Informing by phone. Informing clients. Passive ways to attract customers

  • 13.11.2019

Informing buyers- this is perhaps the most effective and fastest way to convey information to your customers. Professional call-center operators will get through to your customers in the shortest possible time and convey the information they need.

Informing customers over the phone is one of the most effective advertising methods. Telephone informing allows you to profitably invest advertising funds, being sure that the information is accurately conveyed to target audience.

By entrusting qualified call center operators with informing customers over the phone, you will free your employees from routine work that distracts from their main duties. Depending on the goals and objectives that need to be achieved, we will select the right option for calling and informing customers, which we will implement as soon as possible.

How does the notification service work?

To organize the informing service, the call center specialists will develop and agree with you the algorithm of work and the scenario of the operator's conversation. Further, the project will undergo comprehensive internal testing. Optionally, you can take part in the testing of operators even before the launch of the project.

When the project is ready, the operators, in accordance with the conversation scenario, will get through to the clients and convey the necessary information to them, and the results of the work will be summarized and presented in the form of convenient reports.

Operator Interface Example - Informing

Choose the best way to inform your customers

Operator notification. With the help of this service, any information related to your activity is communicated to customers: promotions, discounts, special offers or ongoing events.

Automatic call. This type of call is suitable for informing about debts, informational messages and other notifications that do not require feedback from the client. All that is required of you is to select a base for calling and a message text, we will do the rest ourselves. You pay only for the result.

Tariffs for the Informing service

*Prices do not include VAT. Specify current tariffs and a complete list of services.


  • The information is communicated to the client.
  • The work was done with high quality and on time.
  • Provided a detailed report on the work done.
  • Accounts receivable reduced by half.
  • Employees are relieved of routine work, they are engaged in their direct duties.

We decided to order the informing service - leave a request right now, by filling out the form below or give us a call.

The company's customer focus is the key to high customer demand for goods and services, their loyalty, and hence the successful development of your business.

Informing customers is one of the important aspects of interaction with potential buyers, which involves maintaining contact, as well as timely delivery of information about company news, promotions and special offers, expanding the range of services and the range of goods.

The development and strengthening of the client base should be carried out comprehensively, taking into account the interests of the company and potential buyers.

Prices for customer information services

Completed projects

informing car owners about favorable conditions for maintenance at official dealerships

Supermarket online

informing customers about the status of order processing

Reminder to the applicant about the date and time of the interview

SMS informing

One of the most effective and technically simple ways to notify a client about company news and promotions is to send an SMS message. This method of interaction with customers received in last years especially widespread, due to its availability, low cost, unobtrusiveness.

SMS alerts are used not only for commercial purposes, but also as a way to inform bank customers when they receive public services in various organizations.

To the benefits this method relate:

Instant delivery of any number of text messages to recipients

Unobtrusive: the client will read the message when it is convenient for him

Possibility to send long messages by automatic splicing

Availability of contacts of any mobile operator

Large coverage area for customers from Russia and CIS countries

High message delivery rate

The ability to maintain statistics of mailings by SMS messages

Easy to set up and send messages

Confidentiality and protection of client contact data

Due to the versatility of the method of informing customers through SMS messages, it can be used by a variety of commercial and non-profit organizations: internet service providers, financial institutions, entertainment centers, restaurants and cafes, insurance companies, etc.

Competent composition of text messages, their timely sending (taking into account time zones) allow you to inform your customers as delicately as possible about the company's news and promotions, congratulate and invite potential buyers to any events and seminars.

Informing by phone

In the age of ubiquitous telephony, almost every potential client of your company is in touch around the clock, which opens up wide prospects for interacting with him through calls.

Personal calls are a convenient way to inform a potential buyer about special offers, promotions and company news, as well as quickly find out the needs of potential customers and answer all questions that arise during the dialogue.

When making a call, the company manager personally addresses the client, which helps to create a sense of importance for the client and increase his loyalty to your organization.

The benefits of informing by phone include:

The ability to reach a large audience in a short time

Client base update

Personal approach to the client, the ability to use various conversation scenarios, depending on the subscriber's reaction

Communication in the form of a dialogue, the possibility of clarifying points that are incomprehensible to the client

Making calls at any time of the day to subscribers from different time zones

Collection of statistical information on the client base

The ability to use calls for multi-purpose informing customers about promotions, news, offers, for invitations to telemarketing events and congratulations

Evaluation of the psycho-emotional state of the subscriber and his loyalty to the company.

The friendly attitude and correct speech of the operator, pre-prepared text make it possible to make a favorable impression on potential customers, improve their attitude towards the company and its product, increase interest in news and offers. Using the phone to inform customers can significantly reduce the operator's workload on incoming calls.

