What kind of business is better to open a novice entrepreneur. What can you discover in a small town? What business can be opened

  • 16.04.2020

Most of the firms dealing retail, registered as a company with limited liability(OOO). They can be created by both citizens and firms. The founders of the firm - or owners - are called participants. They agree among themselves on what conditions and for what purposes the company will be created, and sign the memorandum of association. The number of participants in a limited liability company should not exceed 50 people.

The founders are required to create the so-called authorized capital. Its size cannot be less than 10,000 rubles. This requirement is enshrined in Art. fourteen federal law dated February 8, 1998 No. 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies". Authorized capital is formed from the contributions of the founders, and they can be both monetary and in the form of property.

The basic right of the founders of the company is to participate in the management of the company's affairs and the distribution of profits. Any founder can voluntarily withdraw from the membership by selling his share.

The termination of the company's activities requires the publication in the media of a message about the liquidation of the company.

Advantages of LLC

A company registered as a limited liability company has a number of advantages over a private entrepreneur, and they are approximately as follows:

  • if the company goes bankrupt, the founders lose only their share in the property of the LLC;
  • if one of the founders personally owes someone, the company is not liable for these debts;
  • responsibility for the activities of the company lies with its head, who is appointed by the founders;
  • a limited liability company can be transformed into a different type of firm without terminating activities;
  • several founders of the company have more financial opportunities than one entrepreneur.
Disadvantages of LLC

If you are going to organize a limited liability company, you should also keep in mind the disadvantages of this form of activity.

Firstly, the procedure for registering an LLC is more complicated, and the registration costs are higher than for an entrepreneur without education. legal entity(PBOYuL). Yes, and the procedure for terminating the activities of the company is longer and more troublesome compared to the latter. To do this, it is necessary to create a liquidation commission, place a message in the media about the liquidation of the company, and, in addition to an application and a receipt for payment of state duty, a liquidation balance sheet must be submitted to the tax office.

Secondly, a limited liability company has a more complex business management system compared to a private entrepreneur. It implies mandatory meetings of the founders for the appointment of the director of the company, for the distribution of profits, etc.

And finally, the founder, who decided to leave the business, can sell his share to any stranger if the remaining founders refuse it.

Joint stock companies

Firms established in the form of joint-stock companies (JSC) differ from limited liability companies in more complex system management. Usually, joint-stock companies arise after the reorganization of an LLC.

To create an authorized capital, a joint-stock company needs to issue shares and register them in Federal Service on financial markets. In addition, such an organization is required to maintain a register of shareholders. The value of the shares must be backed by the value of the property and Money society.

All important decisions for the company (appointment of a director or board of directors, determination of the amount of dividends and their payment based on the results of the company's work, reorganization of the company, etc.) are made at the general meeting of shareholders.

The executive body manages the activities of the company: sole (director) or collegiate (board of directors). Keep in mind: the founders of the company are not responsible for the actions of the director they appointed.

The joint-stock company is obliged to create a reserve fund. It is necessary to pay off non-production losses and losses of the company, as well as to buy back shares of the company if there are not enough other funds for this.

By law, a joint-stock company must create audit commission, whose duties include control and verification of the financial and economic activities of the company. This check should be carried out at least once a year.

Liquidation process joint-stock company similar to the liquidation of a limited liability company.

Advantages of JSC

The advantage of a joint-stock company can be considered the limited liability of the founders and shareholders. If the firm goes bankrupt, then the shareholders will lose money only in the amount of the value of the shares they own.

In addition, it is easier to make decisions in a joint-stock company than in a limited liability company. The fact is that the circle of shareholders is wider compared to the number of participants in the LLC and equality of votes at the general meeting is unlikely.

100,000 rubles is the minimum amount required to create an OJSC.

Features of CJSC and OJSC

A closed joint stock company (CJSC), like a limited liability company, can be created by both citizens and firms.

The number of shareholders of a CJSC should not exceed 50 people. If there are more of them, then within one year the company must be re-registered as an open joint-stock company. Otherwise, it will be closed in accordance with legal requirements.

The shares of such a company are distributed among the founders or other limited circle of citizens. Its authorized capital - and, therefore, the amount of shares issued during registration - should not be less than 10,000 rubles (Article 26 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies").

If the owner of the CJSC shares wants to sell them, he must inform the other shareholders about this. If they do not want to buy his share, he has the right to sell the shares to any citizen or company. This is prescribed by Art. 7 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ.

In a closed joint-stock company, it is easier to control the situation with the distribution of shares among shareholders, since their circle is limited. This is one of the main advantages of JSC.

In addition, a closed joint stock company is often used as the main holding company.

The authorized capital of an open joint stock company (OJSC) must not be less than 100,000 rubles. This requirement also applies to the amount of shares issued during registration) (Article 26 of the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies"). Unlike CJSC, shares of an open joint-stock company can be sold to an unlimited circle of citizens. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage of this organizational form. On the one hand, any owner of shares can sell them without asking permission from other shareholders. In addition, since these securities are distributed among a wide range of shareholders, it is easier for the company to make the decisions necessary for the company at the general meeting. On the other hand, it is difficult to control where and who owns shares. This can lead to the fact that any of the founders, buying them through third parties and secretly from other shareholders, can acquire a controlling stake.

Hello dear readers. Today we’ll talk about business during the 2019 crisis and share a small selection of relevant business ideas in an unstable time of crisis. If you have your own ideas, we are waiting for them in the comments below the article.

