Increasing direction in leisure activities by example. Directions of cultural and leisure activities, their dependence on the forms of conducting and organizing leisure. recreation and entertainment of the audience

  • 18.04.2020

Diverse types of leisure activities are disclosed in the studies of E. V. Sokolov, which are classified into groups: recreation, entertainment, holiday, self-education, creativity. Rest can be passive or include various levels and degrees of activity. Entertainment as a leisure activity has a compensatory character, plays the role of psychological relaxation, emotional relief, provides a person with a change of impressions. Recreation and entertainment are combined in the holidays. The holiday always connects the past and the present through a solemn, par excellence, transformation of reality, which serves to update value orientations at turning points in history and individual life, where a person, at least for a short time, is freed from everyday worries, anxieties, plunges into an emotionally rich atmosphere, experiencing rise, gets the opportunity to openly express feelings. Self-education as a leisure activity, according to E. V. Sokolov, is aimed at familiarizing people with the values ​​of culture. Raising the general culture of the individual, educational activities develop the mind, abilities, cognitive interests, aesthetic and moral feelings. The highest level of leisure activity is achieved in creativity. Creativity, which, responding to the deep and universal needs of a person in self-expression, transformation of reality, search, experimentation, knowledge and change of the world around, helps to improve being, attitude towards oneself, to create something new. Creative leisure activity raises the personality to a new level - from the consumer of spiritual values ​​to their creator. All of these types of leisure activities are closely interconnected. Some of them perform preparatory functions for human participation in others. Some perform the final functions, allowing to fully realize the socio-pedagogical potential of leisure. S. A. Shmakov singles out leisure activities, which he classifies according to the nature of the activities carried out by the child in free time activities. In this regard, he defined the following types of leisure: passive (viewing, listening) and active (activity); organized (pedagogically expediently used free time) and spontaneous (spontaneously flowing process of using free time); controlled and uncontrolled; collective and individual; imitative and creative; leading (exploratory prospective activity) and normative (traditionally established models). All types of leisure separately and especially those used in the system are of great importance in the comprehensive development of the personality of a teenager, since he is included in the performance of various roles and manifests himself in different positions. At the same time, S. A. Shmakov notes that leisure activities are divided into a number of fundamental groups according to their content. The first group is associated with the function of restoring the various forces of the child (outdoor walks, sports activities, games, fun, evenings of rest, entertainment, etc.). The second group - with an increase in erudition, the consumption of spiritual values ​​(reading literature, watching television, visiting exhibitions, travel museums, etc.). The third - with the development of spiritual forces and abilities, with active creative activity (labor, sports and games, artistic and theatrical, research, etc.). The fourth group realizes the teenager's need for communication (club work, club associations, holidays, discos, etc.). The fifth group is associated with purposeful creative educational activities of children (competitions, reviews, vacation associations, camping trips). Consequently, in the process of leisure activities, the needs of children and adolescents who could not be satisfied in their educational and labor activities are met.

Classification of leisure forms All forms of leisure organization differ from each other in the time of their preparation and conduct, the number of participants. According to the time of conducting, all forms can be divided into: - short-term (lasting from several minutes to several hours); - long-term (lasting from several days to several weeks); - traditional (regularly repeated). By the time of preparation, there are impromptu forms, that is, those carried out with students without including them in preliminary training, as well as forms that provide for preliminary work, the preparation of students. By type of activity - forms of educational, labor, sports, artistic activities; according to the method of influence of the teacher - direct and indirect. According to the subject of the organization, the classification of forms can be as follows: - the organizers of children are teachers, parents and other adults; – activities are organized on the basis of cooperation; - the initiative and its implementation belongs to the children. According to the result, all forms can be divided into the following groups: - the result is information exchange; - the result is the development of a common decision (opinion); - the result is a socially significant product. According to the number of participants, the forms can be: - individual (educator - pupil); - group (teacher - a group of children); - mass (educator - several groups, classes)


The article considers the content of cultural and entertainment activities of students. It is noted that at present there is a variety of directions and forms of cultural and entertainment activities of young people. At the same time, the existing variety of cultural and leisure activities does not always correspond to the interests and needs of young people. From the standpoint of a systematic approach, the opinion of students about their leisure is analyzed. The attitude of young people to the available leisure activities in the metropolis is considered. The presence of free time in the weekly cycle is specified. The reasons for not attending cultural and entertainment events are highlighted. For the first time, the criteria for an interesting cultural and entertainment event from the point of view of young people as a consumer of these services are defined: meeting the needs of young people, the use of information technology, innovation and diversity of the holding format, the opportunity to participate in the development of the event, an interactive form of holding, the use of foreign methods for the development and implementation of youth events . The most attractive types of cultural and leisure activities for young people are specified. The opinion of young people about those types and directions of cultural and entertainment activities, which are not enough in the city of Omsk, is considered. The results of the study are recommended to be used in public and private organizations involved in the organization of cultural and leisure activities of young people, as well as in the training of specialists in specialized areas of training in the field of organizing various types of leisure.

student youth

cultural and leisure activities

innovative forms of entertainment.

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3. Losun K.V. Value orientations of modern youth // Humanitarian scientific research. - 2015. - No. 1. - S. 45-47.

4. Popova A.S. The sphere of youth leisure in modern world// Young scientist. - 2014. - No. 11. - S. 220-223.

5. Kravchuk T.A. Structural and functional model of the process of organizing cultural and leisure activities for youth / T.A. Kravchuk, P.I. Flyanka // International Research Journal. - 2016. - No. 4 (46). - Part 3. - April. - S. 61-66.

6. Makarieva E.A. Leisure and entertainment of students / E.A. Makarieva, M.A. Serdyukova, L.P. Kolupanova, O.V. Drobysheva // Actual directions of scientific research of the XXI century: theory and practice. - 2014. - No. 3-1 (8-1). - S. 439-442.

The relevance of research. Today, one of the most important features of the cultural development of the younger generation is a wide variety of areas of cultural and entertainment activities in the field of youth free time. The sphere of entertainment is the most important component of everyday life and a necessary value for the younger generation, moreover, over the years of economic changes, the country has undergone, in a sense, a kind of “revolution of preferences”. This was expressed in a significant expansion of opportunities for young people to fill their leisure time, as well as in the development of new opportunities and forms of spending free time.

Due to the variability of the macroeconomic conditions of the external environment, there have been fundamental changes in the direction of the activities of cultural and entertainment institutions on the way to solving the problems of cultural education of the younger generation. Therefore, the variety of areas of cultural and entertainment activities for young people today does not always correspond to their interests and needs.

The problem of the study is the lack of modern data on the preferences in holding entertainment for young people, as well as on the specifics of organizing these entertainments.

The object of the research is youth leisure.

The subject of the study is the content of youth leisure.

The purpose of the study is to identify the preferences of young people in cultural and entertainment activities.

To achieve this goal, the following research tasks were used.