Email distribution services

Electronic mailbox is another effective means of communication between company representatives and potential customers. A properly prepared newsletter can significantly increase consumer interest in products and services, as well as increase customer loyalty.

E-mail newsletter is used to inform customers about the progress of the order, as well as about great deals, promotions, for invitations to seminars and trainings. This method allows you to increase traffic to the company's Internet portal, due to the active links to catalogs, articles, news used in the body of the letter.

To increase the attractiveness of messages email newsletters the following methods are used:

The numbers in the headings and statistics are information conducive to trust, because the author of the letter shares research and official facts

Letter from the leader. A personal message from the director of the company emphasizes the importance of each client

Short and clear titles that reflect the essence of the offer are highly likely to be read and considered by the recipient

Decorative design in corporate identity increase brand awareness

Buttons with inscriptions in the body of the letter introduce an element of play and interactivity, allowing the client to take a step towards your company

Image captions, alternating images and text will keep your emails from getting into the spam folder

Instagram-style emails are attractive and allow you to sharpen the user's attention, thanks to a recognizable interface.

Automatic informing

This method of communication with customers can involve both telephone and SMS messages, as well as e-mail newsletters.

The purpose of automatic informing is to notify potential consumers about the start of the promotion and special offers, invite them to telemarketing events, and congratulate them on the holidays. This approach to customer interaction has a lot of advantages, thanks to the ability to set parameters and adjust the time of the reminder call or email.

A correctly composed message guarantees its listening/reading to the end, and also increases customer loyalty if the offer brings them obvious benefits.

Ways of automatic informing are

Automatic incoming calls. They involve sending voice messages containing an attractive offer for the client or congratulations on the holiday. In addition to telemarketing applications, automated calls are used to run services technical support, conducting surveys with interactive participation of the client, compiling ratings, etc.

SMS messages can also be sent automatically, during the period of any promotions, to inform customers about new arrivals, holiday discounts and sales. Attractive content of the sent text forms a positive attitude towards the company among the consumer, promotes the establishment of trusting relationships, since the SMS message has a personal focus.

Restoring contacts

Keeping in touch with the client, constantly updating contacts virtually eliminates the likelihood that your customers will go to competitors. Restoring contacts involves a professional analysis of the client base and calling customers with low activity in order to regain lost interest in the company's activities.

A competent approach to restoring contacts involves developing an offer, informing customers about company news, finding out the reasons for the decline in activity, on the basis of which it becomes possible to determine the needs of potential buyers.


Client events are effective method increasing interest in the company's activities, which involves personal contact between managers and potential buyers.

An excellent marketing ploy can be a seminar, training, exhibition or master class using the company's products. In order for your customers to attend a scheduled event, they need to be given invitations, which can be in the form of postcards, text messages, or calls/personal messages.

A professional approach to sending invitations guarantees a high turnout of visitors to your event.


Increase the interest of customers in the activities of the company allow special promotions and seasonal offers, which can be attracted through notifications. This type of informing customers involves the use various ways communications, ranging from bulk text messages to personal and automatic calls.

It is important that the information provided is up-to-date and leaves the potential client time to think. Therefore, if the promotion is limited in time, then informing customers should be done in advance.


Personal attention to each client contributes to a significant increase in his loyalty to the company, which is why it is so important to congratulate customers on the holidays. This can be done with the personal participation of the manager - so he can not only emphasize the importance of the client, but also unobtrusively convey information about the company's news, make a personal offer (promotions and discounts on birthdays, holidays).

Congratulations are also an opportunity to maintain contact with customers, update the database, and draw attention to the company's activities.

our clients

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Incoming communication

Outgoing communication

Business Solutions

The ability to own information plays a decisive role in many ways in all spheres of life, including in business. Each organization sooner or later faces the need to convey certain information to its customers, which directly or indirectly affects the success of the company's development. It is this fact that makes us especially carefully approach the choice of methods and means of informing customers, which will be the subject of this article.

What methods of informing customers exist

Informing customers is a priority for every company, because actions in this direction contribute to better awareness of consumers about the services and products provided, as well as ongoing promotions and bonus programs provide an opportunity to make an informed choice in terms of meeting their needs. In addition, messages reminiscent of various types of debts should be considered incentive types of informing customers.

In general, among all the existing ways of informing customers, there are two large groups. The first group of informing methods can be called incoming, it includes the direct appeals of clients to the firm in order to obtain background information(usually phone calls). The second group, outgoing, should include those channels for delivering information that are based on the application of the achievements of modern high technologies.