What to open a business in a crisis

This is probably main question for everyone who wants to earn money during the crisis. Let's see what successful entrepreneurs have to say about it.

Founder and owner of Tinkoff Bank.

According to Oleg Tinkov, Special attention in times of crisis should be given to the medical field and everything connected with it. With a reasonable approach, startups that are focused on the production of dietary supplements, medicines, equipment for clinics and pharmacy chains can be profitable. Little competition and growing demand create ideal conditions for private medical institutions and the hospital sector.

In the absence of large initial investments, Oleg Tinkov advises to pay attention to the promising market for the development of applications for gadgets and online consulting. The businessman rightly believes that Russia is noticeably behind many world developments in the field of medicine and care for them by 15–20 years, and there are a lot of opportunities for copying for newcomers.

A good income in the future can be provided by investments in medical development and R&D. The only problem is the high cost and long payback period of such business projects, and in Russia they are not used to doing this.

Founder and owner of companies such as Dymovskoye Sausage Production, Suzdal Ceramics, Respublika (a chain of bookstores) and Rubezh (cafes and restaurants).

Network owner famous companies believes that in these crisis conditions it is better to start business projects related to import substitution. A hint will be given by the analysis of the trading market and customs statistics for the last few year s. It may be some types of food, the demand for which has been stable. He believes that the crisis has not changed either people or officials.

Vadim Dymov is convinced that it is possible to reach financial peaks by opening new projects in agriculture. As an option, he proposes to use state land shares for Far East to grow soybeans that can be exported to China. A risky but simple business can bring significant profits.

The businessman does not rule out success when opening startups in the field of machine-building logistics and components for assembling units. He claims that there are absolutely free niches for the development of medium and small businesses in small towns away from Moscow. Why not open a carpentry shop to produce excellent domestic furniture? Suddenly? But it is very pleasant to create and use your own, to raise your own brand.

Founder and owner of the network of pizzerias "Dodo Pizza".

According to Fedor Ovchinnikov, the time of crisis is a period that is favorable for opening almost any business. After all, this crisis simply forms a new one from the usual coordinate system, and life continues to go on as usual. Only the rules of the game change, and it becomes important not “what”, but “how” to act in the new conditions.

Fedor Ovchinnikov is confident that Mercedes will be in demand even during the crisis. The main thing is to find an optimal and competitive business model in order to win in modern conditions.

Fedor Ovchinnikov suffered a major setback early in his financial career. His first book sales project turned out to be unprofitable and failed, but only helped the businessman develop a new strategy. Now the entrepreneur treats the beginning of each of his business as if there is a severe crisis in the yard. He immediately asks himself a reasonable question: “What will happen to his business project when everything goes bad, even if at this stage everything is fine?” He rightly believes that it is in this difficult and new time that a healthy and strong business can be formed in the country.

Founder and owner of the Expedition company.

According to entrepreneur Alexander Kravtsov, now is a great time for any new undertakings. Here it is important to invest your soul in a business project and maintain good spirits. If you do not hide and do not retreat, then everything can turn out to be an excellent and profitable business.

Alexander Kravtsov believes that there are no crises. Now there are a lot of markets that are losing money. But there are many enterprises that are simply overwhelmed with stable orders. For example, the only Russian company for the manufacture of backpacks is loaded at full capacity.

The businessman believes that interesting and relevant topics for a new business are food and tourism development.

It is better to become more active in those financial niches where you left foreign investment. But he recommends being more careful with fixed items of expenditure. Serious changes are taking place in the market in favor of the employer: many active and qualified specialists are being released who can be useful for new projects.

Alexander Kravtsov believes that a businessman in a crisis should become a cynic: do not pay high rents, do not pay inflated premiums and do not invest in dubious projects.

TOP - 15 business ideas in a crisis

Below we have collected 15 small business ideas in a crisis. This is not all that can be discovered in an unstable economic situation, so we will try to supplement the article. Including your ideas, which you leave in the comments!

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Business idea number 1 - Opening an online store

Upfront costs- from 200 000 rubles.

The general essence of the proposed idea is the development and organization of an online store, the sale of goods through the site, its delivery to customers using courier service or regular mail. The relevance of such a project is confirmed by numerous economic analysis market. The service is increasingly in demand among buyers of medium age category, and the monthly growth of the market speaks of its prospects.

When planning to open an online store for women's or children's clothing, the owner faces the following costs:

  • development costs and technical support uninterrupted operation of the site;
  • wage administrator, courier;
  • if necessary, rent a warehouse;
  • transportation costs for the purchase of goods.

The rent for the premises of a stationary store is replaced by the content of the site, the purchase software, advertising costs.

The average percentage of profitability of knitwear and clothing stores is at the level of 20-25%. When investing in the purchase of goods more than 200,000 rubles, the monthly net profit can be from 40,000 rubles. By actively promoting an online store, analyzing the assortment and costs, you can pay back such a project in 4-6 months.

Business idea number 2 - Opening a street fast food

Estimated cost of the project- 275,000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is the opening of a small outlet for the production and sale to the consumer of a certain type of snacks and drinks. Unlike the usual shawarma and hot dogs, the project proposes to develop a range based on sandwiches with nutritious and tasty fillings, classic or closed sandwiches. The relevance of the idea lies in the constant demand for the products of the system fast food. During the crisis, people are less likely to go out to restaurants and are increasingly opting for quick and inexpensive street food.

