Theatrical performance based on. Theatrical performance “Fairy Fantasy. competition "Fairytale questions"

  • 27.05.2020

Theatrical and game performance "On the cheerful cartoon yard", dedicated to international day cartoons.

Acting heroes: Clowns, B-Yaga, Goblin

Screensaver "On the cheerful cartoon yard" + April 6 - International Day of Cartoons.

Clown1: Good afternoon, dear guys! Holidays are in the yard - a fun time! Today we invite you to go on an exciting journey into the world of fairy tales and cartoons.

Clown2: There are many fairy tales in the world -

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We cannot do without them.

K1: And now we're together

Let's dive into a fairy tale.

And how to get there -

I'll give you a hint!

K2:Magic words

We will pronounce

And in our fairy tale

Let's get there in a moment!

Repeat, guys, the magic words after me!

“Snip-snap-snure! Pure baselure!” - "The Snow Queen"

Mysterious music sounds.

K1: Well, here we are in a fairy tale: you, children, and you, dear adults...

K2: To get in - then we got, but the main surprise that we prepared for you will not work out. The evil B-Yaga stole from us the magic key to the chest where all the fairy tales are stored. Without your help, we won't be able to take him away from B-Yaga.

K1: Guys, are you with us, can you help? (children answer.) Then forward to B-Yaga!

Cheerful music sounds, Goblin comes out of the forest, stretching.

Goblin: What did you make a fuss about? (surprised) Wow, how many of you! What did you complain about?

K1: Goblin, we are looking for B-Yaga. Where can we find her?

Screensaver: “You will go right - .... left - ...

Goblin: Why did you need her?

K2: She stole our magic key to the chest of fairy tales.

Goblin: Ah ... There it is! Well done Yaga! Do you like reading fairy tales, children? (children answer)

I'll check now.

Goblin:It flies in a mortar
Children are kidnapped
In the chicken hut
Noge resides,
golden-haired beauty,
And her name is...
Vasilisa the Wise?

Inside it is water
They don't want to hang out with him.
And all his girlfriends -
Leeches and frogs!
overgrown with algae
Kind grandfather... Freezing?

In a dense forest, in a swamp
You will certainly find it.
She is not a fish, not a frog,
My dear friend.
slender figurine,
Her name is... Snow Maiden?

He lives in the wilderness of the forest,
My heart is a hero.
He shakes his bones
And scares everyone around.
What is this old man?
Well, of course, ... Piglet?

There is one more in the forest
A very important gentleman.
He is all overgrown with cones,
Only the nose is visible on the face.
Can be shy like a bunny
And his name is... Dunno?

Goblin: You will not be confused!

The Tale of the Ice King (Snow Queen)

A fairy tale of one year (12 months)

Tale of a girl whose name was predetermined by a headdress (little red riding hood)

The Tale of the Failed Wedding of a Mini-Girl and a Mole (Thumbelina)

The Tale of Three Heels, Three Hooks and 12 Hooves (Three Little Pigs)

The Tale of the Extraordinary Musical Abilities of Four Animals (The Bremen Town Musicians)

The Tale of the Forest Hostel (Teremok)

Tale of a village family who grew a giant vegetable (turnip)

    Competition "FAIRY MYSTERIES" background music

K1: You see, Leshy, what well-read guys we have, they know all the tales.

Goblin: Take your time, friends! The titles of some of the stories are mixed up. Pay attention to the screen. Who can tell what the names of fairy tales are written here? (5 fairy tales) Screensaver

* "Red Bears"

* "Snow Musicians"

* "Three Queens"

* "Bremen hoof"

* "Silver Cap"

2. competition "Messed up fairy tales" background music

Goblin: For the next task, I need 2 teams of 4 people. I give you the phrases of the heroes of m / f cut into pieces. We need to collect them as soon as possible. On-screen hint - ready phrase


1. "Guys, let's live together" cat Leopolt

2. “I used to be angry because I didn’t have a bicycle. (Pechkin)

3. "Moustache and tail, here are my documents ..." (Prostokvashino)

4. "I'm the best in the world, a ghost with a motor" (Carlson, who lives on the roof)

3. competition "Collect a phrase" background music

K1: Did we manage, Leshy?

Goblin: Look, what nimble! You know fairy tales well! And now make 10 new words from the word "CARTOON" (poppy, stove, mint, whale, varnish, flour, linden, dead end, saw, etc.)

4. Competition "Word Treasure" background music

Goblin: Well, I'll keep my word. While I was walking along the forest paths, I found this envelope, maybe it will help you with something ... (gives it to the Clown.)

K2: So this is a telegram! The truth is strange, some letters are replaced by cartoon characters. Guys, can you help us decipher it? (guys answer)

    Competition "TELEGRAM" background music

On Screen Telegram:

P(Postman Pechkin) R A(Alyosha Popovich) W(hare from "Well, wait a minute!") D N(Dunno) And To(Puss in Boots) BUT NOT(Emelya) B(Pinocchio) D(Uncle Fedor) E T(cake)

Signed: picture of Baba Yaga.