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Outgoing information

Among the variety of existing outgoing ways to inform customers special attention deserves sending SMS alerts to customer numbers available in the call center database. The second most popular method is to transfer the necessary information through a phone call and voice communication. The number and frequency of such reminders are agreed in advance with the client.

Business Development Services

Ways to inform customers are constantly being upgraded, playing an increasing role in the process of interaction between companies and their customers. Modern technologies make it possible to establish a relationship between the client's phone number and several marketing channels at once, promoting products through various advertising moves. This method allows a businessman to display statistics on incoming calls and understand which of the methods used turned out to be the most effective, and apply them in the future to develop his company.

For those customers who, for some reason, could not get through and receive the information they were interested in, service methods are also provided. First of all, this includes methods of feedback, which is carried out on the numbers of recorded missed calls. To increase efficiency, it is worth introducing a system for voicing the serial queue of an incoming call when dialing. This approach will solve the problem of uncertainty about the waiting period and increase the number of customers who call.

Improving the quality of customer service

Very ticklish and at the same time important aspect- This is the level of customer service from the call center employees. For such specialists, very important skills that indicate their qualifications are competent speech, the ability to conduct business negotiations, build a conversation extremely tactfully, use an individual approach. A system for recording all telephone conversations will help identify non-professionals.

Analysis obtained through telephone communication information will help to identify goods and services that are in the greatest and least demand, to clarify the issue of the seasonality of their consumption. This information contributes to a more competent management of the company's budget and its further successful development.

Informing customers can pursue various goals, which allows us to distinguish the following types of it:

  • renewal of lost or interrupted contacts;
  • invitations;
  • notifications/alerts;
  • congratulations to clients
  • SMS informing clients;
  • informing customers through phone calls.

Restoring contacts. This type of informing clients provides for the resumption of contacts interrupted for any reason with clients. It is important to remember that even a client who has previously gone to competitors can return if he receives a really interesting offer that meets his needs. However, to make this possible, the company's employees must keep a constant record of passive customers and systematically inform them about new products, services and promotions. If all the nuances are taken into account, the process of resuming work with the client will be crowned with success.

Invitations. Where can you invite a client? For any company event related to the promotion of its services or goods sold (for example, presentations, master classes, exhibitions, workshops, etc.). This is necessary in order to interest customers, increase your profits, maintain the reputation of the company. As for the choice of the appropriate method of informing customers through the distribution of invitations, they may vary (printed, personal, telephone, etc.). Turning to telemarketing in this matter gives the maximum result.

Alerts. Often, a company needs to inform customers about upcoming promotions, the arrival of a new product, or some important event. In this case, it is worth resorting to the notification system. It is important to remember that you should notify customers in advance.

Congratulations. It is congratulations, in comparison with other ways of informing, that are aimed at maintaining and even increasing customer loyalty to the company, providing feedback, and establishing close friendly relations with the consumer.

The advantage of this type of informing customers is that information about bonus programs, products, promotions can be added to the text of congratulations. Congratulatory informing, to a greater extent than other methods, implements an individual approach to each client. Also, congratulations can be timed to coincide with the personal celebration of the client (for example, a birthday), as well as national or professional holidays.

SMS informing. In connection with the development of technology, the system of informing customers via SMS has gained immense popularity. It was adopted by both commercial and government agencies, due to the efficiency, accessibility and convenience of this method. Thanks to the SMS system, the client receives not only information, but often the opportunity to use some functions and bonuses remotely, without leaving home.

Informing by phone

There are two main ways to inform customers by phone, namely:

  1. Automatic informing by sending a message via voice communication.
  2. Calling by a contact center operator who communicates with customers personally, which allows not only to convey the necessary information, but also to answer questions that arise during communication.

How does informing customers through e-mail newsletters work?

Another very common way of informing is e-mail. In this case, the visual component is very important, so specialists must continuously work on selecting the most advantageous combinations of message content, font, color design and other nuances.

There are certain life hacks for those who want to create a working message. So, it is very important to remember that the information should be not only encouraging to buy, but also as useful as possible. So that the alerts do not look intrusive, it is worth alternating the sent letters: after a letter with a call to purchase a product or use a service, it is better to send an e-mail containing useful information about products, consumer reviews, interesting facts. If, over and over again, the same type of messages with an appeal to buy something are distributed, then the effect of them may be the opposite of what is desired, namely, it will alienate the client, significantly reduce his interest and loyalty to the sending company (by 50% on average).