It is better to open such a stationary point in places with a large flow of people: near metro stations or bus stops, shopping malls, higher educational institutions. Main costs:

  • rent of a place of trade;
  • purchase of a stall, tent or trailer;
  • purchase of thermal and refrigerating showcases, equipment for work.

If we base the calculation of the approximate income on a daily turnover in the region of 8,000 rubles, then we can talk about an average monthly revenue of 240,000 rubles. With a profitability of 30% set in the price, such street fast food will pay for itself in 5 months. You can increase the influx of customers by adding dishes with non-standard ingredients, offers for vegetarians or healthy food connoisseurs who have difficulty finding a decent catering outlet.

Business idea number 3 - Opening a pancake cafe on wheels

Initial investment- 400,000 rubles.

The business idea is based on the equipment of a pancake baking point, the organization of the production of special fillings, and the sale of this original fast food to the buyer. There are quite a few companies on the market offering a delicious product, so the competition in the sector is high. By relying on non-standard products for fillings, beautiful serving, excellent taste, you can get a stable profit and regular customers.

To organize the process, it is better to choose a mobile point that can be moved when changing the place of trade, transported to participate in events and public holidays. Its equipment will become the main cost item for opening a pancake cafe.

Successful development of production is possible in the case of:

  • a wide range of interesting fillings;
  • staff professionalism;
  • correct choice of location.

In most of these enterprises, the margin level is 80-100%, which fully covers utility bills, all costs and gives a stable profit. We can talk about full self-sufficiency only after a few months due to the initially low cost of this product, a lot of competition.

Business idea number 4 - Bakery and confectionery

Approximate investment amount- 1,000,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that people will always want to eat, in connection with this, opening a business in the field of catering during a crisis period becomes relevant, even when the economy is not all right in the country. Small firms, combining the functions of a bakery and a store, are gaining popularity in large cities. An interesting assortment and a pleasant homely atmosphere can attract buyers with different incomes. The essence of this idea is the design and opening of a fully equipped enterprise that is engaged in baking and selling bakery and confectionery products to the consumer.

To accommodate a bakery and pastry shop, it is necessary to carefully select a place with good traffic. Ideally, if there is a shopping center, bus stop or office block nearby. The project can be developed in two directions:

  • a simple bakery and confectionery with a sales area;
  • a bakery with a small cafeteria for visitors.

The first option is more economical in terms of investment and requires less time to organize. With a good location, a bakery can serve 300 - 800 visitors a day, each of which will make a purchase in the amount of 200 - 400 rubles. The approximate profitability of a small enterprise without a cafeteria is 20%. With such volumes of trade, the costs of opening a bakery and confectionery will pay off in less than 10-12 months.

Business Idea #5 – Opening an Outsourcing Company

Minimum investment- 550,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the creation of an outsourcing company that provides various services to third parties for a fee. As the main specialization, you can choose accounting or legal business support, solving financial or IT issues, creating an external call center to work with orders. The market for such outsourcing firms is just emerging, making the business project relevant. During a crisis, many companies reduce staff and it is more profitable for them to outsource tasks.

To organize and start work, it is necessary to solve two specific tasks:

  • rent of a convenient office space in the central part of the city;
  • attracting real professionals in the chosen field to the staff.

In addition to the initial costs of renting and decorating an office, it is necessary to invest part of the funds in advertising and maintenance of life in the first months of formation. Work with clients is carried out on the basis of a special contract. The cost of services is calculated individually for each working situation. Much attention must be paid to the quality and completeness of the work. This will help in attracting regular customers and increase the level of profitability of the outsourcing company.

Business Idea #6 - Opening a Canteen

Minimum investment- 1,000,000 rubles.

The essence of the project is the opening of a small enterprise Catering in the form of a city cafeteria. Her services will be in demand among people with different incomes: students, pensioners, business travelers. Such budget canteens have a stable demand and show low competition even in large cities.

After choosing the format of work, you should decide on the room. It must fully comply with certain technical requirements. The best option would be to rent a former catering establishment or a spacious hall near the station, universities, shopping malls.

The main cost items can be:

  • refurbishment of the premises for visitors;
  • purchase of kitchen and commercial equipment;
  • training and maintenance of the team.

It is considered optimal to accommodate up to 50 visitors at the same time. Workload varies depending on the time of the working day. The average indicator is a patency of 50-60% with a check for 200-300 rubles. The daily income of a canteen with such a volume starts from 25,000 rubles. Taking into account all the overhead costs and the cost of renting a room, such a “delicious” business project can pay off in a year of stable operation.

Business idea number 7 - Business in the production of frame houses

Minimum investment- 500,000 rubles.

The essence of such a project is the development and implementation of a business idea for the construction of turnkey frame houses. The acquisition of small wooden houses is in demand among the middle class, which seeks to move closer to nature outside the city. Construction works from the foundation to turnkey delivery does not exceed a few months. The affordable amount of material costs makes frame houses a good investment.

To implement the project, it will be necessary to open several offices in different districts, which will accept orders and conclude contracts for the sale of finished objects. At the first stage, the main investments will be:

  • training and salaries of construction teams;
  • maintenance of staff in the office;
  • advertising expenses;
  • purchase of the necessary tool kits.