1. Consider modern youth forms of cultural and entertainment activities.

2. To study the opinion of young people about preferences in spending leisure time and innovative forms of entertainment.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; survey (questionnaire), mathematical data processing.

Organization of the study: the study was carried out on the basis of the Department of Theory and Methods of Tourism and Recreation of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "SibGUFK", as well as on the basis of the following universities in Omsk: FGBOU HE "OmGUPS", FGBOU HE "SibADI".

Research results. Content analysis in search engines The Internet allowed us to identify the most popular leisure and entertainment facilities in the city of Omsk: leisure centers (163); restaurants, cafes, pizzerias (787); parks of culture and rest, beaches (7); circuses (1); cinemas (31); theatres, concert halls(45); museums, exhibitions (102), bowling, billiards and entertainment centers (49).

Typically the entire spectrum state forms the development of entertainment and leisure of young people merges into the general mass leisure of the entire population of the region, since the youth segment of entertainment in the region is not so developed to distinguish it as separate category. Nevertheless, city state facilities are engaged in the implementation of youth recreation through the organization of excursions, tourism events, sports trips, expeditions and other things.

The most common in carrying out various forms of entertainment for young people in the city of Omsk are non-governmental institutions, and, as a rule, these are ski resorts, sports clubs, active entertainment centers, travel companies and other organizations that organize various kinds of excursions, cruises, cultural and entertainment events, carry out sports and recreational activities, weekend tours, as well as rent premises for recreation and entertainment potential consumers. Again, it should be clarified that such forms of entertainment are applicable both to the general population and to young people as a separate category, taking into account the development and provision of a product characteristic of their leisure and entertainment.

The survey in the form of a questionnaire was held among students of 1-5 courses at the age of 17-22 years. The total sample of the survey was 300 respondents. Of all respondents, 41% were boys and 59% girls. The age of respondents varied as follows: 15% - 17-year-olds, 16% - 18-year-olds, 23% - 19-year-olds, 17% - 20-year-olds, 15% - 21-year-olds, 14% - 22-year-olds.

The study revealed that knowledge (23%), entertainment (22%) and success (18%) are of great value to young people. The rest of the respondents (12%) prefer money and new experiences. Only 6-7% of respondents value popularity among peers and recognition by others as a specialist (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Life values ​​of modern youth, %

From the foregoing, it follows that students see the search and assimilation of new knowledge as a greater value for a given period of time. Respondents also single out entertainment as a pleasant pastime in their free time from study.

The study showed that, on average, students have a large amount of free time, as a rule, on weekends. The amount of free time here varies from 2 to 4 hours (32%), and 39% of students allocated more than 5 hours. On weekdays, students have less free time. Thus, the amount of free time available to students depends on the time spent on classes in educational institutions. Less than 1 hour is allocated by 39% of students and from 1 to 2 hours - by 29% of respondents.

In the process of analyzing students' answers, we highlight the trend of the prevalence of "real" leisure, based on sports and regular meetings with friends, over "virtual" leisure, based on communication on the Internet. This may indicate a positive trend in favor of the “real” spending of free time by young people, which is characterized as optimal healthy leisure.

Also in the course of the study, we found that 75% of respondents are quite satisfied with spending their free time. However, there were also those who found it difficult to choose an answer (14%). And the smallest part of the respondents was rather dissatisfied with spending this time or was not satisfied at all (8 and 3%, respectively).

According to the frequency of visiting entertainment establishments in Omsk, 29% of students rarely do this, perhaps due to lack of time. However, 24% attend 1-2 times a week. 21% of respondents visit every week, the remaining 18% visit entertainment establishments with a frequency of 1-2 times a month. And only 8% of students do not attend at all. It follows from this that the majority of students attend entertainment establishments in the city of Omsk. This suggests that young people seek organized entertainment depending on the availability of free time.

For all cultural and entertainment events held in our city, 54% of respondents try to attend them and 46% do not attend them at all. Further, it was found that 54% of respondents attend the following cultural and entertainment events: City Day, concerts, sports days, festivals, youth day, festive events on May 1 and May 9, festivals of colors, various exhibitions, marathons, fairs, concerts of stars, sporting events.

Those who do not attend such events (46%) cited lack of time as a reason (30%). At the same time, 27% of respondents highlighted the absence of such events that would be of interest to them, and 16% are not satisfied with the format itself. Only 12% singled out bad advertising and the remoteness of the venue. And only a small part of the respondents identified disinterest in such events, lack of money, laziness, and so on. All this suggests that not only time is a limitation in spending free time, but also a number of other equally important reasons. Among them, respondents noted an insufficient amount of free time and the absence of interesting events (Fig. 2).

Determining the most acceptable environment for entertainment, it turned out that a small company is optimal (49%). In a society with a large congestion of people, 24% of respondents prefer to spend. Only 16% prefer loneliness. The smallest part of the respondents (11%) do not mind spending their free time at a computer or TV, rather than in a society of people. All this emphasizes the fact that today's youth for the most part still sees an acceptable environment in conducting entertainment in a society of people, which is important today with the presence of intensive Internet communications among the youth.

Rice. 2. Reasons for not attending cultural and entertainment events, %

When choosing a vacation spot, the majority of respondents are primarily guided by the presence of a cozy atmosphere (24%). Equally important is the acceptable cost (21%). Also important here is the contingent of visitors and convenient location. Other criteria are of lesser importance when choosing a place of rest. Here the number of respondents varies from 1-10%. In general, the main factors that respondents rely on when choosing a place of rest are comfort, price and contingent of visitors (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Criteria for choosing a place of rest,%

The variety of cultural and entertainment establishments presented in our city satisfies 38% of respondents. The majority of respondents would like more diversity (45%). And only 17% are not satisfied with the variety of such establishments. This suggests that young people would like to see such cultural and entertainment establishments that would satisfy their needs and interests in entertainment.

Sports and health-improving forms in cultural and entertainment activities are of interest to 42% of respondents, active forms and quest games attract 36% of students. Animation activities are relevant for 15% of young people. Only 7% of students prefer passive forms of leisure.

In order for a cultural and entertainment event to be popular among young people, it must first of all meet their needs. Also, according to the modern demands of youth, there should be Information Technology. Today, the introduction of innovations in leisure is considered relevant, so they are also considered as an important criterion in many modern events. Among the existing variety of event formats, young people still want to see something new. An important criterion for young people is the opportunity to take part in the development of the event. Interactive and foreign methods of developing and implementing the event are of interest. This dynamics allows us to determine the most important criteria that a cultural and entertainment event should have.

According to the frequency of choosing the highest score compared to the lowest score, the most acceptable types of cultural and entertainment activities were identified:

1. Wellness activities.

2. Outdoor games with the participation of trained and unprepared people.

3. Leisure ceremonies and communication.

4. Logic games.

5. Attractions that develop dexterity.

Further, the respondents identified such types of cultural and entertainment activities, which, in their opinion, are not enough in our city (table). According to the results obtained, the answers were divided into the following blocks: passive activity, sports activity, active entertainment. Respondents made the majority of proposals for active entertainment, which are of the greatest interest to young people. At the heart of all cultural and entertainment activities, students identified accessibility and an acceptable price as an obligatory criterion. The respondents also noted that, in principle, everything is enough, it is only necessary to change the methods of holding and the theme of events.

