Current staff appraisal. Methods and goals of personnel assessment: how to turn employees from a tool into a company's think tank. Evaluation Criteria Requirements

  • 31.03.2020

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ............

1. General approaches to appraisal of employees .............................................. .....

2. Forms of personnel assessment ............................................... .................................

3. Two approaches to personnel assessment .............................................. .......................

4. Methods for assessing personnel ............................................... ................................

4.1 Quantitative evaluation methods .......................................................... ...............

4.2 Qualitative methods of assessment .......................................................... ...................

4.3 Diagnostic scoring system .......................................................... .............

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. .......


Applications ................................................. ................................................. ......


Organizations exist to achieve their goals. The degree of implementation of these goals shows how effectively the organization operates, i.e. how effectively organizational resources are being used.

The profit indicator allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the organization as a whole, which consists of the efficiency of using all organizational resources, including each employee. Naturally, employees do not perform their production duties in the same way - in any organization or department there are leaders, outsiders and middle peasants. However, in order to carry out this gradation, it is necessary to have a unified system for evaluating the effectiveness of the performance of each employee's job functions.

Such a system improves the efficiency of human resource management of the organization through:

¨ positive impact on employee motivation. Feedback has a beneficial effect on the motivation of employees, allows them to adjust their behavior in the workplace, and achieve increased productivity.

¨ professional training planning. Personnel assessment makes it possible to identify gaps in the work of each employee and provide measures to eliminate them.

¨ planning professional development and careers. Evaluation of employees reveals their weak and strong professional qualities, which allows you to carefully prepare individual development plans and effectively plan your career.

¨ making decisions about remuneration, promotion, dismissal. Regular and systematic assessment of employees provides the management of the organization with the information necessary to make informed decisions about promotion wages(remuneration of the best employees has a motivating effect on them and their colleagues), promotion or dismissal.

The benefits mentioned above do not automatically come to the organization at the time of the implementation of the assessment system. They are implemented when a number of additional conditions are met:

¨ Firstly, the evaluation system and, most importantly, the actual evaluation of the work of employees should be as objective as possible and perceived by employees as objective. To impart objectivity to the assessment system, its criteria should be open and understandable to employees.

¨ Secondly, the results of the evaluation should be confidential, i.e. known only to the employee, his manager, the human resources department. Publicizing the results creates tension in the organization, promotes antagonism between managers and subordinates, and distracts employees from preparing and implementing the corrective action plan.

¨ Staff acceptance of the assessment system and their active participation in the assessment process is also a condition for its effective functioning.

It is very difficult to create an assessment system that is equally balanced in terms of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and understandability, therefore today there are several personnel assessment systems, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

However, the most common is the personnel appraisal system.

General approaches to employee appraisal

Certification is a process for evaluating the effectiveness of an employee's performance official duties carried out by his immediate supervisor. Certification includes several stages: determining the date of certification, training the employee and manager, certification interview and filling out the form.

Employee's personal plan . One of the results of the certification interview is the approval personal plan employee for the next evaluation period. The main purpose of the plan is to develop a "recipe" for improving the efficiency of the employee. There are several forms of such plans, although the most common (and complementary) ones at present are individual development plan and personal goals.

Individual development plan (Fig. 1) represents the self-assessment of the employee (in relation to his position), his vision of how he could improve the results of his professional activities and activities that could help him in self-improvement. Often an individual plan contains a clause on the long-term professional development of an employee, i.e. development of his career.

Fig.1. Individual development plan

Personal goals - this is a limited set of key tasks for an employee for the certification period. Setting personal goals is an element of the system management through goal setting(MVO in English abbreviation). The goals included in the personal plan should be specific, measurable, tense and related to the tasks facing the organization as a whole and the unit in which the employee works. In order to achieve this, the goals set by the employee are discussed with the manager. The result of such a discussion is an agreed personal plan of the employee, which he is guided by during the attestation period.

Many organizations today use both individual development plans and personal goals to conduct certification. The first makes it possible to plan and evaluate the professional development and growth of an employee, the second sets specific professional tasks and provides a tool for assessing their implementation.

current control. During the entire certification period, the manager exercises control over the work of the employee, including the implementation of the individual plan. For these purposes, the manager can use a special form of registration of achievements, which allows to more objectively evaluate the employee at the end of the period and better prepare for the certification interview.

FULL NAME. employee _______________________

Qualification period ______ - ______

2. Forms of personnel assessment

One of the most important methodological problems - who must evaluate the worker. In the practice of most firms, this is done by a manager - a manager. In addition to him, in some cases they do this:

1. a committee of several controllers. This approach has the advantage that it eliminates the bias that can occur when an assessment is carried out by a single supervisor;

2. colleagues of the assessed. For this system to bear fruit, it is necessary that they know the level of productivity of his work, trust each other and do not seek to win each other the opportunity to raise salaries and promotions;

3. subordinates of the assessed;

4. someone not directly related to the work situation. This option is more expensive than the others and is mainly used to evaluate a worker in some very important position. It is possible to use this option also in cases where it is necessary to fight accusations of bias and prejudice. It should be taken into account that when using this approach, the person making the assessment will not have such a volume of information as in the previous four options;

5. self-esteem. In this case, the employee evaluates himself using the methods used by other appraisers. This approach is used to develop the skills of introspection in employees rather than to evaluate performance;

6. the use of a combination of the listed forms of assessment: the assessment of the controller can be confirmed by self-assessment, and the results of the assessment by the boss can be compared with the assessment of subordinates or colleagues. A two-way (appraiser-assessed) discussion of the assessment results provides good suggestions for senior management.

3. Two approaches to personnel assessment

Assessment methods in which employees are assessed by the immediate supervisor are traditional for most modern companies. They are effective in large hierarchical organizations operating in a fairly stable external environment.

is a purposeful process of establishing conformity quality characteristics personnel to the requirements of the position or .

Objectives of personnel assessment

Administrative purpose is achieved by making an informed administrative decision (promotion or demotion, transfer to another job, referral for training, dismissal) based on the results of the assessment of personnel performance.

informational purpose is that both employees and managers have the opportunity to obtain reliable information about the activities. Such information is extremely important for the employee in terms of improving their activities, and gives managers the opportunity to make the right decision.

motivational goal is that assessment itself is the most important means of motivating people's behavior, since adequately assessed labor costs will provide further growth workers, but only if the work of a person is evaluated according to his expectations.

Tasks of personnel assessment:
  • assess the potential for promotion and reduce the risk of promotion of incompetent employees;
  • determine the cost of training;
  • maintain a sense of justice among employees and increase labor motivation;
  • organize feedback with employees on the quality of their work;
  • develop programs and staff development.

Personnel assessment subjects:

  • line managers. As a rule, they are the main actors in the business evaluation of personnel. Responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base for the evaluation, conduct evaluation conversations;
  • workers;
  • colleagues and employees who have structural relationships with those being assessed;
  • persons who are not directly related to the assessed employee. Among them are independent experts and evaluation centers.

All subjects of evaluation are divided into formal and informal. To formal subjects of evaluation include managers and employees of personnel management services. It is they who have the right to make an administrative decision based on the results of the assessment.

Informal subjects of evaluation- colleagues, independent experts - only give their opinion, which is taken into account by the formal subjects of assessment when summarizing information for adoption management decisions.

Recently, in practice, a combined assessment is often used, when the appraiser is not one subject, but several at once.

Personnel assessment object

Object of assessment- one who is evaluated. The object of assessment can be either individual employees or a group of employees identified according to a certain attribute (for example, depending on the level in organizational structure or professional).

It is quite simple to evaluate the results of the labor of workers, especially pieceworkers, since the quantitative and qualitative results of their labor are expressed in the quantity of products produced and their quality.

It is much more difficult to evaluate the results of the work of managers and specialists, since they characterize their ability to have a direct impact on the activities of any production or management link.

Personnel assessment subject

subject of evaluation The results of the labor of personnel are the personal qualities of employees, and the effectiveness of labor.

Classification of factors taken into account when assessing personnel

natural biological

  • Age
  • Health status
  • Mental capacity
  • Physical ability
  • Climate
  • Geographic environment
  • Seasonality, etc.


  • The state of the economy
  • State requirements, restrictions and laws in the field of labor and wages
  • Qualification of employees
  • Labor motivation
  • Standard of living
  • The level of social security, etc.

Technical and organizational

  • The nature of the tasks to be solved
  • The complexity of labor
  • The state of the organization of production and labor
  • Working conditions (sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic, aesthetic, etc.)
  • The volume and quality of the information received
  • The level of use of scientific and technological achievements, etc.


  • Attitude towards work
  • Psychophysiological state of the worker
  • Moral climate in the team, etc.


  • Development of a mixed economy
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Level and scope of privatization
  • Independent choice of wage system
  • Price liberalization
  • Corporatization of organizations
  • and etc.

Personnel assessment criteria

To obtain reliable information, it is necessary to accurately and objectively identify the indicators for which the assessment is made. In this case, it is important to establish clear and thoughtful criteria for assessing personnel.

Evaluation criterion personnel - the threshold beyond which the state of the indicator will satisfy or not satisfy the established (planned, normalized) requirements.

Such criteria can characterize both general points that are equivalent for all employees of the organization, and specific norms of labor and behavior for a particular workplace or a particular position.

There are four groups of criteria that are used in any organization with some adjustments:

  1. professional criteria personnel assessments contain characteristics of professional knowledge, skills, professional experience a person, his qualifications, results of work;
  2. business criteria personnel assessments include such criteria as responsibility, organization, initiative, efficiency;
  3. moral and psychological criteria personnel assessments, which include the ability to self-assessment, honesty, fairness, psychological stability;
  4. specific criteria assessments of personnel, which are formed on the basis of the qualities inherent in a person and characterize his state of health, authority, personality traits.

Evaluation of the results of personnel work

Evaluation of labor results must be carried out for all categories of workers, but, as noted above, it is easier to evaluate the results for the category of workers and much more difficult for managers and specialists.

Two groups of indicators used in assessing labor productivity:

  1. direct indicators(or quantitative) easily measurable, amenable to fairly objective quantification and are always set in advance; on their basis, the degree of achievement of the goals set is determined;
  2. indirect indicators characterizing the factors that indirectly affect the achievement of results; they cannot be quantified, since they “characterize the employee according to criteria corresponding to the “ideal” ideas about how the job duties and functions that form the basis of this position should be performed.”
List of indicators for evaluating the results of work for some positions of managers and specialists


List of indicators for evaluating the results of labor

Head of the organization

  • Profit
  • Profit Growth
  • Profitability of production
  • Capital turnover ratios
  • Market share
  • Product Competitiveness

Line managers (heads of production, workshops, foremen)

  • Fulfillment of planned tasks in terms of volume and nomenclature
  • Dynamics of production volume
  • Dynamics of labor productivity
  • Reducing production costs
  • Number of complaints and their dynamics
  • Product quality indicators
  • The magnitude and losses from downtime
  • Staff turnover rate

Head of Human Resources

  • Labor productivity and its dynamics
  • Reducing the standard labor intensity of manufactured products
  • Share of technically sound norms
  • The level of wages per unit of output and its dynamics
  • Staff turnover rate and its dynamics
  • Number of vacancies
  • Indicators for training and advanced training of personnel
  • Personnel costs in production costs (share and dynamics)

HR manager

  • Number of vacancies in the organization
  • Number of applicants for one vacancy
  • Turnover rate by personnel categories and divisions

Assessment steps:

  1. description of functions;
  2. definition of requirements;
  3. assessment by factors of a particular contractor;
  4. calculation of the overall score;
  5. comparison with the standard;
  6. assessment of the level of the employee;
  7. communicating the results of the evaluation to the subordinate.

main character in personnel assessment is line manager. He is responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base necessary for the ongoing periodic evaluation, and conducts an evaluation conversation with employees.

The task of the personnel service The task of evaluating candidates for employment is, in essence, to select such an employee who is able to achieve the result expected by the organization. In fact, assessment at admission is one of the forms preliminary control the quality of the human resources of the organization.

Even though there is a large number of different approaches to evaluation, they all suffer from a common drawback - subjectivity, the decision largely depends on who uses the method, or who he attracts as an expert.

Necessary conditions and requirements for personnel assessment technology:
  • objectively- regardless of any private opinion or individual judgments;
  • reliably- relatively free from the influence of situational factors (mood, weather, past successes and failures, possibly random);
  • reliable in relation to activities- the real level of skill proficiency should be assessed - how successfully a person copes with his business;
  • predictive- the assessment should provide data on what types of activities and at what level a person is potentially capable;
  • complex- not only each of the members of the organization is evaluated, but also the connections and relationships within the organization, as well as the capabilities of the organization as a whole;
  • process assessment and assessment criteria should be available not to a narrow circle of specialists, but understandable to appraisers, observers, and the appraisers themselves (that is, to have the property of internal evidence);
  • carrying out evaluation activities should not disrupt the work of the team, but be built into the overall system personnel work in the organization in such a way as to really contribute to its development and improvement.

