Why is the traditional sales funnel ineffective? Is the classic sales funnel still relevant? Social media sales funnel

  • 13.11.2019

Most online marketing advice boils down to techniques for creating an effective sales funnel. According to them, you should push buyers towards the end goal, like increasing sales or signing up. However, very rarely do they tell you what to do once that goal has been achieved.

The problem is, 80% of all conversion funnel optimization tips describe funnels with a clear end goal. Marketers get what they need from the customer and then forget about it until they need something again. Then the whole cycle is repeated - with new goals and a funnel.

It's tiresome. A business is not created by connecting sales funnels in various clever ways. The business thrives on a holistic, customer-centric approach.

Passing a user through the sales funnel can have two results: it will either increase the conversion or not. But this does not mean that the audience should be divided into two parts: the ignored half, which has already given you what you need, and the half on which you should focus all your efforts.

The sales funnel has been and will continue to be an integral part of evaluating customer interactions with a brand, but its successful completion does not mean the end of that interaction. Completion is just one more step in implementing a holistic strategy.

Retaining a customer is cheaper than acquiring a new one, and it has many more benefits in terms of profitability.

Focusing solely on the successful completion of the sales funnel is a common approach in online business. The spread of advice promoting such simple funnels has led to very unfortunate results.

Here is a typical example:

“Two years ago I was a loser, unable to pay my bills. But in 18 months I made a billion dollars. Do you want to know how I did it? Click here or register for the webinar now.

Your followers are the most important element of your business. Learn proven methods to help you get 300 new subscribers a day.”

Comment: Sad but true. Internet marketing has largely evolved into network marketing.

Eric (commentator) is right: Internet marketing has become like new form network marketing. No one learns how to do business the right way - everyone is busy creating product marketing funnels. A product with no value but creating more marketers who make the same dull promises.

If you subscribe to any such educational mailing list or attend a webinar, you will find that they do not carry any real useful information.

Why is this a problem?

Is selling information or products online a problem? No. Maybe the problem is in simple funnels? Also no. Or maybe that all this is similar to network marketing? Only partly.

The problem is this: you are told that for successful business you need to follow the same sequence of actions to create a sales funnel. You're told that creating a webinar, running paid ads, and implementing automated emails is the secret to long-term success.

Of course, the main goal of a business is to increase conversions. But focusing on sales alone has Negative consequences. This opinion is not popular among modern marketers, especially among CRO specialists.

But a sales funnel by itself is not a business. A simple transition from the initial contact with the buyer to the purchase is only part of the story. Once that purchase is made, the user usually disappears because the focus is on filling the top of the funnel and getting people to buy. Yes, this way you will earn money, but you will not provide a stable income in the future.

What if not a funnel?

Take a look at the diagram of a traditional sales funnel:

3 levels of a traditional sales funnel:

This model has a huge problem - "heavy" beginning, middle and end.

It's no wonder so much of today's marketing advice boils down to simply attracting users and converting them into buyers. There is no room for anything else in this model.

However, try to think about the following questions:

  • What happens if someone goes through your funnel?
  • How do you interact with people who are already customers?
  • Have they disappeared from your field of vision or do you continue to work with them?

If you're following the traditional model, be aware that not all of your leads are at the top of the funnel and follow their prescribed path to become buyers.

Nonlinear sales model

What if you try to attract customers at different stages of their cross-platform interaction? This is a model of a non-linear approach to sales.

Let's first look at the stages of user recognition of your brand. In general, this path consists of five steps:

5 levels of brand recognition (from left to right):
Full understanding (product and price), familiarization with the product (discount offers), familiarization with the solution (statements and evidence), understanding of the problem (concerns and benefits), ignorance (stories and secrets).

Yes, we again see a linear buyer conversion pattern. However, today's consumers are incredibly picky - they conduct thorough research of the company before making any decisions and use a huge amount of information to do this.

And so we, as marketers, must create content to engage different users at different stages of the conversion, and therefore at different stages of the sales funnel.

Agree, this idea already denies the linear approach, in which attraction is only the first step. At the later stages of the traditional sales funnel, we have new mini funnels that are also designed to attract users.

In addition, you need to take into account the fact that leads use different devices and channels. According to Comscore, cross-platform activity is now the norm for users.

