Why is there no luck. Why are you unlucky in life? habits that rob us of vitality

  • 18.06.2020


I am constantly unlucky in life. Since childhood, peers at school did not accept, there was isolation, anger. Wanted to be alone.

Communication at the institute also did not work out, eternal ridicule, there were no friends, they never looked, they were not taken seriously. And now everything is the same. No work, family, love, friends, normal communication, girls. And already 26 years old. Very worried.

Since childhood, in our house there were many envious people, gossips, strange people, mostly elderly, who did not like our family, envied, discussed, did nasty things - poured salt on the threshold, needles, put candles on church holidays under the door.

Therefore, I suspect that I have damage or a curse. Because a lot of evil has always been around, such people. There is always some kind of barrier between me and people. I'm always alone, something pushes people away from me. I'm not always the same for everyone. Always ridicule, jokes, and a normal guy is not a freak. There are much worse and then married, everything is fine.

People do not notice, the girls look like an empty place. I'm afraid if it goes on like this, I'll be left all alone.

All peers are already married, have children, work. All classmates, classmates. Everyone is doing well.

And this is how my black streak went from childhood, and it goes. At work, the team always does not accept, although I am calm, polite, non-conflict. They always find fault, everyone doesn't like that I'm quiet.

I just sometimes think that they could have done either a curse or damage to loneliness, so that they went crazy or drank themselves, suffered and died.

There was a time when I drank, then quit. I'll just say it like it is - since childhood I was calm, I started reading early, I was active. Everyone envied this, including people, mothers who walked with their children. Many families had a discord - some of them were abandoned by their husbands, whose husbands drank. And my father is a non-smoker, non-drinker. The mother is smart and educated. And it seems to me that I should have lived differently, normally, but due to the intervention of damage (the evil eye, I don’t know), everything went awry. Life is not going well, often haunted and haunted by fear, anxiety.

I lost a lot of weight. Throws from one extreme to another. At one time I was under 100 kilos fat, then suddenly, at some point, I lost weight, but again, not just to the norm, but to severe thinness, even the ribs stick out.

He became very similar to his uncle cousin. Whose life did not work out, did not work, did not have a family, died at 36. He lived in vain.

That's what scares me, I'm afraid to become like him. It’s just that sometimes it feels like someone, with the help of magic (conspiracies, damage, I don’t know), is experimenting on me.

At one time there was a strong craving for alcohol. And it started for no reason at the age of 14. I was drawn to alcohol (beer). Just out of the blue, he lived, grew up and then this happened. Focused on this. Then all of a sudden it all went away.

I don't believe in such coincidences. Something is wrong.

There was a neighbor. She really hated us, our family. She was deviant, strange. Her son said that she conjured, called her a witch. There are many such strange elderly women in the entrance, especially one on the 1st floor. He climbs through our boxes, takes out our newspapers, magazines. I don't know why. Is conjuring something over them.

There is no peace in the family, everyone has been replaced - my grandmother is out of her mind, she carries insanity, she does not want to let me go from herself to life. Tied to myself. He does not want to work, get married. She wants to be with her forever. All my life I suppressed, one whining and lamentations. It does not allow me to live a young life and nothing can be explained to her. She doesn't hear me, ignores me. She does not care. Considers me small.

Parents often quarrel, and the quarrel starts out of the blue. If someone forgot to close the window or, on the contrary, opened it too wide! From nothing!

Everyone in the family has malice and hatred for each other. No love. And I feel for myself, I am drawn to find fault, to make trouble. Blame everyone.

Perhaps damage to the family or apartment.

Native people do not understand each other do not hear. As if we were deaf or we all speak different languages. I can't explain it better. Something like this.

For some reason, it seems to me now, after many unpleasant events in life, going one after another almost continuously, that this is the result of severe damage or a curse. And if there is, then it must be removed, otherwise I feel life will be simply broken.

And now it's not life, but some kind of hell. One misunderstanding, aggression relatives. They always shut their mouths. And I'm confused, I don't know what to do and how to be.

The deceased uncle sometimes dreams, once in a dream he said something like this to me: "I will not calm down while you are alive." (why is not clear).

Tell me what should I do? How to determine if my life problems are the result of purposeful spoilage, negativity? Denis, 12/06/88. Sagittarius.

Hello Denis!

For a long time there was no such combination of qualities. You are a Sagittarius, moreover, a December one. This means that most of the qualities inherent in this sign are present in you. With all the advantages and disadvantages.

