How to open a child development center. What does a child development center do? Factors to Consider Before Opening

  • 29.04.2020

Recently, together with state preschool educational institutions various private kindergartens, clubs and centers began to appear, the activities of which are very similar, but there are a number of significant differences.

The most important thing is a different approach to the upbringing and education of children, which in such preschool institutions is several levels higher than in a regular kindergarten. The salaries and working conditions in them are better, which contributes to the recruitment of highly qualified teachers.

What does the child development center do

The task of the children's development center includes the qualitative preparation of their pupils, ensuring their the best conditions stay, increased security.

The end result that parents see is that their children are more prepared for the learning process in school.

As a rule, children already know how to read, count confidently, can add and subtract, have at the initial level knowledge in foreign language. They have objectively higher intellectual abilities than their peers in ordinary kindergartens.

This is achieved not only by a richer and more interesting curriculum, an individual approach, which is difficult to see in state institutions. Competitions and games based on modern educational methods are often held with children.

In some cases, fathers and mothers are invited to classes with the baby, who are directly involved in the development of their child through joint learning. This approach contributes to the fact that parents are also trained together with their children and are involved in a competent upbringing process.

Parents are willing to pay money for such institutions, and there are a lot of such parents. Therefore, there is no competition in this type of business. One can even note an acute shortage of such institutions, because the demand for them is several times higher than the supply, despite the high cost.

How to open a children's development center

Opening a center does not require much big investments, but to coordinate their actions, to bring their activities to the requirements of controlling organizations.

Permits and documents

Obtaining a license costs no more than 2.5 thousand rubles. But in addition to the license itself, you need to obtain conclusions from the sanitary and epidemiological station of the fire service. D In order to get these conclusions, you need:

  • completely renovate the premises;
  • conduct a number of studies assigned by the SES, the cost of which will cost 14-16 thousand rubles;
  • create the material and technical base of the institution;
  • install a fire alarm;
  • equip the premises with fire extinguishers, which will cost 6–7 thousand rubles.

It will take about 25 thousand rubles to obtain these documents. You can use the services of law firms that will take care of this issue. It will cost more, but you will not have to deal with obtaining various permits on your own.


It will not be possible to make a room for a development center small. The center should include:

  • reception room;
  • office for staff;
  • playroom and space for classes;
  • bedroom
  • spacious bathroom with toilet and 4-6 washbasins.

Someone makes the center of two or three apartments, the total area of ​​which reaches 180-220 square meters. But this has a certain drawback, since there is no separate closed place for walking.

An apartment building does not have much space for playgrounds and they are designed for all residents of the house. It is difficult to isolate any separate place, and you need a lot of it for walking.

The best way out is when the center is created on the basis of a private house in the private sector of the city, which has its own large territory. Here you can do the completion, rebuild the premises to the needs and tasks of the center. However, this will require large investments at the start - in the region of 5-7 million rubles or more. Whatever room you choose, it must have several exits.


An announcement that teachers for preschool children are required for a good salary will bring to you a lot of specialists, including very professional ones. Stop the choice on mature women, aged 30 to 45, who have their own children. The presence of relevant education and work experience for 5-7 years is mandatory.

It is not bad if you have your own specialist from the field of education who can professionally assess each candidate. Please note that teachers make the main "weather" for the center. If they captivate the process of teaching children, and they will tell their parents in detail about it, then adults will begin to share pleasant impressions with their friends. And it will attract new customers.

What do you need to open a children's development center?

You can watch a video in which people who have already started a business answer this question:

To open the center you will need:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company;
  • find a room and bring it to the established order;
  • purchase furniture, equipment, study guides etc.;
  • obtain a license and permits from the SES and the fire service;
  • find and hire staff;
  • run ads;
  • pick up the kids.

Estimated Cost Calculation

Before you start in this type of business, consider the possible costs of opening a center and monthly costs. Consider an option that provides for renting a room that requires moderate redevelopment and repairs, which will cost 100-150 thousand rubles.

  1. Another 45-50 thousand rubles will have to be allocated for furniture, tables and chairs for a group of 15-20 children.
  2. Beds and bedding will require the same amount.
  3. Equipment and furniture for the kitchen, toilet bowls and washbasins for the bathroom will require another 120-150 thousand rubles.
  4. Purchase teaching materials, including a piano (or synthesizer) will require 25-30 thousand rubles.
  5. Toys for children (this is a kindergarten, not a school) - 15-20 thousand rubles.

In total, together with the cost of documents, an amount of 350 thousand rubles is obtained. Provide another 15% of this amount for contingencies.

