Russian folklore in animation programs based on fairy tales. "Visiting an old, old fairy tale ..." Children's game program. Scenario for holding a competitive and entertaining

  • 13.11.2019

Metallova Elena
game program"Visiting a fairy tale"

game program"AT visiting a fairy tale»

Target: to create conditions for the formation of children's ideas about the diversity of Russian folk fairy tales.


Develop skills competently, expressively express your thoughts, logical thinking, train memory; - develop vocabulary; - instill love for fairy tales; - through fairy tale bring up in children best qualities human: honesty, loyalty, kindness, camaraderie; - through elements of theatricalization, to enable children to express their feelings, emotions, fantasies.


Cards with excerpts from fairy tales;

Puzzles with fairy tales; - things from fairy tales(see Attachment); - illustrations for Russian folk fairy tales; costumes for fairy tales and fragments of costumes; - tape recorder, magnetic boards, magnets; - suits heroes: storyteller, Baba Yaga, Alyonushka.

commemorative medals "Connoisseur fairy tales» .

Storyteller meets children

storyteller. Hello guys! Let's get acquainted, my name is storyteller. In ancient, ancient times, people could neither write nor read. And in order to amuse their children, adults began to invent for them fairy tales, jokes, jokes. The children grew up, their children told passed on "by word of mouth". And these children are for their children. Everyone has something in added fairy tales. Here they come to us fairy tales through the ages. And who will say why they are called Russian - folk?

At fairy tales pure soul She comes slowly In the cool hour of the night. Its native people, its creator, The cunning people, the wise people, He put his dream into it, Like gold in a casket.

And today, I suggest you go on a journey - path: see white light, see people, meet Russian folk fairy tales. Let's listen to the song and guess who sings it and in what cartoon?

(from the cartoon - A train from Romashkov)

The engine from Romashkov appears

Train. Hello guys, I'm glad to see you. I know that you need my help. But I have to make sure that I bring children who know Russian folk fairy tales.

storyteller. Guys, let's prove to the Engine that you understand fairy tales?

The guys answer the questions of the Train. Warm up

(see appendix 2)

Train. You did a good job. We will make stops along the way. Left speak the rules of the game:

Listen carefully; - not sure of the answer - better think; - for correct answers players receive tokens and at the end of the game we will determine the best connoisseurs fairy tales.

The children stand one after the other and, together with the Train, hit the road. The phonogram of the song of the Engine sounds.

Attention! The train arrived at the station "Literary"

storyteller. So, we arrived at the place. find out fairy tale.

Children read passages fairy tales and call a fairy tale.

(see appendix 3)

Children play a game "Decorate the birch"

(see appendix 4)

Train. The train is leaving, please take your seats.

Soundtrack sounds.

Train. Attention! next station "Theatrical"

Alyonushka meets the children.

Alyonushka. Welcome dear guests! I really love fairy tales I hope you love them too. You recognized me? I'm from fairy tales"Swan geese" There are many theatrical costumes at our station. We'll split into three teams. Children stage fairy tales"Kolobok", "Teremok" and "Turnip"

Train. The train is leaving, please take your seats. Soundtrack sounds. Train. Attention! The train arrives at the station "Guess"

storyteller. Nobody meets us. Try to guess the riddle.

I'm creepy charming

And I have a keen sense of smell

I am famous for my unearthly hairstyle,

I can fly above the ground

Iron teeth, bone leg

Everyone knows that I...

Baba Yaga comes out

Baba Yaga. Hello kids, why are you here? I didn't expect anyone.

storyteller. AT guests we came to you grandmother. We are interested in fairy tales. Baba Yaga. So you can drive back like modern kids fairy tales are not read. storyteller. These kids know very well fairy tales. Baba Yaga. Let's check? I will make riddles for you, and you call me fairytale heroes . These fabulous heroes used magic items. Guess them. (see attachment5). Children solve riddles

Baba Yaga. Here I have fairy tale box, and in it - magic items. There you are exercise: you have to guess from which fairy tales this item.

(egg, pike, jug and plate, bird feather, tablecloth, broom, turnip, pie, ax, arrow, ball of thread, needle, mirror)

Train. The train is leaving, please take your seats. Soundtrack sounds. Train. The train arrives at the station "Artistic".

storyteller. Guys, do you read carefully? fairy tales? Now you have a difficult task to complete. We have to split into groups.

Children are invited to collect puzzles for fairy tales, consider illustrations for fairy tales and find the artist's mistakes.

The soundtrack of the song sounds "Hello childhood"

The game: "Baba Yaga" (see appendix 6)

Train. The train is leaving, please take your seats. Soundtrack sounds. Train. Attention! The train arrived at the station "Cognitive" Mashenka meets children

Masha. Good afternoon. My name is Masha. I live with my grandparents. Once I was in visiting a bear ... Oh, what am I telling, because you already know what I'm from fairy tales? I also prepared for you exercise: 1. We need to fix the mistakes in the names fairy tales. 2. You must restore the correct order of events in fairy tales.

The song sounds "Come to guests to us» . (see appendix 7.8.9)

Train. The train is leaving, please take your seats. Soundtrack sounds. Train. Attention! The train has arrived at the terminal station.

storyteller. And now let's sum up. Count your tokens.

