kind of like the adventure TV show Fort Boyard.
  • Each team should have 4-6 members. Each of them will have their own task. First, they must decide on a team name.
  • The host for the corporate party takes the teams to the chest and informs them that they must complete tasks in order to find the key to it.
  • Once a team completes one task, it must complete the next challenge.
  • The first company to find the key wins. She will take the prize.

Passing tests, colleagues can compete in dexterity, ingenuity, erudition. The main thing is that they unite the team. Here are sample tests for the quest:

  • Tear down a sign on a tree. It is hung on a tree approximately at such a height that it can be reached only by standing on the shoulders of a friend. It indicates the next test.
  • Participants join hands and pass the hoop to each other. In this case, the hands cannot be disengaged. With the help of head and neck movements, the hoop is thrown onto the head of the next participant in a circle.
  • Friends are invited to solve the puzzle with the encryption of the next test.

Thus, one of the teams will be the first to find the coveted key. Such a corporate party scenario in nature allows colleagues to show erudition and imagination. The quest can be geographical (for knowledge of geography), historical or literary.

"Gift to a friend"

Scenarios for a corporate party in nature can be different. Where, for example, can one begin acquaintance with a glade? How to settle in a new territory? Most often, the team building leader first announces the "Best Gift for a Friend" contest. It must be found directly in the area where the participants stopped. Girls prefer to collect and give original bouquets. Many show skill and present mushrooms, a bunch of strawberries, a handful of blueberries or other berries as a gift. For men, the most necessary gift in nature can be an armful of brushwood or a log. Memorable gifts unusual leaves, cones, branches can become. Each participant must justify the choice of one or another item as a gift. Here colleagues will compete in wit. After the presentation of all gifts, the winner of the contest is selected, who is not left without a prize.

"Guess the Pantomime"

The scenario of a corporate party for adults will be interesting if it includes a competition with pantomime. The game involves two teams (all comers). Each team chooses a captain. The players of each team think of some concept, and then one person will try to portray it with the help of gestures and facial expressions. The team captain chooses the posing player and hints from which area this concept(dishes, fruit, wood). Teams take turns trying to guess the pantomime. The group that guesses the most silent scenes wins. For each correctly guessed pantomime, you can give stars, and at the end - a prize.

Sports competitions

Sports competitions are a real attribute of every corporate party. They remove shyness, give excitement, without which the holiday will not be incendiary. Here are some competitions that a summer corporate party can include:

  • "Ball Hunters" To conduct this competition, two dozen balloons are needed. Two teams must consist of 5 people each. One group takes red balls, the other - blue. Players inflate balloons and tie them to their feet. The task of the participants is to hunt for the balls of opponents. They are allowed to pop only with their feet. The team that first eliminates the balls of competitors wins.
  • Archery, throwing darts. These competitions reveal the most accurate. Darts can be thrown alternately - either with the left or with the right hand. The option can be complicated and try to throw several darts together. The most accurate contestant is entitled to a prize.
  • Kayaking, boating, catamarans.
  • Various relay races: in bags, with buckets on their feet.
  • "Obstacle Course"

Best story writing competition

Very often in the summer, firms arrange a corporate party in nature on the occasion of the birthday (anniversary) of the company. If how to start such an event was already mentioned in our article, then we should mention the possible end of this holiday. The whole team should be divided into groups of 4-5 people. Each group should compose a story "As we noted, 15 minutes are allocated for completing the task. The peculiarity of this competition is that instead of epithets (colorful adjectives), there should be gaps in the essay. Then the captain gives the compiled story, and the rival team should insert in place of the gaps funny adjectives The main thing is that these descriptions should not be offensive Ready-made stories are read aloud and the owner of the most original and funny essay is determined The winner is waiting for a prize.

Fairy tale for a corporate party

It is often practiced at corporate parties to stage original fairy tales on new way. So you can compose a fairy tale about all the employees of the company. The boss can play the role of uncle Chernomor, who has a certain number of heroes under his command. Each employee of the company can be associated with one or another fairytale hero. A feature of the tale will be its focus on what the company does. If you compose a funny rhyme in a fairy-tale form about each employee, then you can get a funny story.