Numerological data says that you have a strong desire for power, authority, a desire to be the first in everything and not obey anyone. By themselves, these qualities are not positive or negative, the point is in their application.

Of course, first you need to get rid of other people's influences. It is best to go to church, take communion, confess, talk with the priest, ask to bless your house.

It is also necessary to periodically pass holy water around the perimeter of the house from left to right and sprinkle all corners well. Then walk the same route with a lit church candle, pray to Nikolai Ugodnik.

Prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross

You will feel emotions rush in, you may get angry or cry, or even laugh. This is fine. That's the way it should be. Then it will get easier.

Uncle and any deceased relatives that appear in dreams should be ordered memorial services and commemorated. Usually, they appear when there is no mention, and then their soul toils.

As for everything else, it is possible to resist the evil forces only in a complex way. Both the spirit and the body should be strengthened. Try to do exercises, morning jogging (you can just take a walk in the park or square in the morning), go out into nature more often, try to get closer to it, observe, admire, imbue its harmony and beauty. Gradually you will gain strength, peace of mind, health and happiness. Good luck to you!


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Good day, my dear readers, Oksana Manoilo is with you and the topic is why you are not lucky in your personal life with men? In this article, we'll talk about just that. Outside the window is spring, the birds are chirping, and more and more people began to turn to me for help on the issue of their personal lives. So I decided to tell you something about it today. Give practices for solving relationship problems.

Unlucky in your personal life?

What are the reasons for such bad luck? I will try to present esoteric knowledge, the wisdom of ancestors in a very simple form. And of course, I will offer methods for solving problems. So that you can easily start using it today. So that in the next month or two, you really see changes in yourself and in your personal life with men. To finally find a soul mate and be happy to the fingertips.

I have been deeply engaged in esotericism for the last 10 years, but before that, like everyone else, I rushed about, searched for myself and stuffed my bumps. Therefore, I understand you perfectly. Everything - everything that happens to you is familiar to me. Today I am a happy mother of three amazing girls, my beloved wife and I am successful in my business, my calling. So let's get started with today's topic.

Why are you unlucky in your personal life with men - the opinion of psychics?

Have you noticed that we are surrounded by a huge number of people, most of whom have problems in their personal lives? And what to do to solve them, he does not know. Note that the “other part” does not even know about the existence of such problems. Why? No, not at all because they have. Simply, they know the secrets of how. Those. they possess special knowledge and apply it in their life. Here, be careful! Stop for a minute. Again.

There is certain knowledge that allows you to build a personal life and harmonious relationships. These “lucky ones” know how to get along the space around them in such a way that bad luck doesn’t even knock on their doors. And those who do not know the intricacies of the universe, do not know how the laws of the universe work, those who have problems in their personal lives and bad luck after bad luck.

Laws? Secrets? Someone will say: “What kind of nonsense?”, “What are these laws?”

Of course, but how else? Everything in the world is subject to some laws. Who knows, the one in chocolate! Who is not, he bears his cross - this is the truth of life. I will list several reasons for bad luck in my personal life with men, which are most often found.

Cause #1 of Bad Luck – Bitter Past Experiences and Fears

Remember the saying: "Burned with milk, it blows on the water"? Who among us has not fallen in love when we were young? Who among us has not suffered from unrequited love? It was then that this silly confidence that "they are all the same" took root. This is a kind of program registered in order to save us in the future. Nature thus takes care of us, protects us. But sometimes this defense mechanism plays a cruel joke.

And every time when fate gave us another chance, we, without realizing it, refused it. It would be more correct to say that ours did it for us.

But they fell in love again! But the burden of previous mistakes hung like a stone around his neck. Not for a second allowing you to forget about past pain and therefore there is a repetition of failures.

Reason number 2 - wrong settings, like dead ballast

Ways to deal with bad luck in your personal life

Now I want to give advice, which is a dime a dozen on the Internet. The most interesting thing is that they are handed out right and left by those who themselves do not have a family, who do not have children, but they “oh-so much understand” why they are unlucky in their personal lives with men)))

We clean the corridor of the past

Why are you unlucky in your personal life with men? How to get rid of this problem right now?

You need to mentally, right now, imagine the most painful, most unpleasant relationship. Remember this relationship clearly, scroll through painful scenes. Imagine a partner, here he is in front of you.

