Digital strategy what. Digital marketing: tools, strategy, training. Attracting partners, contractors

  • 13.11.2019

How is your company with internet marketing? I really hope all is well. And what about digital marketing? I'm sure you've thought about it. And there is a reason. What is it and what is the difference?

For me personally, some time ago there was not much difference between Internet marketing and digital marketing. It seems to be something close. But I have never been so deluded.

By bones

There are a lot of those who confuse digital marketing with Internet marketing, with e-commerce, or even think that this is the usual automation of business processes, just in digital form. Therefore, in order not to be ignorant, let's understand.

Digital marketing (aka digital marketing, aka digital marketing) means not so much attracting customers using the Internet, but using digital technologies to attract and.

Got it, right? Not a word that this will be done exclusively via the Internet. And, in principle, this is correct.

Because digital marketing can be used not only in the Internet environment, but also in the same radio, TV and even mobile technologies (that is, offline in fact).

For example, through advertising digital signs on the streets or in applications on mobile phone, even through the same sms or mms. Or do you remember those same QR codes that all of Asia is still going crazy about, but which “did not enter” Russia? Also an example of digital marketing only offline.

Easy proof that they "didn't come in". Here is a QR code for you, by clicking on which you will receive a rather interesting gift from us.

I bet that you thought “Aw, fuck it” or started installing a special application. As they say, here is your answer. The QR code didn't work for us. By the way, recently they argued for a long time with one large company that they do not need it in advertising.

Back to the past

For reference. The term itself was coined in the 1980s. Rather so. The approach itself was invented in 1985 by the SoftAd Group (I consider it the progenitor of digital marketing), and the term itself appeared 5 years later and since then digital marketing has begun to develop actively.

By the way, about SoftAd Group. They advertised in many publications with an appeal - the reader had to cut out the ad, put it in an envelope, and in return receive a multimedia disc with automotive content and the opportunity to sign up for exclusive test drives. But this is so, by the way.


Channels Digital marketing

Now let's talk about what channels you can use to promote digital marketing. Most likely, almost all of these channels are familiar to you:

  1. Display or ;
  2. search marketing;
  3. Video games;
  4. Video advertising;

But what will all this look like if the channels are broken down in more detail and clearly. I would say, call them the words that we hear and, of course, see daily:

  1. Social networks;
  2. Self-service terminals;
  3. Interactive screens;
  4. Web sites;
  5. Game consoles;
  6. Offline stores;
  7. Computers and tablets;
  8. Digital television;
  9. Smartphones;
  10. Local networks;
  11. Gadgets.

But the main feature of a digital business is not at all that it can be used online or offline.

And manageability and measurability. Well, really, it's pretty cool that we're thanks the latest technologies we can not predict and calculate advertising revenue, but measure the results and, based on them, change and eliminate problem areas.

Implementation examples

Usually when I ask what is digital business, they answer me - a business using digital technologies.


This is all good, but can you be more specific? Well, that's... sort of, that's internet marketing. Therefore, in this article there will not be anything like this, as it were, but there will be specific examples (you have already read the example about the QR code).

1. Digital TV

One of the brightest representatives of digital marketing. If you use it, you have noticed how much, for example, it has changed over the past year or two.

Could we have previously imagined that it would be possible to access the Internet from a TV, buy a game or access to a movie, check your mail or your page on a social network? I think it will be even more global.

2. Interactive screens

Example of an interactive screen

For example, I like these in KFC. When you approach them, poke, collect your order and immediately pay with a card.

And you don't have to stand in line. By the way, they are increasingly appearing in our lives. In cinemas, shopping centers and even subway cars.

3. Digital gadgets

Gadget Example

Those trendy fitness bracelets that monitor your health: they count how much you have walked, how many calories you have eaten, and whether you are even slouching.

The principle of operation is very simple - they collect information and transmit it to other devices, for example, to your smartphone or computer.

4. Digital art

This is truly digital digital. When a work of art is created with the help of a computer (picture, video, game). Yes, why words, here's a video for an example. Great?

Cons are obvious

But as always, digital marketing has unpleasant moments, because there is no perfect tool. In general, nothing is perfect. For example, such cons:

  • You can't do it "quickly". You cannot become a successful digital company in 2-3 weeks. For many, this takes years, months at best;
  • Digital marketing cannot be imagined from 2-3 tools that you have set up and they will work. No, you'll have to try this and that and that;
  • And the most important thing. In digital marketing, you can’t make everything start and not touch it again. Dispersion doesn't work here. You have to watch, analyze and edit.

Digital strategy

Of course, the article would be useless if I gave you a general theory and let go in peace. But we don't work that way.