Every month you will have to spend:

  • for rent - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - 8-12 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for baby food - from 25 thousand rubles;
  • staff salaries - from 100 thousand rubles.

In total, monthly expenses will amount to 183 thousand rubles.

Where to start a business?

The above describes in detail what and where you will have to draw up and receive. But start your business by deciding on the form of activity of the center itself. It can be a center with daytime education, three meals a day and afternoon naps. The number of children in it will be limited - no more than 20 kids, or even 15 children.

Each of them will receive increased attention, but the cost of the service will be appropriate. Parents of one child will have to pay from 20 thousand rubles a month, if not more.

Not everyone can afford such services. And here it makes sense to think. For a certain category of parents, the quality of education of children, their development is important, and they are ready to pay a big price.

It makes sense to form a center for such a category of parents, recruit a group of 15 children and set a high cost for services. In this case, the center will earn from 250 thousand rubles a month.

But there is another option when the center provides hourly services. Up to 10 children are recruited into the group, who study for 1.5–2.5 hours, after which they are taken by their parents. The cost of one lesson ranges from 250 rubles. There are three to five such groups per day.

This makes it possible to collect cash from 200 thousand rubles. But here and expenditure part can be reduced by two or even three times. The room is suitable and simpler, there is no need to feed the children, put them to bed. A nanny, a security guard and a nurse are no longer needed, wage costs will be halved. You can reach a monthly income of 100 thousand rubles.

For many beginner centers, the second option is more suitable. Some of them specialize in one topic - language learning, development of mathematical or intellectual abilities, sports opportunities. This allows you to start with less investment, gradually gain momentum, accumulating income received from business and mastering this area.

Modern mothers pay special attention to the development and upbringing of children. Therefore, children's developing centers began to appear in our country. At the same time, if earlier only wealthy parents could afford to visit commercial children's centers, now such preschool education and development is available to people with any income.

When opening a center, it is necessary to determine the direction of its work and the list of services provided. This business plan deals with a preschool institution that aims to develop the intellectual and creative skills of children aged 2 to 7 years.

Courses offered by the children's center:

  • Early development (2-4 years);
  • Preparation for school (4-7 years);
  • Preschool University (5-7 years);
  • English (4-7 years).

The success of the children's center primarily depends on its teachers. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the qualifications of teachers, but also to how he can win over children. Often, young graduates of pedagogical faculties turn out to be good teachers who are liked by both children and their parents. In addition, such specialists do not overcharge for their services.

To child Center was in demand, you need to choose a room with a convenient location: in places with high traffic or in the city center. For this center, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 40-50 square meters is suitable. meters. As part of this room should be two study rooms, a separate bathroom and a room where parents will wait for the end of classes. You can limit yourself to one training room, but then the choice of courses offered will be greatly reduced.

When choosing a room, it is necessary to be guided by the norms of the SES and the Fire Supervision authorities. The children's center cannot be placed in the basement, semi-basement or basement. The room must have a separate entrance. You should pay attention to the convenient access to the center, and the availability of parking spaces for cars.

This business is greatly influenced by the seasonality factor. This is due to the winter new year holidays, and in the summer - with a period of holidays. Therefore, the maximum demand for attending classes in the children's center falls on the periods from September to December and from February to May.

When opening a children's development center, special attention should be paid to planning the schedule of classes. In the first half of the day, kids come to study - before lunch and daytime sleep (from 9.00 to 13.00). Older children study after 17:00, when they are taken from kindergartens. So that the period from 13 to 17 hours does not fall out of the schedule, individual classes can be held in the center.

The amount of initial investment - from 600,000 rubles.

The cost of one subscription for 8 lessons - from 3,000 rubles.

The payback period is 1 year.

2. Description of the business, product or service

In the considered children's developing center, classes are presented in the following areas:


Number of groups

Number of lessons per week for one group

Total number of lessons per week

Early development

Short stay group

Preparation for school

English language

IZO (drawing, modeling)

Let's take a closer look at each area of ​​study.

Early development. At two years old, the child is ready to communicate with peers, therefore, in the classroom, special attention is paid to the interaction of children with each other. This direction helps to develop the basic cognitive processes in children: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination. An important place is given to the development of speech, fine and large motor skills. From the age of three, acquaintance with the account, artistic creativity begins.

Short stay group. Sometimes it becomes necessary to leave children without their own supervision. The ideal option in such a situation would be the opportunity to entrust the child to professional teachers. This group accepts children from 2 to 6 years old. The group is formed of no more than 10 people. During classes, children get acquainted with the world around them, play outdoor games, do modeling, drawing. Classes are held in the morning hours from 9:00 to 11:45.

