I want a good script about traffic rules. Scenes with children according to the rules of the road. Scene according to the Rules of the Road "Dunno in the camp of traffic rules"

  • 13.11.2019

That's how they rolled! (Staging of N. Nosov's story "Car" for younger students)




On the stage, the scenery of the yard: a bench, a sandbox with a fungus, trees and two cars of the Volga and Moskvich brands. Because of one car Deniska's face appears, because of another - Mishka. For a while, the boys look at each other in silence.

Deniska. And yet this is the "Volga"!

bear. No, it's Moskvich!

Deniska(laughs). You understand a lot!

Mishka comes out from behind his car and approaches the car where Deniska is hiding. Looks at it from all angles.

bear(confidently). Of course, "Moskvich"! Look at his hood!

Deniska(collapses with laughter). What a hood! It's the girls who have a hood, and the car has a hood! Look at the body.

The bear looks.

Bear. Well, such a belly, like the "Moskvich"!

Deniska(laughs). It's your belly, but the car has no belly!

Bear. You yourself said - "belly"!

Deniska."Body" I said, not "belly"! Oh you! You don't understand, but you climb!

Bear. Does the Volga have a buffer? This is Moskvich's buffer.

Deniska. You'd better shut up. Invented another buffer of some kind! The buffer is at the wagon on railway and the car has a bumper. Both Moskvich and Volga have a bumper.

The bear touches the bumper.

Bear. You can sit on this bumper and go.

Deniska. No need!

Bear. Don't be afraid. Let's drive a little and jump!

The driver comes out and gets into the car.

bear(sits on the bumper and whispers loudly). Sit down quickly! Sit down quickly!

Deniska. No need!

bear. Go quickly! Oh, you coward!

Deniska runs up and sits next to Mishka. The car starts up.

bear(scared). I'll jump! I'll jump!

Deniska. No need! You will break!

bear(persists). I'll jump! I'll jump!

The bear puts his foot down. Recorded sounds of cars passing by.

Deniska(shouts). Do not dare! Look, now the car will crush you!

Passers-by appear, they see the boys, they shout and point at them. A policeman comes out and whistles. The sound of brakes is heard in the recording.

Deniska(Mishka). Hold on tight!

People crowded around the car. The driver appears.

People(indignantly to the driver). Can't you see what's going on behind you?

The driver tries to justify himself, the policeman checks his documents and writes down the numbers of the car.

Deniska(Mishka). Get off! Let's go to!

The boys, while the adults sort it out, leave. A policeman with a driver, and behind them people disappear backstage. Frightened boys appear on the stage. The bear is limping.

Bear. Pants are nothing, you can sew them up, but your knees will heal on their own. I just feel sorry for the driver: he will probably get it because of us! Did you see the policeman write down the number of the car?

Deniska. I should have stayed and said that the driver was not to blame!

They sigh. They think. Suddenly Mishka runs away and brings a sheet of paper, an envelope and a pen.

bear. I think I figured it out! Let's write a letter to the policeman!

Deniska(easily) Come on!

Write and comment on the text of the letter aloud.

Boys.“Dear comrade policeman! You entered the number incorrectly. That is, you wrote down the number correctly, only wrong that the driver is to blame. The driver is not to blame, Mishka and I are to blame: we clung, but he did not know. The driver is good and drives correctly!

They sigh. They look at each other. Seal the letter in an envelope.

boys(friendly). That's how they rolled!

Deniska. Let's go to mailbox omit!

bear(with hope). It will probably come!

We are here, we are, changing equipment,
we tell you about the rules of the road.
There are enough singers and actors in the country,
but we did not have fewer accidents.
Pass the crossroads, help the old man,
do not meet trouble on the road,
help, teach, tell more than once
about the secret of colored traffic lights,
neither Masha Rasputina nor Kobzon,
and the show brigade UID "Klakson".


Today we will tell you a fairy tale,
Maybe we'll show something
And teach the rules of motion
Know them like a multiplication table.

In one kingdom
There lived a good king
And the daughter of a princess,
Pain for daddy.
Studied for triples
Capricious was, well, in general,
I grew up as a problem child.

Computers, players -
I'm tired of all!
Now, if the car, then that's the deal!

You're a little girl, and you don't know the rules.
You can't guess the road alphabet.
An accident happens, what then?
The old man's heart can't take it.

I am the royal daughter! What do I care about rules!
The road itself, where it is necessary to direct!
I want a car! Cadillac, Mercedes!
I want to see all kinds of places.


You can't live without traffic rules
Let all the children in the world know them.
If you know and respect the rules of the road,
You can safely without anxiety
You then press the brakes.


Traffic lights, crossroads, I don't want to get bored!
Give me a car as soon as possible, or I don’t want to know you!


You would have learned the traffic rules daughter,
Otherwise, you will cause an accident,
Well, at least one rule, well, at least a sign.

Princess: I don't want to and so be it! (runs away, accident).

Grab onto the car
play on the road
Don't see the traffic light
And run to red
This is us, this is us
And run to red
We are violators...

King: Who saves my girl?!


Perhaps I would help the king
There is no equal in the knowledge of road signs.
I will bring up all the violators in an instant,
I will bring the princess home as soon as possible.
Leave your torment, father.
The traffic police inspector takes over.

Yep, got it.
You are not tired of walking in bruises and bumps.
Even the illiteracy of Her Majesty
Princesses enjoyed.
Papa king ran all the crossroads
And issued a decree: "All violators of the kingdom
Hemp and bumps to arrest and teach traffic rules
On the magic bus.
Who will ride it
Never forget the rules.
A march on the bus.

Princess: And my father's decrees do not concern me.

Inspector: touch, touch.

Because of you yesterday Stagecoach collided with BMW
Well, get on the bus.


In their hands confidently
And I hold the steering wheel
Everything has been checked on the motor.
Go ahead, look ahead!

Leading: Stop "3-color"


Oh what a beautiful stop
And all on fire!

Leading: Why only 3 colors?

Cross the road to you on the street always
And speaking colors will prompt and help.

The red light will tell you "No" restrained and stern
And the green light is on - come in, he says.

The traffic light is our old sorcerer,
Don't spare your bones.
Wink your eyes cheerfully
Reconcile us with the road.


Hurry up, "Stop" ahead
"Pedestrian Rules"

Violator: Oh, how many daws flew ?!


We are not jackdaws, we are the rules of the road.
We make your journey safe.
Dear violators, listen to us
Would you like?"

Violator: We want!

Rules: I am the most important!


Well, get in line! Each of you is important!
Each of you is important, but to assimilate you
It is necessary in order, otherwise such a mess will turn out!

Princess: Oh zebra!

Zebra lives in Africa, very striped, water
He drinks, chews grass, wants to frolic.
And on our street, here at the crossroads,
Like a zebra just right - the transition to the strip.

Drivers see crosswalk and reduce speed.
There are traffic lights
obey them without question
To cross the road -
you look to the left.
It should be clear to the kids
It's dangerous to play on the pavement!
So that you are not crushed
don't hang on the car!
To cross the road
bypass the car from behind
You saw the way is free
feel free to put your feet up!


Until this day, I did not know the rules,
risked her life recklessly.
I take every rule in my retinue.
Inspector - I will give my heart.

Your choice is undeniable dear child.
Accept a gift from your father.

(gives car keys)


A fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it,
Remember the traffic rules
Tooth friend.

Leading: You ask "What happened to the violators?"

Leading: So they could not forget the rules, so we took them to our squad!

Where the squad is going is a big secret.
We go where there are no traffic lights.
We must help the movement
and never break the rules.
We need to always be there.
Oh, if the traffic light went out,
we will fix it
Violators at that hour-
we will send home.

Tale of three "NOTs" (a legend about the rules of the road for children 6-9 years old)

Leaders - 2 people
Accident - wicked
Traffic police officer Ivanov
Three guys: Sasha, Boris, Nikolai.

Recommendations for the director: the fairy tale can be played as an independent scene, including it in the program of activities for teaching children the rules traffic, and it is possible to hold it as a game with the guys in a Christian camp, gym, on the street, etc. From the props, 3 road signs and three cards are needed: red, yellow, green with the inscription "NOT".