Young people love impromptu theater instant tales where you need to quickly change clothes. So, many teams have already fallen in love with the fairy tale "Turnip" in a new way. The task of the actors is to make the fairy tale funny and show off wit. So, for example, Turnip can say the phrase: "Don't touch me, I'm still underage!" The granddaughter can say: "Grandfather, grandmother, hurry up, I'm in a hurry to the bar." Like this, you can experiment with any other fairy tale.

Features of spring corporate parties

At the end of spring, you can organize a real holiday for the team in nature. The object for such an event can be a forest glade, a park area. It is in the spring that you can arm yourself with soccer or volleyball balls, badminton. In May, it's time for a chic picnic! It is possible to conduct not only mobile, but also gambling. Those who wish are waiting for the beloved by many game "Mafia".

Collective vacation in summer

Corporate in nature in the summer is beautiful. The difference between summer team building and spring team building is that events can be held not only on land, but also on water. The rope park is a great entertainment. Summer corporate party involves going out with tents. In the summer it is possible to have a corporate party on the beach.

Summer is wonderful! Glades, logs, stumps, gazebos with benches, barbecues are waiting for guests. Especially popular in the summer is a picturesque team building to create a corporate oil painting.

Lead role

The success of future team building largely depends on the leader. In big cities, there are a lot of demanded leaders with experience. They masterfully communicate with guests and the public. It is very important to skillfully organize those present to participate in competitions. An experienced corporate leader will definitely select an approach to each employee. He will also take into account all the wishes of his customers. Many presenters themselves develop a scenario for a corporate party in nature, thereby helping the management inspire employees to new joint ideas.

Where to order a corporate

It is best to entrust a corporate event in nature (scenario, competitions) to the reliable hands of professionals. Any team building with them is doomed to success. Today there are many organizations or centers for conducting corporate events. These people don't just organize, they enjoy it. Centers for corporate parties are individually tailored to each customer. They are very effective in helping employees look at each other from an unusual perspective. Where else, if not at corporate parties, to gain adrenaline and strong emotions? As a result, creative events lead to the creation of a team that works with the precision of a clock!

The creative team of the agency for organizing events and business events DoctorTeam offers services for the development of individual programs for organizing collective team building events, prepared taking into account the specifics of your company. Please see the list of ready-made, pre-designed scenarios for holding unusual team-building events:

Professionally designed programs for conceptual team building contain the most effective elements of team building, which positively affect the process of increasing the overall team potential, developing innovative thinking, and team building.

A properly organized corporate party with the main elements of team building can significantly increase the efficiency of information exchange, help increase trust between company employees. A team-building corporate evening perfectly develops intra-team interaction in achieving collective goals! Effective team building exercises are based on the idea of ​​creating shared values ​​in a successful team.

Cardboard team building

The popular creative cardboard team building is an exciting team building event in which everyone present is passionate about achieving the team's goal - to create an invented original cardboard structure. Cardboard team building provides creative self-realization of the members of a single team, maintaining a creative atmosphere in the team!

Team-building events are the most powerful universal tool that ensures the full-fledged harmonious development and promotion of any company. Of course, you know that team building training is the most effective means of managing the personnel of an advanced company.

Action team building

Team-building action events, held in the format of a game of skill, require each participant to quickly make individual tactical decisions that are necessary when performing team-wide strategic tasks. Action team building allows you to study the abilities and actions of players in non-standard situations, when the achievement of a goal directly depends on the speed of his reaction.

Game training on team building

An individual program of game training on team building, which can be held at any time of the year, provides for professional training, organization of team competitions with a different number of participants. Team-building gaming training includes diverse active competitions, collective quests, group relay races, business games, as well as all types of outdoor activities that provide team building.

It is one of the most effective ways to create a monolithic team of like-minded people, which is a non-standard kind of creative team-building event that contributes to a deeper disclosure of the individual intellectual abilities of each team member.