K1:“There will be no holiday! Baba Yaga! She's still laughing at us...

Sounds like fast music. Baba Yaga runs on a broom.

B-Yaga: Here I am!

I hurried to your holiday!

I took a bag of dirty tricks with me!

And you, I see, were not waiting for me!

Everyone here had fun!

You won't have a holiday!

To: Why so?

B-Yaga: But because modern boys and girls do not know fairy tales and their heroes at all!

Goblin: And I'm talking about too!

K1: You are not right! Children love and know fairy tales very well. Guys, you know fairy tales and fairytale heroes? (Children answer). Can you even check us out? Guys, do we want a holiday? (children answer)

K2: Don't spoil our holiday, please. The guys have gathered here to play, watch cartoons, B-Yaga, return the key to us, we know that you have it.

B-Yaga: But I'm evil! And should prevent - everyone to have fun!

K1: Baba Yaga, and the guys and I will cheer you up! And we will complete any of your tasks! So after all, guys! (guys answer)

B-Yaga: Look how clever you are! You won't get a key just like that. It needs to be earned.

K2: What should we do?

B-yaga: To begin with, answer the fabulous questions, maybe I'll give you your key.

Fairytale questions:

* What was the name of the dog, Pinocchio's friend? (Artemon)

* The oldest heroine in Golden Key? (Turtle Tortilla)

*How many heroes were able to pull a turnip? (6, you can list)

* What was the strength of Hottabych? (In beard)

* An evil woman who interfered good deeds Cheburashki? (Shapoklyak)

* What was the name of the panther from Mowgli? (Bagheera)

* The country where the cat and the fox took Pinocchio? (Country of fools)

* Who invited the fox to visit and treated her from a jug? (Crane)

* What was the old woman left with after she wished to become a sea mistress? (With a broken trough)

* Which of the heroes of Russian fairy tales looks like a ball? (Kolobok)

* Which of the heroes of Russian fairy tales did not allow their children to open the door? (Goat)

* What was the name of the main character of the cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"? (Uncle Fedor)

* How many dwarves did Snow White have? (7)

* What was Pinocchio made of? (From log)

* About what did the princess prick in Ch. Perrault's fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty"? (Oh spindle)

* Who defeated the Nightingale the Robber? (Ilya Muromets).

* Who did Matroskin rent? (Cow)

* Who sang that "good deeds cannot be glorified"? (Shapoklyak)

5.competition "Fabulous questions"

Goblin: You look at them, everyone knows! And here are the songs fairy tale characters guess?

B-Yaga: Horror, how I love to sing! Only now characters from different cartoons will sing, Guess who sings and from which cartoon (6 questions).

1. "Umka" - a bear's lullaby?

2. “I pedal” - “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”

3. "I am a Vodyanoy, I am a Vodyanoy, who would talk to me ..." m \ f "Flying Ship"

4. "Song of the Guard" - m \ f "Bremen Town Musicians"

5. "Antoshka" - m\f or "Mammoth's song" m\f "Mother for Mammoth"

6. “It’s good to wander around the world about caramel Song ..- m \ f “The Adventures of Funtik the Pig”

6. Competition "Musical know-it-all"

B-Yaga: OK let's see! With this task you have coped, but what about this. (takes out a box). Here in this box are fabulous items that you need to find out by asking a hint question . (on the guess screen)

    This box contains items that the girl brought from the forest in winter to please the wayward princess and her stepmother and her daughter. (Snowdrops. S. Marshak "12 months")

    Here is the thing that the crocodile ate. (washcloth. K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr")

    With the help of an item inside the box, you can make a variety of things, or you can kill a terrible villain - a character from Russian fairy tales. (Needle. Fairy tale "The Frog Princess")

    With the help of the object located here, the main character of the tale found his happiness - a wise wife who was bewitched. (arrow. Fairy tale "The Frog Princess")

    Here is a toy that was given a very funny name because it fell off the table. Who is it? (Cheburashka. E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends)

7. contest "Mystery box" background music

B-Yaga: You are smart, too. All my riddles solved!

B-Yaga: And you know, today 6 birthday people invited me to visit me at once, only I got confused which of them was who. Can you help me figure out this tricky issue?

K1: Of course we will help!


    She went to Wonderland (Alice)

    She has blue hair (Malvina)

    He rode on the stove (Emelya)

    His friends are residents of the flower city, and he knows nothing (Dunno)

    Bow Boy (Chippolino)

    It is made of logs (Pinocchio)

8. Competition "Birthday" background music

B-yaga(through tears): Oho-ho! All my tasks and assignments have been completed! Now the whole holiday will have to sit one-oh-oh ...

Goblin: Baba Yaga, are you alone here?!

K2: Look how many children came to the holiday in a fairy-tale land!

B-Yaga: Will they want to play with me after I wanted to ruin their holiday?

K1: Guys, forgive Baba Yaga? (children answer)

K2: And in order to cheer up Grandmother Yaga and Leshy, too, we will all dance a fun dance together from m\f "Madagascar"

K1: Well, Baba Yaga, how are you feeling now!