Personnel assessment methods

Classifications of assessment methods:

  • assessment of the employee's potential;
  • business appraisal.

Methods for assessing the potential of employees

1. Personnel assessment centers. They use a complex technology built on the principles of criteria-based assessment. The use of a large number of different methods and the mandatory evaluation of the same criteria in different situations and in different ways significantly increases the predictive value and accuracy of the assessment. Particularly effective in evaluating candidates for a new position (promotion) and in evaluating management personnel(more details in section 8.3).

2. Aptitude Tests. Their goal is to assess the psychophysiological qualities of a person, the ability to perform certain activity. 55% of those surveyed use tests that are in some way similar to the job that the candidate will have to do.

3. General Ability Tests. Assessment of the general level of development and individual features of thinking, attention, memory and other higher mental functions. Especially informative when assessing the level of learning ability.

4. Biographical Tests and Biographical Studies. The main aspects of the analysis: family relations, the nature of education, physical development, main needs and interests, features of the intellect, sociability. They also use the data of a personal file - a kind of dossier, where personal data and information obtained on the basis of annual assessments are entered. According to the personal file, the progress of the employee's development is traced, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about his prospects.

5. personality tests. Psychodiagnostic tests to assess the level of development of individual personal qualities or a person's relevance to a certain type. Rather, a person's predisposition to a certain type of behavior and potential opportunities are assessed. 20% of the respondents answered that they use various types of personal and psychological tests in their organizations.

6. Interview. A conversation aimed at collecting information about the experience, level of knowledge and assessing the professionally important qualities of the applicant. A job interview can provide in-depth information about a candidate that, when compared with other assessment methods, can provide accurate and predictive information.

7. Recommendations. It is important to pay attention to where the recommendations come from and how they are framed. Well-known and reputable companies are especially demanding on the execution of such documents - in order to receive a recommendation, information is required from the immediate supervisor of the person to whom this recommendation is presented. Recommendations are made out with all the details of the organization and coordinates for feedback. When receiving a recommendation from an individual, attention should be paid to the status of this person. If a recommendation to a professional is made by a person who is very famous in the circles of specialists, then this recommendation will be more reasonable.

8. Non-traditional methods. 11% use a polygraph (lie detector), psychological stress test, tests for honesty or attitude towards something set by the company. 18% use alcohol and drug tests for candidates. Typically, these tests are based on urine and blood tests, which are part of a routine pre-employment medical examination. None of the organizations surveyed use AIDS tests for their candidates. 22% use some type of psychoanalysis in order to identify the skills of candidates for possible work in their organizations.

Results of the comparative effectiveness of candidate assessment methods

Comparative effectiveness of candidate assessment methods

Methods of business assessment of personnel

Business assessment of personnel in the course of work can be carried out by the following methods:

Methods of individual assessment

1. Questionnaires and comparative assessments

2. Preset Choice Method- a questionnaire in which the main characteristics are set, a list of options for the behavior of the person being assessed. The importance scale evaluates in points a set of characteristics of how the assessed employee performs his work.

3. Behavioral Attitude Rating Scale- a questionnaire that describes the decisive situations of professional activity. The rating questionnaire usually contains from six to ten decisive situations with a description of behavior. The person conducting the assessment notes the description that is more consistent with the qualifications of the person being assessed. The type of situation correlates with the score on the scale.

4. Descriptive evaluation method is that the evaluator is asked to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the employee's behavior. Often this method is combined with others, such as attitude rating scales.

5. Critical Situation Evaluation Method. To use this method, specialists prepare a list of descriptions of the "correct" and "wrong" behavior of employees in certain (decisive) situations. These descriptions are divided into headings according to the nature of the work. The assessor prepares a journal of records for each assessed worker, in which he enters examples of behavior under each rubric. This journal is then used to evaluate performance. As a rule, the method is used for assessments given by the manager, and not by colleagues or subordinates.

6. Behavior Observation Scale, as a method of assessing the decisive situation, is focused on fixing actions. To determine the behavior of the employee as a whole, the appraiser fixes on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one way or another.

Group evaluation methods

Group evaluation methods make it possible to compare the effectiveness of the work of employees within the group, to compare employees with each other.

1. Classification method: the appraiser must rank all the workers in turn, from best to worst, according to some one general criterion. However, this is quite difficult if the number of people in the group exceeds 20 people, it is much easier to single out a successful or unsuccessful employee than to rank the average one.

The way out can be found by using alternative classification method. To do this, the person conducting the assessment must first select the best and worst employees, then select the next ones, and so on.

2. Pair comparison makes the classification easier and more reliable - each is compared with each in specially grouped pairs. At the intersection of surnames in a pair, the surname of the employee who is considered the most effective in this pair is noted. Then the number of cases when the employee is the best in his pair is noted, and based on this, an overall rating is built. Evaluation can be difficult if the number of employees is too large - the number of couples will be too large and the questionnaire will become tedious.

3. KTU (coefficient labor participation) was common in the 1980s. The value of the base KTU is equal to one.

In the United States, the geographic rating scale method is most commonly used. The descriptive method and questionnaires are widely used. The share of other methods is no more than 5%. Classification and comparison by pairs are used by 10-13% of employers.

Checking the personnel today - in the conditions of fierce competition - the heads of enterprises pay increased attention. The success of the company directly depends on the criteria by which the staff is formed and how effectively their potential is used. And good leaders understand this. In connection with the demand dictated by the realities of the time, higher educational establishments began to produce specialists of a new level - personnel managers. Courses in this specialty are also very popular. They enable mid-level managers to quickly master the new skills necessary for effective work.

At first glance, it may seem that not every enterprise and firm needs HR specialists. However, in reality, they perform a very important job that cannot be entrusted to other employees. Highly qualified management personnel own a wide range of methods and techniques for evaluating professional performance. Moreover, in this process, the experience gained is very important, and often the managers' own achievements also show themselves effective. Today we will describe the process of personnel assessment and cover all its stages.

Staff assessment: some general information

For the first time, personnel verification with a scientific approach to this issue was discussed around the twenties of the last century. The greatest interest in this process was traced among American businessmen, who tried to use every opportunity to increase labor productivity.

Thirty or forty years later, specialists appeared who dealt only with personnel issues. They began to be trusted with the recruitment of employees for production and analysis of the level of their qualifications in relation to their position. In this regard, there was a need to form basic knowledge that could become fundamental tools in the activities of HR managers. Thus, types of personnel assessment, methods of analysis and classification of criteria were developed, according to which the professional suitability of employees is determined. Of course, in this period of time they were still, so to speak, "raw", but nevertheless they gave good results.

In the nineties, HR courses became more and more in demand. Gradually, the new direction was transformed into a full-fledged scientific discipline, which to this day is systematizing the accumulated knowledge gained over the years of its existence. Most of successful companies does not skimp on personnel specialists, who can both be part of the organization's staff and be civilian employees. Today, large entrepreneurs try to analyze the activities of their employees at least twice a year. This forethought saves working time, wages, to make the most effective personnel changes and in other ways to increase labor productivity, and, consequently, the effectiveness of the enterprise itself.

We will give an assessment and classification a little later) can be represented as a combination of several systems that act as tools. The latter allow you to most effectively perform the functions of personnel management. These include:

  • selection of employees;
  • determining a workplace for them;
  • motivational component;
  • employee training;
  • development of individual abilities of the staff, contributing to career advancement;
  • formation of a reserve personnel base;
  • solution of all personnel issues, including the reshuffle in all categories of personnel.

Above, we have listed the main functions of managers, but this does little to reveal their relationship with valuation activities. But this question is very important in the topic we are studying. We will talk about this later.

Functions of personnel management and evaluation of employees' performance

Before moving on to the types of personnel assessment, it is necessary to talk in more detail about the relationship between assessment activities and the main functions of managers, which we have already listed. So let's take a closer look at these processes.

Without personnel planning, it is already extremely difficult to imagine the work of any enterprise. Even small firms trying to give this issue a lot of attention. Based on the results of the assessment, the HR specialist reveals the level of qualification of existing employees, and as a result of the analysis, the company's need for new personnel becomes clear.

Recruiting new hires for any HR manager is a daunting process. Thanks to the application different types Personnel assessment specialists determine how effectively the company uses its resources to attract highly qualified workers.

Without training its staff, any company is doomed. She will not be able to keep up with the times and will quickly lose her positions to business competitors. Therefore, the assessment activity will make it possible to draw correct conclusions about how high the need for employees in training is. Also, by assessing the personnel of the enterprise, it turns out whether the existing training programs correspond to the spirit of the times and what results they give in reality.

Without exaggeration, the personnel reserve can be called the "golden" reserve of the enterprise. This database is updated based on the results of assessing the activities of employees and their effectiveness in various work processes.

Training and development of personnel are very close, but still they are not identical functions. in this direction determines not only the qualification levels of the personnel, but also its yet undiscovered potential. But for its 100% disclosure, training will be needed, which we have already written about earlier.

Without motivational and stimulating components, the process of interaction between the employer and employees is impossible. More precisely, it can be effective for only a short period of time. Then the introduction of some motivational systems is required. The assessment will help you choose the most effective tools that encourage employees to deliver higher performance.

The process of personnel assessment at some stages of the organization of work activities is an integral part of it. For example, it is impossible to imagine receiving workplace a new employee without a definite assessment of his personal and professional qualities. Also, when certain employees are promoted, a thorough analysis of their activities and potential is carried out, which can be revealed on new position.

Goals of employee evaluation

Management personnel primarily cares about improving the efficiency of each individual employee and the entire enterprise as a whole. But this is a kind of generalized formulation of the goals pursued by the manager, introducing the evaluation procedure into the working days. The scientific substantiation of the goal-setting of this process covers it more widely. It is believed that the main goals in the evaluation activities of employees of the enterprise are three goals:

  • Identification of the benefits of keeping the employee. It is done by determining the ratio of costs for each specific employee and the qualitative amount of work performed by him. After receiving the results of the personnel assessment analysis, the manager can decide whether to continue to keep the employee in his place or to carry out a staff reduction.
  • Identification of the employee's potential. Evaluation of personnel in this area is important when it comes to searching for a candidate for promotion. The head of the company must clearly understand whether there is a person among his employees who is able to take responsibility and take the vacant seat. Otherwise, the enterprise will have the costs of finding, attracting and training a person from the outside.
  • Identification of a functional role. Each employee performs a particular role in the company. And often it has no connection with his position and professional skills. A functional role is a consequence of a combination of personal qualities and characteristics. Evaluation of employees allows you to determine the categories of personnel: a team player, a bright personality, a potential leader, and so on.

Interestingly, in many countries in Asia, personnel assessment is an integral part of the work process. And often it is completely based on it. This is most relevant for Japan. There, HR managers conduct a thorough and multifaceted assessment of the employee, determining his abilities, and only according to the results of the work done, they appoint him to a particular position. Thus, any enterprise uses its personnel as efficiently as possible, which increases its competitiveness and leads to new level development.

Russian companies are still far from their foreign counterparts. However, every year foreign developments are more and more adapted to Russian realities and introduced into practice. But still very often problems arise due to the lack of a single system that would meet all the needs of the management team at the same time.

Criteria for evaluation

How can you evaluate employee performance? First of all, according to the set of criteria. Under them, experts understand a number of characteristics: personal, professional, behavioral, and so on. They should individually answer the manager's question about how exactly his duties will be performed by the employee. As a result, it becomes clear whether the employee's capabilities meet the requirements of the employer personally and corporate ethics.

Today it can be said that employees are developed taking into account many factors. The specialist studies the specifics of the company's activities, the current state of the company, as well as what exactly the manager wants to receive as the final product. It is very important for a personnel appraiser to understand the purposes for which a personnel assessment is conducted. That is, it is necessary to determine the priority criterion, depending on the type of activity of the employee. For example, when selecting personnel for employment on a production line, the priority is the high quality of work. At the same time, the employee must be executive, loyal, disciplined and have the ability to perform large amounts of work.

The result of the audits and its effectiveness for the head of the enterprise primarily depends on the evaluation criteria. Today, these criteria are mainly divided into two groups:

  • Revealing This group includes an assessment of the professional qualities of an employee. The specialist evaluates his knowledge, skills acquired at work, as well as fixed skills. In addition, the behavioral model of the employee is studied, which is formed mainly from the totality of his personal qualities. It is most convenient to conduct such an assessment by setting certain tasks for the employee in the form of a number of typical situations that are most often encountered by him in the workplace. And he must solve them, relying on his professional skills. This method is quite effective when it comes to identifying the level of competence of an employee.
  • Determining the effectiveness of work. In this group, all approaches and methods are related to comparative analysis. For him, the real results of an individual employee and the indicators planned by management for the same period of time are taken. However, before carrying out an assessment according to such criteria, it is necessary first to very clearly outline the scope of tasks for the employee and notify him of the expected results. However, they must be expressed in certain categories. For example, sales volumes, transactions concluded, the amount of profit, and so on.