Youth opinions on cultural and entertainment activities,

which is not enough in Omsk, %

Passive activity

sports activities

Active entertainment

"Botanical" events ( Mind games, debates), competitions in computer games Dota 2, CS.GO.

Bicycle entertainment - quests,

entertainment in strength sports - workout, crossfit, wellness,

like "Mom, dad, I am a sports family"

Outdoor games, active entertainment for young people, amusement parks, entertaining and humorous, exciting, entertaining performances, flash mobs, concerts of contemporary performers, leisure ceremonies, quests, large trampoline parks, water parks, everything on the water theme, dance, reconstruction of historical battles , armored interactive platforms, tournaments, theme evenings, intellectual games

Inexpensive and available.

Enough of everything, just change the methods of conducting and the subject

Practical recommendations have been developed for institutions in the sphere physical culture and sports, socio-cultural services and tourism to organize innovative forms of entertainment for young people, are based on the opinion of potential consumers and the justified need for the process of organizing cultural and entertainment events, are aimed at improving the activities of these enterprises, as well as increasing the share of services offered for young people.

1. Entertainment is among the most important life values ​​for young people. The amount of free time that students can afford to relax, as a rule, depends on the weekly study load. There was also a tendency for the prevalence of "real" leisure, based on sports and regular meetings with friends, over "virtual", based on communication on the Internet.

2. According to the frequency of visiting cultural and entertainment establishments in the city of Omsk, most of the students rarely do this due to not so great variety in the choice of such establishments that would fully satisfy their needs for entertainment. At the same time, most of the respondents attend cultural and entertainment events. Those who do not visit them attribute this primarily to the lack of time and the lack of such events that would be of interest to them.

3. The most preferred setting for entertainment, as it turned out, is a small company. When choosing a vacation spot, the majority of respondents are primarily guided by the presence of a cozy atmosphere and reasonable cost. Also, for students in cultural and entertainment activities, sports, recreational and active forms, as well as quest games are considered the most attractive.

4. According to young people, a cultural and entertainment event should have the following criteria:

Meeting the needs of young people,

The use of information technology,

Innovation and diversity of the format of the event,

The opportunity to participate in the development of the event,

Interactive form of holding,

The use of foreign methods for the development and implementation of youth events.

Bibliographic link

Kravchuk T.A., Savchak D.A., Kravchuk A.I., Petkova I.S. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF CULTURAL AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS // Contemporary Issues science and education. - 2018. - No. 3.;
URL: (date of access: 01.02.2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Lecture 1

LEISURE - part of non-working time that remains after essential activities (sleep, meals, travel to and from work or school, household self-service, etc.) and is inextricably linked with physical and spiritual development human. Leisure includes study and self-education, familiarization with culture (reading, visiting the theater, museum, cinema, etc.), social and political activity, scientific and technical amateur creativity, artistic and aesthetic amateur performances, activities with children, communication of interests, etc. Leisure is also called activity, relationship, state of mind. The definition of leisure falls into four main groups.
1. Leisure as contemplation associated with a high level of culture and intelligence; it is a state of mind and soul. In this concept, leisure is usually considered in terms of the efficiency with which a person does something.
2. Leisure as an activity - usually characterized as an activity not related to work. This definition of leisure includes the values ​​of self-realization.
3. Leisure, like free time, time of choice. This time can be used in a variety of ways, and it can be used for work-related or non-work related activities. Leisure is considered as the time when a person is engaged in what is not his duty.

4. Leisure integrates the three previous concepts, blurs the line between "work" and "not work" and evaluates leisure in terms of describing human behavior. Includes concepts of time and relation to time.

social value leisure in the concrete historical setting of a particular social system is determined by its size (volume), structure and content. In the structure and content of leisure, the ratio of “high” and “low” occupations plays a decisive role. The fruitful use of leisure by a person is an important task of society, because when he carries out the process of his leisure communication with art, technology, sports, nature, as well as with other people, it is important that he does this rationally, productively and creatively.
So what is children's leisure? There is still no generally accepted definition of this concept. Moreover, in the specialized literature, leisure has a wide variety of definitions and interpretations. Leisure is often identified with free time, but everyone has free time, and not everyone has leisure. Leisure is able to combine both rest and work. Much of the leisure time in modern society is occupied different types recreation, although the concept of "leisure" includes such activities as continuing education, community service on a voluntary basis. Leisure should be understood as a central element of culture, with deep and complex connections with the general problems of work, family, politics. Leisure is fertile ground for children, adolescents and youth to test fundamental human needs. In the process of leisure, it is much easier for a child to form a respectful attitude towards himself, even personal shortcomings can be overcome through leisure activity. Leisure is largely responsible for the formation of a child's character, in particular such qualities as initiative, self-confidence, restraint, masculinity, endurance, perseverance, sincerity, honesty, etc. Leisure under certain circumstances can become an important factor physical development of children. Leisure activities that you love support emotional health. Leisure helps to get out of stress and petty anxieties, and, finally, leisure is recognized as a significant tool in the prevention of mental retardation and the rehabilitation of mentally ill children. The special value of leisure lies in the fact that it can help a child, teenager, young man to realize the best that he has. Can be distinguished real leisure(public benefit) and imaginary(asocial, personally significant) leisure. Real leisure is never separated from both the individual and society. On the contrary, it is a state of activity, the creation of freedom from the necessary daily activities, time for rest, self-actualization, entertainment.
Imaginary leisure is, first of all, violence, either on oneself or on society, and as a result, the destruction of oneself and society. Imaginary leisure is due to the inability to spend one's time, it is an aimless pastime, leading to antisocial actions.
The following main characteristics of the leisure time of children, adolescents and youth can be deduced:

Leisure has a pronounced physiological, psychological and social aspects;

Leisure is based on voluntariness in the choice of occupation and degree of activity;

Leisure involves not regulated, but free creative activity;
- leisure forms and develops personality;

Leisure contributes to self-expression, self-affirmation and self-development of the individual through freely chosen actions;

Leisure creates children's need for freedom and independence;

Leisure contributes to the disclosure of natural talents and the acquisition of skills and abilities useful for life;

Leisure stimulates the creative initiative of children;

Leisure is the sphere of satisfaction of the needs of the individual;

Leisure contributes to the formation of value orientations;

Leisure is determined internally and externally;

Leisure acts as a kind of “zone of limited adult intervention”;

Leisure contributes to the objective self-esteem of children;

Leisure forms a positive "I-concept";

Leisure provides satisfaction, cheerful mood and personal pleasure;

Leisure contributes to the self-education of the individual;

Leisure forms the socially significant needs of the individual and the norms of behavior in society;

Leisure - activity, contrasting with complete rest;

The nature of children's leisure is alien to the opposition "school time" - leisure (as part of extracurricular time);

Children's leisure is subdivided into leisure proper and semi-leisure;

Children's leisure is broad in its understanding.