Expert opinion

Subscribers are interested in receiving emails with special offers and useful content, and in equal proportion

Victoria Samsonova,

e-mail marketing specialist at

At a time when we were just starting to develop such a direction as newsletters, a comprehensive analysis of customer opinions on this issue was carried out, as well as monitoring aimed at identifying the most effective letters, the reading of which most often contributed to the purchase. Based on the results of the survey and monitoring, it was concluded that customers are equally interested in receiving both letters with calls to purchase goods and messages containing useful information.

This formed the basis for the formation of our current mailing system. Its essence boils down to the fact that every week customers receive two letters from us: one selling, informing about prices and special offers, the second containing interesting and useful content. However, we also select cognitive information based on a deep analysis of consumer demand. This allowed us to outline the range of topics of interest to our clients. So, it is worth noting that articles of a recommendatory nature are more in demand by customers (for example, “Which countries are best for family vacations”, “Tips for saving money while traveling”). Attentive attitude to the interests of the client allows you to achieve maximum results, including through a gradual increase in the volume of mailings.

What prompts you to open the letter

"Catching" themes. To interest the client, you must always be aware of events and know what is relevant in this moment. The subject of the message should reflect the latest trends and hot news. It's no secret that the most burning topic of the current year was the question of opening Turkish and Egyptian resorts, so topics like "Where to relax if Turkey remains inaccessible" aroused genuine interest.

Numbers in headings. It has long been noticed that customers like specifics, therefore, in the title of the content, streamlined concepts (in particular, “discount”, “promotion” and others) should be avoided, but it is better to name well-defined numbers. Thus, the following headings “10 best restaurants of the capital”, “5 tips for a novice traveler” will look advantageous. Experience shows that specific numbers in the headline attract much more attention from customers than topics where this technique is not used.

Letters from the leader. To increase customer loyalty and interest, you should remember about an individual approach. There are several techniques that will make the relationship between the client and the manufacturer / supplier of services and goods closer and more trusting. First of all, it is worth placing the name of the sender in the letter in order to personify, revive his personality in the eyes of the recipient. This tactic significantly increases the percentage of the ratio of the number of open letters to the total number of sent content messages (the so-called open rate).

Short titles. Mixpanel has found that short titles (up to 15 characters) work best when paired with graphics. Similar messages are opened much more often.

This approach is largely due to the fact that when working with mail, clients often use mobile devices, whose screens automatically cut off long texts when they are announced. Statistics show that the percentage of open messages with short titles is slightly higher than the percentage of open messages with titles of more than 30 characters - 15% versus 12.9%, respectively.

Single layout. In order for customers to associate received messages with you and your company, and immediately recognize them in the total mass of all content, you should take care to create a single graphic image. A carefully designed design will make your emails more individual and remarkable for consumers, which, accordingly, will have a beneficial effect on their open rate and the formation of customer loyalty. It is very appropriate and effective to use suitable thematic emoticons, symbols. So, for firms specializing in the sale of mobile devices, images of gadgets would be appropriate, for travel companies it would be appropriate to use pictures with an airplane or palm trees.

What elements of the letter work for sales

As already mentioned, the visual component often plays a decisive role in the openness and effectiveness of sales letters. When composing such a message, one should be very attentive to every, even the most insignificant, detail. The size and color of the font, the shape of the buttons and the inscriptions on them, the presence of illustrative material, its quantity and placement features, animated details - literally everything matters. However, you should not get hung up on the same tricks - they will quickly get bored with customers and stop working. It is important to look for and find new moves that will help keep your attention.

Exists three main ways to increase customer interest in your content.

Button labels

Some straightforward inscriptions may cause rejection among customers. Among these are "Buy", "Go" and others. Therefore, when choosing an inscription for the transition button, it is better to use more familiar options from everyday life, for example, “I want to buy a vacuum cleaner”, “I want to actively relax”. It also works well to place inscriptions on the buttons with very specific parameters, in particular, indicating the price. Seeing the buttons "Buy a washing machine" and "I want a washing machine from 15,000 rubles", most users will prefer the second one.

Captions for pictures

It has been empirically proven that any graphic image (illustration, banner, meme) arouses more interest among customers than just a link placed in the text. However, you should not rely only on pictures either. In order for everything to look harmonious and give the desired result, it is worth placing small explanations with hyperlinks under the images.

A story about personal experience

Stories from personal experience employees of the company or other customers who have successfully used the product or service you offer, for example, purchased equipment or made a tourist trip.

So, photos of your clients from their holidays attached to a story about how they liked the service at the hotel will look very advantageous. Firms specializing in the sale of office equipment can be advised to post customer reviews and related photos from their office.

How to get your customers informed by email and revitalize your customer base

There are situations when companies that have not previously used e-mail in their work decide to turn to this marketing channel. And in this case, the question arises of how to properly start work in this direction, avoiding possible difficulties.