B-Yaga: Wonderful! Thank you guys for comforting old Yagusya! Come visit just like that, let's talk about life, about fairy tales, about this and that ... Oh, yes, please take your key. (B-Yaga returns the key)

K2: That's good! (open the chest) And our holiday continues! A cartoon is waiting for everyone!

m\f Magic Kaleidoscope

K2: That's how fun we spent time visiting a fairy tale. It's time to say goodbye, our magical cartoon yard is closing, but the fairy tale does not say goodbye to us, but says "See you again!".

K1: And of course, sweets for all the kids!!! (heroes distribute sweets, see off the guys)


The relevance of this term paper due to the possibility of using its materials in professional activity director of theatrical performances.

Theatrical performances in honor of significant days, holidays, important dates in a person's life, or just for a change of leisure, occupy an increasing place in our reality.

Theatrical performances are associated in people with a festive mood and give rise to a special mood. And in order to better organize and develop a theatrical performance of all kinds, it is necessary to understand the features of this kind of art, which were formed over many centuries, during which a folk theatrical culture developed, and then a professional one.

Therefore, the object of my course work is theatrical performances.

The subject of the research is the specificity of directing theatrical performances.

The purpose of the course work: to study the specifics of directing theatrical performances.

Objectives of the course work:

  • - to study and analyze what a theatrical performance is and highlight its types.
  • - learn the history of theatrical performances.
  • - identify the significance of the script for staging a theatrical performance.
  • - to find the main expressive means in the theatrical performance.
  • - understand the importance of the director in staging a theatrical performance. theatrical directorial script

Theatrical performance and its features

What is a theatrical performance

By theatrical performance we mean a theatrical performance, holiday or ceremony. Theatrical action is a special way to meet the spiritual needs of people special kind art.

A theatrical performance is always a child of everyday life, the realities of life, the need for their spiritualization and existence in a different emotional-figurative form.

Thus, a theatrical performance is an organic combination of reality associated with everyday life, social relations, religious beliefs, ideological and political inclinations of people, and artistry contained in the emotional-figurative (artistic) material created by transforming this reality.

Directing theatrical performances involves the ability to organize and stage an action that must be expressed in a vivid theatrical form that reveals the main literary and stage idea. The essence of theatricalization is the aesthetic comprehension of real events, in which these events are embodied in a vivid figurative form containing their artistic interpretation. Theatricalization is a special directorial technique that has a deep socio-psychological justification and is closest to art. In any case, theatricalization implies an individual director's decision of the future action, which is distinguished by manure, originality, and expressiveness.

One of the main qualities of the director's talent is a "sense of spectacle." The plastic solution of space, the musical-rhythmic feeling of the action, its decorative and artistic framing, the activation of a huge number of spectator masses - all this is laid down in the director's idea of ​​​​the performance. From the originality, accuracy and contagiousness (the compositional arrangement of the actor, props, taking into account the natural background in a vast space), the translation of the holiday scenario into a concretely expressed action, the entertainment of the created performance depends.

Let's get back to the theatrical performance. When we say "theatricalization", we mean a phenomenon that belongs to the field of art, an appeal to the emotionally figurative sphere of human perception, artistic creativity or its elements using the expressive means of theatrical art. When we say "action", we mean the development of a certain reality in its contradictions, because these contradictions are the engine due to which reality acquires its inherent dynamic and dialectical character, which is necessary to create action in a theatrical performance, holiday or ritual.

It should be noted the characteristic features of the theatrical performance that distinguish it from other types of artistic creativity.

  • 1. The scenario of a theatrical performance is always based on documentary material, which we call the documentary object of attention of the screenwriter.
  • 2. Theatrical action does not mean the creation of the psychology of fictional characters, but the creation of the psychology of the situation in which real forces operate and develop.
  • 3. Theatrical performance is multifunctional and solves the following tasks: didactic (edifying), informational (cognitive), aesthetic, ethical, hedonistic (satisfaction) and communicative.
  • 4. Theatrical action, as a rule, is one-time and exists, as it were, in a single copy.
  • 5. A theatrical performance is distinguished by a variety of forms, spatial and stylistic.

A theatrical performance, a holiday and a ritual far from exhaust the possibilities of using a theatrical performance in various versions and for various purposes.

A theatrical performance is, first of all, a spectacle that takes place on a particular stage. the exception is competitive game program, which combines a theatrical performance and elements of direct activation of the audience with their involvement in the stage action.

Lidia Seledtsova
Theatrical performance based on the epics "Heroes of the Russian Land"

« Bogatyrs of the Russian land»

(theatrical performance based on epics)

Target: Introduce children to Russian epic.

Bring the spirit and color to the children Russian antiquity by merging into theatrical musical activities,

pictorial and verbal.

To instill in children a sense of patriotism,

pride in one's country.

Muses. Hands: Hello, dear guests!

Guys, let's say hello to our guests.

70th anniversary of the Great Victory. During the years of the Great Patriotic War many of our defenders were killed - bright memory and eternal glory to them! But today we will talk with you about the first defenders of holy Russia - Russian heroes:

« Bogatyrs of the Russian land» .