Thus, it can be stated that the essence of children's and youth's leisure is creative behavior(interaction environment) children, adolescents and youth in a space-time environment free to choose the type of occupation and degree of activity, determined internally (needs, motives, attitudes, choice of forms and methods of behavior) and externally (factors that generate behavior).

Cultural and leisure activities are an integral part of the educational process. The stability and integrity of the system of leisure activities in the educational, creative and educational processes in the universities of culture and art are determined by the interaction of all its elements: ideas, values ​​and the form that contains the content of the means, that is, its carriers.

Cultural and leisure activities are the process of familiarization with culture, expressed in material and spiritual form.

Cultural and leisure activities operate in a diverse, dynamically developing natural and social environment and represents the values, patterns and recognized ways of behavior, objectified in our society, fixed and transmitted to subsequent generations as a result.

In the pedagogical process, one of the main activities of cultural and leisure institutions is civic education, which forms a scientific worldview and develops the civic activity of a teenager. In civic education, you can use such forms as lectures, conversations, disputes. Approximate topics of lectures: "Fatherland at the turn of the century", "Historical past of our Motherland"; discussion topics: "What kind of a hero of our time is he", etc.

Another important area of ​​cultural and leisure activities is labor education. Target labor education is to assist in the professional orientation of adolescents. Of great importance are meetings with representatives of various professions, excursions to production sites, where children get acquainted with representatives of various professions, and technical modeling circles. The next direction of cultural and leisure activities is the formation of a personality with a high moral consciousness and behavior - moral education. Principle moral education- This is the principle of education on positive examples. Therefore, one of the main aspects of cultural and leisure activities is aesthetic education. Its goal is to develop the ability to evaluate, perceive and affirm the beautiful in life and art from the universal positions of spiritual heritage.

The pedagogical task of cultural institutions is to involve adolescents in their activities through the organization of show performances, creative competitions beauty ("miss summer", "gentleman show"), meetings with musicians, fashion designers, poets, visits to exhibitions and much more.

Thus, all these areas of cultural and leisure activities are interconnected, interdependent, the improvement (of this activity) of the individual makes this activity the most effective.

In the process of directed education of the personality of a teenager, on the one hand, spiritual and moral development takes place, on the other hand, a kind of differentiation of the abilities of a teenager takes place, various interests and needs are revealed, socialization of adolescents takes place, which has a positive orientation.

Cultural and leisure activities are a way of individual self-affirmation of the personality, understanding of one's existence in the past, present and future.

Changes in the theoretical understanding of cultural and leisure activities depend on the knowledge of its objective patterns as a process of mastering the world, on understanding the characteristics of development, both of the entire industry and its individual areas, on the scientific use of the results of knowledge of those changes that are noted in the process of implementation. new concept of man and a new understanding of the life of society.


Leisure is traditionally one of the most important spheres of children's life. Transformations of all aspects of the life of Russian society have led to a change in the socio-cultural situation in the field of leisure. Children and youth are a special social group most susceptible to socio-cultural innovations that have a different impact on the formation of a young person's personality.

The unorganized, spontaneous leisure of children and adolescents, and sometimes organized, but for "asocial" purposes, is often a source of a negative reaction to dissatisfaction in the above and other needs, the reason for the illegal activities of a children's company, an impulse to develop bad habits, a far unhealthy lifestyle. Leisure organized for socially significant purposes is a pedagogical and social support for growing individuals, the formation of an active, conscious and creative position in relation to the world around them, a means of satisfying children's needs.

The organization of children's leisure activities should be cultural and this is one of the critical tasks modern society. Today, more than ever, the problem of mastering children and adolescents with ways to organize their free time, the ability to spend their leisure time in a meaningful and interesting way is relevant. In the process of collective leisure pastime, the feeling of camaraderie is strengthened, the degree of consolidation increases, labor activity is stimulated, a life position is developed, and norms of behavior in society are taught. In the field of leisure, children, adolescents, young men (girls) are more open to the influence and impact on them of a variety of social institutions, which allows you to influence their moral character and worldview with maximum efficiency.

The purpose of the control work is to study the organization of children's leisure activities.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

To study the history of the formation of children's leisure activities.

Determine the purpose of organizing cultural and leisure activities for children.

To study the motives of children's leisure.

Describe the functions of children's leisure activities.

Consider the types of cultural and leisure activities of children.

To study the features of cultural and leisure activities of children.

Determine the place for children's leisure.

Analyze the content of children's leisure activities.

Describe the appeal to the media to organize cultural and leisure activities for children.

Consider the classification of leisure according to the number of participants.

To study the complexity of the nature and structure of children's leisure.

Consider the subjects of cultural and leisure activities.

1. The history of the formation of cultural and leisure activities of children

Leisure, or free time, as one of the aspects of the life of society in different eras was filled with different content, sometimes very contradictory. Children's leisure was determined by the sum of many factors, depending on the principles of social and economic life proclaimed by the authorities at one time or another.

Children were included in the activities available to them, together with the elders and under their guidance they were accustomed to collective work and life. In work and everyday communication with adults, children acquired the necessary life skills and labor skills, got acquainted with customs, learned to perform the rituals that accompanied the life of primitive people, and all their duties, completely subordinating themselves to the interests of the family, the requirements of the elders. Boys participated together with adults in hunting and fishing, in the manufacture of weapons; girls, under the guidance of women, harvested and cultivated crops, cooked food, made dishes and clothes, toys.

During the Soviet period, the subordination of leisure to the tasks of communist education for many years determined the nature of the work of most children's out-of-school institutions associated with the organization of free time. Leisure was supposed to educate in the ideas of modernity, modernity was supposed to "flow" into leisure like a wide river, and in an organized way. Since modernity was conceived as a struggle between "reaction and revolution," the child also had to become a "soldier on the front of the struggle," armed with a Marxist worldview, class instinct, and proletarian interests.

The participation of each student in club work was mandatory, but the choice of the form of classes was voluntary. The most common circles were: socio-political, natural science or young naturalists, literary, dramatic, visual arts, musical, physical education. In schools, children created corners of Lenin, pioneers, radio, electrification, MOPR, Aviakhim, "Friend of Children", "Down with illiteracy", books, atheists, health education, physical education. Quite a lot of time the children spent in workshops: bookbinding, carpentry, cartoning, sewing, shoemaking. Mass events enjoyed particular success. Quite a frequent occurrence both for the city and the countryside was the creation of natural science or youth circles. On the one hand, such circles helped in the study of the school course in natural science, and on the other hand, they became a fairly popular form of implementing the formula for combining education with productive work.

