Stained glass painting flowers. Painting on glass with your own hands. Master Class. Comparison of stained glass painting with other techniques

  • 12.03.2020

If you want to create beautiful and original things, paint all the boring glass in the house in bright colors, then this glass painting master class with stained glass paints is exactly for you.

A bit of history

stained glass one of the oldest types of art decorative arts, which was used to decorate window openings, most often in Gothic cathedrals and temples. The art of stained glass came to Russia from Europe, and although it was familiar from the 12th century, it finally took root only at the end of the 19th. Russian stained glass art existed until the revolution of 1917, and then it was reborn in the Soviet theme by the middle of the 20th century.

Previously, a stained-glass window was a multi-colored glass, collected in a single composition. It could be geometric patterns or whole paintings like a panel or a tapestry. Stained glass windows looked like mosaics.

Gradually, mosaic stained-glass windows were replaced by glass painting imitating mosaics. Special paints have been developed, both water-based and oil-based.

Today, anyone who wants to update their interior can buy special water-based stained glass paints in almost any art supply store.

Necessary materials

Any decorative glass surface is suitable for creativity. Here are a few items that you can paint:

  • glass interior doors;
  • window panes;
  • frame glass;
  • vases;
  • bottles.

The most important thing is that the product is transparent, then the stained-glass window looks spectacular.

The basic list of required materials and tools may include:

  • glass (glass product);
  • stained glass paints;
  • circuit;
  • templates;
  • brushes;
  • cotton pads;
  • a jar of water;
  • rag.

Before proceeding directly to the master class, let's dwell on some materials in more detail.

In the store you can buy both individual jars of stained glass paint, and a set of different colors. Paints can be oil, alcohol or water based.

It is better to choose water-based stained glass acrylic paints. They are odorless, easily removed from the surface, if something goes wrong, they are easy to mix, like regular watercolor.

Each jar of paint is equipped with a special spout, which can be used to immediately distribute the paint, squeezing it onto the surface. But for more subtle and artistic work you can use thin brushes. For water-based paints, special brushes are not required; ordinary squirrel brushes can be used.

Contour or contour paste is a special thick paint that creates a border between different colors of stained glass paint to prevent them from mixing. The outline gives the effect of a mosaic, dividing the picture into fragments. You can buy it separately in the store if it is not provided in the kit. It can be silver, gold, black or other color.

The contour can be used as an independent paint for decorating vases, lamps and other interior items. More often it is used pointwise, it turns out something like a small round mosaic, and complemented with stones and rhinestones. But then the picture comes out opaque.

As a template, you can use any pictures, for example, from the Internet, with clear lines. Coloring books work well for this purpose. You can also draw the picture yourself.

Varnish can be excluded from the materials, since the coating of the finished product with varnish is made at the request of the master and is not mandatory. However, varnish can add shine, as well as protect the finished product from dust and water, especially for windows.

Let's get to work

The technique of stained glass painting is quite simple. You just need to follow the sequence of actions.

  1. Choose suitable stencils - they should have clear contour lines and enough space in the details to fill them with color.

  1. With the help of a contour, transfer the drawing to a previously degreased glass, placing a selected template under it. The contour should not be applied in bold lines, but not dotted, barely noticeable. If the contour line "breaks through", then the colors can mix and smear the drawing.

  1. You can apply paint by pre-selecting colors for each detail of the picture. Paints should be applied, gradually squeezing out of the tube, evenly, not in a very thick layer, but without leaving streaks and dots. To remove excess paint, you can use brushes.

Stained-glass windows still amaze the imagination of our contemporaries, along with fireplaces and rocking chairs. For us, all this is a sign of romance, prosperity, comfort and beauty. But if earlier stained-glass temples and houses of the nobility, now almost anyone can order them. Moreover, patterns on glass now adorn not only window openings. They decorate interior doors and glass doors on cabinets, vases, glasses and lampshades, decorate them in the form of paintings, put them on car windows - and you never know what other use an inventive person can find for this decoration in pursuit of beauty.

