What is the significance of the evaluation criterion. Evaluation of applications and criteria for evaluating applications for participation in a tender, request for proposals, auction. Appendix to the Rules. Limit values ​​of the significance of the criteria for evaluating bids, final proposals of procurement participants

  • 05.12.2019
  • On 07/02/2018
  • 44-FZ, Purchases from sole supplier, Request for quotations, Request for proposals, Tender, Procurement procedure

The regulatory by-law in terms of evaluating applications when choosing a supplier under 44-FZ is Government Decree No. 1085 of November 28, 2013. It sets out the rules according to which customers must evaluate the proposals of suppliers. In particular, the resolution defines application evaluation criteria, as well as the limit value for each of them.

It is mainly about competitions, since the established criteria cannot be applied to many other methods of determining a supplier. The rules do not apply, in particular, to and , since only the price acts as a criterion in them. Decree No. 1085 does not apply during the conduct. If in request for proposals the customer has established his own evaluation criteria, which is allowed by law 44-FZ, then the standard criteria also do not apply.

Criteria types

All criteria are divided into two groups - cost and non-value.

Registration in ERUZ EIS

From January 1, 2019 to participate in trading under 44-FZ, 223-FZ and 615-PP registration required in the ERUZ registry ( Single register procurement participants) on the EIS (Unified Information System) portal in the field of procurement zakupki.gov.ru.

We provide a service for registration in the ERUZ in the EIS:

To value relate:

  • contract price;
  • operating costs;
  • repair costs;
  • price life cycle;
  • energy service contract costs.

With regard to operating costs, this criterion can only be applied to goods that are expected to be used in the future. If we are talking about work, as a result of which an object is created for further operation by the customer, then the criterion is called "expenses for the use of the object created as a result of the work."

To non-value criteria include:

  • product characteristics;
  • supplier qualification.

When evaluating the characteristics of a product, such indicators as its consumer properties, quality, and compliance with environmental standards are taken into account. When evaluating according to the "qualification" criterion, the number of similar contracts that were executed by the supplier, its reputation, the availability of material, technical and labor resources are taken into account.

Valuation principle

The procedure for evaluating applications, the customer must be prescribed in the procurement documentation. It is necessary to indicate which criteria he chose, as well as what their significance is. Must be at least two criteria, and one of them (the main one) is contract price.

The significance of the price criteria is set in such a way that their sum totals 100%. For non-price criteria, you can also set a significance indicator and prescribe the order in which it will be evaluated.

The significance of the criterion is measured in points - each of them is evaluated on a 100-point scale. When each criterion is evaluated separately, the scores are summed up. The result is an overall application score, according to which they are ranked. The first place is taken by the application with the most points.

Also, the resolution specifies marginal significance of criteria each type. So, for goods the following significance is set:

  • for cost criteria - minimum 70% ;
  • for non-cost criteria - maximum 30% .

For services and works the numbers are slightly different:

  • the significance of cost criteria - minimum 60% ;
  • significance of non-monetary criteria - maximum 40% .

How to calculate points by cost criteria

Consider how the assessment is carried out according to cost criteria, using the example contract prices. The minimum of the price proposals contained in the received applications is taken - it acts as a kind of standard. Further, this value is divided by the price of the application that is evaluated, and multiplied by 100. This will be the number of points for this criterion. The formula is:

  • Цi - proposal of the procurement participant whose application is being evaluated;
  • Цmin - the minimum proposal from the proposals for the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants;

Evaluation according to the criterion " life cycle cost" produced according to the same principle.

Formulas for evaluation by other cost criteria are given in Resolution No. 1085.

How non-monetary valuation is carried out

In contrast to evaluation by cost criteria, where everything is expressed in numbers, there is much more subjectivity in non-cost criteria. The commission evaluates each characteristic and assigns points. Next, the average value is calculated. Then the assessment is calculated according to the non-price criterion, the formula of which is given in the aforementioned Decree No. 1085:

NCBi = KZ x 100 x (Kmin / Ki)

  • KZ - coefficient of significance of the indicator (if one indicator is used, KZ = 1);
  • Kmin - the minimum proposal from the proposals for the evaluation criterion made by the procurement participants;
  • Ki - proposal of the procurement participant whose application (proposal) is being evaluated.