Beautiful is our family Earth but she can't defend herself.

Therefore, in defense of the native land always became strong and brave warriors. In ancient times, our homeland was defended heroes.

Guys, do you know who they are? heroes?

(strong and brave warriors)

What are they famous for?

(his heroic strength)

-The Russian people loved heroes, glorified them, composed epics about their exploits. Let's close our eyes and fast forward to the distant past of our Motherland, which used to be called Mother Russia.

(second presenter and reader enter)

Scene 1. Sunrise

Leading: (against the background of the sound of the psaltery and the slide show "Sunrise")

The red sun will rise in the morning,

Illuminate fields, mountains, rivers,

He will warm everyone with a velvet beam.

Sun (horn sound): How much I see, how much I know,

I'll tell you - you listen!

Listen with your heart, warm your soul

And be filled with love

To the good fellows, to the glory of former years,

To Russia - mother, to the Fatherland! (leaves)

Scene 2. In the village of Karacharovo.

(Balalaika sounds, slide "Old village hut",

Mother and Father come in, Ilya sits down,

Mother is sitting at the spinning wheel, father is chopping wood)

Vedas: Lived were near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo

peasant Ivan Timofeevich and his wife Efrosinya Yakovlevna.

And they had one son, Elijah.

Father (wipes sweat from forehead): For thirty years, Ilya lies on the stove,

does not move a hand or a leg.

(Gathers firewood, puts it in the stove and goes backstage)

Mother: And the growth of Ilya hero, and his mind is bright, and his eyes are sharp-sighted, but his legs do not wear, as if logs lie, do not move.

(wipes tears with handkerchief and leaves)

Girls come out, slide "Birch Grove"

Young woman: (waves his hand, inviting to a round dance)

Hey, Ilyushenka, would you get up and go with us to sing songs,

lead round dances.

(Song “Oh, the grass was burning in the field”)

An old man appears: Have you heard? Enemies attack Russia, trample the fields, kill people, orphan children. Robbers prowl along the paths, they do not give people either passage or passage.

The nightingale the robber flies into Russia, into his lair of girls

drags away. (leaves)

Slide "Thunder Sky", the whistle of the wind, the roar.

The nightingale the robber appears, throws a net on the girls,

Ilya:(angrily) Oh, you, my legs are not good! Oh, you, my uncontrollable hands! If I were healthy, I would not give my native Russia an insult to enemies and robbers!

(an Elder-slide appears in front of Ilya "Blue sky")

Elder: Hello, Ilya!

Ilya: Hello, good man!

Elder: Al didn’t you sit too long, sit sitting, exactly thirty years

and three years? It's time and honor for you to know. Your hour has struck, Ilyushenka!

I brought you a ladle of cold water. In this bucket is the water of all lakes, all the rivers of Mother Russia. Drink, Ilya (Ilya drinks)

Do you feel a lot of strength in yourself?

Ilya: Oh, a lot, father, a lot! (Gets up and wonders)

Elder: Will you, Ilya, be great hero. Fight with enemies native land, with robbers and with monsters. Protect widows, orphans, little children. (Ilya is dressed in armor)

Ilya: I would like a damask sword.

Elder: Yes, you go to forge: they forge good blades there.

(leaves) Song "In the forge" - the hero walks through the hall

1st blacksmith: Take, Ilya, our damask sword, go fight with

Nightingale the robber.

Ilya: Eh, good sword, thank you. (takes the sword with a bow)

Where can I get a horse? heroic?

2nd blacksmith: You need to go to the gypsies.

They have great horses!

1st blacksmith: Look, the gypsy camp in Karacharovo has come!

Scene 2. Gypsies in the village.

Slide "Gypsy camp", gypsy music sounds, come out

gypsies (one on a horse, dancing.

Gypsy: People, do not pass in vain, take a horse!

Ilya: Oh, and you have a good horse! Tea, big money costs?

How much is the product?

Gypsy: For money.

Ilya: And the good fellows?

Gypsy: What do you need a horse for?

Ilya: I want to meet with the Nightingale the Robber.

Stop shedding human blood.

Gypsy: And if so, take it for free, hero, our Burushka-kosmatushka

There is no more beautiful and stronger than her in the whole wide world!

Ilya (bows): Thank you!

(rides on a horse to the sound of hooves in the recording, the gypsies leave)

Vedas: People saw how Ilya jumped on a horse, but they did not see where

galloped, only the dust rose in a column across the field. A branch broke off from an apple tree, an apple rolled away from an apple tree, a son left his mother for a difficult, bloody battle.

Scene 4 "Three hero» .

Music sounds. Mussorgsky « Bogatyr Gates»

Slide "Three hero» .

Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich.

Vedas: And finally, three met together Russian hero:

Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich, who glorified Mother Russia with their exploits.

Alyosha: Hello, Dobrynya! We have heard about your exploits.

Ilya: Yes, and we, brother, with Alyosha Popovich also did not lose time.