One of the most common problems is that a large stream of identical emails is usually regarded as spam by moderators, which, in turn, leads to blocking your account. What should be done to avoid this? Send emails step by step. The principle of breaking down the client base into blocks according to some principle, for example, by the date of the last contact with your company, works well here. This method is also good because it will allow you to analyze the effectiveness of the first batch of letters and correct the mistakes made when working with other clients.

Sometimes it takes one letter to start the mailing list, sometimes several - it depends on how well it is designed, and besides, customers need to get used to your content. It is worth switching to sales letters when there is feedback from users. To speed up this process, be sure to clearly state the reason for contacting the customer (for example, a previous purchase). A very effective technique is the request to leave a review about the company. Clients are usually willing to share their impressions, which allows them to correct mistakes, optimize the service and their unique selling proposition.

To win the attention and trust of customers, it is worth giving your content a personality. This is possible by placing in letters interesting facts, stories from personal experience, descriptions of services and products along with their image.

2 effective ways to inform customers through e-mail newsletter

  1. Letters in the style of "Instagram".

Salesforce in 2016 conducted a study aimed at studying users social networks. Based on the results obtained, conclusions were drawn about the age gradation of Instagram subscribers. Thus, the following groups were identified:

  • 18–29 years old (55%);
  • 30-49 years old (28%);
  • 50–64 years old (11%);
  • over 65 years old (4%).

As can be seen from the indicators, the network is in demand by representatives of all age categories, so styling your content in the style of Instagram is quite justified.

Such a move is designed primarily for recognition. A well-known image inspires confidence, and all sorts of “chips” are attractive: the ability to mark posts you like with likes, commenting.

  1. Successfully informing customers depends on the time of day.

In an effort to make your promotional emails the most useful and effective, do not forget about the time of mailing. There's no definitively working advice here, but the research does help highlight some general trends. According to the Kissmetrics brand, a day can be conditionally divided into the following periods:

  • 6:00-10:00 - trade mailings. It has been noticed that at the beginning of the working day, users often pay attention to viewing ads of an advertising nature;
  • 10:00-12:00 - no distractions. This period is characterized by hard work, leaving no time for extraneous matters;
  • 12:00-14:00 - newsletters. Breaking for lunch, people are not ready to get acquainted with mailing lists, preferring news resources to them;
  • 14:00–15:00 – mailing lists useful for work. At this time, content devoted to financial services becomes relevant;
  • 15:00–17:00 - mailings about personal effectiveness. Waiting for the end of the working day, users are interested in financial and property issues;
  • 17:00–19:00 - newsletters about promotions and discounts. During this period, letters informing about holiday promotions and special offers, as well as concerning interaction with corporate clients;
  • 19:00-22:00 - trade mailings. The evening rest time is the best time to get acquainted with marketing content. Users open approximately 23% advertising texts at that time;
  • 22:00–6:00 – dead zone. Promo letters sent out at this time, for the most part, go unheeded.

Practitioner tells

An effective way to inform customers by SMS

Stanislav Koloskov,

marketing director and ecommerce Valtera

In 2012, we launched a bonus campaign, according to which customers were awarded points for each purchase. By paying for the next purchase, these points could cover up to 20% of its value. Customers were attracted to the promotion in two ways: by issuing a bonus card at the checkout when making a purchase in our company and by attracting partners who attached our gift voucher to purchases made by customers.

Over the next years of work, up to and including 2016, our client base amounted to over 1 million people. 40% of this number managed to be transferred to the status of regular customers.

We worked through such marketing channels as SMS and e-mail notifications, but only 1.5-2% of those who received the newsletter were able to contact our outlets.

In the spring of 2016, we launched a new promotion, according to which our customers received a targeted message every time they passed by our store. Such a marketing move gave very good results: a return of a new customer for a repeat purchase took place in 35% of cases.

How to set up effective SMS informing customers in three steps

Step 1. Selection of equipment and contractor.

First of all, you will need a partner who will provide installation services necessary equipment. To avoid trouble, you should contact only legal firms, which are not so many now. It will be easier to choose a partner if you familiarize yourself with Internet platforms specializing in this issue, such as С,,

Important! A potential partner must be a professional in the designated area, have a license to work. You need to make sure that all the documents of this company are in order, as well as read the reviews of other clients about the work performed.

The next step is to install a Wi-Fi sensor linked to the CRM. This is necessary to detect MAC addresses in the crowd, which are assigned to each phone number individually. Such a system will help identify a potential buyer passing by within a radius of 50–100 m, recognize if his data is found in the client base and generate and then send a personal SMS message based on information about previous acquisitions in your company. Depending on whether it is a regular client or a newcomer, the message may contain information about discounts, bonuses, promotions.

