Download game program for children. Scenario of the game program for children "fun broom". Scenario of the game program "Guests from Space"

  • 26.03.2020

You have decided to arrange a holiday for your child. And, of course, I want to make it unforgettable, full of surprises, to bring something new. I offer fun and easy-to-organize entertainment with the participation of your favorite fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga and the Nightingale the Robber, Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella.

The script can be used both in the family and at school. The atmosphere of magic will help to create the evening time of the day, as well as the design of the hall. The hall can be decorated with lanterns - electric and made by children's hands. Stars can be attached to the ceiling - the most common ones, cut out of paper by children or glowing in the dark. Think over the musical arrangement, because it always perfectly complements the holiday. Good luck in your wonderful and noble undertaking!

You will need:

2 buckets, 2 mops or sticks;

A bag with presents;

3 baskets;

2 hoops;

Ordinary or gymnastic sticks according to the number of children;

2 suitcases or chests;

Various clothes: 2 blouses, 2 hats, 2 mittens, 2 trousers

(clothing can be different and not necessarily a pair);

Binoculars (can be a toy);

Shawls or scarves;

Card with riddles;

Small cubes and balls according to the number of children;

Roles for adults: Baba Yaga, host, Little Red Riding Hood (adult or older child), Bear, Sorceress.

Roles for children: Bear, Bear cub, Cinderella, Nightingale the robber.

The soundtrack of the song “Where Wizards Live” from the movie “Dunno from Our Yard” sounds (lyrics by Y. Entin, music by M. Minkov):


Where are wizards found?

Where are wizards found?

Where are wizards found?

In your fantasies!

Who do wizards hang out with?

Who do wizards hang out with?

Who do wizards hang out with?

And with those who believe in them!

The leader enters.

Presenter: Good evening, Dear Guys. Listen how quiet it is today, you can even hear the clock ticking. On such quiet evenings, fairy tales come to visit. Do you love fairy tales? Which of them are your favorite? (Children's answers.) Would you like to find yourself in the world of fairy tales right now? Then let's not hesitate, say the magic words and go to meet our loved ones fairy tale characters. To do this, we need to say the magic words:

Let's clap together, one, two, three! (Clap hands.)

Fairy tale, open the door for us!

An excerpt from the work of E. Grieg sounds: “Peer Gynt” - “In the cave of the mountain king”. Baba Yaga "flies" on a broomstick. The circle "flies" and stops in the center of the hall.

Baba Yaga:

Hello kids,

Maksimki and Marishki,

Vanyushki and Irishki,

All sorts of kids!

Heard you were on your way?

Yes, in fabulous places?

You can't find a smarter guide, I'll tell you.

Who guides you through fairy tales?

Who will tell you what and how?

Fairy tales, I'll tell you kids

It's not empty at all!

Here with mind and head

We have to get down to business.

Otherwise, you can safely

Get into trouble.

Presenter: Well, what do you guys say? Let's take Baba Yaga to guide us through fairy tales? Just, mind you, be good! And so that no woman's tricks!

Baba Yaga: Of course of course! What are you talking about?! What are the tricks?

Presenter: Then right now, without delay, let's hit the road.

Baba Yaga: Wait! Look how fast! After all, no one is allowed into fairy tales. First you need to check if you know fairy tales? If you know, you can safely go on a journey, but if not, there is nothing for you to do there.

Presenter: The guys and I read a lot, we know a lot of different fairy tales.

Baba Yaga: And here we will see how you cope with my riddles about fairy tales.


stained with ashes

From head to toe

But she is kind in spirit

And beautiful as a flower.

Day and night in labor-concerns:

Sewing, cooking, washing...

The girl is friends with work,

What, tell me, is her name? (Cinderella)

This baby girl

Came from a flower

She's a nut shell

The right word is great. (Thumbelina)

Lives in a fairy forest

He loves sweet honey.

He puffs everything: “Wow” yes “Wow”,

Fat bear... (Winnie the Pooh)

Baba Yaga: Well, I see you are friends with fairy tales. All fairytale heroes guessed it. For this I will show you the shortest way.

Presenter: Where are we going? Maybe you have a vehicle?

Baba Yaga: I have one means of transportation - a mortar and a broom. Let's go to them.

Presenter: Is there enough for everyone?

Baba Yaga: Enough, don't worry!

Relay race "Flying on a broomstick"

You will need 2 buckets, 2 sticks or mops, 4 cubes or cones.

Divide all the participants into two teams, give the team captains one bucket and a mop each. Put the cubes at the beginning and end of the relay.

Rules of the game: standing with one foot in the bucket, leaning on the mop, walk to the landmark and back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Once the relay is over and the children are seated, turn off the lights.

Presenter: What happened? Why is it so dark?

Baba Yaga: And we arrived in Chukovsky's fairy tale "The Stolen Sun". My friend the crocodile, if you remember, swallowed the red sun. What a beauty! Now it's dark everywhere!

Presenter: You promised us to do without your tricks and dirty tricks.

Baba Yaga: I promised, I changed my mind.

Presenter: Will not work. I know what to do guys. Now we will make our own sun. Yes, not one, but two, so that it becomes completely light.

Baba Yaga: Will you conjure? Host: Why bother? Play!

Relay "Sun"

You will need: 2 hoops, regular or gymnastic sticks according to the number of children.

During the game, the room should be twilight.

Divide all participants into two teams, at the beginning of the relay, put gymnastic sticks in a bucket, at the end of the relay, in front of each team, put a hoop.

Rules of the game: you need to take a stick, run with it to the hoop, put the stick like a ray near the "sun" (perpendicular to the hoop), go back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Attention! The next participant begins to move only after the previous one claps his hand, thereby passing the baton.