Most likely you are uncomfortable now, this is normal and this is how it should be. Through pain, through tears, we will now get rid of these ballasts forever.

So. You need 5-7 minutes to remember all the pain that this relationship brought you. All the most difficult, unpleasant moments. All the phrases, the words that they said to each other. It is necessary to remember all this as deeply as possible. To get pissed off and get to the boiling point now. This is for a good cause. At this stage, you can cry, but just complete the practice to the end. Honestly, honestly open everything in yourself. All that pain, resentment that lurks in you. What you have hidden deep deep - bring it out.

And now, imagine that before you is a deep abyss, an abyss. And now you need to take together everything, everything that you just twisted in yourself, in your head. All this must be put in a bag. Maybe the bag will be huge, it doesn't matter. Everyone was stuffed there, including the partner, his image. And the bag was thrown into the abyss. Huh!

Feeling a little better, but that's not all. You need to practice several times. To such a state that when you even want to imagine your relationship, you want to get angry, but that's it! Nothing appears anymore. There are no images. No emotions.

This is an insanely rewarding practice. She works wonders.

It would seem that only 5-7 minutes need to be spent on execution in order to get rid of the pain of the past. And sometimes we can’t get out of problems for years. On the course "Teaching Esotericism Online" we do similar practices for my videos, it's much easier, more efficient and understandable. Watch the introductory video from the course for FREE. And after it, you will notice the first results, changes in life.

I won’t burden you with my methods))) If you are interested, subscribe to site updates or come to the full one.

Why is this curse unlucky in personal life with men?

If it is difficult for you to perform such practices yourself, but you want changes in life and you need a real one, then write in a personal [email protected]. Or ask your question here.

Why are you unlucky in your personal life with men? Remember, this can always be fixed with a little work on yourself.

Friends, if you liked the article why you are unlucky in your personal life with men, share it on social networks. This is your biggest thanks. Your reposts let me know that you are interested in my articles, my thoughts. That they are useful to you and I am inspired to write and discover new topics.

Many people ask this question.

For example, a neighbor's appearance is not better, and there is no more money, but how successfully she got married - her husband is both loving, and not a fool, and is provided. For what? And why doesn't it work for me?

Or else: a colleague is clearly more stupid than me, how many mistakes have he already made? But they took him for a promotion. Why? Probably connections. Who helped him? And why are fools so lucky?

Navigation on the article "Why am I not lucky?":

Unlucky in life: how does this relate to the picture of the world?

Why does it make sense to notice feelings and, above all, negative ones? Because it is negative feelings that are the mechanism that triggers bad luck.

A simple example. Night, outskirts of the city. On the way from the metro there are 10 people, all one at a time, with more or less equal intervals - they disperse to their homes. There are robbers in the bushes. And they attack one out of 10 people.

Why on this one? " Why am I unlucky"? the victim asks. Because, whether we like it or not, we perceive the world not only at the level of logic and analysis, but also at the level of intuition, feeling, reading unconscious information through non-verbal signals.

The robber cannot thoroughly examine in the dark how someone is dressed, whether there are any valuables on a person, whether he is strong enough to fight back, etc. But he can feel the state of a person.

Posture, gait, mood, which is expressed through a mass of "imperceptible" (first of all, not noticeable to consciousness!) Signals - all this tells a lot about a person. About his ability to resist, about the number of his fears, about his degree of self-confidence, etc.

And as a result, the robber, most often without realizing this to himself consciously, can, nevertheless, feel good - who is “ready” to become a victim.

If you are ready to become a victim, this does not mean "yourself to blame" (as statements of this kind are often interpreted). You simply bear your part of the responsibility for what happened. You participate in the situation, including the information that you report about yourself at all levels, including non-verbal.

Needless to say, the more insecurity you have, the feeling of being a victim, fears, helplessness, feelings that you are a toy in the hands of fate or an accident unknown to you, the higher the likelihood of becoming a victim in reality?

If you have any questions about the article “You can ask them to our psychologist on duty: pochemu-mne-ne-vezet /

Loser is my stigma.

Why am I unlucky in life? Solid black stripe. In a relationship of "bad luck" - not having time to start, they end. And work is not easy. Employed in a promising high-paying position. I tried, climbed out of my skin, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel to get promoted, but all in vain. Tired of waiting, he waved his hand and quit. A few months after the dismissal, I found out that they wanted to promote me, and I quit unexpectedly for the management. As a result, the position that he aspired to went to a newcomer. It turns out that I myself destroyed my work with my own hands?