It should be noted that the development of criteria for assessing employees is a very important stage that precedes the process of assessing the work of personnel. At the same time, the work is carried out by a group of people: a personnel specialist, a manager, a personnel manager. In the future, they announce all the criteria to employees so that all participants in the process equally understand what is expected of them and how their professional performance will be assessed.

Primary requirements

When developing criteria, the internal needs of the company and its management are always taken into account. However, the general requirements applicable in the industry must always be maintained. Usually, at least seven general requirements are applied to the set criteria, which should not contradict individual ones.

First of all, it is necessary that the criteria be achievable. For example, if a company concludes ten to fifteen contracts a year with major partners through the joint efforts of the entire management team, then it is not worth setting the same ten contracts for each of them as the main task and then assessing activities based on these criteria.

An important condition for the development of criteria is their objectivity. The specialist must first of all take into account the position occupied by the employee and, already focusing on it, lead the development. Bias lies in the focus on a specific employee, which is a fundamentally wrong approach to assessing professional performance.

Don't forget about transparency. After all, the results of the assessment directly depend on how clear the employees are of the tasks assigned to them and the requirements presented.

In the process of developing criteria, it is necessary to take into account such requirements as motivation and compliance with job duties. That is, the evaluation activity should be combined with the motivational component. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the requirements cannot be wider than the scope of duties that the employee performs while in his position.

Also, the criteria should correspond to terms such as "understandability" and "dynamic". The last requirement for the criteria is very important, since in modern realities the working conditions of companies are changing very quickly. And this means that employees of the enterprise must also comply with them.

Types of employee performance appraisal

Highly qualified management personnel owns several types or methods of evaluating the work of other employees. The more extensive their set, the higher the likelihood that the results of the assessment will be accurate and useful to the entrepreneur.

There are currently three types of assessment. They are classified according to their focus:

  1. Descriptive.
  2. Quantitative.
  3. Combined.

Descriptive evaluation of employees

HR managers still very often call this type qualitative, since it completely excludes the use of quantitative characteristics. It allows you to describe the employee most fully, using several simple techniques in your work:

  • matrix method. It consists in creating ideal model employee for each position in the company. In the future, the staff will be compared with this matrix.
  • System of arbitrary characteristics. For such an assessment, it is required to single out the most significant achievements and failures from the entire work activity of an employee. Further, the manager or specialist in charge of personnel management conducts personnel assessment based on the data received.
  • Evaluation of the performance of tasks. This approach is considered the simplest of all. It is often used by novice specialists when the goals of personnel assessment do not affect the promotion of an employee. In this case, the assessment requires data on the entire work of a particular person, allowing you to understand how well he copes with his direct duties.
  • "Three hundred and sixty degrees." To get the material needed for analysis production activities employee, information is required from his colleagues, superiors and subordinates.
  • Group discussion. Each employee individually conducts a conversation with his manager and invited experts in the same field in order to find out the effectiveness of his work and further prospects in this industry.

Quantitative type of assessment

This type of assessment is considered the most accurate, since its result is presented in the form of numbers, tables and charts. When using it, the following methods are used:

  • Point scores. Before checking the work of the personnel, a point system is developed, which is built on assigning a certain point to the employee for each of the possible achievements. After the required time period has elapsed, the results are summed up, which clearly show the effectiveness of the staff.
  • Ranked. This method requires a very long preparation and a lot of experience. It is based on a rating system. The criteria for its compilation vary in each case, depending on the needs of the manager. Briefly, it can be described as the process of assigning a rating to employees, and those who are in the lowest positions are subject to reduction, dismissal or removal from their position.
  • Free scoring. This approach is a combination of the two previous ones. An employee of the company receives points for his personal and professional qualities. As a result, a rating is compiled, which is used by the manager for his own purposes.

Combined score

If the manager wants to cover all the qualities and achievements of the staff as widely as possible in order to get the most detailed information in the evaluation process, he must refer to its combined form. It includes two main methods:

  • Sum of points. Each employee is subjected to a thorough analysis, and a score is assigned to their characteristics. As a result, they are summed up and then compared with the ideal indicator derived using the matrix.
  • Grouping. Here, the result of the assessment excludes individuality, since all personnel are subject to division into groups. They may have different purposes and purposes. For example, the manager allocates impeccable employees into one group, into the second - initiative, but without sufficient experience, and into the third - the most hopeless. There are quite a few variations on this method.

Despite the fact that all of the above types of assessments seem comprehensive, in reality they allow you to evaluate only certain aspects of an employee's performance. Therefore, HR specialists are working on the creation of more effective methods that would allow obtaining the most accurate results in several parameters.

Format of personnel assessment indicators: possible options

The result of a personnel check usually ends up on the manager's desk in the form of an evaluation sheet. Its most convenient design is a table. And it can be in different formats.

For example, the quantitative format involves comparing ratings for each employee. In this case, all the criteria declared at the initial stage of verification are important. But an individual format based on an assessment of personal and professional qualities gives the manager information about what types of work an employee can perform and what skills he has.

Personnel management and personnel appraisal is a very important aspects activities of the company that contribute to its development and determine the prospects for growth.


Mastering modern management methods for Russian enterprises is not only an important and relevant task, but also a difficult one. The difficulty lies in the imperfection of the conditions of our economic activity, as well as in the chronic and rapidly growing backlog from the highly developed countries of the world in the field of management. This has manifested itself most clearly in recent years as the so-called vertical of power has been strengthened, or, more simply, the unjustified bureaucratization of all levels of government in the state and business. The fact is that the systems and methods of management currently used in Russia are approaches used, at best, in highly developed countries, 50-60 years ago, and improvement in this situation began quite recently.

The competitiveness of Russian companies of all sizes and industries without exception relative to enterprises and firms of highly developed countries (judging by the quality of goods and services in combination with the productivity and efficiency of their production) is extremely low. Without a radical revision of management systems at all levels, no most advanced machinery and equipment will be able to provide the proper economic result. But it is precisely with modern management technologies in the country that not everything is safe.

In this regard, in my work, I outlined the technology for conducting personnel assessment as a key tool for managing human resources of an enterprise, planning professional career., reviewed the automation of personnel assessment, cited standard methodological documents for certification.

1. General characteristics of personnel assessment methods

Sooner or later, the HR manager is faced with the task of conducting staff appraisal. When choosing methods for conducting personnel appraisal, it is important not to lose sight of its goals, namely: assessing the effectiveness of the work of employees and their suitability for their positions, as well as identifying promising employees for their training and promotion. From such an understanding of the goals of certification, it logically follows the division of certification procedures into two components:

o Evaluation of labor

o personel assessment.

Labor evaluationaims to compare the actual content, quality, volume and intensity of personnel work with the planned ones. The planned characteristics of the work of personnel, as a rule, are presented in plans and programs, technological maps, and the work of the enterprise. Evaluation of labor makes it possible to evaluate:



· labor intensity.

Personel assessmentaims to study the degree of readiness of the employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential in order to assess the prospects for growth (rotation), as well as the development of personnel measures necessary to achieve the goals personnel policy.

An analysis of management practice shows that corporations in most cases use both types of employee performance assessment at the same time. Thus, procedures are carried out aimed both at assessing the results of labor and the personal and business qualities of employees that affect the achievement of these results.

It should be noted that both the immediate supervisors of the assessed and other superiors, colleagues, subordinates, HR specialists, external consultants and, finally, the assessed person himself (self-assessment) can be involved in the assessment of the personnel. Thus, a minimum familiarity with the methods of personnel assessment of all employees is a guarantee that the methods used will give the expected effect.

All evaluation methods can be divided into methods individual evaluation employees, which are based on a study of the individual qualities of the employee, and methods group evaluation which are based on comparing the efficiency of employees inside.

Many of the assessment methods that are used today have developed in the last century. However, during the evolution of these methods have undergone significant transformation.

The most common personnel assessment methods are:

Questionnaire method.

The evaluation questionnaire is a specific set of questions and descriptions. The evaluator analyzes the presence or absence of the indicated features in the assessed person and notes the appropriate option.

Descriptive assessment method.

The assessor must identify and describe the positive and negative features of the behavior of the assessed. This method does not provide for a clear fixation of the results and therefore is often used as an addition to other methods.

Classification method.

This method is based on the ranking of certified workers according to a certain criterion from the best to the worst, assigning them a certain serial number.

Pair comparison method.

In this method, it is compared in a group of assessors who are in the same position, each with each, after which the number of times when the assessee turned out to be the best in his pair is counted. Based on the results obtained, the overall rating for the group is built

It is based on an assessment of the employee's suitability for the position held. The most important component of this type of assessment is the list of tasks that the assessed employee must perform. After compiling this list (it can also be taken from job descriptions), the activity is studied, taking into account the time spent by the employee on decision-making, ways to complete the tasks. It also takes into account how economically the employee uses material resources. Then there is an assessment of the qualities of the certified employee listed in the list, for example, on a 7-point scale: 7 - very high degree, 1 - very low degree.

The analysis of the results can be carried out either by matching the identified estimates with the benchmark, or by comparing the results obtained from employees of the same position.

Specified Distribution Method

With this method, the person conducting the assessment is instructed to give employees assessments within a predetermined (fixed) distribution of assessments. For example:

% - unsatisfactory

% - satisfactory

% - quite satisfactory

% - Good

% - Great

total - 100%

The only thing that requires the employee is to write down the name of the employee on a separate card and distribute them into groups in accordance with the specified quota. Distribution can be carried out on various grounds (assessment criteria).

Critical Situation Evaluation Method

To use this method, evaluators prepare a list of descriptions of the "right" and "wrong" behavior of employees in typical situations - "decisive situations". These descriptions are divided into headings according to the nature of the work. Next, the person conducting the assessment prepares a journal for records for each employee being assessed, in which he enters examples of behavior for each rubric. Later, this log is used to evaluate the employee's business qualities.

Typically, this method is used in assessments made by the manager, and not by colleagues and subordinates.

It is based on the use of "decisive situations", from which the business and personal qualities required from the employee are derived, which become the evaluation criteria. The evaluator reads the description of any evaluation criterion (for example, engineering competence) in the rating questionnaire and puts a mark in the scale in accordance with the qualification of the assessed. Expensive and time-consuming method, but accessible and understandable to workers.

Behavior Observation Scale Method

Similar to the previous one, but instead of determining the behavior of the employee in the decisive situation of the current time, the appraiser fixes on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one or another specific way earlier. The method is laborious and requires significant material costs.

Method of Questionnaires and Comparative Questionnaires

Includes a set of questions or descriptions of employee behavior. The appraiser puts a mark next to the description of the character trait that, in his opinion, is inherent in the employee, otherwise leaves an empty space. The sum of the marks gives the overall rating of the profile of this employee. Used for evaluation by management, colleagues and subordinates.


This technique is borrowed by human resources departments from sociology.

Here is an example of an interview plan for a personality assessment. In an interview, it is important to obtain information about the following components and personality characteristics:

intellectual sphere;

motivational sphere;

temperament, character;

professional and life experience;


attitude to professional activity

early years;


vocational training (primary, secondary, higher, vocational);

Military service;

attitude towards work in the company;


self-assessment of opportunities, health;

marital status, family relationships;

forms of leisure activities.

Method "360 degrees of evaluation".

An employee is evaluated by his supervisor, his colleagues and his subordinates. The specific assessment forms may vary, but all assessors complete the same forms and the results are processed by computers to ensure anonymity. The purpose of the method is to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the person being certified.

Method of independent judges.

Independent members of the commission - 6-7 people - ask the certified various questions. The procedure is reminiscent of cross-examination in various areas of activity of the person being certified. There is a computer in front of the judge, on which the assessor presses the “+” key in case of a correct answer and, accordingly, the “-” key in case of an incorrect answer. Upon completion of the procedure, the program issues a conclusion. It is also possible to manually process the answers of the employee, then the correctness of the answers is entered in a pre-compiled form.


Various tests can be used to evaluate an employee. According to their content, they are divided into three groups:

qualification, allowing to determine the degree of qualification of an employee;

psychological, giving an opportunity to evaluate personal qualities employee;

physiological, revealing the physiological characteristics of a person.