Describing non-monetary criteria for evaluating bids in the tender documentation, the customer must be clear and definite. Meanwhile, while establishing such criteria, there are quite a lot of violations. Let's analyze the most common of them.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1085 approved the Rules for evaluating applications, final offers of participants in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) applicable to all purchases.

To evaluate applications (proposals) for each evaluation criterion, a 100-point evaluation scale is used (clause 11 of the Rules). If, in accordance with clause 10 of the Rules, regarding the evaluation criterion in the procurement documentation, the customer provides indicators, then for each indicator its significance is established, in accordance with which it will be evaluated. In addition, for indicators there should be a formula for calculating the number of points or a scale of limiting values ​​for the significance of evaluation indicators, which determines the intervals for their changes, or the procedure for their determination.

In order to use the evaluation scale for evaluation of bids (proposals), the customer in the procurement documentation must establish the number of points awarded for a certain value of the evaluation criterion (indicator) proposed by the procurement participant (clause 29 of the Rules). Let us analyze common examples of violations in the establishment of non-monetary criteria for evaluating applications.

Application Evaluation Mechanism

The competition commission evaluates the accepted applications for participation in the competition in order to identify the winner of the competition based on the criteria specified in the documentation (part 5 of article 53 of Law No. 44-FZ).

Evaluation - the process of identifying, in accordance with the conditions for determining suppliers according to the evaluation criteria and in the manner established in the procurement documentation in accordance with the requirements of the Rules, the best conditions for the execution of the contract specified in the bids (offers) of the procurement participants that were not rejected.

Based on the results of evaluation of bids, the commission assigns a number to each bid in descending order of the degree of profitability of the contract execution conditions contained in them. The application for participation in the competition, which contains the best conditions for the execution of the contract, is assigned the first number (part 7 of article 53 of Law No. 44-FZ).

In order to identify a supplier, contractor or contractor, it is first necessary to plan electronic procedures. Get electronic signature. Choose the site that best suits your organization and register. Next, create documentation and a notice, carry out procedures and determine the supplier and conclude a contract, taking into account the characteristics of each of the procurement methods.
See solutions for each electronic method: auction, competition, request for quotations, request for proposals.

Violation #1: Required information not defined

>One of the typical violations is when the customer, setting the procedure for evaluating applications, does not disclose the essence of the information required from the participants.

So, in the tender documentation, the customer according to the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object" (indicator - "The degree of elaboration of the proposal for the performance of work, the quality and elaboration of the technical solution, the presence in the technical proposals of additional unique functionality that affects the efficiency of the system") indicated that the assessment is made for each application separately:

  • 0 points - detailed proposals for the performance of work are not presented;
  • 50 points - a detailed description of the work is presented, but the proposal does not contain technical proposals for the use of additional unique functionality that affects the efficiency of the system;
  • 100 points - the submitted detailed work proposal contains technical proposals for the use of additional unique functionality that affects the efficiency of the system.

However, the tender documentation does not define what the detailing of the description of works in the participants' proposal is as "additional unique functionality". This means that such a procedure for evaluating applications does not allow identifying the best proposal for the execution of the contract.

In addition, it does not make it possible to determine what information the procurement participants must describe and submit for evaluation by the tender commission for this indicator of the criterion "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object".

Thus, it is impossible to establish a relationship between the number of points awarded and the information provided in applications for this indicator. This violates the provisions of paragraph 11 of the Rules and part 8 of Art. 32, paragraph 9, part 1, art. 50 of Law No. 44-FZ.

Violation No. 2: the maximum of the estimated indicators is not set

In practice, there are cases when the customer does not set in the documentation maximum amount evaluated indicators. Such indicators, for example, can be the number of employees, work experience, and the like.

It follows from this that, for example, a proposal with 10 specialists and a proposal with 100 specialists should be equally evaluated, assigning them 100 points. Meanwhile, it is obvious that a sentence containing information about 100 specialists will better than that, which includes information about 10 specialists.

If you do not set the maximum number of evaluated indicators, then it is impossible to objectively determine the best offer of procurement participants according to the criterion for evaluating competitive bids. This violates the law.

To evaluate applications (proposals) according to non-monetary evaluation criteria (indicators), the customer has the right to set the maximum necessary minimum or maximum quantitative value of qualitative, functional, environmental and qualification characteristics, which are subject to evaluation within the specified criteria. In this case, when evaluating bids (offers) according to such criteria (indicators), the procurement participants who made an offer corresponding to such a value, or the best offer, are assigned 100 points.