Patterns on glass become even more attractive because, using modern materials and technologies, a person can decorate their beloved home with them on their own. Even if he has few drawing abilities, there is enough desire, perseverance and accuracy.

How can you paint on glass? The simplest "paint"

When choosing materials, you first need to consider what and where you are going to paint. If you just need a decorative inscription with some kind of small pattern on the front door, and there is also a chance that it will have to be changed over time, then you can draw on glass with stationery glue and ink. Silicate is added one tenth. On the glass, or inscriptions are planned - and they are filled with the resulting composition. However, a colorful picture will not work - the mascara does not have an abundance of shades. But it holds tight, it is not washed off with water, and if you need to remove it, it can be easily removed with a solvent and a clerical knife (or better, with a razor blade).

Christmas window decorations

More short-lived on glass - but they are only needed before Christmas. There are several ways to apply them: toothpaste dissolved in water and sprayed on glass from a spray bottle; beer with magnesia in the ratio of half a glass per 50 g; fixer for photographs ... However, such patterns on glass, created with your own hands, live only up to the nearest one, and if you drew a picture for a long admiration, you will have to additionally fix it. When "long-term" frosty stained-glass windows are required, craftsmen advise using them. To make such paintings look even more authentic, the glass surface must be made matte - with sand, beer or matting paint.

Full painting

Previously, ordinary oil paints were used to paint on glass. The result was not inspiring: it turned out rough, with streaks and uneven shades. Naturally, due to an unsuitable surface, the painting could be smeared at any time and required varnishing.

If you are interested in what colors full-fledged pictures are painted on glass today, turn your attention to stained glass. They do not spread over the surface, and after drying they do not require fixing with additional reagents. Such paints are of two types: those that require firing, and those that do not need it. The latter, of course, require less labor costs and are more saturated in brightness. True, they dry for a long time - up to three weeks - but folk craftsmen and craftsmen figured out how to shorten this period. In principle, the idea lay on the surface: it is enough to use an ordinary hair dryer, and the drying time is reduced to a day.

Rules for Success

Before you start painting on glass, it must be degreased. This is easy to achieve with just soap and water or your usual glass cleaner. Then the glass must be dried. If it is wiped, the process go faster and there will be no traces of drops, but the fabric must be chosen so that it does not leave villi on the surface.

At the preparatory stage, the contours of the pattern you like are applied to the glass. Ideally, this should be done with a pencil, but it can be replaced with a thin marker. And if the drawing is applied to a flat surface, carbon paper is also suitable.

The template is placed under the bottom of the base, and the patterns for are outlined with the selected tool. Of course, if carbon paper is used, then the sheet with the pattern is placed on top in a mirror image. Traditionally, thin paper is taken for templates, but from their own experience, those who have already been involved in painting have made sure that a transparent film from a file for documents is much more convenient.

A very important moment

It is impossible to immediately paint patterns on glass, focusing on the contours - after all, we are not working with paper. First, the outlines are outlined with a special contour paste. Most often it is taken in black, silver or gold. The choice depends both on personal preferences and on the style of the chosen pattern. In addition to making the drawing more clear, such contours will prevent the colors from spreading and mixing with each other in the future.

If the hand trembled somewhere, the error is corrected with a cotton swab; as long as the paste has not dried, it is easily erased.

At the end of the stroke, the workpiece is left for some time so that the contour paste dries and does not smear afterwards. Complete drying is not required: in a day the glass will be ready for further manipulations.

Main job

If you are not very confident in your artistic abilities, it is advisable to have a color picture that you can refer to when coloring. For each approach, you need to draw on glass with only one color: that is, first all the details are drawn, say, red, then the brush is washed and a different color is taken. Paints are spent so much less - and they are not cheap.