Evenings became a special form of club work. These could be evenings of questions and answers, evenings of "miracles", evenings of conversations and stories, evenings of memories, evenings of the revolutionary movement, evenings of great people, etc. etc. In the communal school of Narkompros, for example, they held a factory evening, which was of a complex nature. It consisted of three sections, in which there were reports on technology, the factory under socialism; reading excerpts from works of art; collective declamation; scenes from the history of the labor movement, ditties, pantomime.

The Moscow Department of Public Education supervised the work in each city district, which had its own associations of leaders in fine arts and musical work with children. At the 7th experimental station of the People's Commissariat of Education, an office for artistic education was created, which became the methodological basis of the entire artistic work with kids. The cabinet had several departments: drawing, artistic expression, theater and music.

Along with educational institutions, the leisure sector has become an integral part of overall process formation of the "new man". One of the results of this process was the transformation of both social and individual consciousness.

2. The purpose of organizing children's leisure

Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and domestic labor, thanks to which the individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the field of labor activity. Since leisure is an activity, this means that it is not an empty pastime, not just idleness, and at the same time not according to the principle: “I do what I want”. This is an activity carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself.

In their free time, children are engaged in interesting and meaningful, in their opinion, activities that cause a feeling of joy and self-confidence, expand the circle of communication with adults and peers, fill it with meaningful content, and ultimately form the foundations common culture. Interesting, saturated with positive emotions activity allows children to restore their physical and spiritual strength, helps to establish an atmosphere of emotional well-being.

Leisure under certain circumstances can become an important factor in the physical development of children.

Leisure activities that you love support emotional health.

Leisure helps to get out of stress and petty anxieties, and, finally, leisure is recognized as a significant tool in the prevention of mental retardation and the rehabilitation of mentally ill children. The special value of leisure lies in the fact that it can help a child, teenager, young man to realize the best that he has.

From the ability to direct one's activities during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, the implementation of one's life program, the development and improvement of one's essential forces, the social well-being of the child, his satisfaction with his free time largely depends.

Thus, the purpose of organizing children's leisure is to teach children to spend their free time usefully and creatively and to create conditions for the holistic development of the child's personality.

. Leisure motives

The cultural and leisure activities of the child are associated with the satisfaction of cognitive and practical needs, which are based on the motive of the activity. Mastering the real world in the process of cultural and leisure activities requires the child to be active, tense, able to self-development and self-expression. However, it is important to note that the majority of preschool and school age prefer to spend their leisure time at the level of passive consumption entertainment programs, most of them do not know how to independently use the available opportunities for interesting, meaningful and informative leisure. The child often seeks in his free time to get entertainment, not new knowledge. The main reasons for this phenomenon include the fact that adults do not teach a child from childhood to treat leisure as a source of satisfaction of their cognitive needs and aspirations. Often there is an incorrect attitude of adults to the organization of children's free time.

M.B. Zatsepin, distinguishes three types of attitude to the organization of leisure: the first is complete indifference, i.e. pedagogical neglect; the second is excessive overorganization, when the child is not given the right to choose, and adults mainly focus their attention on the development of the child with manic spiritual tension. And the third type of leadership is the search for such ways, forms, means and methods that would combine knowledge and entertainment into a single whole, would fill them with moral and aesthetic content. In the latter case, it is necessary for adults to focus their attention on shaping children's interest in the content side of leisure with a positive emotional attitude to the results of their activities. Cognitive activity in the process of recreation, entertainment, celebration is manifested in interest, in the desire to overcome the difficulties that arise and achieve the best results. An important quality any activity that is done in free time is that it should be interesting child with maximum independence and activity on his part.

Cultural and leisure activities, which are associated to a greater extent with the satisfaction of one's personal needs, are reflected in spirituality first of all, and then in their objectivity. Activities that take place in their free time on the basis of interest, the desire to perform or participate in it, in children of senior preschool and primary school age are associated with educational activities, with the satisfaction of their cognitive needs. But in its pure form, educational activity seems to be relegated to the background, and the satisfaction of one's spiritual, physical and cognitive needs is put in the first place. At the same time, it must be remembered that interest is a stimulus for this activity, therefore, naturally, the principle of interest in activity is an indispensable condition for organizing children's cultural leisure.

When an activity ceases to arouse interest, the child refuses to perform it. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly activate manifestations of interest or create a new interest, a new direction of cultural and leisure activities.

. Children's leisure functions

The characterological features of children's leisure are fundamental for determining its functions.

Creative activity is the "generic essence of man", realizing which "he transforms the world" (K. Marx). Creative processes in all their strength are found in children's play, in recognizing the world around them, in the appropriation by children of a wide variety of social roles. Moreover, most of these processes are carried out in leisure time. Through the mechanism of emotional perception and experience, adolescents most actively learn the elements of creative activity. Which are fixed in their minds and behavior and leave an imprint for the rest of their lives. Therefore, children's leisure is characterized by a creative function.

Leisure is a zone of active communication that satisfies the needs of adolescents in contacts. Such forms of leisure as independent associations of interests, game programs, mass holidays and others - a favorable area for understanding oneself, one's qualities, advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other people. Children evaluate themselves, focusing on socially accepted criteria and standards, because self-consciousness is social in its content, in its essence, and is impossible outside the process of communication. It is in the conditions of leisure that communities are formed that give children, adolescents and youth the opportunity to perform in a wide variety of social roles. Thus, we can designate another function of children's leisure - communicative.

Leisure time of the younger generation has a huge impact on the cognitive activity of children. In leisure, there is a recognition of the new in the most diverse fields of knowledge: the artistic horizons are expanding; the process of technical creativity is comprehended; there is an acquaintance with the history of sports and so on; finally, the armament of leisure activities is carried out. This means that children's leisure has an educational function.

During their leisure time, children read books, watch movies, plays and TV shows, where they discover the world of professions. And having outlined a professional path for themselves, mainly at their leisure, they acquire knowledge and develop abilities, skills specific to a particular type of activity. And, finally, leisure institutions purposefully carry out career guidance activities, that is, children's leisure involves the implementation of a career guidance function.

The life activity of modern children, adolescents and youth is extremely saturated and relatively strictly regulated, and therefore requires a lot of physical, mental and intellectual strength. Against this background, children's leisure, which is carried out mainly on the basis of play activities, helps to relieve the created tension. It is within the framework of leisure time that the restoration and reproduction of lost forces takes place, that is, the recreational function is realized.

Moreover, the inherent human desire for pleasure is also mainly realized in the sphere of leisure. Children, adolescents and young men enjoy a wide variety of leisure activities: games and victory in it; learning new things and the opportunity to create an aircraft model on this basis. In other words, children's leisure has a hedonistic function.

The leisure activities of children, adolescents and youth, diverse in form, content and emotional richness, evoke a wide resonance in their souls, in the circle of friends and acquaintances, in the class and family, thus giving rise to communication given by the leisure event on the subject of what they heard, saw, and accomplished. As a result, activities are carried out that the child himself would not have performed if he had not been prompted from outside. That is, children's leisure involves a procreative function.