Preparation for school. Children from the age of four learn to read easily. When a child begins to read in short words, math learning begins. First, children learn to count within ten, then the child freely navigates in a hundred. The mastery of writing does not go unnoticed, so teachers take into account all the features of preparing a hand for writing. In the second half of the lesson, a game intellectual training takes place, which is aimed at the effective development of perception, attention, thinking, memory and imagination of the child.

English language. In the classroom, communication is predominantly in English. This happens spontaneously, children do not think about how to do it, they communicate easily, naturally and with pleasure!

IZO (drawing, modeling). In the classroom, each child develops color perception and imagination, a sense of beauty and artistic taste. Children master the laws of composition and various drawing techniques, learn to express their self, their thoughts and feelings, mood and desires.

The number of groups for each direction depends on the demand for this type of activity and the age of the children in the group.

In the children's development center there is an opportunity to study both in a group and in individual classes. The difference is the class schedule and cost. Individual classes are held from 13:00 to 17:00, because in the morning and evening hours, all rooms are occupied by group classes. The cost of an individual lesson is 1.5 times more expensive than a group lesson.

For each type of classes, you can purchase both a one-time visit and a subscription. The subscription is valid for one month and includes 8 lessons.

A complete list of services with an indication of the cost is presented in the table:

If the child regularly studies for three months, then a subscription for the following months can be purchased at a 10% discount.

This payment system allows you to attract regular customers.

3. Description of the market

The target audience children's development center

When planning to open a children's development center, it is necessary to assume the number of children that can come.

When opening a children's center, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of kindergartens and schools located nearby. Very often, children after kindergarten come to developmental classes. And also these children may have younger brothers and sisters, who are convenient to bring to classes in the morning after the elder was taken to kindergarten or school.

Competitor analysis

Competitive advantages of the children's development center

Among the competitive advantages of the children's development center are:

  • Highly qualified teaching staff;
  • Large selection of activities;
  • Convenient location, availability of parking spaces;
  • Individual approach to each child;
  • Free master classes;
  • Organization of various children's holidays, birthdays;
  • Flexible pricing system;
  • Availability of discounts.

Certainly the most important competitive advantage center - this is your favorable reputation, thanks to which parents themselves will recommend your center to their friends and acquaintances.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

You need to start a business with state registration organizations. When opening a children's development center, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur. During registration, you must select the correct OKVED codes: 85.32 - provision social services children, 92.51 - opening a club-type institution, 93.05 - providing personal services. For the activities of the children's development center, the best choice would be the simplified taxation system (STS), which involves the payment of a tax in the amount of 6% of the proceeds received. At the end of registration entrepreneurial activity it is necessary to open a bank account, register with all funds: a pension fund, a compulsory health insurance fund and a social insurance fund.

It is important to note that a license to open a children's development center is not required. It will be necessary if the center will provide services for pre-school education programs.

After registration, you need to choose a room for a children's development center. The room should be divided into several separate rooms:

  • Reception;
  • Two rooms for games and activities;
  • Staff room;
  • Two toilets - one for children and one for adults.

The selection of premises should be done taking into account the convenient location of the children's center. The criteria for choosing such a location are:

  • City center or area with high-rise buildings;
  • Close to public transport stops;
  • Availability of parking.
  • Furniture;
  • Floor covering: soft and warm carpet, special soft coverings in play areas;
  • Educational toys: cubes, pyramids, mosaics, puzzles, etc.;
  • Educational materials: books, notebooks, albums, pencils, paints, plasticine, etc.;
  • Office equipment: computer, printer;
  • Cooler with water.

In the rooms for games and classes there are tables and chairs for children, a table and a chair for the teacher, lockers and racks for educational material, toys and crafts, a blackboard hangs on the wall, vertical blinds on the windows. Every classroom should have good lighting and ventilation.

6. Organizational structure

For a children's development center, it is better to choose an organizational and legal form Individual entrepreneur. To start the work of a children's development center, you need to select qualified personnel. The staff should include the following:

  • Administrator;
  • Specialist teachers:

Teachers of early childhood development (2 specialists);

Teachers to prepare the child for school (2 specialists);

English teacher

  • Accountant;
  • Economic worker.

For the effective operation of the children's center, it is necessary to prescribe in detail job descriptions for each employee.