People are constantly switching from phone to computer, then doing something on the tablet, then again on the computer.

This feature of user behavior shows that there really is no linear path for clients. Therefore, you should not strive to clearly break down their experience into stages. Users come from different sources and at different stages of the funnel. But the most important thing is that some of them make repeat purchases that are not represented in any way in the traditional sales funnel.

First you need to understand how the modern sales funnel works. Her idea was best described by Brian Clark on eConsultancy:

The most interesting thing about Brian's visual scheme is that there is no end to the customer's journey.

It is a mistake to assume that if a lead does not move from one stage to another, he flies out of the funnel. Imagine you bought a pair of new running shoes. You prefer Adidas because one day you took a Nike shoe and it quickly fell apart. However, you as a potential customer are not yet lost to Nike. You just took a few steps back in the sales funnel.

If Nike tried to restore lost trust, it might well do so. Because you can't break forever with a brand that advertises its products everywhere. Over the past few years, the constant presence of the company in our field of vision, numerous feedback from players and sponsors will slowly work to restore your trust. And after a while they will succeed.

As Brian Clark says, “Conversion is ongoing process transition from outer circles to inner circles. Each step inward means a greater degree of a person's conviction that the company can satisfy his desires. A successful experience reinforces the trust that leads to the start of a new cycle.”

Instead of a conclusion

Your customers are people who trust you. But trust will only last as long as you continue to serve them every step of the way — even after the purchase.

If you solve their problems at all stages of the cycle, and not just before the purchase, you will not only attract more new users, but also retain current ones for repeat purchases.

High conversions for you!

The sales funnel is supposed to visualize how marketing actually leads to sales. It is also convenient to show how activity in in social networks can lead to sales (in other words: awareness growth -> purchase / order -> loyalty). But this is a very outdated model (albeit a convenient one). In the last decade, shopping behavior patterns have changed a lot. Changed in such a way that they bring the classic sales funnel to nothing. I will share a free translation of Nichole Kelly's article.

The sales funnel is based on the theory that the average consumer (alas, this terrible word cannot be avoided) starts at the “top” and in the process reaches the “bottom”. But do we go all this way linearly? The following scenario is much more true: I started at the top, skipped a couple of levels, then returned to the top again, got “lost” again, then suddenly bought a product or ordered a service. Simply put, sometimes our virtual interaction with a brand results in a purchase, and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes a "like" is just a "like".

I think that the assumption that a large percentage of customers go through the path indicated by the classic sales funnel is fundamentally wrong. One of my favorite exercises is to model the path leading to a conversion. It is worth looking at it, as everything becomes extremely clear.

A potential client can come from anywhere to our site, but let's say he went to some post on our blog through a link published in some tweet. So, he moved on and read the post. Did he order from us? No, probably not. After some time, the same person googles something and through the search gets to an article posted on our website. So, he came from a search and read the article. Did he order from us? No, probably not. Several months have passed, during which this particular potential client does not visit our site at all, but then suddenly sees in the Facebook timeline that his friend has shared our content. He visits our site again, then goes back to the blog and reads some post. Then he suddenly notices that we have a newsletter subscription and decides to subscribe. But he doesn't order. It may take several months before the next interaction. The bottom line is that you can find us through searches, through links in tweets, through posts on Facebook and Google+, watching videos on YouTube and Vimeo, in Formsping, Last.fm, etc., but never become our client. .

Where in the sales funnel is this potential customer? If we need to “lead” all site visitors through a sales funnel, then this is more like a situation when a kid counts circles on the water in a pool. Counting laps will not make a child a good swimmer. This is what you should think about at your leisure.

Distractions are the #1 barrier to selling

It is clear that the behavior of people in general is not very decipherable. But what can be said for sure: the distractions on the path to buying ... distract, in fact, from making a purchase (sorry for the pun). Involuntarily, a Google video about online shopping in the real world comes to mind. We get distracted and move on to another resource. Just stop reading the article that brought us to the site. We are moving somewhere else and it is not at all a fact that we will ever return to this site. We are meticulous in our purchases and other agreements. Our opinion may change completely due to new information and impressions. We often shop, or at least order goods, on impulse. It often happens that a person is interested in something and is looking for information about it, goes to the site and does not find enough arguments to place an order, then he leaves the site and his attention switches to something else. Maybe someday a second attempt will be made to find information about product X, or maybe not. Nobody likes to wait - what we are looking for should be right now (there are exceptions - as a rule, these are the most expensive things, real estate, etc.). Is it worth asking a question about the sales funnel?