Therefore, if you have long wanted to integrate digital into your marketing and business, then you need a strategy. I prepared a small step by step instructions what and how:

  1. Compose the goals of your business and the goals of digital integration (that is, why start all this? Not for fun, though);
  2. Define your target audience. It is the one for which you are planning to integrate your business with digital.

    Our excellent article will help you with this, how to determine;

  3. Formulate yours;
  4. Channels and tools. Here it is important to evaluate what you already have and use, and find those channels that are not involved;
  5. Think it over. Not even like that. And how will you convey it to your target audience;
  6. Sort the tasks by priority. I think there is no need to explain. Arrange tasks, performers, deadlines and, of course, determine advertising budgets for launching such a strategy;
  7. Think about how you will evaluate the intermediate results (the very ones);
  8. It seems to be all. But no! This is where the most important and most terrible thing arises - analysis.

    And as a consequence of it, an adjustment. Yes, that's what the digital business is all about.

    You need to constantly analyze it, correct it, eliminate problematic, non-working places and work on improving the strategy.

Snorted again? Okay, let's write on a specific company, which we will now come up with with you. That is to say, let's create the perfect company in the world that you, dear colleague, will manage in these happy moments.

Let's imagine that you are the owner of a building materials store. Now let's write everything in detail:

  1. Goals. We need to increase sales of building materials with the help of a new educational mobile application.
  2. The target audience. People who are doing repairs in their new apartment for the first time (from scratch).
  3. Unique selling proposition s__________ Alas, you can’t come up with 5 minutes.
  4. Channels. People who come to the site or store receive promotional materials with a call to install the application using a special promo code.
  5. Content. Mobile app With ready-made stages construction, with ready-made tasks and a description that must be taken into account by the client when building a dream apartment.
  6. Tasks. Create advertising materials with an appeal, create the main stages of construction, write educational articles (make a video), develop a mobile application.
  7. Intermediate results (assessment of meeting deadlines, volumes and other KPIs set)
  8. Analytics. Number of app downloads and number of app uses

Briefly about the main

Now I will say a seditious thought but ... Digital marketing this, of course, is cool, this is the future, but for most businesses (especially small ones) there is simply no need. At least for now.

The next couple of years. All these are frills and tricks, which, if they change the situation, will only be within 0.0001 percent.

The only thing that can be relevant within the framework of this topic is a fundamental change in your business. How, for example, antenna television has changed to Internet television.

Everything else, I repeat, chips, nothing more. The result of the fable: the strength is not in the beautiful interactive icons on the site. The power is in the right delivery.

P.S. Remember, I told you that QR codes didn't work in Russia? I remember one rather interesting story.

3 owners of a very famous fitness club (so yellow, with American roots) argued whether to use QR codes in advertising or not. The solution was born pretty quickly.

The test period is 2 weeks. With more than 300 people passing by this banner a day, how many people do you think became the owner of a brand new crispy five thousandth banknote?

One! One person for 2 weeks came to clarify whether this was a joke. As a result, he received 5,000 rubles, and the owners were confident that QR codes should not be used in advertising. However, that was over a year ago, so things may have changed. But I'm not sure.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about such a promotion tool as digital marketing.

Today you will learn:

  • What is digital;
  • To whom does it suit;
  • What are digital tools marketing;
  • How to implement a digital promotion strategy.

Long gone are the days when advertising messages were distributed exclusively through offline channels. In the 21st century, the century of high technologies, electronic digital communication channels with consumers dominate.

What is digital marketing

Digital or digital marketing is a means of communication with the consumer, which are carried out through special digital channels such as: smartphones, computers, tablets, television, radio, digital screens. In addition, digital marketing has its embodiment in offline channels in the form of links to electronic resources and QR codes.

Digital marketing involves a personalized approach, which means that you must be aware of the needs, preferences, interests, and other data of your potential client.
The whole building process advertising campaign on the Internet can be expressed in five main stages:

  1. Define the goals of your digital advertising campaign (increase sales, attract consumers, get data, and so on), develop a strategy;
  2. Choose channels for disseminating the message;
  3. Formulate a communication message, present it in a form corresponding to the selected channels;
  4. Launch an advertising campaign;
  5. Regularly monitor and analyze the advertising campaign, adjust if necessary.

In addition, digital marketing, despite the variety of distribution channels, is preferable for attracting active Internet users.

Another specific feature of digital marketing is its informational focus. Therefore, if your goal is solely sales, then digital marketing is not for you. But digital technologies will do a great job of increasing your brand awareness and bringing information about the product to the consumer.

The following are the benefits of digital marketing:

  • Rapid growth of brand awareness;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • Possibility of control and correction;
  • Unobtrusiveness.

Types and tools of digital marketing

There are two types of digital marketing: distributed in the online space and distributed in the offline space. Each of the types, in turn, has its own implementation tools. Let's present them in a table.