Thus, the tender documentation must contain a proportional relationship (a formula for calculating the number of points or an assessment scale) between the number of points awarded and the information provided on non-monetary criteria.

Violation No. 3: the parameters for assessing the quality of work are not spelled out

Another typical violation lies in the fact that, in terms of the “quality of work” indicator, the customer does not specifically prescribe the parameters that he will evaluate. In this regard, participants will not be able to formulate or adjust proposals in the direction of the needs of the customer in order to increase the preference of their applications.

Here is an example of this. In accordance with the procedure for evaluating bids established in the tender documentation, the customer's tender commission, in terms of the "Quality of work" indicator of the non-monetary criterion, assigns 20 points to the procurement participant for each of the five proposals:

  1. description of the number and types of work performed;
  2. supply proposal quality control work performed in the development of design and estimate documentation;
  3. the presence of a description of the processes of interaction between the customer and the designer;
  4. description of the work sequence;
  5. availability of a description of technical solutions for the development of design and estimate documentation.

These proposals are summed up based on 5 points for each of the five proposals meeting one of the established four requirements:

  • the proposal is submitted for all works;
  • the proposal contains information about the methods (methodology) of its implementation;
  • the offer is in line with current regulatory documents, methods and standards used in the subject area;
  • the proposal does not contain errors and contradictions that may affect the quality or timing of the work).

In this case, the number of points awarded to the application by indicators is calculated as the total number of points for all submitted proposals.

If the requirements for the proposal within the framework of this indicator "Quality of work" do not correspond or are absent in the application of the procurement participant, then these proposals are evaluated with zero points.

At the same time, there is no information on what specific parameters the customer evaluates in this indicator.

This does not allow procurement participants to formulate or correct their bids in the specified part towards the needs of the customer in order to increase the preference of these bids.

Thus, such tender documentation of the customer contains a violation of the provisions of clause 11 of the Evaluation Rules and the provisions of Part 8 of Art. 32, paragraph 9, part 1, art. 50 of Law No. 44-FZ. Indeed, such requirements for the proposal to procurement participants, as No. 1, 3, 4, do not allow them to determine what documents and information must be submitted as part of the application in order to obtain the maximum rating in terms of "Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object".

The absence of the information described in the article when establishing non-monetary criteria for the application leaves the evaluation of applications and the choice of the winner of the purchase at the subjective discretion of the customer. This entails limiting the number of procurement participants in violation of paragraph 1 of part 1 of Art. 33 of Law No. 44-FZ.

The evaluation criteria according to 44-FZ are the rules by which the proposals of the procurement participants are evaluated for compliance with the requirements established by the customer. Distinguish between value and non-value.

Cost evaluation criteria:

  1. Price.
  2. Operating and repair costs.
  3. Cost: purchase, subsequent maintenance, operation, repair, disposal.
  4. Proposal on the amount of the customer's expenses for

Non-monetary assessment criteria:

  1. The proposed quality of the supplied goods, works, services.
  2. Participant qualification.

Let us consider in more detail the calculation of the criteria for evaluating the competition according to 44-FZ in electronic form each group.

Contract price and life cycle cost

By general rule, the lowest price is the highest score. In exceptional cases, the supplier is willing to pay for the right to conclude a contract and indicates a negative price in the offer. In this case, the more he "goes into the red", the more points he gets.

Costs for the operation and repair of goods

For example, a customer needs to purchase equipment. from the supplier trademark depends on the cost of further repairs and acquisitions Supplies. Therefore, in order to save budgetary funds, the customer initially indicates in the tender documentation that significant expenses for the subsequent use of the product will negatively affect the rating of the supplier's application. And the best condition execution of the contract, the offer with the lowest cost of operating costs is recognized.

To do this, in the tender documentation, the customer has the right to set the following parameters that will affect the assessment:

  • an exhaustive list of operating costs (repair, supply, etc.);
  • unit of measure for operating costs;
  • product service life.

If all bids contain the same proposals for this parameter, bids for it are not evaluated. At the same time, the value of the significance of the criterion "contract price" increases by the value of the significance of the indicator "operating costs".