The level of profitability is calculated based on the cost of materials spent on the object. On average, one meter of living space costs 30-40 thousand rubles. It can be sold at a price of 70 thousand rubles, having received a net profit after the sale of a cottage or townhouse in the amount of up to 2 million rubles. Such a business can become profitable and bring a stable income, paying off after two completed projects.

Business idea number 8 - Opening an economy class hairdresser

The amount of capital investments- over 300,000 rubles.

The essence of the business idea is the opening of a small hairdressing salon that provides a full range of necessary services on affordable prices. Such a project will be relevant in large and medium-sized cities due to the constant demand of the population different ages and prosperity. By providing quality service at affordable prices for most customers, you can make a project with a stable income.

The bulk of the costs are for the purchase of specialized furniture, working equipment and cosmetics, the design and equipment of a hairdressing salon. Good cross-country ability is ensured by its opening in a residential densely populated area next to the bus stop, shopping malls. For additional profit, you can:

  • to use the transfer of workplaces for rent instead of hired personnel;
  • invite representatives of related professions to sublease to increase the flow of customers (manicurists, make-up artists).

With an average check for a service of 250 rubles and servicing at least 16 visitors per shift, the payback period of investments is planned to be up to 18 months. Expanding the list of services, holding promotions and self-promotion will help improve the result, guaranteeing a profitability of 29%.

Business idea number 9 - Opening a pharmacy

Upfront costs- from 500 000 rubles.

The essence of the idea is the wholesale purchase of a wide range of medicines and the organization of a stationary pharmacy for the retail sale of these medicines to the population. Given the high demand for this type of product, even with the existing level of competition, the project can be a very profitable financial idea.

good and stable profit in this area of ​​business depends on pricing policy, choosing the most stable suppliers and placements. A small pharmacy operating as a discounter will be in stable demand among the population of the residential area. Its opening is optimal near metro stations, transport stops or grocery supermarkets.

To implement the project, you will need:

  • specially converted non-residential premises;
  • personnel with appropriate education;
  • conclusion of contracts with trusted suppliers.

The profitability of a pharmacy is directly proportional to the turnover medicines. Given the peculiarities of the legislation, entrepreneurs set high mark-ups for some groups of drugs. Additional income comes from the sale of medical equipment, hygiene items, baby food.

Business idea number 10 - Opening a children's commission store

Estimated investments- 300,000 rubles.

The general essence of the idea - organization small shop to accept goods for sale from customers for the purpose of subsequent resale, taking into account a certain commission to the seller. This area of ​​activity is growing rapidly. Quality baby products are in high demand, especially with financial austerity in many young families.

The main amount of expenses falls on the rent of a small room, its repair and equipment. commercial equipment, furniture and stands. The project does not require the purchase of items in wholesale warehouses, but an important component is constant advertising to attract potential buyers and sellers.

It is better to open a store in a densely populated area, near grocery supermarkets or children's clinics. Small investments will require:

  • colorful design of the facade;
  • the content of the site or groups in social networks;
  • staff salaries.

For such a project, economists consider a good profitability level of 12-15%. With a daily turnover of 15,000 rubles, the monthly net profit minus all expenses can be 30,000 rubles. Savings can be achieved by making such an enterprise a family business and not hiring outside employees.

Business Idea #11 – Opening Training Courses

The relevance of this idea lies in the fact that parents will not save on children even during an economic downturn. Private schools for learning foreign languages ​​or preparing children for the Unified State Examination may not be affordable for some parents during a crisis, but budgetary private courses (individual or as part of a small group) are quite real.

Estimated investments depend on the scale of the business. You can purchase all the necessary interactive learning tools and organize training courses at home or rent by the hour office space. The rest of the costs will go to advertising: in the social. networks, bulletin boards, newspapers, etc.

Business Idea #12 - Farm Products

During the crisis, many products in large supermarkets rise in price. During this period, the sale of farm products directly from the farmer becomes especially relevant. Having received everything Required documents you can organize a stationary point in the market or a mobile sale: milk, eggs, cottage cheese, pork, beef, poultry, etc.

Initial costs will depend on the scale of the business organization. You may need to purchase a special milk tanker, rent a sales pavilion, or hire a salesperson and driver. In addition, you can develop an individual design for your company, including the cost of branded stickers on cars and products.

Business idea No. 13 - Shop "all at one price"

Estimated investments- 700,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that all the stores on the market in this area "rose" during the crisis. In pursuit of the best price, people are trying to save as much as possible by increasingly visiting stores with a fixed price. The assortment will depend on your preferences, ranging from inexpensive products to household items.

You can purchase a franchise or open a store on your own. In any case, the essence will be the same. The costs will go to:

  • rental of premises;
  • purchase of commercial equipment;
  • the first batch of goods;
  • hiring employees.

As in any business, do not forget about the good location of the outlet: a busy street, a walkable area.

As a supplier, you can consider the option of purchasing goods from China.

Business idea No. 14 - Manufacturing business or import substitution

Import substitution - key moment in organizing business during the economic downturn. In addition, the policy of the state is entirely directed in this direction. There are many grants and third-party investments in the organization of production in our country. For some, this may be new, but goods can be transported not only from China, but also to China! Many foodstuffs there have a high price, and if you properly organize the delivery, but you can talk about a promising business.

In addition, during a crisis, imported products rise in price due to currency fluctuations. In this regard, the demand for domestic goods with stable acceptable prices is increasing. This is the basis for organizing a manufacturing business.