Step 2. Hardware setup.

To get started, you need to install a Wi-Fi sensor and synchronize it with CRM. Typically, this process is carried out by the partner firm together with representatives of your IT department and consists of four phased steps:

  • direct installation of Wi-Fi sensors;
  • setting up an Internet connection;
  • synchronization with CRM, which will receive notifications from the sensor (this function is connected by your partner), and notification processing in CRM (this function is provided by a CRM support specialist);
  • setting up the sending of personalized messages (the setting is carried out by an IT specialist, the message text is developed by marketers).

In practice, the operation of this system will look like this: after receiving a notification from the CRM sensor, it automatically processes the information received, detects the client’s data in the client database, analyzes them, and then sends an SMS message of current content to his phone number. This operation takes literally a fraction of a second.

Based on the operation of the system, reports on sales and customer activity are subsequently generated online.

Important! The time to set up a new marketing campaign is approximately fifteen minutes. In order for interaction with the client to become possible, Wi-Fi must be enabled on his mobile device.

Step 3. Program testing.

What is testing for? First of all, in order to identify outlets with maximum conversion. This indicator will depend on a number of factors, in particular, traffic, target audience, location of the store relative to transport lines, and others.

Important! Do not forget to carry out trial runs of the system both in the capital and in the regions. Carefully investigate and analyze the dependence of sales on related external factors.

3 tips on how to increase the conversion rate of SMS-informing customers

Analyze the base. It often happens that with a large client base and high sales rates, the cost of such personalized messages may exceed the result obtained, that is, not pay off. Therefore, an individual approach is appropriate here, in which SMS distribution will be carried out not in bulk, but pointwise. An example of such a method would be to offer a specific customer a discount on the product that he purchases most often.

Divide clients into groups. The selection of groups of buyers should be approached very carefully, because the result directly depends on how many groups you can form. The more categories of customers you get, the more personal the offers for each of them will be, which means the greater the return.

Do not "overfeed" the mailing list. Remember that a sense of proportion plays a big role in this matter. Your mailing list should not be annoying, so set up the equipment so that the client receives only one message per month about the current promotion, no matter how many times he passes by outlet. This approach will reduce the percentage of unsubscribers to a minimum (no more than 1-2%). If suddenly this indicator exceeds the indicated figures, it is worth working on the errors and adjusting the number of messages sent and their content.

What you need to know about SMS informing customers in terms of legislation

In 2014 in Russian Federation A law was passed, according to which mass unauthorized distribution of SMS is prohibited. According to this law, messages must henceforth indicate the name of the sender company, which must have a valid contract with a mobile operator. Violation of this law is fraught with a fine.

As for the direct recipients of such mailings, their actions are also regulated. In particular, the addressee must give his written consent to receive such content using a special code sent via SMS. Also, each person has the right at any time to refuse to receive the newsletter by contacting his/her mobile operator. Violation of the provision on the obligatory consent of the client to the mailing list involves the collection of a fine from the sender in the amount of 100 to 500 thousand rubles.

Those who have their instant messaging software synced with their phone number suffer the most from spam. An example is the users of Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that in order to inform customers via SMS mailing, each company must comply with all requirements for the legalization of this process, namely, obtain and secure a specific phone number, a user literal name and conclude a mailing agreement with the operator cellular communication. Using only phone numbers for mailing is illegal under the law.

How to inform customers about promotions and commercial offers

Unfortunately, one can often encounter such a phenomenon as unprofessionalism and even negligence on the part of those who are responsible for compiling the text of promo letters. If a client receives a frank advertisement instead of a beautifully designed and well-formulated commercial offer, then he is unlikely to pay attention to it. Therefore, the question of how to compose a working message in order to get the best result is always relevant.

First you need to understand that content sent to random people or not taking into account the interests of customers, their purchase history, in any case, will be just advertising. Such letters are not of interest and do not promote sales.

Competent offer contains detailed information about the proposed service or product, the terms of the transaction, the guarantees provided. They are more personal, and therefore cause more trust and interest in customers. As a result of this approach, you will get an increase in conversion.

1. Be mindful of the personality of the client.

Drafting the text of a commercial offer is a very important stage that should not be entrusted to third parties, because they may not be familiar with your field of activity or are not able to take into account its specifics. A personal meeting with a potential client will help to capture the smallest nuances of his personality and create an individually targeted CP. The information obtained can be used in several ways:

Example 1. Simplified writing style. The wording of your text should be concise and laconic (no more than 10 words per sentence). The style of writing the text is business-like, but without much officiality. Add more specifics to your message. It is appropriate to use sample phrases “We offer you product A, cost B. Significantly different from competitors X, Y, Z.”