Annex 2 Warm-up

1. What is the name aircraft, on which a woman first took to the air?

2. The object thanks to which the prince found a wife?

3. The bear was carrying a girl with pies in what?

4. Who helped the girl run away from Baba Yaga when the old woman went to heat the bathhouse to fry her guest?

5. At its tip, the death of one of fairytale heroes?

6. What fairy tale for disobedience, the boy turned into a kid?

7. From what fairy tales words: “Chickens peck, they don’t give roosters

8. Why did the man and the bear start a feud?

9. What fairy tale grey Wolf helping Ivan Tsarevich?

Appendix 3 "Find out fairy tale»

1. - I-Mouse - norushka, and who are you? - And I - Frog - frog - Come to live with me. And they began to live together.

2. …. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull it out. The granddaughter called Zhuchka ...

3. -River, mother, hide me! - Eat my simple jelly with milk! The girl ate and thank you said. The river covered it with a bank.

4. - At the command of the pike, at my request, go, buckets, go home yourself!

5. - The fox is carrying me, beyond the blue forests! Kitty, brother, help!

6. The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is pestering, sweat comes out. There is a horse's hoof full of water.

7. - Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

8.–I see, I see! Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie! Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!

9. - Kids, kids, open up, open up I'm a goat, I was in the meadow, I ate silk grass, I drank cold water ...

10. Lived - there was an old man with an old woman, they had neither children nor grandchildren. So they went outside the gate on a holiday to look at other people's children, how they roll lumps of snow, play snowballs. The old man raised the bundle and said.

11. Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry, everything was in a hurry, but you know the hen sentences: - Petya, do not hurry. Petya, don't rush.

12. Once upon a time there was an old grandmother, a laughing granddaughter, a chicken-klokhtushka and a mouse norushka. Every day they went for water. The grandmother had large buckets, the granddaughter had smaller ones, the chicken had the size of a cucumber, the mouse had the size of a thimble.

13. There lived a man and a woman. They had a daughter and a little son. -Daughter, - said the mother, - we will go to work, take care of your brother. Don't leave the yard, be smart - we'll buy you a handkerchief.

Annex 4. Game "Decorate the birch"

2 birches are drawn on a piece of drawing paper. Children are divided into two teams. Children are given leaves, they write the names of Russian folk fairy tales and glued to their birch. Whoever has a birch will be more elegant and he won.

Appendix 5

She is the most important of all in a mystery,

Although she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents.

Waiting for mom with milk

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married a princess.

This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds everyone to the full,

That by itself she

Full of delicious food.

Sweet apple flavor

Lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And light around, as in the daytime.

The duck knows, the bird knows

Where Koshcheya's death lurks.

What is this subject?

Give me an answer, my friend.

Like Baba's Yaga

Not one leg at all

But there is a wonderful


A girl is sitting in a basket. A bear is behind her back. He himself, without knowing it, Carries her home.

There is no river, no pond Where to drink water. Very tasty water In the hole from the hoof!

Did not lie on the window -

Rolled down the track.

Annex 6. Game "Baba Yaga"

Props: 3 mortars (3 buckets, 3 brooms.

One foot in the bucket, the other on the ground, one hand supports the bucket, the other - the broom, go the distance.

Appendix 7

* "Cockerel Ryaba""Ryaba Hen".

* "Dasha and the Bear""Masha and the Bear".

* "The Wolf and the Seven Lambs""The wolf and the seven Young goats".

* "The Cockerel and the Pea Seed""The Cockerel and the Beanstalk".

* "Ducks-swans""Swan geese".

* "Chanterelle with a saucepan"- “A fox with a rolling pin.

* "At the command of the fish""By magic".

* "Fear has big eyes""Fear has big eyes".

* "Zayushkin house""Zayushkina's hut".

Appendix 8

"Fox and Hare".

* The bunny met the bear.

* The cockerel kicked out the fox.

* The bunny had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut.

* The bunny met the dog.

* The fox kicked out the hare.

* The bunny lives with the cockerel.

* The bunny met the cockerel.

"Swan geese".

* Mashenka met the river.

* Girl in Baba Yaga's hut.

* A sister brings her brother home.

* The girl met with the stove.

* Geese-swans carried away Ivanushka.

* The mouse helps Mashenka.

* The girl met with an apple tree.

* Masha rushed to catch up with the geese.


1. Journey to the land of road signs and fairy tales /aut. - comp. O. V. Kalashnikova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006. - 70 p.

2. Journey to Chitay- city: event scenarios, library lessons. 1-4 grades / ed. comp. Z. A. Churikova, M. A. Bagaeva, I. A. Khapilina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 173 p.

3. S. M. Kurgansky. Journey to the planet of knowledge. Organization of leisure activities for juniors schoolchildren: main aspects, scenarios of events. 1-4 classes. - 2nd ed. – M.: "5 for knowledge", 2007. - 192p. - (To class teacher)

4. « Fairy tales for children's theater» .// Teachers' Council No. 8, 2004.