If you have provided all the important information about a product or service, the conditions of purchase and delivery on the site, this can speed up the sale process. If not, you are losing customers every day (by analyzing only the numbers and movements on the site). People are lazy: if the buying process requires some effort, we are more likely to postpone it until "when there is time." When we have more time, we research the topic better - we read reviews, compare products, terms of sale and delivery, ask friends. All this means that potential customers can easily get lost.

Web analytics puncture

It is difficult to capture the correct path to conversion if only online resources appear. If you rely solely on Google Analytics for everything, you may know exactly how a potential customer interacted with your site for the first time and even before making a purchase, but you don’t know what happened in between. Most marketers do not evaluate the effectiveness of the published content in any way because they believe that it is not " advertising campaign". Why don't we try to analyze the entire campaign? After all, if we want to analyze the behavior of customers, we must record data on each “touchpoint” (at least online).

Bottomless Records

Let's say you already have such a system that analyzes every interaction with the site, a marketing automation system has been implemented (read more about it in the GetResponse blog). Can you trace the path to conversion? Can you predict what sequence of your actions will lead to sales? Do you know which sequence of actions will increase the percentage of conversions so that you can optimize your work? Not. Reports, both online and offline, are still under development. For some reason, we are still trying to separate marketing from sales, but the report should be general. We have great tools - from web analytics systems to CRM, but few companies have found the opportunity to combine them. The problem is that we often do not have enough data for in-depth analysis.

All customers go through the same stages of the purchase process in one way or another. They may come in and out of the funnel at different stages, but we can still focus on optimizing their journey from one stage to the next. But you need to understand that we are modeling the process of making a purchase - not the behavior and habits of real people. Alternatively, the new model to replace the sales funnel does not look like a funnel at all. It probably looks like a chain of neural connections that form the nervous system. Neurons allow you to process information - to respond to it chemically, physically and emotionally.

In the same way, we can illustrate where we lead customers and what ways we can achieve conversion. So we see that the path to purchase is not linear at all. It is a network of "touchpoints" - situations in which we take a point of view or form an opinion, and opportunities that we accept or reject. If we capture data in this way, it is certain that some conversion paths will be brighter than others—they will be more effective than others. Also, such a scheme will reveal "black holes" - where we lose the largest part of potential customers.

Hello my regular readers! In this article, we will talk about how to perform brand promotion on social networks and about the sales funnel, which showed good results in brand promotion in 2018. So let's go!

Brand promotion strategy in social networks

How to increase loyalty target audience to the trade offer so that she herself showed consumer initiative in the form of placing an order? The secret of successful potential customer engagement lies in the application of a systemic (step by step) algorithm for explaining the benefits of a branded product. The second integral factor influencing the process of generating interest in a product / service is the natural transformation of subscribers (in our case) into hot customers through the processing of social signals that occur within each stage of the client route.

The social sales funnel includes 4 stages:

  1. awareness(the target audience should know about the existence of your offer);
  2. development of interest(users should be interested in your product, only then they will be motivated to read the advertisement / go to the web resource);
  3. readiness(the main task of marketers at the third stage is the formation of an objective need for products);
  4. commission targeted action (the final stage is the execution by the client of a specific purchase operation “ ” (for example, contacting the company manager or placing goods in an online shopping cart)).

Note: The described concept of the sales funnel was developed at the end of the 19th century. Nowadays, it continues to be in demand among web entrepreneurs.

It is worth noting that marketing specialists have made changes to the original version of the brand promotion strategy in social networks, reflecting the real (actual) needs of the business. Thus, an additional evaluation stage functions, which makes it possible to carry out an analysis of the feasibility of acquiring, for example, an expensive software.

In this article, we will look at the classic sales funnel scheme that can be used when promoting a brand in social networks. Please note that in order to optimize the information and trading strategy, the client route has been somewhat expanded.