A team-building event held in natural conditions is an excellent tool that can unite all employees successful company into a cohesive monolithic team! Professionally organized team building in nature with your employees is one of the most advanced methods of creating informal, friendly relations between business colleagues who contribute to team building!

Team building immersive game

Popular team-building immersive games are a new immersive team building format that allows you to learn the strengths and weak sides participants in the group event. The creative scenario of collective immersive entertainment is a unique combination of role-playing game and theatrical performance, which has no analogues yet.

The most effective are game forms of holding a team-building event, which provide a huge mass of positive emotions. Team collective business games are an absolutely simple game team building algorithm that turns an ordinary traditional team-building training that promotes the rallying of a successful team into a vivid spectacle. Game forms of team building are an effective element of creating, uniting a single team!

Advanced companies with a sufficiently high level of corporate culture are able to effectively solve complex tasks of team-building entertaining quests, using non-standard thinking, the energy of the collective mind. Popular group quests are an original team training that allows the team to unite, learn how to work together in a coordinated manner for the further development of a successful company!

Extraordinary situations when performing unusual actions that cause strong emotional overexcitation, stress, exacerbate the sense of danger, help to concentrate, fully concentrate all those present. Strong excitement reveals the hidden individual abilities of each participant in extreme team building. Difficult conditions in which you have to overcome heavy physical exertion contribute to the development of a team spirit, unity of a monolithic team!

Team building activities in an industrial loft

Special team-building techniques and exercises used by qualified specialists of our agency make it possible to turn team building activities in an industrial loft into an effective tool for uniting employees of a successful company. As a result of such a creative approach, all those present become part of a single whole for effective teamwork!

The classic team-building event involves the use of original creative scenarios for collective trainings conducted in a game form. Creative scenarios for classic team building use the best psychological techniques aimed at creating a monolithic team. Team classic role-playing games increase the efficiency of a successful team of like-minded people!

An exciting adventure on the water reveals the individual skills, personal qualities of all participants in the team building event. Collective rafting on the river contributes to an increase in personal responsibility for the overall, team result, develops the ability to promptly accept the only right decision in a difficult situation!

Professionally organized team-building event in the native office space positively affects the psychological climate in the team. The balance of employees allows you to perform work more quickly, efficiently, which contributes to the further successful development of the business. With proper preparation and an integrated approach of the organization, team building in the office will bring a sufficient amount of positive emotions to the real activities of a successful team!

Team building event participants who take part in sports competitions, strength training, have an excellent opportunity to show their mental abilities, strength, dexterity, etc. individual qualities. All sports competitions, outdoor team games for a team-building event, strength training are designed taking into account the age, gender, difference in physical fitness, different interests and individual abilities of all participants!

A summer corporate event in the fresh air contributes to a more complete emancipation of employees, removes the official framework, norms, and conventions. Collective participation in solving joint problems allows you to find complete mutual understanding with business colleagues, promotes communication with managers of all ranks and other employees of the company.

Costumed festive New Year's team building is consistently very popular before the next meeting of the New Year. Absolutely all participants of the team-building event put on smart clothes, carnival costumes, masks and take an active part in the festive fun event along with the invited artists.

Professionally organized active team building, carried out according to a pre-developed creative scenario, contributes to the correct perception of further ways to solve common problems, achieve the goals set. An active team-building event teaches you to quickly analyze the situation, think, act differently, in a new way.

And something else - in the agency's collection there are a sufficient number of scenarios for organizing unusual team building events: rope team building, ecological team building, woolen team building, business team building. From this list of the most popular programs, you can always choose the most suitable idea for an effective team building event!

Outdoor team building.

(We work with any budget and will always help with advice).

Organized rest outside the company walls, competitions, team building in nature is a great way not only to provide the team with a pleasant pastime, but also a method of creating a real team spirit. By producing a product whose quality depends on the talents, knowledge and skills of each employee, you really begin to understand that people are the main capital of a good company. If only money is used as a motivation, then more profitable proposition will force any employee to change jobs without hesitation. Well, when, in addition to money, you offer him a comfortable atmosphere and good friends, he will think for a long time about the advisability of moving to a new unknown team.

