Decorated glass. Glass decoration - types and applications. Paper wallpaper decor

  • 03.10.2021

Glass belongs to the category of the most “thankful” decoration materials. Why? Everything is simple: it is neutral (transparent) and any decoration will only benefit from a company with glass, demonstrating its individuality without competition from a partner.

There are a lot of glass working techniques, but today we will consider only three (the most basic and affordable):

  • engraving with matting paste,
  • cold stained glass painting (pseudo stained glass)
  • decoration with rhinestones and stones.


The embossed patterned crystal was seen by everyone. And everyone knows that this method of decoration is called engraving. It requires high-quality equipment and remarkable perseverance in the development of technology.

What to do if it is necessary to create a monochrome drawing on glass, but there is no time to master the technique?

The answer is simple - change the technique. And it is possible. There is such a simple way to create a colorless pattern on glass as etching with a matting composition.

With it, you can give the glass a pleasant matte haze, and if you have a special stencil, apply a pattern. The most important advantage of this material is the irreversibility of the matte effect, resistance to washing and scratches.

engraving paste(etching or matting paste) is a strong acid that causes erosion of smooth surfaces of glass, ceramics, polished stone. The surface interacting with the pickling paste acquires a matte roughness. To obtain the necessary curly contour, stencils from self-adhesive polypropylene film, which is easy to find in any building supermarket.

Working with matting paste is extremely simple and accessible to anyone.

Minimum ENGRAVING KIT matting composition consists of:

  • actually, pastes for etching (engraving) glass,
  • brush, spatula or wooden spatula (for applying matting paste),
  • stencil (can be purchased at the same online store or art salon),
  • silicone gloves for the safety of the skin of the hands.

Myself THE PROCESS OF CREATING A MATTE PATTERN on glass comes down to the following steps.

STEP 1 The glass surface is degreased with alcohol or white spirit.

STEP 2 A stencil is glued in place of the future pattern.

STEP 3 After that, a matting paste is applied with a layer without gaps - this should be done only with a wooden spatula or a metal palette knife, we recommend removing excess paste - you can use it again. Now it remains only to wait 15-20 minutes until the matting composition reacts with the glass.

STEP 4 The last stage is to wash off the paste under a stream of warm water, remove the remnants of the stencil (you can use a knife) and dry the surface.

If you cannot find a suitable stencil in the online store, then it is easy to make it yourself from a self-adhesive film, transferring the necessary pattern to it and cutting out curly holes in the right places.

The pattern on the paper side of the film can be printed using a printer (in mirror image), and cut with a regular clerical knife using a glass substrate.

To ensure that the film does not move during the cutting process, stick it to the glass sheet with adhesive tape. Free the finished stencil from the protective paper layer and stick it on the decoration item. Do this in stages, starting from one edge, carefully turning the paper layer away, continue sticking, making sure that there is no displacement of the pattern and the formation of air bubbles.


pickling paste for glass engraving - a strong acid, therefore:

  • take care of your hands and other parts of the body from contact with the reagent, in case of contact with the skin, immediately rinse with running water;
  • work only in a well-ventilated area;
  • engrave only outer surfaces in contact with food;
  • do not wash products over ceramic and enameled sinks - their surface is easily corroded by pickling acid, only stainless steel sinks are suitable for working with the reagent;
  • Keep the engraving paste out of the reach of children.


Consider both options, since in some cases the use of only one technique stained glass painting not enough for decorating glass. If the surface is flat, such as a mirror, your coloring efforts may not be effective, because when viewed from an angle, both the pattern and the contour relief are “smeared” into flat color patches.

Relief decorative details of glass origin will help to give expressiveness to the picture - without breaking out of their general concept of glass, they will refract light and color in their surfaces. Such decor includes rhinestones, acrylic stones, glass beads, glass beads, crafts using the fusing technique.

Just imagine how the mirror over the fireplace will play in the company with a glass vase, decorated in the same style. The best part is that these products are water resistant - their embossed surfaces can be rinsed under running water by wiping with a soft brush. You can give such characteristics to the decor by using strictly defined materials.