Implemented marketing solutions are presented below:

  • evaluation stage was added ( clarification: fulfillment today comparative analysis characteristics of commodity items in the network is carried out quickly and relatively simply);
  • brand protection stage was added in the format of recommendation reviews from previous buyers ( clarification: social platforms ensure the rapid attraction of new customers with the help of an existing consumer audience).

Social media sales funnel

What tasks should be solved at this or that stage of involvement?

  1. Awareness: search for common ground with future subscribers/customers (alternative interpretation: how will buyers be able to identify you in social networks?).
  2. Grade: what guides the target audience in the process of studying your product and your similar sales offers?
  3. Purchase: How can you motivate people to buy a product?
  4. Interaction: How will social communities contribute to the development of communication with an already formed client base?
  5. Protection: what should be based on the recommendation algorithm for brand promotion?

Important nuances when promoting a brand on social networks

Don't make the common mistake of investing in only a few stages of your sales funnel.

So, the network has many video channels (on the same) with fairly high attendance rates. However, their owners do not receive a stable income due to the irregular placement and distribution of the seller.

A similar situation is observed with websites. Quite often we come across sites where a really useful, interesting information product is published. But, most likely, the influx of targeted traffic to them will be insignificant due to the lack of a clear social promotion of the USP (many still believe that attracting customers from social networks is a waste of time).

Recommendations for creating and then improving the social sales funnel

We propose to consider in detail the principles of administration of each element of the sales funnel.

1. Awareness

In order to focus the attention of the target audience on your product, use two tactics: organic and / or paid.

Note: do not try to master all marketing tactics at once, work with the one that showed the best preliminary results

Organic tricks:

  • live broadcasts;
  • contests;
  • free practical guides;
  • regularly updating the news feed of the thematic community;
  • development of a personal YouTube channel;
  • distribution of video content;
  • publishing visual content;
  • development of a content strategy for each social platform used.

Paid Methods:

  • creation and management of advertising campaigns;
  • cooperation with opinion leaders (we are talking about the so-called influencer marketing).

2. Evaluation

To attract attention is only the first step. The next step is to assign the brand the status of " reliable partner". For this:

3. Purchase

Possible scenarios (free):

  • organize (the optimal structure of a sales e-mail message: an intriguing subject -> greeting -> structured presentation of the essence -> image -> link to a web page with a USP -> your contact details);
  • run contests on social networks that will encourage warm / hot customers to buy;
  • offer a good discount.

4. Interaction

Base expansion regular customers- It's labor intensive and costly. Therefore, you should always keep in touch with those who have already used your service.

For successful implementation new products within the already established consumer segment necessary:

  • promptly provide answers to questions;
  • arrange weekly live information and consulting broadcasts;
  • publish posts with unique and useful information regarding the process of producing offers.

5. Protection.

  • create a separate community for customers who have bought the product;
  • establish the most confidential contact with them;
  • send them personalized thank you notes;
  • offer a discount on your next purchase.

That's all for now. Good luck in the process of promoting a branded product on social networks.

Will attracting fans help the business grow? Marketers have made great strides in expanding their audience on social media. There was an opinion that promotion in social networks would be successful only for the business-to-consumer (B2C) model.

However, lately we have seen successful examples promotion of brands both in the business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) sectors. In the field of B2B business promotion software, companies such as HubSpot, InfusionSoft and HootSuite have achieved the greatest success.

They were able to significantly increase the number of subscribers by sending quality content to their target audience. In the B2C sector, our commitment to brands such as Old Spice, Coca-Cola and Ford has grown even more thanks to their interesting social media campaigns. Does it help a large number of subscribers to increase the profits of these brands? This is the next question C-suite executives and marketers are asking themselves: “Can I earn money from my social media followers”?

interest in conducting serious marketing research and evaluating the profitability of income from brand promotion through social media is increasing. More and more companies are realizing that social media promotion strategies should be focused on generating income. This does not give you a license to create low-quality presentations on Twitter. But it opens up opportunities for a more strategic approach to content content in social networks, its distribution and evaluation. Here are some tips to help you get started.

It is quite difficult to get potential buyers into the sales funnel if you do not have a clear understanding of the stages that make it up.

