A complete business plan for the production of lego bricks. Opening a Lego toy store. What is included in the price

  • 10.04.2020

The first question that the future businessman must answer will not be "how to open a game room", but "do I like doing this." This activity requires, first of all, a loyal attitude towards children, because without this it will not be possible to purchase the necessary structures for entertainment, popular toys, and recruit decent staff. All these components form a trusting relationship with the consumer. People will trust you with the most precious thing - their children, so everything should be done with love and understanding.

If you are sure that this is “your” business, start implementing plans to open it. You need to find a place where your service will be in demand. We recommend considering the option of renting space in a shopping center or entertainment complex. This is the most suitable place. Renting a separate room is too troublesome and unprofitable. For a children's playroom, 40-50 square meters is enough. m., although there are more spacious copies. You can also settle in the territory of amusement parks, but there is a lot of competition for children's entertainment, and people prefer to visit these places for family holidays with their children, and not leave them in the care of others.

Investment size

Step-by-step instruction

After the place is chosen, it is necessary to draw up all the documents and conclude a lease agreement. Then you can proceed to the most interesting - the arrangement and opening of a playroom for children. Her work will be to entertain children under 10 years old (the main age is 2-6 years old), so the design can be chosen closer to the kindergarten one.

Premises renovation

We buy equipment

Here every businessman has a choice. You can buy a different number of devices for entertaining children, and the toys themselves may vary. However, if you are going to open a game room, you need to purchase the necessary minimum:

  • Labyrinth. It is usually ordered according to your own sketch. The size of this design should be at least 15 square meters. m. It will take a decent part of the premises, as well as the amount of equipment costs.
  • Inflatable or netted rubber trampoline. Kids love to jump, so they will like this entertainment.
  • Inflatable dry pool filled with colorful balls. The diameter of the balls should not be too small so that the child does not put it in his mouth.
  • Board games. Older kids will love this fun. It can be table hockey, football, lotto, monopoly, etc.
  • The slide is rubber or plastic. If the area allows, buy both so that the children do not quarrel and do not push.
  • Constructors. Most of all, kids like the bright, multi-colored Lego constructor. Don't forget about funny pyramids and plastic cars. It is not recommended to buy metal toys due to the risk of injury.
  • Stuffed Toys. This is a must have for a child's room. They can be placed in different zones. They will simultaneously occupy the children and decorate the room.
  • Pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, albums, coloring books. If an employee can deal with only one child, then the baby can be given paints or felt-tip pens. If the child will draw on their own, it is recommended to get by with pencils so as not to hand the soiled child to the parents later.
  • Furniture for children and adults. For kids, you can put a children's plastic table and chairs, for adults - a comfortable sofa or chair and a table or rack for a cash register. You should also purchase several boxes for children's and adult clothes. The floor must be covered with carpet, carpet or carpet.

Regardless of the size of the room and the budget of the project, you need to remember that toys and furniture of dubious quality are unacceptable. Let there be fewer of them, but you can’t buy these furnishings for cheap or used. You should always ask for a quality certificate before buying. To avoid problems with SES and other authorities, take a copy or original from the seller for each of the goods.

Recruiting staff

Your enterprise will need to employ 4 people as educators and one will be needed to clean the premises. If the room will be located on the territory of a shopping mall or shopping center, you can use the services of regular cleaners. Employees must have health books and training in working with children. A diploma in teaching or any other education is not required, but employees must have the skills to communicate with children. Usually students of pedagogical institutes are taken to such places, former teachers and kindergarten teachers. They must have an elementary pedagogical education, responsibility and preferably experience working with children.

The work schedule of educators is 2 through 2. You need to work together, because you need to not only look after the children, but also take money from the parents and agree on the time the child stays in the room. Up to 20 people can gather during the most visited hours of the kids' establishment. With so many tomboys, one teacher will not cope.

The design of the children's room should be bright and create a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. Try to avoid too aggressive colors (red, orange), as well as cold colors (purple, blue). The best option- green color. Walls and carpeting should be solid or with small one-offs or backgrounds, as children's toys and entertainment structures themselves are brightly colored. To put the room in order, it is enough to paint or paste over the walls and lay a carpet on the floor, since shopping centers began to be built not so long ago and overhaul they are not needed.

The documents

Opening a children's room is not easy in terms of documentation, because the business is related to children. You will need a lot of help and permissions:

  • Business registration in tax authority as a sole proprietorship or LLC. Typically, children's rooms are registered as individual businesses.
  • Determining the type of activity for OKVED code. Suitable 92.7 (organization of leisure and entertainment).
  • Registration with the Pension Fund.
  • Permission from Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Fire safety permit.
  • Approval from SES.
  • Registration of the cash register in the tax office.
  • Certificates for toys and equipment.
  • Medical books of workers.