5. Scenario KVN by fairy taleshttp://scenario.fome/ru/ras-6-12/html

6. Reading lesson in grade 2

« Russian travel folk tales»

Enrichment and refinement of students' knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Learn to recognize a fairy tale on assignment.

Develop the ability to act in concert.

Develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking.

Cultivate interest in reading, love of oral folk art.

Game, verbal-logical, partially search, problematic, ICT, independent.

Viewing a quiz, an artistic word (proverbs, riddles, poems), explanations, encouragement, finger gymnastics, physical minutes.

Vocabulary work:

Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise.

Material: a disk with Russian folk tales, a fairy tale costume for a teacher.


Audio recording with melodies, a stand with books of Russian fairy tales, a laptop, a CD with a quiz on Russian fairy tales, chairs

Event progress :

Loud music sounds.


So, friends, let's start the program,
We have a large stock.
Who are they for? For you.
I know you love games
Songs, riddles and dances.
But there is nothing more interesting
Than our fairy tales.

Why are they magical?
- Yes, because animals can talk in them, there are non-existent heroes

(Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Goblin), miracles happen - a frog turns into a princess, brother Ivanushka into a kid, buckets walk by themselves.)

Fairy tales are folk, and there are author's. Look, guys, at the top of our exhibition. These are Russian folk tales. They are called so because they were invented by the people. And at the bottom of the exhibition are the author's fairy tales. Fairy tales that were invented and written down by a certain person-author. For example, you all know the fairy tale “About the dead princess and 7 heroes”, “About the fisherman and the fish”. These are the tales of A. S. Pushkin. Or “Moidodyr” is a fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky.

teacher . And how can you say about a fairy tale, what is it like?

Children. Magical, wonderful, funny, instructive, witty, smart, interesting, kind, mysterious, unusual, joyful, wise, etc.

teacher . All that is created by the mind

All that the soul aspires to

Like amber at the bottom of the sea

The books are carefully kept.

teacher . Remember the proverbs about the book.

Children. A house without a book is a day without sun.

Who reads a lot knows a lot.

The book teaches to live, the book should be cherished.

A book is a small window through which you can see the whole world.

A book is to the mind what warm rain is to seedlings.

The book is small but gave mind.

The book will help in work and help out in trouble.

teacher . From time immemorial, the book raises a person.

Good book- Shines brighter than a star.

Finger gymnastics “Favorite Tales” (Children bend their fingers in turn. Clap their hands on the last line.)

Let's call fairy tales

Mitten, Teremok,

Gingerbread man - ruddy side.

There is a Snow Maiden - beauty,

Three bears, Wolf - Fox.

Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

Our prophetic kaurka.

We know a fairy tale about the firebird,

We do not forget the turnip

We know the Wolf and the goats.

Everyone is happy with these stories.

teacher . Why are they called folk?

Children: Because they were composed by the Russian people.

teacher . Right. Do you know many fairy tales? Now we will find out. I invite you to take part in the quiz of fairy tales. There are certain rules of the quiz that must be followed:

    If you want to answer, don't shout, just raise your hand.

    Respect your classmate, listen carefully and do not interrupt.

teacher . Let's go friends

In a miracle fairy tale - you and me

In the theater of puppets and animals,

For girls and boys!

There is a magic screen here,

There are no fairy tales here!

( Journey through Russian folk tales

teacher . Around us and here and there

Fairy tales live on.

There are mysteries in the clearing

Guess without a clue

Call me dare

Those fabulous friends!

(makes riddles, and the children guess it)

    The red girl is sad

She doesn't like spring.

It's hard for her in the sun

The poor thing sheds tears.

Snow Maiden

2. Grandma knows the whole world,
She is only three hundred years old.
There, on unknown paths,
Her house is on chicken legs.

Baba Yaga

3. Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?

Three Bears

4. Waiting for mom with milk

They let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children?

The wolf and the seven Young goats.

5. Grandmother, old grandfather and granddaughter,
Mouse, cat, dog Bug -
Together all of them were able to
Pull out from under the ground.


6. Before the wolf did not tremble,

Run away from the bear

And the fox on the tooth

Got it anyway...


7. gobbling up rolls,
There is a guy on the stove.
Goes straight to the palace
Who is this fellow?


8. Alyonushka's sister
They took away the little brother of the bird.
They fly high
They look far.

Swan geese

9. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who, saying goodbye to green skin.

Did you become cute, beautiful, comely?

Princess Frog

teacher . All the riddles were guessed and the heroes were all named.

Koschey was visiting yesterday

What did you do, just - Ah!

He mixed up all the stories:

Can you guess them?

( teacher asks fairy tales-shifters, and children correct mistakes)

    "Ivan Tsarevich and the Green Wolf";

    "Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka";

    "Daryushkina hut";

    "Floating ship";

    "Noodles from an ax."

teacher . Well done guys, all the shifters have guessed.

Koshchei's tricks have been overcome!

Here's another problem

I'm all confused.

Help me friends. I forgot what songs fairy tale characters sang.

Guess"Your task is to sing the song of a fairy-tale hero. You are ready?