The new work promised a lot of hope. However, it didn’t work out again: before an important meeting, the car would pour water from a puddle, then I would oversleep, then I would be late. Everything went against me: I got out early so as not to get stuck in a traffic jam, took the subway and was still late, because, as if on purpose, for technical reasons, the interval of trains was increased, and the train stopped at the stations for a long time. The head, after repeated comments, offered to write a statement on his own.

Questions: why am I unlucky in everything and what to do - hung over me like a sword of Damocles. To escape from the web of misfortunes, he took up self-improvement.

The list of successful trainings completed is impressive. After the next “pumping”, wings seemed to grow: he began to build life in a new way - as he had been taught. But every time everything ended in failure, failure, no matter how hard I tried.

According to numerous tips and recommendations, I went to psychologists, fortune-tellers, a healer and even a magician. Only none of them worked. As he was a loser, so he remained. Troubles and troubles continued to fall on me, as if from a cornucopia.

Maybe I was born this way?

Why am I unlucky: reasons

On the Internet you can find a lot of explanations why a person is lucky as a drowned man:

  • Low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority;
  • Lack of self-esteem;
  • Failure to take responsibility;
  • Lack of motivation, disinterest;
  • Fears, false beliefs that prevent you from thinking positively;
  • etc.

All this has a place to be, but these are just consequences. To solve a problem, you need to find its cause.

Do not be discouraged if you were beaten and insulted in your childhood. This does not mean that you are doomed to be an eternal outsider.

The solution to any problem begins with its awareness. Having understood what is the cause of bad luck - a skin script for failure and unconscious masochistic desires or bad experiences, you can do away with the black stripe.

Knowing the peculiarities of your psyche, you can get rid of an unsuccessful life program. When you know your secret desires, and not those imposed by the environment, you understand the mechanism of interaction with other people - it becomes possible to control your destiny.

At the training "Systemic Vector Psychology" the true motives and intentions that move people are revealed, negative life scenarios are worked out. Already at the introductory free classes the scenario for failure is analyzed in detail. Awareness of all the subtleties associated with it, allows you to leave your fatal bad luck in the past. There will also remain a painful question: why am I unlucky?

Do you want to escape from the captivity of troubles and stop being a victim of circumstances?! Come to the next free online training session "System Vector Psychology". Let the succession of luck begin with them.

Many people ask this question.

For example, a neighbor's appearance is not better, and there is no more money, but how successfully she got married - her husband is both loving, and not a fool, and is provided. For what? And why doesn't it work for me?

Or else: a colleague is clearly more stupid than me, how many mistakes have he already made? But they took him for a promotion. Why? Probably connections. Who helped him? And why are fools so lucky?

Navigation on the article "Why am I not lucky?":

Unlucky in life: how does this relate to the picture of the world?

Think about it: who distributes luck?

Who is responsible in your picture of the world for why you no luck in life?

There are 3 types of worldviews, to summarize:

1. Chaotic

  • when you believe that there are no patterns, everything is ruled by chance, and randomness is fundamentally incomprehensible.

This picture of the world is the most hopeless. Because, speaking of incomprehensible chaos, you admit that there are no patterns. And if there are no patterns, then you will not be able to control the situation. And all you have to do is sit and wait, what may be, chance, in an unknown way, will suddenly choose you.

2. Rationalist

  • when you believe that at least some patterns exist. But they are limited solely by the abilities of your analytical apparatus.

That is, if you cannot take into account all the variables that contribute to the development of the situation, collect all the information about the situation and analyze it logically, then you can neither understand nor predict it.

And, accordingly, the area that you are talking about opens up beyond the bounds of reason. it was just luck or "just bad luck". Given the amount of information in modern world, no processor is enough, alas, to calculate all the necessary situations and collect enough information.

3. Mystical

  • when you believe that a higher power controls you in one way or another. In fact, it doesn’t matter which one is God in any of his incarnations, the Universe as some kind of higher mind, Fate.

As a result, all life comes down to trying to understand what Fate (God, the Universe) has prepared for you. And then it depends on your ability to contact with a higher power. And it is clear that it is not easy to unravel her intentions, and it is not always clear how to contact.

In addition to these main trends, in each of the pictures of the world there are some household superstitions. Signs, "bad" or "good" signs, different beliefs that came from your parental family, etc.