Online space

offline space

Optimize for user requests, this will get more visitors QR codes on various sources

Place QR codes in various sources with bonuses and gifts

Directly related to optimization. Represents advertisements (links) that appear on resources with a theme corresponding to the ad
It is an advertising image that is located on any part of the page of the Internet resource you have chosen TV advertising

Expensive but effective promotion channel. Lets cover maximum amount audience

Personalized advertisement in a social network leading to your website (page) radio advertising

It is also not a budget promotion channel, but it allows you to notify a large number of of people

SMS messages

Short SMS messages with information about promotions and new products

Push and Pop up windows

Most effective solution will be a combination of several instruments at the same time. This will allow you to reach the largest possible audience.

Digital Marketing Strategies

If you decide to apply digital marketing to your business, then the first thing you need to do is develop a strategy. In order to make it easier for you, we will present a step-by-step algorithm for compiling it, and then we will give an example.

  1. Work out the goals of your digital advertising campaign. They must be digitized, that is, presented as specific numerical values. For example, increase website traffic by 40%.
  2. Determine the target audience of the advertising campaign. It must match the target audience of the product you are promoting.
  3. Determine competitive advantage the product you are going to promote (or the company as a whole). You will have to express them in the communication message.
  4. Select the distribution channels for the communication message. We recommend choosing multiple channels.
  5. Develop a communication message, as well as its design, corresponding to the selected channels.
  6. Calculate the budget and set deadlines.
  7. Consider metrics to measure performance for each channel.
  8. Control, analysis of results and adjustment as necessary;

Example. Imagine that we are "Volosatik", where we offer hair care products. The store is located in Moscow and we sell only in Moscow. We recently launched a new product - raspberry anti-dandruff shampoo and we want to inform the target audience about the new product through digital marketing. The cost of shampoo is 600 rubles per 200 ml.

  1. Purpose: to convey information about the new product to 60% of the target audience;
  2. Target audience: visitors to our online store living in Moscow, aged 20 to 55 years old with dry hair and dandruff problems, income level from 50 thousand rubles per month;
  3. Competitive advantage: natural composition, the effect of application confirmed by experts, original packaging, unusual rich raspberry smell.
  4. Channels: contextual advertising and email distribution;
  5. Communication message.
  1. Budget and terms: 3,000 rubles for 14 days;
  2. Performance indicator and control: Click-through rate (CTR) - shows how many users clicked on the link in the advertisement.

Digital agency

The last point I would like to talk about is digital agencies. Compared with ordinary advertising agencies, digital agencies' services are to promote products on the Internet or using the network and high technology.

Digital agency services include:

  • Website development and maintenance;
  • Promotion in blogs, groups in social networks and other thematic sites;
  • Conducting an advertising campaign on the Internet;
  • Carrying out other events using high technologies and the Internet. For example, holding a competition in mall based on a mobile application.

The purpose of the digital agency is to transfer the consumer from offline to online space, that is, to increase sales via the Internet.

HSE has done a very good course for professional marketers. For me, its main value is its deep expertise, the experience of practicing teachers and new connections with interesting, thinking people. A wonderful bonus for Lifelong learning fans like me is the opportunity to attend all lectures of this program for free for the next two years. I will come!

Anna Skorobogatova, Head of Marketing, PwC Russia

Before starting the program, I did not set other goals for myself, except for the development of professional skills. But a few months after defending the strategy, I was taught a lesson in managing the digital marketing department and entrusted with its development in my company. The learning process itself also exceeded my expectations: concentrated and structured knowledge from leading experts, inspiring case studies, and communication with professionals and like-minded people! I recommend the program to marketers with good experience offline and the desire to develop further, as well as managers who want to more effectively manage their teams and contractors.

Natalya Selezneva, head marketing communications, Syngenta

I listened with great pleasure to the course "Marketing strategy in digital". I would like to note the practical orientation of the material provided - all teachers are practitioners in such a new business area for Russia as marketing digitalization. The final work has become a working concept for digital projects that are currently in the process of being implemented. Special thanks to the course leader, Evgeny Barmin, for valuable advice on building relationships with service providers.

Anna Baskova, Head of Marketing Department, SAS

The Marketing Strategies in Digital program is what I was looking for in the education market. I needed a capacious but deep digital educational program, because at that moment I was carrying out a digital transformation and I understood that my own knowledge was not enough. As a result, I got a comprehensive understanding and the skill to implement marketing strategies in digital myself, and even using the example of completely different areas, as the guys from B2B, B2C studied in the group. Well, acquaintance with teachers - top practitioners, is simply priceless, low bow.

Anton Smirnov, Head of Direct Sales Digital transformation project leader, Panasonic

Digital strategies cover all issues related to how a particular company will sell its services via the Internet: what channels and tools will be used, how much money will be needed, what will be the results, etc. Naturally, the development and implementation of this plan should be handled by specialists - Digital strategies, which we will talk about today.

