Request for price information form. Request for price information. Request for quotation - documents and sample price quotation

  • 27.05.2020

The most popular way to determine the initial (maximum) contract price (IMCC) is market analysis. Whether a budgetary organization is going to use one of the competitive procurement methods or is considering the option of purchasing a product or service from a single supplier, it does not matter, because, in accordance with the current legislation (Article 22 44-FZ), it is necessary to provide a rationale for the NMCC. In order to do this without violations, the customer will need to find up-to-date price data. To do this, it is necessary to collect a series commercial offers from various vendors offering the product or service you are looking for.

Commercial offers in procurement

To determine the NMCC, a budgetary organization that acts as a customer must request commercial proposals from at least five potential contractors. As a response, she must receive at least three price letters describing goods or services that meet all the conditions stated in the procurement plan.

The main goal is to collect current price information for the purpose of its subsequent analytics. Based on the results of a thorough analysis, the NMCC is displayed.

  1. The most accurate and detailed description purchased goods, works or services. This implies both quantitative data, and a unit of measurement, and the amount of work performed.
  2. A number of heading conditions from the draft contract - everything that relates to the features of the delivery, the provision of services or the specific characteristics of the work. The points of payment and provision of the contract and the necessary warranty information about the purchased goods, works or services are also noted.
  3. Explanations that the price information provided indicates the specific real cost of the goods, works or services requested by the customer and is not a basis for the subsequent conclusion of a contractual relationship.

Here is an example of a request for a quotation under 44-FZ.

How to respond to a KP request

When the customer, in search of three suppliers for the calculation of the planned purchase by the NMCC, sends out a letter, he receives official answers from the selected organizations. The answer is a document on the official letterhead of the supplier, certified by a "live" seal and signature of the manager, financial director or chief accountant. It includes information:

  • full details of the enterprise;
  • the current price of the goods or services provided;
  • a full description of the services included in the price with specific characteristics and planned deadlines, if certain types of work are implied.

The answer is for informational purposes only and is not a direct inducement to conclude a commercial contract.

The received value data does not have an expiration date. This should be noted in the answer. When using this material for calculations in future periods, the current price is indexed in accordance with the conversion factor.

Request for commercial proposals for 223-FZ

If state-financed organization renders Additional services to the population, that is, entrepreneurial activity and receives official income, it has the right to withdraw part of the purchases from the strict regulations of 44-FZ and use 223-FZ, which is more loyal to budget customers. A sample of how to make a request for a quotation in this case is drawn up similarly to 44-FZ. There are no fundamental differences.

It is worth distinguishing between a competitive method of determining a supplier and a direct request for price information for a tender or auction under FZ-223. Data on the cost of goods, works and services are requested for the same purpose as in the Federal Law-44 - to identify current prices and determine the NMTsK.

Based on this law, there is an additional competitive method for determining suppliers, called a request for proposals. The customer places a notice of the ongoing procurement in the system and specifies all the necessary information in detail. Certain contractors that meet the technical criteria of the customer are invited to the auction. Any organization that meets the requirements of the procurement organizer is entitled to participate in the procedure. Then comes the acceptance, consideration and final evaluation of applications. Members of the commission take into account at least two established criteria for evaluation. As a result, according to the results of the procedure, a contract is concluded with the supplier who offered the most favorable conditions. The result of the RFP is reflected by the customer on the official website in the public domain.

The tender in the form of a request for quotations is provided for by the federal law "On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs" dated 05.04.2013 No. 44-FZ. The winner is the participant who offered the lowest price of the contract.


The advantage of this type of tender lies in the timing of its implementation. According to the norms of 44-FZ, the timing is:

  • With an initial contract price of up to 500,000 rubles, the deadline for accepting applications is at least 7 working days.
  • With the initial price of the contract up to 250,000 rubles, the deadline for accepting applications can be reduced to 4 working days.

You will learn more about the timing of the procedure.

Comparison with the procedure under 223-FZ

When conducting a tender using this method in accordance with the federal law "On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities" dated July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ, there are a number of differences:

Read more about the procedure for requesting prices under 223-FZ in.

Step-by-step instruction

All purchases made by the customer are reflected in the schedule, except as otherwise provided by law.

For the customer

  1. Preparation of the notice and its publication together with the draft contract on the public procurement portal
  2. Reception and registration of applications from participants up to the moment of opening. The customer is obliged to ensure the safety of the envelopes.
  3. At the specified time, the commission opens the participants, examines them for compliance and evaluates, as a result of which the winner is selected. The customer is obliged to conduct an audio recording of the opening procedure.
  4. Based on the results of consideration of applications, two copies of the minutes of the commission meeting are drawn up. The protocol contains information about all submitted applications. It is published within one day of signing.
  5. Within two days, the completed draft contract and the second copy of the protocol are sent to the winner.

In some cases, the procedure is recognized as failed. At the same time, the actions of the customer are prescribed in 44-FZ:

For supplier

The provider's actions are as follows:

  1. On the portal, find the purchase of interest and carefully study all the proposed documentation.
  2. Fill out an application for participation and send it by the due date. The form and deadlines for filling out the documents are indicated by the customer in the notice and the attached documentation. The signature of the head and the seal of the organization is required. Only one application can be submitted per participant.
  3. The participant may be present at the opening and consideration of applications.
  4. When a participant is recognized as a winner, an agreement is concluded with him on the terms specified in the tender documentation.