Once both "suns" are collected, turn on the full light.

Baba Yaga(grunts): Look, you did it. Well, well, let's see what you say about my bears.

Presenter: What are you, Baba Yaga, grumbling?

Baba Yaga: Yes, I say, well done you are - they returned the sun.

Presenter: And we will cope with any difficulty with the guys. And do you know why?

Baba Yaga: Why?

presenter: Because we are friendly and brave. So, consider that we have been in the fairy tale "The Stolen Sun". Lead on. Only without wisdom!

Baba Yaga: What wisdom. I am an old, feeble woman, I have no time for wisdom. Let's go to the next story. (whispers to the side)

Come on, bear, come out

Fear the kids!

Terrible music sounds. Bear comes out.

Bear: Who came to my forest? Who raised the noise and din, woke up my family?

Baba Yaga: These are all of them, Mishenka. They roared, jumped, galloped. Here you are awakened.

Bear: So I'll eat you for this now.

presenter: Wait, wait, Bear, don't be angry. We came to visit you, and you are going to eat us? Not good. Tell me what fairy tale are you from?

Bear: And you guess. Guess, I'll play with you, but no, I'll eat it. There was already a girl in my fairy tale. She also came to visit. She ate from my cup, crumpled the bed, broke the teddy bear's chair. We wanted to catch her, but she jumped out the window.

presenter: Something a fairy tale painfully familiar. Really guys? What is it called? Children: Three bears.

Bear: Right. For guessing right, let's play our favorite bear game - "Blind Man's Bluff". Hey, Medveditsa yes Mishutka little, where did you hide there? Come out. Let's play the game.

Bear and Mishutka come out. They take out 3 scarves or scarves.

Game "Zhmupki with three bears"

"Bears" are blindfolded. Count up to three. Children are caught to cheerful music. Those who are caught by the bears are out of the game. The last one left wins.

Bears say goodbye, leave.

presenter: We also visited the fairy tale about the three bears. And tell me, Baba Yaga, does your short path only run through scary tales? Of course, we are not afraid of bears and crocodiles with the guys, but we would also like to meet good heroes.

Baba Yaga: Look, give them good heroes. Anyway. Perhaps I will take you to visit one girl.

presenter: What is it for?

Baba Yaga: And you listen to the song, maybe you will guess.

The soundtrack of Little Red Riding Hood's song from the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood" sounds (music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Yu. Kim).

Baba Yaga: What? Do you know what fairy tale we are in? (Children's answer.) Yes, she herself is in a hurry to you, in a hurry.

Little Red Riding Hood enters the soundtrack of the song.

Red Riding Hood: Hello guys! I'm glad to see you in my fairy tale. Guess what's in my basket?

Children: Cakes for grandma.

Red Riding Hood: Correctly. Have you met an evil wolf in the forest? Not? And I met. He showed me the way to my grandmother's hut, but sent me not along a short, but along a long path. The path winds its way through the trees. I'm afraid I won't get lost, and I won't lose the pies along the way. Can you help me? More fun on the road together. Host: Of course we will.

Red Riding Hood: That's good. Then we're on our way right now.

Relay "Bring the pies"

You will need: 10-12 cubes or cones, two baskets. You can fill the baskets with cubes or balls.

Divide all participants into two teams. Place 5-6 cubes or cones in front of each team (in the direction of travel). Give the team captains a basket.

Rules of the game: run the relay race, bending around the cubes with a “snake”, go back, pass the basket to the next participant. If the basket is full, you must not lose a single cube. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

red Riding Hood: Oh, what good fellows you are! So friendly and fast. Now my grandmother's hut is just a stone's throw away. Well, let's sing a goodbye song with me.

Children perform with the heroine of the fairy tale and the leading song of Little Red Riding Hood from the movie "About Little Red Riding Hood" (music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Yu. Kim):


If long, long, long, if long on the track,

If you stomp along the path for a long time to go and run,

That, perhaps, then, of course, then probably, right, right,

Then, maybe, maybe, maybe, you can come to Africa!


Oh! In Africa, the rivers are so wide!

Oh! In Africa, the mountains are so high!

Oh, crocodiles, hippos!

Ah, monkeys, sperm whales!

Oh, and the green parrot!

Oh, and the green parrot!

Little Red Riding Hood says goodbye to the guys and leaves.

Baba Yaga: Something made me feel bad from my kindness. Disorder. I should have eaten Little Red Riding Hood for dinner, but I let her go. I would scare you, but I show you the way. Oh, I'm bad! Oh, bad! It is necessary to call my assistant, the Nightingale the robber, as soon as possible.

Takes out a whistle, whistles. Nightingale the Robber comes out, a compress around his neck.

Baba Yaga: And here he is, my pet, my nightingale the robber. Shout, my dear, harder. Whistle, youngster, with your dashing whistle.

nightingale the robber(points to a cold throat, whispers): I can’t, Yagusenka, whistle and shout. Screaming in the cold, my throat hurts.

Baba Yaga: Oh, trouble, trouble! What should I do? So I will be discouraged. Help, guys, granny.

Presenter: And how to help something, Baba Yaga?

Baba Yaga: Amuse me, arrange a competition for the best whistler. Whoever whistles more interestingly wins. You look, and I feel better.

Nightingale Robbers Competition

Call for a boys contest, you can invite dads. Participants take turns demonstrating the art of whistling. At the end of the competition, according to the applause of girls and mothers, determine the winner - the assistant of the Nightingale the Robber.

Presenter: Well, what, Baba Yaga? Did you feel better?

Baba Yaga: Oh, feel better, kids.