Decoration item, made of glass (mirror, vase, bottle, glass-candlestick, transparent Christmas balls).

stained glass paints, acrylic circuit in a tube, as an alternative to it, acrylic contour paste(the differences will be explained later). To work with transparent glass, transparent paints are recommended; for drawing a picture on mirrors and opaque surfaces, it is better to give preference to paints with a dense opaque texture. However, this is only a recommendation based on the experience of craftswomen.

Decor: acrylic stones, fusing crafts, rhinestones without a mirror layer (otherwise they will peel off), glass beads, including beads and glass beads. By the way, beads and glass beads should be made of colored glass, and not dyed from the inside - it is better to buy them in large packages, it will come out much cheaper, and you can use the leftovers more than once to decorate other items.

aquarium silicone sealant, about how to choose, read the article silicone glue(LINK).

White spirit for correcting mistakes, methyl alcohol for cleaning the surface, a thin permanent marker for contouring, brushes for working with acrylic paints, a palette (a flat glass or ceramic plate for mixing paints), latex gloves, tweezers.


We put on gloves, clean the surface of the glass with methyl alcohol using a soft, not napped cotton fabric. Gloves are needed not so much to protect the hands as to protect the surface from grease stains left by the fingers. We draw the outline of the drawing with a marker, correct the errors with a cloth moistened with white spirit.

MANIPULATIONS with a decorated object are made in the sequence in which they are presented below. First comes the painting, after gluing, if you only intend to paste over the product, then go directly to the appropriate section. Decor options: contour-painting-gluing, contour-gluing, gluing.


It was not in vain that we proposed two types of contour in the materials: in fact, an acrylic contour and acrylic paste. What is their difference?

ACRYLIC CONTOUR softer and creates a raised line. It is used to create delicate lace patterns and simply as a color separator.

In order to apply the contour, it is necessary to open the tube and draw a line by touching it with the nose of the glass. The movement of the hand should be smooth, uniform, confident. We recommend doing a test application on your palette.

If colored acrylic stones are used in the decor, it may be necessary to apply a pattern to them using a contour (stripes, curls) to unify the composition.

ACRYLIC PASTE thicker in consistency and with its help you can achieve a wire effect on the surface of the glass. To do this, the paste is not applied directly to the glass, but from a height of up to 1 cm. There is such a technique called “mosaic” - the contour is applied not according to the drawing, but with arbitrary winding lines, after which the resulting gaps are filled with paints. This technique does not require serious skills and is available even to beginners.


Method number 1 With a brush, carefully, without excess, pick up paint and fill the pattern inside the contour, the paint layer should not be thick, otherwise it will spread outside the contour, but not too thin to cover the surface evenly. The paint will dry within 12 hours. After that, if necessary, you can apply a second layer.
Method number 2"MOSAIC" Paint is picked up with a brush (thickly) and applied to the palette, another color is picked up and applied next to the previous one. Next, grab both colors with a brush and fill the outline.

This method is applicable to small details of the contour and is used only with contour paste, since the application layer is slightly larger than usual, and the paste protrudes quite far above the surface.


Bonding single parts- apply a drop of sealant and press the decor into it (take small details with tweezers). When working with the next fragment, try not to touch the uncured decor.

Sticking decor along the line- Draw a line with sealant in the same way as you did with the contour. Lay the parts with tweezers along a given path. You have no more than 10 minutes, so draw long lines in short segments.
Filling the fragment with beads and glass beads: apply glue and quickly spread over the surface with a layer of 1 mm.

Scatter the beads over the prepared area and fill in the gaps if necessary. The opportunity to correct something will be the first 10 minutes, until the sealant begins to thicken.

To work with glass beads, the same method is used, but if the beads are quite long - the best option calculations - "parquet", when glass beads are laid out in tiles (sections) of parallel beads. It will take time and tweezers to correct the work, so do the drawing in small fragments.

On the complete drying silicone adhesive will go away at least a day(read the instructions for the glue), during which the product is best left alone.

Over time, stained glass technologies have become much simpler, made available without the use of complex recipes for melting glass picture fragments, framing their edges with lead binding and joining them into a single whole using soldering. But the attractiveness of this method of decoration remains so high that decor options that imitate an old and noble stained-glass window with varying degrees of reliability can be counted, even without particularly straining, at least a dozen.