Job Responsibilities employees

  • Administrator

1. Preparing the premises for the start of classes;

2. Pre-registration of clients for classes;

3. Maintaining a client base;

4. Meeting clients;

5. Advising clients on all services of the children's development center;

6. Sale of services of the center, acceptance of payment;

7. Carrying out telephone conversations;

8. Search for new clients;

9. Accounting for class attendance.

  • Teacher

1. Timely start of each lesson;

2. Individual approach to each child;

3. Conducting classes on modern methods;

4. Development of own client base;

5. Attracting new customers;

6. Regular self-improvement.

  • Accountant

1. Lead accounting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

2. Timely preparation and submission of reports to the FIU, FSS, IFTS;

3. Calculation and transfer wages;

4. Payment of taxes and deductions to the FSS, PFR, CHI.

An accountant can work part-time or part-time.

Salary fund

*The average salary of teachers is indicated, because teacher pay depends on hours of work. The rate is 500 rubles per hour.

7. Financial plan

The most costly in opening a children's development center are investments in working equipment. Equipment costs amount to 295,900 rubles. The total investment amount is 600,000 rubles.

*Other expenses are possible expenses for stationery, as well as expenses for holding children's parties

Income of the children's development center

The income of the children's development center depends on the number of subscriptions sold. On average, groups are formed by 4-6 children. The only difference is in the short stay group - 8-12 children are involved in it.


Month of work

Number of season tickets sold

Average subscription price, rub.

Total income, rub.

Total expenses, rub.

Communal payments

payroll (salary + percentage of revenue)

USN taxes (6% of income)

FSS contributions (monthly)

Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (monthly)

In this material:

A business plan for a children's development center should be drawn up taking into account many aspects. It should be noted that the provision of services of this type is currently in great demand. Many parents, not relying on their own strength, want specialists to develop their children. A well-known example of a children's institution is a kindergarten, but for additional development there are many centers where it is worth taking children to classes.

You can hear a lot of negative feedback about the work of municipal kindergartens, starting with the negligent attitude of educators and ending with inappropriate conditions. Given all the shortcomings, parents are still forced to send their children to these preschool institutions. But there is always a better alternative. The children's center is an excellent replacement for a traditional garden. Here qualified specialists will be engaged in development and education of kids.

The main differences between a developing center and a kindergarten

Teachers working in development centers are engaged in the comprehensive development of the child. Each kid has the right to count on an individual approach, educators will take into account his developmental features. The specialist not only looks after the child while the parents are busy at work, but also takes care of his upbringing. The program includes developing lessons and exercises, various games and competitions.

Each parent pays for the services of the center to the extent that it is possible to pay employees decent wages, which are higher than in public institutions. This encourages educators to provide high quality services. The high level of wages makes it possible to hire only qualified professionals. Specialists work with children using latest methods pedagogy and education. The convenience of developing clubs lies in the fact that in most of them it is possible to leave the child for a full day or for several hours.

Large centers, in addition to the main premises for classes, have at their disposal a swimming pool, game rooms, computer and sports halls, and art studios.

Before wondering how to open a children's development center, you need to decide what type it will be. The classification of such institutions is as follows:

  1. According to the specialization of the center. There are developing clubs of general and narrow direction. Firstly, they conduct classes with children aimed at developing general knowledge and skills. In narrowly focused institutions, classes are held in those subjects to which the baby has a disposition.
  2. By mode of operation. There are kindergarten and general type centers. In the first, educators work with children throughout the day. In developing institutions of a general type, classes are held only for a few hours.
  3. According to the format of services, there are 3 options: mini-center, studio and premium. In the first institution, classes are held only a few times a week. The mini-center does not require large investments, but one cannot count on high profits here. In addition, there may be problems finding a place to study. Center-studio is more profitable option. In such institutions, classes are taught by qualified teachers. This type of business does not require large investments, allows you to provide better services. Due to the small number of staff, the topics of classes will be severely limited. The premium development center is the most interesting option. Such an organization provides various developmental services and has several premises at its disposal. The disadvantage is the high initial and maintenance costs.

Profitability of the development center and costs

Children's business plan entertainment center it is necessary to develop, taking into account the possible profit and payback period. The average payback period for such organizations is 2 years from the date of opening. This is an approximate indicator, which is influenced by too many factors: the type of center, its mode of operation, the list of services provided, how many people it will be designed for, the number of staff and other important points.

Such a business is quite profitable. The services provided are currently in great demand, regardless of status and income level. The main costs of opening a development institution:

  • rental of premises;
  • payment of taxes and utilities;
  • carrying out initial repairs in the premises;
  • ensuring fire safety;
  • furniture, appliances, inventory, toys, utensils and necessary equipment;
  • staff salaries;
  • methodical and expendable materials for learning and creativity;
  • payment for food;
  • advertising costs.

The list of costs may vary depending on the type of institution chosen.