This may also include agricultural products(honey, nuts, meat, milk, cheeses, etc.), textile production, conservation(fish, cereals, vegetables, etc.), fresh vegetables and fruits and much more.

Business idea number 15 - Beauty salon at home

Estimated investments - 30 000.

The popularization of masters who will come to your home and prepare for important events has gained its relevance precisely in a crisis. Beauty salons do not reduce prices for their services, but private hairdressers, makeup artists, manicure masters take where less money, besides, they do not have to share with the owner and pay rent.

All initial costs will go to the passage of special courses, the purchase necessary inventory and for advertising. To prepare a portfolio, you can try your skills on close relatives, friends.


Now you know how to open a business in a crisis. Is not step by step instructions but only ideas. We will be happy to discuss with you in the comments the issues of small business in times of crisis and we are waiting for ideas from you that, in your opinion, can be started in Russia during the crisis.

And also take a look at the section -. There you will find even more collections of articles with business ideas.

Many people constantly need a product that tends to end. No, the buyers themselves, of course, dream of extending the life of their purchase as long as possible.

But the perpetual motion machine has not yet been created, so you have to replace the finished medicine / shampoo / product and so on to purchase a new one. And this aspiring entrepreneur should take advantage of. So let's look at a few the best options that best meet the requirements mentioned above.

People in Russia, no matter how bitter the truth may sound, have been ill, are ill and will continue to be ill. There is no one more pill for all ailments, which is why there is such a rich assortment on the shelves of pharmacies. You can’t build happiness on someone else’s grief, but the pharmacy is very profitable business with investments, and such a business is worth a closer look.

It is only necessary to take into account the location and the basic needs of the population in the district.

For example, demand will be huge in places where the nearest drug store is several kilometers away. And we ourselves know that sometimes a pill of the same painkiller is needed immediately.

Accordingly, if the area is predominantly populated by families with children, the proposal should be in solidarity with their requests. This includes infant formula, various bottles, and pacifiers with diapers. Keep in mind that the activities of pharmacies are subject to licensing, and the license is issued for a specific premises. And this is a business that is not afraid of the crisis.

Pharmacies have a big plus - scalability. Having opened 1 small one today, in the future it will not be difficult to open 1,2,3 more in your city or a couple in a neighboring one.

You can open a pharmacy both on your own and, with the second option, the income will be less, but its implementation is much easier, since the franchisor provides everything you need and teaches you the intricacies and nuances of the business.

2. Medical center

In order not to go far from the topic of drugs, the second option is to consider opening a medical center. Difficult? Yes, this is not the easiest business idea to implement.

But remember state institutions: most of the visitors equate them to one of the branches of hell. Why not show those in need medical care new format of service? No queues, all doctors are extremely correct and professional.

Naturally, the key to success will be the choice of a suitable location. Third in a row on one street honey. the center will obviously be superfluous. But even on the outskirts of the city it is not worth opening it. You will have to think in advance of a convenient place.

In particular, attention should be paid to transport and walking distance.

3. Funeral services

Even the best medical Center does not guarantee immortality. And in the near future, until scientists find the secret of eternal youth, ritual services will be in demand.

The niche is very well developed and filled, but high quality and low prices will make your small business project stand out from the competition. it promising business as there are more and more people, and accordingly more people die. Death is usually not expected by anyone, so the funeral process itself can hit the budget.

Offer your customers an installment plan, a discount, and then the profit will become constant and stable.

4. Car service

Moving away from the sad topic, let's remember the car owners. Many of them simply do not have a soul in their transport, choosing the best for their four-wheeled friend. It is worth taking advantage of this and opening a car service. Customers should be attracted not only by reasonable prices, but also by good quality and speed of work. A simple business that is worth opening for a beginner. To start, you need to rent 2 boxes and hire 2 car mechanics.

Important point: it is better to pay them a percentage of the proceeds, usually it is 50-50, but you can also agree on 60% for yourself, 40 for the master.

5. Car wash

This point could be related to the previous one. good business, which can be opened both in a small and in a big city, but we will consider it separately. Not everyone who wants to fix a car wants to wash it. And vice versa. At the same time, it should be noted that a car wash requires much less investment.

Therefore, if your start-up capital will not allow you to immediately create something large-scale, but you definitely want to work with cars, take a closer look at the option.

It is consistently profitable small business with minimum investment. You can start it with only 200,000 - 300,000 rubles ($ 4,000), subject to renting a garage or box for this business.

6. Clothing store

All stores have one meaning: to sell goods. But in our case, we will consider several points of sale of different directions. So what are the hottest clothes these days? The one that has good quality and low price. By the way, you can open a clothing store at minimal cost.

For example, it can be a shop, a stall, a pavilion with only men's underwear.

It is desirable that the range is presented in both small and large sizes. Also, do not forget about the creation of several departments at once: for women, men, children. this one good own business, where the markup on the wholesale price is usually about 300%. It is easy to organize this business and you do not need special knowledge.

7. Cosmetics and perfume shop

Cosmetics and perfumery for the fair sex is always a "sweet spot". For success, it is worth taking care not only of quality, but also of a different price orientation.

8. Grocery store

Yes, yes, we once again consider the store as a business option. And the product point most fully corresponds to what was said at the very beginning: disposable goods are becoming more popular.

choose good, the right place (this is important), open a store, fill the shelves with affordable and excellent quality goods, and you can expect a quick payback.