It is easy to manage documents and send reports to the relevant authorities. The USN 6% is chosen as the form of taxation, since most of the equipment is considered attractions and corresponds to group 052300, which cannot be attributed to UTII and Patent taxation. In case of difficulties with accounting, you can hire an incoming accountant or use the services of outsourcing consulting companies. They will also prepare and send reports to the relevant authorities.

One of the simplest and available ways to start your own business is to open a store. In order to be successful in this case, there are several aspects that the buyer needs to remember, namely:

  • necessary goods;
  • affordable price;
  • Right place;
  • good service.

What is the best store to open?

The market for children's goods is considered quite common today. Every year it grows by about 15-20%. An indicator of this is the many new companies whose products are used every day by both children and their parents. Despite this, the market for children's goods remains free, so this fact encourages the desire to open a store.

Lego products are becoming more and more popular every day. There are not so many sales points that specialize in this particular product, so opening a LEGO sales point would be an ideal option.

Creating such a business requires a large number cash costs. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that with the competent organization of this type of business, the LEGO store will quickly pay back the costs of opening it. In the future, it will be possible to open a playroom for children with rides and toys right in the store.

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Store location

The key to the success of opening a LEGO shop is its location. Since rent is the biggest expense, the location must be chosen wisely. The ideal option would be to rent a room:

  • on a busy street
  • in a business or residential area;
  • in the mall;
  • close to metro station or bus stop.

The highest rent in shopping malls, but there are a lot of advantages:

  • crowded place;
  • convenient parking;
  • intense flow of people;
  • centralized security.

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Decoration and layout of the premises

An important point in the design is how appearance and a showcase, as this contributes to the fact that the buyer can find the desired product in the market. The appearance of the LEGO store must correspond to its concept. For a good layout of free entry, movement and exit of customers, you should consider the logical arrangement of retail, ancillary and service areas, as well as the location of the aisles.

The interior of a LEGO store should be relaxing and really childish. For the walls of this room, you should choose more delicate tones.

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Legal aspects

An important step in opening a LEGO store is registering an enterprise and obtaining the right to entrepreneurial activity.

Since your store will be waiting for verification by various regulatory authorities in the future, it is necessary to comply with all requirements, laws and regulations of the Russian government for enterprises engaged in trade. Be sure to read the following laws:

  • consumer protection law, which establishes the consumer's right to purchase a quality product;
  • sales rules according to the sample;
  • list of goods that are subject to certification;
  • list of goods, proper return or exchange.

Documents required to open a LEGO store:

  • certificate of registration as a legal entity;
  • lease contract;
  • documents confirming the right of ownership;
  • obtaining a license;
  • the conclusion of the State Fire Supervision Authority (to obtain this document you will need a certificate of registration of the store, a lease agreement, insurance and a floor plan);
  • the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor (to obtain it, you will need an application, a certificate of registration of the store, a lease agreement, a list of goods, medical books for workers, a sanitary passport, certificates for products, a certificate of registration with the Inspection of Taxes);
  • fixing the cash register (you will need applications, a lease agreement, a certificate of registration of the company and IMTS);
  • permission for outdoor advertising.

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Working staff

Since your LEGO store will sell children's goods, the choice of personnel should be approached responsibly, employees with special education are needed. Staff should be able to get along easily with people, especially children, have a pleasant appearance and understand LEGO products. Shop assistants play an important role in the development of a business, because it depends on them whether customers will return to your store again or not.

  • Lego brick laying
  • Lego brick implementation
  • Step by step opening plan

Lego-brick is a building material that is gaining popularity, the production of which can actually be opened in "garage" conditions, since its production requires only 18 - 20 square meters. m. This space is enough to accommodate a small machine, several pallets for folding finished products, and there will still be room for the operator to move freely ...

Lego brick and its characteristics

You can talk a lot about the advantages of Lego-brick in the construction of walls, partitions and fences. The first thing I would like to note is the ease of installation. Due to the presence of grooves (through holes), the brick is stacked on top of each other like a designer. To strengthen the connection, a special glue is used, instead of the classic cement mortar. Wall laying is 2-3 times faster than laying with ordinary bricks. The second clear advantage is that the walls are perfectly even, which allows you to save on their subsequent alignment (plaster). Thirdly, the Lego brick is quite light, while being as strong as the silicate brick. All these qualities make the product a high-performance building material in great demand.

Lego brick laying

Lego brick production technologies

Brick is made from limestone crushing waste, so its cost is extremely low. Raw materials are almost free, the main costs, in fact, are delivery. For example, in the Crimea there are a lot of such raw materials. This is a note to those who wish to build successful business on the peninsula. Moreover, with the intensification of construction, the demand for these products will be higher.