Opening of a development center

How to open a children's development center? This is a fairly broad question, and to answer it, you need to understand the basic details. Like any other commercial enterprise, the development center requires registration in accordance with applicable law.

Organizers need to decide on a few things:

  • what kind of children age category the activities of the center will be expanded;
  • the level of qualification of teachers;
  • which of the development programs will be used in the classroom;
  • type of work of the center and its schedule;
  • the number of developing groups;
  • list of services provided;
  • the audience to which the activity will be directed.

Large centers provide the following services for the development and education of children:

  • organization of multidirectional developmental classes;
  • sports activities with children;
  • holding holidays;
  • additional classes with a speech therapist and psychologist;
  • development of creative talents in children;
  • constant monitoring of the child, taking into account the daily regimen.

Before opening an institution, it is worth deciding on which audience its activities will be directed to. Every parent wants only the best for their child, but everyone's income level is different. Those people who are too limited in funds will not be able to consistently and fully pay for educational services, so you should not focus on this segment of the population. It may seem that rich parents are what it takes to be a successful caregiver, but such people require only high-quality services and are very picky. In order to attract a rich client, you need a large initial investment. The best option parents are of average income. It is not so difficult to please such clients. If the level of cost is not overestimated, and services are organized at a decent level, such customers will make the business truly profitable.

Another an important factor is the room chosen for the center. It should be at least 100 m², located in areas where the presence of child care facilities is necessary. The latter can only be found out after a thorough analysis of the consumer market.

Opening a children's development center is a profitable business. In order to get a good income and attract new customers, you need to love children and try to understand their needs. The main client is the child, and he wants to go only where he is understood and where he is interested.

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Today, goods and services related to children in one way or another are gaining more and more popularity. One of the first places in this area is occupied by preschool development centers. Due to the catastrophic lack of places in the state, as well as their widespread dilapidation and impoverishment, various developmental centers for kids are a great idea.

That is why many mothers, who are concerned about the lack of quality development of their children, and who are also looking for opportunities to earn money "on the job of a child," are increasingly thinking about how to open a children's center. What needs to be done for this in the first place and how much effort and money will have to be spent at the initial stage. We will try to answer these and many other questions in this article.

We analyze the market

So, you have decided to open a children's development center. Where to start and what to pay attention to first of all? As in any other business, it is best to start with an analysis of the existing service market. In order for the upcoming enterprise to be successful, first of all, you need to carefully look around and soberly assess the presence of potential competitors. Before opening a child development center, find out if there are such institutions in your area:

  1. State kindergarten. The advantages of such an institution include the relatively low cost of services and the fact that children are supervised all day long. Disadvantages - a large number of kids in the group, which negatively affects the quality of assimilation of educational material. In addition, the qualifications and level of interest of educators often leave much to be desired.
  2. From the good - small groups and high interest of teachers. The negative is the high level of pay.
  3. Sport sections. A rather narrowly focused development, besides, children are usually accepted there no earlier than from the age of three or four.
  4. Fitness clubs. Approximately the same as sports clubs, but the cost of attending them is much more expensive.
  5. Circles in various interest clubs. The advantages include low pay and the ability to often change direction - if you didn’t like one thing, we’ll try another. The disadvantages include the “age limit” - such institutions usually accept children no younger than 4-5 years old. In addition, the pedagogical level of the team does not always meet the expectations of parents.

If you already have enough of the above in your area, consider whether you can offer your customers something that will withstand quite a lot of competition.

How to open a children's development center: a business plan

As you know, any good business begins with careful planning. Of course, compose detailed business plan within the framework of this article, it will not work, because each region, city and village has its own prices, and everyone has different starting opportunities. But a few general recommendations can be considered. Before you open a children's development center from scratch, you need to:

  • develop the very concept of the business - think about what services you will provide;
  • prepare and issue all permits;
  • select and issue documents for the premises in which the center will be located;
  • buy necessary inventory, teaching aids, toys and so on;
  • determine which specialists can help you in your work, arrange a casting for recruitment;
  • conduct a competent advertising campaign, arrange a presentation of a new development center;
  • establish a workflow, eliminate minor problems that cannot be clarified until the center has started working;

Now let's dwell on some of these points in more detail.

Choose a room

Of course, the choice of premises will primarily depend on your financial capabilities and the availability of proposals. However, those who already know exactly how to open a children's development center from scratch can confirm with confidence that there are several mandatory requirements that must be met when choosing a room.