9. Meat and fish shop

As in the case of a car wash / car service, we are opening a meat and fish store separately from the grocery store. Why? Because this way we can offer our customers the richest choice. The entire sales area is designed specifically for our meat and fish products. This will allow both buyers to attract, and the quality to keep at the proper level. This is one that can be opened from scratch.

10. Homemade Food Store (Natural Products)

About 5 years ago there was not one in my city. Now there are already 6 of them. I live in small town, with a population of just 18,000 people. And none of them closed. 1 such store was opened by my friends 3 years ago. Things are going well for them and they do not plan to close. Of the products they sell homemade sour cream, milk, meat, cottage cheese, dumplings, cheese, etc. It makes no sense to list the entire range, but I will say that it is impressive and the prices are rather big. And even with such a picture, there are always customers.

For example. Sour cream for half a kilo costs them 250 rubles, in the store the usual one is 4 times cheaper. But people buy and are happy.

In another similar store, a large assortment home baking: eclairs, various cakes, including Napoleon, a huge number of different dishes and salads, ready-made. There is a demand, people buy because many people are too lazy to cook after work.

The most profitable business of the above is difficult to single out. After all, a lot depends, including on the scale. For example, undoubtedly a meat and fish store of 30 square meters will bring more profit than a pharmacy kiosk of 8 square meters. m. But still we will try. Based on our experience, the most profitable business today, from the listed - a pharmacy, honey. center, food and clothing store.

The most important choose the right place, 90% of success for this type of business depends on it.

Before starting your business activities, be sure to complete detailed business plan, in which describe everything to the smallest detail (consider all questions thoroughly). We hope we answered the question - what kind of business is profitable to do. Good luck dear reader and novice businessman!

What you can open in a small town: weighing the pros and cons + 3 tips for choosing your own business + 40 business options in a small town.

Do you live in a small village or town and have a commercial background?

At the same time, you think what to discover in a small town?

Then this article is written for you.

Of course, there will be fewer potential buyers, but the cost of opening the project will also decrease (compared to the metropolis).

Competition in small towns and villages is usually low.

A small town is a settlement in which 50,000-100,000 people live.

There are more than 80% of such settlements, towns and villages in Russia.

Experts believe that it is more profitable to open a business in such towns than in megacities.

What to open in a small town: we take into account the pros and cons

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of starting a business in a small town:

Less investment than in a metropolis: lower rental costs, advertising costs.Low purchasing power, this reduces profits.
Lower wages for employees.It is difficult to find qualified specialists.
Word of mouth will reduce advertising costs.Word of mouth can quickly and ruin a reputation when "punctured". Also, a negative personal reputation can affect the business.
Cheap local raw materials.Expensive imported raw materials.
The competition is lower: it is easier to open something that is not yet in the locality.Higher competition for the main, traditional groups of goods.
With low competition, the demand for goods and services is higher.Fewer buyers means less profit.
Starting a business has fewer hurdles than in a metropolitan area. There are benefit programs.A narrower choice of ideas for business due to the conservatism of tastes. It is better to refuse exotic ideas.

Let's analyze the table and try to decide on the choice of case:

    Are there not many entrepreneurs in the city who sell basic consumer goods (food, clothes, shoes)?

    Choose this line of business.

    Under the main goods should be understood products that are indispensable in everyday life.

    There is always a demand for it.

    To occupy this niche is to ensure success for yourself.

    Let's say the niche of traditional goods and services is relatively occupied.

    Then you need to determine what is in demand, but what competitors do not yet have.

    You can offer these products to fellow countrymen, along the way expanding the range of consumer goods.

    The highest profit can be made by organizing a small factory or production using local raw materials.

    But it is worth immediately considering one very important point characteristic of.

    The main end consumer is not the residents of the city.

    Such an undertaking will bring profit in the manufacture of large batches of products focused on delivery by region.

    This is the most capital-intensive type of business in a small town.

Options for starting your own business in a small town

You are not the first to think about the question of what to open in a small town .

Let's look at various projects that have already been successfully implemented more than once in different settlements of Russia.

Maybe one of these business options will appeal to you, and will fit the area.

Own business in food and agriculture

"A person who is lucky is a person who has done what others were only about to do."
Jules Renard

Therefore, the sale of food products is an eternal business.

If you are near a major city, you can arrange deliveries there.

Sell ​​surplus products in your village.

What business can you do?

    Harvest pickles, marinades, canned vegetables, fruits and berries.

    They are sold to factories, cafes, restaurants.

  • Engage in milk processing (cottage cheese, cheese, cream are in demand).
  • Open a small cheese making shop.

    Business in a small town can be easily positioned as an eco-farm.

    And this topic is now popular.

    Semi-finished products are also in demand today due to the total employment of people in large cities.

    Good quality minced meat, dumplings, chebureks, pancakes, dumplings, meatballs, meatballs, meatballs, dough is the key to your income.

    Start baking bread and baked goods.

    The service will definitely be in demand.

    Grandmothers are not what they used to be: working and not in a hurry to burden themselves with grandchildren, knitting and sitting at home.

    A young mother often has no one to entrust to look after the child.

    Service station with driving school services.

    This undertaking can be combined with an auto parts store, car resale services.

    Photo salon.