1st leader: Attention! Attention!
Appeal to the people: A legend will sound
About traffic rules!

2nd presenter: In reality, not in a dream,
Here is a tale of three "NOTs" for you!
Maybe a fable, maybe an aria,
In general, a story about an evil accident!

1st presenter: It was in the evening, there was nothing to do,
Sasha sang, Boris was silent, Nikolai shook his leg.
Suddenly, from a pile of cans with the inscription "Bovaria"
The nasty sorceress Avaria got out.

Crash: Little kids, no way in the world. Do not sit at home, you are bored at home! You take the ball, go outside, It's much more fun at the crossroads! When the red light turns on at the traffic light, And the cars drive quickly past you, You throw the ball right under the wheels, And then run, quickly, with all your strength - Everyone will be surprised at what a clever fellow you are!
Even your uncle from the traffic police will praise you.

Inspector: Allow me to introduce myself: traffic police inspector Ivanov. I keep order on the roads. What are you doing here, citizen, causing confusion? Leading children into sin?

Accident: I am the most evil villain on the roads - Accident! Me
very fond of those who do not know the rules of the road!

Inspector: Understood. But here you have nothing to do, gathered here
those who know the rules of the road very well!

Accident: Well, we'll check it now, so I'll ask you three riddles,
if you guess it, yours took it, but if you don’t guess it, you will never be from me
get off! I will follow you all my life!

Inspector: Please, guess your riddles, we are carefully
we listen.

Inspector: Well, did you guys guess what this road sign is?

Guys (together): Pedestrian crossing!

Accident: Yep! Are you an excellent student? Well then listen to my
second riddle: Around a white, white triangle - red,
red border. And in this white, white triangle quickly,
black run fast, black girl and boy, probably under
want to get the car!

Inspector: Well, it's as easy as shelling pears, this sign is called.

Children: "Be careful, children!"

Accident: Wow, how smart, even disgusting. Okay, here's the third
riddle: Around the white, white triangle, red, red
little border, and in this white, white triangle there are no longer children, but
man with a shovel digs something.

Inspector: This sign means that.

Accident: ..that this road can be dug by everyone, or through

Inspector: Eh, you, Accident, drop your tips, besides, they
not faithful. Guys, what does this sign mean?

Guys: This sign warns: there is a road repair ahead!

Accident: Oh, I'm unhappy! You took away all my evil
ability to tempt! What should I do?

Inspector: Disappear and never appear on the roads again!

Accident: For me to disappear forever, you must guess my
a terrible secret - the secret of the three "NOT"! And you will never guess it.

Inspector: These are the three "NOTs" on which the accident rests? Yes it
very simple! First "NOT" (raises a red card with
labeled "NOT")

Inspector (raises a yellow “NOT” card): The second “NOT” is ..

Inspector (raises a green card with "NOT"): and the third "NOT" ..

Accident: Oh, mommy, I'm disappearing, spa-si-te!

Guys: ..Ignorance of traffic rules!

A fairy tale is a true story, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for all pedestrians:
in order not to get into an accident, you need to know and observe,
everyone without exception, the rules of the road!

2nd presenter: On the road of your life
so that there are no mistakes

1st presenter: you do not trust evildoers,
check life with the gospel,

2nd presenter: obey your parents, and do not forget:

Julia Skvortsova
Scene on the rules of the road

Scene on the rules of the road "Dunno in the camp of traffic rules"

Target: show and prove the need for knowledge traffic rules through artistic means.

Znayka. So, Dunno, let's repeat homework. You should have learned Traffic Laws. Now I will ask you questions, and you will answer them.

Dunno. Come on, take your questions.

Znayka. Who regulates traffic vehicles and pedestrians?

Znayka. Did you think well?

Znayka. Where can I go road?

Dunno. Mmm. say at least one letter.

Dunno. Exactly. On asphalt.

Znayka. What are "Pedestrian crossings"

Dunno. Flying, crawling, lying.

Znayka. Yes, it's a tough one. It is for you « The big Book traffic rules» sit down and read. And I'll come and check.

Dunno. Oh cuckoo! Cuckoo cuckoo, cuckoo me something. (Dunno curls up and falls asleep).

(Signs stand in a circle).

"Zebra". So what is it. He messed everything up.

"Traffic light". He is not alone doesn't know the rules.

"Crosswalk". One word - Ignorance.

"Caution Children"- Let's confuse him.

« railroad crossing» - How?

"Zebra"— Thought it up. Listen to me.

Dunno. Here, what a beauty. Here great. No study, no books for you. If you want - relax all day, sunbathe. E - Ge - gay. Is anybody here.

Zebra. Yes, yes, come on, dear. Come, come quickly, let's move on with you, then quickly.

Dunno. Yes, you can't be here. You don't know, you "zebra"

Zebra. Yes, what's the difference, the main thing on don't look at the road. (Grabs Dunno by the hand and runs across road)

Traffic light. Hey, you crossed the road.. Did you see how the car slowed down and crashed into a pole? Fun.

Dunno. Not fun at all, but very scary. The car nearly hit us. And all Zebra - "let's run".

Traffic light. Well done, Zebra, but how fast, and where else cross the road.

Dunno. How where where "Zebra" on the road drawn and signs "Crosswalk" stand.

Zebra. And we have signs, signs. She signs. (Signs are coming out)

Here are the signs. This is a little blue square, this is a red triangle, but the train is in red. Meet.

Traffic light. Hurry, hurry cross the road already turned red.

Dunno. So. Stop. Are you out of your mind. What red, what a square with a triangle. Where did I end up anyway. To the land of fools?

Zebra. No. You are in the country Rules of the road.

Dunno. Some not you have the right rules. Znayka taught me differently.

Traffic light. What a Znaika. You know better. And as you know, that's how we do it.

Dunno. Ah-ah-ah. As I know. I know what to pass you need the road "pedestrian crossing" noted road markings and signs "crosswalk". the way go only to the green traffic light.

It's a sign - "Caution Children". This - "Crosswalk", well, this is « Railroad crossing» .

I know. I know. (joyfully jumping)

Everyone disappears. Remains Dunno, who wakes up with a book.

Dunno. Hey everyone, I remembered! Znaechka, I remembered. Regulates traffic vehicles and pedestrians? Traffic light.

The road can be crossed, only by "Pedestrian crossing"

"Pedestrian crossing" are ground, above ground, underground.

Znayka. Well, here it is great.

Dunno. How good it is to know Traffic Laws.

Speech by the propaganda team SDA Campaign team according to the rules of the road in the preparatory speech therapy group. Work to ensure life safety.

Parents and children learn to be pedestrians. Road Safety Holiday In March in our kindergarten organized a holiday for children senior group and their parents on road safety "Red,.

Class hour on the topic:
TALE - SCENES "How a bun taught the rules of the road"

The scenario of the fairy tale is based on the Russian folk tale"Kolobok". About how the bun went for a walk, and forest animals helped the kolobok to learn the rules of the road.


Holiday script for first graders

"How the bun taught the rules of the road"

Characters: Fox, bun, bunnies, wolf, bear.

One simple story

Or maybe not a fairy tale

Or maybe not simple

We can tell.

We remember her from childhood

Or maybe we don't remember

But we will remember.

One day grandma and grandpa

I wanted to eat a turnip

Or maybe not a turnip,

They don’t know either (the bun comes out)

They decided to cook

Not pilaf and not potatoes

And so they decided

And on the window in a plate,

To chill a little

And he sat and groaned,

And I thought "It's not bad,

Jump on the path"

He jumped and ran.

And then him from the forest

Two bunnies towards

Go and repeat

Where are you, dear boy?

Suddenly the Bunny asks, -

And what's your name?

To walk in the forest

Especially on the way

Know the rules of the road

You must by heart.

- Then you tell

You better teach

To be careful,

BUNNS: (chastushkas sing)

1. Everyone who likes to take a walk,

Everyone without exception

Need to remember, need to know

2. Who runs across the road

Directly punish strictly!

To know in advance:

There is an underground passage. (One bunny shows the sign "Underpass")

1. Hurry, no good!

Need to stop here!