  • If you do not plan to open a full-fledged kindergarten, even with a mini prefix, then a room with a total area of ​​​​50 to 100 m 2 is quite enough for you.
  • Pay attention to the height of the ceilings - at least 3 m.
  • The room should be divided into several isolated rooms: a locker room / reception area, a place for conducting classes, a games room, a toilet / washbasin. If your center is designed for long-term stays of children, you should also provide a separate room for sleeping and eating, as well as a room for service personnel.
  • The decoration of walls and ceilings in all rooms should be such that regular wet cleaning can be carried out. Ordinary paper wallpaper won't fit, needs to be repaired.
  • In bedrooms and playrooms, you must comply temperature regime- 19-21˚С.
  • All switches and sockets must be located at least 1.8 m above floor level.
  • The room must have a fire exit and be removed from the housing stock.

Hiring staff

Before you open a children's development center from scratch, think about what services you will provide. We can say that recruitment is the most important stage in the opening process. How skilled and dedicated your employees are will determine whether your center will be successful and popular. Minimum set employees you need looks like this:

  • director/manager;
  • accountant;
  • teachers / educators by the number of selected areas;
  • assistant teacher / nanny;
  • nurse;
  • security guard;
  • cleaning woman;

If you plan to organize meals, you will also need a cook and a dishwasher. Of course, in order to save money, employees can work part-time: a security guard, for example, can perform the duties of a plumber and electrician, and a nanny can combine babysitting with the work of a dishwasher. If at first relatives can help you as attendants, then the selection of teachers (educators) should be taken with special attention. If the kids are bored in the classroom, and the mothers remain dissatisfied with the level and speed of development of their child, your center will very soon be left without a clientele.


Now let's move on to the next step. What else needs to be done to open a children's development center? How to start attracting clients? Well, of course, with advertising, it is known to be the engine of trade.

Of course, it all depends on your financial capabilities, but in general terms, methods for attracting customers can be as follows:

  • colorful leaflets-invitations (distribution on the street, you can agree with the teachers and leave them in the locker rooms of kindergartens or in clinics);
  • banners and banners on the streets of the district;
  • advertising in transport (routes passing through your area);
  • events with the invitation of animators for residents of the microdistrict, at children's playgrounds;
  • creation, development and promotion of your own website;
  • creation of a group in social networks and forums of the region;
  • viral advertising;
  • advertising on a local TV channel or radio station;

Payback period and profitability

Before opening a children's development center, it is necessary not only to study the activities of competitors well, but also carefully calculate the costs. The main monthly expenses will be as follows:

  • rent of premises, utility costs;
  • wages of hired personnel;
  • taxes;
  • security during the day and at night;
  • There are also one-time costs:
  • indoor repairs;
  • purchase of furniture, toys and sports equipment;
  • the cost of processing a package of documents and permits from various authorities (SES, firefighters, etc.);
  • purchase of household and office equipment (boiler, TV, computer, music center, etc.);

Based on the experience of people who have already opened such centers, we can say that, depending on the region in which you live, the total costs can range from 50-70 thousand rubles (UAH 20-25 thousand) to half a million (UAH 150-160 thousand). UAH). The payback of such projects is estimated at the level of 2-3 years, and the profitability is 20-25%.

So if you dream of quick profits and high incomes, you should look for another way to achieve what you want.

How difficult is it to open a children's development center for a franchise

If all of the above seems too complicated for you, and you are still afraid to take the first step, you can consider purchasing a franchise. This means that for a certain fee, an already existing and successfully operating company will provide you with all its developments. You will only have to repeat the path you have traveled step by step. The specialists of the franchisor (the one who shares their experience) will accompany the opening of the center from the first to the last day, they will bring you, so to speak, “to the result”.

So, what does it take to open a franchise children's development center? On the Internet you can find a lot of offers, it remains only to carefully study them and choose the most suitable for yourself. At the same time, be sure to carefully study the terms of the franchise, as some companies may put forward conditions that may subsequently be unacceptable. For example, it may be too large monthly deductions (royalties).

What you need to open a center in Russia

Before you start your work, you need to formalize everything and obtain the appropriate permits. Here is a list of what you need to open a children's development center:

  • register individual entrepreneurship;
  • choose OKVED codes that suit yours, it can be: 93.05, 85.32, 92.51, which means personal services, care and supervision of children and the organization of club-type establishments, respectively;
  • register and open a bank account;
  • register (register) tax service at the place of residence;
  • choose a taxation system - in this case, many advise choosing the simplified tax system, this allows you to significantly save on the services of an accountant;

If the activities of your institution will be related to education, then in order to open a children's development center, you will additionally need to obtain a license. This is a rather troublesome business, but there is one unwritten rule here - if the full official name of your center does not contain the words "educational", "educational", you can not issue a license. But it is best to get the advice of a qualified lawyer for each specific case. It is not so expensive, but it will allow you to avoid troubles and fines in the future.