5. Types of cultural and leisure activities for children

The types of cultural and leisure activities are diverse. They can be classified as follows: recreation, entertainment, holidays, self-education, creativity.

The simplest kind of leisure is rest. It is designed to restore the forces expended during work and is divided into active and passive. Passive rest is characterized by a state of rest, which relieves fatigue and restores strength. What you are doing - it does not matter, as long as you can be distracted, freed from tension, get emotional release. It can be: looking at beautiful objects (works of art, nature, etc.), casual conversation, exchange of opinions, a walk. Active recreation includes gymnastics, physical education, labor activity, outdoor games, etc.

Entertainment is compensatory in nature: they compensate for the routine of everyday and monotonous surroundings. Entertainment should always be a colorful moment in a child's life, enriching his impressions and developing creative activity. They contribute to its comprehensive development, acquaint with various types of art, awaken joyful feelings, cheer up and vitality. Entertainment can be a good basis for children's learning. On the one hand, they reinforce the skills and abilities acquired in the classroom, and on the other hand, in an interesting and exciting way, they evoke the need to learn new things, broaden their horizons, knowledge about the world around them, and teach joint actions and experiences.

According to the degree of activity and participation of children, three types of entertainment are distinguished: children are only listeners or spectators; children are direct participants; The participants are both adults and children.

Entertainment includes:

Attractions are fun situations organized by the teacher, parents or the children themselves, giving the opportunity to compete in dexterity, courage, ingenuity.

Surprises are unexpected funny moments that always cause a storm of emotions. When a surprise situation arises, children come to life, their activity is activated. Surprise moments create a situation of surprise, novelty, which children need. The need for new experiences develops into a cognitive need.

Tricks - arouse a keen interest in children: something mysterious, amazing imagination is connected with them. Focuses are divided into two groups: based on illusions and based on manipulation. Illusionists use special rather complex devices and mechanisms. The art of the manipulator lies in the special dexterity of the hands, the flexibility of the fingers.

Jokes - they can be used during breaks between games, at holiday parties and entertainment, at any suitable moment.

Charades are guessing words in parts. Before making charades, it is necessary to introduce children to the technique of guessing them.

Riddles - expand the horizons of children, introduce them to the world around them, develop inquisitiveness, train attention and memory, enrich speech.

A holiday is a special state of mind, an emotional joyful upsurge caused by the experiences of some solemn event. In human life, the personal and the public are closely intertwined. Holidays associated with the history of the country, with its centuries-old traditions, rituals, customs, allow a person to realize his unity with all the people. The holiday has always performed important social functions, had a deep meaning, in it a person felt like a person, a member of a team.

The following types of holidays can be distinguished:

Folk and folklore (Christmas, Maslenitsa, Oseniny);

State-civilian ( New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, Knowledge Day);

International (Mother's Day, Children's Day, International Women's Day);

Orthodox (Christmas, Easter, etc.);

Household and family (birthday, graduation, ABC holiday);

Professional (Teacher's Day);

Holidays that are specially invented by adults in order to bring joy to children (the holiday of "Soap Bubbles", " balloons”, “Paper boats”).

Self-education is a purposeful cognitive activity for the acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, art, culture and technology, controlled by the individual himself. Self-education is carried out under the guidance of adults and can be indirect and direct. It largely depends on the subject-developing environment.

Types of self-education: games (computer, didactic, role-playing, etc.); collecting, hobbies, experimentation; independent cognitive and artistic and productive activity; educational conversations; excursions.

Creativity provides the highest level of leisure activities. Children's leisure is carried out primarily in the family, as well as in special institutions (libraries, museums, clubs, art houses, sports sections, amateur associations of interest, etc.).

Thus, the forms of organization of recreation for adolescents are diverse. The guys have a rest on excursions, hiking in the forest, picking mushrooms, fishing. Any change of occupation contributes to relaxation. And the more varied and interesting these classes are, the more cheerfulness the children will receive, and the more successful their studies will be.

6. Features of cultural and leisure activities of children

The main principle of working with children is the rational organization of their leisure.

Educational activities(aimed at obtaining the initial skills of the profession or artistic skill) - classes in circles, studios.

Game leisure activities (active recreation in the form of a game, aimed at expanding the horizons of children and organizing free time) - contests, quizzes, game programs, matinees.

Recreational leisure (aimed at switching the attention of children and rest from school lessons, communication, familiarization with nature and cultural values) - hiking, excursions, social clubs of interest.

The method of organizing children's recreation depends on their age characteristics, requests and interests.

The specific features of childhood and adolescence include the predominance of exploratory, creative and experimental activity in them. Children are more prone to play activities that capture the psyche as a whole, giving a constant influx of emotions. It is the game that occupies a leading place in their leisure time for children. They use the most diverse types of games: educational and applied, intellectual, physical culture and sports. Observation of the practice of preparing and holding children's cultural and leisure events indicates that their success largely depends on the inclusion of play blocks in their structures that stimulate children's desire for competition, improvisation and ingenuity.

Children and teenagers love holidays and carnivals and willingly take part in them. This is explained by the fact that there are fairy-tale elements, theatrical processions and performances, and vivid game spectacles. Any holiday carries an element of relaxation. However, there are holidays in which the recreational and entertainment element is predominant. These holidays include: the holidays of the New Year tree, seeing off winter, the holiday of the Russian birch, the holidays of summer, flowers, etc. The active participation of children and adolescents in organizing and holding holidays contributes to the development of skills and habits of a culture of behavior, a sense of collectivism and camaraderie.

Rest of teenagers is more multifaceted and versatile than the rest of children. Therefore, its forms are more diverse. A large place is occupied in it by activities that require intellectual effort, since the needs and interests of adolescents are wider than those of children. Leisure gives teenagers the opportunity to do what they love, such as construction, art, sports, as they have more specific inclinations and interests. Teenagers also have a great rest during mass events - holidays, theatrical performances, in which they themselves take an active part. In a word, all leisure activities serve as a means of recreation for adolescents.

Game activity in the life of a teenager no longer occupies such a place as in junior schoolchildren. A teenager has many new public duties, the amount of knowledge gained in the classroom and outside of school hours is growing.

The sphere of free time is somewhat reduced in comparison with childhood. On the other hand, the very nature of gaming activity is changing. Children's games are a thing of the past. There is a steady interest in a particular sport, and therefore in sports games, in artistic creativity. Other types of games recede into the background.

However, game nights and carnivals still attract their attention. A teenager is interested in new forms of recreation: evenings of rest, balls, carnivals, competitions.

Of particular interest to teenagers and young men is such a form of recreation as a disco club. It is a voluntary amateur association of young people who are passionate about pop music and dance. The most common form of organizing recreation for adolescents and young men is evenings of rest, the main functional purpose of which is to entertain adolescents, give them the opportunity to switch, relieve stress after a hard day at school.