Important! The contract is concluded no earlier than 7 days from the date of placement and no later than 20 days from the date of signing the protocol for consideration of applications.

If the supplier has not sent the signed contract to the customer within the established time limits, he is recognized as having evaded the conclusion of the contract. In this case, the customer can file a claim for reimbursement of costs in court and conclude a contract with another supplier.

The customer can change the notice of purchase no later than 2 days before the deadline for submitting bids. In this case, if the application submitted by the participant turns out to be irrelevant, it can be withdrawn and a new one sent instead. If the first application is not withdrawn, the customer will return them without consideration.

You will learn about the important points of the document and the rules for drafting in.

Purchase Notice

Notice - a document containing information about the upcoming purchase. The customer is obliged to publish it within the time limits established by law.

You will learn more about making a request through a notification.

How to compose?

The notice must indicate:

  1. Information about the customer, his contact details and details of the person responsible for the purchase.
  2. Terms of the contract in short form. Information about the subject of the purchase, indicating the quantity. The initial price of the contract.
  3. Information about restrictions and benefits for members, if any.
  4. Purchase type.
  5. , order and form of submission .
  6. Date and place of opening of bids.
  7. Contact details official responsible for the conclusion of the contract.
  8. Information about the possible refusal to conclude the contract.

How to place?

The notice is published on the public procurement portal together with the draft contract. The deadline for the publication of documentation is specified in clause 1 of Art. 74 44-FZ. Simultaneously with the publication of the notice, the customer has the right to send a request for quotations to at least three persons capable of supplying the subject of procurement.

On a note. The Procurement Notice shall be available throughout the call for bids without charge.

How is it published electronic form quotes on the portal, you will find out.

Purchasing justification

The request specifies:

  • Accurate information about the subject of the purchase, indicating the quantity.
  • Terms of the contract, including delivery details.
  • Response deadline.

The request for price information does not entail any obligations to the supplier and is not the basis for concluding a contract.

To clarify the documentation

If you have any questions about the procurement documentation, the supplier has the right to send a request to the customer. Requests for clarification of the auction documentation are sent through the ETP. The procedure and deadlines for their submission are specified in

Law on contract system(44-FZ) determines the priority for calculating the initial (maximum) cost of the contract (NMTsK). The customer requests prices from potential suppliers of identical goods, works, services. A message about this is posted in the United information system(EIS).

  1. Request data from at least five participants with experience in relevant deliveries (at least three of them must provide the necessary information).
  2. Submit an application to the EIS.
  3. Search in
  4. Collect and analyze publicly available information.

How to compose a letter

The quotation letter is not an offer. These two concepts serve different purposes. The purpose of the offer is to offer to conclude a contract. The one who sends the offer fixes everything essential conditions, and the one who receives the offer either accepts them or refuses to sign the contract. The purpose of the request is to request price information.

  • addressee and addressee data;
  • date, place and outgoing number;
  • topic of the appeal;
  • appeal to the addressee (subject to the rules business correspondence);
  • Basic information;
  • offer to cooperate;
  • gratitude for the answer;
  • signature, position, surname, name and patronymic of the compiler.

Based on paragraphs 3.10.1-3.10.6 methodological recommendations, a request to provide pricing information is addressed to a potential supplier and contains:

  1. with due indication of the unit of measure, quantity of goods (volume of work, service).
  2. List of information to determine .
  3. The main provisions of the execution of the contract, the requirements for the guarantee.
  4. Terms of providing price information.
  5. Notice that the procedure does not entail the emergence of obligations of the customer.

How to publish

Here is an instruction on how to place a request for quotations in the EIS:

1. Go to Personal Area and select the item "Requests for prices of goods, works, services" in the menu of the "Registers" block.

2. Click on the "Create" button.

3. Enter the data and attach the necessary files. After filling in the fields with the necessary information, make sure that the fields are filled in correctly using the "Save and check" button.

4. Save, edit the information or post it right away. Click on the "Submit for placement" button.

5. Edit the information through the "Edit project menu" item on the "Preparation" tab.

6. Delete data if necessary. Select the menu item of the same name.

It is also possible to delete the project of the previous change operation. This feature is available in the Prepare Changes phase.

7. After placing the procedure is reflected printed form in the form of two parts: upper and lower.

8. Click on the "Sign and Place" button. This will confirm consent to this action.

9. Edit details after posting. To do this, select the "Edit" menu item.

10. Cancel the publication by clicking the button. The system will ask for the reason and documents. Save this information (via the save button) or commit the change by clicking Submit for Posting. This step will be reflected in the status "Cancelled".

11. Edit the cancel project. To do this, click on the "Open Card" item. Go to the "Documents" tab. And then in the "Cancel request for quotations" block, click on the "Edit" item.

12. Publish the finished change by clicking on the "Submit for Publishing" button. On the Hosted tab, look at the request card.

13. Delete the cancellation project through the "Open card" item. Go to the "Documents" tab. In the "Cancel" section, select the "Delete" item.

How is it different from other procedures?

Instructions on how to make a request for prices in the EIS are confused with the organization of such determination methods as “request for price quotations” and request for prices under 223-FZ. This is a mistake: the first process is connected with the formation of the NMCC for the start of trading, and the last one is a full-fledged procedure for determining the supplier.