Baba Yaga: It is possible, of course, it is possible. Yes, but I forgot the way.

presenter: How so?

Baba Yaga: We'll have to get magic binoculars. They will show the way.

Relay "Magic Binoculars of Baba Yaga"

You will need: 10 cubes or cones, two binoculars (you can use toys).

Divide all participants into two teams. Teams line up behind the captain, put their hands on the shoulders of those in front. Place 5 dice or cones in front of each team (as you go). Give the team captains each binoculars.

Rules of the game: captains must lead the team along the winding path as quickly as possible, bypassing the cubes with a “snake” and return back. The difficulty of the game is that you need to look through the binoculars from the back.

The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Baba Yaga: Gone? Did you manage? I confused you, confused you, but you don't care. Well, since you are such good fellows, maybe you can cope with a magic pirate chest?

Presenter: What kind of chest is this?

Baba Yaga: And such. Pirates from the fairy tale "Treasure Island" put all sorts of outfits into it. Dress up - I don't want to. Yes, but not everyone can dress up in those outfits.

presenter: Why so?

Baba Yaga: I'm telling you, the chest is magical. Not everyone manages to cope with it. And if you cope with him, then, as much as I would not like, I will have to reward you.

Contest "Pirate Chest"

You will need: 2 chests or suitcases, 2 chairs, 2 scarves, various clothes - trousers, sweaters, hats, scarves.

Two players from each team are called to play.

Rules of the game: one participant is blindfolded, the other sits on a chair. The participant who is blindfolded takes clothes from the chest and puts them on the second participant. The winner is the one who quickly and correctly dressed the person sitting on the chair.

presenter: Well, well, Baba Yaga, the guys coped with your task. It's time to keep the promise.

Baba Yaga: What is a promise? I don't remember anything. Sclerosis has overcome. I don't remember anything.

presenter: Well, you are cunning, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Not cunning. I will be bored without you. Now, if you would still amuse me, but go to visit my favorite in a fairy tale about Cinderella.

Presenter: Who is your favorite in this story? Is the worker Cinderella?

Baba Yaga: What you! (Waves it off.) When did I love the kind? No. In this fairy tale, such a clever girl lives, such an inventor for all sorts of tasks for Cinderella. Stepmother it is.

presenter Q: How smart is she? Tormented the poor girl.

Baba Yaga: There you go, I'm happy.

Music sounds. Sad Cinderella enters.

Cinderella: Hello guys.

The children and the presenter greet each other.

presenter: Did we hear that your stepmother came up with a new task for you?

Cinderella: Nothing can be done, you will have to fulfill it. I really want to go to the royal ball. Don't worry, I'll take care of it in no time.

Baba Yaga: No matter how! The stepmother did her best, she came up with such a task that no one could cope with it - she mixed lentils, peas and made Cinderella sort out. So now she will not understand this pea for the rest of her life. Host: We'll have to help Cinderella. Really guys?

Baba Yaga(aside, rubbing hand in hand): Excellent! This is what I need! Now you will remain in fairy tales forever, and my gifts will be.

Relay "Help Cinderella"

You will need: 2 cubes or cones, 3 baskets, one of which contains small balls and cubes.

Divide all participants into two teams. Place an empty basket for each team at the beginning of the relay, and a basket with cubes and balls at the end of the relay.

Rules of the game: one team must select balls from the general pile, the other - cubes. Run to a full basket, take a ball / cube, go back and put it in your empty basket. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Cinderella: Oh, what good fellows you guys are! Helped me get the job done so quickly. For this, I will definitely thank you. Come on, Baba Yaga, give presents here. With all our hearts, we prepared them for the guys with good heroes.

Baba Yaga: Will not give it back! These are my gifts. I will keep them for myself!

Cinderella: You will have to call your friends for help - Thumbelina, Chipollino, Dr. Aibolit and other fairy-tale characters.

Baba Yaga: Oh, don't need Dr. Aibolit. He will cure me of anger. And I'm supposed to be mean and cunning. I'll fly away from here, away from the good.

Sits on a broom, flies away.

Presenter: Flew away. Left the guys without gifts. Cinderella: Don't worry. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. And today good will win. My aunt is a good sorceress, she will definitely come up with something.

The good sorceress enters with a magic wand in her hands. Fairy: Hello, Cinderella. Hello guys. I followed your adventures and I want to say that you are very brave and friendly guys. You have overcome all difficulties. After all, friendship always helps in trouble and in joy. And now it's time for the magic. Come on, magic wand, let's try for the guys and please them with gifts.

The sorceress waves her wand, the bag "enters".

Enchantress: But the gifts themselves came to us. The sorceress and Cinderella give gifts to children.

Presenter: Thank you, dear Sorceress, and to you, Cinderella, thank you. It's time for us to return. In parting, the guys and I would like to give you a song.

Children sing the song "Where the Magicians Are".


Where are wizards found?

Where are wizards found?

Where are wizards found?

In your fantasies!

Who do wizards hang out with?

Who do wizards hang out with?

Who do wizards hang out with?

And with those who believe in them!


What doesn't happen in the world

What does not happen in the world?!

And people with wings meet

And people fly into the sky!

On the wings of faith in the impossible

They fly to the land of dreams.

Let the cautious smile

I will fly there, I will fly there

I'll fly there! And you?

Fairy tales are always miracles and a meeting with good and evil. You have played all the roles perfectly. Now you can do any of them. And the evening turned out to be unusually interesting and eventful, wasn't it?>

Decor. The stage is festively decorated. On the back are two smiling Suns. In large multi-colored baskets there are bright props that attract the attention of children.