It will save you from trouble. (The second bunny shows the sign "Pedestrian crossing")

2. Oh, wide road,

I wouldn't get in trouble!

I prefer the green light

I'll switch to green. (Shows a green traffic light)

1.I have on my backpack

I go around the bus

Not behind and not in front, he finishes - "I'm waiting for him to drive off from the stop!"

Remember, rules are everywhere

Otherwise, be in trouble!

Suddenly around the corner

Someone is leaving here

Shaggy and harsh

Big and gray wolf.

Who walks the road

And he doesn't look down?

You are in the rules of the road

Don't know a thing at all?

Oh, you forgive me

And let go to grandma and grandpa.

I'll be honest, I'll be honest

Learn all the rules.

You just tell me

Better yet, show

According to the rules of the road

How can I transfer?

And this will help everyone

And tell about everything

Our Inspector Bear.

Cars rush through the streets

The tires are in there.

We went down the passage

There the owner is a Pedestrian! (shows a pedestrian sign)

I want to ask about the sign

The sign is drawn like this:

Guys in the triangle

They are running with all their might.

Well, let's answer correctly:

The sign says it's "Children"! (shows the sign "Children")

This sign warns

That the road has a zigzag

And ahead of the car is waiting

Cool, "Dangerous Turn"! (shows the sign "Dangerous turn")

Be careful on the road!

The idea of ​​this fairy tale

Maybe not fairy tales

Not only adults will understand

But even Kolobok.

Don't go outside

Until you learn

And you won't know the rules

Tooth movement.

Whatever time it is now

In the fast paced transport age,

People come up with a lot more

The age of electronics is coming,

But only in a huge stream of cars,

Be careful, look at the road

Take care of yourself man!

Look, what beauty is around!

Running is subject to her time.

At all times, everywhere always

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Morning according to the rules of the road.

The holiday "Dunno teaches the rules of the road" is designed for grade 1. The purpose of the holiday: to repeat the rules of the road, the teacher faces the following tasks: to form students' skills.

"Rules of the road" Made a presentation by a student of 4 "D" class, MOU "Secondary School No. 34", Saratov.

The demonstration helps to introduce junior schoolchildren with traffic rules, road signs and modes of transport.

In this development, the basic rules for newly minted first graders are affected: the rules of conduct in the classroom, at school, the rules of the road. Children learn to recognize road signs reading a verse.

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the rules of conduct in public transport; repeat the rules of the road, safety rules on the streets and roads; consolidate children's understanding of the village.

Leisure activity on the rules of the road "Learn the rules of the road" is recommended for work with children 6-9 years old in order to expand children's knowledge of the rules of conduct in general.

Scene for schoolchildren about traffic rules "Lesson of the Traffic Light Semaphorych"

What could be more important than knowledge in school? Perhaps only safety: in the school itself and on the way from school to school! And here a lot depends on the surrounding adults, because children learn the rules of behavior well, imitating them or in the process of playing that adults competently organized. That is why extracurricular and extracurricular activities on various topics are so useful.

For example, children will remember the rules of the road well if they beat them in contests, games and skits. We offer one of the options - A sketch for schoolchildren about traffic rules "Lesson of the Traffic Light Semaphorych"

Scene "Lesson of the Traffic Light Semaphorych"

Stand (or any device to keep the ball from rolling)

On the stage stands Svetoforych Semaforych in the hand of a pointer in the form of a wand

"Traffic Light" sings live and dances (or just dances and a small excerpt from the original song sounds)

An excerpt from the song "Merry Traffic Light" sounds:

"Remember the traffic rules,

Like a multiplication table "- 2 times:

- Guys, let's go to the stadium!?

- Yes, well, from the teacher's room, as in the palm of your hand he ..

- And I suggest to the yard that is across the road

No one will see us and there are a lot of places there.

- That's right, let's run! Antokha, well, give me a pass ....

(The ball rolls out, right under the feet of the "Traffic Light", he catches it, a group of guys immediately appears, each has a roll with a picture in their hands)

Yeah, gotcha, violators, this time!

The guys are making noise (they all say at once): “What did we do?”, “What, the violators right away”, “Give the ball back”, “Oh, I'm afraid”, etc. . (one of the girls starts whimpering).

The traffic light sings a song (or speaks to the music in a recitative)

It sounds like an alteration to the motive "Song of the Headmaster" from the movie The Magical Power of Art.

What is this crying?

Well, don't whine, I'll give you the ball.

On a handkerchief, I'll give you the ball.

But first I'll sing to you

Why am I standing here

Why am I standing here.

I would like to jump

And kick a soccer ball

I follow the road

I'm not going anywhere

I'm not leaving.

To you, friends, I want to say:

It is important for everyone to know traffic rules

It is important for everyone to know the rules

And for this now,

I'll give you a lesson

I'll give you a lesson!

(Traffic Light puts the ball on a stand, children surround the Traffic Light)

Yes, we all know, give, miss!

Do you know everything? Excellent! Prove it to me!

Like the word "true" - I'll say seven times,

I'll let you pass right away and return the ball right away.

(Children sigh doomedly, but stand on both sides half-turned to the Traffic Light and the stage and take turns coming out with the necessary posters, unfold them, then stand in place)

Picture "You can't play on the roadway"

Who answers me first

"What does the picture mean?"

Don't play on the road

Yes, everyone should know!

Picture - road sign "Pedestrian crossing"

Children (in chorus) This time!

... continue, if so,

What is the name of this sign?

It's called "Pedestrian Crossing"

Indicates a place where passage is possible.

Children (in chorus) It's two!

……… with this sign we are friends,

But what if I have a red light?

Picture "A red light is on at the traffic light"

It's clear when the red light is on...

So, we are waiting for the pedestrian - no move!

Picture "A green light is on at the traffic light"

.... And the green light is on?

This means, let's go, the way is open!

Picture "Zebra with a safe island"

Traffic light:

Run to the green light

Suddenly a red light came on

What to do? No go?

Don't rush, don't worry

Stay on a safe island.

Wait for the green light.

And again, right, no doubt.

Picture "Crossing with young children"

…….A simple question was seen too

And if with a little brother

Should the road be crossed?

Who knows how to behave?

It's better not to run with a small one,

And hold on tight!

Photo Sign "Children"

It looks like you know everything in the world..

Of course! This is the sign "Children",

They are always installed near the school,

Drivers need to be ready for this.

Children (choir loudly):

Traffic light: (takes the ball in his hands)

Seven, so seven, get your ball,

And near the road no longer play pranks!

After all, you know the rules of the road ...

We know a lot about traffic rules!

(Sounds minus the song "If a friend went on the road", all participants school scene sing an altered song)

If you know traffic rules

This knowledge is everywhere

For me, it's a help.

What is pouring rain for me,

If these rules are with me, (point to head)

What is snow to me, what is heat to me,

Kohl these rules with me!

I'm on the road, my friends

I'm on my way, my friends.

I will leave without fear!

Traffic rules, since I know

The traffic light has become a friend (waving to traffic light)

When my friends are with me! (hugs)

Traffic Light Inspector and Big-Headed Spaceglot

Scenario about the rules of the road (SDA)

Performance duration: 30 minutes; number of actors: from 2 to 4.

Traffic Lights Inspector
Big-headed Spaceglot

If the hall is noisy, the Host enters the stage and rings the bell loudly, attracting the attention of the audience.

What's going on here?
Well, live in places
Sit down everyone and calm down!
Otherwise, a fairy tale to you
Won't visit today
And go to those kids
That the games are ready to quit
And listen to her without breathing!

The leader rings the bell again.

Do not indulge in the theater!
Here on the chairs, standing in a row,
Like schoolchildren at a desk,
The spectators sit quietly -
Can't get up, can't run
Don't talk to the neighbors
Don't push every now and then
Nor, like geese, cackle,
Nor gallop like horses, dashingly,
Don't kick everyone!

The leader rings the bell again and continues until the children calm down.

Now that it's so quiet.
You can start the story!

The leader leaves. If the audience behaved well from the very beginning, then the intro about silence can be skipped.