The positive side of the test assessment is that it allows you to obtain a quantitative characteristic for most assessment criteria, and computer processing of the results is possible. However, when evaluating the potential capabilities of an employee, the tests do not take into account how these abilities manifest themselves in practice.

committee method.

The evaluation is carried out by a panel of experts and is aimed at finding out the abilities of the candidate, giving him the right to apply for other positions, in particular for promotion.

This technique consists of the following steps:

activity is broken down into separate components;

the effectiveness of each activity is determined in points on a scale (for example, from -10 to +10), and thus determine the degree of success;

three lists of jobs are compiled: those jobs that can be solved successfully, that work out from time to time, and those that never work out;

o a final comprehensive assessment is made

o Assessment in the general view includes the following four steps:

selection of assessed qualities, performance indicators of the employee;

usage different methods collection of information;

evaluation information should give a comprehensive picture of a person;

comparison of the actual qualities of the employee with the required ones.

The studied sets of qualities are developed taking into account the tasks performed by position. Usually such qualities are recruited from 5 to 20.

Method of assessment centers.

This method solves two problems:

personal and business qualities employee, (usually this method is used to evaluate senior employees)

the program of individual trainings of the manager is determined, which allows to develop his abilities, behavioral skills.

The test takes a different time, so, for example, several hours are enough to assess the professionalism of a master, one day for a low-level manager, two or three days for middle managers, a little more for managers and senior managers. Here are some of the procedures used for evaluation:

*Performance of administrative actions. For the two hours allotted for the task, the subject must familiarize himself with some instructions, business papers, orders and other materials necessary for issuing orders for specific technological, production, personnel matters. This imitates the real activity of the company. After the end of the two-hour work on the task, the assessed person is interviewed.

*Discussion of problems in a small group. This procedure reveals the ability to work in a group. The group members are given material that they need to familiarize themselves with, make their own decision on question asked and during a group discussion (40-50 minutes) to convince the others of its correctness. At all these stages, the subject is evaluated by observers in points.

*Making decisions. The subjects are divided into several groups (representatives of competing firms). The work of firms is modeled for several years (2-5 years). Each hour counts as one year, during which a number of tasks are completed. The activity of each subject is evaluated by experts.

*Development and presentation of the project. It is necessary to develop a draft plan for the development of some kind of activity in 1 hour, which is then defended in front of experts.

*Preparation of a business letter. Each student prepares business letters on various issues and from different positions: refusal, cancellation of the decision, negative information, etc. Actions are assessed by experts.

*Sometimes practiced and comparison of results peer review employee with his self-assessment of his personal and business qualities. The results of such a comparison can be very revealing for both management and the employee himself.

Business game method.

Personnel assessment is carried out within the framework of specially designed simulation and developing business games. Both participants of business games and expert observers are involved in the assessment. Attestation business games are held, as a rule, for the result, which allows assessing the readiness of staff to solve current and future problems, as well as the individual contribution of each participant in the game. This evaluation method can be used to determine the effectiveness of staff teamwork.

Method for assessing the achievement of goals.

The manager and the subordinate jointly determine the key goals of the employee's activity for a certain period (one to six months). The goals should be specific, achievable, but intense, important both for the professional development of the employee and for improving the performance of the organization. The goals set outline the scope of the employee's responsibility and the scope of his duties for those specific periods that are necessary to achieve the intended result. These results should be measurable, at least as a percentage. The evaluation of the results is carried out jointly by the manager and the employee on the basis of individual standards for the implementation of goals, however, the manager has a decisive vote in summing up the results.

Assessment method based on competency models.

Competence models describe the intellectual and business qualities of an employee, his interpersonal communication skills necessary for successful professional activity within the framework of the corporate culture existing in the organization. The gap between the required and existing level of competence becomes the basis for the development of individual plans for professional development. The fulfillment of these plans, which is expressed in concrete results of professional activity, is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination.

1.1 Balanced scorecard

With a delay of 10 years in comparison with highly and medium developed countries, we also began to promote the balanced scorecard (BSC), which is really modern, management technology, which has proven to be effective in various countries and industries. AT Russian business I immediately became convinced that this is exactly the technology that will allow our companies to "rush" to the heights of world management standards, to stand on a par with the leaders of world business in terms of efficiency and quality of management. It is incalculable that the number of consultants who in the vastness of Russia "spud" business structures with a view to introducing BSC into them. It is even harder to count the number of Russian executives who have succumbed to the promise of stunning success from the use of this fashionable technology. But not everything is so simple.

The BSC is really possible only in developing and learning organizations, in companies with flexible organizational management structures, within the framework of proven procedures and regulations for organizational analysis, the formation of cross-functional teams and working groups. It makes sense to effectively apply the BSC only when all the progressive management technologies previously developed by mankind are mastered. BSC does not replace other management technologies, but is only one of the forms of efficiency improvement.

In essence, the BSC is a format for understanding the position of an organization in an increasingly complex external environment and internal conditions of activity, a format for linking long-term (strategic) and short-term (operational) results of enterprises and firms, this is an approach to more efficient use of previously developed and implemented management technologies, their more competent combination and sequence of their use. I would especially like to emphasize the close relationship of the BSC with the quality and performance management of all aspects of the enterprise or firm: the quality of products, services, performance of operations, the quality and efficiency of management, including personnel. As in the management of production efficiency and quality within the framework of the BSC, the main emphasis is on the correct definition of a system of priorities: strategic business parameters, the achievement of which ensures successful business development. The need for the emergence and implementation of the BSC was largely due to the growing role of intangible assets in ensuring the competitiveness of the business. Usually, intangible assets include the value of business intellectual property (patents, licenses, etc.), well-known trademarks (brands) and the so-called "goodwill" - a very vague and not always clear set of everything that is commonly called the value of a company ( this may include long-term contracts, and the reputation of the company's leading managers, and much more). In fact, 90% of the total value of intangible assets modern company constitutes its managerial potential (management systems, decision-making systems, forms of organization and stimulation of labor, organizational management structures, etc.), which today is the main factor in ensuring the company's competitiveness on a long-term basis. But if trademarks intellectual property are at least somehow quantifiable, then the assessment of the managerial potential of 90% is the staff of managers and specialists, their number and proportion, their professional staff and qualifications, skills and knowledge, experience, efficiency and quality of work. American companies have the most powerful managerial potential in the world today.

The role of managerial potential, efficiency, the final results of the work of managers and specialists, their increasing importance for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and firms in modern conditions lead to the fact that the role of certification and evaluation of personnel is constantly increasing. For the successful application of the BSC, it is necessary, first of all, that companies use modern technologies for attestation and assessment of personnel, directing them in the right direction, able to link current efforts and long-term results. The reasons for this are as follows:

Managerial labor (the labor of managers and specialists, as a kind of mental labor) is much more difficult to evaluate in quantitative terms or in other objective indicators in comparison with physical labor, since there are no production standards or output volumes of products directly at the workplace in the field of managerial labor.

As specialization and division of labor deepen, it is extremely difficult to evaluate the performance of an individual manager or specialist, the performance of a functional structural unit, their direct contribution to the achievement of the overall results of the company's activities without the use of special procedures and evaluation methods.

The share of managers and specialists in total strength employed in various sectors of highly developed countries is constantly increasing. Brainwork becomes more an important factor production (or source of surplus value) than the labor of production workers and personnel evaluation procedures play an increasingly important role.

Communication of labor results individual worker with the general final results in the conditions of a deepening division of labor, it is more and more difficult to trace. Passing through numerous chains of the process of developing and making managerial decisions, the results of the activities of an individual manager or specialist are difficult to single out and evaluate. An increasingly powerful arsenal is required, implemented as part of the procedures for attestation and evaluation of personnel.

The cost of human capital is becoming an increasingly important part of a company's investment activities.

Success in the competitive struggle today mainly depends not on the technical level of production and not on the size of investments or the level of technologies used, but on the management factor, on the perfection of those systems and management structures that the this organization. And the more perfect the management system of an organization, the more successfully it operates in the most dynamic and harsh economic environment. Not without reason, in the leading companies of industrialized countries, investments in fixed assets, in machinery and equipment correlate with the costs of human capital as 1: 2. In our country, the opposite ratio has traditionally been.

It is hardly possible to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of such investments in the absence of personnel assessment systems.

The external conditions of business (economic environment) and the conditions of competition are changing. On the one hand, the economy of highly - and medium-developed countries (which today can be attributed, for example, China) is becoming more and more saturated with high-tech industries. There is less and less dependence on raw materials and businesses with a low share of clean production in sales volume and more and more - from the costs of intellectual labor and the application of results in production. And the forms of productivity of intellectual labor and predominantly physical labor (workers) are radically different from each other. On the other hand, as the share of raw materials decreases, the conditions and forms of competition change. In place of predominantly price competition come various types of non-price competition. The competitiveness of a business is increasingly determined by the quality and comparative advantages of the product, its differentiation, the depth of diversification, the accuracy of targeting target segments market rather than the price level. Hence, the criteria for evaluating the performance of the company as a whole and their employees (especially management personnel and specialists) change significantly. Evaluating the results of personnel work only according to traditional criteria (for example, profit, sales volume, etc.) in modern conditions may not be correct enough. Non-financial or generally non-quantitative criteria are beginning to play an important role (for example, investment activity, flexibility and adaptability of management systems and structures, etc.).

The complexity of managerial work (the abundance and variety of functions, professional differentiation, etc.) implies an increase in the role of evaluation of managers and specialists.

The complexity of assessing the effectiveness of managerial work requires the development of appropriate procedures. The question is what is the focus of the evaluation and what are the criteria. In our country, the criteria in evaluating a manager are most often the goals and objectives set by him, i.e. his intentions and promises, the ability to present the current state of affairs as real results, in other words, the main thing for our leader of almost any level is good public relations (PR). Of course, PR is important for any leader, but not only as one of the criteria.

In organizations and firms in highly developed countries, the main criterion is to link the results of the work of an individual manager or specialist with the final results of the company as a whole.

The BSC arose due to the need to evaluate the return on the company's managerial work, from that part of intangible assets, the effectiveness of the use and development (growth) of which is most difficult to quantify. And the managerial potential of any company is, first of all, its managerial personnel in the broad sense of this concept, their qualifications, skills, experience and other parameters. The BSC emerged as a tool for assessing the role of intangible assets different kind in increasing the competitiveness of the company, as it developed, organically came to the need to restructure the entire personnel assessment system on new principles, new criteria and methods. But the essence of the BSC has remained basically unchanged: to quantify what, in principle, cannot be accurately quantified.

The problem is that with the illiterate use of the BSC (unjustified narrowing it down to linking the strategy and tactics of increasing competitiveness), with a misunderstanding or underestimation of the fact that the entire BSC is needed primarily to assess the effectiveness of the company's managerial potential and its contribution to increasing competitiveness, in the most important final results that characterize the achievement of this highest competitiveness, neither the BSC as such, nor the personnel assessment system in the company will give the proper result by themselves.

But in modern conditions, the use of such an approach is often not effective enough to build an integral system of personnel assessment. In modern conditions, it is becoming increasingly important to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel development costs, i.e. selection of personnel, advanced training, improvement of motivation and stimulation of personnel. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of investments in personnel development (it is not possible to evaluate them using standard investment analysis procedures either in terms of payback periods or in assessing the contribution to improving the company's financial performance, since non-financial results are of great importance here).

And their share in the total investment in business development is increasing, especially in high-tech companies. To assess the effectiveness of the company as a whole and to set goals in the field of certification and assessment of personnel in particular, other management technologies are currently needed, a different level of methodological and organizational tools that correspond to the nature of the tasks facing the business.

2. The role of personnel assessment and certification systems

To understand the place of modern personnel assessment technologies in the internal management system, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the changing role of the personnel service as a whole. In the highly developed countries of the world, in recent decades, the work of personnel services and personnel management services has been intensively restructured in the direction of creating integrated personnel services, which is associated with a change in the set of functions, the status of the personnel service in the organizational structure of management and the role in the management decision-making process. Currently, such services are typical for companies with a high level of competitiveness.

In modern management theory, it is customary to single out four levels, or stages, of competitiveness.And each of them has its own approaches to the organization of management in general and personnel service in particular.

It is not worth considering companies with a zero level of competitiveness, of which there are many in modern Russia. There, the role of the personnel service is reduced to a purely accounting one (management of personal files, accounting of personnel, registration and implementation of personnel decisions). The chances of such companies to survive in market conditions are not connected with the restructuring of management, but with the re-profiling or liquidation of these companies.

For employees of enterprises or firms of the first level of competitiveness, the management factor is, as it were, “internally neutral”. They believe that if regular management was once put in their companies, then management does not affect competitiveness in any way. These managers see their role only in ensuring the stability of production, producing products without much fuss, not caring either about improving production and management, or about “surprises” for competitors and consumers. They are confident that the quality of their products is sufficient for the consumer, and any additional effort in production or in management is considered overkill. The functions of personnel services are the selection, training and advanced training of personnel.