Alyosha fought with Tugarin, well, but I had a chance to fight with Nightingale the Robber. He sat, filthy, on three oaks, nine bitches.

It used to whistle like a nightingale, growl like an animal -

all forests to bow to the ground, flowers crumble, grasses dry, and people

yes horses fall dead. Just don’t whistle the Nightingale the Robber today, his time has come.

(slide "The battle of Ilya Muromets with the nightingale-robber")

Dobrynya:Glorious hero, Ilya Ivanovich! Be with us

senior squad. Take me and Alyosha Popovich as comrades.

Be with us for the eldest, and Alyosha and I for the youngest.

Ilya: Where are we going? heroes?

Alyosha: The left road leads to Chernigov, the right one leads to the blue sea,

to quiet backwaters, a direct road to Kyiv, to Prince Vladimir.

Dobrynya: Go far to the blue sea, go to Chernigov no need:

kalachs are good there! Eat one kalach, if you want another, eat

the other, you will fall on the feather bed. not to be found there heroic glory!

Ilya: And let's go to Kyiv, to Prince Vladimir himself.

Become a team and sing a song!

(song "Soldiers-brava kids")

Elder: Gather, people, now a feast for the whole world at Prince Vladimir the Red Sun! Today everyone is having fun and rejoicing in Kievan Rus. The tables are bursting with pies, rolls, fried swans, sweet honey. (leaves)

Alyosha: We will not get a lot of glory at merry feasts, drinking honey.

Dobrynya: Unsuitable heroes to sit at a feast and grow a stomach.

Ilya: Let's go to the steppe wide, free fields.

We will stand guard Russian land!

Vladimir Red Sun: Serve Russia with your native faith-truth, take care Russian land from enemies-enemies.

I bless you for good deeds, and for my bad deeds

there is no blessing. Protect our Russian land is not for gold, not out of self-interest, but for honor, for heroic


(The bell rings, everyone stands up, heroes in the center)

Vedas: It just so happened to Russia: if the enemy attacks, then all the people stand up for defense, and in peacetime they have fun and show bravery.

Competitions are held:

1. Long time ago heroes fought against evil spirits.

Come on guys, who are they? (children call)

Our competition is called "Baba Yaga"

(running in a bag - relay race)

2.-And now let's remember the Serpent Gorynych.

(running in a bundle - first one runs, then two, three)

Vedas: Well, we are convinced that our boys do not have the strength and dexterity, so it's time to go to serious tests. Koschei the Immortal imprisoned all the Helens the Beautiful in his dungeon, they must be rescued.

3. "Free Elena the Beautiful"

Vedas: Well done, heroes, showed their strength and youthful prowess.

4. Bogatyrs Not only were they famous for their strength, but also for their intelligence.

(who is better at reading a poem about the Motherland)

Poems about Motherland:

1. Daisies covered the whole meadow, and clover is a fluffy bumblebee,

And it smells of pine and linden, and spruce flaps its wings.

Here, where everything breathes a fairy tale, we were born and live!

Therefore, we call our affectionate land Motherland!

2. "What is the Motherland?"- I asked my mother.

Mom smiled, led hand:

“This is our Motherland, dear Russia,

There is no other Motherland like this in the world.”

In everyone's heart you are, Motherland-Russia!

White birches, poured spike.

You are not more free, you are not more beautiful,

There is no other Motherland like this in the world!

3. Why do we all love the Motherland-Russia?

Because nowhere is the Motherland more beautiful.

Because there is nowhere better than our arable land,

Better than our blue rivers and our clearings.

We sing songs about our Motherland,

Because there is nowhere more wonderful homeland!

4. Poem about the Motherland - Rita Vinogradova

Vedas: Well done, guys, you read the poems very well about

All the people are simple in Russia, holy loves and honors heroes; shares rye bread with them, puts them in a red corner, sings of their glorious deeds, sings songs about how they protect heroes of native Russia!

Glory to this day heroes-defenders of the Motherland!

Let the world bloom "beauty forever loved by Christ Russian land» ! (N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba")

And at the end of our representation let's sing a song about our beloved Motherland, which is called

"Russia is my Motherland"

Reflection: - Guys, who did we talk about today?

(about heroes, about our history - we visited the distant past of our country)

-Give me their names People: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.

(draw pictures, make crafts, write a poem)

For you to tell your parents about Russian heroes?

(they were strong, bold; defended their people from enemies; loved their country)

Guys, I want to thank you for your work, for your efforts, for your attitude to the history of our state.

Guys, let's love our Motherland the way we loved it Russian bogatyrs, her glorious defenders.

(References: magazine "Music Director"-2014,2015 y)

Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotuha" for older children preschool age.

Ivanova Elena Vladimirovna, educator MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 34, Ivanovo
Description: this theatrical performance was held as part of the final event for the project "Land of fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky". When preparing a performance Special attention focused on working with parents. They were not only passive spectators, but also actively helped: they created scenery, sewed costumes, and came up with design. At the premiere of the fairy tale, there were no empty seats in the hall. Relatives and friends came to support the little artists. Well, the guys, feeling such serious support, spoke wholeheartedly.
Of course, not all poetic texts are personal compositions (borrowed from the Internet), but, as they say, each artist sees it differently. We got our own, unique, musical fairy tale.
Maybe this experience will come in handy for someone, and you and your pupils of senior preschool age will put on a similar performance.