Features of opening a center in Ukraine

To be honest, the opening of such a center in Ukraine is not much different from the Russian counterpart. The biggest difference is that it is quite difficult to open such a center without issuing a license. Therefore, before opening a children's development center in Ukraine, it is necessary to get legal advice. Most often, it is advised to choose the following OKVED codes:

  • 47.90 - retail outside the store;
  • 96.06 - provision of other individual services;
  • 93.29 - organization of other types of recreation and entertainment;

In Ukraine, you will also have to register a private enterprise, or rather, an FLP - an individual entrepreneur. For work, it is best to choose the second group of taxation, so you have to pay less taxes. And one more small nuance: in Ukraine, the contract for hiring employees is tripartite - they must be registered at the employment center.

Now you at least in general terms know how to open a children's development center from scratch. At the end of the article, I would like to add a few useful tips, which will help you save some money and reduce the payback period of a young enterprise.

  1. If you have chosen "unlicensed" OKVED, do not write to work books employees "teacher" or "teacher". It is better to use the wording “consultant” or “instructor”, the same applies to the employment contract.
  2. Come up with a zest for your center - something that will distinguish it from other similar establishments. For example, let only you have clowns performing every first day of the month, or in the month when the child has a birthday, he will be given a discount on the subscription. Anything, as long as people remember it.
  3. Conduct monthly/quarterly parent surveys. Find out what other skills they want to develop in their children, for which they are willing to pay extra. Maybe moms want to invite a children's yoga instructor, but they are not interested in classes with a French teacher.
  4. In order to partially recoup the cost of renting a room, you can sublease part of it hourly for classes with a psychologist or speech therapist.
  5. Introduce a bonus system of invitations according to the principle: "bring 3 friends and get a discount for the next month." This will allow you to provide your center with an additional influx of visitors.

And, of course, love your new undertaking. Remember: in order to open and successfully develop such a center, first of all, you need to love children.

The question of the complex and harmonious development of preschool children has always worried the minds of attentive parents. As you know, in the initial period of their development, children, like a sponge, absorb everything they see, without filtering the good from the bad. It is at this age that the first stones are laid in the foundation of the future character and the formation of the child's psyche takes place.

Many parents are happy to send their children to nurseries and other specialized institutions. It is wrong to assume that kindergarten helps only by taking on the responsibility of caring for a child during the absence of parents.

In fact, a visit to such an institution is the child's first opportunity to "go out into the world." Here he learns to get acquainted with his peers on his own and receives his first lessons informal communication. If you look at the issue from this side, then the contribution of children's developing institutions to the life of the child and family is invaluable.

Demand preschool education is so great that only 60% of children can practically get into such institutions.

And due to the constant increase in the birth rate, this figure will continue to steadily fall. For this reason, many entrepreneurs decide to organize and support children's development centers.

The idea is very promising, but, like any other business, it is subject to strict planning. The business plan should include a description of the future project and financial calculations.

Based on a preliminary analysis of the market in the field of early development, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the volume of investments, the payback of the project and its profitability.

Business specifics

The peculiarity of the business lies in the ideology with which the entrepreneur will have to start his business. Educational institution is the place social development children, which should become for them the halls of joy and happiness.

About the advantages and features of the educational process in children's development centers, see the video:

Therefore, when drawing up a business idea, first of all, it is worth focusing on spiritual values, investing your soul, ideas and creative energy. Only then can you take on the financial side of the issue.

Practice shows that any self-respecting children's center begins its formation with definition of own mission, which determines the vector of its development for the future. She, in turn, is one of the main criteria for attracting customers.

Indeed, when choosing commercial children's centers focused on making a profit, parents always pay attention to the social orientation, ideology and mission of the organization. As a result, it turns out that the more significant and sincere your contribution to the promotion of children's development, the more you will earn.

Thus, the most time-consuming in drawing up a business plan will be creative process.

Market analysis

One of major external factors, at market economy, which affects the success of your future enterprise, is competition. Unfortunately, many aspiring entrepreneurs often overlook this factor, which is an unacceptable mistake.

As you know, where there is a demand, there is a supply - you are not a pioneer in the field of children's clubs, and many have tried to do this business before you. There are those who have been successfully operating in this area for a long time. In any case, you have a lot to learn from your competitors.

Even at the planning stage, you should conduct a comprehensive analysis of the best institutions in the city, not limited to nearby opponents. After all, the purpose of this analysis is not only to learn about the advantages of your "opponents" - first of all, this is necessary so that you get to know the business and how everything works.