This approach can bring success to the company if it can find a place in the market that is free from competition. This is usually typical for a small or medium-sized enterprise that focuses on a niche market. But as the business grows, it may happen that the company either outgrows this niche or enters competition in a new market segment, or the niche segment becomes a growing market that is attractive to other manufacturers. As a result, sooner or later competition from distant and obscure becomes close and visible. One ability to produce products good quality and regular management is not enough. Care must be taken to exceed the standards offered by competitors in terms of price, production costs, quality, delivery accuracy, service level, etc.

2.1 Characteristic features of the personnel management of the enterprise different levels competitiveness.

personnel assessment appraisal indicator

Characteristic features of the personnel management of a Russian enterprise first level of competitiveness are the following features:

A) understanding that the functions of the personnel service are not limited to accounting functions and can be expanded within the framework of the previous status and headcount this service.

When selecting personnel for the positions of managers and specialists, it is considered sufficient for candidates to have a track record corresponding to the position (primarily previous work experience), without organization competitive selection, thorough and comprehensive testing of the candidate.

Insufficient attention is paid to the qualification and motivation of employees, to issues of personnel management in general. In this case, as a rule, we see a high turnover of staff. It is believed that if it is necessary to increase the volume of production, one can freely hire additional personnel without thinking that such an approach is likely to negatively affect the quality of the product, and hence its competitiveness. A very calm attitude towards staff turnover comes from the belief that there are no irreplaceable people. Hence the limited investment in human capital. Why spend effort and money on development human resources, to train qualified personnel from the institute's bench, when you can recruit the right workers from the side?

The decisive word in the appointment to a position belongs directly to the leaders, the decision is made by them on their own, without an expert opinion or even coordination with the personnel department.

B) misunderstanding of the role of the control factor in general.

At the same time, the issues of improving structures and systems, forms and methods of management are considered redundant. The bet is on what was expedient or worked well in the past.

The dominance of companies of the first level of competitiveness is due, on the one hand, to the weakness of competition in the domestic market, and on the other hand, to the close ties of enterprises that have survived on the market with local or federal authorities and budget money.

Companies of the second level of competitiveness strive to make their production and management systems "externally neutral". This means that such enterprises must fully comply with the standards set by their main competitors in a particular market (industry or region). They are trying to reproduce what the leading firms do: they strive to borrow as much as possible the techniques, technologies, methods of organizing production from the leading enterprises in the industry; purchase raw materials, semi-finished products and components from the same sources as their main competitors; follow the same principles and approaches in managing product quality and production efficiency ( process approach), establish relationships of a similar nature with employees in their production (including systems for organizing and stimulating work); begin to introduce a system of certification and evaluation of personnel.

However, often the borrowing of advanced methods and management systems is carried out formally, without a thorough analysis of the essence of a particular management technology, without conditions for its adaptation to the specifics of an enterprise or firm. As a result, HR departments are created only because it is supposed to be that business leaders already have it. Personnel appraisal and evaluation systems are being applied without a serious revision of the functions, status and powers of personnel departments. Some enterprises have already reached the second stage and are trying to apply the most modern approaches to working with personnel.

The features of enterprises of the second level of competitiveness include the following:

A) further expansion of the functions of the personnel service and an increase in its role in the preparation and justification of all personnel decisions.

B) the desire to create an integrated personnel service, including by changing the status of personnel management in the organization.

C) Change in personnel policy. The focus is not on the manager or specialist in general, but on taking into account his qualifications and ability to give a new impetus to the development of the company's business. Such firms seek, if necessary, to invite managers and specialists from the best companies in the same industry to work, relying mainly on their high qualifications and professional qualities, without regard to the specifics of a particular enterprise or production.

D) focus on the most common standard management technologies that provide success in the market today to the main competitors. Here, the improvement of the organization and stimulation of labor, management systems are carried out according to the principle of "reasonable sufficiency".

E) systems of attestation and evaluation of personnel are based on the analysis of the suitability of the position and the results of its performance for an individual employee in order to make more justified the reduction of staff, the movement of an employee within the company. Here the main form of work is work attestation commission.

It must be remembered that any copy is always worse than the original. At a certain stage, direct borrowing excellence no longer adds to the competitiveness of the company. The question arises before the management of such companies: if their enterprises have different comparative advantages in competitiveness in the market than their main rivals, then why should they necessarily adhere to the general standards of organization of production and management established in the industry? Those who find the right answers to this question usually “grow up” to enterprises of the third level of competitiveness and become on a par with industry leaders.

Production in companies that have reached third level of competitiveness , become, as it were, “supported from within.” All other divisions of the organization are oriented towards its development. The focus is on the development of the organization, the continuous improvement of all management systems, including the personnel department. Here we are already talking about the formation of a full-fledged integrated personnel service, the main features of which are the following:

A) the set of functions of the personnel service is the widest. Moreover, the traditional areas of activity (accounting, keeping personal files, registration) do not determine the main content of their work.

B) each employee, especially those who have worked in the company for a long time, is considered as a value for the company, the loss (leaving, dismissal) of which is not profitable from a purely economic point of view (the costs of his training and advanced training, his competence, knowledge of the specifics of the company’s business are extremely are important). Hence, staff turnover is reduced to a minimum.

C) focus on continuous improvement of the most common management technologies. Here, the improvement of the organization and stimulation of labor, management systems is no longer carried out according to the principle of "reasonable sufficiency", but become an essential part of the corporate culture.

D) systems of certification and evaluation of personnel are aimed at developing the potential of an individual employee, at planning his career, at helping to ensure that each employee of the organization can fully reveal his personal and qualification potential.

E) the status of the integrated personnel service in the organization is increasing. Its leader not only becomes accountable directly to the first official company, but also integrates a number of functions and related services previously accountable to other senior managers of the company.

There are very few companies in Russian business that have actually reached the second level of competitiveness. Therefore, the task for the near future is to rise to the third level of competitiveness, i.e. try to build management in Russia the way they do it the best companies world, and at the same time see the general direction of development of systems effective management.

However, there are companies that are ahead of the competition for many years. These are companies that have achieved the fourth level of competitiveness , a company with world-class manufacturing. They do not seek to copy the experience of the best firms in the industry, but they want to surpass the most stringent existing standards. They have already created full-fledged integrated personnel services that perform a wide range of functions and are responsible for all aspects of personnel policy. Here, the development of personnel potential is considered as one of the most important aspects of ensuring long-term success in the competitive struggle. The main features of personnel management at the fourth level are the following features:

A) improvement of management technologies is focused on achieving the highest standards of efficiency in terms of realizing the main goals of the company. Improving the organization and stimulation of labor, management systems is carried out in the direction of surpassing all the best that competitors have.

B) systems of certification and evaluation of personnel are aimed at developing the potential of not an individual employee, but a team of managers and specialists. Everything that concerns career planning, assessment methods, is carried out taking into account this direction.

So, we can see that with the change in the organization comes a change in the personnel service. The greater the level of competitiveness of an organization, the more important the role of the personnel service begins to play in it. The well-being of the entire organization as a whole subsequently depends on the degree of efficiency of its work.

.3 Approaches to personnel assessment

In the science of personnel management, there are two approaches to personnel assessment.

The first approach is traditional, it involves the assessment of personnel, focused on the result of the work done. The second approach is a modern one, which involves the assessment of personnel focused on the development of the company.

The traditional approach to personnel assessment has the following goals:

promoting company employees or making decisions to move them to another department;

informing employees about how the company's management evaluates their work;

assessment of the contribution of each employee individually, as well as structural divisions as a whole, to the achievement of the company's goals;

making decisions related to the level and conditions of remuneration;

verification and diagnostics of decisions related to the training and development of personnel.

The traditional approach was based on the fact that the certification of personnel was primarily associated with the assessment of the work done, with checking the employee's suitability for the position held by identifying his ability to perform job duties.

It is necessary to distinguish between the traditional approach - domestic and foreign. These differences are in the purposes, methods and results of certification and evaluation of personnel. The traditional domestic approach was mostly of a more formal nature; it was recognized post-factum to justify certain personnel decisions. The traditional foreign system of certification and evaluation of personnel is considered mainly in the framework of management by objectives. As a rule, the technology of such control includes the following components:

definition of the company's mission, its goals and strategy for their implementation;

setting individual goals for employees and managers of the organization based on previously defined goals of the company;

periodic assessment of the degree of achievement of individual goals;

training and assistance to employees;

determination of remuneration to employees for the successful achievement of goals and the fulfillment of tasks.

Personnel evaluation, built on traditional management by objectives, allows you to increase control over work and its results, link the company's goals with the individual goals of employees, evaluate employees on an objective basis, and not on the subjective opinion of line managers, create an objective basis for determining rewards for results achieved and making decisions about promotion.

At the same time, the experience of using the traditional personnel assessment system in many Western companies turned out to be ineffective or even unsuccessful. The problem is that although this system is quite logical and should bring results, it is built on a number of assumptions that are not always applicable in practice.

First, the traditional system of personnel evaluation assumes that the results of the company's work are a simple sum of the results of the work of each employee of the company.

Modern practice shows that the results of the company's work directly depend on the interaction between employees, on teamwork, and not only on individual success. The interaction between employees, being a key factor in the effectiveness of the organization, falls out of the traditional system of management by objectives.

Secondly, within the framework of the traditional system of management by objectives, the main emphasis is on achieving results. An employee is given a performance-oriented goal, for example, to receive revenue in such and such an amount, and it is assumed that an employee who clearly understands what is required of him will find a way to achieve it.

Thirdly, the traditional system of management by goals involves the involvement of the employees themselves in the definition of individual goals. Employees want to have a lot of control over their work, and providing such control, naturally within reasonable limits, will certainly be an additional incentive.

But in fact, the definition of goals by the employees themselves is far from being effective in all cases. Modern theory and practice of human resource management show that simply involving employees in setting individual goals is not enough. This is because employees are not involved in the process of defining the overall goals of the organization, on the basis of which the individual goals of employees should be formed.

The personnel assessment process, focused on the development of the organization, should contribute to the professional growth and development of employees, and not only be focused on assessing the work of personnel over the past period. Moreover, it would be wrong to consider the assessment as the basis for downsizing. If an employee is viewed as “human capital”, then it would be wrong to “write off” the funds that the organization has already invested in it. It is necessary to think about ways to increase the return on the human capital invested (created) in the organization. Modern technologies for assessing and certifying personnel are, first of all, ways to increase the return on this capital, finding ways to make the best use of these corporate resources. This does not mean that upon completion of the assessment and certification, jobs for employees are always preserved, that in the worst case, everything is limited to the rotation of personnel, the selection of another position within the company. But a careful attitude towards highly professional personnel, for the training and education of which significant corporate resources could be spent, towards personnel who, moreover, have experience in this company, is becoming the dominant trend of modern corporate governance.

The process of personnel assessment, focused on the development of the company, is much more efficient. The most successful Western companies set more stringent requirements and goals for their employees, directly and to a large extent link the remuneration of their employees and managers with the degree to which these goals are achieved. In these companies, the process of personnel assessment is aimed at the future of the company, at the implementation of not only short-term, but also long-term plans.

Fourthly, traditional personnel assessment is aimed at the past, while in the modern approach, development-oriented personnel assessment is designed to help employees understand the direction of the company, its goals and how to achieve them. Thus, in traditional personnel assessment, the emphasis is on determining what happened, and in the modern one, on why it happened and what needs to be corrected.

The process of personnel assessment, focused on the development of the organization, includes three main features:

setting goals and standards for monitoring their implementation;

review of the work done;

improvement of work, development of the company and assessment of the contribution to this development of each employee individually.

The motivation and performance of an employee can only be improved if the employee clearly understands what exactly needs to be achieved.

.4 Purpose, principles of organization and goals modern assessment personnel

Before proceeding with the organization of personnel appraisal, the HR management must clearly understand the general and specific, main and auxiliary (additional) goals of personnel appraisal and assessment, as well as the technical and organizational capabilities of the company.

Certification and assessment of personnel is a management technology aimed at achieving the company's goals and implementing its strategy, as well as improving the efficiency of the organization's activities in the main management functions.

The evaluation process itself can be both formal and informal. In any case, the assessment of personnel directly affects the increase in wages, promotion or promotion, dismissal, training and career development of employees.

Certification and comprehensive assessment of personnel are an integral part of a well-established personnel service of any modern organization. This is a kind of criterion and guarantee of its competitiveness and stability in the market, an indicator of the quality of management - the most important factor of success in the competitive struggle today. A properly constructed system of certification and evaluation of personnel is the first indicator of the level and quality of personnel work in a company.