Running a business today is rarely complete without the use of Internet technologies. Every self-respecting company has at least its own website and periodically advertises its services on social networks. This is really effective in terms of attracting customers, so the business began to actively develop this approach and apply the so-called Digital strategies.

Digital strategy refers to a plan to achieve the company's goals with the help of digital tools. As a rule, such strategies cover all issues related to how a particular company will sell its services via the Internet: what channels and tools will be used, how much money will be needed, what will be the results, etc. Naturally, specialists should be involved in the development and implementation of this plan. - which we will talk about today.

By the way, in our country, representatives of this profession are often confused with SMM specialists. But this view is fundamentally wrong, since the scope of the Digital Strategist covers a wider range.

Who is a Digital Strategist

A digital strategist is a specialist who uses the capabilities of the digital environment to achieve the company's business goals. To strengthen the brand, the Digital Strategist conducts research, analytics, determines effective ways to use media resources and develops a Digital Strategy for each individual organization.

Translated from English Digital means "digital". Thus, we are talking about a "digital strategist" - a person who well assesses the possibilities of the digital world (environment) and can apply his knowledge to draw up a strategy (plan) that allows solving certain problems. It should be noted that the digital world should be understood not only as the Internet with its services and resources, but as digital technologies that people use on a daily basis.

The first Digital Strategists began to appear in Western countries when companies began to consider digital technologies as a powerful tool for doing business. In our country, such specialists are not yet in high demand, but representatives of leading advertising agencies they say that in the near future the need for them will increase. Thus, we can safely say that the profession of a Digital strategist is profession of the future.

Now let's see what is the difference between an SMM specialist and a Digital strategist. The first is really good at advertising and drawing attention to the company's services through social networks. The second one conducts additional research of the target market, analyzes competing organizations, finds sources of growth in business and does everything to interest exactly the “right” people. In other words, a Digital strategist not only understands the mechanisms for promoting a product or service on the Web, but is also well acquainted with the direction of activity of an organization.

Key responsibilities of a Digital Strategist include:

  • planning and implementing compelling strategies;
  • analysis of marketing and communication activity of competitors;
  • development of multi-channel initiatives and mechanisms.
  • coordination and control of the work of the team members involved in the preparation and implementation of digital strategies;
  • development of individual performance indicators and recommendations for further improvement of the business.

What qualities should a Digital Strategist have?

In the 21st century, a company's business strategy must necessarily include a "digital" component. At the same time, its potential cannot be overestimated, especially if a smart Digital strategist is involved, who sees through the behavior of the audience, knows how to live the situation through the eyes of the client and predict the steps of competitors. Therefore, it is important for a representative of this profession to have knowledge in such areas as:

  • Doing Business;
  • psychology (behavioral factors of the target audience);
  • digital technologies;
  • advertising.

From this follows the following skills and abilities of a digital strategist:

  • research - search and analysis of information;
  • rhetoric - the ability to correctly express one's ideas;
  • planning;
  • teamwork.

To effectively fulfill their responsibilities, a Digital Strategist must have the following personal qualities, how:

  • attention to details;
  • communication;
  • organization;
  • creativity;
  • developed logical thinking;
  • systems thinking.

In this way, digital strategist- a professional with a broad outlook in the field of marketing, media planning and understanding the behavior of potential customers of the company. This person should be purposeful, enterprising, active, and what is important - be able to think not about parts, but about the picture as a whole.

Benefits of being a Digital Strategist

The salary of a novice Digital strategist, as a rule, "starts" from 40 thousand rubles a month, and professionals in this field can receive 120 thousand rubles or more.

In the industry Digital Marketing Most of the specialists are young people, therefore, an informal atmosphere is maintained in agencies and departments.

Most Digital Strategists work with their own team, which they assemble based on their personal preferences and the required level of professionalism. Thanks to this, the work process most often takes place in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere of general understanding and trust.

Such work is a good way of self-realization, especially for a creative person who has non-standard thinking. When developing a strategy, you can use almost any of your talents.

Disadvantages of the Digital Strategist Profession

On the digital strategist positions it is almost impossible to relax and indulge in "doing nothing". Professionals employed in large companies, always deal with deadlines that are often incomparable with the amount of work. But time is money, and the strategist must be as productive as possible to complete the tasks.

The responsibility for the effectiveness of a digital strategy usually rests solely with the strategist. Therefore, he must be prepared for manifestations of customer dissatisfaction due to the fact that not all of his ideas and developments work as he planned.

Where can I get a job as a Digital Strategist?

Directly the specialty "Digital-strategist" today is not provided for in any university program. Those who want to realize themselves in this direction, for a start, may well get an education in such areas as.