The performance of the line depends entirely on the type of equipment. On the machine shown in the video above, one worker can make 1000 - 1200 bricks per shift. It takes approximately 25 seconds to produce one brick. First, the operator (or another worker) prepares a mixture including limestone waste (75%), Portland cement (15%), plasticizers and water. The mixture is prepared in a concrete mixer. Then the mixture is placed in a receiving hopper, from where the composition enters the press. Pressing takes place under a pressure of 18 tons and after 20 - 25 seconds the product can be removed on a pallet and sent to the warehouse. Complete hardening of the Lego brick occurs on the 28th day (on average). Lego-brick is very convenient to stack and move to the warehouse. The operator, after removing the product from the machine, lays it on a wooden pallet, joining each brick to each other. As a result, up to 300 bricks neatly lie on one pallet. Then the pallet is picked up by a mini-loader and sent to the warehouse, from where it is already freely loaded into the machine for sale. Now as for the price. The cost of equipment depends on performance. For mini-production, you can purchase a machine for 250 - 300 thousand rubles, on which it is realistic to produce up to 25,000 bricks in 22 working days, with the help of just one worker. If you need more productivity, you simply buy the required number of machines and hire the required number of operators. As for the countries of origin of machine tools, both domestic and foreign machines can be found on the market. Speaking of foreign countries, we mean, of course, China. Prices for Chinese and Russian machines do not differ much (due to the dollar exchange rate). Therefore, the choice can be left on our machines. You will at least win in terms of equipment delivery and its subsequent maintenance.

Lego brick implementation

There are several ways to implement a Lego brick:

  1. Wholesale dealers. There are always plenty of people who want to resell your product, especially if the production is located in the Moscow region. We simply take a list of companies that sell building materials in bulk (we find contacts on the Internet) and offer cooperation. The price can always be negotiated.
  2. Direct deliveries to construction firms. Lego-brick can be offered to companies engaged in the construction of country cottages.
  3. Implementation through construction stores, which are in every village with a population of more than 10,000 people. The more private construction in the village - the more potential customers. For a note - for one average house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. m. requires about 25,000 bricks (with double masonry).

How much can you earn with lego bricks

To begin with, we will write down the approximate costs for the production of one Lego brick. The planned production volume is 26,000 bricks per month. The cost of bricks for raw materials is obtained in the region of 4 - 5 rubles, well, or depending on the type and price of the purchased raw materials. If you organize production in own premises you can save a lot on rent. In general, for the production workshop and the warehouse of finished products, it will be necessary to allocate at first no more than 60 sq. m., or even less. Renting such an area in the industrial zone of the city will cost a maximum of 20,000 rubles. per month. As for wages, at the start of the business, you can limit yourself to the services of one operator, sales manager and one warehouse worker. An accountant can be made incoming (outsourcing). The operator should be paid exclusively by piecework-premium method, and the manager should set a small salary and a percentage of the profit. An approximate wage fund for such a mini-production will be 80,000 rubles, including the cost of pension contributions.

Which taxation system to choose

Approximately 20,000 rubles will go to taxes. a month. By the way, the optimal taxation system is the simplified tax system, 6% of revenue or 15% of profit. About 30,000 rubles will be spent on other expenses, including advertising, fuel, utility bills. As a result, for 26,000 bricks produced per month it will take:

  • Raw materials - 132,000 rubles.
  • Rent - 20 000 rubles.
  • Salary - 80,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - 20,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 30,000 rubles.

Total - 282,000 rubles. Next, we calculate the approximate revenue. Subject to 100% sale of all manufactured products and a selling price of 15 rubles. / piece, about 390,000 rubles will be received per month. From here net profit from one machine: 390,000 - 282,000 = 108,000 rubles. per month. Thus, we pay for the equipment already in the third month of work.

Step by step opening plan

When opening your own business for creating Lego bricks, you must go through the following steps:

  • business registration;
  • the choice of the premises in which the creation of this product will take place;
  • selection and further purchase necessary equipment;
  • purchase of raw materials and other materials used at the stage of creating bricks;
  • sale of manufactured products.

What documents are needed to open

If you wish to open own business for the manufacture of Lego bricks, then you need to prepare the following documents:

  • document confirming the opening of IP;
  • a copy of the entrepreneur's passport and identification code;
  • application on a special form P21001;
  • receipt confirming the payment of state duty.

If you plan to immediately establish large-scale production, then you can immediately form an LLC so as not to redo the documents twice.