If your patterns on the glass lay somewhere in a thin layer, you will have to wait until the applied paint dries before saturating the desired fragment with color. Otherwise, greater brightness on this material cannot be achieved.

Subtleties and secrets

In order not to be disappointed in your first experience, it would be nice to listen to the advice of more experienced associates. So, everyone unanimously argues that at first it is better to limit yourself to a small size and a flat surface - bends will still be inaccessible to you for some time.

Before drawing on glass, you need to take care of the emphasis for the working hand, and it is better to practice on paper so as not to spoil the paint and glass. Otherwise, the hand will quickly get tired and begin to tremble.

Brushes for work should be chosen as thin as possible - they will allow you to draw even very small details. And do not forget to wash the tools after each use: the paint dries tightly, and in the morning the brushes can only be thrown away, it will be impossible to wash them.

Unsuccessful strokes and strokes are in no case painted over - nothing will work, the glass has a too smooth surface. Such places are carefully cleaned with a cotton swab and painted again.

The paint will inevitably form small bubbles. So that this does not affect the final result, they must be carefully pierced with a pin or toothpick.

Mandatory verification

Before you send your designs on glass to dry, look at them in front of a window or lamp to see the flaws in the painting. Moreover, this must be done in the process of work in order to notice and eliminate defects in time.

Illumination must be done very carefully. If the paint spreads, the number of imperfections will increase dramatically, and it is not certain that you will be able to fix them all.

It is possible that, if you get carried away, you will discover some additional tricks. But what you already know is enough to create your own masterpiece. And let it be just a glass door in your sideboard - you will definitely not find such an exclusive anywhere else.

Painting on glass with acrylic paint will give the kitchen originality and its own unique style. Beautifully painted glass interior items will make an incredible impression on guests. They can be door glass, kitchen glass, mirror surfaces, countertops, vases, paintings and even windows. The process of painting is difficult and painstaking, but everyone can create such beauty if they wish.

Decorative glass painting

Why painting glass surfaces should be done in the kitchen? The motives that the novice artist depicts will be devoid of rigor. They are great for.

If the artist displays every detail in the picture, a mosaic effect will appear. The image will visually consist of several color strokes. On glass objects, hand-painted paintings look especially gentle and elegant.

The painting is carried out using silicate paints.

Paints are sold in specialized departments, they can be matte, transparent. Also, glass artists use acrylic and stained glass paints. First you need to decide what exactly will be applied to the cabinet doors or a set of dishes. If fantasy and ability allow, draw a sketch yourself, whether it be flowers or a landscape. If there are problems with the drawing technique, you can always download the drawing, stencil or template you like and apply it.

Thickened paints can always be "revived" with a solvent.


  • Outline and fill specific areas.
  • Tiffany. Creates the effect of three-dimensional image. Helps to create a realistic image, the effect of close or remote location. This type of technique also covers small elements, the border of the picture is fragile.
  • Artistic stained glass for lockers or.

First, the surface to be painted is prepared: wiped with a dry cloth, degreased with soapy water or alcohol, wiped dry. Next, you can start drawing the outline of the picture. It is applied with a pencil or felt-tip pen. After the contour has completely dried, you can start painting. Each shade is taken with a separate brush. The paint should not go beyond the boundaries of the applied contour. When the paint is applied, it remains to wait for it to dry.

The result is fixed with a transparent varnish, giving the pattern a glossy sheen. Aerosol varnish will help in creating the effect of antiquity.

Painting dishes

Hand-painted tableware is a gem in the kitchen, a point of special pride. Having tried painting on dishes once, you can acquire your favorite hobby for life. Two types of paints are used for painting: stained glass and acrylic. Both types are used on glass and ceramics, then you can use the finished dishes as usual.