The first step to monetizing your social media profile is to have a clear understanding of which marketing channels are driving potential customers into your sales funnel. this moment, what is the next stage of the sale and how long does it take to complete the transaction. You need to understand where, at what stage social networks will optimally fit into this formula.

  • Will social media leads respond to existing sales processes?
  • What stage of the buying process are social media customers in?
  • What will be the conversion?

In order to correctly study the behavior of your subscribers, you need to conduct testing. It is unlikely that potential customers on social media behave in the same way as they do with other marketing campaigns.

This is because on a social network, most often you start communicating with a potential buyer at an earlier stage of the sale, before your competitors. Capturing the attention of potential buyers early is a very valuable advantage, but it can be lost if expectations do not match the behavior of customers on social networks. If we compare traditional sales with social media sales, then, in fact, in the latter, three more levels are added to the sales funnel, which gives more opportunities for conversion.

Social media expand sales.

Social Media Adds Three Levels of Brand Awareness to the Sales Funnel, Giving More Opportunities for Conversions.

It is important to follow that Potential buyers can easily make a purchase. We as consumers are pretty lazy, and if we have to find out how to buy from you, we'll probably just walk away.

That's why take a look at your page Facebook. What do you need to do to make a purchase? Do I need to click on an information banner to find your site, then go to it and understand how to buy products or services? If so, you are missing out on an opportunity. make the fans in Facebook by their customers.

Create a tab that allows fans to make a purchase right in Facebook, and will most likely be followed by a surge in sales. Social media success comes from having powerful content that can be shared on social media. Such content should appear on your corporate blog more than once.

Look at your blog and make sure it has conversion points that make each post essentially a bait page. Try use different methods of "call to action" (calls to action), to understand which ones lead to the highest conversion rates.
By understanding the path to social media conversion, you can optimize each step.

On social media, potential customers enter the “sales funnel” at an earlier stage. They may not be ready to make a purchase yet; however, interested fans can be offered to subscribe to the email newsletter.

Undecided customers referred are people who have agreed to leave their address Email to get useful, targeted content. These are valuable customers who have declared that they are interested in your content; however, they have not yet expressed an interest in purchasing your product or services.

Having built marketing campaign thus in order to use the useful information contained in the mailings to simultaneously promote subscribers further along the “sales funnel”, you will increase your chances turn undecided subscribers into potential buyers.

Tip 4: Tailor Your Marketing Efforts to Customers on Social Media

It is important to understand the difference between working with potential buyers on social networks and traditional ways of leading customers. Email newsletters built in the traditional way will kill the sale when communicating with customers who come from a social network.

Since communication with buyers on social networks begins at an earlier stage of the sale, e-mail distribution should be adapted to them. It must be designed in such a way as to encourage the client to make a purchase decision. To do this, it must include content to help make that decision. This content contains answers on questions, which are often encountered when selling your product, work with objections most frequently encountered in the sales process, and makes it possible become a likely buyer.

A likely buyer is one who has taken actions that directly indicate that they are now interested in your product. This means that he is in the phase of studying the product and making a purchase decision, and you have a chance turn a subscriber into a customer. With the help of your social media marketing efforts, you have already been able to gain the trust of potential customers. Therefore, if you take the lead in decision making, most likely, they will purchase a product from you, and not from your competitors with whom they did not interact.

By combining thematically relevant and motivating content in your mailing lists, you will be able to determine whether when the subscriber becomes interested in the product. At this stage you can start talk about the product and move on to the traditional sales process.

Knowing when to move on to this step will be easier if you label pages and “calls to action” (calls to action) that indicate interest in the product. This could be an application for a product demo, attending a webinar about a product, or downloading content that encourages a purchase decision.

Finally, the only way to understand when subscribers are engaged in the sales process is evaluating your efforts. The fastest and most cost effective way to monitor social media conversions is to tracking clicks on links in social networks through the system Google Analytics. This is easy to do by combining Google Analytics and the HootSuitePro system. After receiving the data, it is important bring them into a format that will give marketers the information they need. The following metrics will help track sales performance:

  • Banner display cost
  • Cost per engagement
  • Undecided Buyer Cost
  • Probable Buyer Cost
  • Cost per sale

What is your opinion? Have you managed to increase your income by attracting fans and subscribers? Or are you still trying to figure out how to do it? Join the discussion and leave your questions and comments below.