On the stage there is a road with a sidewalk, with a zebra, a pedestrian crossing sign and a traffic light (a three-eyed car is looking at the road, and a two-eyed pedestrian is looking at the audience). The introductory melody for the play sounds. The Inspector of Traffic Lights enters the stage with a brave step and blows his whistle.

I'm a traffic light inspector!
And remember, friends
Arguing with me on the highway
No one can lead!
I am in the service of all the main
Everything goes according to me
And dare not argue with me
No driver, no pedestrian!
And I'm a beautiful wand
I always carry with me.

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the audience his striped baton.

wand magic power
With him in comparison - nonsense!
He tames machines!

Machine enters the stage, rattling and beeping.

What do you not believe? But in vain!
This is the pinnacle of magic!
I raise my rod...

The Traffic Light Inspector raises his baton. The car stops.

And the car freezes
Waiting for my order
And executes commands
All that this wand will give.

The Traffic Light Inspector brandishes his baton, and the Machine follows commands like a trained dog.

Traffic Light Inspector (Car)

The machine obediently follows the commands and turns upside down.

There is no better fun in the world!
Okay, you can go!

The Traffic Lights Inspector makes a sign with his baton towards the wings. The car overturns and leaves the stage.

For order on the road
I watch day and night.
I'm always worried about everyone
And always ready to help!

A jerky gurgling sound is heard, and a flying saucer glowing with multi-colored lights appears on the stage. She begins to randomly fly back and forth. The hatch opens with a clang, and Big-Headed Spaceglot pokes his head out.

Big-headed Spaceglot (looking around)

excellent planet,
To hide, she-she!
There are no interplanetary here,
No interstellar ships!
Wild and backward sector!
Both me and the spaceship
Galactic Inspector
Will never find it here!
Penalty for this and fine for that...
Do not want to pay it!

Big-headed Spaceglot throws out heaps of multi-colored receipts with the inscription "Fine" from the plate.

Well, exceeded the speed of light,
So I didn't hit anyone!
Stop drilling my ears -
Don't sit there, don't fly up here.
Life without limits and without rules -
That's what real paradise is!

Big-headed Spaceglot (sings, flying on a plate around the stage)

Big-headed Space-Glots
Life by the rules is boring!
Let the starship out of the way
The moon is gone

The planets are falling apart
The stars are falling out of their orbits!
no speed of light
You won't be allowed to step on the gas!

I am against strict rules
All of them - to hell with the horns!
Fly away from the road
If life is dear to you!

Starship - steel bird
Rushing, and the engine roars.
It sings and has fun
Big-headed Spaceglot!

You can download the sheet music for this song here: Song of the Big Headed Spaceglot.

But you have to be careful
Everyone goes, and I'm flying!
So it's hard to get lost here!
I don't want to get caught!

A flying saucer with gurgling sounds flies backstage. There is a roar.

There is a loud gurgling sound. From behind the scenes, the same flying saucer leaves, only on wheels.

Big-headed Spaceglot (smugly)

I am my super starship
Transformed quite cleverly
In a primitive ezdolet!

The alien's car stops at a pedestrian crossing. The Traffic Light Inspector blows his whistle loudly.

Traffic Light Inspector (strict)

What else is this?
Disorder! Oh no no no!

The Traffic Light Inspector waves his baton at the flying saucer.

Come on, unearthly means,
Leave the crossing!
This is not the place to park!

The traffic light inspector shifts the flying saucer from the zebra pattern onto the roadway.

Here's your fine!

The Traffic Light Inspector sticks the receipt on the flying saucer.

I don't want more receipts!

Big-headed Spaceglot peels off the receipt and throws it away.

Well, then you lose your rights!

The traffic light inspector sticks another receipt on the flying saucer.

Big-headed Spaceglot (self-confidently)

I didn't break anything!
On undeveloped planets
There are no boring rules
And there are no laws!

Big-headed Spaceglot rips off the receipt and throws it on the ground.

Who told you this?
Maybe we are to the stars
We do not fly, but soon
We'll fly for sure.
I don't know how it is in space
But here in the city we have
All laws are observed
If you don't want to, get out!

The Traffic Lights Inspector taps his baton on the flying saucer.

Big-headed Spaceglot (conciliatory)

Okay! Okay! I agree!
What are the rules?

The Traffic Light Inspector hands Big-Headed Spaceglot a thick book.

Hold on!
Try to remember everything!

Big-headed Spaceglot quickly flips through the book and tosses it aside.

Big-headed Spaceglot (capriciously)

They can never be learned!
There are too many of these rules!
My head already hurts!

Big-headed Spaceglot grabs his head.

You need to know them, because the road
Constantly talking
And with the driver, and with the passer-by!

Big-headed Spaceglot (skeptically)

You say more, sing!
He speaks? Yes, it can't be!
She doesn't have a mouth!

And without words she will say everything.

This, I wonder how?

She has every case
A special badge has been saved!

The Traffic Light Inspector takes a stack of large traffic signs in the order in which they appear in the song. The chorus can be sung in chorus along with the audience.

All drivers from birth
Learn the alphabet of driving!
To be granted rights
You need to know how two and two

road rules,
All kinds of signs.

The Traffic Light Inspector shows the "Give Way" sign.

If you see this sign
Know that he is not just like that.
To avoid problems
Make way for everyone!

Road rules -
Not so difficult!

The traffic lights inspector shows the sign "Movement is prohibited."

This sign is very strict
Kohl stands on the road.
He tells us: "Friends,
You can't drive here at all!"

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows a No Entry sign.

The sign of the drivers is intimidating,
No cars allowed!
Don't try rashly
Drive past the brick!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the "Main Road" sign.

And here is a sign, of which there are few:
This is the main road!
If you ride on it
You become the leader of all!

The traffic lights inspector shows the sign "Maximum speed limit".

The sign will tell us impartially:
“It's dangerous to drive here!
So be kind
Slow down your speed!"

The traffic lights inspector shows the sign "No overtaking".

Overtaking sign
In this place, it's clear to everyone
You can't overtake at all!

The Traffic Lights Inspector displays a "Minimum Speed ​​Limit" sign.

The sign says: "Indeed,
What are you barely weaving?
Even if you are a three-headed snake,
Don't you dare drive slower!"

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the Pedestrian Crossing sign.

Land crossing sign,
People walk here all day.
Hey driver, don't be sad
Skip the pedestrians!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the "Children" sign.

And here is the sign with the name "Children",
We are always responsible for them.
Don't threaten their lives
You see the sign, slow down!

Traffic Lights Inspector Shows No Stopping Sign

Don't load the car here
Don't park, don't slow down.
This sign tells everyone:
"The one who is standing here is wrong!"

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the sign "Movement without stopping is prohibited."

Hey driver, take your time
You see the sign, stop!
Before we continue on our way,
Don't forget to take a look.

Road rules
Not so difficult!

The Traffic Lights Inspector shows the Dead End sign.

This sign is sure
Will lead to a dead end.
Well, then - at least fly,
Because there is no way!

You can download sheet music for this song here: Song about road signs.

Finally, can I go?
Are there any obstacles?

The traffic lights are red and the pedestrian lights are green. The flying saucer is moving. The traffic light inspector blows his whistle.

Big-headed Clumsy,
Where are you at the red light?

Big-headed Spaceglot (indignantly)

Not red, green!
Here he is glowing! Here!

Big-headed Spaceglot points to a traffic light for pedestrians.

Traffic Light Inspector (derisively)

He's definitely green
Only the traffic light is not the same.
This one with two eyes

The Traffic Light Inspector points to a two-signal pedestrian traffic light.

And the driver
Gotta pay attention
Here at this traffic light.

The Traffic Lights Inspector points to a three-signal traffic light.

Traffic Light Inspector (singing)

Maybe a three-eyed traffic light
Talk to everyone at once.
Easy to understand him
Both the driver and the pedestrian!
For cars, the red light will light up -

The red signal is on.

The Traffic Light Inspector points to a green pedestrian traffic light and crosses the zebra.

Green light for cars

Turns on a green signal at a transport traffic light, and a red one at a pedestrian one.