The most suitable in terms of the ratio of time, cost and ease of doing it yourself are probably stained glass stickers produced by many manufacturers. These self-adhesive transparent and translucent films are available in rolls and sheets in various widths and sizes.

The films can be applied with a system and repeating pattern, be one-color, imitate binding, stains, old glass, a wooden surface and everything else you can imagine. Such films can serve as the basis for creating stained glass compositions using various techniques (for example, the popular Tiffany technique). To imitate the ancient technique of lead binding, a self-adhesive narrow lead tape is produced.

Vinyl glass stickers have something in common with the previous way of creating decor on various glass surfaces (windows, doors, mirrors, car windows). Such decals can imitate the more expensive and time-consuming techniques of glass matting or painting in enamel techniques.

In general, they are inexpensive and reasonably plausible imitations. Although, if you put a “natural” product and such a sticker next to it, the difference will be obvious. But not only sheet glass can be decorated.

Glass decor - how to properly apply a film on glass?

If you have a certain skill and diligence, you can achieve the "effect of full presence" and, by the way, earn good money from it. Moreover, do-it-yourself glass decoration is also a recognized way to develop creative abilities and a kind of relaxation and hobby. The techniques for working with films are simple and clear, pasted on coated paper, they can be easily removed and transferred to a glass base.

The main thing is to prevent the formation of air bubbles under them. This is achieved by gluing the upper edge of a paper-based film fragment cut to the size of the pasted glass. Then, armed with a soft cloth, the surface of the film is glued to the glass with constant alignment from the middle to the edges and extrusion of air. The first time it may not work out completely without bubbles. But experience is a matter of gain and a matter of practice.

With the second sheet, everything will be much easier, and the third will stick almost perfectly. To remove air, you can use a thin needle, pierce the bubble closer to the edge and squeeze the air into the hole, carefully gluing and leveling the film at the defect site. Everything is very simple. There is no need to talk about the technique of creating stained-glass windows, today everything is different.

DIY glass decor - small interior details

How often glass bottles of the most amazing shapes fall into the hands! Real enthusiasts can’t come up with anything, making such a glass decor with their own hands, after the container is empty. A standard bottle can become a real work of art.

First, it can be painted. Using acrylic paints and application techniques, using the same self-adhesive films, you can create completely original creations. The pattern cut out of the "self-adhesive" is glued onto the glass, the bottle is painted and signed, after the paints have dried, the film is removed. And the bottle suddenly becomes a desirable interior decoration item, takes its rightful place in the hill or is gratefully accepted by friends as a gift.

And if you take and cut off the top of the bottle with the help of a trick with a burning thread strapping known from pioneer times, then depending on the shape, size and height of the cut, you can get a flower vase, a lampshade for a lamp, a glass of thick glass, an ashtray, a planter, etc. d. In addition, this stump can be painted and painted with different techniques. Amazing effects are achieved by using phosphor paints. The main thing is fantasy and the desire to do something.

Of course, the considered decoration is the simplest and most affordable. The already mentioned matting can give much more interesting effects, but for some reason, special techniques (mechanical sandblasting or chemical etching) are used quite rarely in home hobby conditions. Interesting effects can also be achieved in glass silvering. But, again, the ingredients used require the conditions of a chemical laboratory.

With the help of decorating glass surfaces at home, it is possible to create real masterpieces that catch the eye of visitors to any home. There are several techniques for decorating glass. Some of them require the use of expensive equipment, while others require quite elementary items. We will talk further about how to make glass decor with your own hands.

Features of making glass decor, photos and craft options

Glass is a natural material that is quite common in everyday life. There are several varieties of this substance:

  • artistic;
  • liquid;
  • building;
  • porous, etc.

In addition, glass, in the hands of a craftsman, turns into a real masterpiece of art. Considering this material from the side of its structure, it is able to change shape when heated and solidify immediately after cooling.

By making accessories from glass, you will receive an item with an aesthetic and everyday purpose. Glass can be used to make all kinds of figurines, candlesticks, hearts, flowers, dishes, a waterfall, etc.

Also, it is possible to combine glass with other materials in the form of plasticine, polymer clay, metal.

We offer several options for decorating glass:

To improve the presentability of the appearance of glass, you will need:

  • glue;
  • paints based on acrylic or aerosols;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • not ground coffee;
  • a glass candlestick or an object resembling a candlestick.