A few tips for beginners:

  • It is better to start creativity using glass transparent dishes or snow-white ceramics. Then nothing will distract attention from the picture.
  • First, you should “fill your hand” on a piece of paper. Practice the hardness of strokes, the removal of thin and thick lines, a smooth transition from thick to thin lines. It's great if you learn how to use the spindle stroke - this is the main way to paint flowers.
  • The next step is to learn how to draw flowers. The main thing is to combine shades, to prevent one stroke from merging with others. Try to make a transition from a dark shade to a light one.
  • To add transparency to the drawing, dip the brush in water.
  • Create a sketch of the future drawing, cut it out and put it on the dishes. Professionals of painting on dishes are so confident in their skills that they do not use sketches, they draw right away.
  • The dishes are pre-washed and degreased. The contour dries completely in a couple of hours.
  • Paint the picture with paints, it is better to use a horizontal plane for drying.

Painting on glass with acrylic master class. How to create an interesting decor for the kitchen from an ordinary jar:

Acrylic drawing after 15-minute firing also becomes stronger. Heat treatment is carried out in an oven at a temperature of 150 degrees. Dishes cool down on their own.

Plate painting


Gzhel is called Russian folk art, it is recognizable in all countries of the world. This type of hand painting consists of simple lines, drops, nets, blue flowers on a white canvas.

If you like the combination of snow-white and blue, then you can create a whole panel of plates with Gzhel painting.

Work process:

  • A ready-made pattern or drawing is taken. The round shape of the plate encourages you to create a sketch that fits organically into the circle.
  • A sketch is made on the plate with a marker.
  • The main drawing is drawn with a brush with a thin tip.
  • White paint brings out accents in the blue picture, transitions are made.
  • Before proceeding with painting the next element, you need to wait until the previous one dries.

To make the drawing look like a classic Gzhel, the lines should be smooth and wavy, but clear at the same time.

Master class on painting in the Gzhel style. Paint a beautiful plate - it's easy:


Painting plates under Khokhloma is an interesting and exciting activity. This type of Russian art originated in the 17th century in Nizhny Novgorod.

Khokhloma is a painting of wooden utensils in red, black and green on a yellow background.

Work process:

  • An ornament is taken from a book or the Internet, transferred to a plate.
  • The background is drawn, bending around the leaves and berries.
  • The remaining elements are filled with the desired color.
  • The necessary touches are added: droplets, curls.
  • The plate is drying.

Other types of Russian painting on plates:

  • Petrikovskaya painting. Bright flowers, birds, patterns are drawn on a black or gold background.
  • Gorodets painting. The plot for such a painting will be a Russian hut, its inhabitants and attributes of the life of the people. It is performed with free strokes with a white or black stroke.

Folk painting includes the simplest patterns, flowers, berries, natural phenomena in everything that surrounds us in nature.

Contemporary paintings on glass and ceramics

  • Inscriptions. On the eve of the holiday, you can display congratulations or the name of the hero of the occasion on the dishes. The inscriptions in the form of lines from the letter look beautiful. There are many options here.
  • The simplest patterns: peas, stripes, squares, any geometric figures look very original.
  • Vanguard. There are simply no boundaries in the options here: blots, random lines, lack of symmetry.
  • Ombre technique. The ombre effect is achieved by applying paints with a sponge. An ombre effect also appears if liquid stripes of paint are dispersed with a needle.

The combination: child, plate and paint gives an extraordinary result. Any children's drawing will decorate the kitchen and will delight parents and guests.

Painting glasses

Painting glasses today is a separate and very common type of creativity. The hand-painted glasses look rich and beautiful. How to create a drawing on the kitchen wall with your own hands, read on.

Materials needed for painting glasses:

  • Stationery.
  • Special outline.
  • Brushes.
  • Special paints for glass (there are acrylic - covering, as well as transparent stained glass).
  • Cotton pads and cotton buds, toothpick.
  • Degreaser.

Acrylic matte paints are not afraid of water. Stained glass windows are divided into fired and non-fired. Avoid water-based paints, take an alcohol base.