Do I need permission to open

When opening a Lego bricks business, you must have the following permits:

  • a document in which all the norms of maximum permissible emissions are prescribed;
  • conclusion from the fire service;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Certification is optional, but not required.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

Manufacture of tiles, bricks and all kinds of building products made from baked clay - OKVED code 26.40. If you will trade in manufactured bricks, then you can specify the OKVED code 52.46.72.

Such an acquisition will cost approximately 400-600 thousand rubles (this is a lump-sum fee).

The royalty and payback period of a new store will be calculated for each franchise buyer individually, as there are many determining factors.

Starting a business will require investments in the amount of 700 thousand to a million rubles. The planned and calculated average payback of a new business project is about 1.5-2 years.


1. I opened a LEGO store in a fairly large city. The room was also spacious. This provided a large consumer audience and the opportunity to present the product well. Why the LEGO franchise is good, no need to explain for a long time. The name known to the whole world is the first argument. A well-designed strategy for “conquering” the market is the second. Our store is already 4 years old and it is one of the most profitable and popular customers in our city. No toy and children's store is as popular as my LEGO.

Faina, 36 years old

Arshinnikova Yu., 29 years old

Lego brand and business with it

The Lego company is popular all over the world. Moreover, it is in 5th place in the world in terms of customer confidence in it (this despite the fact that about 50 thousand respondents participated in the survey).

Constructors "Lego" - an opportunity to develop and entertain the child. They help develop fine motor skills of the baby's hands, as well as fantasy and spatial imagination.

Many developing children's centers and preschool institutions use the products of this brand to develop their little wards. Another important detail is that Lego sets are absolutely safe. All materials used for their production meet the highest international quality standards.

Using a franchise of such a recognizable brand means dooming yourself to undoubted success in advance. Moreover, Lego products belong to the middle price segment, so they will be in demand among various segments of the consumer audience.

About the most breaking news and business trends with a franchise can be read

Lego franchise

The Lego store franchisor has been selling its business product for many years. The campaign started back in 1980. Now it is already an established business line, bringing good income and many new good partners.

When signing a franchise agreement with Lego, the following occurs:

  • the franchisee receives the right to carry out entrepreneurial activities using the original brand name "Lego";
  • the franchisor provides the new partner with all the business technologies necessary for the successful conduct of his own business;
  • the franchisee receives the ownership of a specially designed Lego brand book;
  • assistance to a young project is provided at all stages of its formation;
  • The franchisor actively assists in choosing the best suitable premises for the store, helps to negotiate for its hiring or purchase;
  • provides optimal marketing support;
  • supplies all the equipment necessary for the store on the most favorable terms for the franchisee.

There are many children's educational franchises currently being implemented, but one of them is different from any other proposals. The LEGO Education Franchise is a unique offering from the world famous company, capable of providing an entrepreneur with the opportunity to make a solid profit, while doing an exciting and socially useful business.

Description of the franchise

Main financial conditions LEGO Education franchises are:

  • Entrance fee - from 400 thousand rubles;
  • Royalties (monthly payment) - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment - from 250 thousand rubles.

To become a LEGO Partner, an entrepreneur needs to be committed to working for the future, progress and development.

Stages of cooperation:

  1. Submission of an application on the official website of the franchisor or a phone call;
  2. Obtaining detailed information about the franchise;
  3. Filling in the data according to the business plan;
  4. Signing a commercial concession agreement;
  5. Organization of activities and launch of work on the LEGO Education program.

What does the company's franchisee get?

  • All teaching materials;
  • Brandbook;
  • Work standards;
  • Instructions for choosing a suitable room;
  • Instructions for concluding an agreement with the owner of the premises;
  • Opening Instructions own center under famous brand, which include recommendations on choosing a legal form, registering a legal entity, choosing a taxation system, a partner bank, promoting the center, work standards, etc.;
  • Full, comprehensive support on all issues related to the activities of the center and the LEGO methodology.

About company

The LEGO Group needs no introduction. It was founded more than 80 years ago, it employs more than 8 thousand employees, and it occupies the first, leading position among all companies specializing in the production of children's construction sets. There are currently seven branded LEGO sets sold worldwide in 1 second.

LEGO Education is also one of the company's projects. Its essence lies in the production of special sets that are designed not only for the development of motor skills, but also for teaching the child, in particular, the development of horizons and creativity. At the same time, LEGO Education is also learning programs, allowing to educate in children self-confidence, sociability and other qualities necessary for life and further education.


What are the main advantages of the LEGO Education franchise?

  1. Cooperation with a company with vast experience and worldwide fame;
  2. Obtaining highly qualified consultations on all working issues;
  3. All methods of the company;
  4. Ready design project, promotional materials;
  5. Reasonable franchise price (it is equal to the average cost of other children's franchises) + use of a brand known all over the world;
  6. Regular webinars and trainings.


The floor area must be 50 square meters.