1 - What song did Kolobok sing?
2 - What did the goat sing to her kids?
3 - What did Mashenka say to the bear, sitting in the box?
4 - What did the chicken Ryaba say to grandfather and grandmother?
5 - What words did the wolf help himself to catch fish on his tail?
6 - What did the fox say at that time?
7 - What did the animals ask in the fairy tale "Teremok" before entering there?
8 - What words did Emelya say so that everything would be done by itself?

teacher . Stand in a circle together

We need to play fairy tales!

Physical education minute "Tales"

The mouse ran quickly (running in place)

The mouse wagged its tail (imitation of movement)

Oh, I dropped my testicle (bend over, “raise the testicle”)

Look, I broke it (show the “testicle” on outstretched arms)

Here we put her (bend over)

And they poured water on it (motion imitation)

The turnip grew good and strong (spread your arms to the sides)

And now we will pull it (imitation of movement)

And cook porridge from turnips (imitation of food)

And we will be healthy and strong from the turnip (show "strength")

teacher : We rested a little, and now the next task

Relay “Young Artist”

We made sure that you know fairy tales. Do you know how to draw the characters of your favorite fairy tales? Who will you draw, learn from the riddle:

Mixed on sour cream, chilled on the window
Round side, ruddy side

That's right, you will draw Kolobok. But you will draw with the whole team. Hear how. The first participant runs and draws a head, participant 2 - one leg, participant 3 - another leg, participant 4 - one handle, participant 5 - another handle, participant 6 - eyes, participant 7 - mouth.

(The drawing sheets are attached to the board, and the first team members receive a felt-tip pen.)

Managed to cope quickly

And they sat quietly on the chairs.


Guys, I was walking to school today and I met the postman. He gave us the telegrams, because he himself cannot guess from whom they came. Help him.

    Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf ”(kids )

    Very upset. Accidentally broke a testicle" (mouse )

    Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole" (wolf )

    Help, our house is broken, but they themselves are intact ”(animals )

    Dear grandparents, don't worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I'll be home soon" (Masha )

    Help, my brother has turned into a kid!Alyonushka )

    Disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair” (bear cub )

    Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I'm marrying a frog" (Ivan Tsarevich )

teacher . For skillful hands

For intelligence and ingenuity

I want to say thank you!

To those who worked

To those who tried

I'll show everyone my gift.

(Children participating are given baby books with fairy tales)

Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.

And the one who believes

Fairy tale is a must

Will open all doors.

Scenario of the game program "World of Fairy Tales"

Description: This material will be useful for teachers primary school, teachers - organizers for organizing children's leisure. In a playful way, children remember various fairy tales, learn to work in a team. Throughout the game, children are given tasks by the Storyteller, Vasilisa the Wise and Vasilisa the Beautiful.

- generalize students' knowledge about fairy tales;
- develop memory, attention, logical thinking, observation;
- improvement of general speech skills, visual attention and perception, creative imagination;
- Cultivate in the process of the game friendship, camaraderie, curiosity.
- Cultivate love and respect for fairy tales.
Demo material: illustrations depicting fabulous items (red cap, boots, turnip, arrow, ax, bow, shoe), cartoon songs.
Methodological techniques: game situation, conversation - dialogue, looking at illustrations, summing up.

Event progress

Storyteller: good afternoon and good hour,
I welcome you all.
Adults, young, young
Who has loved fairy tales since childhood.
Did you recognize me, kids?
What's my name? Who am I?
The children answer.
Storyteller: That's right, I'm a storyteller. Today, together with you, we will recall different fairy tales .. and their heroes. First, a little warm-up. I name the beginning of the hero's name, and you - his ending.
Baron ... (Munchausen)

Ilya Muromets)
Boy ... (with a finger)
Ali - ... (Baba)
Koschei the Deathless)
Mouse ... (King)
Sivka - ... (Burka)
Old man ... (Hottabych)
Brownie ... (Kuzya)
Dr. Aibolit)
Dad... (Carlo)
Signor ... (Tomato)
Tiny ... (Havroshechka)
Crocodile Gena)
Sister ... (Alyonushka)
Vasilisa ... (wise)
Vasilisa .... (beautiful)
(Vasilisa the Wise and Vasilisa the Beautiful enter the hall to the music):
Vasilisa the Wise: Hello our friends

Dear ones! The kids are amazing!
funny, funny,
Boys, girls are nice!
Vasilisa the Beautiful: friendly, obedient,

Elegant, pleasant!
Brave, skillful!
The kindest, smartest!
Cute looking!
All: Our low bow to you, pranksters.
storyteller: We are glad to see you, Vasilisa. What did they complain to us about?
Vasilisa the Wise: I am with various wisdom
Vasilisa the Beautiful: And I with fabulous interruptions.
Storyteller: Let's get it right. First you, Vasilisa the Wise.
Vasilisa the Wise: Guys, telegrams have come to us, in a fabulous city. Allow me to read them to you, and you guess who sent them, since the heroes of your fairy tales forgot to sign their telegrams. Teams will receive 1 point for each correct answer.
I can't come to your party. My trousers were gone. ( "Moydodyr»)
Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole. ("Wolf and Fox")
Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg. ("Ryaba Hen")
Save! We were eaten by a gray wolf! ("Seven goats")
It's my birthday, I just lost my ponytail. ("Winnie the Pooh")
storyteller: Now let's listen to Vasilisa the Beautiful.
Vasilisa the Beautiful: I have a chest with magic items