Qualitative characteristics

This indicator is a condition for the execution of the ongoing purchase. Proposals are evaluated according to the level of detail and content of the offer on the quality of services. Taken into account:

  • completeness of accounting requirements,
  • the reasonableness of the timing
  • technology provision of services,
  • justification of the resources required for this,
  • indication of the quality control system,
  • a list of measures for labor protection and safety,
  • environmental activities.

The indicator is the most subjective and is defined as the arithmetic mean of the scores (in points) awarded to the application by all members of the procurement committee.

Participant Qualification

In this case, indicators can be:

  • the number of employees with the necessary qualifications (have the appropriate education, doctorate, candidate of science, with certain diplomas or certificates, etc.);
  • the number of successfully completed contracts for similar work;
  • the amount of equipment required to perform the work;
  • the number of positive reviews about the procurement participant, certificates, letters of thanks confirming the business reputation. A number of national standards are also subject to application, for example, the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 56002-2014 " Business reputation construction organizations", etc.).

According to Decree No. 1085 of November 28, 2013, 4 types of formulas or a scale are used.

1. Calculation formula that takes into account the largest or smallest number of documents provided.

2. The maximum required minimum or maximum quantitative value of qualification characteristics.

3. Scale. This is the simplest way to assess, it consists in determining the ranges of the required indicator and awarding points.

The winner in all methods is the participant whose application has been assigned the highest final rating.

It is not allowed to use criteria or values ​​of significance that are not provided for by Decree No. 1085 of November 28, 2013 when conducting an electronic competition. However, all evaluation criteria open competition according to 44-FZ in electronic form, which the customer uses, must be reflected in the documentation.

Adoption federal law dated April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ "" (hereinafter - Law No. 44-FZ), which entered into force on January 1, 2014, entailed the need to develop many by-laws for each stage of public procurement.

Scheme. Criteria for evaluating the applications of procurement participants (as approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 No. 1085)

Cost Criteria

As before, when determining the winner of the purchase, at least two criteria, one of which is price ().

True, now a mandatory criterion for evaluation may turn out to be "life cycle cost"- in the event that it is supposed to conclude a so-called "life cycle contract", which provides for the purchase of goods (or the performance of work), its subsequent maintenance, repair, and, if necessary, the disposal of the goods or object of work (). Moreover, at the discretion of the customer, the criterion "life cycle cost" can replace all cost criteria ().

It should be noted that the change weight of cost evaluation criteria. If earlier the significance of the criterion "contract price" had to be at least 35%, now the approach to determining the limit values ​​of the significance of the evaluation criteria has changed - in general view it can be presented in the form of the following table:

Table. Limit values ​​for the significance of evaluation criteria

True, there are exceptions to these rules. Thus, the ratio of the minimum significance of cost criteria and the maximum significance of non-value criteria "40/60" established for such types of goods, works and services as:

  • development of documents regulating training, education, quality control of education;
  • rescue operations;
  • restoration of cultural heritage sites;
  • medical, educational, legal services;
  • services of a specialized organization.

Ratio "30/70" established for expert examination services, as well as works on the creation, development and technical support state and municipal information systems and official websites of the authorities.

An even greater limiting weight of non-monetary criteria (ratio "20/80" ) is provided for evaluating applications for financing the distribution or screening of national films, performing R&D or technological works, as well as performance (as a result of intellectual activity - for example, a performer in accordance with can be a performing artist, director or conductor).

Finally, only by non-monetary criteria (the relation "0/100" ) applications for the creation of works of literature and art, including choreographic works and pantomimes, works of architecture, urban planning and landscape gardening, and photographic works can be evaluated (the full list of objects is fixed in).

In any case, as before, the sum of the values ​​of the significance of the evaluation criteria should be 100%. At the same time, the weight of the criterion "expenses for operation and repair" (which can be set only if further maintenance of the goods or object of work is expected) cannot be greater than the weight of the criterion "contract price" ( , ).

In 2010, there was a case when the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia considered the negative value of the final cost of the state contract to be acceptable, but the court did not agree with this interpretation. However, the court recognized the possibility of reducing the contract price below zero for a contract for the provision of services for opening and maintaining bank accounts (FAS of the Urals District dated July 6, 2010 No. F09-5137 / 10-C1 in case No. A60-49614 / 2009- SR). However, the special clause of Part 6.1 of Art. 37 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2005 No. 94-FZ "" on the features of the price of a contract for the provision of this type of service was not transferred to Law No. 44-FZ.