In the West, according to management theory, CERTIFICATION is a summing up of the work of an employee at the end of his employment contract, an assessment of the results of his work for the entire period of the contract, determining the degree of compliance of the employee with the requirements established by his position, requirements job description which formed the basis of the employment contract.

Personnel assessment in management science is a system of periodic assessment of the results of an employee's work or demonstrated skills, approaches to the performance of work (for a month, quarter, year) in accordance with the goals (standards) and tasks (results) of the activity established for this position.

Certification and evaluation of personnel in a modern organization must necessarily pursue a set of interrelated goals.

In order to understand why an organization needs attestation and evaluation of personnel, it is necessary to determine the goals (quantitative and qualitative) that must be realized when performing attestation and evaluation procedures.

2.5 Purposes of appraisal and evaluation of personnel

Basic goals this is:

determination of personnel performance;

changes in wages and incentives based on performance;

employee development;

Additional goalsinclude:

checking the compatibility of the employee with the team;

verification of motivation to work, to work in this position;

determination of career development prospects for the employee.

General goals:

improving personnel management and increasing the efficiency of personnel work;

increasing responsibility and performance discipline.


determination of the circle of employees and the list of positions subject to dismissal or reduction;

improving the moral and psychological climate of the organization.

It should be noted that the use of certification as a tool for downsizing is considered unacceptable.

Let us consider in detail the main goals of certification and evaluation of personnel.

Determination of personnel performance.

Personnel evaluation allows you to distinguish effective employees from inefficient ones. The manager must be able to determine which employees contribute to the organization's strategic goals and which do not. In a performance-oriented organization, there is no room for “levelling”: poorly done work should not go unnoticed. Those employees who cannot perform the tasks assigned to them should be provided with the necessary assistance and given the opportunity to improve their work. If the work of an employee still does not meet the necessary criteria, then corrective actions must be taken to him: relocation, demotion and, in extreme cases, dismissal. Effective company executives never hesitate if a layoff is necessary. Leaving employees at work who are not doing their jobs will send the wrong signal to employees who are doing their job well. For example, American company Microsoft fires about 5% of its employees every year based on performance appraisal results.

A condescending attitude towards an incorrect personnel assessment system "results" in a long-term problem. Employees who achieve high results want their work to be noticed and rewarded. To motivate staff to work effectively, it is necessary to single out the most promising employees, and their work should be paid in accordance with their contribution. The increase in salary should not be the same, but should vary depending on the results that a particular employee has achieved. The effectiveness of remuneration as a motivating factor depends entirely on how accurately the performance of the work performed can be measured, as well as on the ability to distinguish between efficient and inefficient employees.

Changes in wages and incentives based on performance.

In order to contribute to the improvement of the performance of employees, a job well done should be rewarded. Employees who contribute the most to the achievement of the organization's strategic goals deserve the most rewards.

Employee development.

The task of the manager is to help the employee in ensuring his professional growth and development. To achieve this, appraisal and appraisal of personnel must be a constructive and dynamic process, oriented towards future achievements.

Unfortunately, the assessment and certification of personnel are strategic process in many organizations. They are related to past performance rather than aiming to improve future performance. Without a focus on the future development of employees, staff appraisal can lead to negative results, employees will consider appraisal as a report on the work done. This is one of the main reasons for the negative attitude towards the appraisal of employees and managers.

3. Technologies for personnel assessment

Personnel certification can be carried out different ways, based on the specifics and traditions, and on the characteristics of the management culture in the organization. The choice of an assessment system is a function of top management. It is largely determined by the level of personnel work in the organization: the higher the level, the greater the need for objective indicators and formal procedures for assessing personnel, the more time and resources the company is willing to spend on these purposes.

Staff appraisal can be based on two main areas: assessment of performance and assessment of professional skills and approaches to the performance of work.

Performance evaluation.

One of the simplest and most effective methods of evaluation is the evaluation of the final results of labor. First of all, this concerns such indicators as the amount of work performed, the amount of revenue received by the employee, the number of customers served.

Evaluation of labor results allows you to directly "tie" the performance of an employee to the performance of the department and the organization as a whole. Determining the results of labor, as a rule, is not particularly difficult and is devoid of any subjectivity. If, when evaluating an employee's business qualities, the manager who conducted the evaluation can proceed from his personal, subjective judgments, then when evaluating, for example, the quantity of products sold, the reports on the work done will speak for themselves.

Assessment of professional skills and approaches to work performance.

As a rule, the work is evaluated according to the result obtained. But it is inappropriate to rely only on the results of the work or only on them. It is necessary to evaluate the contribution of each employee to the achievement of the set goals, i.e. determine how he solves the problem. It is necessary to evaluate the approach to the performance of work, the level of proficiency in certain skills and establish performance standards in this area. In the theory of human resource management, the term “competence” is used to define such skills. More precisely, a competency is a work behavior, attitude, knowledge and skill that is necessary to perform work at an acceptable or high level and to successfully achieve goals for the period being assessed.

The biggest problem with evaluating skill levels is subjectivity. First, everyone may have a different understanding of what is “good” and what is “bad”, or what approach to doing work will be considered effective and what is ineffective. Secondly, when evaluating the same employee, some will consider that the employee showed the best approach to solving the task assigned to him, while others will believe that the employee worked very poorly and used a completely wrong approach to solving the tasks assigned to him. If these questions are left unattended, then the effectiveness of the assessment of skills and approaches to work will practically be reduced to zero.

Modern theory and practice offer quite effective, but not always known, and even more so applied in Russia, solutions to the issues raised. First, before the assessment, options for effective and inefficient approach to the performance of work or the level of proficiency in any skill are determined in advance (as a rule, this is done by a special expert commission). In other words, patterns of effective and inefficient working behavior are determined. Secondly, the evaluation is not based on the opinion of the evaluator, but on the basis of evidence of good or poor performance, or, more precisely, on the basis of examples of work behavior that the employee demonstrated during the period being evaluated. Thus, any assessments must be necessarily reasoned and supported by real examples.

Evaluation of mastery of a skill or approach to work has another fundamental advantage over the evaluation of the final results of labor, which is not always possible and appropriate. Even if the end results are easy to measure and observe, their evaluation will not determine why certain results were achieved. That is, if an employee could not achieve the planned value of the estimated indicator, then it is not clear why this happened and what exactly this employee needs to correct in his work. At the same time, the assessment of skills and approaches to the performance of work focuses on the reasons for achieving a particular result and, accordingly, makes it possible to determine the directions for the development and training of personnel.

Modern assessment technologies are based on a systematic approach that takes into account the action of many interrelated factors.

3.1 Methods for obtaining information about the work of an employee

When considering the methods of obtaining information, it should be noted that the main thing here is obtaining data for evaluating employees from various sides, namely: observation, information received from colleagues of the employee being evaluated, information received from consumers, reports.


This method is the most reliable way to obtain information about the work of the company's personnel, but also the most difficult to apply. Moreover, the complexity arises not only because of the possibility of a misunderstanding of the actions of the assessed employee. The most a big problem when using the method of monitoring work, this is the lack of time for the evaluator to constantly monitor how each of the subordinates works. But it should be noted that due to the fact that the manager himself observes the work of his employees, this method is one of the most reliable. Information about good (or bad) performance is received directly by the evaluator, rather than from third parties, often based on rumors or misunderstandings.

The negative aspects of this method include the fact that the evaluation of the work may be distorted or biased. To avoid this, it is necessary to evaluate the work of personnel based solely on real facts, i.e. when determining the assessment, argue it with specific examples of the correct or incorrect work behavior of the employee.

Information from colleagues at work.

Employees in the same department or team members who work together on a daily basis tend to have more information about each other's work than their immediate supervisor. This is information about the employee's work with clients, about relationships within the work team and with other departments of the company. Using this method can help the manager to uncover problems that are not visible at first glance, and obstacles that hinder the achievement of the company's goals. Employee opinions about the work of colleagues may be based on preconceptions or misunderstandings, so employees are required to provide evidence or examples of the right or wrong approach to doing work.

Information from consumers.

To obtain objective information, it is necessary to evaluate the work not only from the point of view of the employee performing it, but also from the point of view of the consumer. Moreover, the consumer is understood not only as the company's customers (external consumers), but also the staff (internal consumers). Conducting research and surveys among internal consumers of the company will provide information about the problems that arise between employees. Such surveys can be conducted using questionnaires that contain questions about the work of certain employees that they have to deal with in their work.

For surveys of the company's customers, you can use special questionnaires that offer answers to a number of questions about the quality of services provided. Customers, unlike company employees, are not required to fill out questionnaires at all. Therefore, all questions should be specific, and their number should not be large. The use of this method for surveys is limited, but the information received from customers is more significant than the opinion of employees, and in certain cases - than the opinion of a line manager.

An important source of information about the work of the company's personnel are complaints received from customers. For example, the minimum number (or absence) of complaints from customers can serve as a performance criterion. Moreover, with the help of this information, you can find out about errors when working with customers and take measures to eliminate them.


This method of obtaining information is necessary, first of all, to determine the actual results of the work and the degree of achievement of the individual goals of the employee. Information sources can be not only financial reports, but also any others, for example, a report on the number of transactions concluded or products sold (in physical terms). Estimates derived from this information are the most appropriate for calculating performance-based bonuses and salary changes. On the other hand, the information obtained on the basis of reports on the results of the company (or department) does not say much about the reasons for not meeting the set goals, it only fixes this fact. Therefore, this information is difficult to use to determine the directions for the development and training of personnel.

3.2 Methods for assessing the organization's personnel

When choosing a system for assessing the results of personnel work, it is necessary to proceed from the goals of the organization and the immediate task of the assessment (for example, development and training of personnel, changes in remuneration). The evaluation system chosen must also be appropriate for the culture of the organization.

Can be distinguished three groups of methods: common methods; assessment of work behavior; evaluation of labor results.

Let us consider in more detail the general methods of assessing the personnel of an organization.

General methods.

Method of written characteristics- one of the simplest methods of personnel assessment. The manager can evaluate the work of the subordinate by describing his work in his own words. Such an assessment can be given to the results of the employee's work (revenue, volume of products sold, its quality), business qualities, approaches to the performance of certain duties. Also, the evaluator can give recommendations on the development of the employee.

An example of an evaluation form for the written characteristics method is given in Annex 1.

Ranging- the oldest and most simple, from a technical point of view, a method of personnel assessment. According to this method, the results of the work of employees are compared, and the evaluating manager ranks all his subordinates from best to worst. This method assumes that he fully understands the job responsibilities of his subordinates and can compare their performance simultaneously based on common factors. The apparent ease of use of this method is deceptive.

Ranking is only suitable if there are a small number of employees being assessed, provided that their job responsibilities are practically the same. But even in this case, the use of ranking when evaluating personnel can be extremely subjective and lead to great difficulties in evaluating employees with average results.


The grading system provides for the existence of specific levels of labor efficiency, for example, highly effective, effective, acceptable, inefficient, unacceptable. The results of the work of each assessed employee are compared with the descriptions of each of the levels, and then the employee is assigned the level that best describes his work.

This system can be improved by prior distribution, i.e. each level is predetermined by the corresponding fixed percentage of employees. This method is known as the “specified distribution method”.

There are several very strong arguments in favor of using this method, because it overcomes the problem of a manager overestimating or underestimating his subordinates, as well as assigning average ratings to each subordinate. Moreover, this technology forces managers to take the personnel assessment process more seriously, which greatly increases the likelihood of identifying those employees who do their job well and those who do not meet the necessary criteria.

However, the technology of predetermined performance grading may meet resistance within the organization. If used incorrectly, this technology can lead to increased competition, undermining trust and worsening the working atmosphere in the team. On the other hand, absolute standards for determining the level of efficiency set specific goals for the staff, without leading to increased competition in the team, i.e. it is also necessary to evaluate the conditions for the application of the method.

Rating (or graphic) scale- one of the most popular modern methods staff assessments. The rating scale defines different levels of performance in a job or skill, and each of these levels is assigned a specific score. Usually a manager can choose one of several (usually 5 to 10) levels for each specific criterion. Evaluation criteria on the rating scale, in principle, can be any. Using this method, you can evaluate the results of employees, the degree of achievement of their individual goals, as well as the degree of possession of any skill or business qualities of an employee. An example of a rating scale is given in Appendix 2.

This method offers a single approach (based on a common scale) for evaluating different employees, thus providing a single basis for evaluating personnel in all departments of the organization. In addition, the method of rating scales is quite simple to use, does not require any great effort on the part of the evaluating manager, large financial or time costs.