For example, the belief that for some actions or states punishment will necessarily follow. Or the certainty that your desires are unlikely to come true because you are “not good enough” for this. Or that you personally are on the “black list” of the universe. Because, for example, “the world loves optimists and sociable”, and you, as luck would have it, are a thoughtful and uncommunicative introvert.

Usually any of the pictures of the world is formed to some extent unconsciously. They usually find themselves in it. And even when the situation always unlucky' becomes obvious.

That is why I called any picture of the world, including the rational one, a belief. Even if part of this picture is formed at a conscious age, a person often does not understand why he is inclined to one or another worldview and philosophical positions, because he did not pass these beliefs through experience to a sufficient extent.

Most often because everything, no matter how trite, comes from childhood. And it is clear that a child cannot completely copy the worldview of his parents, but he takes some fundamental elements from there.

It doesn't have to be direct, it can be reversed. Freethinkers grow up among religious people, mystics among rationalists, and rationalists among agnostics who deny knowledge. And it happens directly: “grandmother always told me that if you laugh a lot, you will cry a lot.”

And such an idea of ​​​​universal balance can accompany a person through life for a long time, influence his worldview, before he thinks about why he always unlucky and what to do with it.

So ask yourself questions:

  • Who or what is responsible in your picture of the world for luck? Who or what determines why you always unlucky?
  • Who and when helped you form these beliefs?
  • Do you think these beliefs help or hinder you?
  • Would you like to believe in something else? If so, what picture of the world would you like to have and what would you like to believe?

I hope that now it has become a little clearer to you what your beliefs about the world look like, and how much you yourself participated in their formation, as well as what you would like to change in them.

If you are constantly unlucky -

This is already a pattern. And, for starters, it can be studied with the help of logic, observation, experiments, i.e. quite scientifically.

Think of any recent situations where you could say that you are unlucky in life. And others that you could say you just got lucky. Was your condition different in any way? Mood? Feelings that preceded these days and events?

If you can't remember this, then perhaps you haven't developed your powers of observation yet. Accordingly, before you sort things out with luck, you will have to learn to notice your feelings (and above all, negative feelings), and then consolidate the habit of observing them with the help.

Why does it make sense to notice feelings and, above all, negative ones? Because it is negative feelings that are the mechanism that triggers bad luck.

A simple example. Night, outskirts of the city. On the way from the metro there are 10 people, all one at a time, with more or less equal intervals - they disperse to their homes. There are robbers in the bushes. And they attack one out of 10 people.

Why on this one? " Why am I unlucky"? the victim asks. Because, whether we like it or not, we perceive the world not only at the level of logic and analysis, but also at the level of intuition, feeling, reading unconscious information through non-verbal signals.

The robber cannot thoroughly examine in the dark how someone is dressed, whether there are any valuables on a person, whether he is strong enough to fight back, etc. But he can feel the state of a person.

Posture, gait, mood, which is expressed through a mass of "imperceptible" (first of all, not noticeable to consciousness!) Signals - all this tells a lot about a person. About his ability to resist, about the number of his fears, about his degree of self-confidence etc.

And as a result, the robber, most often without realizing this to himself consciously, can, nevertheless, feel good - who is “ready” to become a victim.

If you are ready to become a victim, this does not mean "yourself to blame" (as statements of this kind are often interpreted). You simply bear your part of the responsibility for what happened. You participate in the situation, including the information that you report about yourself at all levels, including non-verbal.

Needless to say, the more insecurity you have, the feeling of being a victim, fears, helplessness, feelings that you are a toy in the hands of fate or an accident unknown to you, the higher the likelihood of becoming a victim in reality?

You have only 2 options: either you are in charge of your life, or not. Either you control it to one degree or another, or it happens to you regardless of your desire. Which position do you like best?

Presumably, the one in which you control your life. But then you will have to admit that you yourself had a hand (consciously or not) in your failures. True, there is good news: your luck will also be the work of your hands in this position. And no one can tell you that if, for example, you have advanced in your career, then you it was just luck.

More precisely - they can say anything, it is important how you yourself will feel. You will either be perplexed why you are so happy (and then, if you don’t know why and why, you will hardly be able to repeat it), or you will understand after what specific actions of yours this happiness came to you. And then you can increase your happiness in quality and quantity.