Operating procedure:

  • Degrease glasses with acetone or detergent.
  • Place the sketch cut out of paper inside the glass and secure with tape.
  • Draw a contour on the surface of the glass with a solid line.
  • Let the outline dry. You will have to wait from half an hour to three hours.
  • Fill in the outline with paint. If necessary, position the glass horizontally.
  • Remove excess paint with a cotton swab, and air with a toothpick.
  • The glass must be dry. It will take from several hours to days.
  • When using non-burning paints, the fixing is done with a colorless acrylic coating. For fired - roasting in the oven for 10 minutes. You need to put the glass in a cold oven, take it out after it has cooled completely. Make sure the glass can withstand high temperatures.

Themes for different occasions

  • Hand painted goblets- a wonderful gift for newlyweds. Doves, rings or two hearts are drawn on them. All these symbols will perfectly fit into the wedding paraphernalia.
  • You can surprise your guests New Year - glasses with painted Christmas decorations, Christmas trees and snowdrifts will cheer everyone up. A great idea is to draw Santa Claus on one glass, and the Snow Maiden on the other.
  • Similarly, you can arrange glasses for Halloween (pumpkins), Valentine's Day (heart).

Painting glasses, see the master class:

Door decor

Glass door painting is now gaining popularity. This solution is used for sliding wardrobes, interior doors, kitchen sets. Stained glass painting gives extremely beautiful results.

Painting glass surfaces allows you to create unique products that can decorate the interior of a living space and office. A wide selection of materials and stencils in specialized stores makes it possible for both professional and novice artists to do this. Before starting work, it is worthwhile to figure out what paints on glass exist and how to apply them correctly.

Types of paint materials for glass

There are several main types of coating, depending on the purpose of application and the basis for production.

For stained glass

Stained glass paints are a decorative material that is resistant to abrasion, not afraid of water and sunlight. Stained glass paints allow you to decorate mirror surfaces, glass vases, dishes, photo frames, etc.

Before using a set of stained glass paints with stained glass windows, it is necessary to apply a contour that will prevent the staining composition from spreading. After drying, stained glass paints become transparent. The set of paints is most often included for applying contour lines.

A distinction is made between organic solvent materials and water-based paints, which differ in their field of application.


These water-based materials are opaque, similar to oil painting. For application, it is better to use a wide brush, and if the surface has large area, then it is worth taking an acrylic composition in the form of an aerosol.

Oil based

Oil paints are opaque, therefore they are intended for painting matte surfaces. Before application, they must be diluted with an oil topcoat, which makes the material resistant to water with the addition of detergents. However, the coating is not heat resistant.

Based on silicates

Silicate heat-resistant coatings for glass resemble watercolor, but they must be cured at a temperature of 700 to 800°C. This can be done at home in the oven, if the size of the product allows.

Application of a fixer

When purchasing a set of stained glass paints, you should know that fixing is necessary after they are applied and dried.

Varnish is a universal fixer for any paints. But, in addition to this function, it is used as a solvent if the material has thickened, or when mixing paints. Also, porous surfaces are varnished before painting, which makes it possible to make them smooth, simplifying the drawing process.


Stained glass paints have their own application technology. To get started, you need to purchase:

  • a set of stained glass paints;
  • contours for drawing on a glass surface;
  • ready-made stencils, which, if desired, can be made independently;
  • ethanol;
  • brushes;
  • cotton buds;
  • toothpicks or a needle.

Before painting with stained glass paints, you should choose a pattern. You can take freely available templates and stencils for copying. Further, all work is carried out in stages and in a certain sequence.

Before painting glass, it is degreased with alcohol. If there is talent and skills of the artist, then a pattern is applied with a marker. Otherwise, you can fix it on the back of the product or transfer it to the front side from the stencil through carbon paper.

The contour must be carefully circled around each detail, avoiding gaps. Then you should wait for it to dry completely, the time of which is indicated in the instructions.