The main problem of using this method is the uncertainty in the choice of estimates. What does a 3 (Acceptable) or a 5 (Excellent) mean, for example? What is the difference between them and what should be based on when choosing one or another assessment? To avoid such questions, the method of rating scales should not be used independently, but in combination with other assessment methods, which allow to more accurately determine and distinguish between different levels of efficiency.

.3 Establishing a process for periodic personnel assessment

The process of periodic personnel assessment (attestation) serves to successfully achieve the company's goals. It allows you to link the company's business plan with the plans for the work and development of its employees. The duration of the assessment process (personnel assessment cycle) is usually 1 year, although it can be longer (up to 18 months). The periodic evaluation process is an iterative process, i.e. completion of the evaluation cycle, the process is repeated again.

An important requirement for certification is the strict observance of the stages of organization of this work. The complexity and quality of certification procedures should correspond to the status, qualifications and experience in conducting certification of personnel service specialists. That is why the introduction of complex schemes and procedures into the practice of working with personnel from the very beginning is unjustified. The first steps for certification should be simple, understandable to employees of the organization and easy to use for heads of structural divisions and HR specialists.

The most preferable stages of building a comprehensive system of certification and evaluation of employees, aimed at significantly improving the efficiency of personnel management, are at least the following:

) the introduction of periodic (usually 2 times a year) certification (assessment) of personnel based on interviews (interviews) and questionnaires (filling out specially designed forms) of employees of the enterprise in order to verify their business and personal qualities. Stage duration: 1 - 2 years;

) addition of interviewing and questioning with a system of attestation and evaluation sheets applied no more than once a year, in order to increase the objectivity of the assessment and verification, along with other results of the employee’s work in this position, the degree of compliance with his job requirements. Stage duration: 2 - 3 years;

) transition to a personnel management system by goals with the most objective assessment of the contribution of each employee of the enterprise to the results of the work of its structural unit and the organization as a whole. Stage duration: at least 2 years;

Thus, the transition to a full-fledged, based on modern requirements science management system of comprehensive assessment and certification of personnel can not take a total of less than 5 years.

The procedure for organizing and conducting certification implies a clear prescription: the timing (frequency) of certification of the certification technology, its forms (procedures), the distribution of areas of responsibility for the development and implementation of certification activities, the procedure for implementing the results (outcomes) of certification.

The introduction of a personnel assessment and certification system should be preceded by a preliminary stage, the content of which is as follows: the top management of the organization, by special order, must notify the heads of structural divisions and employees of the enterprise about the time frame and why personnel certification is carried out, what goals and objectives it pursues, what conclusions it will bring for the organization as a whole and for each employee individually.

At its disposal, management should:

announce who will prepare the methodological support for attestation, i.e. develop goals, objectives, certification procedures, etc.

determine the list of documents that must be developed before the start of certification;

determine the approximate dates for the first certification and the period during which all participants in the certification must familiarize themselves with the procedures and documents for certification, make motivated comments and suggestions.

3.4 Stages of periodic assessment of personnel

The process of periodic staff appraisal is intended to contribute to the following tasks:

*Determination of individual work plans for employees of the organization for the coming period;

* Establishment within the framework of the work plan, by mutual agreement with the employee, individual key goals and objectives;

*Monitoring progress in achieving assigned tasks through mini-interviews and a more formal mid-term assessment interview;

*Assessing the work of employees and determining individual training needs necessary to improve the efficiency of employees;

*Improving working relationships between assessors and assessors;

*Determination of the amount of remuneration and changes in remuneration depending on the performance of the employee and contribution to the achievement of the company's goals.

The main stages of the periodic assessment of personnel:

Work planning;

setting goals, developing evaluation criteria and ratings;

system of individual targets;

action plan;

defining key goals and skills;

intermediate interview or mini-interview;

evaluation interview;

assessment definition;

work planning.

The cycle of periodic personnel assessment begins with the definition and discussion of the work plan of each employee and manager for the upcoming period. main goal such discussion is the development of a work plan that identifies key individual goals and objectives for the coming year, as well as a small number of less significant goals.

Evaluation of the performance of personnel in the company is carried out using direct assessments (or assessments of labor results) and indirect assessments (or assessments of the employee's performance by qualities) that affect the achievement of these results. Estimates complement each other and have different direct purposes.

The group of direct assessments includes assessments on the achievement of goals and assessments of the level of contribution made by the employee to the activities of the organization and unit. If the goals are set strictly individually, then the descriptions of the evaluation of the level of contribution are developed not for each performer separately, but for job groups workers.

Indirect assessments relate to factors that characterize the employee himself, his professional skills, abilities and knowledge. These characteristics are related to the performance of the employee by functional dependence.

Direct and indirect assessments are used together as elements of a general assessment system that meet various purposes in working with personnel.

The greatest difficulty in the implementation of management by objectives lies precisely in the definition of a system of individual target indicators. After that, the evaluation process is reduced to a fairly simple operation of comparing actual results with those that were established before the start of the evaluation period.

Also, personnel assessment reinforces the traditional mechanism of personnel management based on a rigid system of individual responsibility and incentives for managers. It will allow you to maximize the potential of each employee in the organization.

The choice of forms for evaluating the results. Evaluation of results, i.e. the actual assessment of an employee upon achieving goals consists in comparing actual results with a given level.

After such a comparison, it is not difficult for the manager to determine overall score the results of the work of the assessed employee for the period under consideration. At the same time, the assessment may deviate somewhat from the arithmetic mean due to the fact that one or another goal is somewhat different in importance. In addition, the manager can take into account special external circumstances that influenced the results and were beyond the control of the assessed employee. In such a case, these circumstances should be explained in detail in the comment box.

Criteria for choosing an evaluation form. The development of evaluation criteria is the process of choosing a system of factors that influenced the achievement of goals in terms of how they influenced the employee's activities and reflected on its results in a given period of time. Moreover, it is not the capabilities (potential) of the employee that are assessed, but the real manifestations of professional qualities in the period of time considered during the assessment.

The criteria that are most important and most applicable to a particular position or a group of positions of the same name should be selected.

The system of factors consists of three main groups:

Technical knowledge and skills;

Problem solving skills;

Management skills (or skills interpersonal communication in the absence of managerial responsibility)

Technical knowledge and skills mean that an employee has a certain level of "know-how" in the area of ​​direct responsibility.

Problem-solving skills mean the ability to identify what data an employee needs to solve problems, determine their source and, based on this, come to logical conclusions. Each of the main groups can be assessed in the simplest version by a single assessment, however, in most cases, a more meaningful analysis is expected within each of the main groups.

The development of a system of factors should be carried out by specialists of the personnel service directly in cooperation with the managers in whose subordination the positions of this professional group are located.

Management skills can be disclosed as "communication skills", "coordination of efforts", "representation". Just as “attentive attitude to subordinates” characterizes leaders, they are an integral part of the knowledge and skills of an effective leader.


Evaluating the personnel of a company with 30-50 people (not to mention corporations with thousands of employees) can be a rather painstaking and time-consuming process. And this is not only due to the technical complexity of analyzing the entire set of assessments for each of the employees and compiling all the necessary assessment documents. It is practically impossible to calculate "manually" various scenarios for personnel assessment, i.e. determination of the overall integrated assessment of the company's employees with different values ​​of the weighting coefficients of the assessment indicators, although this task is relevant when making managerial decisions.

Obviously, without an appropriate computer program that would take on all the technical difficulties, the assessment and certification of personnel, instead of an effective management technology, can turn into a routine, formal procedure that does not pay off the efforts and time invested in it. For effective solution tasks facing the assessment of personnel, the program should provide an opportunity to:

flexible adjustment of the system of assessed indicators to the specifics of the company's activities;

automated compilation of evaluation documents;

determination of various weight coefficients for the estimated indicators.

In the West, numerous computer firms and consulting companies offer all sorts of software products automation of personnel assessment.

In Russia on this moment there is not only a shortage of software tools for personnel assessment, but also a complete absence of computer programs to support managerial decision-making in the field of human resource management. Programs such as "1C - Personnel", "BOSS - Kadrovik", etc. in fact, they are aimed at solving purely accounting and legal tasks but not management issues. A possible reason for this problem is a strong underestimation in our country of the importance of human capital as the most important factor of production in a post-industrial society and the competitiveness of an enterprise.

One of the few automation tools for personnel assessment in domestic practice is the computer system "Personnel Assessment", developed by the consulting company "TOR - Consultant". In this program, there is an extremely successful combination of the ability to conduct assessments for various scenarios, build reporting assessment forms, on the one hand, and maximum ease of use, on the other. In addition to conducting an expert assessment, the program provides for the possibility of assessment using testing, i.e. in fact, the implementation of one of the most advanced methods for assessing personnel - a scale for monitoring work behavior has been ensured.


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  4. Personnel management of the organization. V.P. Perachev. - Moscow, 1998, 447 pages.
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On the present stage development of business technologies, the key resources of any organization, along with financial, informational, technological, are human resources. Enterprises compete, including at the level of professional development of their employees - their knowledge, skills and abilities. For the most reasonable and effective use of this resource, it is necessary to properly evaluate it. Various systems, methods and methods of personnel assessment allow to identify and unlock the potential of each employee and direct this potential to the implementation of the company's strategic goals. In this article, we will help you navigate through their diversity and choose the ones that are best suited for your organization.

Evaluation in one form or another is carried out at each stage of work with personnel:

  • selection of a candidate for vacant position : assessment is necessary to establish the compliance of the candidate's skills and abilities (both professional and personal) with the job requirements and corporate culture of the company;
  • during the test (trial period): the purpose is to additionally assess the level of compliance of the employee with the position held and the level of his adaptation in the company;
  • in progress current activities: at this stage, the assessment is aimed at clarifying the plan for the professional and career growth of the employee, making decisions on bonuses, revising wages;
  • employee training (in accordance with the goals of the company): it is necessary to determine the current knowledge of the employee and the need for his training, it is desirable to carry out a similar procedure after completing the training;
  • transfer to another structural subdivision: it is necessary to determine the capabilities of the employee to perform new job duties;
  • formation of a personnel reserve: assessment of the professional and, first of all, the personal potential of the employee;
  • dismissal: at this stage, an assessment is required to identify the incompetence of an employee, and in this case, only the results of certification can serve as the basis for dismissal.

Formalized personnel assessment systems

Personnel assessment is not always clear and formalized. However, with the development of business process analysis, a more attentive attitude to strategic development companies began to appear formalized evaluation systems based on the strategic objectives of companies. These scoring systems are known by several variant names:

  • performance appraisal - performance appraisal;
  • performance review - performance review;
  • performance evaluation - assessment of the work performed;
  • performance assessment - assessment of the performance of activities;
  • performance management report - performance management report;
  • performance survey - performance appraisal;
  • performance summary - a brief summary of work efficiency;
  • performance rating - determination of the level of work efficiency.

A little later, a more detailed (based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of each employee) system appeared. Management by Objectives (MBO) - performance management. The essence of this approach is that a list of key tasks (work criteria) is formed for the employee in a single standard. This standard, as a rule, includes the name, description and weight of the task, as well as the planned and actual indicators of its implementation (indicating the appropriate units of measurement) in the general list of tasks of the control object. In this case, it is very important that the performance of each task is measurable. At the end of the approved period, the employee and the manager evaluate the implementation of each goal (usually in percentage terms) and the entire personal plan of the employee.

Gradually, more and more emphasis in the evaluation of personnel was placed on the consideration of the personal and professional qualities of an individual employee. So, one of the developments - performance management - is a system more ambitious than MBO, as it is aimed not only at evaluating the result, but also taking into account the "means" by which this result is achieved - the personal qualities of employees.

System "360 degrees" was created in order to increase the objectivity of the assessment. It is assumed that during the evaluation procedure, colleagues, managers, subordinates and clients of the employee are interviewed; this leads to a decrease in the subjectivity of the assessment. The procedure is carried out in several stages: assessment criteria are determined, questionnaires are compiled, a questionnaire is conducted, at the end the results are analyzed and a plan for the development of underdeveloped competencies is developed.

It is important to correctly define the evaluation criteria, which cannot be the same for different positions. For each position, its own range of competencies is determined with pre-developed indicators for evaluation - behavioral examples. The advantage of this scoring system is its relative simplicity. However, it should be taken into account that when conducting a large-scale study, the process of processing the obtained data becomes more difficult. In addition, clearly defined evaluation criteria are needed. In addition, it is necessary to properly organize the collection of information, informing people about the goals of testing.

Assessment Center - involves a comprehensive assessment of an employee in terms of competencies and, consequently, a more attentive attitude to the personal and professional qualities of a particular employee. This procedure most often includes:

  • an interview with an expert, during which data is collected about the knowledge and experience of the employee;
  • psychological, professional tests;
  • a brief presentation of the participant to experts and other participants;
  • business game(under the guidance of an observer, a group of employees or candidates plays out a business situation according to a pre-prepared scenario);
  • biographical survey;
  • description professional achievements;
  • individual analysis of specific situations (business cases);
  • expert supervision, the results of which are recommendations for each employee.