The festive program is hosted by: Matvey Zateikin (costume: shorts with straps, multi-colored shirt, bright tie and beret), Lorca Patter (costume: cone-shaped bright dress above the knee, bright stockings, wig with pigtails turned up, round glasses), Baron Attraction (costume : a cocked hat, a snow-white shirt with wide sleeves and a jabot, a camisole, leggings, high boots).

(A cheerful, perky melody sounds. Zateikin enters the stage, he greets the guys.)


Hi guys! Hi all!

Why no applause?

(Children applaud loudly and unanimously.)


Matveyka Zateikin,

Guys, I'm calling!

And if you get bored

In a moment I will disperse sadness!

I am for big and small

I will always find an idea

Adult and baby

I can always entertain.

I am the enemy of longing and boredom,

She won't come here.

Merry companions to me

I would like to find!

Guys, do you agree to be my fellow travelers?

Children. Yes!!!

(Lorca Patter and Baron Attraction run onto the stage in beautiful costumes.)

Lorca and the Baron(together). We want to be your travel companions too!

Zateikin. Meet my buddies - Lorca Patter and Baron Attraction!

Hello Baron and Laura!

Here is the gist of my conversation with the guys:

I invited them all to the parties.

Lorca. So let's make it quick!

baro n (Lorke). But we still haven't greeted the guys!


Hello girls,

Who have bows and bangs!

Girls. Hello!


Hello boys

Who have bruises and bumps on their legs!

Boys. Hello!

Zateikin(addressing Lorca and the baron). We greeted the guys, and now I want to invite you to get to know them with me.

(Music sounds. The heroes go into the hall, approach one or another participant in the holiday and get to know each other.)

Baron. If we greet everyone like this, it will take us a lot of time.

Lorca. And let's do it! I'll say, "One, two, three! Say your name!" The guys will shout their name loudly - and we will find out who's name is.

Zateikin. Interesting idea!

Baron. Let's introduce us to the guests, but only as soon as possible!

(Lorca is playing an "Introduction" game.)


You came to our holiday carefully,

Scattered right away.


Combed, dressed all neatly,

We welcome dear guests!


And now everyone without exception

We invite you to our fun!

(Music plays.)

Zateikin(against the background of music).

Two cheerful painters

They took forty-two buckets.

And set off a little light

Paint the sun blue.

They began to draw the sun,

Cover with different paint!

Two teams of 8 people are invited.

(Music sounds. Zateikin recruits players into teams. Lorca and the baron help him.)

Zateikin. You, dear guys, will be painters with us. First you need to put on a painter's uniform and take a bucket with a brush.

(Music sounds. “Painters, put on multi-colored aprons and caps, take a bucket and a brush of their color.)

Game "Painters"

Zateikin. And now the rules of the game. At my signal, you alternately begin to “paint the sun”, that is, each participant must run up to the sun and insert a colored ray-tassel of the sun into the “side”. Who will complete the task faster? The winning team is awarded chocolate medals.

(Music. Competition.)

Lorca. Guys, now you know that my name is Lorca. And I love tongue twisters. And especially these: “Natalya the Chatterbox chatted that thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but never caught it.”

Zateikin. There are no duties in the language, whatever he wants, then he mutters.

Lorca. Chatted, chatted, chatted, chatted, but didn’t blurt out everything!

Baron. Chatting - do not work, your back will not hurt!

Zateikin. Lorca, stop talking too. The guys have long been ready to tell tongue twisters. And get a sweet treat for your skill!

(Tongue Contest. Awarding the winners.)

Baron(referring to the audience).

I want, friends, to tell you:

Sitting on an ordinary chair

You can dance something.

All movements are good

Sit tight and dance!

You guys are for me

The most unique

Dance group!

Let's dance sitting!

Game "Let's dance while sitting"

(Music turns on. The guys in the hall, under the guidance of the baron, perform various dance movements. The melodies change: lambada, waltz, tango, mistress, gypsy girl, lezginka, etc. The best dancer is awarded a prize.)


Sweet tooth from Klaipeda

Candies were hidden in wrappers.

We need to equip the teams,

Candy those free!

To participate in this competition, I invite two girls to each team. How many teams will you ask? This time it's three!

Competition "Sweet Tooth"

Your task, girls, is to “free” as many candies from under the candy wrappers in 30 seconds. Whoever does it faster is the winner!

(Music. Competition. Revealing the winner. Rewarding.)

Competition "Strongmen"


Hey boys, men

Show strength hands!

Who will lift the weight here

That orange can eat!

Boys who want to demonstrate their strength, come out!

(Participants are offered a kettlebell weighing 3-5 kg. The participant who lifts the kettlebell the most times is considered the winner. Music. The winner is awarded an orange.)


To sing funny songs

It doesn't take much talent

It would only be a great wish!

So, friends, we begin the competition!

I invite two teams of five girls and five boys - bully and naughty.

(Music. Participants rise to the stage.)


This song, my friends

It's not hard to sing...


You can sing along with the orchestra

You can do it without an orchestra!


Even if you bear

Stepped on the ear

This song can be sung

Having no hearing!

Chorus: La-la-la-la!

Zateikin(referring to the audience). Good song, isn't it?

Children. Yes!

Zateikin. And now the task for the teams: the first is to perform the refrain to the motive of the song by V. Shainsky and N. Nosov “A grasshopper sat in the grass”, the second - to the motive of the song by V. Shainsky and A. Timofeevsky “The Blue Wagon”. The team whose performance will be more coordinated and original will receive chocolate medals. So, we perform the verse, and you take turns singing the chorus. Ready?

(Music competition "Song-song". Awarding the winner.)