We create a team of like-minded people

It's safe to say that informal communication employees of any company outside the walls of the office has a very beneficial effect on the overall atmosphere in the team. And if earlier it was customary to just go on a weekend out of town for a picnic, now even this innocent event can be greatly benefited by organizing team building outdoors. The main objectives of these events are as follows:

  • creating a team of like-minded people;
  • identification of team leaders;
  • development of teamwork skills;
  • team building and building strong ties within it;
  • psychological relief for employees.

Let's go out of town

The Ocean of Holidays company has been successfully organizing team building in nature for a long time. Turning to us, you will certainly feel a positive result from our trainings, the main thing is to choose the most best option for your company team. The most demanded programs are a one-day trip to nature, a weekend trip with accommodation in a boarding house or a rest home, as well as a joint trip abroad, as an option for the most interesting and unexpected team building for employees in nature. Such a gift will be received with special enthusiasm and will be an excellent reward for the most valuable employees.

Of course, the most realistic and demanded scenario is team building outdoors in the Moscow region. Around Moscow, at a relatively short distance, there are many places with magnificent nature and developed infrastructure where your employees can have a great rest, and we, the Ocean of Holidays company, will do everything to ensure that your trainings, as well as team building in the office and in nature were interesting, meaningful and productive. Our specialists, trainers and animators organize an excellent program that will help not only relax, but also help establish friendly relations and smooth out hidden and obvious conflicts within the team.

Adventure Time

Conducting team building in winter in nature is an excellent option for a country holiday for the company's team, which will gladly organize the "Ocean of Holidays" for you. The essence of team building is that employees receive certain tasks that need to be completed. Usually, all tasks are united by a common theme, and their main goal is that colleagues must begin to act together to achieve the goal. The result of a properly conducted team building in nature is that upon its completion you have a cohesive team in which all members understand each other perfectly.

Usually the whole training takes place in the form of a series of adventures and competitions that raise team spirit and create good mood no matter who became the formal winners. You can choose the theme and form of organization of team building in winter in nature to your taste, and we will implement your choice at the proper professional level. It can be sports games or competitions, adventure quests and much more.

From simple to complex

According to many professionals, the most effective is the organization of team building outdoors lasting 2-4 days. Due a large number options for active interaction between the participants, an amazing creative atmosphere is formed, allowing employees to decide more and more each time challenging tasks constantly improving the quality of interaction. The roles of “leader-follower” are correctly distributed in the team, everyone finds their comfortable place in the team and is happy to fulfill their role, which they do best. A strong well-coordinated team is taken with interest for each new script and easily finds a solution.

High-quality team building in nature allows you to achieve the following results:

  • building effective teamwork skills;
  • distribution functional duties in a team;
  • creation of standard algorithms for solving various problems;
  • building friendships within the team.

Organization of team building in nature is a great way to help company employees not only relax in an informal setting, but also discover hidden reserves, believe in their own strengths and find a comfortable and effective place for themselves in the team. Our company offers exciting competitions, group competitions, both with and without additional equipment. With the help of a well-organized and conducted team building in nature, you will create an excellent efficient team, and it will be able to handle any new tasks that life and business poses for your company.

Our sports team building programs:

Scrabble program

Opportunity to test your knowledge and learn new things. Quests in the city, outdoor quests, puzzles, riddles. A great opportunity to get to know your colleagues better. Physical fitness is not important for such a program. Only your desire and our experienced mentors.

Duration: 40-60 minutes.
Team building cost: from 20000 rubles.

Golf program

Professional instructor. Full set of equipment (sticks, balls, pockets). A unique offer to introduce this sport game to your employees. To play golf, you will need any playground or office with an area of ​​100 meters or more. Trainers will bring both professional and training equipment with them for those who are not

Duration: 40 - 60 minutes.
Team building cost: from 20000 rubles.

Robin Hood Program

Training and shooting from a bow and crossbow at targets. Tournament. Professional instructor. The opportunity to feel like a real gang of robbers from Sherwood Forest is possible thanks to this program. It is highly recommended to combine this option with a creative component and then your team will be delighted, and you will achieve your goals to unite the team.