For Russia, the traditional assessment system is attestation . It was used at enterprises in Soviet times. Unfortunately, attestation is greatly underestimated as a system of assessment. In fact, it is very similar to Performance Management, however, being an extremely formalized and regulated procedure, it lags far behind in terms of the methods used - the legislation does not keep pace with the development of evaluation methods. In addition, certification is subject to employees who occupy positions enshrined in regulations. Russian Federation, subjects of the federation and municipal authorities. As a result, in the current conditions of the absence of a single standard for positions, certification becomes possible only in budgetary institutions.

Methods and techniques for personnel assessment

Conventionally, all methods of researching an organization can be divided into three main approaches: humanitarian, engineering and empirical. Personnel assessment methods are most related to the empirical approach, as they are based on the dissemination of successful industry or functional experience, the use of precedent experience in decision making. In most cases, evaluation is a comparison of the characteristics obtained during the study with the characteristics of a “reference sample”. Empirical research methods are usually divided into quantitative and qualitative ones.

Quantitative Methods

Quantitative methods can be characterized as formalized and massive. Formalization is expressed in the focus on the study of strictly defined analyzed variables, set in advance, and their quantitative measurement. The high level of formalization of quantitative methods is associated with their statistical processing.

The most common quantitative method is questioning . During the survey process, the employee/candidate for a vacancy is asked to answer in writing the questions presented in the form questionnaire- Questionnaires. Due to the ease of use and processing, questionnaires can be used both separately and as a component of almost all types of a comprehensive personnel assessment system. According to the form, the questions in the questionnaire are divided into open, requiring a free answer, and closed, the answer to which is to select one (or more) of several statements proposed in the questionnaire. One of the many options for using the questionnaire is to collect information about the real business and personal competencies of an employee within the framework of the 360-degree assessment system. In this case, the survey of his manager, colleagues, subordinates and clients significantly saves time for both the respondents and the employee who processes the received data.

One of the types of surveys used to assess personnel are personality questionnaires - a class of psychodiagnostic methods designed to determine the degree of severity of certain personality traits in an individual. In form, they are lists of questions, while the answers of the subject are presented quantitatively. As a rule, with the help of this method, features of character, temperament, interpersonal relationships, motivational and emotional spheres are diagnosed. For this purpose, specific methods are used. Here are the most popular of them:

  1. Multifactorial personality questionnaires (designed to describe a wide range of individual personality characteristics):
    • Cattell Questionnaire (16-PF): the main factors are the general level of intelligence, the level of development of the imagination, susceptibility to new radicalism, emotional stability, the degree of anxiety, the presence of internal tensions, the level of development of self-control, the degree of social normalization and organization, openness, isolation, courage, attitude towards people, the degree of dominance - subordination , dependence on the group, dynamism;
    • MMPI Questionnaire: the main scales include somatization of anxiety, anxiety and depressive tendencies, repression of anxiety-causing factors, the realization of emotional tension in direct behavior, the severity of male/female character traits, rigidity of affect, fixation of anxiety and restrictive behavior, autism, denial of anxiety, hypomanic tendencies, social contacts;
    • FPI Questionnaire: this questionnaire was created primarily for applied research, taking into account the experience of constructing and using such well-known questionnaires as 16PF, MMPI, EPI, etc. The scales of the questionnaire reflect a combination of interrelated factors. The questionnaire is designed to diagnose mental states and personality traits that are of paramount importance for the process of social, professional adaptation and regulation of behavior;
    • Leonhard's characterological questionnaire: the test is designed to identify the type of accentuation (certain direction) of the character. Accentuations are considered as an extreme version of the norm, which is their main difference from psychopathy - pathological personality disorders. The following types of personality accentuation are diagnosed: demonstrative, stuck, pedantic, excitable, hyperthymic, dysthymic, anxious-fearful, affective-exalted, emotive, cyclothymic.
  2. Questionnaires of motivational features:
    • Rean's Questionnaire: the motivation to achieve success and the motivation to avoid failure are diagnosed;
    • Pedantry Test designed to diagnose the level of pedantry. On the one hand, pedantry is the desire to follow the accepted forms, jealous and stubborn observance of various trifles, and loss of sight of the essence of the matter. On the other hand, pedantry is also manifested in diligence, responsibility, conscientious attitude to duties, rigor and accuracy, striving for the truth.
  3. Questionnaires of mental well-being (the level of neuropsychic adaptation, anxiety, neuropsychic stability, neuroticism, social adaptation is assessed):
    • Methodology for determining stress resistance and social adaptation of Holmes and Rage: Doctors Holmes and Rage (USA) studied the dependence of diseases (including infectious diseases and injuries) on various stressful life events in more than five thousand patients. They came to the conclusion that mental and physical illnesses are usually preceded by certain major changes in a person's life. Based on their research, they compiled a scale in which each important life event corresponds to a certain number of points, depending on the degree of its stressfulness;
    • Heck and Hess's method of rapid diagnostics of neurosis: preliminary and generalized diagnostics of the probability of neurosis;
    • Spielberger Reactive and Personal Anxiety Scale: identification of the level of personal and reactive anxiety. Personal anxiety is understood as a stable individual characteristic that reflects the employee's predisposition to anxiety and implies that he has a tendency to perceive a fairly wide range of situations as threatening, responding to each of them with a certain reaction.
  4. Questionnaires of self-attitude (the features of the employee's attitude towards himself are studied):
    • Personal self-assessment methodology (Budassi): the level of self-esteem is determined (overestimated, underestimated or normal);
    • Stefanson's questionnaire: the technique is used to study the employee's ideas about himself. The advantage of the technique is that when working with it, the subject shows his individuality, the real "I", and not compliance / non-compliance with statistical norms and the results of other people.
  5. Temperament Questionnaires:
    • Eysenck's personality questionnaire: the test is aimed at diagnosing personality parameters, neuroticism and extraversion-introversion;
    • Questionnaire Strelhau: the strength of excitation processes, inhibition processes, mobility of nervous processes are diagnosed.
  6. Questionnaires of values ​​(used to study the value-semantic sphere of the individual):
    • Rokeach test "Value Orientations": the technique is based on direct ranking of the list of values.
  7. Questionnaires of emotional features:
    • Test "Emotional burnout": the degree of psychological protection is revealed in the form " emotional burnout» (this technique is especially relevant for employees involved in the field of interaction with people);
    • Scale for assessing the significance of emotions: the technique proposed by B.I. Dodonov, is aimed at identifying the emotional states of a person that give him pleasure.
  8. Behavior Activity Tests:
    • Methodology "Exit from difficult life situations»: the dominant way of solving life problems in a person is determined.

It should be noted that many of the above methods were originally developed and used in clinical psychology and only then began to be used in enterprises for personnel assessment. However, these methods, for the most part, have not been sufficiently adapted to assess employees, therefore, in order to use them in organizations, a specialist with a fairly high level of knowledge in the field of psychology is needed.

Another important method of staff appraisal is ability tests . They are a specially selected standardized set of tasks that serves to assess the potential ability of a person to solve various problems. Any kind of intelligence test can be considered an ability test. To identify specific abilities, for example, for certain types of activities (medicine, technology, law, education, etc.), special tests are being developed. Perhaps the most common among the methods used in personnel assessment are those aimed at identifying the professional abilities of employees. The most proven methods are the following:

  • Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test : designed to determine the ability for abstract thinking, memory, spatial imagination, language sense, mathematical thinking, judgment formation, etc.
  • Guilford test: allows you to measure social intelligence, which is professionally important quality and allows predicting the success of the activities of teachers, psychologists, psychotherapists, journalists, managers, lawyers, investigators, doctors, politicians, businessmen.
  • Raven test: allows using progressive matrices not only to evaluate the intellect itself, but also makes it possible to get an idea of ​​the employee's ability to systematized, systematic, methodical intellectual activity.

It should be noted that many of the known ability tests do not provide enough material to make predictions based on them. They provide limited information that needs to be supplemented with information from other sources.

Qualitative Methods

As opposed to quantitative, qualitative research methods are singled out, which are informal and aimed at obtaining information through an in-depth study of a small amount of material. One of the most commonly used methods is interview .

The interview method is distinguished by strict organization and unequal functions of the interlocutors: the interviewer (specialist who conducts the interview) asks questions to the respondent (estimated employee), does not conduct an active dialogue with him, does not express his opinion and does not openly reveal his personal attitude to the questions asked and the answers of the subject . The task of the interviewer is to minimize their influence on the content of the respondent's answers and ensure favorable atmosphere communication. The purpose of the interview from the point of view of the interviewer is to get answers from the respondent to questions formulated in accordance with the objectives of the study (the qualities and characteristics of the person being assessed, the absence or presence of which must be identified).

Based on various parameters, it is customary to distinguish several types of interviews. The following types are most used in personnel assessment.

Biographical interview focused on the candidate's past employment history. When it is carried out, it is assumed that the behavior in the past is an indicator of the behavior in the future. Biographical interviews focus on the work experience and work style of the person being assessed. Jobs are collected in reverse chronological order. The interview assesses the degree of importance of the employee's current work for the organization and his competence in terms of meeting the requirements for a particular position. At the same time, you should ask correctly selected questions and observe the same conditions for all the assessed. In practice, the questions come from “employee requirements”, which list the individual characteristics necessary to successfully complete the job. The advantage of a biographical interview is that it meets the expectations of the candidate (employee) and gives him the opportunity to perform at his best. However, this same factor can cause bias in the assessment. The effectiveness of such an interview also depends on how correctly the questions relate to the job criteria.

behavioral interview contains a structured list of questions designed around experience or ability in specific areas or job-related criteria. These criteria are identified in the process of analysis, the subject of which was the work and behavior of successful employees. The main advantage of the behavioral approach is that it deals with the skills that are important to the job. On the other hand, such an interview can take a lot of time, since during it it is necessary to discuss all the important aspects of the work. In addition, due to the fact that the interview is focused on the process of carrying out a certain work, it is easy to overlook important questions regarding the general professional background of the candidate/employee.

situational interview is based on the construction of certain situations and the proposal to the assessed employee to describe the model of his behavior or way out of this situation. In the evaluation process, the employee tries to give socially desirable answers, that is, those that he considers socially correct. During the interview, it becomes possible to assess how these perceptions correspond to the values ​​of the organization, accepted behavior patterns, as well as the work that the employee performs.

Projective interview is based on a special construction of questions in such a way that they offer the employee / candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character. Projective techniques are based on the fact that a person tends to transfer his life experience and attitudes to interpreting the actions of other people, as well as to fictional situations, characters, etc. In a projective interview, an employee is less likely to give socially desirable responses. However, the process of conducting a projective interview is very lengthy, and the data obtained is quite difficult to process. In addition, the professional and personal qualities of the interviewer will have a significant impact on the result.

One of the main qualitative methods of personnel assessment is also the traditional document analysis . It is believed that documents are or can be reliable evidence of phenomena occurring in reality. In many ways, this applies to official documents, but it can also apply to unofficial ones. The analysis of documents means the transformation of the original form of the information contained in the documents into the form necessary for the personnel appraiser. In fact, this is nothing more than an interpretation of the content of the document, its interpretation. In the process of document analysis, resumes, references and cover letters, education documents (diplomas, certificates, qualification certificates), research and publicistic works, etc.

There are methods containing features of both qualitative and quantitative methods. First of all, this applies to business cases . A business case is a comprehensive description of the situation in which a real company once found itself. The case, as a rule, describes the external environment and the internal environment of the company, as well as their changes over time. The events faced by managers, as well as the actions of the latter, are presented in the order in which they actually happened. But the most important thing is that the case formulates the problem that this or that employee of the company had to solve. The accuracy and fidelity of the choice of a typical working situation and the professionalism of creating a business case determine the reliability of the forecast when using this method. On the one hand, the method is based on the pragmatism of the proposed options for solving business problems, on the other hand, it is possible to identify a system non-standard approaches to solving typical situations, which determines the degree of creativity of the employee.

At the current stage, most personnel appraisers are striving to create comprehensive systems for assessing the personnel of an enterprise, including a fairly large number of methods in order to minimize errors in the assessment process. However, first of all, it is important not only to bring together several methods, but to adapt them to the conditions existing in the organization, and often - when it comes to foreign methods - to the conditions of Russian reality. Of great importance here is the professionalism and experience of the specialist who manages the assessment process, since the fulfillment of this task, in addition to relevant personal qualities, requires knowledge and competencies in the field of psychology and understanding of business processes, goals and specifics of the company's activities.