By the way, during the period of the old law on public procurement, there were situations when, during the procurement, participants reduced the price of the contract to zero, which gave rise to controversy judicial practice. The conclusion of a contract on a gratuitous basis was recognized by the courts as lawful (FAS of the Ural District dated October 19, 2010 No. F09-8056 / 10-C5 in case A50-331 / 2010, of the Nineteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal dated November 29, 2011 No. 19AP-4855 / 11), and those that do not comply with the law (FAS of the Volga District of March 18, 2010 in case No. A72-10398 / 2009, FAS of the Ural District of October 19, 2010 No. F09-8056 / 10-C5 in case No. A50-331 /2010).

Non-monetary criteria

These criteria can be applied to object of procurement(quality, functional, ecological), and directly to procurement participant(qualification of the participant). In the latter case, the qualifications of the participants should be assessed depending on whether:

  • financial resources;
  • equipment and others material resources belonging to them on the right of ownership or on other legal grounds;
  • work experience related to the subject of the contract;
  • business reputation;
  • specialists and other workers of a certain skill level.

By the way, customers retained the right to install indicators each individual non-monetary criterion, revealing its content, and determine their weight on one's own. To do this, the procurement documentation must provide for one of the following calculation methods:

  • formula for calculating the number of points awarded to indicators;
  • a scale of limit values ​​for the significance of assessment indicators, which sets the intervals for their changes;
  • the procedure for defining such a formula or scale.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the customer has the right to set the maximum necessary minimum or maximum quantitative value of non-cost characteristics, which are subject to evaluation within the framework of the criteria or their individual indicators (paragraph 2) - for example, 10 years, 50 employees, etc. Let's consider this in more detail with examples.


The customer has decided to assess the qualifications of the procurement participants, and therefore, for this, must establish indicators that reveal this criterion (). Let's say that the experience of the procurement participant and its security are of the greatest importance for the customer labor resources(using the terminology of the Rules - "the best condition for the execution of the contract in terms of the indicator is the highest value of the indicator"). Then the weight distribution of the indicators of the qualification criterion can look like this:

  • work experience of the procurement participant in the production of the procurement object (significance - 60%);
  • the number of employees employed in the production of the facility (significance - 40%).

Let's imagine that the customer did not install limit values these figures in numbers, and the most experienced was recognized as a public procurement participant working in a certain area four years. Then the number of points scored for this indicator by other participants whose work experience is less than four years must be assessed using the following formula ():

NCB i= short circuit x 100 x (K i/K max)

  • NCB i- number of points;
  • KZ - the significance of the indicator;
  • K i
  • K max- the maximum offer from all made by the procurement participants.

In relation to our example, the calculation of the number of points of a participant working in a certain area, let's say, three years, will look like this:

NCB i= 0.6 x 100 x (3 / 4) = 45 points

Thus, for the most experienced procurement participant, the number of points for this indicator will be 60 points(coefficient of 0.6 reflects the significance of the indicator - 60%, but if only one indicator is used, then the KZ will be equal to 1, and the maximum number of points will be 100).


Let's imagine that the customer considers the period at least five years and wishes to reflect this in the requirements for procurement participants. In this case, in the procurement documentation, he should set the maximum required maximum value of the "work experience" indicator (five years).

The choice of the formula by which the points will be calculated depends on whether any of the participants has work experience equal to or greater than the period of five years.

Situation 1. None of the participants have such experience. In this case, the points assigned to the applications of absolutely all participants will be calculated according to the formula that was considered in example 1: NCB i= short circuit x 100 x (K i/K max) - based on the best offer for this indicator (paragraph "a") (if the best offer was four years, then the participant with three years of experience, taking into account the weight of the indicator, will score 45 points).

Situation 2. Some procurement participants have the required or extensive work experience. They are assigned the maximum number of points (if one indicator is used - 100 points, since KZ \u003d 1), and the applications of other participants are evaluated according to the following formula (clause "b"):

NCB i= short circuit x 100 x (K i/K P ed)

  • NCB i- number of points;
  • KZ - the significance of the indicator;
  • K i– proposal of the procurement participant whose bid is being evaluated;
  • K before- the maximum value of characteristics required by the customer.