    Business can be combined with the organization of registration and holding of solemn events (video and photography, production of booklets, photo books, portraits, toastmaster for parties, corporate events);

    Studio of sewing and repair of clothes.

    Additionally, you can open the holding of paid training courses.

    Shoe workshop.

    An institution that in times of total price increases is only becoming more popular.

    Business can be combined with tailoring shoes.

    Creative activities for children.

    Fitness, yoga for kids, foreign languages, drawing.

    "Green tourism".

    If a small town is located in a picturesque place.

    Internet cafe.

    With the services of a photocopier, printouts of photographs and texts.

    Additionally, you can open a training on using a PC.

    Repair Service household appliances and appliances.

    Like a shoe shop, a business is sure to be in demand.

    Workshop for upholstery, repair and manufacture of furniture.

    Service household services.

    An analogue of the “husband for an hour” business: chop wood for a client, dig a garden, hang a chandelier, fix a tap, an electrical outlet.

    The demand will be not only from single women, but also from pensioners, busy young people.


    This business can be done without any initial investment.

    It is only important to have sufficient qualifications.

    Vet clinic.

    It also requires a specialized education.

    A big plus if customers will be able to contact around the clock.

    Indeed, in small towns, few people have such a competitive advantage.

What kind of business to open in a small town in the field of trade?

Trading is a simple and sought-after line of business.

Often in small towns and villages, different segments of goods are presented in one store at the same time.

In this business niche you can open:

    Flower shop.

    In addition to the design of bouquets, they organize the sale of indoor plants, seeds, household and garden chemicals, tools, and related literature.

    The organization of banquets and celebrations can be combined with the services of a toastmaster.

    Shop for baby food and goods.

    In especially small towns, it is better to present this product segment in a regular store.

    Classic store (food or clothing, ).

    Online store.

    You can organize the delivery of large equipment and other goods, and the buyer will not need to go to another location to pick them up.

Your own handicraft business

You can try to make money on your hobby or skill, teach your craft.

But here the final consumer of the products will definitely be in large settlements.

You will have to participate in fairs, outdoor events.

This will incur shipping costs.

If you have no idea what to do, take a look at these ideas:

    Vine weaving.

    There is a prospect of expansion to the production of furniture.

    Demand, however, cannot be called high.


    You can present products not only at exhibitions and public events, but also in online stores.

    Blacksmith craft.

    A promising business that can be combined with welding work.

    On the this moment voluminous scarves - snoods are in trend.

    They are easy to manufacture, and the demand for the product is high.

    Making soap, candles.

    AT last years became especially popular.

    It implies the manufacture of original blankets, pillows, bags, patchwork panels.

    Making jewelry and bijouterie.

    They use the techniques of cold porcelain, quilling, soutache embroidery, wool felting, wood carving, beading, tatting, a traditional set of jewelry made of beads and stones.

    Leather production.

    Such products (saddles, harnesses, belts) are sold only to special categories of buyers.

    Finding outlets is not so easy, and this must be understood.

What else to do in a small town and how to generate business ideas,

explained in the video:

An example of what you can open in a small town: your own apiary

Capital investments (30 hives): 130,000 rubles.
Payback period: from 1 year.

Let's consider visually how to open your own business on the example of an apiary (for central Russia and to the south).

For starters, you can purchase 10 hives and work without helpers.

Such an apiary will allow you to get acquainted with the case, especially if you have never dealt with it.

You will pump out honey for yourself, and sell the surplus.

But in fact, such a volume of production is not yet a business, but only an additional income.

An apiary of 20-30 beehives is the minimum amount for self-employment status.

Such an enterprise can become the main source of your income.

Typically, this is a family affair.

Apiary staff

You can talk about, from 50-100 hives.

Such a business cannot be opened without additional labor.

You will need at least 2 people for every 20-30 hives in honey harvest season to look after them.

You need to organize shifts.

What tools will the business need?

  • overalls (gloves, suit, mask with mesh);
  • frames, wire;
  • foundation;
  • beekeeping chisel;
  • apiary knife;
  • smoker;
  • fork;
  • drinkers, mother liquors;
  • preparations for the treatment of bees;
  • honey extractor;
  • wax melter;
  • hives.

From the second season, the apiary is able to bring on average from 20% to 150% of net profit.

It should be noted that beekeepers earn not only on honey.

Wax, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, zabrus, perga, wax are in demand.

You can also sell young families of bees - branches.

The list of 40 ideas provided is far from complete.

However, it can help guide how to open a business in a small town, and is it even worth it to get down to business.

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Today there are more and more people who seek to improve their financial well-being, to open their own business. The main problem that faces those who want to organize their own business is not even finding money, but choosing a production niche.

Your profit and the viability of the business depend on the correctness of this decision. In order to somewhat ease the torment of choice, we present in the article the most popular areas of business that are most common in our country.

What niches are not completely filled?

If we talk about the situation in the whole country as a whole, then last year marketers identified the following promising areas of activity.

  1. The traditional niche in which the rotation of players always takes place is trading.
  2. There are few normal manufacturers of food, furniture and consumer goods.
  3. As never before, competition in the areas of tourism, personal services and business consulting is weak. It is not the number of companies that are engaged in this business, but the low quality of the services offered.

So what kind of business is more profitable to open in our country? First of all, pay attention to the small business segment, as recent legislative initiatives in the field of increasing the tax burden corny scared away many start-up manufacturers and opened the way for more competitive enterprises.