Example 2. Professional slang of the customer. Considering that a personal meeting will help to collect some information about the behavior, manners and speech of a potential client, then you will have the opportunity to dress the text of your commercial offer in the most familiar form for the addressee. Use in the text slang words and expressions heard from the client. This move will increase customer loyalty and inspire due confidence.

Example 3. Keywords. Use keywords and phrases. Place the most significant thoughts at the beginning of each paragraph, which will not allow the essence of your proposal to slip away even with a cursory reading. Try to avoid unnecessary information and the so-called "water" when composing a letter. To focus on key phrases, highlight them in a special font (for example, bold, italic, etc.). Your the main objective- formulate a commercial offer so that the recipient reads it completely and becomes interested.

2. Don't forget to praise the recipient.

Do not shy away from such moves as the use of flattery and praise. A few complimentary phrases at the beginning of the message will create the necessary mood for the client and contribute to the full reading of your letter.

To know what to focus on, research the activity of a potential client in advance, and also show maximum attention during a personal meeting. In particular, you should pay attention to the achievements of your potential partner. So, if a potential customer's brand has won an award in some competition, congratulate your customer, indicate how impressed you are with this fact. It is appropriate to touch on this topic immediately after the welcome phrase.

3. Feel free to brag.

However, do not forget to talk about your own successes. The story about your achievements should be informative and capacious (but no more than three lines).

To harmoniously weave information about your victories into the text of the message, use phrases like: “In the future, we would like to achieve your level of success”; “So far, we have closed X successful deals in area A and were able to enter the top 20 firms with Y products.”

4. Intrigue when you state the essence of the proposal.

When composing a promotional letter, do not deviate from the framework agreed in advance. Prescribe only key points without going into small details and details. Pay attention to specific aspects of your possible cooperation. Detailed information can be submitted in the application.

It is useful to create intrigue about the proposed product or service by talking about its implementation, but without going into details. Provide a link that you can follow to better familiarize yourself with the offer. Please note that if such links are active, then the client is unlikely to read your CP to the end. Use the call to action technique by placing transition buttons in the offer.

If you make up your CP according to the algorithm indicated above, your conversion should be at least 80%.

Why informing by phone annoys customers and how to avoid it

Studies and surveys for 2015 showed that, despite the high information content of telephone calls from call center specialists, this way of informing customers in most cases causes rejection and irritation in people. Only 1 out of 20 such calls leads to success. Let's look at the reasons for this situation.

In addition to obvious reasons, such as lack of initiative, incompetence of managers, there are also hidden ones. These include the incorrect composition of the oral message and the presence of stop phrases in it. Let's focus on the three most common implicit errors in scripting.

1. Being overly nice doesn't work.

Problem. Probably, everyone is familiar with the stereotyped introduction of most managers: “Hello! My name is X and I am the sales manager of company Y. We would like to offer you cooperation.” It would seem that everything is correct: greeting - introduction - the purpose of the call, but this wording has already set the teeth on edge, since it is the same for most firms. Upon hearing such an appeal, the client will hang up or say “No”.

Solution. The transition from a monologue to a dialogue and communication on an equal footing will help to interest the client.

Example."Good afternoon! You represent a federal retail chain, and I represent a manufacturer of cosmetics. Could you tell me, please, on what conditions we could start cooperation?” So the emphasis is changing. The appeal scheme now looks like this: mentioning a company - a potential partner - introducing your company - an interesting question, which already contains a statement (as if your cooperation is already a fait accompli). Such text will encourage the client to ask you a few specific questions (for example, about your products) and continue the conversation.

2. Information about the product is of no interest to anyone.

Problem. The specialist was able to move on to the second part of his speech and began to talk about his company, products, and the advantages of possible cooperation. However, as soon as the proposal itself is discussed, the client will voice one of the template answers (“We will think about it”, “Thank you, we are not interested in this”, etc.) and hang up due to lack of interest.

Solution. It is important to reorient the goal setting of the manager from selling the product to organizing a personal meeting, where you can just tell about your company, its advantages, and products. Thus, the main attention in the script should be given to the benefits that a potential client will receive during a personal meeting or visiting your outlet: the opportunity to learn more about the products and services offered, to visually familiarize themselves and test them. The preparation of materials for such a meeting should be taken responsibly (for example, systematize and prepare research data in your field).