Stained glass paints are applied by dropping, and then distributed with a brush from the center to the periphery in a uniform thick layer. Errors must be immediately corrected with cotton swabs, preventing the coating from drying out.

Having painted all the details of one color, you need to thoroughly rinse the brush, wipe it dry and start working with a different shade. Stained glass paints form air bubbles in their thickness, which can be removed with the tip of a needle or toothpick. To speed up the drying process of the finished pattern, you can use a hair dryer.

Application of acrylic coating

Painting on glass with acrylic paints also begins with degreasing the work surface and drawing a picture on your own or using a stencil.

While do-it-yourself stained glass paints are applied only to a contoured drawing, this is not necessary for their acrylic counterparts.

If you make a contour, the image will resemble a stained glass window. And without its use, the pattern will be stylized as a work of painting.

After drying, the items of kitchen services should be coated with a heat-resistant varnish to increase their service life and preserve the colorfulness of the drawings.

It is worth considering the fact that decorative, heat-resistant water-based acrylic paints dry very quickly, but require baking in the oven for durability.

Use of balloon coatings

Aerosol paints are most often used for painting large glass products, although professional artists They are also used for decorating small details. This can be done without rich drawing experience by using stencils or construction tape.

In specialized stores, you can purchase the following types of aerosol formulations:

  • oil;
  • heat-resistant;
  • acrylic;
  • latex and others.

Most often, spray paints for stained-glass windows and other glass products have an acrylic base.

Also, production has been established for the processing of certain types of dishes.

The advantages of aerosol materials include:

  • quick readiness for use;
  • the ability to penetrate into hard-to-reach places;
  • good adhesive properties;
  • long shelf life without changing the quality characteristics;
  • no tools required for application;
  • resistance to abrasion and fading;
  • rich color palette;
  • high drying rate.

Despite the abundance of advantages, spray paints have some disadvantages:

  • impossibility;
  • complex application technique;
  • mandatory use of stencils for drawing small details - this increases the consumption of expensive paint;
  • aerosol materials of different colors cannot be mixed;
  • use of personal protective equipment such as goggles, mask or respirator during spraying.

When using aerosol acrylic paints, you should strictly follow the instructions to avoid the formation of streaks and other flaws.

When decorating glass surfaces in the open air, calm, cool weather should be chosen.

You can fix the applied pattern with a transparent acrylic varnish.

Making coatings at home

Despite the fact that the production of such materials for glass is at a high level, and a set of stained glass paints can be easily bought at the store, some artists prefer to make them themselves.

They are prepared on the basis of such an organic substance as gelatin, which must be diluted with BF-2 glue or transparent furniture varnish. To give the desired shade, dyes for fabric are added to the mixture. They can be replaced with ordinary gouache.

If this is your first time creating stained-glass windows with your own hands, then, having applied freshly prepared paint, it must be fixed with a colorless varnish to avoid washing off the pattern with water.

Plexiglas painting

Before you paint plexiglass, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this process and purchase the necessary materials and tools.

First, the surface is cleaned of grease, dust and dirt using alcohol. Then the product is placed in a heated dye solution of zaponlak for a time that ranges from 30 seconds to 15 minutes. This indicator determines the saturation of the tone.

After the end of the staining process, the glass is quickly transferred to a container with cold water until completely cooled. Next, you need to wipe the plexiglass with a dry cloth or felt to give it a shine. If the color of the product is not bright enough, then it can be made more saturated by repeating the entire cycle from the beginning, after carefully drying the treated surface.

When deciding how to paint plexiglass, it is worth deciding in advance on colors and the presence of sketches that are applied after basic staining using stencils and a paint brush.

Having decided to decorate your home with hand-painted glassware, it is worth trying various techniques and coatings, and then making your choice. In specialized stores, you can first take the materials of the basic colors for dyeing, and then independently obtain various shades from them. And you can immediately purchase a set of stained glass paints and stencils, so that there is nothing to limit the flight of your imagination.