I just forgot who they belong to.
The task is the following: from each team, one person go out, take the object, determine the fairy tale, what properties it has, name it. For every
correct answer will get 2 points.
Storyteller: And now my task. Connect fairy tales titles. Who will work more friendly, he will cope faster. For each correct answer - 1 point.
The halves of the names of fairy tales are laid out on the table. One participant from the team approaches the table, takes a piece of paper and attaches it to a magnetic board. The next participant is looking for a pair and attaches nearby.
Red…. Beanie
Cat…. In Boots
Hen…. Ryaba
Fox ... and crane
Masha and the Bear
The Little Humpbacked Horse
Geese…. Swans
Stone Flower
Silver…. Kopytse
Twelve …. Months
Vasilisa the Wise: Storyteller, you gave them a task that was painfully simple. Let the fairy-tale heroes be remembered and guess my crossword called “Holiday”.

1 s t u p a
2 Gerd a
3 I v a n u sh k a
4 Cinderella
5 Inch
C a m o b a n k a
8 P u w k i n
1. The device on which Baba - Yaga flew.
2. What was the name of the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?
3. The name of the boy who was carried away by the geese is swans.
4. The heroine of which fairy tale lost her shoe at the ball?
5. This girl was very small, the size of a walnut.
6. The second name of the tablecloth in fairy tales.
7. Dwelling of Baba - Yaga.
8. Who wrote "The Tale of the Dead Princess and 7 Bogatyrs", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".
Each team is given a sheet with a crossword puzzle. Vasilisa reads out the question, and the team enters the correct answer into the grid. Then the answers are checked aloud.
Vasilisa the Beautiful: What fast guys
run after each other without looking back.
Let's try a little more
And meet the beautiful.
Grab your pencils quickly
And depict fairy-tale heroes.
I will name the part of the body and the object, and you will draw it. The team whose drawing is funniest will get 5

Lived in the light of a gingerbread man
Ears like this (shows like Cheburashka)
Nose looks like a snout
Paws - crocodiles.
Always smile from ear to ear
Eyes like a cat.
He wore a cap,
And red boots
Storyteller: This is how an unusual funny character turned out. You won't know what story it's from. And you guys could pantomime a fragment of any fairy tale so that the other team can guess it. Let's try. You have 3 minutes to prepare.
Storyteller: We invite the first team.
(teams take turns showing their pantomimes).

Storyteller: Well done, artists. But our game is coming to an end.
Vasilisa the Wise, count the scores of the teams. ( bill is announced).
And I will ask Vasilisa the Beautiful to reward our winners. ( is being awarded)
Today we remembered many fairy tales. And how many of them still live on the planet ....
Vasilisa the Wise: Fairy tales walk around the world
Harnessing the night in a carriage,
Fairy tales live in the glades.
They roam at dawn in the mists.
Vasilisa the Beautiful: Fairy tales are with me everywhere
I will never forget them.
Let evil play tricks,
But still good wins.

Storyteller: Now is the moment to say goodbye
Our speech will be short;
We say to you: "Goodbye!
Until happy new meetings!”

Scenario of the entertainment and game program "Visiting a Fairy Tale"

Equipment: Letters - hints, props, a painted forest monster, a puppet baba yaga, a goldfish.

Music sounds

The leader comes out.

Hello guys! Do you love fairy tales?

Why do you like them?

Who reads or tells you fairy tales?

What fairy tales do you like the most?

Do you like to watch fabulous performances, cartoons or fairy tale films?

The fairy tale, guys, refers to oral folk art. Unusual and surprising, and sometimes mysterious events always occur in a fairy tale. And the fairy tale always has a happy ending, good triumphs over evil.

We all know that a fairy tale is something fictional. However, "a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

Do you want to be in a fairy tale yourself? Then I invite you to a fabulous journey, we will go on a visit to a fairy tale. And what is the fastest way to find yourself in a fairy tale? Correctly. Close your eyes and imagine.

Core of Baron Munchausen

Host: Look what I have. This is the very core on which the fabulous Baron Munchausen set off on his journey. Now we will take turns moving into a fairy tale.

The core is normal balloon, on which is written in large: "The core". The balls are passed along the rows, over the heads of the children, from one participant to another.

Host: Well, we have safely moved into a fairy tale. Guys, do you know fairy tales well? Now we'll check it out.

Magic chest.

Leading: I have a magic chest, where there are many different fabulous and simply amazing items. I will show them to you, and you have to guess from which fairy tale this item is from.

(a golden egg, a glass shoe, a magic mirror, a bean seed, a self-assembled tablecloth, a little red riding hood, a pot + a burst balloon).

Leading: What good fellows you guys are! All fairy tales are guessed.

But what is it? Some forest monster blocked our way. How can we be. And let's, you and I will scare him, turning into the Serpent - Gorynych.