Many refuse responsibility because it is difficult to admit their participation in failures. And if you do not take responsibility, then it seems like you are unlucky in life, but I myself have nothing to do with it. Most often, such a position stems from great internal uncertainty, from a constant feeling of insufficient “goodness”, accompanied by excessive demands on oneself.

As a result, there is a need by any means to prove to oneself and others one’s own basic value, positive qualities, and to qualify all failures as “ no luck in life and take a position of the victim, which in itself can draw additional attention to the person.

And for a while it works. “Look, what a beautiful, clever woman she is, and a good hostess, but they don’t marry, what is it? Happens, but always unlucky. And the girl often reinforces this myth.

I will not argue with the fact that meeting with a sense of inferiority is unpleasant. It hurts. It is much easier to assume that you have virtues, and try to think only about them. And about the possible shortcomings just do not remember.

However, in order to change something, you will have to stop telling yourself fairy tales that almost everything is perfect in you, but you just have no luck in life.

Ask yourself the question: What happens if you accept the fact that you are responsible for the failure? Not necessarily 100%, if someone else was involved in the situation, then 50%. But what terrible thing will happen if you accept it?

And most often you hear in response: “I will hate myself, scold, be angry with myself,” etc. In order to deal with this topic, it makes sense to think about your regard to error and about why you make demands of ideality (). There are references to this, so I won't go into detail about it.

But even if you have not yet figured out the attitude towards mistakes, you can already understand a simple thing right now: if you take responsibility for failures, decide that you are responsible for your life to a large extent, then success also belongs to you.

And right now you can start looking for how exactly and due to what factors you came to your luck, to what you (and, perhaps, others) used to say “just lucky”. Taking credit for your own accomplishments will certainly soften the transition from "unlucky in life" to "I'm responsible for my mistakes" for you.

Strokes to the picture of the world: the boundaries of responsibility and the use of resources

However, I am not inclined to convince you that any event or phenomenon in the world can depend on you. The point is that there is different levels. Personal level: your relationships, your earnings, your health, your hobbies, creativity, the place you live in - all this is very much dependent on you.

But there are processes that you cannot influence. World catastrophes, global ecological processes, wars, financial crises. One person in such a field is not a warrior. Often only one thing depends on him - to take some maximum safe place in such situations. And here it is useless to ask the question, why am I unlucky? - in such cases, as a rule, the whole nation, a group of states or the entire planet is “unlucky”.

On the other hand, it makes sense to learn to separate these things. Because there is a risk to begin again to attribute your failures to the crisis or political, demographic and other situations. The science of distinguishing these nuances cannot be explained in one article, most often it comes with experience and practice, including in psychotherapy.

Here I just want to say that the limit of responsibility exists, but it is defined quite thinly and individually, depending on the strength and tasks of each particular person. History has repeatedly proved that there are individuals who can influence its course of history. The question is whether you are such a person, and most importantly, whether you need it in this particular life.

The balance of your personal responsibility and global processes can exist within the framework of any picture of the world: within the framework of the mystical picture of the world, you will understand that, of course, “man proposes, but God disposes”, without forgetting that “ask and it will be given to you.” "and" hope in God, but don't make a mistake yourself.

Within the framework of rationalism, you will understand that some things cannot be comprehended and changed by logic alone, everything around cannot be calculated, and you will have to open the way for other qualities: you will have to accept your intuition, physicality, feelings as no less important than logic and rationality, factors.

And the last thing I would like to touch upon here is the question of the balance of resources. The world is a system. Man is part of the world. At the same time, it in itself is a system that can develop and improve itself.

All this gives rise to a rather subtle and complex interaction, in which there should be no obvious distortions. In other words, if you want to manage your own luck sufficiently, you will have to use all the resources of your personality.

For people who are more formed closer to the pole of logic and rationality - to discover feelings and intuition, for those who rely more on feeling - to develop logic and practical ingenuity.

In order to be able to coexist harmoniously with the world, flexibility is needed. The ability to use those resources that are most effective in this particular situation. Conscious formation of one's own picture of the world, work with one's own convictions, awareness of a specific measure of one's responsibility.

And yet, the step from the state of “I am constantly unlucky” to the state of “I create my own life” begins with two simple questions:

  • Who in my picture of the world is responsible for luck?
  • What actions, feelings and states of mine influenced the formation of this situation?

And with these questions, perhaps, your path to a more independent and, believe me, much more fortunate life will begin.