Zateikin. Next contest-

Baron(interrupting). I will host the next competition!

Lorca. No me! (stomping feet) Me! I!

Zateikin. Let's not argue. Let's think better. Who among you knows an interesting rhyme?

Lorca. I!

Baron. And I!

Zateikin. Start, Lorca, you! And then - Baron Attraction. Deal?

(The characters nod in agreement.)

Lorca(addressing Zateikin and the baron).

I will count you now

Very smart and clear.

Just don't shout in unison

And don't confuse me!

Lorkin's rhyme

Cone soup - for boys.

From combs - for girls.

From burdock - broth.

If you don't want to, get out!

Zateikin. Good count! You have the floor, baron!

Baron's rhyme

All spy rulers


He lives in a foreign country

And learn the secrets.

One - a note, two - a cache,

Three - beard and wig.

And four - who is the spy,

Get out of the game!

Zateikin. Oh, good counter! Well, it's just a great rhyme! It turns out, Lorca, the baron won.

Lorca. I agree, let him play his game.


And now, kids

Mindfulness game.

I hands "clap-clap"

You kick "top-top".

I'm kicking "top-top"

You hands "clap-clap".

I will say: "Scream!" —

Like a mouse you are silent.

I will say: "Shut up" -

What urine is scream.

Children. Yes!

Baron. The game starts!

(The game "The most attentive".)

Baron. Well done boys! You were attentive and deserved applause!


Zateikin. We had a lot of fun today, didn't we guys? (Answer.) Zateikin.

I will have for you

One small request:

Don't pass my threshold

When the road passes by!

And now it's time to say goodbye

Thank you all for your attention!

Lorca. Good luck to all!

Baron. Goodbye!


1. Chocolate medals.

2. Oranges.

3. 200 g of candies in a wrapper.

5. Multi-colored aprons, caps, tassels, buckets.


Lebedeva I A. Wonderful school years. - Issue. 4. - M .: Graf-press, 2001.

Cherkashin EA. Organization of summer holidays for children. - Yekaterinburg: Publishing House of Teachers, 1999.

The game program consists of three blocks:

- "Flora and fauna";

- "Art";

- "Sport".

Questions, tasks, games are not only entertaining, but also educational. In a relaxed way, children learn interesting things from the field of flora and fauna, get acquainted with arts and sports, take an active part in games.

Creative work is relevant for students in grades 3-4.

Leading. I invite you to take part in the game program "About everything in the world." You have the opportunity to show off your erudition, as well as learn something that you do not know yet.

Block one. "Flora and fauna"

Let me remind you that the word "flora" means "plants" and "fauna" means animals. Let's start with a warm-up. Solve riddles on this topic.

Dressed in a warm coat

Dams are built on water

Under water, the house collects

He does not take off his coat in the house. (Beaver)

Famous around the area

Green beauty.

Sundress like a bell

By land and drag.

Cap - with edging

With a sharp top. (Spruce)

It looks like an umbrella

Only a hundred times less.

If there is a storm on the horizon,

He is only happy.

If it's raining and warm

He considers himself lucky! (Mushroom)

It grows on a long stem

With petals like horns

His head is large

Full of black seeds. (Sunflower)

Who are they? Where? Whose?

Black streams flow:

friendly little dots

They build their own house on a hillock.

Grows under a pine tree

A brand new forest house. (Ants)

The horns came out on the path.

You won't butt?

I touched them a little -

Horns hid again.

Round house...

Maybe a gnome lives in this house?

It's magical, this house -

He crawls along the path! (Snail)

Leading. Competition for connoisseurs of flora and fauna. Three people are invited. (For each player, a path of 5 steps is marked with chalk or chips.) Each correct answer moves the participant one step forward. Who will be the first to cross their path? Players will be asked questions in turn.

What plant is semolina obtained from? (oats, barley, wheat)

Finish the proverb: "Rye bread - white kalach ..." ( grandfather, uncle, neighbor).

What is the name of the part of a plant that absorbs water from the soil? (Stem, root, sheet)

What birds breed chicks in winter? ( Crossbills, cuckoos, jackdaws)

What bird doesn't fly? ( Ostrich, golden eagle, vulture)

What wood are matches made from? ( Aspen, maple, oak)

What wood is the piano made from? (Pine, spruce, willow)

What wood are skis usually made of? ( Birch, mountain ash, ash)

Favorite plant for cats? (Motherwort, oregano, valerian)

The strongest animal on earth? (Elephant, hippo, ant)

Which plant has the smallest flowers and fruits in the world? ( Duckweed, peas, shepherd's purse)

The world's largest flower? (Poppy, goose onion, corpse lily)

The tallest tree in the world? (Baobab, eucalyptus, liana)

The largest tree in the world in girth? (Chestnut, ash, cypress)

Leading. And now attention - a crossword puzzle! But the crossword is not simple, but with a problem! What is the trouble, I will tell later. Now let's solve it together.

1. Synonymous with labor. Understandable, right? (Work)

2. A boat with a motor rushes through the expanses of water. (boat)

3. An acrobat sat on the floor, stretched his legs in ... (twine).

4. Neighbor says to neighbor: "She's on her way to dinner." (A spoon)

5. The blacksmith forged this metal. (Iron)

6. In a gilded frame, the face of a saint in the temple. (Icon)

7. A lasso with a noose is thrown by a cowboy. (Lasso)

8. In the arena, the red-haired comedian caused a loud laugh to the point of colic. (Clown)

9. A canvas was stretched to show a movie. (Screen)

And now the promised twist! From the letters marked with asterisks, make a word - a synonym for the word "chicken". (Pestrushka.) Whoever does it first will receive a prize!