There are no pedestrians!

The traffic light inspector returns to the sidewalk and points to a red pedestrian light.

If yellow lights up,

The traffic light turns yellow.

Wait which one will turn on!
Whoever remembers this
And it will pass, and it will pass!
Road rules
Not so difficult!
(together with the audience)
Road rules
Not so difficult!

Notes for this song you can download here: Song about the traffic light.

Big-headed Spaceglot (angrily)

Again, this is impossible!
Do it, don't do it!
"Tired, no rescue!" -
Do you have such a sign here?
I won't listen to anyone!
I will ride how I want!

Big-headed Spaceglot accelerates and rushes through a red light, nearly hitting Inspector Traffic Lights, who whistles after him. There is a squeal of brakes, a rumble and a rattle. A car wheel rolls onto the stage from behind the scenes. Sirens howl. After a while, a bandaged Big-Headed Spaceglot enters the stage, limping.

Big-headed Spaceglot (crying)

I almost gave my soul to God!
I can barely drag my feet!
My starship has crashed!

Traffic Light Inspector (edifyingly)

You haven't learned how to drive!
Be glad you're alive!
(slapping Heady
Cosmoglot on the shoulder)
Nothing, you'll get the right
You will ride with the wind.

Big-headed Spaceglot (offended)

It's too difficult. Better
I will walk!

The pedestrian traffic light is red. Big-headed Spaceglot tries to cross the road, ignoring him. The traffic light inspector blows his whistle.

Wanted bandage supplements?
Do you want to be knocked down?

So why are you moving
Are you a highway at a red light?

Big-headed Spaceglot (horrified)

Of course!
We can't do without them
And acting careless
Only a fool on the road
'Cause it's more dangerous than that
No place in the world to be found!
How to behave here, children
And adults need to know!

Traffic Light Inspector (singing and dancing)

Living in the world is happiness!
So that it doesn't end
Remember, on the road
It is forbidden to play ball!

A ball rolls out from behind the curtains. The traffic light inspector stops him with his foot, picks him up and throws him backstage again.

Nobody can be free
Run how and where you decide.
Sidewalk for pedestrians

The Traffic Light Inspector walks down the sidewalk.

And the road is for cars!

Don't go across the road
Where it gets into your head
If there is nearby

The traffic light inspector shows the spectators a crossing sign and a zebra crossing.

Or a two-eyed traffic light.

The Traffic Light Inspector approaches the traffic light.

His language is simple:
He looks with green eyes

The traffic light turns green and the Traffic Light Inspector walks the zebra.

Pass, and red - stop!

A red traffic light comes on and the Traffic Light Inspector stands to attention on the sidewalk.

If there is no transition
To cross the road
Before you do it
Look left, look right.

The Traffic Light Inspector turns his head first to the left and then to the right.

It's very important to make sure
That there is no car nearby
After all, not everyone is a driver.
It can slow you down.

The Traffic Light Inspector steps out into the middle of the road.

Transport is not a toy!

The traffic light inspector takes a toy car out of his pocket and shows it to the audience.

For your own good
You have to be careful with him
Don't jump under it

Do everything with conscience
And don't get in trouble!
Know all traffic rules
And always follow them!

Notes for this song you can download here: Song of Inspector Svetoforov.

The Traffic Light Inspector dances backstage. Big-headed Spaceglot falls on a pedestrian crossing and kicks his arms and legs in the air.

Big-headed Spaceglot (yells)

Not! I don't want! I won't!
Big-headed Spaceglot
Always everywhere and everywhere
Doesn't live by the rules!

The traffic lights are red for pedestrians and green for cars. The Machine enters the stage with a beep, Big-Headed Space-Glot runs over and leaves backstage. A whistle blows. The Traffic Light Inspector comes running. The Traffic Lights Inspector bandages Big-Headed Spacethroat from head to toe.

Big-headed Spaceglot (rubbing his sides)

Yes, now I understand everything!
If I had known this before
That would fly carefully
I wouldn't get so many fines!

Big-headed Spaceglot rises with difficulty.

To make life fun
To avoid getting into trouble
I study at the space school
I will definitely go!
After splint massage
I want to live by the rules!
I will learn all of them and even
I will pay space penalties!

Big-headed Spaceglot picks up scattered receipts.

Only after all to the cosmobank
Here the bus is not lucky!

Traffic Light Inspector (approvingly)

If so, from the impound
Take your starship!

The Traffic Lights Inspector rolls out a crippled flying saucer in its original form without wheels from behind the scenes. Big-headed Spacethroat climbs into it.

Come on, pull the lever!

The traffic light inspector pulls the lever, the plate starts to rumble.

Big-headed Spaceglot (happily)

You can start counting!

The lights on the plate start flashing.

The Milky Way is your tablecloth,
Big-headed Spaceglot!

The flying saucer takes off. The Traffic Light Inspector waves to him.

Headed Spaceglot (sings)

To be a wreck without yourself
Run, ride and fly
Need traffic rules
Be sure to comply!

The road speaks to us.
On earth and on a star
There are many different signs
Signs everywhere and everywhere!

I am a supporter of strict rules,
I am now their servant!
You need to know the language of the road
If life is dear to you!

Starship - steel bird
Rushing, and the engine roars.
Will learn the rules
Big-headed Spaceglot!

Notes for this song you can download here: Song of the Big-Headed Cosmoglot about traffic rules.

The flying saucer with Big-Headed Spacethroat flies off the stage.

Traffic Lights Inspector (to the audience)

Do you agree with him?

The Traffic Light Inspector gives the audience time to shout their answers.

And let's now
I will check it out - personally
I will test you.

The traffic light inspector shows the sign "Unregulated pedestrian crossing".

The man in the blue square
It goes in stripes.
This beautiful sign says:
Here is the ground…

If you can't understand
How to cross the road
Turn to adults passers-by,

Fencing along the road
Not for lasagna.
To all it is a warning:
Pedestrian path...

It's safe on the road
If the light is on...

Transport waiting at the bus stop -
Don't leave the sidewalk
And in a parking lot
Don't run around and don't roam.
It should be clear to anyone -
Climb under the wheels ...

For life and health,
Get around the bus...
And the trolleybus, by the way, too
You can only go around the back.
And bypass the tram
Going around…

Well done! Passed the exam!
And remember, friends
Deviate from these rules
You can't be on the road!
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Goodbye, kids!
It's fun to talk with you
But it's time for my service!

The Traffic Light Inspector blows his whistle defiantly and leaves the stage. The ending melody sounds.

Scenario of entertainment according to the rules of the road "Journey of the bun!"

  • to consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road in a fun and playful way;
  • the ability to convey to the viewer the need to study the rules of the road;
  • to form in children a system of knowledge on traffic rules.
  • TASKS:

    • to cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, the ability to help others;
    • through emotional impact on children through the word of art, song and game creativity, help to interest children in the rules of the road;
    • to form the skills of careful behavior on the street;
    • develop the habit of following the rules of the road.


  • letters (C, T, O, P);
  • masks (costumes) of a kolobok, a bear, a bunny, a fox, a wolf;
  • whistle;
  • images (models) of machines;
  • soccer ball;
  • balls - red, yellow, green;
  • sultans-black, white;
  • road signs;
  • phonograms of songs.
  • The course of the speech:

    Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle. The central four children hold letters in their hands. S, T, O, P. below. Children take turns reading.

    1. Hello friends! Hi people!

    2. What lives in a glorious city!

    3. Now greetings to all of you, our group -

    ALL: Upper class!

    (to the music of "Yeralash")

    4. Boys and girls!

    5. And also their parents!

    6. Do you want to see the road history?

    7. Road history, well, just class.

    All: We will show you the road history now!!

    Our motto:“Any obstacles are not a problem for us, the road alphabet is always with us!”

    Song to the motive "Together it's fun to walk across the open spaces" by V. Shainsky

    1. In a fairy tale it's fun to walk across the open spaces (3 times)

    If the path is open to you by a traffic light (3 times)

    Chorus: We will show you an interesting program,

    Even if the topic seems familiar to you,

    Learn everything today, no doubt.

    These are the rules of the road.