Target: development of creative abilities of older preschoolers by means of theatrical activities.
Tasks of the priority educational area:
"Artistic and aesthetic development":
develop an aesthetic attitude to the world around; develop a sense of empathy for the characters of works of art; give the opportunity to realize the independent creative activity of children;
stimulate the development of creative, search activity, independence of children;
To form in children and adults a steady interest in reading works of art, to develop the skills of a competent reader through joint activities;
to involve children and parents in joint design - activities for modeling costume elements, scenery, attributes.

Educational tasks in the integration of educational areas:
"Cognitive development":
Develop children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
Raise cognitive interest in the work of domestic writers (K.I. Chukovsky)
Expand the horizons of children.
"Social and communicative development":
adherence to generally accepted norms and rules.
develop the emotional-volitional sphere, a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;
to form positive relationships between children in the process of joint activities;
"Speech development":
to activate and improve vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, coherent speech skills, melodic-intonation side of speech, tempo, expressiveness of speech.
to cultivate a culture of verbal communication, respect for oneself, a conscious attitude to one's activities;
"Physical development":
develop coordination of speech with movement;
develop general motor skills.
Preliminary work:
reading and viewing fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky, looking at illustrations for fairy tales;
memorization of poetic texts, discussion of characters' images;
preparation of means of theatrical expressiveness (decorations, costumes, masks).
Production of posters, invitation cards for guests.

Characters: adults: 1st Storyteller, 2nd Storyteller, children: 1st storyteller, 2nd storyteller, Tsokotuha Fly, 2nd Bees, 2nd Fleas, 4th Butterflies, 2nd Cockroaches, 4– e beetle, 3rd Ladybugs, Spider, Mosquito, Dragonfly.

Scenery for theatricalization: a house for the Fly, costumes for characters, a samovar, flowers, a barrel of honey, drying, a postcard, a gift box, a box of sweets, boots, a saber, a flashlight, table setting, a music center, recordings of musical fragments and compositions for dancing, backing track of a song Flies.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.

1st Storyteller:
One simple story
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don't remember
But we will remember.

2nd Storyteller:
Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,
Telling her is not a joke.
To a fairy tale from the beginning
Like a river murmured
So that in the middle all the people
Her mouth dropped open.
So that no one, neither old nor small
Didn't fall asleep at the end
We wish our children
No feather, no fluff!
Attention! Begins…
Together with children: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st narrator:
One board, two boards -
There will be a ladder.
Glory to the word put folded -
There will be a song.
And a ring for a ring -
There will be a knit.
We sit next to the porch -
There will be a fairy tale.
2nd narrator:
Fly, Fly - Tsokotuha
Gilded belly.
The fly went across the field.
The fly found the money.
The fly went to the market,
And I bought a samovar.
Fly comes out to the Russian folk melody

I'm a Fly-Tsokotuha, dressing up quickly,
After all, I'm waiting for my guests!
All my friends and girlfriends will come running from all around.
I have a lot of different sweets for guests.
I went to the market and bought a samovar.
I will treat my friends to tea, and everyone will come in the evening.

The fly sings a song.
Backing track words:
1. Come, fly in,
I'm waiting for you at exactly six,
Come running, crawl
If you don't have wings.
Chorus: Puff puff puff
The samovar boils.
From the pipe lets steam-2 times.
2. Fireflies sparkle brightly
This is a fireworks display.
And wonderful gifts.
My friends are bringing me.
Chorus: same 2 times
1st narrator:
Friends flock to Mukha,
Hurry to Tsokotukha.
Everyone came to the holiday
They brought flowers and gifts.
Bees run out, dance a welcome dance.

Hello, Fly-Tsokotuha, gilded belly.
I, the neighbor's bee, brought you honey.
Oh, how pure, sweet and fragrant it is.
She also brought you flowers from native meadows.
They give Fly honey and flowers.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
What good gifts!
They go and sit down.
Fleas jump out to the music and dance vigorously.
Here we are: flea friends.
We give you, Mukha, boots.
And boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.
Legs will dance
Heels knock.
They give Fly a pair of boots.
Ah, thanks!
So glad!
Come eat!

Butterflies “fly out” to the cheerful plastic music, whirl, dance.
1st Butterfly:
We are butterflies - minxes, funny toys.
We flutter through the fields, through the groves, through the meadows.
Well, butterflies fly, and look at the fly,
How beautiful her outfit is, and her eyes burn with fire.
2nd Butterfly:
We fluttered everywhere
We heard about the holiday.
We congratulate you
We praise from the bottom of our hearts!
Butterflies give a big postcard.
Pass this hour
There is a place for you too!