Who is unfamiliar fabulous creature which has three heads, four legs and two wings? Let's also make our Serpent-Gorynych. This is not difficult. We will need three participants, on whom we will put on one, but a very large T-shirt (green jacket), and we will tie the legs of the participants. The legs of the person standing in the middle are connected with the leg of the partner standing on the side. It turns out, as it were, four legs for all. On a signal, the "Serpent-Gorynych" begins to move, and the participants standing on the sides must wave their arms, depicting flapping wings. It's very scary. And then the monster will be frightened and run away into the thicket of the forest. Well, let's try to drive away the monster of the forest? Then let's transform!

Host: Guys, in my opinion, in pursuit of the forest monster, we did not notice how we got lost in the thicket of the forest. And now we are in a swamp. (An obstacle course: first we move over bumps through a swamp, then along a thin log through a cliff, at the bottom of which a mountain river rages, then we get into a cave, which we must go to the very end)

Moderator: Well, we have completed this task.

An airplane flies out from behind the screen - a hint.

Host: Oh guys! Looks like some kind of letter here?

“At the seashore, a green oak, a golden chain on the oak that day and night ... .. (something can’t be made out in any way what is written here) everything goes around the chain.”

Moderator: I don't understand. What oak? What chain? And most importantly, who walks this chain?

Guys say...

Host: Well, of course, the Cat is a scientist. How could I not have guessed? Here he will help us. After all, he is a scientist, which means that he knows everything in the world. Well, let's hit the road in search of Lukomorye? (The host takes binoculars). So, let's see what we can see in the distance? ...

Cheerful music sounds, which is interrupted by the music of Baba Yaga. Players see an oak tree with a toy Baba Yaga sitting on it.

Host: And here is the cat scientist. Oh wait. This is Baba Yaga. And where is the cat ... scientist?

Fly agaric.

Host: Guys, what kind of mushrooms do you know? Do you like fly agarics?

Voice behind the scene. And here I am - a woman - a yaga, I really like to eat fly agarics! Only now it's winter, they're gone. That's just whoever does not cope with my task, I will feast on that, turning him into a fly agaric. So…

While the music is playing, the children frolic and have fun, as soon as the music stops, all the children should have time to hide under the umbrellas (by count 3). Who did not have time - he will turn into a mushroom - fly agaric.

Voice of Baba Yaga: Just think, look how clever they are. And the letter is encrypted, solid riddles, so solve them now, but I have to go, I sat up here with you ... The music of Baba Yaga sounds, and she disappears, and a leaf with riddles remains on the tree.

Host: Okay guys. There is nothing to do, we will solve riddles, otherwise we will never get out of here. So:

Riddles of fairy-tale heroes

Imagine: famous fairy tale, and its plot will be retold by one of the characters fairy tale characters. Your task is to guess the name of the fairy tale and the hero on whose behalf the story is being told.

1. Kolobok.

“I decided to just travel the world. I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather. But I didn't know it would turn out like this. I thought everyone was as kind as my Grandma and Grandpa. But it turned out that a lot of people would not mind eating me ... "

2. Teremok.

“I knew this would be the end of it. Painfully decrepit and old I am, I have been standing in the field for so many years. I dreamed, of course, that someone settled in me ... but there were so many of them that I simply could not stand it and collapsed ... "

3. Puss in boots.

“Honestly, it’s unpleasant when you are wearing boots that are 20 sizes too big, and on your head a healthy hat that only gets in your way. Of course, I understand that all this running around is for the owner, but do you think I wanted to go alone, so small, to the cannibal's house? And suddenly he would have eaten me ... "

Host: Well guys, did you recognize this fairy tale? Look, here are the boots. Do you know who they might belong to? Oh, there seems to be someone inside! Yes, it's Puss in Boots! (There is a toy kitten in one boot). And let's try on these boots with you? ...

Next up is Puss in Boots.
The props of this relay are very large boots (felt boots) and a wide-brimmed hat. On command, the participants put on boots and a hat, run to the turning mark, bow there and return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

Host: Well done guys. We have quite a bit left, only 2 riddles. I feel there must be a way out of this enchanted forest somewhere.

4. Pinocchio, or the tale of the golden key.

“It is very harmful for me to be in the water for so long, because I can rust ... Thanks to this curious and naughty boy with a very long nose, which he sticks everywhere. If it weren’t for him and the turtle Tortilla, it’s not known how much longer I would have lain at the bottom of this swamp? .. "

Host: Do you recognize this character? That's right, it's a golden key. Let's remember this story. What did this key open? Mysterious door. But there is no door here, which means that there is no magic path behind it that would help us get out of this enchanted forest. What to do? I think the hero of the next riddle can help us.

5. Tale of a goldfish.

“Of course, I am a magic fish and I was ready to fulfill her every desire. After all, her husband saved my life. But after all, everything is not enough for her, each time she demanded more and more. So she was left with a broken trough ... "

Leading: Guys, let's call the goldfish together and ask her to help us get out of this forest.

What do you guys need?

Presenter: Dear fish, the guys and I traveled through fairy tales, turned into fly agarics and Puss in Boots, even into Gorynych the Serpent, flew on the core like Baron Munchausen, and finally fought forest monsters. We are very tired and want to go home. Help us, please, goldfish to get out of this enchanted forest.