    Leading. This world is made up of pedestrians

    From cars and from drivers, and of course from the roads!

    So that everyone in this world lives together,

    Of course, we all need to live by the rules, my friend!

    Follow them, friends! We can't do without them!

    Children with letters take turns picking them up and taking a step forward. They all speak together.

    Children. C - observe, T - requirements, O - careful, P - movement!

    Leading. Be able to say “STOP!” to yourself in time, and your health and life will be safe.

    STOP! - when you decide to go to the red light of the traffic light.

    STOP! - when you run across the street in front of a nearby vehicle.

    STOP! - when you turn the roadway into a playing field.

    STOP! when you disregard the rules of the road.

    To the music, the children take their places.

    Leading. Remember, guys, what happened to the hero of the famous Russian fairy tale, who ran away from his grandparents and got lost in the forest? Yes, yes, he was in big trouble. And now we want to show you what could happen to Kolobok on the streets of a modern city. So, old fairy tale in a new way.

    This difficult tale in it is both a joke and a hint.

    In our fairy tale, a lesson is hidden somewhere for good fellows.

    Kolobok appears. He walks briskly and sings merrily (to the motive of V. Shainsky's song "If you set off with a friend".)


    I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I am my own boss.

    I walk along the road, singing on the go, cheerful and desperate.

    I will go through the whole world, there is no barrier anywhere for me.

    I don't need any advice...

    The gingerbread man goes to the red light. The whistle sounds. Suitable guard - Wolf.


    Oh, stubborn, you are unhappy! You see the light is red.

    This means - there is no way, you wait and wait.

    Leading. The first rule of a pedestrian: cross the street when the traffic light is green.

    All children. Cross the street only at the green light.

    The song "Merry traffic light"

    1. If the red light is on,

    The traffic light tells us:

    Pedestrians have no way!

    2. If the yellow light is on -

    He, as a friend tells us

    "I'll miss you soon,

    Give the green light now!"

    3. Here the green light flashed -

    And there are no cars.

    "Come on, the way is open!" —

    The traffic light tells us.

    Leading. Whether our Kolobok remembered the first rule of a pedestrian or not, I don’t know, but he rolled on.

    Kolobok. I left my grandmother...

    To the music of the song "Cars", Kolobok makes his way in the stream of moving cars (cars drawn on cardboard) until two of them collide with each other. A Bear runs out of one of the cars.


    Why are you crawling under the wheels, loud-voiced bun?

    After all, trouble could happen! You need to learn, friend.

    How to walk the streets, so as not to please the doctors.

    Leading. Remember the second rule of a pedestrian: you need to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing.

    All children. Cross the street only at the pedestrian crossing!

    Dance "Pedestrian crossing!"

    Leading. And this unpleasant incident did not make Kolobok think, beware. He again moved towards the dangers.

    Kolobok is catching up with the Hare. He has a brand new soccer ball in his hands.


    Wait, buddy Kolobok! I could hardly catch up with you.

    Bought me a great ball, let's have a mini-match!

    Gingerbread Man and Hare are playing on the roadway. There is a squeal of brakes. The players run in different directions. Guard Wolf leads Kolobok out.


    Is it possible to risk your head on the street?

    You are not in the circus, here is the road, well, who will you surprise?

    The steering wheel will turn a little - you will fall under the car!


    I wanted to play football on the roadway.

    Before I had time to score a goal, I fell into misfortune.

    I thought I was cool, everything is allowed to me.

    It turned out that sometimes everything ends badly.

    Leading. The third rule of a pedestrian: you can not play on the roadway.

    All children: You can't play on the road!

    Fox-accident appears. Dancing near Kolobok.


    I am very friendly with violators, I make a mess day and night.

    I have been walking on the roads for many years, I have done a lot of all sorts of troubles.

    Those who have neglected the rule of movement will certainly meet somewhere - give it time.

    And then the reckless drivers will have to wake up in wild fear at night for a long time.

    The fox chuckles wickedly. Kolobok covers his face with his hands in fear. Guard Wolf comes out.


    If you learn the rules of the road, baby,

    You will never fall into the clutches of this terrible lady.

    And now our children will introduce you to the rules of the road.

    Chastushki about the Rules of the road

    1. About traffic

    We will sing ditties to you,

    And with bad behavior

    Unfortunately, let's get started.

    2. On the highway on a scooter

    Silly Misha famously rolls,

    Ran into a car

    Miraculously, he survived.

    3. Angelina anywhere

    And now it's hard for her to walk

    The poor thing is walking with a crutch.

    4. The Volga is driving along the road,

    Behind her is a truck.

    Yura does not like to wait for a long time,

    Directly in front of them.

    5. "Volga" suddenly slowed down,

    The truck hit her.

    Two wrecked cars.

    Yura whispers: “I didn’t want to ...”

    6. Vova next to the road

    Wanted to play football

    And in the end: in a cast of the leg

    And a hospital bed.

    7. Whatever happens, my friend,

    You have misfortune

    Don't you ever play

    On the roadway.

    8. Naughty Christina,

    Why are you crawling under the car

    After all, we have for pedestrians

    A lot of transitions.

    9. Don't run across the road

    I'm looking at traffic lights.

    He is a very strict assistant,

    Serving people for a long time.

    10. And there is a transition

    Right underground.

    Don't be lazy to go down

    11. I hold my mother's hand,

    I cross the road with her.

    I don't run away from her.

    I trust her very much.

    12. We walk along the street,

    And, of course, we are not in a hurry.

    We know this science

    How to walk the streets.

    Leading. If you, Kolobok, are worried about your health, then listen to what the children will tell you about road signs.

    Get in line

    And all traffic rules

    tell for the guys

    Sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited"

    The man on the red circle

    So it's dangerous to walk here

    In this place, friends

    Nobody can walk.

    Sign "Sound signal prohibited"

    Hey driver, don't hoot

    Don't wake the sleepers with noise.

    Do not frighten passers-by with a whistle,

    You can be scared yourself.

    Sign "Pedestrian crossing"

    In black and white stripes
    The man walks boldly.
    Knows: where he goes, -

    No entry car sign

    Neither in the yard, nor in the alley,
    Not in the empty alley
    Do not drive here -
    This sign will not allow.
    Remember! It means:
    "No cars allowed."

    Sign "Traffic regulation"

    To help you
    The path is dangerous

    Burning day and night
    Green, yellow, red.

    Sign "Movement on bicycles is prohibited"

    Remember the sign, friends,
    Both parents and children:

    Where it hangs, it is impossible

    Ride a bike!

    Road works sign

    Here is the road work
    No drive, no pass.
    This place is for pedestrians.
    It's better to just walk around!

    Sign "Children"

    Hey driver, be careful!

    It's impossible to go fast.
    People know everything in the world -
    Children go to this place.

    Sign "Railway crossing"

    The kids sign warns
    Protects from misfortune:

    Moving! Look with might and main

    Follow the barrier!

    Sign "Other dangers"

    So you can scream here

    Sing, make noise, play pranks?

    The people answer sternly:

    "This is a dangerous road!"

    Very requested road sign

    Drive quietly, carefully.

    Children (together)

    We are road signs

    We are not complicated at all.

    You, my friend, respect us,

    Don't break the rules!

    There are so many difficulties on the roads

    But we have no reason to fear them.

    Because the rules of the road

    There are pedestrians and cars.

    And that everyone was in a good mood

    Obey the rules of the road.

    Kolobok. Ah-ah-ah! I got it!

    If I study roughly, I will study the laws of the roads,

    No trouble will happen to me, I will only know the rules for “five”!

    Dance: "Traffic Light"(balls - red, yellow, green)

    Leading. Our story has a happy ending. Kolobok realized his mistakes and never again violated the rules of the road. And how many more such koloboks walk the streets of our city!

    There is a formula for security - you need to see, foresee, take into account

    If possible, avoid everything and, where necessary, call for help.

    Together. Everyone should know the rules of the road!