Leading. So, we learned that the chicken is also called pied. What is a mother hen called? (Hatched mother). Let's play a game called "The Kite and the Hen".

Game description. The game involves 10-12 players. One of the players is chosen as a "kite", the other - as a "brood hen", all the rest - "chickens". They stand behind the "hen", forming a column. Everyone holds on to each other, and the one standing in front - for the "brood hen".

"Kite" becomes three or four steps from the column. At the leader's signal, he tries to grab the "chicken" standing last. To do this, he needs to go around the column and attach himself behind. But this is not easy to do, since the "hen" all the time turns to face him and blocks the way, stretching out his arms to the side, and the whole column deviates in the opposite direction from him.

The game continues for several minutes. If during this time the "kite" manages to grab the "chicken", a new "kite" is chosen, and the game is repeated.

Block two. "Art"

Leading. Art is the artistic creation of people. Art includes literature, architecture, sculpture, painting, music, dance, theater, cinema, and so on. Without them, our life would be boring and monotonous. If, in principle, it is possible to live without cinema, although we can hardly imagine it, then without music or, for example, dancing, it is impossible to imagine any nation. Even the most backward tribes with a low level of culture are inextricably linked with these arts. We will also start this block of tasks with a warm-up.

♦ What does the word "cinema" mean? (Movie)

♦ All written and printed works of the people are called ... (literature).

♦ Construction art. (Architecture)

♦ What is Youth Theater? (Young Spectator Theatre)

♦ Everything that is molded from clay and wax, carved from stone, carved from wood, cast from bronze or plaster is called ... (sculpture).

♦ Art that shows us the beauty of sounds is called... (music).

♦ Drama, opera, ballet... (theater).

♦ Art in the arena. (The circus)

♦ Landscape, portrait, still life - genres ... (painting).

♦ « Swan Lake» P. I. Tchaikovsky is ... (ballet).

Leading. Every art form has its symbols. A symbol is an identifying, distinguishing mark. Look at the poster. (See Attachment). Say what kind of art symbols are depicted on it. (A film frame is a symbol of cinema; a mask is a theater; a lyre is music; an easel is painting; a pen is literature.)

Let's focus on the theatrical art form. I will ask three groups of volunteers to prepare and act out funny school-themed stories in front of us.

Cards with text are distributed.


The class includes four late students.

Teacher. Guys, why are you late?

1st student. My grandmother got sick and I went to the pharmacy.

2nd student. And on my watch there's still ten minutes before class starts...

3rd student. And on the way I remembered that I forgot to turn off the iron - I had to return.

4th student. (Silence.)

Teacher. Well, why are you silent?

4th student. And I don't know what to think. They've already said it all!

Dad(to the teacher). Why are you picking on my son?

teacher. find fault? But he doesn't know anything! Look, how much is two plus two?

Son. You see, dad, it's started again!

Physical education teacher. Tomorrow at the lesson we will ski.

1st student. I can't tomorrow, my throat hurts.

Teacher. Doctor's note!

2nd student. I can not either. I have a runny nose!

Teacher. Doctor's note!

3rd student. Ay my leg hurts! Teacher. Doctor's note!

4th student. Ivan Sergeyevich, my ski is broken!

Teacher. Doctor's note!

Leading. In the meantime, our artists are preparing dramatizations, let's do a physical education session.

The game "So and so" is played.

Game description. If the leader says “so” and performs any movement, then the children must repeat this movement after him. If the host says the word “that way” and performs any movement, then the players should not repeat it. The player who makes a mistake is out of the game. The winner is the one who never made a mistake.

Playing out scenes.

Block three. "Physical culture and sports"

Leading. Physical education and sports make a person strong, dexterous, hardy. Children who constantly exercise, lead a mobile lifestyle, and harden their bodies are always in a good mood and are less prone to colds. And we will start this block with a warm-up.

♦ Throw it into the river - it doesn't sink;

You hit the wall - you don't moan;

You will throw the ground -

It will fly up. (Ball)

♦ On a clear morning, dew glistens on the grass along the road.

On the road, legs ride and two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer: this is my ... (bike).

♦ On the squares of the board, the kings brought the shelves,

The regiments have neither cartridges nor bayonets for combat. (Chess)

♦ Wooden horses gallop through the snow, they don't fall into the snow. (Skis)

♦ Like the wind, fast cars rush down from the top:

In each - a small driver, the conqueror of the snowy mountains. (Sled)

♦ Rushing like a bullet, I'm forward,

Only the ice creaks

And the lights flicker.

Who is carrying me? (Skates)

♦ Hula hoop. (Hoop)

♦ Sports team. (Team)

♦ A coward doesn't play... (hockey).

♦ In a healthy body, a healthy ... (spirit).

Leading. Attention! Competition! List of sports. Whoever ends up last gets a prize! (Football, boxing, billiards, climbing, wrestling, cycling, fencing, hockey, tennis, horse racing, darts, gymnastics, volleyball, etc.).

Now let's move on to the practical part. The game "Airplanes" will reveal the most dexterous players.

Game description. Three teams of two people are formed. Each "crew" is given a paper airplane (in the origami technique). Task: blowing on the airplane, the players must overtake it across the field to the line and back. Whose "crew" will cope faster, he won.

Leading. The game "Football Player" will determine the real ace of football.

Game description. A "footballer" is chosen. He is blindfolded. A balloon is placed in front of the player. The host spins the player on the spot several times, and then gives him the commands: “step left”, “step right” or “turn left”, “turn right”, then “hit!”

The game is repeated several times. The winner is the one who managed to hit the "ball".

Leading. This completes the game program. Thanks to all!