In order to decorate a glass object, first, you should gradually glue each of the coffee beans to the surface in a chaotic or previously selected order. It is preferable to decorate either the top or bottom of the item.

Further operation of the candlestick involves wiping it with a dry cloth. However, it is unstable to moisture.

2. Decorating glassware with sea salt.

This option is suitable for making photo frames. To decorate, follow the instructions:

  • the outer part of the frame is smeared with glue, then the frame is dipped into a salt tank;
  • wait for the product to dry completely, remove the excess that has not stuck.

In order for the frame not to lose its attractiveness, we recommend covering it with a layer of varnish or, better, liquid glass.

For additional decoration of the frame, it can be decorated with paints and sprinkled with sparkles.

3. Decoration of glass with plasticine.

This decoration method is great for joint work with kids. With the help of this material, it will be possible to create unsurpassed masterpieces of art. It is enough just to print stencils for decorating glass with your own hands, templates, then, in relation to the pattern, colors are selected. Further, each of the colors of plasticine is glued to a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe picture and a picture is obtained. By the way, it can be installed in a previously made glass frame decorated with sea salt.

The choice of pattern in this case is unlimited. Can be preferred fairy tale characters, paintings, landscapes, installations, decorative aquariums, etc.

In addition, glass compositions can be created inside. For example, having made fish, marine animals, algae from plasticine, place them in a glass jar, decorate it with sea salt, which will imitate water drops. Place pebbles, shells on the bottom, decorate the jar in a marine theme, the decorative aquarium is ready.

DIY glass decor photo:

4. A variant of decoration with broken glass.

By first breaking the glass and then gluing it together, it is possible to create real compositions that will decorate any home. Thus, it is possible to decorate all sorts of vases, plates or even the most banal glass jars.

However, for gluing glass, you need a special composition; PVA glue in this case will not work.

To decorate a glass vase, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Prepare items in the form of acrylic paint, broken glass and glue.

2. Gradually, thinking over the order of the combination of glass, stick it on the surface of a vase or an ordinary glass jar.

3. Wait for the glue to dry.

4. Decorate the craft with acrylic paints.

In addition, from broken glass, some craftsmen create real paintings. This will require the presence of:

  • plywood or any other base for the picture;
  • drawn drawing;
  • many multi-colored glass fragments;
  • glue.

Gradually, by gluing pieces of glass onto the canvas, it is possible to get a picture resembling a mosaic. Keep in mind that this will require a lot of time and effort.

In addition, any object made of glass lends itself to decoration. You just need to add a little imagination and additional elements such as shells, beads, sequins, paints, etc.

The idea of ​​decorating crafts with broken glass is very original. However, in the process of beating, the glass is kneaded into a powdery consistency. This powder can be applied to any surface pre-coated with glue. Please note that when doing this, gloves should be used, as there is a risk of injury. In addition, after the glue dries, the surface is varnished. This method is suitable for decorating light bulbs, beads and any glass surfaces. And if you get a powder of multi-colored glass, then with its help you can even create a drawing. This spray has a rich and chic color.

Liquid glass decor technique: performance features

Quite popular among designers and creative people associated with needlework is liquid glass. This material is easy to work with and allows you to use it to decorate different types of surfaces.

To buy liquid glass, you should contact a hardware or construction store. A good imitation of liquid glass is the use of silicate glue, but the texture of the glass is more durable and harder.

To decorate the surface in the form of the bottom of the sea, you will need:

  • deep capacity;
  • liquid glass;
  • plastic shells or various kinds of marine decorations;
  • marine fish;
  • acrylic paints.

To begin with, you should decorate the bottom of a glass plate or container with blue, which will help imitate water. After the paint has dried, decorate the bottom with foil. Lay shells, fish, algae, rocks and other items according to your wishes on the bottom.

Fills the entire container with liquid glass. Waiting for it to freeze. Further, if necessary, lays out other items and also fills the container. To complete the decoration, use polymer clay, which will be an excellent basis for sculpting marine animals. Using a toothpick, make waves to best mimic water.