7. Place of leisure for children

It is recommended to start preparing for the organization of children's leisure by looking for a venue. An individual approach to the wishes of the child is important. No matter how well you study his interests and preferences, it is still worth asking what exactly the child would like to see at his holiday: life-size puppets, clowns, a theatrical performance or some other types of show.

The place and time of the children's mass event are determined taking into account the need to ensure the normal life of the city and the work of state institutions, organizations, enterprises, the rights and freedoms of other people.

The place of leisure is chosen based on the goals, objectives and content of leisure activities. Physical education can be organized on sports ground, a stadium, in natural conditions of a natural environment: in a meadow, in a forest, on the coast of the sea, river, lake, as well as in a sports hall or other suitable premises. Venue children's holiday there can be a playground, a park, as well as any room - an assembly hall, a playroom, a children's cafe, a shopping center, etc.

When choosing a place for organizing leisure, it is necessary to take into account the age of children, their interests. The place of leisure activities must comply with the safety and health of children.

When designing a room for cultural and leisure activities, you need to remember some basic rules.

The layout must:

develop artistic and aesthetic taste;

create a joyful mood among all participants, arouse interest in upcoming events.

the first group is associated with the function of restoring the various forces of the child (walking in the air, sports, games, fun, entertainment, and others).

the second group of leisure is associated with an increase in erudition, the consumption of spiritual values ​​(reading, watching movies, TV shows, visiting exhibitions, museums, traveling, traveling, etc.).

the third group is associated with the development of spiritual forces and abilities, with active creative activity (labor, technical, sports and games, artistic and theatrical, research, applied).

the fourth group realizes the need of adolescents for communication (club work, creative associations, evening meetings, discos, holidays, debates, dances, parties, etc.).

the fifth group is associated with purposeful creative educational activities of children (field camps, reviews, competitions, vacation associations, hiking trips, asset schools, etc.)”.

At the same time, S.A. Shmakov notes: “it should be remembered that in the field of children's leisure, the hierarchy of children's interests on the scale of youth values ​​is constantly changing, and the target orientation of interests is also changing.”

introducing children to culture, and most of all to art;

mastering by them the initial foundations of the culture of performance and the culture of perception;

development of creative thinking, intellectual, artistic and special abilities in children;

comprehension of the art of communication, behavior, culture of speech;

education of humanity, tolerance;

the formation of skills in socially acceptable ways of organizing one's own leisure and leisure of peers;

the development by schoolchildren of the basics of the culture of everyday life (especially in the conditions of joint life during the period summer camps, expeditions, multi-day excursions, trips to festivals, contests, competitions).

There is a direct relationship between the spiritual wealth of a person and the content of his leisure. But fair and Feedback. Cultural can only be content-rich and, therefore, effective in its impact on the personality of leisure.

The task of the organizers of children's leisure is to offer interesting forms of recreation, entertainment, services and captivate people, while creating conditions for acquiring not only new experiences, but also knowledge, skills and abilities. That is, there is a two-pronged task: on the one hand, to attract children, taking into account their interests and psychological characteristics; on the other hand, to persistently form the need for meaningful and personal development of leisure.

A distinctive feature of children's leisure is its theatricalization. Artistic images, acting through the emotional sphere, make him experience, suffer and rejoice, their impact is often much sharper than life's collisions. In other words, children's leisure is favorable for the formation of lofty ideals and the development of a system of value preferences.

In the sphere of leisure, there should be a transition from simple forms of activity to more complex ones, from passive rest to active rest, to the satisfaction of ever deeper social and cultural aspirations, from passive assimilation of cultural values ​​to creativity.

9. Appeal to the media

In leisure activities and development various kinds art, the role of the mass media (media) is especially important.

Mass media (abbreviated as "media", also - Mass media) - organizational and technical complexes that provide rapid transmission and mass replication of verbal, figurative and musical information and have the following features: mass character; periodicity; compulsion: one signal source (broadcaster, editorial office) - many listeners. The mass media include periodicals, radio, television, and the Internet.

Technical communication channels, as well as a variety of techniques, provide a multi-million audience with almost unlimited opportunities to get acquainted with art, to get artistic impressions not only at home, but also in various situations at almost any time of the day. The media primarily serve the needs of the people individual forms cultural and leisure activities.

The media can also be used as one of the methods of campaigning to attract the attention of children and parents to any event. The media provides the best opportunity to influence the majority of people from your intended audience at the appointed time, reporting information about the place (s), time, purpose of leisure activities and other information related to the preparation and holding of this event, as well as urging citizens and their associations to take participation in the upcoming event.

10. Classification of leisure according to the number of participants

By the number of participants, leisure activities can be:

individual (reading books, watching movies and TV shows, walking, playing sports, drawing, music, etc.);

group (classes in sections, circles, in different directions, excursions);

mass (festivals, holidays, contests, competitions);

family ( family holidays, birthdays, trips, walks and other family events).

Groups of activities that ensure the most successful implementation of the cultural and leisure program (M.E. Kulpetdinova):

) traditional mass events of the educational institution as a whole (festivals, olympiads, balls, tournaments, competitions, etc.);

) leisure activities of a separate children's association (class, educational group in the system additional education) - excursions, competitions, literary and musical drawing rooms, etc.;

) joint leisure activities of several children's associations - several classes of the same parallel, circles, studios, clubs (evenings, lights, KVN, hiking, competitions);

) "repertory" events (theater performances, concerts of art groups, etc.), in which some children are involved as performers, others as spectators.

The basis of this classification is the scale of the event, which is actually determined by the number of participants.

Each of the activities, based on the overall goal and objectives of the program, should have its own specific (particular) goal, solve specific problems, and be focused on achieving certain results.

11. Complexity of character and structure

S.A. Shmakov identifies leisure activities, which he classifies according to the nature of the activities carried out by the child in his free time. In this regard, he defined the following types of leisure:

passive (viewing, listening) and active (activity);

organized (pedagogically expediently used free time) and spontaneous (spontaneously flowing process of using free time);

controlled and uncontrolled;

collective and individual;

imitative and creative;

leading (exploratory prospective activity) and normative (traditionally established models).

All types of leisure separately and especially those used in the system are of great importance in the comprehensive development of the child's personality, since he is included in the performance of various roles and manifests himself in different positions.

In terms of its structure and design, one part of the cultural and leisure programs differs significantly from additional educational programs, while the other part has many components similar to the educational program. It is important for a teacher starting to develop a cultural and leisure program to know about the specifics of its goals and objectives, content, forms and methods of implementation.

Stages of preparation of a cultural and leisure program stage of preparation of the program. This stage includes:

Determination of the number and distribution of responsibilities of the developers of the cultural and leisure program.

The name of the program. Choosing a topic for a future project. Thematic validity comes from the name of the program and implies what it will be about.