Duration: 40 - 60 minutes.
Team building cost: from 20000 rubles.

Olympics program

Games for employees. Sports competitions in three categories. Golf, archery and polymath olympiad.

Duration: 40 - 60 minutes.
Team building cost: from 50,000 rubles.

Program "Competitions in karting"

We offer one of the most popular team building programs in Moscow - Karting Competitions. Employees of your company on this day will become the real racers and pilots of sports cars. A real track with an electronic stopwatch, judges, organizers and fans. Sports equipment and prizes. Everything is like in a real sports tournament. The program is designed for 3-4 hours of activity. Between races, the captains will have time to make adjustments to the team tactics and change the course of the fight in their favor.

Team building cost: from 3000 rubles per participant.

"Culinary" team building

A professional chef comes to you or meets employees in his kitchen. The opportunity to feel like a real chef and learn how to cook exotic dishes. It is highly recommended to combine this option with a creative component and then your team will be delighted, and you will achieve your goals to unite the team.

Duration: 40 - 60 minutes.
Team building cost: from 10,000 rubles + the cost of products (depending on the dishes prepared).

"Ecological" team building

Organizing an ecological team building is a great idea for any company. This is a great opportunity to spend time in nature and help your planet. At an ecological team building, you can plant trees, improve the territory and create landscape design around the office. You can build bird feeders or make birdhouses.

Team building cost: from 10000 rubles.

"Quest" team building

The duration of the “quest” team building is from one to three hours. The game is designed for people of all ages.

Team building cost: from 5000 rubles.

Why do you need team building in nature? Corporate events have a beneficial effect on the climate in the team: during a relaxed holiday, people communicate in a relaxing atmosphere, get to know each other better. But not every event contributes to the rallying of employees. Only l summer team building increases the working capacity of employees and the desire for a common goal. And holding a team-building program in nature, both in winter and in summer, is much more interesting and healthier than the usual feasts in restaurants and bars. Our programs open air have proven themselves in Moscow and the Moscow region. The topics of the events organized by us are the most diverse, but they are united by the presence of several clearly defined tasks, the achievement of which is impossible without maximum unity and mutual understanding in the team. Summer team building outdoors in Moscow is useful and an exciting activity in which each member of the team is involved.

Corporate team building outdoors

Corporate team building in nature is a great occasion to spend free time together with colleagues in the open air, take part in outdoor and intellectual games.

What could be more pleasant than summer team building in an open space away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis, which is extremely important for companies located in Moscow, whose employees spend most of their time in a limited office space in fine summer weather? In the natural environment, people feel much more confident, it is easier for them to relax, relieve stress, recharge with positive and energy for further productive work.

The feeling of freedom opens up a sea of ​​possibilities for a person, and such a chance should not be missed! On sunny summer and snowy winter days, you must definitely get out of the city, into the fields, mountains, forests or to the water in order to get rid of problems surrounded by nature and enjoy the joy of informal human communication. As a result l summer team building in the fresh air, combined with a pleasant walk, solves a dozen problems.

Your employees have an excellent opportunity for corporate team building outdoors:

  • get to know each other better, adapt faster in the team;
  • relax, get rid of psychological stress, recharge your batteries;
  • feel the real effect of joint action with colleagues.

Besides, lsummer team building similar format:

  • heals and hardens the body;
  • helps to comprehend corporate values, to know yourself and others from a new perspective;
  • develops a sense of team unity, establishes trust between employees, between staff and management;
  • reveals new roles in which participants can realize themselves.

Is this corporate team building in nature suitable?

If the leader is interested in selecting a strong team that will not let you down at a difficult moment, effective solution this task will be the practice of corporate team building in nature, since this option involves more tools for assessment. Assement is a foreign technology representing new method evaluation of candidates in the process of performing work tasks, game exercises and tests, which helps to obtain information about human behavior in various situations.

How to model them to identify leaders and outsiders is already the concern of the agency, which will take care of everything organizational issues, describe in detail the goals and objectives of the event, options for their solution and select the right people.