Do-it-yourself glass decor on the door: instructions for doing it

To turn an ordinary door into a real work of art, you should use one of the following methods to decorate this element of the room:

1. With the help of stencils for decorating glass with your own hands, you will be able to create excellent drawings on the door, according to the given interior style. To do this, you will need to select a pattern or create it yourself, make a stencil and attach it to the surface of the door, apply paint to the surface. At the same time, use paints for drawing on glass. In addition, be careful about choosing the color of the picture, it is preferable if it is one.

2. A fairly simple method for decorating glass on a door is pasting it with a special film for glass decoration. These films are distinguished by the presence of a variety of patterns, colors and shades, so when choosing this method, it will be possible to decorate the door of any room. Besides, this way one of the cheapest and fastest in time. Please note that when pasting the edges and ends, warping and bending of the film should be avoided. Avoid bubbles and bumps on the surface.

3. Sticking photo wallpaper on glass will help create a real picture on the surface of your door. In this case, the second part of the door must also be sealed with a film or photo wallpaper. When choosing a pattern, consider individual characteristics premises.

DIY glass decor without paints

We offer several options for the manufacture of glass objects that will become a real decoration of any interior:

1. Creation of unusual glass bottles.

Such a bottle can be installed in any room. However, you need to choose paints for its design based on the style features of the interior.

To make a bottle, you will need:

  • glass bottle, jars or any dishes that are closed with a lid;
  • fine salt;
  • food colorings;
  • funnels;
  • a container in which the salt will be colored.

The first stage of work involves the process of painting salt. In the tank in which the staining will be carried out, it is necessary to pour a little salt. At the same time, food coloring should be diluted in water, which is added to salt and changes its color. Regular gouache paint will help replace the dye. Stir the salt and dye so that the mass becomes uniform in color.

Thus, the salt is painted in several colors, which are selected in advance. Further, it is poured into separate containers and remains there until completely dry.

Place a funnel in a jar or bottle, gradually pour salt into it. In the absence of a funnel, make a regular bag out of cardboard or paper. Choose colors according to own desires and interior features. Fill the container to the top and cover the lid; use stones, shells, beads and other decorative elements to decorate it.

2. Creation of an angel from glass.

This option for decorating with acrylic glass implies the presence of skills in working with a glass cutter. To make an angel figurine, certain details must be cut out.

Materials for glass decoration:

  • ordinary glass;
  • copper tape;
  • elements for soldering;
  • soldering machine;
  • grinding machine;
  • copper patina;
  • acid for a soldering iron;
  • composition for washing dishes.

The first stage involves the creation of a small stained glass window. To complete it, you will need to create a sketch of the future angel on paper. Cut them out of paper and use a marker to transfer them to the glass.

Using a glass cutter, cut out the necessary parts, and use tongs to extrude. To grind the end sections, use a special grinder.

Copper tape is applied to the ends of the glass to prevent cuts. Use a regular pen or a plastic spatula to get the tape closer to the glass. To connect individual elements, use small nails or special buttons. On the surface of the copper profile, walk with a brush with flux. After heating the soldering iron, go through these areas, processing all the copper elements of the angel. We recommend installing copper rings on the wings.

Use dish detergent to wash the product. After drying, the decorative angel is rubbed with a dry cloth.

Tip: To purchase the necessary materials for work, contact a specialized store.

3. Decorating a glass bottle with shells.

To complete the work, you will need:

  • an ordinary bottle of champagne or cognac;
  • twine;
  • glue;
  • sand;
  • stones;
  • shells of different fractions;
  • varnish, to fix the decorative effect.

First, you need to prepare the bottle. To remove the sticker, soak the bottle in hot water. After that, you should lubricate the bottle with glue and stick a rope on its surface around the entire perimeter, almost to the top. After that, the bottle is smeared once more with glue. Set the stones and shells in the sequence that is convenient for you. At the same time, try to alternate large elements with small ones. From sand and small pieces of shells, create an additional decorative effect by gluing them to separate parts of the bottle. After the bottle has completely dried, varnish the product. In addition, there is another option for decorating bottles, however, it will take more time to complete it.

To decorate a bottle in a marine style, follow a series of steps:

  • the bottle should be covered with a special mass for modeling;
  • set the shells, choosing the desired order;
  • remove the shells and coat the surface with glue;
  • set each of the shells in place;
  • sprinkle the surface with sand and shells;
  • open the bottle with varnish.