    (according to the soundtrack of the song about the rules of the road, the children leave the hall. Music from the movie "Merry Fellows") The rights and obligations of students An integral part of education is upbringing - pedagogically rational management of the processes of development of the child's personality. This understanding of him is enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and is […]

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  • MBOU "Secondary School No. 25"

    game program

    Teacher primary school:

    M.V. Borisenkov

    Goals: to consolidate the children's knowledge of the rules of the road; to deepen students' knowledge of the rules of the road; to form the ideas of younger students about road safety when moving along the streets and roads; to develop the skills to follow the basic rules of behavior of students on the street, road, in order to prevent child road traffic injuries.

    Equipment: road signs, traffic lights, pictures.

    Game participants: two teams.

    Game plan:

    1. Warm up

    2. Quiz “Green sign”

    3. The game “Three lights of a traffic light”

    4. The game "Allowed - prohibited"

    5. Game “Draw the signs”

    6. Game with the audience “Crossroads of riddles”

    7. Game “Collect signs”

    8. Game “Cyclist”

    9. Summing up

    10. Award


    Leading: Guys, today we are here to remember the rules of the road. The law of streets and roads is strict. He does not forgive if a pedestrian walks down the street as he pleases, not following the rules. But this law is at the same time very kind: it saves people from terrible misfortune, saves their lives. Therefore, only an excellent knowledge of the rules allows us to confidently cross the street. Today we will show how we know these rules.
    And so that none of you get tired, we will conduct our lesson in the form of a game. To do this, you need to split into two teams, come up with a name and choose a team captain. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. For violation of discipline, one token is removed. Whoever has the most tokens wins.

    1. Warm up

    Now I will check how attentive pedestrians you are and whether you are ready for the game. I ask you a question, and you answer yes or no.

    What do you want - say, sweet water in the sea? (Not)
    - What do you want - say, red light - there is no passage? (Yes)
    - What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (Not)
    - What do you want - say, but if you are in a hurry, then run in front of the transport? (Not)
    - What do you want - say, we always go forward only where the transition is? (Yes)
    - What do you want - say, we are running forward so soon that we do not see a traffic light? (Not)
    - What do you want - say, a person is drawn on the sign "there is no passage here"? (Not)
    - What do you want - say, on round signs the red color means "it's forbidden here"? (Yes)

    2. Quiz “Green Light”

    - What is the name of the walkway?

    What does a red, yellow, green traffic light mean?

    What should you do before you start crossing the street?

    Where can you cross the street?

    Can you play on the pavement?

    How should you walk on the sidewalk?

    Why is it forbidden to cling to trucks and their trailers?

    Where should a pedestrian stop if he has not completed the crossing?

    Where can you ride a bike?

    3. The game “Three lights of a traffic light”

    Teams are given homemade traffic lights.

    Do you know how to follow traffic light commands? Now we will check this. I will read you verses from Oleg Bedarev's ABC of Safety, and you will show the necessary light with your traffic lights.

    1. There are traffic lights,

    Obey them without argument.

    Seething in motion pavement-

    Cars are running, trams are hurrying.

    Say the correct answer:

    What is the light for a pedestrian?

    Correctly! The red light tells us:

    Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed.

    2. Special light - warning!

    Wait for the signal to move.

    Say the correct answer:

    What kind of light is on?

    Correctly! Yellow light is a warning!

    Wait for the signal to move.

    3. Go ahead! You know the order

    You won't get hurt on the pavement.

    Say the correct answer:

    What is the light for pedestrians?

    Correctly! Green light opened the way:

    Guys can move.

    4. The game "Allowed - prohibited"

    Play on the pavement ... (forbidden)

    Crossing streets at a green traffic light ... (permitted)

    Crossing the street in front of nearby traffic ... (forbidden)

    Walk in a crowd on the sidewalk ... (permitted)

    Crossing the street through the underpass ... (permitted)

    Crossing the street at a yellow traffic light ... (forbidden)

    Help old men and women to cross the street ... (permitted)

    Cyclists to cling to passing cars ... (forbidden)

    Go around the sidewalk parked vehicles in front ... (forbidden)

    Walk on the sidewalk on the left ... (forbidden)

    Run out onto the carriageway ... (forbidden)

    Riding a bicycle without holding the handlebars ... (forbidden)

    Chatting and laughing out loud in transport ... (forbidden)

    Respect the rules of the road ... (permitted)

    5. Draw signs

    The players are invited to draw traffic signs for a certain time.

    The team that not only correctly draws the signs in a certain time, but also explains them wins.

    6. Game with spectators (fans) “Crossroads of riddles”

    This horse does not eat oats

    Instead of legs - two wheels.

    Get on top and ride it.

    Just better drive.


    What a miracle this house is!

    There are many passengers in it.

    Shoes are made of rubber

    And it feeds on gasoline.


    Runs and shoots

    Grumbles quickly.

    The tram can't keep up

    Behind this chatterbox.


    Does not fly, does not buzz -
    The beetle runs down the street.
    And burn in the eyes of the beetle
    Two brilliant lights.

    To help you, my friend
    The path is dangerous
    Day and night the fires burn -
    Green, yellow, red.
    (Traffic light)

    What horse plows the ground
    Doesn't he eat hay?

    Runs into the distance - does not grieve,

    Friendly with legs.

    For harvesting

    I go to the fields

    And for several cars

    I work there alone.


    Four brothers run -
    They won't chase each other.

    It will oblige us to go quietly,
    Turn near will show
    And remind you what and how
    You are on your way...

    (Road sign).

    What kind of "zebra" on the road?
    Everyone stands with their mouths open.
    Waiting for the green to blink
    So this…



    Questions from cartoons and fairy tales that mention vehicles.

    What did Emelya ride to the king's palace?

    (On the stove)

    What is Leopold's cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport?


    How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor?

    (with jam)

    What gift did the parents of Uncle Fyodor give to the postman Pechkin?


    What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella?

    (Into the carriage)

    What did old Hottabych fly?

    (On the carpet - the plane)

    Baba Yaga's personal transport?

    On what did the absent-minded person from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad?

    What did Baron Munchausen fly?

    What did Kai ride from the fairy tale G.Kh. Andersna?


    Spectators (fans) can give earned tokens to the team they support.

    7. Game “Make a sign”

    Very often violators of traffic rules spoil road signs, and now we have to repair some of them. You need to assemble a road sign from the proposed components and correctly name it.

    8. Game “Cyclist”

    There are two teams involved. Each team has a 3x3 playing field, divided into 9 numbered sectors. Teams take turns choosing a sector and receive questions from the leader regarding the rules of cycling. If the correct answer is given, then the sector is turned over, and a cyclist is drawn on the back of the field (i.e., with a correct answer, part of the picture appears). The team that quickly collects the cyclist on the playing field wins.

    Question options:

    At what age can you ride a bike on the road? (from 14 years old)

    What should be checked with a bicycle in the first place before riding a bicycle?


    How far from the curb can you ride a bike on the roadway?

    The players are shown the sign “Bicycle Path”, they must name the sign and explain what it means.

    Is it possible to carry a passenger on a bicycle? (Only small children, with a special booster seat).

    Which sign prohibits cycling?

    Should a cyclist stop at a "No Stopping" sign? (Yes)

    How should a cyclist warn when making a right turn? (Right arm outstretched or left elbow bent)

    Should a cyclist stop at an intersection at red lights if there are no vehicles and he is not creating an emergency? (Yes)

    Is a bicycle classified as a horse-drawn vehicle? (Not)

    Why can you ride a bike at night without the lights on? (Trick question, you can’t ride at night without a flashlight, even on a bicycle).

    9. Summing up

    10. Award

    The recording contains the main musical theme (remix) from the TV series “Beware of the car!”. Children appear on the stage, they have road signs in their hands. The dance "Road Signs" is performed. After the number, the children begin to read poetry and beat each sign.

    1st child.

    Here is a big green square,

    On the contrary -

    The letter "R".

    Not a simple letter "R" -

    Crossed out "R".

    Children shrug and walk around the sign.

    2nd child.

    Need a policeman

    Call and ask...

    A siren sounds in the recording, a traffic police car appears on the stage. A policeman comes out of it.

    Children. Is it near the park?

    "R" can't be pronounced?

    3rd child.