Setting goals and objectives. Tasks are step-by-step steps to achieve the goal, and the goal itself acts as the final planned result.

program audience. Usually, the design of leisure programs is based on the age, psychological, socio-demographic characteristics of the audience.

Determination of the form of the cultural and leisure program, time and place of its holding. stage of preparation of the program - script writing. It should be noted that not all leisure programs should be based on a full-fledged scenario. For example, children's competitive game program lightweight, i.e. without elements of theatricalization and a single artistic move, it can only rely on a scenario plan, which will reflect the order of games and competitions, indicating musical, artistic and other inclusions.

Compositional structure of the scenario of the cultural and leisure program:

Exposition - the initial, introductory part of the script provides the necessary information about the upcoming action, about the characters and life circumstances.

The tie is the moment the problem arises, which results in the development of the conflict. The movement of the whole action, its development, begins with the plot.

The climax is the highest point of the tension of the action. It plays a significant role in revealing the characters of the characters and resolving the conflict. The climax is often the denouement.

The denouement is the final moment in the development of the action of the scenario, which is the moment of the complete resolution of the conflict situation.

The final is the emotional and semantic completion of the work.

12. Subjects of cultural and leisure activities

cultural leisure child script

According to the subject of the organization, the classification of forms of cultural and leisure activities can be as follows:

organizers of children are teachers, parents and other adults;

activities are organized on the basis of cooperation;

the initiative and its implementation belong to the children.

The main subject of socio-cultural activity is the family. Family leisure is characterized by the absence of strict standards, norms, regulations, freedom of choice of types and methods of leisure activities.

Also, social and leisure institutions include:

educational institutions (preschool educational institutions, schools, vocational schools, colleges, technical schools, universities);

libraries - a type of cultural institutions that collect books and other printed publications, their special processing, propaganda and organizing mass work with readers;

museums - a type of cultural institution that collects, exhibits material and spiritual values, conducts cultural and educational work;

institutions of additional education (music, sports, art, choreographic schools, studios, sections);

parks of culture and recreation - natural objects of a cognitive and educational nature, having the possibility of entertainment for emotional relaxation and relieving fatigue;

cinemas - a type of cultural institution designed to show films to the public;

leisure centers - a type of cultural institution that creates optimal conditions for the mass, group, family and individual development of creative abilities, communication, recreation, entertainment, restoration of spiritual and physical strength based on the study of cultural needs and interests of various categories of the population.

13. Problem task

What is the difference between institutions of additional education from institutions vocational education:

a) programs

b) activity profile;

c) voluntariness of participation;

d) the level of training;

e) methods and methods of teaching;

e) other?

Vocational education, education obtained in the process of studying in higher, secondary specialized and vocational educational institutions, as well as in special courses.

Additional education is a purposeful process of education and training through the implementation of additional educational services and information and educational activities outside the main educational programs in the interests of the person.

comparison table

Vocational educationAdditional educationVocational education programs are developed and approved educational institution independently, taking into account the requirements of the labor market on the basis of the federal state educational standard for vocational education, exemplary basic educational programs, the development of which is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. They assume the development of any profession. The institution of additional education independently develops a program of its activities, taking into account the needs of children, the needs of children and their parents. It is characterized by openness, mobility and flexibility, the ability to quickly respond to the demands of the time in the interests of the child and his family (intellectual, leisure, information, developmental services). Provide opportunities for professional self-determination student. The academic year begins on September 1 and ends according to curriculum on a specific profession and form of education. Educational programs of vocational education are mastered in the following forms of education, differing in the volume of compulsory classes teacher with students and the organization of the educational process: (full-time form; part-time (evening) form; correspondence form; form of external studies in certain professions). Organizes work with children throughout the calendar year. During the holidays, the institution can open camps and tourist bases in the prescribed manner, create various associations with permanent and (or) variable composition of children in camps (country or with day stay), at their base, as well as at the place of residence of children. The institution of additional education organizes and conducts mass events, creates the necessary conditions for joint work, recreation of children, parents (legal representatives). The contingent is all students. "The child is the object of activity." Work with gifted, motivated children. "The child is the subject of activity." The organization of the educational process is carried out in groups in accordance with the educational programs of vocational education and the schedule of training sessions for each profession and form of education. The activities of children in institutions are carried out in same-age and mixed-age associations of interest (club, studio, ensemble , group, section, circle, theater and others). Classes in associations can be conducted according to programs of one thematic focus or complex, integrated programs. Training is conducted by highly qualified specialists, the implementation of an individual approach is not always possible due to the heavy workload and the number of students. Training can be conducted by invited teachers, professionals, an individual approach is one of the main principles of education. Formation of a narrow set of ZUNs of the child's personality Comprehensive creative development Obligation and restrictions in the choice. Active logical mental activity of the child. Voluntary choiceIntellectual (cognitive) development of the child Disclosure and development creativity childRigid assessment, regulation Examinations, knowledge testing. Lack of an evaluation system and regulation. Creative tests. A final certification is carried out with the issuance of a state document. A certificate or certificate of completion of the course is issued as an annex to the main document on education. Conclusion

The problem of free time at all times in many countries has been the subject of study by many authors. It was emphasized that it is able to influence the personality, ensure its development, formation, formation and attitude. Leisure takes up part of free time, which is the personal sphere of a person, provides opportunities for voluntary choice of activities based on the interests and needs of the individual, prepares the student for changing living conditions.

Children's leisure has a peculiar content in view of the characteristics of age and acts as a means of developing social interaction skills, is a time of personal freedom for students, a way of self-realization, self-improvement, self-rehabilitation. The pedagogical process in the field of leisure is a purposeful organization of leisure activities, its systematic transfer to a higher level from reproductive through transformative to creative.

The professional and pedagogical activity of a specialist - organizer of leisure is aimed at actively promoting the harmonious development of the student's personality, the formation of his personal growth.

Among the mass of organizations involved in the organization of children's leisure, the leading place is occupied by cultural institutions. Children and adolescents, due to their age-related psychological characteristics, are ready to perceive everything new and unknown, without thinking about the consequences. At the same time, they are still ideologically unstable, it is easier to introduce both a positive and a negative image into their minds.

When there is no positive alternative, the ideological vacuum is quickly filled with drugs, smoking, alcoholism and other bad habits.

That is why the main task of the governing bodies and cultural institutions should be the organization of leisure activities for children and adolescents, the improvement and expansion of the list of cultural services provided, taking into account the leisure preferences of this category of the population.

List of sources used

1. Avanesova G.A. Cultural and leisure activities: Theory and practice of organization: Tutorial for university students. - M.: Aspect Press, 2006. - 236 p.

Volovik A.F. Leisure Pedagogy: Textbook. - M.: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute: Flint, 1998. - 235 p.

Zatsepina M.B. Cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten. program and guidelines. - M., 2005. - 64 p.

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Tyurina E.I. Social work with family and children: a textbook for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions / E.I. Tyurina, N.Yu. Kuchkova, E.A. Pentsova. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2009. - 288 p.


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