Game - a journey through the Planet of childhood for primary school age

Game program with elements of a sports relay race.

Scenario of the game "Journey through the Planet of Childhood" for primary school age.

Author: Merinova Irina Vitalievna, teacher additional education MBOU DOD DTDM city of Topki.
Material Description: Scenario game program. Can be performed on an unfamiliar audience. Development can be useful for teachers primary school, teachers organizers, parents.
Target: Team building.
- involvement of children in the game action;
- organization of leisure activities;
- Creation of conditions for self-assertion.
Equipment: balloons, sports equipment, tape recorder.
Event progress:
Music "where childhood goes"
Leading. Dear children, today we invite everyone on a journey through the "Planet of Childhood". On this planet, you need to be able to fantasize, laugh and not be upset, play and have fun in general, have a great time.
First you need to get to know
Game on acquaintance "Say the name" whose name I now call - he will carry out the task.
Tanya raised her hands.
Oli, Vicki squealed.
Nastya, Lights waved,
Natasha clapped her hands
Misha, Sasha and Seryozha whistled,
And the Marinas all sat down,
Ksyusha, Dasha meowed together,
Maxims grunted a little.
Nikita, Danil and Anton - shout "Oi"
Lena, Julia and Andryusha - shout "Ai"
Who I didn't say
And today she was silent
Like one family
Let's shout "I" together!

(stand in a circle, pass the ball and wish each other a happy journey)
Leading. Now we will pass the ball in a circle with these words
You fly balloon
Quickly, quickly on the hands,
Who has the ball left?
He wishes everyone a happy journey.
Leading. Now I want to get to know you better.
The game "who loves to sing and play"(children answer questions)
Who likes to sing, play?
Who skips lessons?
Who lives by schedule?
Do we exercise in the morning?
Who takes care of the clothes?
Does he put it under the bed?
Who among you does not like boredom?
Who is the master of all trades here?
Who keeps things in order?
Tears and books and notebooks?
Who helps mom at home?
And who is chasing the loafer?
Who does not offend friends?
Chasing cats by the tails?

Who loves kissel?
Who is the carousel?
Who loves to swim?
In the bathroom?
In the sea?
In the shower?
In a puddle?
Who would like to become a pilot?
Fly an airplane?
Be a good driver?
Fly from bed to floor?
Which one of you, say out loud
Catching flies in class?
Which one of you is so good
Sunbathing went in galoshes?
Who loves cake and candy?
And who are hot cutlets?
Who loves apples and pears?
Who doesn't wash their ears?
Leading. Now that we have met and learned a lot of interesting things about each other, we can go on a trip, but before that we will prepare the balloons on which we will fly. Divide into two teams, and show jumping is announced.
COMPETITION "FUN FRIENDS" relay race 5 people
Per a certain amount of time to draw a funny face on a balloon. (1-eye, 2-nose, 3-mouth, 4-eyebrows, 5-ears.)

(Music sounds) In flight, we will perform movements

And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"
Upheaval in the air
Flight stops.

Stop at the island of the most resourceful.

On a signal, the participants throw the ball up and try to keep it, chasing only with their noses. The one who keeps the ball in the air the longest wins.

-On signal you need to throw the balloon as high as possible.
- And now, at my signal, you need to throw the ball forward. Whose ball will fly farthest.

COMPETITION "FIGHT WITH BALLS" choose the strongest
2 participants and 2 seconds are invited - they will count the blows inflicted on the opponent. Participants must not leave the boundaries of the ring.
COMPETITION "RUNNING WITH BALLS" choose the fastest team.
Keep the ball on the racket, run to the skittles, come back.
(music plays)
One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)
3.4 all crouched, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"
Upheaval in the air
Flight stops.

Stop at the island of unusual animals. There are many strange and unusual animals on this island, I suggest you settle new residents here.
Long balloons are given, you need to make out hot air balloon figure of an animal or bird and come up with an interesting name for them.
(music plays)
One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)
3.4 all crouched, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"
Upheaval in the air
Flight stops.

Stop on the island "Topotushkino". On this island live children who stomp the loudest. Do you want to compete with them? The boys stomp, the girls stomp, and now they're all together. Well done!
Two participants from each team receive a balloon, you need to put the balloon on the floor and stomp on it, who will burst the balloon faster.
(music plays)
One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)
3.4 all crouched, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"
Upheaval in the air
Flight stops.

Stop at African Island. There are many wild little monkeys living on this island. Say hello to them.
Relay race between teams, hold the ball between the legs and jump to the skittles, run back and pass the ball to the next one.
(music plays)
One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)
3.4 all crouched, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"
Upheaval in the air
Flight stops.

Stop at Fairytale Island. Guys, guess who lives on this island? Fairy tale characters are correct, and which ones we will now find out.
1. Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product? (Kolobok)
2. Who of their fairy-tale heroes was very fond of the saying "One head is good, but three is better." (Dragon)
3. Name the heroine of the French fairy tale who got her nickname because of her headdress. (Red Riding Hood)
4. Which character was very fond of shoes and how was he called for this? (Puss in Boots)
(music plays)
One, two - flew, (hands to the sides)
3.4 all crouched, (squatting)
5 we take off again (get up, hands to the sides)
Gaining height (stand on tiptoe, raise your hands.)
And we all buzz loudly "Oooo"
Upheaval in the air
Flight stops.

Stop on the island "Dance"
A dance marathon between teams is announced, who will dance whom.
Summing up the results of the game program.
Leading. Have fun do not be sad and take your time from the planet of childhood. After all, childhood will never come back to you. Be children as long as possible.


Good afternoon guys, girls and boys. I am glad to welcome you.