Thus, to make an original thing with your own hands, it is enough to use simple improvised items and your imagination.

Decorative processingvarious products is gaining wide popularity. The desire to create an exquisite and unique "glass" interior can be easily satisfied with the help of modern technologies. Today we can safely say thatglass and mirror decorbecomes one of the most popular areas of work of our company.

Decor types

To create the desired design, we apply various technologies decoration . They allow you to diversify the interior, emphasize individuality and solve other problems.

    MATTING allows you to apply a matte pattern to the surfaceglass or mirrors, creating the effect of "velvet" pattern. To decor rooms "echoed" with the sandblasted pattern, our company offers its customers the opportunity to choose an image not only from the existing catalog, but also the service of developing an individual matting sketch for your interior.

    PAINTING . The specialists of our company carry out staining in any color according to the catalog RAL. This way of decorating relevant in cases where it is required to paint a glass product in accordance with the shade of the elements of the existing interior (for example, furniture or walls).

    UV PRINTING applies in cases where glass a full-color image or photograph must be applied. Decor applied directly to the surface of the product, drying instantly thanks to the use of UV lamps. This technology provides high image stability and bright colors. The possibilities of full-color printing on glass sheets are actively used in decoration kitchen aprons, screens, interior doors, etc.

    DECORATIVE AGING MIRRORS. A unique technology that allows you to get a real work of art. Thanks to acid etching, the look of an old sample is achieved. The aging process is completely handmade, which is created uniquely and uniquely.

We are ready to offer you big variety services for decoration mirrors and glasses price Moscow | Order a product from us with individual decor , as well as you can get acquainted with the exhibition samples during a personal visit to the production. or showrooms.

Do you want to update the decor of your favorite room, but do not want to start again? repair work? They are not needed. It is worth being smart, applying a little diligence and the transformation of your home will not be long in coming.

Let's start with a simple decoration. Pay attention to your interior door - a key element in any interior. Decoupage glass on the door will help to give it an updated and sophisticated look.

Decoupage as a decoration tool

The essence of the decoupage technique is to glue the surface with cut or torn paper fragments and varnish them. In this way, anyone can decorate a home with unique things and interior elements decorated with hand-painted, because this is what glass decoupage looks like on any object, especially on a door.

This design looks attractive on a transparent surface. Glass transforms the image, breathes life into it and adds volume. In addition to this interesting technique, you can update the decor with fabric and wallpaper. They will enhance the style of an old door by embodying your fantasies or decor ideas from leading designers.

What is required for glass decoupage

The key material in decoupage technique is the image. In needlework stores, ready-made decoupage cards are sold, with which you can easily and quickly make a beautiful decor on glass.

Shake up your bins, which are sure to contain cool images from old magazines, suitable for glass decor. it is recommended to scan the image and print it on rice paper. It will help to advantageously beat any areas of the image, creating a three-dimensional pattern on the glass.

But if you want to create individual project with a unique pattern, draw it yourself on special rice paper. A glass sheet decorated with your photos will give a special decor to the room. You also need to print it on special paper.

But there is another way to prepare a drawing you like from any paper material. To decorate a photo, a wallpaper or other paper image is varnished, and a thin layer of plaster is applied to the reverse side, after which it is necessary to carefully remove the peeling parts of the once-solid paper product. The resulting picture is used to decorate glass.

Often, novice decorators use ordinary three-layer napkins with a vending pattern in their work. They combine ease of use, penny cost, a huge selection of pattern options and colors, original appearance the resulting product. What else do you need for decoration?

Having chosen a napkin for decorating the surface, you must first straighten the folds, otherwise they will remain on finished product. Make it simple. To do this, the napkin is sprayed with hairspray and ironed well. The napkin is ready for decoration.

Important! Water-based varnishes can warp the napkin, so read the composition carefully before starting work.

In addition, you will also need:

  • glue;
  • putty;
  • scissors;
  • brushes for applying varnish and paint.

Decoupage step by step instructions

Before starting work, thoroughly prepare the surface intended for decoupage.

Step 1: Wash it with soapy water or glass cleaner.

Step 2. You will need regular alcohol. Apply it to the canvas and wipe with a dry cloth to degrease the surface.