Glass plates and jugs with multi-colored painting and gilded elements look very beautiful and expensive. The cost of such products in stores can be unpleasantly surprising, while hand-made products are not much cheaper (unique pattern, handmade). Create unique products with artistic painting you can do it yourself on glass, it is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance, and it takes a little time. Painting on the glass of a vase, for example, will take no more than 2 evenings.

Types of glass painting

Glass painting is carried out in two main techniques:

  1. Technique of painting on glass with stained glass paints. Stained glass paints are transparent, bright, ideal for creating a floral ornament. They require the use of a contour, since they spread very easily. There are two types of paints for stained glass: the first require baking in an oven, the second dry in the air for several days.
  2. Painting technique on glass with acrylic paints. Acrylic paints are opaque and look like gouache. They can also paint flowers. Acrylic painting using the “one stroke” technique looks especially beautiful: when each petal of a flower is not drawn in detail, but is applied with a wide, coarse brush in one motion. As a result, acrylic is stained with grooves and looks like a smear of oil paint on canvas.

Painting on the glass of the bottle with stained glass paints

Painting with acrylic paints is more like painting with ordinary gouache and does not require any special skills. Painting with stained glass paints requires skills in working with a contour.

For painting you will need:

  1. Glass plate, bottle, vase. It is better to start with a plate, as its flat surface is more convenient for beginners. It is better to choose a bottle or a vase in a square shape: flat surfaces are easier to paint than convex ones.
  2. Paints for painting on glass they are sold in art supply stores, as well as in large stationery chains. It is better to choose paints that do not require firing: craftsmen note that they dry quickly enough, and the paint does not fly off the product, unless you try to do it on purpose. In addition, 20 days after application, even attempts to tear off the applied paint will not lead to success. Firing is useful if you need to quickly get the finished product, but this method has its drawbacks: the need to select the firing temperature and the material for work (not every glass or ceramic will withstand firing in a furnace).
  3. Circuit You can choose gold, black or silver. These color options for contours are the most common, and they look best in finished product. If you plan to apply a pattern in the form of delicate flowers, then the contour of silver and gold will be ideal. The black outline looks a bit rough, mostly used to draw buildings or faces. The use of a contour in working with glass is mandatory, without it it will not be possible to create a single drawing.
  4. For spot painting on glass, only volumetric contours of various colors, the paints themselves are not needed in spot painting.

Stages of painting on glass with paints

The transformation of glass into a magical picture is carried out in several stages:

  1. The surface is degreased with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Some masters are limited only to wet baby wipes, but in this case, the paint may peel off after a while.
  2. The outline is applied. Be careful not to smear the already applied pattern. The contour dries for at least 2 hours, so after applying the contour, leave the work to dry. You need to create drawings with a large number of closed parts. All the lines of the leaves of the flowers must be connected, each petal must be completed, the images in the stained glass do not tolerate line breaks. The exception is those contour patterns that are an independent line on a colored background, for example, curls.
  3. After the contour has dried, the details of the work are painted over in the desired colors with stained glass paints.
  4. Some advise after drying the work to cover it with varnish, but this is not a prerequisite.

Stages of spot painting on glass

Sometimes this painting is called contour painting on glass, because. the whole pattern is created solely with the help of contours.

For beautiful pattern and careful work, it is worth choosing high-quality contours (that is, not too liquid consistency) with a tube with a narrow long spout. The wide nose of the tube will leave large fat dots, which does not look very nice in the finished product.

  1. The surface is degreased.
  2. The selected pattern is applied exclusively with dots located at the same distance from each other. The main thing is to make sure that the dots do not merge with each other and are of the same size. Errors can be corrected with cotton wool soaked in alcohol, or with a regular damp cloth. It is customary to start work in spot painting from the center, and not from the contours of the picture - in this case, the work will turn out to be more accurate, it will be possible to make changes to the picture as needed.