There is nothing easier. Just close your eyes and count to three. And when you open them, you will already be far, far away from here.

The guys close their eyes. Magical music sounds.

Host: Well, guys, our journey through fairy tales is over. Oh, how nice it is to be back at home, within the native walls. Oh, what is in my pocket. Look, it's a golden key. But how did he get here, why? After all, he was supposed to stay in a fairy tale. Maybe we missed something?

You haven't forgotten anything and you haven't missed anything. It's just my parting gift to you. Open the door with this key, and you will see everything for yourself ...

The host tries to open the door to the corridor with the key.

But there's nothing here!

Look for another door.

The host opens the door to the closet with a key, behind which there are gifts for children.

This is for you, eat. And it's time for me to go back to my fairy tale. I hope that we will meet again on the pages of fairy tales. Goodbye!

Hello guys and dear guests of our holiday.

Today, we will talk about fairy tales, we are all children and adults (and adults are the same children, only a little bit older) love and remember our favorite fairy tales.

Listening or reading a fairy tale, you comprehend its unique, Magic world. The untrodden paths lead you to the ends of the earth. There rise, rising to the bluest sky, beautiful palaces of snow. Wild swans fly over the endless sea, and pink clouds are reflected in the sea. Overcoming many dangers and adventures, a helpless little boy becomes strong and brave. Mind and resourcefulness help him in an unequal duel with a cruel snake. The tale is often filled with various miracles. Then the evil sorcerer turns the beautiful princess into a frog. That swans steal a brother from a sister. Then the naughty Ivanushka, having drunk some water from an enchanted hoof, becomes a kid. That apple tree rewards a kind girl with golden apples. Everything is so interesting and tempting. There are many beautiful fairy tales in the world, among which everyone has the most expensive ones. Today we will remember our favorite fairy tales.

The Wizard's song sounds and Dunno appears.

Long unknown to many

I became every friend

I'm from an interesting fairy tale

In a bright hat and tie

It's very simple, guess what?

What is my name?

I suggest you divide into 2 teams, according to colored tokens. Let's call our teams the characters of fairy tales "Hedgehogs" and "Bunnies", and they will collect winning tokens of mushrooms and carrots.

First, you need to check whether you have read fairy tales. I will give you tasks. For each correct answer, the team receives a carrot or mushroom token.

1. He trembled before the wolf, ran away from the bear,

but to the fox for a tooth, I still got it (Gingerbread Man)

2. Iron teeth, bone leg,

All people know this (BABA YAGA).


1. My father had a strange boy

Unusual wooden.

But the father loved his son

Shalunishka ... (BURATINO)

2. Fruit and vegetable country

It's in one of the fairy tale books.

And in it - a hero - a vegetable boy,

He is brave, fair, mischievous. (CHIPPOLINO)


1. A pretty girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn't know. What danger awaits.

Behind the bushes glows a pair of angry eyes -

Who's the scariest girl to meet now

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive the grandmother to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Who is this animal?

You can now answer the riddle ... .. (RED RIDING HOOD).

2. Evening would soon come,

And the long-awaited hour has come.

So that I am in a beautiful carriage

Go to a fabulous ball.

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from, what is my name.

But as soon as midnight comes -

I will return to my attic to the ashes (CINDERELLA)


1. Who lives in the little house?

Who lives low?

How many animals live in the tower?


2. Grandfather planted a turnip

A large turnip has grown

Grandfather decided to pull out a turnip


Grandfather for a turnip

grandma for grandpa

granddaughter for grandmother

Bug for granddaughter

Cat for a bug



1. Spruce grows in front of the palace

And under it is a crystal house

The squirrel lives there tame, but what an entertainer

Squirrel sings songs

Yes, he gnaws all the nuts

And nuts are hard

All shells are golden

Pure emerald cores

Servants guard the squirrel (TALE OF Tsar Saltan)

2. The mirror had a property,

It speaks skillfully.

She was alone with him

Good-natured. Vesela,

joked with him

And, flaunting, she spoke.

“Light, my mirror, tell me

Yes, tell the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

And a mirror in response to her

"You, of course, no doubt,

You are the queen, sweetest of all

All blush and whiter


3. He loves everyone invariably,

Who would not come to him

Guessed? This is Gena

This is Gena (crocodile)

4. He is both cheerful and not malicious,

This cute weirdo

With him is the owner, the boy Robin,

And friend Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And honey has a special taste,

It's a plush prankster

Bear cub (WINNIE - THE POOH)


1. Lives in the water, but not a mermaid

Combing the braid with a comb.

This fairy maiden is called

Kikimora, otherwise Tatar (SU-ANASY).

2. In a dense dense fairy forest.

Where windbreaks, dusk and silence

Found my home, hero

Whose fingers are sharp and long like spears (Shurale)

Children answer questions.


And now let's play

I will ask questions, and you all answer together: “yes” or “no”.

Will we always rescue a friend? (Yes)

Will we never lie? (Yes).

Write down the answer in class? (No).

Throw a rock at a cat? (No).

Do not be shy when trouble? (Yes).

Not to spare for the affairs of labor? (Yes).

Eat 2 cakes without a trace? (No).