Step 3. Dry the prepared canvas thoroughly.

Drawing an image on the canvas with decoupage

Stage 1. The elements of the pattern are carefully cut out. If it consists of many small details, it is not necessary to cut out a complete image. You can break it down into components.

Stage 2. Glue is applied both to the glass sheet and to the prepared drawing. At the same time, it is important to distribute it in a thin layer so that when it dries, it is not noticeable.

Stage 3. The prepared image is applied to the glued surface. With the help of a paper towel, air bubbles are removed with pressure.

Stage 4. After that, a layer of varnish or glue is applied to the finished drawing. The excess is removed with a wooden stick. Your decoupage is ready.

How to gracefully age an image

If you want to give the image the effect of antiquity, which will emphasize the design personality of the interior in Victorian style, country style, shabby chic, then this is not so difficult to do. We offer ways to get the desired result.

The effect of vintage decoupage from improvised materials

Prepare a decoction of onion skins, freshly brewed coffee beans or strong tea. Just hold the image for a while in one of the suggested compositions.

The effect of vintage decoupage from art materials

Pour turpentine into a suitable container and add just a couple of drops of burnt sienna oil-based paint. Hold the image in it for a while. In this way, you can achieve the effect of old parchment.

The effect of vintage decoupage from building materials

In white spirit, add a little bitumen until a pale color is obtained. Apply the resulting composition already on the glued image. To get the effect of cracking, go over the image with a metal brush.

door decoration

If the design of the glass on the door seems to you not enough, process the canvas itself. For this, different methods and materials are used. Consider the most creative examples decor, which are often used by venerable designers when creating a new look for an old door.

The easiest way to decorate a door is to paint it. The use of paint in standard “door” colors will simply refresh it, but the use of rich shades and their combinations will radically change the decor of the door, but the design of the entire room.

Cloth decoration

As with decoupage, the surface is pre-prepared according to the principle described earlier. While the door is drying, prepare the fabric. To determine the degree of shrinkage, the dimensions of the fabric cut are measured, moistened and dried. After that, measurements are taken. If the difference in parameters is large, then the entire material will have to be subjected to such processing.

The fabric is fixed on the door leaf with glue, it is preferable to use casein. In addition, you may need a hard spatula and, if desired, decorative fittings.

Stage 1. Prepare the fabric for decoration according to the size of the door.

Attention! You can use not a single canvas, but a combination of fabric patches of various geometric shapes, which will form the overall pattern.

Step 2. Apply glue to the surface in an even layer and attach the cloth. Smooth the fabric with a spatula, expelling air bubbles and smoothing wrinkles.

Stage 3. Complete the fabric surface with suitable decorative fittings.

Decoration with liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is universal material, which will create unusual patterns and even three-dimensional patterns on the surface.

What you need for decoration:

  • dry wallpaper mixture;
  • hopper gun;
  • roller;
  • selected pigments for tinting;
  • transparent varnish;
  • alkyd primer;
  • white oil putty for liquid wallpaper;
  • spatulas of various sizes.

Before applying the wallpaper, the surface is prepared in a known way. It is recommended to remove the old layer of paint, if any.

Stage 1. The door is covered with a primer in one layer, and then puttied.

Stage 2. If you want to create some kind of drawing using liquid wallpaper, then draw its outlines with a simple pencil on the surface. To avoid confusion, make notes about the use of a particular color.

Step 3. Add warm water to the wallpaper mixture and mix it with your hands. After 15 minutes, stir again, adding the desired color. The more color, the richer the shade.

Attention! When creating a multi-colored picture on the door, it is recommended to prepare the wallpaper mixture in portions, according to the colors. The mixture is infused for about 12 hours. After this period, you can start decorating.

Stage 4. Take a little wallpaper mixture on a spatula and spread it evenly over the surface of the door. Make sure that the layer of applied wallpaper is of the same thickness. If you want to create relief to such a decor, go over the applied decorative layers with a textured roller.

This decor dries from 1 to 3 days. After complete drying, the decorated surface is varnished. If you do not like something, repeat the decorating process by washing off the superimposed layer with warm water.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to make color decoupage or door decor on your own. To learn more about decorating processes, check out the video.

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