    I want to say "Hurrah!"

    And it will turn out "Wow!".

    4th child.

    How can I be without the letter "R",

    After all, it is impossible without the letter "R"!

    5th and 6th child. And they told me...


    The letter "R" is a road sign.

    All the cars go by

    Because the sign is hanging:

    The letter "P" stand cars

    In this place does not order.

    Not a simple letter "R" -

    crossed out "R"!

    The policeman salutes the guys, gets into the car and leaves.

    1st and 2nd child.

    A person is drawn.

    Man is digging the earth.

    The 5th child comes up and looks in amazement at the sign, then asks.

    5th child.

    Why is there no way?

    Maybe they are looking for treasure here?

    and old coins

    Are they in a big chest?

    They are here, probably old

    Hid a very greedy king.

    I was told...

    Children(together). What are you, what are you!

    There's road work here!

    Recorded rhythmic music. Repairmen appear on the stage, a number imitating road work is performed. After that, the children walk in a circle, then stop, one of the children stands in the center of the circle.

    3rd child(in the center of the circle).

    Why would it suddenly

    Are the arrows in a circle?

    And the cars behind each other

    They run merrily in a circle.



    It's like we're on a carousel!

    Children with toy cars drive in a circle.

    Children ( amicably).

    We are on the square with you, -

    There is no straight line here!

    In the recording, a musical screensaver from the m / s "Merry Carousel" sounds, there is a dance of children with cars around the sign.

    3rd child(admiring the sign). Wonderful


    The 4th child runs out, he jumps and runs around the sign.

    4th child.

    So you can here

    Be naughty?

    The 1st child joins him.

    1st child.

    If you run -

    If you go -

    With the wind!

    2nd and 3rd child. People are answering...

    5th and 6th child(strictly).

    This is a dangerous road.

    Very requested road sign

    Ride quietly, be careful!

    2nd child(excitedly, pointing to the sign).

    What's the bar ahead?!

    Let's stand over the fast river.

    What if weightlifters come to the bridge?!

    Will raise the bar

    They will begin to squeeze the bar ...

    Simulates the actions of a weightlifter.

    3rd child(laughing). Not!

    2nd child. Laughing, my friend answered me...

    3rd child(explains).

    Here we will not meet athletes.

    It's just a sign

    For a truck.

    5th child.

    In this place the ground is weak, -

    He speaks sternly

    Carrying a heavy load

    You will damage the road.

    4th child.

    The load will press on the wheels -

    Leave a mark on the road.

    There will be holes on the way -

    No drive, no pass!

    The recording contains a musical theme from the radio play "Road Adventures", music. A. Pinegina. Children dance with signs.

    1st child(clasping his hands). That's the sign! I don't believe my eyes

    What is the battery for?

    (Looks closer at the sign.)

    Does it help with movement?

    Steam heating?

    2nd child(assuming).

    Maybe in winter blizzard

    Do drivers need to warm up here?

    6th child.

    Why in the summer heat

    The sign was not removed from the pavement?

    4th child.

    It turned out that this sign

    Tells the driver...

    3rd child. Here is the barrier - moving!

    Children(friendly). Wait - the express will pass!

    The theme of the song by V. Shainsky "Blue Wagon" sounds in the recording. Children line up in the form of wagons, in a dance they demonstrate all the signs that were discussed, and then, having circled the stage like a snake, they disappear behind the scenes.

    A dramatization based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Come on, friends, figure out what you need to know on the road!

    Leading. There lived a girl. And her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her mother baked pies and sent Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother. And the path was long...

    Little Red Riding Hood appears and sings (to the motive of the song "School Time").

    1. Here I am running along the road and I am not at all afraid,

    There is a long way to go, a lot to go,

    Only I will never lose my way.


    I hurry to my grandmother with pies,

    She has now settled in the city.

    Here is her house with nine floors,

    She is waiting for me and sits by the window.

    2. At home, everyone told me: “The city is full of cars.

    There are so many of them on the roads, even the car is a Volga,

    Don't rush out on the road."


    Leading. And then Little Red Riding Hood came to town.

    Red Riding Hood.

    How interesting the city was arranged:

    How many drawings hang along the roads,

    Here, apparently, only those who are not young go.

    Pointing to the speed limit sign.

    Someone here is selling a bike.

    Sign "Movement of bicycles is prohibited."

    There is a fenced garden ahead.

    Sign "Railway crossing with a barrier."

    Here you can run and even play.

    "Caution, children" sign.

    What is this sign for?

    You can fly planes here!

    Sign "Low-flying aircraft".

    How well that spotlight blinks,

    Here it is green, here it is red again.

    Maybe he lights the street during the day?

    I'll have to ask my grandmother.


    She circled the road for a long time.

    Everything is interesting, but grandma is waiting,

    The house is already visible, and now without alarm

    Little Red Riding Hood is walking straight ahead.

    Mom's order forgot in vain.

    Everyone thought: “Well, what is the use of them?”

    And so it happened: well, just awful!

    And a wolf appears on the way!

    The Wolf appears and sings (the melody of the song "Groom").

    It's me, it's me, it's me

    Tired of walking in the woods.

    I'm getting used to it now, my friends.

    To the six hundredth Mercedes.

    On the road I'm the meanest

    Don't get in the way under your feet.

    Pedestrian is a stranger to me

    He has no place next to us.


    Run, run faster, pedestrian,

    I run towards you.

    Can you run around the corner

    I won't notice you.


    What are you doing on the road

    Or not scary? You're not in the forest, are you?

    Red Riding Hood.

    It's scary, it's scary, and the path was long,

    I bring gifts to my grandmother in the city.

    Wolf, explain what these signs are for?

    What does a colored spotlight illuminate?


    This one burns so as not to stray into darkness,

    Signs hang to turn your head.

    Okay, sit down, we'll get to the grandmother in an instant,

    Ride in a car - do not crawl on foot.

    Oh, I would boast in front of a bear

    I would like my so fast horse.

    Little Red Riding Hood "gets" into the car with the Wolf and they "leave". ("They drive" around the stage.)


    The girl with the Wolf famously rode,

    What are signs from the roads, a traffic light,

    The rules of the road without really learning,

    The wolf didn't even have rights until now.

    Grandmother can hardly wait for her granddaughter,

    The squeal of brakes is heard from the street,

    The wolf is not shy, he presses the pedals,

    Ready to fly into the sky in a car.

    Here he drove into the oncoming lane,

    The sign did not notice that entry was forbidden,

    And the crossroads is not a hindrance to him,

    And the traffic light did not stop him.

    The grandmother sees her granddaughter in danger,

    Runs straight into the road

    She hates the wolf so much

    That under the car risks getting.

    Here a fairy tale could come to a denouement,

    Ambulance and white coat

    Just managed to appear, like in a fairy tale,

    No, not a hunter - a road soldier.

    The traffic police inspector comes out. Blows the whistle.


    Who rushes along the fabulous road,

    Like a flying carpet across the sky?

    Or don't know what's wrong

    Rushing without seeing a sharp turn?

    In a fairy tale, as in life, you can't make mistakes,

    And yes, you can't break the law.

    So let's, friends, figure it out

    What you need to know on the road

    The signs you saw along the road

    Not to turn your head

    And in order to demand strictly,

    Correctly act on the pavement.

    This one warns of speed

    This - travel prohibits the courtyard,

    This one, that planes fly here,

    This one, next to it, is a traffic light.

    All this you need to know,

    To walk the streets safely.

    So as not to be afraid of the roads at all,

    Gives the rules of the road.

    They all sing together (the melody of the song "I'm walking around Moscow").

    So that everything in the world is good,

    So that trouble does not come to your house,

    So that the guard, like a friend, goes to you

    Today and always.

    So that the pedestrian is friends with the driver,

    To keep the traffic light on

    With the law of the streets, everyone to be friends,

    With the law of the streets, everyone to be friends

    And I didn't dare break it.

    Let's learn the rules

    Let's always remember them.

    After all, the rules for us for all -

    Fun game.

    Playing, we will study the signs,

    Tell everyone around

    That only the one who learned the rules

    For us, a reliable friend.