Please raise your hands, which of you now good mood?

(Children raise their hands).

Thanks, drop it. Now raise your hands those who are in the mood not very good.

(If one of the children raises his hands, the leader says: “Ai-yay-yay! But it’s okay, we’ll fix it now. After all, that’s what I am for).

Tell me, please, when does a person have a good mood?

(I think you will agree with me that basically a good mood depends on ourselves).

Then let's create a good, festive mood ourselves. Do not you mind?

The best way to do this is to "play around" a little.

Well, then, let's clap our hands, amicably and together. (clap their hands). Very well.

Now let's stomp our feet (Everyone stomp with ogami)

And now let's put it all together, let's clap and stomp at the same time. (children clap and stomp) Well done!

Well, to consolidate and raise our mood, we will combine all our emotions with everything, we will stomp, clap and shout at the same time! Well done!

Well, you are in a good mood! (children answer)


And now I will offer you ugly things, you will need to compose the correct words in 5 minutes.

Whose team will cope with the task receives a "SMILE"

BOTUREDRB _____________________

SUDDEN _____________________

TAREBAIA _____________________

CHUNIKB _____________________

SENIROTA _____________________

BASHKAR ______________________

SHOAKLE ______________________

LOTSYDMO ______________________

Presenter: Each team receives well-deserved "SMILYS".


The next competition is: "Do you believe that..." and you decide if it's true or not.

1. In Japan, do students write on the blackboard with a colored ink brush? (Yes)

2. Is disposable blackboard practiced in Australia? (Not)

4. Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)

5. In Africa, fortified pencils are produced for children who tend to gnaw on anything? (Yes)

6. Do some types of colored pencils have carrot extract added to make the lead stronger? (Not)

7. Did the Romans wear pants? (No, they wore tunics and togas)

8. If a bee stings someone, will it die? (Yes)

9. Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs? (Yes)

10. Do mice grow up to become rats? (No, these are two different orders of rodents)

11. Can some frogs fly? (Yes, in the rainforests of Asia and Africa)

12. Does the rhino horn have magical powers? (Not)

14. Did Duremar sell frogs? (No, leeches)

15. Most turnips are grown in Russia? (No, in America)

16. Was Hans Christian Andersen's real name Swensen? (No, Hans)

17. The growth of the Little Humpbacked Horse is two inches? (no, three)


Now let's imagine that we found ourselves in the Kingdom of magic balls.

Everything in this kingdom is round - the houses are round, the tables and chairs are round, even the beds are round. And the inhabitants of this kingdom play only such games where there is a ball. You will ask why? I will tell you a secret. There are five magic balls kept in the throne room of this magical land. The power of these balls is huge, magical. They protect their inhabitants from all diseases. Therefore, no one in the kingdom of the Magic Balls gets sick, and everyone loves to play sports and harden. Do you want to visit the Kingdom of Magic Balls? Then go.
Warm up before travel


1. Pass the ball over.

For this and the next two relay races, it is necessary to gather 2 teams and build them in two columns, at a short distance from each other. Legs slightly wider than shoulders. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader participants pass the ball over. As soon as the ball hits the last standing participant, the task changes. Now you need pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

2. Pass the ball to the side.

Participants line up, shoulder to shoulder. The team captains have the ball. On command, they begin to pass it to each other. As soon as the ball hits the last standing participant, all participants turn around and the ball returns to the team captain on the other side. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

3. Move the balls.

On one side of the court in a hoop or basket, lay out the balls according to the number of people in the team. It is necessary to move the balls from one side of the court to the other. Each participant can take only one ball.

In one direction, the participants move on all fours, pushing the ball with their heads (do not help with their hands). Having rolled the ball to the cone, pass it to the next participant by rolling the ball across the floor.


Gotta play games
And solve riddles.
Guess it guys
About ball games riddles.
Throw the ball over the net
Everyone is trying to score a goal.
And you need to be dexterous and accurate
In a game called ... (volleyball)

Faster than the wind the player rushes
And the ball is in the goal, which means - a goal!
And everyone knows what is called
Sports game ... (football)

Ball dribbling, passing,
The player bypassed all opponents,
And the ball in the basket - that's luck
The name of the game is that ... (basketball).

What is the largest and heaviest bird? (ostrich)

What is horse milk called? (Kumiss)

Which legs are longest on a giraffe? (They are all the same)

What animals are called forest nurses? (Volkov)

A collection of specially harvested and dried plants. (Herbarium)

What has become of Cinderella's carriage? (into a pumpkin)

The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word "kaput" (cabbage)

The most vegetable fairy tale. (Cipollino)

The healing flower is the ancestor of all roses. (Rose hip)

What is the name of the composition of various medicinal plants? (Collection)

A brilliant scientist who became famous thanks to the apple. (Newton)

Another name for a computer. (A computer)

Name the first Russian tsar. (Ivan the Terrible)

A sport in which Yevgeny Kafelnikov is strong. (Tennis)

The highest achievement of art. (Masterpiece)

An animal whose strength is used to measure engine power. (Horse)

Country, the ancestor of football. (England)

What is the name of the territory where any

economic activity person. (Reserve)

What is the beginning of the river called? (Source)

Which insect has ears on its feet? (At the grasshopper)

Which bird's chicks don't know their mothers? (Cuckoo)

How long do bees live? (Two months)


Well done guys, let's count the number of "SMILYS" and reveal today's winner.

And finally, let's cheer ourselves up again, clap our hands together, stomp, and shout.

Excellent!!! I wish that your mood always remains as cheerful and cheerful.

Until we meet again, dear guys, we are waiting for you again on our gaming programs.

Vakarina Ekaterina Alexandrovna