2nd narrator:
The cockroaches came running.
All glasses were drunk.
With milk, with a pretzel.
Today Fly-Tsokotuha is a birthday girl.
Dance of the Cockroaches

1st cockroach:
We didn't just come
And they brought gifts!
Flowers are different
Yellow and red!
2nd cockroach:
You accept a bouquet from us,
Treat us sweets.
And we will glorify you
We wish you health!
They give the Fly flowers.
Ladybugs "arrive" and dance for the Fly.

Hello, Tsokotuha Fly,
Gilded belly.
We came to visit you
Gingerbread, bagels as a gift brought.
They give out a meal.
Dragonfly flies to the music
Dragonfly has arrived
The storm has just ended.
Let's sing songs
Let's eat cake
And then dance
And launch fireworks!
Gives the birthday girl a gift box.

Ah, thank you, Dragonfly,
You better pass
Yes, find a place.
Everyone is sitting at the table
Tea is drunk and eaten.

Beetles appear, hold canes in their hands, "respectably" perform a dance.

Hello, Fly-Tsokotuha!
We are horned beetles
Solid, rich.
We give you, Fly - light
Bouquet of beautiful flowers.
Well, how are you.
The legs themselves are torn to dance.
Thank you, thank you my dears!
Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready.

Spider appears to loud music. The fly hides behind the house, the guests cover their heads with their hands and tremble.

I am a spider, long arms.
I came to Mukha, I came to Tsokotukha.

2nd narrator:
Suddenly from somewhere flies
Little mosquito.
And in his hand it burns
Small flashlight.
Dance of the Mosquito with a lantern and a saber.

I am a brave mosquito, a daring fellow.
Where is the Spider, where is the villain.
I'm not afraid of his claws.
I'm not afraid of the Spider, I'll fight the Spider.

Spider appears with candy.
I'm not evil, not evil at all.
Flies - beauties, I do not eat.
for your festive dinner
I brought delicious sweets.
This treat is, well, just a meal.
Gives sweets, goes to the guests.

Well done! It would have been like that for a long time. Fly, don't be afraid, keep celebrating.
Mosquito takes Fly out, holding his hand.
Fly, you are a girl soul,
I want to marry you.
I'll take you by the wing - wing,
We will fly away with you.
Fly Dance with Mosquito

Purpose: to involve parents in organizing and conducting joint theatrical activities.

Preliminary work:

Script writing

Rehearsal of a theatrical performance based on "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse" by S.Ya.Marshak.

Selection of costumes, scenery, attributes.


In the center of the hall is a mink of a Mouse. In the left corner of the mink is the cradle of the Mouse, toys. In the right corner of the mink there is a trough for washing clothes. Ironing board. To the right of the Mouse's mink is a village house, a small fence. Behind the house you can see a pond, reeds, lilies.

Musical arrangement:

The song "Mom's Heart" from Jasmine's repertoire.

- "Ah, you, canopy" Russian folk melody.

- "From under the oak" Russian folk melody.

- "Kalinka" Russian folk melody.

The song "Oh, what a mother!" words and music by M. Ponomareva.

Dance "I have, you have"


Presenter - Yu.S. Mamchur, educator.

Mouse parent (T.A. Kibanova).

Stupid Mouse-child of the senior group (Yulia Maltseva).

Goose-parent (A.A. Zhulanov).

Toad-parent (E.V. Chuklinova).

Cockerel parent (I.A. Masovets).

Hen-parent (N.E. Maltseva).

Horse-parent (E.N. Kameneva).

Pike parent (U.I. Shishkina).

Parent cat (M.F. Neverova).

The audience is the children of the group.

The song "Mother's Heart" sounds. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. The leader rings the bell.

All the kids are quiet

The bells are ringing.

This fairy tale is knocking on our door

And make the kids happy.

The mouse makes a cradle. He approaches the Silly Mouse, takes him in his arms, puts him in the cradle.

The mouse sang at night in a mink

Sleep, Mouse, shut up,

I will give you a bread crust

And a candle stub.

Better mom not food,

Find me a babysitter!

Mother Mouse ran

Goose began to call for a nanny.

The mouse runs towards the house. Goose comes out to her.

Come soon

Rock our baby!

The goose approaches the Mouse. The mouse begins to wash clothes in the trough. The little mouse in the cradle plays with toys.

Ha-ha-ha. bye bye

Fall asleep quickly

After the rain in the garden

I'll find you a worm!

The goose takes the toy from the Mouse and gives the worm. The mouse repels the worm. Makes faces.

Silly little mouse

You're singing too loud!

The goose picks up the worm, shrugs his shoulders and, not understanding anything, leaves. The mouse stops erasing. He approaches Mouse and shakes his head.

Mother Mouse ran

I began to call Zhaba as a nanny.

The mouse runs to the pond.

Come to us, aunt Toad,

Rock our baby!

Toad appears. Music sounds. The toad sings.

Aunt Toad will help you,

And the baby will lay down

Do not be sad, mother - Mouse,

The baby will sleep soundly.

The toad approaches the Mouse. Rocks the cradle.

Toad became important to croak:

Kwa-kva-kva, don't cry!

Sleep, Mouse until the morning,

I'll give you a mosquito.