Returning to our example, let's calculate the number of points for a procurement participant working in a certain area three years:

NCB i = 0.6 x 100 x (3/5) = 36 points


The rules also give the customer the right to develop for the evaluation of applications the scale of limiting values ​​of the significance of the assessment indicators. Such a scale involves the accrual of points depending on which interval of requirements the procurement participant falls into (). For example, a rating scale for the “work experience” indicator might look like this:

  • 0-1 year– 50 points;
  • 2-3 years– 70 points;
  • 4-5 years or more- 100 points.

Do not forget about the need to take into account the significance of the indicator "work experience" as part of the evaluation criterion "qualification of the procurement participant". Taking into account the adjustment for the weight of the indicator (in our example - 60%), we get the scale in its final form:

  • 0-1 year- 30 points (50 x 0.6);
  • 2-3 years- 42 points (70 x 0.6);
  • 4-5 years or more- 60 points (100 x 0.6).

Rules in only one case oblige the customer, regardless of his discretion, apply a non-monetary criterion - it is the experience of the participant in the successful delivery of goods (performance of work, provision of services) of a comparable nature and volume, which should be taken into account when conducting a procurement for performance construction works ().

Additional Criteria

The legislator reserved the right to establish more high requirements to procurement participants of special technical or technological complexity, as well as those of an innovative, high-tech or specialized nature (). This must be taken into account by customers when organizing certain types of procurement, since such requirements must be reflected in the documentation about the purchase ().

Currently, additional conditions are established for the procedure for holding a tender with limited participation on:

  • service Catering and/or supply of products to institutions education, medicine, social services and organization of children's recreation and their health improvement;
  • performance of work in the field nuclear energy and nuclear weapons;
  • construction works (reconstruction, overhaul) especially dangerous, technically complex about objects capital construction , as well as roads– if the initial (maximum) price of the contract exceeds 150 million rubles. (for purchases of the federal or regional level) or 50 million rubles. (during procurement for municipal needs).

Additional requirements for participants in such purchases are as follows:

  • Availability experience execution of similar contracts within three years prior to the date of filing an application for participation in the tender (in this case, the cost of a previously executed contract should be at least 20% initial (maximum) contract price);
  • availability of own and (or) leased for the term of the contract equipment and others material resources, as well as rights to the results of intellectual activity(in the amount established by the tender documentation).

The Government of the Russian Federation also fixed a closed list of documents that must be provided to the customer to confirm compliance with the requirements (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 28, 2013 No. 1089 "").

General rules used in the evaluation of applications
- Evaluation of applications according to cost evaluation criteria
- Evaluation of applications according to non-monetary evaluation criteria

On 04/05/2019, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/21/2019 N 293 amended those approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11/28/2013 N 1085 concerning the procedure for evaluating applications when procuring construction works.
Starting from March 15, 2019, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 28, 2019 N 200 amended the Rules for evaluating applications, final offers of participants in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 N 1085, in particular, the criteria for evaluating applications and the magnitude of their significance in the procurement of services for the organization of children's recreation and their rehabilitation are defined.
Reference material updated.

When conducting a tender (open, closed, two-stage, with preliminary selection), customers are obliged to use Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2013 N 1085 “On approval of the Rules for evaluating applications, final proposals of participants in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs "(hereinafter - Government Decree of November 28, 2013 N 1085, Rules).


To facilitate the work and comply with the procedure for holding an open tender, you can use background information"Working calendar of the open competition under 44-FZ".

The Rules establish the main criteria that the customer can use when evaluating applications. Among the criteria are: cost and non-value.

Cost criteria include:
1. Price of the contract;
2. Expenses for the operation and repair of goods (objects), the use of the results of work;
3. The cost of the life cycle of a product (object) created as a result of work in individual cases;
4. A proposal for the amount of the customer's relevant costs that the customer will incur or incur under the energy performance contract.

Non-value criteria include:
1. Qualitative, functional and environmental characteristics of the procurement object;
2. Qualification of procurement participants, including:
- availability of financial resources, equipment and other material resources belonging to them on the right of ownership or on other legal grounds;
- availability of work experience related to the subject of the contract, and business reputation;
- Availability of specialists and other employees of a certain skill level.

General rules applied in the evaluation of applications