As a result, you will see how the motivation of your employees for team activities will soon increase; positive informal relationships will be established between them; the authority of managers will be strengthened, and the philosophy of the company will be really introduced into daily work practice.

Corporate team building outdoors has already become a regular practice in Moscow and other cities of our country. Usually they are divided into working, informative and leisure. It is easier to assimilate any complex information if it is presented in an entertaining gambling form and evokes positive emotions. For example, test trainings in nature, which is especially important in the summer season - l summer team building.

A classic version of corporate team building in nature, aimed at building a strong team and developing a corporate spirit, is the rope course, which has become a classic, the essence of which boils down to extreme exercises on different levels heights and overcoming obstacles - improvised and real. The game takes place with the involvement of all participants, no one should be left out. Teams will be accompanied by professional team leaders who will monitor compliance with safety regulations, instruct and analyze the result.

Organization of team building in nature

TeamSpirits has many programs in its arsenal. There are also exciting corporate quests based on famous stories, city quests (covering the most interesting places in Moscow) with entertaining puzzles and logic tasks.

Our team is always ready to adapt our ready-made programs for your company. Our t team building reunions may last from several hours to several days. We take into account the peculiarities and interests of any team - people of any age, gender, temperament and even mentality take part in our programs and get enormous pleasure from it. We try to provide comfort for all team members, because we are working to achieve a general sense of self-confidence.

Joint joys, experiences, the desire to win will allow the participants of the training to unite, looking at colleagues from a new perspective. Establishing loyalty, eliminating conflicts automatically increase work efficiency, all this, accordingly, will affect the company's profits.

How do we do it? To begin with, we select an open area outside the city or on its territory (in Moscow there are many beautiful and affordable park, club, tourist and other sites) - a picturesque and comfortable corner for relaxation - or spruce corporate events on the street. Both in winter and in summer. It all depends on the wishes of customers and the expected results.

The advantage of large natural areas such as forests and mountains is that they provide a lot of space for imagination and allow you to spend several hours in the spirit of the famous Fort Boyard competition, organize games with mazes, where there will be an ideal chance to show your wit, or arrange skiing competitions in winter, and on summer days - imitation with giant skis ( Summer team building). The “forest course” training becomes very exciting for the participants, which can teach the team to quickly and correctly make decisions, act and think together in one day.

Not inferior in popularity and convenience to flat terrain, glades, lawns, where both relay races with elements of sports competitions and intellectual “gatherings” are successfully held.

Areas near open water bodies allow you to organize kayak races with overcoming obstacles in extreme conditions or a calm rafting along a certain water route, which will allow you to appreciate the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

An important part of the program of any outdoor corporate team building in nature - both in Moscow and in the region - is the issue of food. We can take over the organization of the corporate table, saving you from solving problems and fuss. You can include convenient buffets, canapes, barbecues, pizzas, sweets and drinks in the menu; organize a buffet with light snacks before the start of the event and a banquet with hot dishes at the end to celebrate the overall victory. We will organize everything without which, in your imagination, a holiday is not complete. The specific implementation depends only on your preferences.

Holding corporate events includes a variety of tasks, including:

  • installation of technical and musical equipment;
  • delivery of team building participants to the venue from Moscow (or another city) and back;
  • organization of photo and video filming;
  • the participants have uniform elements of clothing, team symbols;
  • preparation of gifts for participants;
  • event branding.

In our close-knit team, possessed by a single spirit of creativity at the highest level, we work for you :

  • project administrator;
  • sound engineer;
  • DJ;
  • a specially trained group of talented and responsible game technicians and animators;
  • photographer and videographer;
  • dancers.

The cost of team building in nature

The specific cost depends on the number of participants, the choice of program, venue and other criteria. Each of our programs is an implementation individual project within the budget available to you.

How to book a team building

You just need to call! Our experts will answer your questions, recommend a program, help with the choice of venue, and also help with the selection of competitions and tasks.

We organize team building not only in Moscow, but also in the Moscow region, other regions of Russia and abroad.

Ordering team building, you create a confident and competitive team!