The toad holds out the mosquito mouse. The mouse repels the mosquito.

Silly little mouse

You are very boring!

The mouse yawns, takes a pacifier in his mouth. Toad hides a mosquito in his pocket, shrugs his shoulders and leaves. Mama Mouse runs in, shakes her head, puts the mouse down.

Mother Mouse ran

Call Uncle Petya as a nanny.

Come to us, Uncle Petya,

Shake our baby.

The Cockerel comes out, flaps its wings, cradles the Mouse.

Ku-ka-re-ku, bye-bye!

Ku-ka-re-ku, go to sleep!

It's time for you to sleep!

Ku-ka-re-ku, until the morning!

Silly little mouse

You're singing too loud!

The little mouse closes his ears, the Cockerel shrugs his shoulders and leaves. Mouse runs.

What to do? How to be?

How to put the son to bed?

Mother Mouse began to think,

I need to call the chicken.

Come to us, aunt Klusha,

Rock our baby!

The mouse runs towards the house. A chicken comes out from behind the house.

Where - where!

The mother hen sings

Don't be afraid, our baby

Get under the roof

It's quiet and warm there.

Silly little mouse

Well, you won't fall asleep at all!

The mouse gets angry, covers himself with a blanket.

The chicken shrugs and walks away.

The Mouse comes running, straightens the Mouse's blanket. Runs to the house.

Mother Mouse ran

Call Aunt Horse as a nanny.

Come to us, aunt Horse,

Shake our baby.

The horse goes to the middle of the hall and sings a song.

Aunt Horse, just amazing

You won't find a better babysitter!

So smart and so beautiful!

You won't get lost with me!

The horse approaches the Mouse with a sack of oats.

Singing horse.

Sleep, Mouse, sweet, sweet.

Turn to the right side

I'll give you a sack of oats!

Silly little mouse

You are very scared to eat!

The mouse frightenedly hides behind the screen. All tremble. The horse shrugs and leaves. The Mouse comes running looking for the Mouse. He runs behind the screen, takes out the Mouse from behind the screen in a carriage and takes him to the pond.

Mother Mouse ran

Call Aunt Pike as a nanny.

Come to us, aunt Pike,

Rock our baby!

The pike in the middle of the pond opens its mouth wide. The mouse is listening.

I began to sing Mouse Pike,

He didn't hear a sound.

Pike opens his mouth

Yes, you can not hear what he sings.

Silly little mouse

You are too quiet!

The pike swims away. The mouse takes the Mouse home, puts him to bed, and again runs to the house.

The mother mouse ran

Call Aunt Koshka as a nanny.

Come to us, aunt Cat,

Rock our baby!

The cat approaches the Mouse and sings him a lullaby.

Quiet night comes

Sleep baby

I'll drive away all fears

Little mouse.

Meow meow sweet dream

Come soon.

He will take away sorrow

You will become bolder.

Silly little mouse

You are very scared to eat!

Mother Mouse came running

She looked at the bed.

Even if you go around half the world,

You won't find a better mom!

Mommy will always keep you warm

If you need to regret

Will save you from trouble

Sing a sweet song!

All artists go to bow.

Guys, let's applaud our artists. To our wonderful moms and dads.

Children applaud. The artists take their places in the hall.

Mother's Day is not an easy holiday,

Favorite for our kids.

May mom be forever young

The most tender, sweet and beautiful!

Children in chorus:

My dear mother!

We congratulate you!

Our children are very worried, they have prepared gifts for you, dear mothers. Let's give them a round of applause.

1st child:

I got up this morning.

I was surprised to know

That our mother has a holiday,

Here I am such a prankster!

2nd child:

mother dear,

I love you.

I'll pick flowers

I will give them to you!

3rd child:

I will draw the sun

For my mother.

Let it shine through the window

She will have more fun!

4th child:

And I'm in kindergarten today

Dad saw me off in the morning.

"Don't be sad, my mommy!"-

I screamed and ran away!

So that our mothers do not get bored, we will now perform a children's song for them.

They sing the song "Oh, what a mother!" words and music by M. Ponomareva.

5th child:

I'm in the morning today

She braided her own hair.

Sleep, my mother

I'll sit quietly.

6th child:

I have a big bear:

"Quiet, bear, do not roar!" -

Strictly I told him -

"You see, mommy is tired."

7th child:

I've been looking out the window all day.

We are fine in the garden.

But it's better when mom picks up!

8th child:

And me for my mom

I'll take it and I'll dance!

We all will have more fun

For both mothers and children!

Guys, invite moms to dance!

They perform the dance "I have, you have."

9th child:

At my mommy

Blue eyes,

Look at me:

I am blue-eyed!

10th child:

My mom is very important

And a serious man

Well, at home the most glorious

Cook us dinner.

11th child:

My dear mom

He reads stories to me.

I still don't sleep at all

And mom falls asleep.

Your children tried very hard, read poetry, sang songs and taught you to dance, and also made crafts, accept them as a gift. We wish you good health, happiness and kindness!

Children give their mothers gifts made with their own hands.