Wash your hands when is lunch? (Yes).

Are we saying hello to sloths? (No).

For those who are always working? (Yes).

Are you tired of answering? (No). D

Presenter: Well done!

We have colorful balloons that are fabulous too. Each ball contains a riddle to be solved. But before you get to the riddle itself, you need to burst the balloon. After you guess the riddle, let's play a game - the name of which is the answer.

Game #1

I'm sitting on horseback - I don't know on whom,

Meeting a friend - I’ll jump off, welcome. (HAT)

Relay race.

Team students pass the hat from head to head: which team is faster?

Game #2

A strange beast lives in the river, walks backwards (CANCER)

Relay race.

Participants move on all fours Back to front to the mark and back, which team is faster?

Game #3

Like Baba's Yaga

Not one leg at all

But there is a wonderful

Aircraft (STUPA.)

Relay race.

Players move to the mark and back, one foot in the bucket (stupa), one hand holds the bucket, the broom is in the other hand. Which team is faster?

Game #4

Lives in seas and rivers.

But often it flies through the sky.

And how bored she is to fly,

Falls to the ground again. (WATER).

Relay race.

Run to the mark with water in a spoon and who is faster and who will fill a glass of water faster.

Game #5

You come up - curl up in a ball,

Walk away - turn around.

All covered with needles

And in the winter he sleeps under the snow. (HEDGEHOG).

Relay race.

Carry the ball on your back, holding it with your hands to the mark and back. Who quickly?

Game #6

He loved the owner

That's right, he served him,

wore boots and

Evil Cannibal defeated. (PUSS IN BOOTS).

Relay race.

Participants (captain) move to the mark and back in large shoes. Who quickly?

We frolic, played, learned a lot about fairy tales, characters living in these fairy tales.

The appearance of the character of the fairy tale "……………………….".

Fairy tale character (Pierrot, Pinocchio) - “Guys, hello, I heard noise and fun here, so I decided to look in, what kind of holiday?” (student answers).

I love riddles, and now I will make riddles

1. Early in the morning he sings

Don't let the kids sleep

Cleans the scallop with a paw

Who is this? (Cock!)

2. I found a ball, broke it

Saw silver and gold (Egg!)

The grandmother loved the girl very much. She gave her a red hat.

The girl forgot her name. Well, tell me her name.

red Riding Hood

In a dense forest, in a swamp, you will certainly find it.

She is not a fish, not a frog, My dear friend.

A slender figure, Her name is ... Snow Maiden?


I fly in a mortar, I kidnap children, I live in a hut on a chicken leg,

golden-haired beauty, And my name is ... Vasilisa the Wise?

Baba Yaga

And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself, Her name is simply, guys, - ....


There is water inside him, they don’t want to hang out with him,

And all his girlfriends are Leeches and frogs!

Overgrown with algae Kind grandfather... Frost?


Near the forest, at the edge, Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs, Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Three Bears

All the girls and boys managed to fall in love with him.

He is the hero of a funny book, Behind him is a propeller.

Over Stockholm, he flies High, but not to Mars.

And the kid will recognize him. Who is this? Cunning...


You know this girl, She is sung in an old fairy tale.

She worked, lived modestly, did not see the clear sun,

Around - only dirt and ash. And the name of the beauty ...


There is another very important gentleman in the forest.

He is all overgrown with bumps, Only a nose is visible on his face.

Maybe shy, like a hare, And his name is ... Dunno?


For breakfast he only ate an onion, But he was never a crybaby.

He learned to write with the nose of a letter And he planted an inkblot in a notebook.

Didn't obey Malvin at all The son of the Pope Carlo...


Mixed on sour cream, Cold on the window,

Round side, ruddy side Rolled ...


I don’t walk and don’t fly, But try to catch up!

I am golden. Well, look at the fairy tale!

gold fish

The nose is round, with a snout, It is convenient for them to rummage in the ground,

The tail is small crochet, Instead of shoes - hooves.

Three of them - and how friendly the Brothers are.

Guess without a clue Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Three pigs

He lives in the backwoods of the forest, The hero of my heart.

He rumbles his bones And frightens everyone in the neighborhood.

What is this old man? Well, of course, ... Piglet?

Koschei the Deathless

He is a dancer, he is a singer, He is a cheerful talker.

He is a funny toy, And his name is ...

She was a friend of the dwarfs And you, of course, are familiar.

Snow White
My father had a strange boy, Unusual - made of wood.

But the father loved his son. What a strange little wooden man

On land and under water Looking for a golden key?

It has a long nose everywhere. Who is this?..


fairy tale character - Well done, I see you know fairy tales well and solve riddles nicely. I want to thank you all for your active participation in the event. You are all great!

presenter : Skaz pers….. right, you guys know fairy tales well, now we will find out who won in our game, and who will still get 1 place, and who will get 2 for participating in our wonderful event ..

Musical-rhythmic composition

"Little Country" (N. Koroleva)

So our journey to the land of fairy tales has come to an end.
I believe that with a fairy tale
You kids won't part
You will remain true friends with her forever!

I wish you to grow up as good children
They were kind and nice!

The final song of all participants and guests sounds. "Good way!"