At this stage, you should decide how your children's developing center will look like in the end:

  • Collect complete information about children's centers in the city - it can be obtained via the Internet, in directories and through acquaintances.
  • Before visiting, make a list of questions to assess competitors.
  • Evaluate the premises, advertising, service, social innovations and other important factors.

Such analysis will give you the benefits and when opening the center, you will be able to discard all the disadvantages of competitors, and borrow the positive practices worked out over the years.

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How to write a business plan for a children's development center

At the preparatory stage, a lot of informative and creative work. It's time to put it all together and move on.

When setting up your business, there are a number of important factors to consider:

  • Before starting the activity, it is worth going through the full registration procedure.
    Obtain the necessary licenses and permits.

If the word “educational / training” appears in the name of your center, then you must receive special license from the Ministry of Education.

Obtaining such a license for the "children's development center" is not required.

  • By choosing a simplified taxation system, you will save on bookkeeping.
  • Take care of the high professional level of teachers who will work with children.
    Your success training center will depend on teachers who must find a way to the heart of the child.
  • When hiring staff, be sure use the services of psychologists.
    During the interview, they will be able to psychological picture each candidate and help to choose the best one.

  • When renting a room, it is worth concluding a long-term contract and making sure that all fire safety measures are observed in the rented building.
    The room must meet all sanitary standards well ventilated and heated.

Selection and equipment of the premises

Fire safety requirements dictate the need for the owners of children's centers to place the premises in a separate compartment and have at least 2 exits. Be sure to keep your fire alarms in good working order.

When choosing a room, you should also focus on its size and cost. The children's center must be present:

  • Administrative premises:
  • reception room;
  • Office for finding staff (teacher's room);
  • Warehouse space;
  • Bathroom and toilet.
  • Premises for classes:
  • Game room for physical education;
  • study rooms;
  • Bedroom.

Be sure to make repairs using light colors and design for children's themes.

During the renovation check the correctness wiring and fire alarms.

Install external and internal video surveillance - the greater the level of security, the greater the trust on the part of parents.

Purchasing the necessary furniture will also take time. Perhaps it would be better to consider ordering individual furniture for the style of the future center - this will give your room originality.

For full functioning, the center will need:

  • Office equipment (laptop, color printer, copier, TV, DVD player);
  • Educational toys;
  • Consumables for lessons (paints, glue, paper, plasticine, pencils);
  • Textbooks and handouts.

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To get started, you need to hire the following staff:

  • Administrator - 1 person with a salary of 15,000 rubles, who will be responsible for the work of the office.
  • Cleaning lady - 1 person with a salary of 6,000 rubles.
  • Teachers - 4 teachers different professions with a salary of 15,000 rubles. .
    At least a teacher is required of English language, art historian, psychologist, teacher of Russian language and literature. The teaching staff needs to be expanded as the flow of children increases.
  • Accountant - 1 person with a salary of 12,000 rubles. whose responsibilities will include financial activities and calculations of taxes and fees.

Total wage fund will amount to 93,000 rubles.

Marketing, seasonality, payback

The main clients at the beginning of the center's activities will be neighbors with their children - this will be the first stage in the formation of a market for your services. In order to attract them to the children's center, you will need to use all known methods of promoting products to the market:

  • Distribute flyers;
  • Put up ads at the entrances;
  • Talk to parents;
  • Arrange various events, inviting parents and children to them;
  • Organize holidays, concerts and competitions for residents of the microdistrict;

The hardest part is not attracting customers, but maintaining their interest.

To do this, you need to constantly stay "on the ear" - arrange various promotions, place ads in the newspaper and on television.

Usually the season of demand for children's development centers lasts for 9 months. This is due to the fact that in summer period Parents rarely take their children to school.

With this specific return on investment is achieved within 3-5 years.

Financial calculations for opening a children's developing center

Opening costs - 595,000 rubles.

  • Registration costs - 15,000 rubles.
  • Arrangement of the premises - 250,000 rubles.
  • Toys, materials, office equipment and equipment - 200,000 rubles.
  • Furniture - 100,000 rubles.
  • Advertising sign - 30,000 rubles.

Current expenses - 213,000 rubles. per month.

  • Room rental - 100,000 rubles.
  • Zar. fee - 93,000 rubles.
  • Utility expenses - 10,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Indicative data show indicators minimum income at the level of 312,000 rubles.

Such income can be obtained by organizing the flow of clients into 3 groups of 5 children, who will go to the center every day. According to the same data, the income of the center from 1 child, depending on the frequency and duration of visits to the center, ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles. per month.

A novice businessman should build his future marketing and income policy based on these indicators.