Example. An example would be one law firm, which commissioned the following study in 2008. All employees of a company specializing in telephone marketing were divided into two groups, the first of which included the best specialists who organized the largest number of personal meetings with potential partners, and the second - employees middle category who were able to provide fewer meetings. Representatives of each group made contact with the chief accountants of firms and, as a rule, received the standard answer “Your offer does not interest us”, “We are already cooperating with company Z”.

Those who ended up in the second group, the group of middle peasants, built their conversation according to the following scheme: first they talked about the differences between their system and the systems of competing firms, then they moved on to describing the features and characteristics and the directly selling part. Very often, in the course of a mid-range conversation, specialists began to point out possible risks and recommend other ways to work with accountants, which caused hostility, and negotiations ended in failure.

Successful marketers from the first group acted differently. After receiving a refusal, they said that there were differences between the system they proposed and the one already used by accountants, but the specialist would tell about this during a personal visit at the most convenient time for a possible customer. It was also mentioned that, as a bonus, the specialist would bring with him the bulletin “New in Accounting Legislation”. The combination of the mentioned techniques gave the result: it was this group that was able to make more appointments and sell 40% more products than the employees from the second group.

3. Eloquent managers annoy customers.

Problem. It would seem that a specialist who talks verbosely and picturesquely about all the advantages of the proposed product should succeed. However, it is not. A large number of bright epithets will disperse attention and tire the client, and also give him time to come up with a reason for refusal. Negotiations will be unsuccessful.

Solution. To eliminate such a problem, it is worth remembering that the time limit for holding attention when receiving new information for men is a period of 20-25 seconds, and for women - 40-45 seconds. Considering these data, fit your script into the outlined chronological framework, reducing the entire text to four sentences (no more than 30 words). To make the manager’s speech not seem sketchy, add interrogative turns to it.

Example. End the 30-40 second block of product information with a follow-up question. For example: “We manufacture our products only from domestic raw materials. Tell me, is this a significant factor for you?

The meaning of this technique is that the question asked allows you to find out the attitude of the client to the information presented. If a negative answer is received, the summary question can serve as a transition to another script. It is important to remember that questions should be narrow and closed in order to keep the potential customer's attention on the topic of conversation.

Information about experts

Victoria Samsonova, e-mail marketing specialist of company. Graduated from Saratov State University them. N. G. Chernyshevsky. Worked as a copywriter, editor, content manager and translator at, Kinderly, Abat-Service, etc. General experience in marketing for over five years. With since 2012. is an online hypermarket of tours that aggregates offers from 120 tour operators (Coral Travel, Pegas, Brisco, TUI, Biblio Globus) on one website. The company was founded in 2011. There are 100 employees on the staff.

Stanislav Koloskov, director of marketing and e-commerce at Valtera. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics and the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. Studying under the MBA program at MIRBIS. He was responsible for strategic and operational marketing at Technosila, O'STIN, Alba and Sunlight. Since 2015 - in the current position.

Timely exchange of data with potential customers and buyers is one of the most important conditions for the commercial success of any company. It should be understood that notification of ongoing promotions, assortment updates and current interesting offers should be quick and at the same time effective.

It can be done in two ways:

Automatically by phone. When using this technique, after dialing, the client will be able to listen to the recorded message.

With the involvement of call center operators, that is, outgoing calls. In this case, the specialist not only provides important information, but also answers the customer's questions. He can also suggest ways to solve the problem or clarify information of interest (for example, about the client’s desire to participate in the action).

As practice shows, a good choice is outgoing calls. This type marketing activities is complex, as it requires careful preliminary preparation for the conversation, because its main goal is to attract the attention of customers and encourage them to make a purchase or use the service. At telephone conversation the task of the operator is not only to provide data on offers, but also to promote products in an unobtrusive way. Thus, the specialist needs to adjust feedback with a client.

Making outgoing phone calls makes it possible to collect valuable information for the customer (that is, the organization). The use of a carefully and thoroughly thought-out communication script with potential consumer makes it possible to determine his preferences and interest in specific services and goods.

Using the technique of outgoing phone calls allows you to determine the target group, that is, the base of potential customers. At the same time, in the future it can be disbanded into several groups, for example, depending on:

  • from the geographical location;
  • age of potential customers;
  • areas of activity.

When notifying by outgoing phone calls, the modern technologies. With their help, it is possible not only to record, but also to systematize the information received.

As practice shows, this method of informing makes it possible to increase the loyalty of consumers to your company, as well as retain old customers and gain new ones. Timely notification of upcoming changes ensures a high level of service. Moreover, in some cases, outgoing phone notification provides an opportunity to reduce the growth of incoming calls from customers, which will facilitate the work of managers.

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