In our country, they practically do not master the housing and communal services sector. Of course, the number of management companies is increasing, but there are very few honest players among them. If you provide your customers with quality services at reasonable prices, such a business has very attractive prospects.

Going the wrong way

When deciding which business is more profitable to open, do not try to be led by generally accepted dogmas. So, few people believed in the profitability of artificial snow production in Russia ... until the business owners literally got rich after Sochi. Considering the pace of development tourism business in the North Caucasus, the prospects for this kind of "abnormal" undertaking are becoming very interesting.

Important! Although this has been known for a long time, experts now especially warn against "hack-work" in their endeavors. Even the most profitable idea can be ruined in the bud by treating your customers like wallets with legs.

This is especially true in the food industry, where something indescribable has been happening in recent years. The absence of GOSTs and Federal Laws has given rise to so many violations and scammers that an honest manufacturer is able to easily make a lot of money, just following the production technology and producing tasty and high-quality products.

Startups and other "newfangled trends"

Once again, we remind you that conservatism in business is punishable by profits. When deciding which business is more profitable to open, look at the world more broadly: high technologies and mobile games, the production of nettops, etc. All this can bring you a lot of money.

Do you remember what a stir the infamous "Jolly Farmer" caused at one time? More precisely, it was such only for the players, while the creators rowed money with a shovel. Thus, by investing in a potentially attractive game, you can become a millionaire.

There are a huge number of such examples. Remember at least Angry Birds that started out as a stupid joke, and today bring millions to their creators.

Cloud technologies

Due to the lack of confidence in the major players in this market, many companies are beginning to abandon cloud computing. But it is not possible to do this completely, and therefore virtual data storages from third-party companies are becoming more and more in demand.

By organizing cloud storage, guaranteed to be protected from encroachment by customers, you can safely count on good fees from interested people.

Home Media Setup Services

In recent years, the number of consumers who buy sophisticated and functional multimedia systems for organizing home theaters has increased dramatically. That's just the level of technical literacy of buyers often leaves much to be desired, so that the services for setting up this kind of equipment go with a bang. The main thing is to hire polite and technically savvy employees.

Such a small profitable business will easily provide you with money in the required quantities.

Translation of technical documents

Until recently, almost every wall of the entrance was full of advertisements for the services of translation agencies. Unfortunately, almost all of them provide only the possibility of translating literary texts. Simply put, find a specialist who could literally convey the meaning of some technical project, is practically unrealistic.

Take advantage of it! The niche of technical translation is hardly a third filled even in large cities, not to mention the provinces. But the demand for such services is constantly growing!

Pet hotels

When considering which business is more profitable to open, in no case do not forget about pet lovers. After looking at the thematic forums, you will determine one important nuance: if the owners of a dog or cat are going to fly away to rest in another country, they very often simply have nowhere to leave their pet. This market niche is practically not filled, and the cost of such services can be huge.

Private veterinary clinics

After looking at the reviews of the state veterinary clinics, sometimes you can shed a tear. In many places, the situation is such that the reception of animals is carried out by people who have no idea about veterinary medicine. However, this does not prevent them from demanding a lot of money for "treatment".

Thus, by organizing a normal clinic and hiring specialists, and not the first citizens you meet without a certain occupation, you will quickly unwind and acquire a circle of regular customers. Do not forget about strict control by the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Of course, this is not the most profitable business, but at least 40% profitability is not bad at all.

small pet shop

And back to the topic of pets. If you ever visited a pet store as a child, then you probably remember the incredible emotions that you experienced there. Even in large cities there are not so many of them, what can we say about settlements slightly less!

But they can sell not only hamsters and cats, but also animal feed, fertilizers, drinkers and bowls, specialized literature on growing and caring for animals.

Meat and dairy stores

We continue the sore topic of nutrition. Many are already accustomed to the fact that even in large retail chains there is a far from illusory risk of buying simply spoiled meat and dairy products. This is especially noticeable in medium-sized cities.

So a very profitable business in Russia is the sale of fresh and high-quality agricultural products. Of course, you will need to obtain a lot of permits from the SES and other supervisory authorities, but it's worth it.

Recycling points

Unfortunately, in our country there is still a very difficult situation both with the garbage itself and with its processing. This is especially evident in the spring, when literally tons of rubbish crawl out from under the snow.

Given the current situation, it is quite possible to turn it to your advantage. We are talking about organizing a collection point for plastic, glass and waste paper. Since in recent years they have begun to pay at least minimal attention to the environment, secondary raw materials are accepted quite willingly at processing plants.


Yes, we anticipate your outrage. Of course, we ourselves said that you should not be banal in choosing an idea for a business, but it is also possible to open a business profitably in this case. In principle, in most more or less large cities there are cafes, but only the quality and taste characteristics of the food served there are in many cases extremely far from perfect.

So what is the best profitable business to open in the catering industry? In recent years, there has been an increased interest in pubs. Yes, this is an echo of traditional Great Britain, which turned out to be to the taste of our citizens.

Of course, we are not talking about banal pubs with a dubious contingent, but about restaurants where you can not only drink a high-quality foamy drink, but also have a delicious meal. There is practically no competition in this area, so the prospects for this kind of business are huge.


And what profitable business can be opened? The advice is trivially simple: look for unoccupied areas, apply your imagination to the process. Opportunities for earning a lot, so just do not miss them!